BBC hit pay dirt. Just as they are hyping the climax of the Climate Conference in Paris, parts of the UK get hit by a winter storm, Desmond, and associated dramatic flooding images are then used to sell us on the notion that this “extreme weather” is brought about because the one-worlders haven’t reached a “break through” at the Paris summit and found new and exciting ways to tax us more and curtail our liberty!
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Here’s a good place to start:
ExxonMobil and the family foundations controlled by Charles and David Koch emerge as the most significant sources of funding for these skeptics.
And there was I thinking it would be an article about denying scientific evidence i.e. no warming for 18 years.
Took 5 minutes on the 6 o’clock news tonight, to cut over to Mr Shuckman for some fascinating and judicious speculation.
Julia Slingyerhookandgo in this morning’s Telegraph said the floods in Cumbria are ‘most likely the result of climate change’, presumably based on those models which comprehensively failed to predict the lack of warming for the last 18 years and should now be defunct (if the scientific method was being followed).
No attempt to explain why the combination of meteorological factors that have brought the heavy rain in the last week will ‘most likely’ have come about because of an extra tiddly bit of CO2 in the atmosphere.
And she gets paid how much for spouting this simpleton drivel?
One good thing to be without power or internet access for over 24 hours is that I didn’t have to see or hear any of the Al Beeb Momentum machine’s propaganda. Bliss!
It is quite amazing to hear these so called “professionals” in the Public Service, to include vastly overpaid CEO’s, this one being the Met Office, spouting narrative that just bemuses those who have any understanding of anything in climatology or meteorology. It would appear to the CEO of the Met Office, that “Climate Change” caused by man made Co2 came to a single government rain measuring gauge ( E.A.) somewhere up a hill in Cumbria with what has been reported as a “record breaking event”. Strange that another measuring station just a mile down the road, did not have this “record breaking event”.
A closer dig for information concerning the reasons for the flooding, whilst accepting that the rainfall was “above average” for a given 24 hour period, might show a complete lack of dredging of the rivers and stream by the environment agency following an E.U. directive, blocked drains for not having leaves and other Autumn debris cleared and a narrowing of natural water catchment areas because of increased housing and industrial elements on the lower flood plain areas. But hey, what do I know? Of course this flooding was caused by “Climate Change” after all what else could have caused it?
Also on last night’s ITN news a local farmer was saying they had told the Environment Agency trees needed to be cleared from certain sections of the river bank because a raised river with a stronger current would take them down and create blockages, thus interrupting the onward flow and causing river levels to rise even higher.
No prizes for guessing what happened. But then, what do farmers know? Islington eco-warriors have far more experience and knowledge of these matters.
As with BBC CECUTT, and DPA, I am struggling with asking a few simple questions of my council and the EA regarding flood defence flood data.
I want to know what the historical figures are upstream from my location, with particular note on what the consequences of new builds on flood plains on surrounding areas have been, and that of any consequent protective flood defences downstream.
To date, they seem reluctant to even acknowledge receipt, and our town councillors appear to have retreated into a watertight bunker.
A few years ago I lived in Burton on Trent where the Council decided to “upgrade” the flood defences without consultation. My home was right by the river defended by a flood prevention scheme designed by monks nearly 1000 years ago but was not part of the “improvements”. Result there have been 2 major floods in Burton enveloping most of the town. My home was untouched despite being less than 300ft from the river bank. Monks 1 Council 0. They knew what to defend. The wells for making beer! The scheme was quite simple. They built up one bank higher than the other forcing excess water into open fields. Knowing how buildings are put in flood plains and vulnerable areas now maybe this needs just as much blaming as Climate change.
Another thing they might consider is how homes in flood risk areas are designed. Putting void decks at ground level and having your living areas one floor up is one solution I have seen in many countries.