‘has not been amended to inform those viewing it that it is more than a decade out of date and does not even include a date stamp which might prompt users to search for more up to date information’
Well clearly they have the space, so this must be a matter of time ((c) A. BBC Editor of Integrity).
Maybe just the Christmas rush to the slopes has left them short-staffed already? For ten years.
On Any Questions, (R4 Fri 8pm) Monbiot was quite good on the politics & Syria but as soon as the Climate question came along he was into auto-parrot mode. The UKIP Panel member, Jane Collins MEP, did not help things by getting very shouty.
Watched RT yesterday. RT (the voice of Putin I know) reported on the allegation by Putin that Turkey was purchasing oil from IS. the report included footage of oil tankers entering Turkey from an area controlled by IS in Syria. Now I am no expert in verifying the authenticity of such footage, but it looked pretty convincing. There was also evidence that Turkey was providing medical assistance to Al Nusra, another Islamist group. Wounded Al Nusra fighter are being treated in Turkish hospitals and have been for the last five years. The evidence here was verified by Turkish journalist, who face up to 43 years imprisonment for reporting this uncomfortable truth. In fact the journalist responsible for the report has been convicted and imprisoned.
The Obama State Department has down played the evidence of oil being purchased by Turkey (ncluding members of Erdegon’s family) and spoken in paise of Turkey as as a stedfast ally.
At the time of the Global Farce Covnetion in Paris Putin first meke his accusation and it was headline news, with Erdagon offering to resign if Putin provided proof of the alleged oil purchased Since this matter was such a high profile story I searched the BBC news outlets for some coverage of the Russian video eevidence but found none.
Erdagon is currently extorting 4 billion Euro from the EU to stop the tidal wave of reguees. He is bombing the Kurds, the only true allies of the west in the region and has demanded a re-opening of talks regarding Turkish membership of the EU.
So we can look forward to embracing theny of a Islamist state into the EU. Rejoice reoice.
Even the BBC has posted about Turkish corruption, selling oil on behalf of IS, the problem is that Europes leaders are now so wholly corrupt themselves they are incapable of dealing with even the corruption in FIFA !
The fact that one of our allies is directly assisting our enemy should provoke a swift response, yet the fact they turn a blind eye is just further evidence of the rot at the heart of the rotten EU.
Sarah Montague (R4 TODAY), while talking about the flood measures installed in Cumbria today, had a great opportunity to ask the Environment Agency boss whether the rivers there had been dredged.
Mark Mardell (R4 WatO) could have put the same question to an environment consultant.
Curious lack of sharpness, the ability to think on their feet (while sitting down) and memory there of the recent past from two BBC News presenters. Two years ago that was a hot topic in the aftermath of the Somerset floods. Is it their fault or that of the Editors, the programme Producers or authority figures further up the BBC ladder?
In case anyone is dumb enough to buy the BBC line that we are experiencing extreme ‘unheard-of’ weather conditions in the UK ,Tim Fallon of the LimpDums is now saying that a lot of the flooding is down to the shelving of 300 Flood Defence Schemes -(and add to that the non-dredging of the riverbeds).
The subtle attribution of such ‘extreme weather’ (their words) to (non-existent) Global Warming was just TOO CONVENIENT, particularly when they’re all in Paris cooking up another excuse for a super-tax.
Lying duplicitous B******s.
Sadly both Labour’s Truss and the Tories’ Rudd have just been on their hind legs in the H of C mouthing platitudes about ‘global warming’. No one seems to have the guts to admit that even the IPCC doesn’t buy this rubbish.
Nowt on the BBC concerning the anniversary of Pearl Harbour. Perhaps their SWP graduates will be searching for evidence that the US were to blame, that gays and lesbians played an heroic role in the consequent war with Japan, and that Muslims were the real victims.
