The BBC et al are amusingly delighted about the comment by a man who saw the Muslim terrorist attack in Leytonstone tube station….this story appearing twice on the frontpage…
#YouAintNoMuslimBruv: How Twitter responded to Leytonstone attack
Wonder just how delighted they would be if somebody had shouted ‘You ain’t no Brit Bruv!’. Same delighted reaction? I doubt it somehow….he would have been denounced as a racist Islamophobe.
Curious how the BBC et al are so desperate to deny any link between Islam and killing in the name of religion and yet would be horrified to to hear someone point out the difference between British values and that same Islam….Islamic values being clearly defined in the Koran and Hadith and self-evident as to their nature.
The Independent is similarly delighted and quotes the famous lie told by Muslims in defence of their religion…
Zeshaan Ali wrote on Twitter: “Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind.” (Qur’an, 5:32) #YouAintNoMuslimBruv.”
Trouble is that quote is in reference to what God told the Israelites not Muslims…
‘We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely.’
and the following verse indicates quite clearly that Muhammed and the Muslims were not in any way meant to be held back by such restrictions…..verse 5:33
‘The punishment of those who wage war against God and His Apostle, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.’
Clearly the Leytonstone attacker thought he was carrying out the Islamic injunction to attack those who attack Islam…who make war against God.
What does London Mayoral candidate and Muslim think?…..
Please explain to me what this ‘poisonous ideology’ is. Is it the religion or the violent way in which it is promulgated and defended? It does look as if the two go together though.
The childish excuses that the turnip and parsnip soup-munching leftists and our useless politicians make for Islamist violence on a daily basis simply don’t bear scrutiny: these rainbow-coloured jumper wearing wet wipes continuously claim that Islam is a religion of peace and that the foul horrors committed by ISIS do not represent Islam. Well, I would advise these lefty wimps to take a holiday in Saudi Arabia where beheadings, stoning by death, whipping and many other revolting and barbaric acts are carried out in the name of the Koran. In many passages of the Koran there are texts that sanction believers to do battle with unbelievers etc. But, because to make this link between the Koranic writings and the violence carried out in the name would evaporate the founding principles of far-leftist multiculturalism in an instant, the puerile sandal-wearing bean-boilers continue with their pathetic and deluded fantasies. Anyway, if Islam is such a peaceful religion, why are so many afraid to criticise it?
Muslims are convinced that by more immigration, family unification, massive birth rate, it is us who have to integrate. If we dont, then of course there is the door out.
Poisonous ideology – would that be the koran & hadiths.
How about this, because I actually believe it – you can’t be muslim and British. In addition, you can on!y be English by blood. Now, if the communists thought about that, they should be fully supportive because it implies complete integration, or perhaps assimilation, of immigrants. Not the actual incomers because they’ll always be foreigners; can’t change that, it’s a fact of life; but subsequent generations have an opportunity to become one of us. If they don’t take it, why should we regard them as equals? If they refuse to accept our values and culture then, I suggest, there is no future for them here.
Whilst I and no doubt tens of thousands of others agree with your comments John-it is for certain that subsequent generations, if you are refering to those that are of parents that follow the teachings of Islam, then they won’t change, and therefore can’t be regarded as equals. Briefly my niece had a good friend, lovely pretty girl, who got mixed up with a young man Muslim from Tunisia-his attitiude once he had attained her close friendship was to push and inveigal her to accept Islam, which she did-this action altered her whole life. She became subjugated to his will, morose loosing all her past friends & any regular conact with her parents, who of course were so upset & anxious for their daughter’s wellfare-he would not allow her to go out unless he knew exactly where she was goindg & who with, and would phone or text her continually. After about a year, they parted and as far as is known this Muslim is living with another woman-however the young woman in question is behaving as if still under his/Islamic control. One case out of probably many thousands. When will this nation wake up to what is a definite plan to destroy the west & has been so for 100’s of yrs. The Muslim has patience – 100 yrs or 1000 yrs, its aim will not alter, like a sleeping slug it will eventually slither forward to eat its enemy.
‘We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely.’
