Kevin Connolly’s professional instincts are clearly in conflict with his BBC indoctrination……here is an entirely misleading heading that might give the impression that the British vote to bomb IS in Syria was thought a bad thing….
Mid-East sceptical on UK role in Syria war
However if you read the body of the report it is almost entirely positive about the prospect…and ends with this….
And that sums up a lot of the reaction to the British debate you hear in Amman – a wider role for the UK is seen as something to be welcomed.
Not so sceptical after all…..oh hang…the BBC has another go at getting the right attitude…
Syria air strikes: Media scepticism as UK joins campaign
Media scepticism eh? just which ‘media’ would that be?…
Syrian state media has reacted with scorn after MPs in the UK voted to attack so-called Islamic State targets in Syria.
Or there’s this sceptical lot…
Iranian broadcast media devoted extensive sceptical coverage to the air strikes, with state TV saying Britain had opted to intervene in Syria “under the pretext of fighting terrorism”.
So President Assad’s ‘state media and his allies in Iran who run the Iranian state media, Press TV included, aren’t keen on British interference in their war….a warin which Assad has supported the Islamic State as the enemy of his enemy…the Free Syrian Army.
Hilariously there’s this from the BBC…
The Arabic press showed little enthusiasm about the development, with papers reporting the news rather than commenting on it.
Rafiq Khouri of Lebanon’s private Al-Anwar daily said he did not expect much from the British bombing of IS.
“The critical factor in an aerial war, which those who launch it admit, is that it cannot eliminate IS without ground troops… And the same applies to the Russian air strikes except that they achieved in one month more than what Washington did in over a year,” he wrote.
So there’s no comment…accept immediately the BBC quotes some comment…and then goes on to report in guarded tones that the Arab press looked to be reporting positively on the vote.
What a load of tosh from the BBC.
Off topic, sorry but I can’t see any comments anywhere about Mr Yentob and his partial departure from the sodding bbc. All I can say is why did it take so long and why wasn’t he sacked? What is it these days that sacking wrongdoers is so difficult that they are always allowed to leave under their own terms? Where’s the deterrent in that?
Quite a few comments on Midweek Open Thread John. He is still employed, still has immense influence, just lost his creative job. I hate the disgusting irritant. I notice he has a beard!
With the crimes he has committed he should be in line to collect a gong!!
By the way John you’re right, definitely off topic
As my old Mum used to say never trust a man with a beard, he’s hiding something, mistrust a woman with a beard even more!
Even more mistrust a woman with the name Beard.
So where are the 80 Saudi Air Force Tornados? Protecting the Saudi refugee camps I expect.
Bombarding the civilians in Yemen Jim.
Their accuracy rate is astounding.
They only seem to hit hospitals.
No rubble wandering yet from the BBC land girls yet.
Love the way these Syrians expect us to fight their wars for them. All their able-bodied fit young men of military call-up age run away to Europe, then leave fighting IS to our highly trained military personnel with their expensive equipment. Maybe we should send all suitable refugees back to Syria, give them a gun & tell them to get on & fight IS themselves before they call on us for help. It would help to reduce the risk to us of a terrorist attack if they were to go back & fight IS themselves.
All a bit at odds with the new “national myth” the BBC is trying to create for us . The English English had to rely on all those Polish, French and Jamaican pilots to win the Battle of Britain for us. All those Indian troops turning the tide after D Day, Rommel’s defeat in N. Africa thanks to the Muslim contingent. I’m sure the chaps from Syria are also keen to do their bit, like the valiant refugees from Nazi tyranny once did. Also I’m sure our plucky Muslim communities solid Labour voters, inspired by the spirit of the Internal Brigades, are forming vast legions to fight in Syria to rid the world of IS who are perverting Islam – particularly as infidel Western troops deployed there would defile their holy lands.
I don’t think they are keen to fight IS, as they are likely to be supporters of IS. They left Syria to support the IS. Then stayed on at the border, hoping the West would intervene, and they could go back as victors. But Russia’s intervention has put a sock in that hope. So they have decided on a secondary target – islamise Europe. Besides its more comfortable.
Poor Germany.