To give it a modern context here is a remark from Robert Spencer:
â Imagine a newspaper on December 8, 1941 running a story saying that random men in airplanes had attacked Pearl Harbor, and that police were searching for a motive ââ Robert Spencer
Here`s hoping that the recent soggy bottomed boys of the Environment Agency will be dredging up that go-to guy of all things pertaining to sileage and Mother Gaias period pains( I see global warming as her hot flushes, nothing a bit of HRT won`t help with)…Lord Christopher Smith of Islington-under Water.
I used to always enjoy those horny handed , chin on the spade types of earthy wisdom from Labours version of rainbow dental floss-the singing seaweed himself.
Any chance that he might get his head out of the velvet cushions at The Gay Huzzah, and take the Savile Express up to Penrith for a quick butchers?…at least along with Dame Vera and Orla…we have the name for our Third Arse of the Apocalypso,,,
Seems those tinkers from CECUTT are so busy they have had time to dick about with the online complaints system for a laugh.
Not sure to what extent, but I do know what was at the end (Region, postcode) is now at the front.
They need to identify the services one is receiving. Apparently. This seems odd, as surely anyone can complain about anything from anywhere? It’s like they are trying to pin down who you are first.
Which brings me to the rest. Well, actually it doesn’t. For some weird reason, I can’t proceed any further because:
Please provide a valid first half of a UK post code.
Er, yes, it is valid. But still a deal breaker.
Let’s be generous and say it’s a glitch on my browser. Or maybe their new system?
It’s not like the BBC wants to put folk off compelling, now, is it?
Only on the BBC can they have a political slot about Religion in Public Life report and can avoid mentioning Islam or Muslim, (mentioned once in the 10 minute article on Daily Politics today).
It came over as another establishment bash at decrying our 2 millennium Christian heritage to appease Islam, with a major conclusion of the report being that Bishops should be reduced in the Lords to make way for other religions. I wonder if that was a reference to extending Sharia now into our Parliament, since they allow it all over our land now?
But one would have thought, since they talked a lot about school assemblies, that they would have mentioned the radicalizstion recent cases of Trojan Horses up and down our land in the Madrasses!
No not a sausage!
But then again they never mentioned that the BBC itself, a Government tax funded entity, took it upon itself during the Labour years, (if one had not guessed timing already), to appoint a Muslim Head of Religious Programmes and Affairs at the BBC!
You really could not make that up. Indeed it is like the Vatican Radio appointing a Jew as Producer!
I am debating about sending the BBC a complaint? Any advice or anyone else willing to join in?
The Lords Spiritual of the United Kingdom, also called Spiritual Peers, are the 26 bishops of the established Church of England who serve in the House of Lords along with the Lords Temporal. The Church of Scotland, which is Presbyterian, is not represented by spiritual peers.
No Church of Scotland, no Catholics, no Methodists, etc. According to the 2011 census Muslims make up 4.4% of the British population. One seat. How will they pick him (there are no hers)? It’s not like there is a recognised Islamic religious hierarchy. Rotate between the Sunnis, Shiites? The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) established itself in the UK in 1912 and is thus the longest standing Muslim community in the UK. Appoint their highest official and really piss of the rest?
The Left wing Fascists HATE for Tyson Fury is allowed to carry on, on Radio 4 PM tonight, with the 50 000 votes demanding he be removed from the Sports personality of the year.
I’ve no interest in this BBC pap, and I’ve never been interested enough to vote, but this year I will vote for Tyson Fury in a bid to answer the thugs of the Fascist left who cannot accept that people should have the freedom to express their own views.
Well, Newsbeat seems to engaged, SOP #1degreeofseparation:
12 mins · The petition has more than 80,000 signatures.
Tyson Fury petition organiser says he shouldn’t be on BBC’s Sports Personality shortlist
The man behind a petition against Tyson Fury’s inclusion on the Sports Personality of the Year shortlist is accusing the BBC of double standards.
Lynne Truss issues aside, they clearly think that ‘reporting’ on a petition creates enough space to do the necessary without looking too obvious.
