Oh my. World Champion Tyson Fury is NOT playing the BBC game and the BBC are out to ensure he gets dropped from their Sports Personality of the Year!
The wife of BBC Sports Personality of the Year presenter Clare Balding has condemned boxer Tyson Fury’s inclusion on the shortlist for the award, branding him a ‘homophobic idiot’. The stinging attack by Alice Arnold – who married Balding earlier this year – came after a vile diatribe by the newly crowned world heavyweight champion in a Mail on Sunday interview in which he equated homosexuality and abortion with paedophilia. Ms Arnold, a former BBC Radio 4 newsreader, said his comments could lead ‘to young people suffering bullying and mental illness, and in some cases being driven to suicide’.
So, the winner of this BBC competition is to be based on politically acceptable views rather than sporting prowess! Sounds right.
I am so tempted to put a bet on Tyson Fury winning SPOTY. Current odds are around 20 on Betfair. Past experience shows that betting on SPOTY is risky and unpredictable though, plenty of scope for a rigged result.
“plenty of scope for a rigged result.”
You mean like in a by-election?
20/1 is great value .I`ve backed Mo Farah at 66/1 who will not win it but deserves too as he has been incredible for 5 years and is Britains greatest ever athlete.
I think you mean Somalian athlete based in America?
But paid for by the British public.
Mo, as in the nastiest sect in history.
Who has never, I repeat never, been within 100 light years of any performance enhancing substances.
Who has never, I repeat never, been unable to produce samples to demonstrate the veracity of the previous statement.
Who has never, I repeat never, known Lord Coe, Lance Armstrong, Sepp Blatter and all the other celebrities, who have been unjustly accused, nay persecuted, by the reactionary forces of evil.
Who does not, and I repeat not, know any athlete from anywhere else where false accusations of cheating have been made.
So is, therefore, blacker than the driven snow.
And who has never ever heard his doorbell ringing – nay, not even for an hour – when the drugs tester comes to call.
I can guarantee Fury wont win it and he probably couldnt give a flying f**kabout it – and why should he! The guys just won the heavyweight championship of the world!
I think the remarks he made were partly aimed at the BBC lefty luvvie, transgender, veggy, shirtlifting, equal opportunity, immigrant doting Islington set, as a little wind up and my god did it work!
And guess what kids! these views are still quite commonly held by many normal working people despite what the BBC thinks. I cant say I agree with them but unlike the BBC I would fight for Tysons right to express them!
Then again maybe these lefties are more appreciative of misogyny than they realise, since they didnt seem too concerned with the victims of the Rotheram abuse scandal –
Mind you those white slags were asking for it! I heard they were wearing skirts, jeans and no hijabs!!!!!!
“I think the remarks he made were partly aimed at the BBC lefty luvvie, transgender, veggy, shirtlifting, equal opportunity, immigrant doting Islington set, as a little wind up and my god did it work!”
True. He is known for winding up journalists and making comments, purely to illicit a shocked reaction.
There’s no doubt that Tyson Fury has said some incredibly bone headed things since picking up his belts. Making any comparison between homosexuality and paedophilia is excrutiatingly stupid. However, he’s a boxer not a prospective candidate for the Green Party. The pc mafia have no right to try to get him banned from BBC’s Sports Personality of the Year. These permanently offended intolerant fascists have become as narrow minded and bigoted as the people they are constantly offended by.
Tyson might be as thick as a tree trunk, but he’s just become world heavywejght champion. And he did it on foreign soil. No mean feat.
If he did win this prestigious award it would seriously upset Clare Balding and Peter Tatchell and I’m sure the Beeb would absolutely hate it.
Can you imagine his acceptance speech?
I just don’t know what to do…
“There’s no doubt that Tyson Fury has said some incredibly bone headed things since picking up his belts. Making any comparison between homosexuality and paedophilia is excrutiatingly stupid”
How? It is accurate and true. It is excruciatingly stupid to deny this.
