The BBC is still blithely ignoring the terrorism angle as much as possible when reporting the killings in San Bernardino….apparently the significant fact is that the massacre was by a ‘husband and wife’…..
Officials say a husband and wife shot dead 14 people and wounded 21 in the city of San Bernardino.
The Married Couples of Britain lobby group are complaining of marriagephobia and the profiling of married couples as terorrists.
How does the BBC manage to miss this?…
San Bernardino shooting: Syed Farook ‘used social media to contact extremists watched by the FBI’
Whilst religion doesn’t get a mention as a motive for the killings the BBC are quick to jump on politicians who ‘pray’ for the victims…oh look…it’s Republican politicians who get the BBC’s malign attention….
BBC Trending
After a mass shooting, politicians ‘shamed’ for offering prayers
It’s political boilerplate to offer “thoughts and prayers” to the victims of violence, and the majority of Republican presidential candidates took this approach after a shooting in California left 14 people dead and more injured.
On the other hand the Democrats get the seal of approval for using the opportunity to mention gun crime….despite this obviously being somewhat different to the usual…
Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders went a different route, and made statements about gun policy. “I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now,” wrote Clinton.
Alan, as in a previous thread;
I don’t see any difference between this story and the story of Robert Dear ( who killed 3 people including a policeman. The BBC do not say anything about religion in respect to this story, even though it is obviously a Christian extremist who carried out the killings.
So, what’s your point?
I simply cannot see any BBC bias here. On the other hand, I see bias here at this website.
“I don’t see any difference”
None so blind, etc.
Because the BBC are too busy pointing out, in mile high letters, that the hero who executed the mass murderers of the abortion industry, was WHITE.
Remember 2015:12:01? Edward, no I thought not, well on this day there were no reported TERRORIST ATTACKS BY MUSLIMS, source the religionofpeace website. A very rare occurrence.
Meanwhile Edward, your licence fee is paying for midnight oil burning Al-Beeb employees, for whom Islam
can do no wrong, to scour and ransack the pages of the OED in search of neuphemisms to describe the nastiest organisation in recorded history and sanitise its latest outrages.
I suggest the BBC starts using “over-enthusiastic” as a description for these scum.
During breaking news of the San Bernardino story many outlets were claiming the shootings were carried out by white individuals.
Edward, so far as I am aware, Christians do not have organised terrorist groups operating worldwide nor a concept of Jihad. Do you see the difference ?
Edward; Just for edification. Dear’s wife is quoted as saying that he had a particular hatred of abortion clinics and despite claiming to be an evangelist seldom followed Christian teachings. So all in all he was out for abortion clinics but wasn’t a Christian by its own standards because he didn’t follow its teachings.
Judeo-Christian commandments; Thou shalt not kill (any other human being)
Koran commandments; Thou shalt not kill another Muslim. But the non-believers (Kufars) will convert under the pain of death.
Koran; entrenches the concept of Holy War (Jihad). Where a person or groups of people insult the prophet or the religion or fail to pay proper homage then religious leaders can declare a Jihad against them.
Tiger, you put it much better than I could. Thank you .
PS. The irony is that muslims are killing each other all the time whereas christians are not. Now , which one is the “Religion of Peace ” ?
This is also coverered in the Qu’ran. Muslims who do not follow the faith properly are considered hypocrites or even apostates. The punishment for such crimes is death. Again, this all comes down to how Islam defines an innocent person. Anyone who is a hypocrite, apostate, infidel, khuffir or any other form of non-believer is considered to be lower than cattle and indeed, the worst of beasts.
This is the dehumanising language as used by Nazis. The Nazis had “untermenchen” less than human. Islam considers all those who do not follow the faith properly, or at all, to be such non-humans and thus such non-humans may be killed with impunity.
This is how Muslims can engage in Kitya (lying by ommission) and Taqiyya (deceiving the non-believers) by invoking passages of the Qu’ran which claim that Muslims believe that killing one innocent person is the same as killing all persons, and saving one innocent person as saving all of human kind and thus falsely present themselves as a peaceful religion. When in reality, they are dedicated to converting, enslaving or killing ALL non-Muslims, because non-Muslims do not qualify as an “innocent person” according to Islamic tradition.
Geyza that verse was how they ordained the “Children of Israel” (the Jews) to behave. The very next verse to that on how Muslims should behave is completely different and most unsavoury.