The “TrueToo” formula (patent pending) puts Mr Fury on a real loser here, there’s no way misoginist homophobe out trumps Irish Traveller, I know little else about Mr Fury but as he appears to stick in the BBCs craw he can’t be all bad.
This is from a transcript of a program banned by the BBC Trust members Richard Ayre, Sonita Alleyne, Mark Damazer, Bill Matthews and Nick Prettejohn.
Quentin Letts: The title of this programme is âWhatâs the Point of the Met Office?â. Can you answer that question â whatâs the point of this organisation?
Piers Corbyn: The point for them and the government is itâs primarily was set up to do weather forecasting, to the best of its ability and to the best available science. They fail in that, because theyâre not using the best available science. The reason is, theyâve had another purpose latched on them, which is to â and you read it in their blurb on the TV â itâs to promote and defend and propagate the man-made climate change theory, and suggest what horrors are going to come, allegedly, from more CO2, which is fiction.
Richard Ayre is qualified in Philosophy
Sonita Alleyne is qualified in Philosophy
Nick Prettejohn is qualified in Philosophy
Bill Matthews is qualified in the Humanities
Mark Damazer in qualified in History
Quentin Letts is qualified in Classical archaeologyÂ
Piers Corbyn is qualified in Astrophysics
Graham Stringer is qualified in Chemistry
Peter Lilley is qualified in Physics
But they do appear to have a ‘global science correspondent’.
BBC News was live.
3 hrs · Facebook Mentions · LIVESTREAM right now on Paris climate talks with BBC Ros Atkins
& our global science correspondent Rebecca Morelle. Is it right that developing countries are demanding compensation to cut emissions? What are the main obstacles to a deal? All questions on the âȘ#âCOP21⏠conference welcome. Join Ros and Rebecca live now here on Facebook.
I would not advise spending much time on the Q&A, as it’s a toss up who is thicker between the hosts (the good lady does seem to be qualified… Harrabin soon kick that out of her, as happened to Susan Watts, coincidentally another BBC blonde) and most posting.
Good news from Roger Harrabin onPM. Global GDP has gone up and ‘carbon’ emissions have gone down!
He suggests that it is because ‘we’, (in the UK?) are using new fridges and LED lighting, or, more likely, China is getting better at burning coal.
It might also be that more people are making a living by writing about ‘climate change’ and being paid big bucks rather than having the plebs make real things in real factories for pennies.
Before we crack open the climate change champagne he warns us that we aren’t out of danger yet as the CO2 will stay in the atmosphere for ‘100 years. Strangely his heroes at the IPCC give a vague range of 5 – 200 years, ‘depending on the uptake mechanism’, or in plain English, ‘we don’t really know’. Harrabin, of course, just gives the average of this huge uncertainty range as ‘fact’.
Following my complaint reply I had this
“Iâm Sam Smith, Head of BBC Audience Services â thank you for getting in touch with the BBC recently.
I wonder if youâd be interested in taking part in a short survey?
Itâs to learn more about how you got on, and how we can improve.
All feedback â good or bad â gets passed back to the person that handled your contact.
The survey is carried out by an independent agency called ICM. It takes around 10 minutes to complete, and you just need to click the link below or paste it into your browser:”
Oh dear I wasn’t nice but hey I pay the wages for these people to write a proper reply to me.. I did note when I got to the end we had the “ethnic” survey. White British…Oh dea,r as some of you will know calling me British is akin to pouring petrol on the bonfire. It’s a term I hate and I have never used for myself as far as I’m concerned it’s racist to ignore the largest ethnic block in this county. If anyone wants to call themselves British fine I have no issues with that, just when it’s applied to myself.
Still I did advise them of my opinion. No retreat, no surrender as they say.
This is an excellent description of Muslims in the West by John Derbyshire over at http://www.vdare.com in the light of the recent Jihad attack in California.