I believe it is from the Torah and refers to the murder of Able by Cain.
Then this
Q. 5: 32 “Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors”.
The underlined part is normally missed by those who quote the verse and appears as an extra explanation to make the point. Muslims understand the verse as a decree from Allah that: “whoever kills a person it is as if he had killed all mankind, and whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved all mankind . Indeed, with a meaning like that, the verse does look humane and peaceful.
However, the verse makes two exceptions from the decree, which are made clear in the underlined part, which is normally missed or overlooked- “Unless for a soul or for doing corruption in the land.”
The first exception: If the killing has been for revenge ( killing for revenge is allowed!)
Second exception: If the killing has been because the person killed has committed corruption (Arabic fasad).
More here
“Anyway, if Islam is such a peaceful religion, why are so many afraid to criticise it?”
Perfect summing up.
“It’s a religion of peace and we’ll kill anyone who says otherwise”
if you watch the video it seems to me he means something else
“you ain’t no muslim bruv (so why are you acting like one)”(you mug)
“(what you doing you mug) you aint no muslim bruv”
“(who do you think you are) you ain’t no muslim bruv”
“Anyway, if Islam is such a peaceful religion, why are so many afraid to criticise it?”
Because the peaceful followers of Islam will shoot you, then slowly hack your head off.
The BBC will not report the preambles by the headchoppers such as ” there are many suras ” – by the vile Muslim murderer of Lee Rigby, justifying his deed quoting the koran to the letter.
ISIS is pure Islam. You couldnt get any purer version of Islam. That is why it has so much support, even though it could be wiped out any moment. That is why no Muslim has the courage to actually rebut its ISIS’ Islamic pronouncements.
If anyone knows the koran, they do.
Correct. Another analogy I use, is a classic line up of a rock band. The lead singer of that classic line up eventually dies and the band breaks up and there becomes several different versions of that band, each with an original member and other new members. They still play the classic tracks, but with slight variations and differences. Then later still, you have tribute bands who merely sound similar, as they play the original songs, but they are not the band itself, and not a patch on the original line up.
“British” Islam, where Muslims don’t bother praying 5 times a day, do not constantly recite the Takbir, and they drink alcohol and eat bacon butties and live westernised peaceful lives, is the Muslim equivalent of a tribute band. Islamic in culture, wear the same clothes, pray over the same book, but not, in any way, implemented with the same violent zeal of the original.
Sunni, Shia, Wahabbi variants of Islam as implemented across the middle-east, are the 2nd generation bands. Based on the original, but with distinct differences.
ISIS is as close as one can get to the original classic line-up as implemented by the charismatic and extremely violent lead-singer.
To claim ISIS is not Islamic, is like claiming a crap pub tribute band is more original than the actual classic original line-up of the band.
“Anyway, if Islam is such a peaceful religion, why are so many afraid to criticise it?”
Because we have a Conservative Government who is following the standard socialist line that any criticism of Islam is a hate crime and is indeed racist, despite the obvious fact that it is not a race. And this government backs street thugs who will smash up any attempt to have a rational and public meeting on the subject.
Muslim immigrants are the most unique immigrants in the world.
No immigrants anywhere anytime, are so desperate to get into Christian countries, as they are. They will beg, cheat, forge, hike over mountains, cross dangerous seas, and barge through barbed wire, to get into the country, knowing full well that the country they want to get into, does not want them. They have no shame or sense of personal honour.
Once inside using lies and crookedness – they always lose their passports but never their iphones, they start to cook up plots to destroy the country that gave them sanctuary – bombs, knifings and bullets. Or Benefit fraud Jihad.
Poor Germany.
The real tragedy of this assault is that it’s the innocent and indigenous working class Londoners who are suffering. We didn’t ask for these people to be foist upon us. The smug, snotty lovers of multiculturalim have made bloody sure they don’t live anywhere near these “enriched” areas; well, most of them have. They pop down for The Notting Hill Carnival and tell us all how splendid things are.’ then they make bloody sure they’re on the 7.30 back to Midsomer Norton before the riots start. It’s always the white working classes who bear the brunt of these disastrous social experiments and when we complain we’re called racists and fascists.