Heterosexuality, homosexuality, Abasiophilia, Acrotomophilia, Agalmatophilia, Algolagnia, Andromimetophilia, Anililagnia, Anthropophagolagnia, Autonepiophilia, Autopedophilia, Autoplushophilia, Autovampirism, Autozoophilia, Biastophilia, Chremastistophilia, Chronophilia, Coprophilia or fecophilia, Dacryphilia, paraphilic infantilism, Dendrophilia, Emetophilia, Eproctophilia, Erotic asphyxiation, Erotophonophilia or dacnolagnomania, Exhibitionism, Feederism, Formicophilia, Forniphilia, Frotteurism, Gerontophilia, Gynandromorphophilia, Gynemimetophilia, Hematolagnia, Heterophilia, Homeovestism, Hoplophilia, Hybristophilia, Infantophilia or Pedophilia, Kleptophilia or kleptolagnia, Klismaphilia, Lactophilia, Liquidophilia, Macrophilia, Maschalagnia, Masochism, Mechanophilia, Melolagnia, Menophilia, Metrophilia, Microphilia, Morphophilia, Mucophilia, Mysophilia, Narratophilia, Nasophilia, Necrophilia, Objectophilia, Oculolinctus, Oculophilia, Olfactophilia, Paraphilic infantilism or autonepiophilia or “adult baby syndrome”, Partialism, paedophilia, hebephilia, ephebophilia, pederast, Peodeiktophilia, Pedovestism, Podophilia, Pictophilia, Piquerism,
Plushophilia, Pygophilia, Pyrophilia, Raptophilia, Sadism, Salirophilia, Somnophilia, Sophophilia, Stigmatophilia, Symphorophilia, Telephone scatologia or telephonicophilia, Teratophilia, Toucherism, Toxophilia, transvestism, Transvestophilia, Trichophilia, Troilism or Cuckoldism, Urolagnia, Vampirism, Vorarephilia, Voyeurism or scopophilia or scoptophilia, Zoophilia, Zoosadism
Are all words which solely define a person by that which they find sexually attractive. They are words which solely define a form of sexual attraction, without judgement. They are words which solely mean ‘a person who is sexually attracted to…….” Homosexual: A person who is sexually attracted to people of the same gender. Paedophile: A person who is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children.
Therefore homosexuality and paedophilia are both words which define a person by what they are sexually attracted to. In that case, there is nothing wrong with combining them if they are both forms of sexual attraction which someone finds naturally acceptable, or naturally repulsive. Homosexuality, oaedophilia, heterosexuality, bisexuality, etc… are words which SOLELY defines the sexual attraction of a person. They are all paraphilias.
Tysons remarks are theologically woth the debate.
He cites abortion, homosexuality and paedophilia as signs of the coming End of Days…and Romans 1/2 etc would back him.
Th three are linked in terms of their view of the unborn, the child and members of your own sex…no law covers them all, but your view of other humans can be gleaned by much of what you think of these three touchstones of the culture.
He does not equate them as interlinked, and passes no views on the gay paedo links-that have existed, do exist and will exist much as heterosexual chances to groom and screw over youngsters.
He`d probably have been on stronger ground had he linked Islam to paedophilia given what`s been going on up north-but he has to live there…if maybe not now.
He`s a Christian-and . like UKIP members he deserves reading in full, and defending for the little sense we can glean….the liberal onslaught from Beeb troughers like the Sports Ubermenschen shows he`s doing us proud.
Claire Baldings “wife”…Elton Johns “husband”?…FFS-these “creative titans” SURELY could come up with new words for their squeezes that don`t mock ours-start with marriage if you would!
AS ever-the more the Corbyn Scum hate him-the more I get to like him…but wish he`d not talk of womens appearances though…that`s all the liberal left do, as do the Daily Mail and the fashion sweeties like Rosie Millard etc…
I’ve ‘liked’ your post Geyza, but I might send you a bill for a new dictionary!