“The first generation of immigrants find themselves in an Aladdinâs Cave of glittering plenty and opportunity: work easy to find, land cheap, welfare abundant, the natives gullible. Theyâre happy.
Then comes the second, native-born generation. Drawn from a low-IQ population thatâs been accumulating genetic defects via a tradition of cousin marriage since the Bronze Age, and raised in a religion totally at odds with Western ideas of self-actualization, they are fidgety misfits. They come to hate the country of their birth, and in extreme cases act out the hatred like this.”
What is an attacker? Can someone be convicted of ‘attacking’? Is it a position on the football field?
The murders have been called Terrorism by Obama himself. Who are the BBC to downgrade the terrible seriousness of this Terrorist slaughter?
Just what right do the BBC think they have to do this?
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:13 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://i.postimg.cc/9fkQ0mWf/Screenshot-2025-03-10-121223.png[/img]
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Britain is the only country which would have fewer illegal immigrants if we did not have a border force. They…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Building fake vehicles is a time-honored practice dating back to World War II, when the Allies built an entire fake…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The plot thickens .One of my former Parliamentary aides went on to work for Rupert Lowe – she is one…
DeborahMar 10, 12:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Sorry to hear it Atlas. 10 years ago it was the young Lefties who were screaming about âBig Pharmaâ and…
Rob in CheshireMar 10, 12:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I fear that is true. If, by 2025, 25% of the population is a first generation immigrant, then Britain is…
andyjsnapeMar 10, 12:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Hello wwfc Koketso Ximba, 22; Aaron Osei, 22; Deric Da Silva Ferreria, 19; Fabio Bandarrinha, 20 – funny names, I…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 11:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 https://twitter.com/ABridgen/status/1899035995300827149 …….related to the actions of another member of his staff. I have her permission to post this tweet.
Eddy BoothMar 10, 11:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Russian blogers take on the current situation in the Kursk region of Russia after last years Ukraine invasion. Russians using…
As the BBC continues to dig trench after trench across its credibility, with its reporting, this is only matched by that of its oversight:
‘has not been amended to inform those viewing it that it is more than a decade out of date and does not even include a date stamp which might prompt users to search for more up to date information’
Well clearly they have the space, so this must be a matter of time ((c) A. BBC Editor of Integrity).
Maybe just the Christmas rush to the slopes has left them short-staffed already? For ten years.
đ Dark looks in the green room at whoever invited him on again, the ingrate…
On Any Questions, (R4 Fri 8pm) Monbiot was quite good on the politics & Syria but as soon as the Climate question came along he was into auto-parrot mode. The UKIP Panel member, Jane Collins MEP, did not help things by getting very shouty.
Watched RT yesterday. RT (the voice of Putin I know) reported on the allegation by Putin that Turkey was purchasing oil from IS. the report included footage of oil tankers entering Turkey from an area controlled by IS in Syria. Now I am no expert in verifying the authenticity of such footage, but it looked pretty convincing. There was also evidence that Turkey was providing medical assistance to Al Nusra, another Islamist group. Wounded Al Nusra fighter are being treated in Turkish hospitals and have been for the last five years. The evidence here was verified by Turkish journalist, who face up to 43 years imprisonment for reporting this uncomfortable truth. In fact the journalist responsible for the report has been convicted and imprisoned.
The Obama State Department has down played the evidence of oil being purchased by Turkey (ncluding members of Erdegon’s family) and spoken in paise of Turkey as as a stedfast ally.
At the time of the Global Farce Covnetion in Paris Putin first meke his accusation and it was headline news, with Erdagon offering to resign if Putin provided proof of the alleged oil purchased Since this matter was such a high profile story I searched the BBC news outlets for some coverage of the Russian video eevidence but found none.
Erdagon is currently extorting 4 billion Euro from the EU to stop the tidal wave of reguees. He is bombing the Kurds, the only true allies of the west in the region and has demanded a re-opening of talks regarding Turkish membership of the EU.
