Much like King Alfred who had to hide in the Somerset Marshes cooking his cakes when the Danes rampaged across Britain the BBC buries its head in the sand and tries to cook our goose when the Danes refuse to submit to the EU empire.
When the Danes rejected the EU a few days ago you might have been forgiven for not noticing if you relied upon the BBC for your news….the BBC story was relegated to the ‘Europe’ pages….not on the front page, not on the world page, but hidden away almost instantly three layers down just in case you got any ideas about how to vote when the referendum time approaches in the UK.
Time Team would have more luck finding King Alfred’s footprints in those marshes than of finding some balanced BBC reporting on Europe….even on a page dedicated to the coming referendum in the UK there is no mention of the Danish vote.
If the Danes had voted ‘yes’ you could be guaranteed that the BBC’s coverage would have been loud and fulsome.
Alan, you know what the BBC will be like during the referendum.
Take as much EU money as possible.
Spend it all on the pro EU message.
Ignore all the detrimental aspects of the EU.
Inflate, or create and then inflate, the so-called benefits of EU membership.
Lie about opinion poll results where necessary.
The General Election on steroids.
etcetera, 24/7, impartiality personified.
The UK must leave the EU.
Then elect a UKIP government which will close the BBC, for the benefit all indigenous UK citizens.
A UKIP government is a doomsday scenario for the BBC. Nothing could be worse. An Islamic government with Sharia as the law, would be preferable to the BBC.
I think a UKIP government will have to come before an exit . None of this crowd will accept an exit vote. First, missing ballot papers, then an inquiry into the voting, another referendum planned for the future. Then, no clear date given for exit, then a crisis requiring a fresh approach to the EU. At last a deal in favour of Britain’s right to produce our own pork sausages, and a vote to stay in.
GWF. You are so right. No point in pretending there is a “democratic” way out of this mess. It will require something like the French Revolution ! I would like to think that the Military would lead but I fear that they are too cowed. Great Britain, RIP
They’re not too cowed -the top brass has simply been bought off by years of privilege, largely funded through the defence industry. Ever stopped to think how we spend so many billions each year and yet have so few ships, soldiers and aircraft when we need them? The system is so bent it would make FIFA blush!
Nigel Farage and UKIP are misrepresented or ignored by the BBC .
Watch this video of Nigel just after the Paris attacks.
You will not see anything like this on the BBC.
Nigel Farage speech after Islamic attacks in Paris
(also the question and answer session which followed)
It was 39 minutes into TWATO with “Twato” Mark Merdell before I got my buzzword bingo ducks in a row,
CLIMATE CHANGE came early of course-Cumbria, the thoughts of Dame Julia Slingbacks…so I got that as my starter pour dix.
It took clever cut and pasting though by the editors to use Tim Farron as the dumb waiter who linked Climate Change(his carburettor or got flooded at the weekend) to _EUROPEAN UNION EMERGENCY FUNDS.
Turns out theres a “slush fund”( I thankyew!) that Mandelson or Kinnock never found in which to dip a wick or beak…so the millions we`ve poured( oh yes!) into EU coffers may yet “Trickle down and back” to an Irish traveller in Appleby, a conversion grant to turn a Brampton butcher into a fishing tackle shop).
See what they did there…climate change causes floods, liberals and the BBC know this-but thankfully the EU has the blotting paper, so don`t think of leaving them eh?
But Europe is not secure-Griffins National Front did well in (non-postal) ballots, somewhere European-and blotting paper may yet be scarce if we don`t watch out for…yes, after 39 minutes- ISLAMOPHOBIA.
Bingo…second “House”(in Tuscany please Bob!¬)…and normalcy restored to the Green spongiform, EU sucky-uppie, Mozza flag-tootin` BBC,,,,three rings circus, each a necklace tyre c/o the Winnie Mandela Estate of Correct Thinking.
Once they`re all back from Paree, then one of them will set fire to them all as per usual…and hold our brains to the fire to fry…