I believe the lefty angst is from his comments that homosexuality , abortion & pedophilia were against his beliefs. No one is complaining that he used abortion & homosexuality in same sentence so why get so exited about using homosexuality & pedophilia in same sentence.
I have never voted in SPOTY – but I may just do this year!
Tyson Fury has NO chance of winning, or even getting in the top three. The BBC will see to that. I will be voting for him regardless. I hope we all will. That fight, although it took a long time to build, ended up as a stonker. It was very enjoyable to watch, and to win on a unanimous points verdict, against Kitchko, in Germany? That is as close to impossible as it gets.
Fury has old-fashioned, traditional beliefs, and I, for one, feel it is a refreshing change to have a champion who is not a plastic PR drone. It is his right to hold his beliefs, and although I disagree with some of them, I will fight to the death to defend his right to hold and express them.
I am sick of the hypocrisy of the liberal lefties preaching “tolerance” and then acting like fascists as soon as they hear an opinion which they allow to “offend” them.
Going transgender might help Fury’s chances, bit short notice but worth a shot as long as he gets his bets on before telling everybody, fact is going transgender would probably help anybodys chances of winning. I also think transgender/Irish traveller would cancel out misogynist/homophobe and considerably boost Mr. Furys BBC likeability factor.
Tyson’s views on a “woman’s place” and the acceptability of gays roughly equates with those of the ROP. Does this mean muslim sportsmen better not hold out hope for SPOTY ?
Mo Farah is playing his cards close to his chest on this one.
champagne socialist MAtthew Wright on channel 5 was also giving Tyson both barrels with the help of Sadiq Khan this morning.. It was quite funny listening to labours mayoral candidate saying that if we don’t like what you say we will get you. Ah the good old days of the reign of terror 1997-2010. Always there in the background it never goes away.
….And then there’s the non-existent chance of anyone at the BBC turning it round. No one inside the bubble will ever ask if Alice Arnold’s history of anti-male and anti-Christian comments is really compatible with her self-appointed role as the Mary Whitehouse of PC.
Hey, Tyson Fury really is the Heavyweight boxing champion of the world. That’s not nothing. Meanwhile take away the hate from Arnold, and what are you left with? Nada. She’s just a freaky liberal hack. She brings nothing to the table except an ability to parrot liberal talking points with a scowl on her face.
Great boxer and took me back to the days when boxing was the sport along with football and cricket and racing and none of these pretend sports we have now to bore us.
Of course Tyson cannot win it and why would he want to? He is a boxer not a sofa wimp and I for one really like him and wish him well.
It doesn’t really matter what Mr Fury’s views are. What matters is that there is a very powerful group of people who wish to define sport as a moral activity, that is, to subsume sporting values within an obligatory ethical framework.
This is totalitarianism in terms. It also brings sport firmly within the grasp of the progressive agenda, which I remind you has nothing to do with the progress of mankind, but everything to do with relentlessly progressing every single issue, problem, disagreement or argument towards a conflict which validates and amplifies class- or identity-based politics. In sport as in other arenas, it will hollow out human enterprise until it is infested, and becomes the embodiment of Alien, a futile robotic spectacle.
Look Andy Murray for example is a great tennis player and I mean great but where oh where is his personality and is that not what the programme is looking for, Tyson Fury at least shows some.
It would be great if Tyson won it though. Imagine Alice Arnolds face – she would be choking on her free trade macrobiotic muesli with tofu pieces. Claire would be out of luck as well as I
What if Tyson won it! . Imagine Alice Arnold – the morning after – she would be choking on her free trade macrobiotic muesli with tofu pieces. Claire would be out of luck as well as I reckon Alice would have a headache and have to go to a safe space!
Its a pity Tyson didnt make any anti Islamic comments as she could Tell Mamma as well !
The program has completely lost its meaning anyway, the clue was in the title ‘personality’. Back in 1975 when the Aussie fast bowling attack was making our batsmen look silly, a tenacious bespectacled, grey haired, never heard of again batsman stood his ground.