So we can look forward to embracing theny of a Islamist state into the EU. Rejoice reoice.
Even the BBC has posted about Turkish corruption, selling oil on behalf of IS, the problem is that Europes leaders are now so wholly corrupt themselves they are incapable of dealing with even the corruption in FIFA !
The fact that one of our allies is directly assisting our enemy should provoke a swift response, yet the fact they turn a blind eye is just further evidence of the rot at the heart of the rotten EU.
Sarah Montague (R4 TODAY), while talking about the flood measures installed in Cumbria today, had a great opportunity to ask the Environment Agency boss whether the rivers there had been dredged.
Mark Mardell (R4 WatO) could have put the same question to an environment consultant.
Curious lack of sharpness, the ability to think on their feet (while sitting down) and memory there of the recent past from two BBC News presenters. Two years ago that was a hot topic in the aftermath of the Somerset floods. Is it their fault or that of the Editors, the programme Producers or authority figures further up the BBC ladder?
In case anyone is dumb enough to buy the BBC line that we are experiencing extreme ‘unheard-of’ weather conditions in the UK ,Tim Fallon of the LimpDums is now saying that a lot of the flooding is down to the shelving of 300 Flood Defence Schemes -(and add to that the non-dredging of the riverbeds).
The subtle attribution of such ‘extreme weather’ (their words) to (non-existent) Global Warming was just TOO CONVENIENT, particularly when they’re all in Paris cooking up another excuse for a super-tax.
Lying duplicitous B******s.
Sadly both Labour’s Truss and the Tories’ Rudd have just been on their hind legs in the H of C mouthing platitudes about ‘global warming’. No one seems to have the guts to admit that even the IPCC doesn’t buy this rubbish.
Nowt on the BBC concerning the anniversary of Pearl Harbour. Perhaps their SWP graduates will be searching for evidence that the US were to blame, that gays and lesbians played an heroic role in the consequent war with Japan, and that Muslims were the real victims.
To give it a modern context here is a remark from Robert Spencer:
â Imagine a newspaper on December 8, 1941 running a story saying that random men in airplanes had attacked Pearl Harbor, and that police were searching for a motive ââ Robert Spencer
Here`s hoping that the recent soggy bottomed boys of the Environment Agency will be dredging up that go-to guy of all things pertaining to sileage and Mother Gaias period pains( I see global warming as her hot flushes, nothing a bit of HRT won`t help with)…Lord Christopher Smith of Islington-under Water.
I used to always enjoy those horny handed , chin on the spade types of earthy wisdom from Labours version of rainbow dental floss-the singing seaweed himself.
Any chance that he might get his head out of the velvet cushions at The Gay Huzzah, and take the Savile Express up to Penrith for a quick butchers?…at least along with Dame Vera and Orla…we have the name for our Third Arse of the Apocalypso,,,
Seems those tinkers from CECUTT are so busy they have had time to dick about with the online complaints system for a laugh.
Not sure to what extent, but I do know what was at the end (Region, postcode) is now at the front.
They need to identify the services one is receiving. Apparently. This seems odd, as surely anyone can complain about anything from anywhere? It’s like they are trying to pin down who you are first.
Which brings me to the rest. Well, actually it doesn’t. For some weird reason, I can’t proceed any further because:
Please provide a valid first half of a UK post code.
Er, yes, it is valid. But still a deal breaker.
Let’s be generous and say it’s a glitch on my browser. Or maybe their new system?
It’s not like the BBC wants to put folk off compelling, now, is it?
“Complaining”… sorry!
Brave BBC, very… ‘brave’…
BBC News
43 mins ·
Are you one of the “elite”? Or maybe a “precariat”?
What is your 21st Century social class?
I wonder where 20,000 uniquely funded unaccountable staff for a certain state broadcaster see themselves?
Only on the BBC can they have a political slot about Religion in Public Life report and can avoid mentioning Islam or Muslim, (mentioned once in the 10 minute article on Daily Politics today).