Jeremy and Penelope have made sure they’re safely out of the way, still getting their fix of The Guardian and Radio 4 in the Home Counties.
This hideous multicultural mess is going to end in tears…and we all know it.
Well said, Jeff.
. It’s always the white working classes who bear the brunt of these disastrous social experiments and when we complain we’re called racists and fascists.
And if they complain, the police are ordered to kettle them, arrest anyone who complains that their daughters are being raped by the thousands, while the police and authorities, from the Home Sec down,do nothing.
Also Jeff like many working class Londoners, I feel like a stranger in my own City.
We have been socially cleansed by the super rich, the upper middle class and the newly arrived enrichers. Get on a bus these days and you’ll be lucky to hear an old fashioned London accent. If we were any other ethnic group we’d be entitled to charitable status because we’re endangered !
Question: Has the West deliberately allowed the creation of ISIS, and supported it, an embryo caliphate, knowing full well, that any opposition to a caliphate,particularly one founded by true Muslims following the letter of the Koran, would create terrorism in the West from the millions of Muslims already living in the West.
If so, is Western strategy deliberately creating a general war with Islam, preparatory to a separation, like the one we had with the Warsaw pact?
No I do not think so. Far worse is the probablility that the cultural marxists are using Islam to undermine resistance by the ethnic Europeans to their attempts to create the ideal socialist society rejected by the Europeans since the end of the Cold War.
Nearly all Western governments are infiltrated and directed by the cultural marxists. They control law, education and the media. They assume that they will win. That opposition from free men is fragmented and can be countered by lies, force and the use of social shaming.
However such certainty is always misplaced in human affairs and the near future is absolutely unpredictable. This , I believe, is a new situation.
It is important to be prepared for anything. it is also essential to understand that events and real change will happen very fast.
If Europe descends into anarchy which is one possibility then the current leadership will by necessity fall and new people take over. This is another law of human behaviour .
MY belief is clear. Cultural marxism is the enemy and the destroyer of our civilisation. Islam is not . It is alien to the West but not , unless facilitated by the cultural marxists, capable of overcoming us and in any case it lacks the capability to understand and cope with the way we Europeans have looked at and understood the world since the seventeenth century.
Thanks Dave S.
Makes good reading.
The reason why I posted the question, is that the entire political leadership of the West is singing from the same hymn book. It does not matter if there is a conservative or left government, its the same script. Which is what makes me wonder.
That is the best post I have read for a long while. The aim of Marxist theorists post-Gramsci has been to destabilise the West by any and all means possible. They intend to seize control when society collapses.
Of course, what will actually happen, should Islam take over, is that they will be beheaded, thrown off buildings, crucified, hanged from cranes and all the rest of the fun stuff Muslim fanatics so enjoy, but don’t expect your average Unite, Stop The War or other raving communist lunatic to understand that. You don’t get to be a top ‘Class Warrior’ through intellectual prowess (though you may well get a chair at a former polytechnic).
The average Guardian reading local government worker or teacher fails to understand how barking these people are (Janet Daley discusses this in her excellent Telegraph column today) and why support for Corybn, Livingstone et al is so dangerous.
Dave S is right – the core enemy is Marxism and it needs to be identified and exposed. Sensible people would be shocked if they knew how deeply it has penetrated the organs of state, like an invading organism.
Yes a very astute observation from DS. Though Islam is the ‘enemy’ that will occasion great death and destruction, given the chance; it is the enablers of Islam that are the true enemy in our culture. Without the left promoting and encouraging the spread of Islam throughout civilised cultures, Islam would be getting nowhere.
By criminalising the truth (the so-called hate speech laws) about Islam, the left have made its position virtually unassailable. But criticism of the left is not [yet] a criminal offence. So this is one way in to turn this around.
The difficulty is exposing the left, when most of them truly believe they are doing the virtuous thing by aiding and abetting the destruction of their own culture. It is very hard to persuade the left when most of them will not listen to reason or opposing arguments. Thanks to the BBC, they almost never hear any.