[5.32] For this reason did We prescribe to the children of Israel that whoever slays a soul, unless it be for manslaughter or for mischief in the land, it is as though he slew all men; and whoever keeps it alive, it is as though he kept alive all men; and certainly Our apostles came to them with clear arguments, but even after that many of them certainly act extravagantly in the land.
[5.33] The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His apostle and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement,
Honey, I had an argument at the office. Can you put together a few dozen pipe bombs, get Go-Pros, body armour and assault rifles & meet in 15?
Can we push it to 20? I’m fresh out of the shower. Can your mom take the baby?
“…. it is obviously a Christian extremist ,,, ”
It is terrible being judgmental, isn’t it? Seems even you cannot help yourself!
Well, the missus and I are now living in fear.
We need to form a community.
And get a spokesperson on picket duty in the BBC Green Room to push the real victims when other folk get slaughtered.
I am so upset I am really not going to enjoy my muesli.
BBC Trending is simply another from the batch of job creation schemes for BBC kids to run stuff they wish they could say but with one degree of separation.
The choice of playing up the standard pol template at such occasions, especially to support democrats, is as bizarre as it is opportunistic.
Maybe our new midnight oil-burning archivist be prevailed upon to share just how many times POTUS had trotted out ‘thoughts and payers’ by rote when these sad events occur?
Speaking of BBC Trending, whoever is on the weekend shift may not be next week…
BBC News via BBC Trending
19 mins · Edited ·
Who lives in a house like this? Why the #MuslimApartment hashtag went viral following the #SanBernardino shooting
San Bernadino shootings: What does a #MuslimApartment look like?
It may have helped to pop a bit more context in the intro first.
First line of linked copy of course reads: “Muslims on social media have reacted with wit and humour”
There are some who didn’t get that far. Perhaps of a less witty and humorous demeanour.
Also worth noting the chief ‘poker around’ was a BBC Pulitzer aspirant. Bey he’s thrilled with his younger mates now.
ps: Just checked and it is defo the weekend. FYI, OT-wise.
While Muslims mss murder their way across the world, the BBC mounts a propaganda campaign for Islam.
The BBC’s take on this shooting. In this order
1 It must be Pro -Lifers (fail)
2 Then it must be Right Wingers (fail)
3 They need more gun control
4 Prayer is the problem
5 It’s workplace violence
6 Stop the Islamophobia NTDWI
I assume the wife approved of her husband getting a 72 year-old virgin. What does she hope to get out of it?
she got a remote controlled car with a bomb on the back, the ungrateful bint. I would have killed for one of those when I was 10……………..oh she did.
Speaking of workplace violence. New reports are claiming that a disgruntled employee has thrown a Molotov cocktail into the restaurant where he worked killing 16.
Comparisons will soon be made i’m sure, as RoPers will have been killed at this atrocity.
The fact there were none killed in America will be coincidental of course and parallels will be drawn.
Some sherbet.
Demon, I think you might have hit on the way to curb the indoctrination of Muslims youths. Why don’t the authorities announce that there was a mistake in translation in the Quoran and instead of promising suicide bombers ’72 virgins’ it actually say they will get a ’72 year old virgin’.
Not my original, I borrowed it from someone on here. It’s an amusing take on what they claim to believe.
Interesting that you find yourself viewing a forum dedicated to detecting bias within the BBC when
you can’t find any yourself Edward. Bias within the BBC is subtle, by inference, the use of key words and through omission.
With over 90 years practice to hone their skills they’re not amateurs. Unlike some forum contributors I
dont see the BBC as exclusively promoting a left wing ideology, the message has morphed into something much more
than that, a deeply unpleasant defiling narrative that runs like an undercurrent through the whole of
the BBC’s output, bright and shiny on the outside but tainted, rotten to the core within.
As for your “obviously a Chrstian extremist” jibe, well that fits right into a BBC worldview, you don’t need to look
much further than the hermetical appointment of Caroline Wyatt as religious affairs correspondent to see which
direction the BBC moral compass points, “Do what thou wilt…”
BBC remains as baffled as Barack about motive.
I presume we will never know what caused a peaceable couple to break, and take it out on his workmates.
Bullying probably.
The BBC and Obama have one important thing in common – neither of them can stand the USA.
They are also easily baffled.