From 26 mins in:
It came over as another establishment bash at decrying our 2 millennium Christian heritage to appease Islam, with a major conclusion of the report being that Bishops should be reduced in the Lords to make way for other religions. I wonder if that was a reference to extending Sharia now into our Parliament, since they allow it all over our land now?
But one would have thought, since they talked a lot about school assemblies, that they would have mentioned the radicalizstion recent cases of Trojan Horses up and down our land in the Madrasses!
No not a sausage!
But then again they never mentioned that the BBC itself, a Government tax funded entity, took it upon itself during the Labour years, (if one had not guessed timing already), to appoint a Muslim Head of Religious Programmes and Affairs at the BBC!
You really could not make that up. Indeed it is like the Vatican Radio appointing a Jew as Producer!
I am debating about sending the BBC a complaint? Any advice or anyone else willing to join in?
Advice from the masters (I don’t think they do irony):
The Today Programme shared BBC Radio 4’s post.
3 hrs ·
BBC Radio 4Like Page
3 hrs ·
Are you complaining to the very best of your ability? Here’s how you can make your complaints more effective.
How to complain so people will listen
4 minutes
The Lords Spiritual of the United Kingdom, also called Spiritual Peers, are the 26 bishops of the established Church of England who serve in the House of Lords along with the Lords Temporal. The Church of Scotland, which is Presbyterian, is not represented by spiritual peers.
No Church of Scotland, no Catholics, no Methodists, etc. According to the 2011 census Muslims make up 4.4% of the British population. One seat. How will they pick him (there are no hers)? It’s not like there is a recognised Islamic religious hierarchy. Rotate between the Sunnis, Shiites? The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) established itself in the UK in 1912 and is thus the longest standing Muslim community in the UK. Appoint their highest official and really piss of the rest?
Fatal stabbing in Abigdon at a supermarket. Attacker tasered by police:
Not being treated at the moment as terrorism.
The Left wing Fascists HATE for Tyson Fury is allowed to carry on, on Radio 4 PM tonight, with the 50 000 votes demanding he be removed from the Sports personality of the year.
I’ve no interest in this BBC pap, and I’ve never been interested enough to vote, but this year I will vote for Tyson Fury in a bid to answer the thugs of the Fascist left who cannot accept that people should have the freedom to express their own views.
A disgrace, and yet more left wing bias.
Well, Newsbeat seems to engaged, SOP #1degreeofseparation:
12 mins ·
The petition has more than 80,000 signatures.
Tyson Fury petition organiser says he shouldn’t be on BBC’s Sports Personality shortlist
The man behind a petition against Tyson Fury’s inclusion on the Sports Personality of the Year shortlist is accusing the BBC of double standards.
Lynne Truss issues aside, they clearly think that ‘reporting’ on a petition creates enough space to do the necessary without looking too obvious.
The “TrueToo” formula (patent pending) puts Mr Fury on a real loser here, there’s no way misoginist homophobe out trumps Irish Traveller, I know little else about Mr Fury but as he appears to stick in the BBCs craw he can’t be all bad.
Addendum- Discovered Tyson is a Christian too, an unforgiveable BBC sin, he’s finished.
This is from a transcript of a program banned by the BBC Trust members Richard Ayre, Sonita Alleyne, Mark Damazer, Bill Matthews and Nick Prettejohn.
Quentin Letts: The title of this programme is âWhatâs the Point of the Met Office?â. Can you answer that question â whatâs the point of this organisation?
Piers Corbyn: The point for them and the government is itâs primarily was set up to do weather forecasting, to the best of its ability and to the best available science. They fail in that, because theyâre not using the best available science. The reason is, theyâve had another purpose latched on them, which is to â and you read it in their blurb on the TV â itâs to promote and defend and propagate the man-made climate change theory, and suggest what horrors are going to come, allegedly, from more CO2, which is fiction.