Yes – Islam in the West, without the ‘helping’ hand of the neo-Marxists, would be dead in the water. Whereas the Marxists, without Islam, would (and do) simply move on to the next opportunity to infest a group with ‘self-awareness’ of victimhood, which can be exploited and ‘progressed’ into conflict by the roaming efforts of the activists.
Well said, but the genie that they have released is going to be one hell of bigger job to force back into the bottle than they ever envisaged. Demographics alone will dictate, the cancer has spread far and wide, worse than the original prognosis.
I have to agree. Our own idiot (whether malevolent or brainwashed) leftists are ultimately pose more danger. (Like that old quote from Cicero etc).
They control the discourse so that words like ‘repatriation’ are considered beyond the pale. They ensure our teachers, police and judiciary (and especially journalists) are all cut from the same progressive cloth. They are entrenched so much in society that it will take a huge effort to remove them over a long period of time.
Something I don’t think representative democracy could manage – even with UKIP in charge for 20 years. Other countries like Poland or Hungary are comparatively blessed in that the lunatics haven’t quite yet taken over the asylum. Hopefully they’ll lead the way out of the EU, as you can be sure Cameron won’t.
My reply to Sadiq Khan? Isn’t that poisonous ideology that you wish to challenge your own? You are talking of self- annihilation. Your position is logically absurd, or YOU ain’t no Muslim bro.
Whereas the ideology that Khan subscribes to allows any criticism of it, without rancour. Indeed nothing exemplifies the way in which ‘Mainstream Islam’ has fully integrated within the west, like the array of comedians lining up to rip the pish out of the religion of peace, cartoonists who have carte blanch to draw Mohamed and the media publish it willingly and enthusiastically, and islamophobia is laughed off by plod who tell any ‘informers’ that this is a free country, and if you don’t like criticism, move abroad. Moreover, stories of novelists like Salman Rushdie and Ayan Hirsi Ali having 24 hour protection for writing anti-Islamic tomes is just a right-wing conspiracy, and they must suffer from aggravated agoraphobia or something.
No, the real poisonous ideology has nothing to do with Islam. Retch.
The comment ‘You Ain’t No Muslim Bruv’ was made by the Terrorist. He was speaking to the bearded Pc who helped detain him.
If true, that observation would demolish 99% of the #YouAintNoMuslimBruv apologist twaddle which has been tweeted. Where did you see or hear this from the videos taken or witness statements? Any link(s) most welcome.
It’s occasions like this that I’m glad I don’t have a Twitter account.
I just watched the papers review on BBc news before our rubbish digital reception dissapeared it. It seems to me in the frankly insane world of media the “# you are no..” has become the story. Not some innocent commuters being subject to a brutal unprovoked act of violence. This country really has gone through the looking glass. Still hey as long as a by stander shouted a “defiant ” sentence everything is fine.
The phrase was uttered extremely clearly, into the phone, almost as though it was not intended for the attacker, but for the broadcast package that the whole mobile coverage became part of.
The whole episode is as puzzling in its style as the mobile coverage of the Paris underground football episode where the guy is hustled from the car by people chanting very clearly, almost as if aimed at the chance phone video coverage accidentally provided with perfect timing, even from before the incident itself was obvious.
There’s something ‘false flag’ about these things. Occam’s razor says it was probably all quite genuine, but it’s just a bit – odd.
Yes, its all getting a bit Alex Jones now but I can’t find the video that was originally in the DM story where the copper was handcuffing the attacker, IMO and a that of couple of friends we had staying over, in that video it distinctly looked like the attacker lifted his head and uttered the immortal words to the copper who does appear to be of the same religion.
What happened to the victim who was seriously injured in the attack? Did he survive? Anyone know?
His status has been ignored by all the MSM, to the point where the fact that there was a victim is almost incidental to the alternative narrative.
Yes a deafening silence on the condition of the victim or the nature of his injuries. Could it be that the police were quick to call this a “terrorist incident” not because of the words of the attacker but more because of the similarities to the Rigby atrocity?
The victim does not matter to the BBC and MSM. The key thing is to avoid yet another Right Wing Backlash and restore funding to the Tell Mama Lies organisation.