Talking of marriage this story about a wedding will probably raise your blood pressure..and her other half is called ‘Jihad’.
Not a lot of good old British names amongst that lot are there? Why do we need to import gimmigrants when we have our very own fraudsters, thieves and con(wo)men. Then the BBC can report rather than ignore their dubious activities and help employ all those “journalists”
Some interesting names there.
I suspect it will help provide yet more “evidence” to a Howard League report of the disproportionate numbers of white U.K. born in prison!
Failed to edit in time!
Some interesting names there.
I suspect it will help provide yet more “evidence” to a Howard League report of the disproportionate numbers of non-white, U.K. born, in prison!
Headline from the Telegraph: “US officials fear a ‘deeper terror matrix’ was behind San Bernadino shootings”
This isn’t going too well for the BBC’s “narrative” is it?
How long before marriage is equated with terrorist activity then?
Best ban it to be safe-or make it same sex only eh?
But what of the first Islamic Same Sex marriage/civil partnership that is “blessed” with Kalashnikovs fired up the air…where the poor buggers will be dangling from cranes?
My bettings on the Iranian footy womens team being the first to give us same sex terrorism from Islam…and sod the “macho stuff from the beardy imams”…if a few kuffar get separated from their slippers, Anjem will still take it.
Heads up then…noises off..or is it “Heads Off” come the glorious day.
Here“s hoping Alis bakery in the Falls Road is not going to refuse to bake that same sex pitta eh?…the dolls on the top won`t look too pretty I `spose.
I see you met my wife then! She makes Osama bin Ladin look like a UN Peace Keeper.
With all the verbal diarrhoea the BBC have treated us to over the San Bernadino massacre they missed (as usual) the key point. Particularly in view of the almost trebling of our Muslim population since 9/11.
“Murdering infidels is what some good Muslims do.
Syed and Tashfeen are in Muslim heaven now if what Muslims believe about allah is true.
That’s the start of a pretty good piece on this odd religion. It’s at :
The damage limitation will have to go all out now
“The two killers were able to legally purchase their weapons”
Yes, legally obtained weapons are a must have for terrorists.
Unconfirmed reports that the facility attacked was one of a growing number of “gun free zones”, so not much chance
of meeting an armed response.
But don’t be alarmed US citizens, Lorreta Lynch has your back.
and the motive is still unclear
A possible solution is presented.
At the very least they may be a wee bit conflicted when stocking up.
Marriagephobia? What next?
‘Nothing to do with Islam’ ?
It never is , is it?
If Mohammed was alive and active today, May et al would say his actions had nothing to do with Islam.
BBC is full overdrive today. Front page of website leads with ‘how shocked’ the families of the San Bernardino ‘shooters’ are (nice touch that – shooters, not killers or murderers, just shooters). The fact that the families of the 14 people who were murdered might also be ‘shocked’ is not deemed worthy of mention.
The message of the BBC and MSM in general is that the killers were just ‘ordinary’ Muslims who may have become ‘radicalised’ (as opposed to what? Being born pre-radicalised?). Do they really not see that if anything this is worse? People can sort of comprehend the crazed fanatics from war-torn, backward countries who commit these crimes against infidels in the West, tourists and their own people. But when those who have been born in the West or at least grown up here do likewise it highlights the fact that mass immigration has been a disaster, multi-culturalism has been a catastrophe, that assimilation has not happened and will not happen. The liberal fantasy might be that these people will swap their Qur’ans for credit cards and become fully paid-up Brits, Yanks or Frenchmen. The man in the street sees a future of decades, generations, centuries in which this problem will continue to exist and grow worse.
Time was that global travelers would meet in airport lounges and compare air miles.
I wonder if the plane load of BBC ‘reporters’ from Snog, Marry, Explode headed for a Grand Designs tour chez Jihadi Towers on the West Coast caught up with Matt headed back to ‘report’ his findings at Paris, and all compared their offsets invested in rainforest cut down to make biodiesel?
Exactly what I thought listening to the News this morning Ian. They (BBC) don’t seem to realize the implications that quiet, seemingly well integrated, ordinary ‘people’ can murder their innocent fellow citizens. Surely this only highlights the danger this murderous cult presents to the civilized world rather than what they are probably trying to suggest that ordinary Muslims are driven to violence by the actions of western civilization.