Richard Ayre is qualified in Philosophy
Sonita Alleyne is qualified in Philosophy
Nick Prettejohn is qualified in Philosophy
Bill Matthews is qualified in the Humanities
Mark Damazer in qualified in History
Quentin Letts is qualified in Classical archaeologyÂ
Piers Corbyn is qualified in Astrophysics
Graham Stringer is qualified in Chemistry
Peter Lilley is qualified in Physics
But they do appear to have a ‘global science correspondent’.
BBC News was live.
3 hrs · Facebook Mentions ·
LIVESTREAM right now on Paris climate talks with BBC Ros Atkins
& our global science correspondent Rebecca Morelle. Is it right that developing countries are demanding compensation to cut emissions? What are the main obstacles to a deal? All questions on the âȘ#âCOP21⏠conference welcome. Join Ros and Rebecca live now here on Facebook.
I would not advise spending much time on the Q&A, as it’s a toss up who is thicker between the hosts (the good lady does seem to be qualified… Harrabin soon kick that out of her, as happened to Susan Watts, coincidentally another BBC blonde) and most posting.
Atkins was educated at Truro School, a co-educational boarding independent school in Truro in Cornwall.
That seems about it. Order is restored.
Good news from Roger Harrabin on PM. Global GDP has gone up and ‘carbon’ emissions have gone down!
He suggests that it is because ‘we’, (in the UK?) are using new fridges and LED lighting, or, more likely, China is getting better at burning coal.
It might also be that more people are making a living by writing about ‘climate change’ and being paid big bucks rather than having the plebs make real things in real factories for pennies.
Before we crack open the climate change champagne he warns us that we aren’t out of danger yet as the CO2 will stay in the atmosphere for ‘100 years. Strangely his heroes at the IPCC give a vague range of 5 – 200 years, ‘depending on the uptake mechanism’, or in plain English, ‘we don’t really know’. Harrabin, of course, just gives the average of this huge uncertainty range as ‘fact’.
Following my complaint reply I had this
“Iâm Sam Smith, Head of BBC Audience Services â thank you for getting in touch with the BBC recently.
I wonder if youâd be interested in taking part in a short survey?
Itâs to learn more about how you got on, and how we can improve.
All feedback â good or bad â gets passed back to the person that handled your contact.
The survey is carried out by an independent agency called ICM. It takes around 10 minutes to complete, and you just need to click the link below or paste it into your browser:”
Oh dear I wasn’t nice but hey I pay the wages for these people to write a proper reply to me.. I did note when I got to the end we had the “ethnic” survey. White British…Oh dea,r as some of you will know calling me British is akin to pouring petrol on the bonfire. It’s a term I hate and I have never used for myself as far as I’m concerned it’s racist to ignore the largest ethnic block in this county. If anyone wants to call themselves British fine I have no issues with that, just when it’s applied to myself.
Still I did advise them of my opinion. No retreat, no surrender as they say.
This is an excellent description of Muslims in the West by John Derbyshire over at http://www.vdare.com in the light of the recent Jihad attack in California.
“The first generation of immigrants find themselves in an Aladdinâs Cave of glittering plenty and opportunity: work easy to find, land cheap, welfare abundant, the natives gullible. Theyâre happy.
Then comes the second, native-born generation. Drawn from a low-IQ population thatâs been accumulating genetic defects via a tradition of cousin marriage since the Bronze Age, and raised in a religion totally at odds with Western ideas of self-actualization, they are fidgety misfits. They come to hate the country of their birth, and in extreme cases act out the hatred like this.”
BBC refuse to use the ‘Terrorist’ word again:
“”California attackers had target practice””
What is an attacker? Can someone be convicted of ‘attacking’? Is it a position on the football field?
The murders have been called Terrorism by Obama himself. Who are the BBC to downgrade the terrible seriousness of this Terrorist slaughter?
Just what right do the BBC think they have to do this?