It seems that he was too busy filming to help stop the attacker.
BBC s Alan Kasujja also overjoyed about “You aint no muslim bruv ” statement -nice little mini wankfest this morning on this subject on the World Service.
So thats alright then Alan nothing else to worry about. Lets open the doors even more widely, as obviously muslims prevent no threat at all to our society! You really couldnt make this shit up if you tried.
Sometime I wander what planet these people come from! Definately beyond help from specsavers !
And I suppose real muslims just bake cakes- thanks BBC for both educating, informing and entertaining me all at once !
Today still pushing the defensive power of the hashtag, with a complement on Facebook.
To say it is not going well for the narrative would be a understatement.
Meanwhile, across the pond, a box of crayons and piece of card lies at FLOTUS’ bedside, in hope she can repeat the stunning success of #bringbackourwhoisittoday?
I am reminded of a period during the phoney war when pilots braved AA and fighters to drop leaflets saying ‘Ya boo sucks’ to dubious effect in Nazi Germany.
The vision of a Typhoon scattering #youaintnomuslimbruv ticker tapes like window, whilst praying a Saudi prince hasn’t donated a SAM to those below, is not beyond credulity.
As Oaknash says above the World Service was creaming its Shalwar Kameez over this Twitter storm. How disappointed they will be when it becomes apparent that the comment was made to the bearded arresting policeman who was restraining the black attacker.
Some of the ‘Muslim’ comments are interesting, he obviously isn’t a Muslim because he didn’t shout “Allahu Akbar” first, which will probably be used as a defence that he didn’t actually intend to kill his victim.
#YouAintNoMuslimBruv…………………..What is wrong with it?
Can we start with the double negative.
Yeah. Weird. on Toady after the 7am news this was the first headline story and they spent 10 minutes bigging up the ‘investigation’. Err, the guy was caught red-handed! I mean it’s not as if half of Cumbria is under water.
Obviously in Al-Beeb land, it is convenient to propagandise that people who kill others cannot be followers of a certain religious faith.
Al-Beeb’s constant institutional denial of the blindingly obvious reminds me of the dozy youngster in ‘Up Pompeii’ who could not find a rhyme for his ode. Frankie Howard’s reply was often “you’re the only one here who can’t”.
Yep, noticed on the 1pm headlines that this bloke was “alleged” to have knifed somebody with “A View to a Kill”?
I get sick of this mealy mouthed-so called, alleged crap as used by the BBC for their mates-but not when it comes to a Murdoch or a Clarkson, Farage or Le Pen.
No-if he`s not the bloke who tried to kill somebody-the police didn`t do that job we saw them do on everybodys phones.
But-still “alleged” eh?
Oh. and re this bus driver in Glasgow…isn`t this just the same as the German nutter who flew everybody into a mountain with Germanwings in March?
And the same blank crap-oh, if only he`d told the truth-maybe a doctor needs to tell the DVLA more often!
Bullshit-save your money, execute the bugger-and watch Occupational health and “blame everybody but the killer” lobbies go ape!
All this is simple-only the liberal oafs in courts, mental health and the media prefer us all to die-they don`t get buses or fly budget airlines do they
Three points:
1. Was the “You ain’t no Muslim Bruv!” aimed at the foreign looking gentleman with a box-cutter, or the bearded, foreign looking policeman kneeling on his head? This is a rather important question of course…
2. Are we supposed to believe the attacker couldn’t possibly be a Muslim because he was engaged in cutting the throat of an infidel? Surely, given the Muslim prophet’s disposition toward beheading people and the news stories we read about every day, this is more than a little disingenuous….?
3. It is a sign of a very sick society (a left-liberal society) when the story now centres around not the Islamic attacker (after a lengthy list of Islamic attackers) but the words of an unidentified man who may or not have been aiming his comment at the attacker himself, which are now being used as a form of blatant propaganda to promote the idea that Islam has nothing to do with the Koran, Hadiths or Mohammed.
How much longer can this insanity prevail? What do BBC types think England will be like when the Muslim numbers grow from 4 million to 8, 16, 32 million before 2050? The majority of them young men of fighting age?