For his efforts and back in the day when people went to the effort of sending in a postcard (or glued down envelope) actually voted for David Steele and he won SPOTY in that year. That could never happen again. Lewis Hamilton last year, personality? nah just a pampered personality less spoilt brat who happens to ticks some boxes.
I gave up with it in 2009 when, through organised online voting somehow Ryan Giggs won, despite doing nothing special in that year, this after Jenson Button, on the point of not having a drive in 2009, became world champion, a real from phoenix from the ashes moment and in a team with no sponsorship (Brawn).
Fury actually fits the original ethos of the program, ie he has a personality, but in this fluffy pink world his ‘sort’ of personality ticks the wrong boxes….
Chris Bryant on Radio 4s PM last night was allowed, unchallenged, to state words to the effect that paedophilia is known to take place mostly within families and is overwhelmingly heterosexual in nature.
It would be interesting to see his figure on this and, in the interests of “equality” have it clearly stated in reports on the subject whether the “paedophile” activity was perpetrated in a hetero- homo- or bi-sexual context.
Jimmy Savile, for instance would have been listed as Bi-sexual in his proclivities.
A couple of observations about this year’s SPOTY list and SPOTY in general:
1. Why was Andy Murray added to it so late? Granted he has done well this year, but he was added this late principally because the GB Tennis team won the Davis Cup for the first time in ages. So shouldn’t the team have been included in the team section rather than AM get all the accolades? Perhaps they were, but you get my point.
2. Why isn’t Alastair Cook on the list. English captain, captained winning team in the Ashes, the only englishman to have scored more than 9000 test runs (achieved this year), record holder for most Test centuries scored for England, outstanding contributor this year (he being one of only two batsmen the team could rely upon consistently, all year), and genuinely decent all round bloke.
3. What about Phil the Power? So far as I know he has never been on the list and yet he has won more championships than anyone in history? Also a decent character and personality.
Maybe it has something to do with BBC preferred sports, ie ones that they show or comment upon from time to time. Maybe not, but if you look back over the years 30% of all winners have come from Athletics. Actually, it is 11 years since an athlete won it, and with 3 in this years list they stand a good chance of winning it again.
I’m struggling with the word ‘personality’ in SPOTY, surely in terms of personality why not bad personality. Andy Murray has no personality whatsoever so he should not be a contender. The overseas biggest personality this year is surely Sepp Blatter. He maybe a bad one but a sporting personality all the same.
My vote would go for Tyson Fury, now he really does have personality be it good or bad.
The Albeeb misnomer demonstrates their continual dumbfounded stupidity. Call it what it is Best Sportsperson of the Year.
It used to be called Sports Review of the Year and we actually got some sport. Now we get ‘personalities’ with trendy, poncy, special slo-mo or other sexed up filming which carries no drama of the sporting event whatsoever. We also get a quota of women candidates, irrespective of the scale of their achievement, and a few in wheelchairs no doubt.
SPOTY therefore now stands for Sport Proselytizing of the Year
The bBBC really deserve Tyson Fury to win.
Hot news at 1330.
BBC ‘News’ presenter Clive Myrie describes Tyson Fury as a Dickhead.
Now maybe he is and maybe he isn’t, maybe you like him and maybe you don’t but what business it is of the bBBC to tell us what we should think?
After all, breaking the law and serving time is no barrier to BBC employment – as Vicky Pryce’s appearances have shown.
That would seem to be reason to scramble Fraser and the guys for a major novel. Or not.
Likely they’ll say it’s just Clive being Clive.
Movin’ on…
Don’t know much about him but the fact he is upsetting all these BBC lefty shites he’s fine in my book.
One thing you can be quite certain of.
There is absolutely no way that Clive Myrie would have called him a dickhead to his face. What is possible with the power of the collective behind you is just amazing but it would have been interesting to see what would have happened if someone had complained about the language