The BBC has been banging the drum loud and often for the climate change lobby for the Paris conference bringing us endless tales of impending disaster caused by climate change…man-made climate change of course.
The BBC’s Matthew Price is just one of many BBC journo’s who have no doubt benefited from a motivational briefing from Roger Harrabin to steer their environmental reports in the right direction. Price is certain that the island of Vanuatu is about to vanish beneath the waves…mainly because the local chiefs tell him that is the case…and that the rich nations need to stump up some cash to help out.
Strange thing is as far as I can see the sea level has remained fairly consistent for over 20 years…..if anything the sea level is going down….
(The zero line represents mean sea level)
Don’t you realise that this sea level increase is a more pressing issue than the defeat of ISIS – why spoil everything with mere facts? Surely Matthew Price and Barack Obama can’t be wrong?
There are two very good websites; not the only ones by any means; that provide truthful information about the whole climate scam (my words); namely notalotofpeopleknowthat and wattsupwiththat. These men report facts and both have covered Vanuatu. It’s not sinking, if anything sea levels there are falling. The sodding bbc could do themselves a lot of good by consulting with these men, who actually know what they’re talking about, and give Mr Harrabin a boot up the arse and out the door. They won’t of course because they have too much invested in the climate scam.
Vanuatu is a volcanic archipelago and it is not sinking. Price went to a small coral island offshore from Efate. it was developed as a tourism spot for skin divers. It has a small population. It is susceptible to high tides and storm surges and cyclones are prevalent in the Central Pacific. A sensible itinerary would have taken Price to either Tuvalu or Kiribati as these are groups of coral atolls. If anything, Vanuatu is one of the volcanic groups in the Pacific which could provide a refuge for the inhabitants of coral atolls IF they became threatened by a significant rise in sea levels.
Maybe someone got confused between Vanuatu and Tuvalu ?
Matthew Price benefitted from a licence fee payer uniquel-funded jolly, and blew it. Again.
On the BBC’s sole measure of reach,musician media, where comments are allowed he has been universally panned on just about every daft claim he has tried to make.
He and Jon Donnison do like their tropical island ventures though. Hope they don’t end up fighting over who goes next.
Would any of the spotty adolescents emoting their guilt and grief over ‘climate change’ even begin to understand those simple graphs?
Lord Christoper Monckton exposing the climate change fraud from Paris.
Alex Jones radio/tv program Wednesday 02 December also available as radio podcast at
Lord Christoper Monckton exposing the climate change fraud from Paris.
Fast Forward 1 hour and 38 minutes minutes into the program.
Also the interview with Donald Trump is worth a listen starting 22 minutes into the program.
If Global warning does occur, it is likely to release vast amounts of land now under permafrost. Millions of pacific islands, peopled by hard workers.