Indeed Paul, as you say for how much longer can the insane attitude of the Authorities/Society continue to mask the very serious situation of the Islamic invasion-It is probable that in less than twenty years there will be sufficient numbers of Muslim voters in the USA to elect a President themselves & for them to promote a Muslim Prime Minitser & rest assured they will-let us face the facts, the history of Islam proves that it is not and never has been a peaceful religion and has spread throughout the world by invasion, conquest, genocide, slavery and enforced conversions. What we are now seeing in Syria & Iraq with the actions and behaviour of the Islamci State, is the history of Islam repeating itself, nevertheless still Western leaders refuse to recognise the threat to us all this poses and continue to deny the threat and take appropriate action against it. Would you believe that some have called Muslim barbarity, Un-Islamic activity ! You could not make it up. Further the major difference between Muslim aggression of 1400 yrs ago is that now Europe has huge numbers of Muslims living amongst us, but seperately in their own mini-states. The potential for a massive fifth column of people who could attack us from within when their numbers reach a critical mass & that won’t be long as thousands still pour across European borders-not something one wants to say, but I fear that a real war is heating up in the heart of Europe & events to that end are overtaking any placating policies the so called leaders of Europe have left. The continued lies fed to us all by the duplicitous politicians & their media cohorts will destroy us; is that what they want?
What is really depressing is that I see lots of Muslims in places like Sienna, Ravenna, Venice, Troyes, Reims, etc etc. They are in St Albans, St Denis, in all the jewels of Western civilisation. The destruction they can do in Sienna, Ravena, Rome etc is huge. We see Muslims do indeed destroy all evidence of previous civilisations, as it gives am lie to what Islam is.
So far, Muslims in Europe and America have been mass murdering people. But what if they go after the symbols of Western civilisation. Nothing to stop them destroying the Uffici gallery for instance, just to blackmail us to accept Sharia, or oopps there goes the Sistine chapel.
I hear the apologists for Islamic terrorism state that violence and murder have “nothing to do with Islam”. That violent adherents to the extremely violent religion of peace have “hijacked” the religion for their own non-Islamic ends.
Whilst this may help Muslims appear to be moderate by way of Taqiyya, it is an argument without logic or reason.
By way of a couple of analogies, let us examine who makes a more pure or representitive or accurate example of a Muslim…
Analogy one:
You own a nearly new BMW motor car which needs a service. You can choose between taking the car to a back-street garage which services any make or model of car, using generic parts bought cheap from a motor factors company, without any official BMW afilliation whatsoever. Or you could take your car to a genuine BMW dealership, with fully licenced BMW technicians who will strictly and only use officially licenced, genuine BMW parts, and stick to the letter of the BMW recommended proceedures to service the vehicle.
Which of those two garages is the most “BMW”?
Analogy two:
A man who is born into a Christian family and is Christened. His father was a cleric and although he attended church regularly as a child, now only attends at Christmas and Easter. He is living with a woman, unmarried with children out of wedlock. Another man is a Bishop and lives as much as he possibly can by the Canon law upholding Christian scriptures. He opposes same gender marriage, as he considers Holy matrimony to be a holy union between a man and a woman.
Which of those two is the more Christian?
Which is the more accurate example of a good Muslim:
One identifies as a “moderate” Muslim. He is peaceful. He rarely attends Mosque, does not pray five times a day and he drinks alcohol. He opposes Jihad and wants to integrate into Western society, supports democratic human lawmaking and is a valued member of his local eclectic and secular community.
The other is an Immam who preaches that Sharia is the only law. That the punishments under Sharia law are the post perfect punishments because they are what Allah’s prophet Mohammed (PBUH) was told by Allah, and that only Allah can change Sharia law. That no man can question such law and all such punishments are not extreme or radical, but pure and beautiful. That death is the appropriate punishment for adultery, apostacy and performing homosexual acts. That Jihad is central to Islam. That the haddiths and Qu’ran specifically spell out the Islamic way as the only legitimate way to live, including these punishments and Jihad as being central to the Islamic faith.