Certainly may put a cramper on Sir Bob or Yvette even putting up a nice, vetted couple… er… when the BBC gets around to asking them when this may happen.
Especially if Jr. turns out to be an amateur horologist.
Just following on from what you have said; we are quickly moving into a different phase because of people like the BBC’s inclination to promote “multiculturalism”.
As the ferocity and frequency of these attacks on innocent civilians increases so will ordinary people who have no knowledge or interest in Islam start to hit back at Muslims. Muslims that previously were not affected now become part of the problem. This is an ever increasing spiral of violence.
The political dream wasn’t this “multicultural society”. Examine many of the Statements of Camoron. he has always believed that these communities exposed to Western life would integrate with our life. 3 generations later they still follow their culture. We are in a war of civilizations and its time to make hard decisions before it takes on a life of its own Mr Camoron.
This is why the BBC’s constant references to “home grown” terrorism are so pernicious. The children of the many million Muslim immigrants in Europe may have Belgian or British citizenship, live in Brussels or Bolton and go to Belgian or British schools , but their attitudes and world view are primarily determined by their parents, relatives and neighbourhood, all Muslim. The BBC seem to think that superficialities determine cultural difference. Scotsmen are really just English chaps who dance around in kilts Muslims are really English suburbanites but choose to sport big beards and flit about in burkas.
and many watch “Asian” TV via satellite or cable rather than British or Belgian TV.
And why many with what could be taken for Muslim names are contacted by men with BIG beards via the internet.
All the lying MSM media are totally confused. They run here and there, moaning loudly that it is very confusing.
They moan that this couple were just ordinary married couple, living in an ordinary apartment, in an ordinary Californian town. There was nothing to indicate they weren’t what they turned out to be. The media are so CONFUSED.
Yet they don’t understand the significance of what they are saying – It is impossible to know which of the tens of millions of Muslims our stunningly stupid politicians have imported, who will turn up at a concert or Christmas party, and slaughter hundreds of Infidels.
Our politicians are guilty of high treason, and a massive war crime against the people they were elected to defend. I have no idea how we are going to reverse the situation our idiot politicians have put us in.
If you examine some of the snippets of information I don’t think the Christmas party was the planned target. Apparently some of his colleagues were teasing him about his beard and he also got into an argument with a Jewish colleague.
I think he lost it and in a fit of rage attacked them. The arsenal of pipe bombs and other toys indicate a much bigger attack. Perhaps the planned attack could have had much worse consequences. Whether the FBI will release details of their investigations I don’t know but likely there were details of an intended target in that house.
For ‘radicalised’ read ‘morally corrupted’.
BBC scum destroy evidence, break into home:
CSI:W1A it is not.
Social media in the USA already impressed with how this has been handled.
Simple solution to all those problems that may have tipped this young family over the edge.
Marriage is terrorism kindling-ban marriage, no problem in one regard.
Another factor?…why not make the purchase of guns conditional on buying a pork chop, a dog biscuit or a bottle of Newcastle Brown.
Pet shops, butchers(same thing to halal mind)-or off licenses as gun hubs? No true Muslim would buy them from such haram outlets-would they now?…if they tried.tell Anjem(Mama still scraping stains off her lads boxers, so not able to come to the phone.
Works for me!
Simple solution to all those problems that may have tipped this young family over the edge.
Marriage is terrorism kindling-ban marriage, no problem in one regard.
Another factor?…why not make the purchase of guns conditional on buying a pork chop, a dog biscuit or a bottle of Newcastle Brown?
Pet shops, butchers(same thing to halal mind)-or off licenses as gun hubs? No true Muslim would buy them from such haram outlets-would they now?…if they tried.we could always dob them in and “tell Anjem”(Mama still scraping stains off her lads boxers, so not able to come to the phone)
Works for me!
Triggers made of bacon?
6pm news on Saturday and Al Beeb are still trying to deny the obvious conclusion that this was terrorism that was either inspired by IS or possibly directed by them…a stockpile of weapons and bombs, but Al Beeb claim the couple’s motivation is still not clear. It seems crystal clear to me…
US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, goes European and threatens to prosecute hate speech against Muslims anticipating a backlash in response to the San Bernadino shootings.
Here is a response from Joe Walsh which won’t be shown on BBC.
Actually, I would love to see Brillo interview this guy.