Which of those two Muslims is the most representitive of the religion of Islam?
Now how the hell can anyone explain the logic that Islamic terrorists involved in holy Jihad against infidels are “nothing to do with Islam?” IF such terrorists are nothing to do with Islam, then neither is the Qu’ran, any Mosques, or Sharia law.
Glad to clear that up.
excellent Geyza
Can the upvote system be altered to allow 1,10,or 100 upvotes with one click? Your comment, Geyza, deserves multiple upticks and should be re-posted far and wide. Wonderful stuff!
Thank you. I was just applying logic to liberal arguments. Logic is kryptonite to a liberal.
Oh and all are free to copy and paste, far and wide, my comment above.
Problem is, most left wing, Liberal Progressive bed wetters will not be able to read what you posted, they can’t get any further than 140 characters.
Does this imply that it is in fact ‘moderate Muslims’ who are “nothing to do with Islam”?
No, not nothing to do with Islam, just less of a Muslim than those who live by Sharia Law.
I wonder if these betwetting, idiotic, truthpobic delusional liberals can enlighten us as to how much of the Qu’ran one must ignore in order to be considered a “real Muslim”?
As a non-religious agnostic, I routinely ignore all of it. Does that make me more of a Muslim than these violent ISIS sympathisers?
One has to give the BBC credit, even if telling it often enough simply makes them sound even more daft, they stick with:
BBC News
1 hr ·
Blogger Clementine Ford received death and rape threats after confronting a troll.
Why do trolls go after feminists?
Trolls go after everyone. The BBC only covers it when it is an everyone they empathise with.
2 hrs ·
US President Barack Obama has made a rare Oval Office address after the San Bernardino shootings that left 14 dead.
He said the killings were “an act of terrorism designed to kill innocent people”.
Folk were clearly unaware of this until now.
The Today Programme
1 hr ·
“His actions are not in accordance to Islam, but I’m conscious that many people will look at that and say he’s got no right to say he’s not a Muslim.”
Do you think you can say that someone is not a Muslim because of their actions?
Why did #YouAintNoMuslimBruv trend?
Wild guess… because the national broadcaster threw its entire social engineering weight behind it without a second’s thought?
You aint a Muslim bruv?
Unproven, until Imams Obama, Cameron, Johnson -the wholefood trinity of Islamic Jurisproonus have declared a yay or nay.
This bloke was judgemental, and worthy of a public hate crime-if he believes himself to be a Muslim, he is…(Dolezal , Jenner, Maloney, Manning versus the chavs in all cases since 2012).
No-until the Three Stooges of Cotemporay Islamic Exegesis have come to a conclavus consensuales…and burned some Nike Airs on nannys Aga to send rainbow coloured pretty smokes in time for the News at 10 headlines-then I`m not convinced-maybe he`s FAR more of a Muslim that they all would like to think.
Beard, knife, thick..fuelled by the BBC-what else could he be?
The video of the police dealing with the terrorist is doing the rounds. It may be on this link. But what is emerging is a police shambles. Hardly any attempt to evacuate the scene. The turnstiles were still open. The terrorist is carrying a knife. God help the passengers if it was a gun or suicide belt, as the police, who were running around like school girls, were no help. Then they tried to taser him whilst onlookers wandered around close by. Oh dear, the taser does not work. Eventually after six shots he is brought to the ground and the cops namby pamby around him in an attempt to make an arrest. I forget, is Britain on a high security alert?
Anticipate a tour and rummage round the perps gaff soon, and once the BBC has helicoptered away then CSI:HowIMetYourMother can gain access.
I grew up a couple of miles away (when it was a lot…er…different) and locally they’re not known as key ‘stone cops for nothing….. cough.
Of course this ‘ You ain’t no Muslim …’ stuff is nonsense. What it really shows is how desperate the BBC and the political elite have become. They will grasp any straw, no matter how ridiculous, to try and persuade UK muslims that we are ‘all in this together’ and that integration is working and that we are happy for them to be in our country, hence all the fuss about Islamophobia and back lashes. It is just the latest attempt to stop the UK Muslims doing what Muslims all over the world do and attack anyone who isn’t Muslim. The damage that all this appeasement, lies, concessions, distortions and outrageous burying of heads ( for those that still have them on their shoulders that is) in the sand, is doing to our country and our culture, is a price that they believe has to be paid to avoid Enoch Powell’s rivers of blood. Having got us into this position by 40 or 50 years of a slack immigration control and absurd muticulturalist policies , the elite know they , and us, are sitting on a time bomb. I believe that it is unlikely to end happily, more likely is that either we convert to Islam without a fight, or Enoch’s Tiber will be more like the Amazon. I wonder which option the BBC and the Cobynistas et al will try and persuade us to take?
here’s one for you
Quite. Unless one can say with certainty (a) who said it; (b) to whom; (c) with what intention; and (d) on what authority, then it is merely flotsam, grasped at by the desperate.
With apologies to JL:
Imagine there’s no Islam
It’s pretty hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no beheading too
Imagine all the Imams
Preaching love and peace
you who ooh ooh ooh
You may say I’m a dreamer
I hope I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And all the bruvs will live as one
As I am having a wee FB surf over a cuppa, seems the BBC has decided it likes the PM for a brief while…
BBC News shared BBC Daily Politics & Sunday Politics’s post.
1 hr ·
BBC Daily Politics & Sunday PoliticsLike Page
1 hr ·
Prime Minister David Cameron has paid tribute to the person heard shouting “you ain’t no Muslim, bruv” at the scene of the Leytonstone Tube stabbings.
He also hailed police and members of the public who responded to the incident.
David Cameron applauds ‘you ain’t no Muslim bruv’ comment – BBC News
Prime Minister David Cameron pays tribute to the person shouting “you ain’t no Muslim, bruv” at the scene of the Leytonstone attack.
Seems the BBC trending bubble hasn’t noticed that most, with brains beyond that of a sea cucumber required to gain entrance to the state broadcast system, see it as contrived and flawed as it possibly gets.
I wonder, should the beeb ever get round to reporting this charming story, how they will be able to avoid the I-word, given his chosen name an’ all…
(Of course, had it been, say, an EDL or even UKIP member similarly targeting, say, a Saracen MP, al-Beebya would be all over it like white on rice…)
It’s just too easy for Muslims to disassociate themselves from direct acts of violence. Most British Muslims probably do balk at this sort of thing – certainly not all, but most. But that misses the point. What if the question was asked in a different way? What if the Muslim population was asked, in an ideal world, would you like to see a caliphate in Europe or Sharia Law? If it were possible to get an honest answer or an insight into their private thoughts on this matter I suspect it would be more than a little alarming.
Not quite the cosy fantasyland inhabited by the idiot twitterati who have responded to this latest bit of BBC propaganda.
The BBC and the rest of the media is almost exclusively metropolitan in it’s outlook . How this is all playing out in the shires is beyond their comprehension. As I write there has been another killing in Abingdon and that is truly alarming if that should prove to be a terrorist attack. Increasingly those of us in the shire towns and villages shun London and certain other cities.
This is a perfectly natural reponse to a perceived risk. It is not ‘ letting the terrorist win’. Anyone with children will think again about visitiing London now and rightly so. Our police cannot protect us and so PC has the establishment become that sensible profiling of those who wish us harm is seen as an offence against some absurd notion of equality. As if a tractor driver from Devon is as much a risk as – well you know.
London is London and for many of us a world apart but if we should feel at risk in our shire towns and villages then this is a different matter and one which brings us into previously unvisited territory. It will awaken forces that governments will perhaps not fully grasp and the liberal media not understand at all.
These are dark days indeed and the direct result of useless and insane policies foisted upon the people by those who do not understand the world as it really is and who actively wish us harm.
We have every right to hand on to our descendants the England of our ancestors and to do it in peace and good order. This right is inalienable as is our right to live as free men.
The German slogan of the resistance is a good one
Wir sind das volk.
I would be more convinced that this is nothing to do with Islam if, even once, an assailant shouted
or even
That would clear things up a bit.