‘Or it would mean that we should stop doing EastEnders because ITV does Coronation Street’
One paid for by advertising based on choice. The other so vital it needs compelled funding.
‘ITV forgot to mention that the BBC Trust’s service review in 2014 said that the growth in BBC One and BBC Two’s ‘fresh and new’ scores since 2010 has been impressive’
What the BBC says about the BBC being the stuff of (very dubious) legend.
BBC bias will have a tricky job spinning the Leytonstone stabber story, not of course that they aren`t trying their best.
#youaintnomuslimbruv is being promoted relentlessly, but now it seems the family of the suspect are complaining that mental health services didn`t respond to their calls for help.
His brother has given an interview (reported on Breitbart London) saying that since arriving in London from Somalia he had “fallen in with the wrong crowd in London” and had smoked cannabis for years.
So in one person we have the fruit of several BBC favoured causes …Islam, Immigration/asylum from Somalia, drug use, a laissez faire attitude to detaining mental health cases in case human rights are infringed and of course, personal responsibility for behaviour.
Last night I caught a few minutes of Live at the Apollo. I say caught, what I mean is that I switched it off after a few minutes. Katherine Ryan saying that she has a problem with Jews. She went on to say that she had been dating a Jew and going on to discuss circumcision. She then went on to say of course she doesn’t hate all Jews and finished by saying it starts with hating one Jew. She then changed the subject and I switched off. Substitute ‘Jew’ for ‘Muslim’ and consider if the BBC would have allowed it. No? I don’t think so.
Katherine Ryan is an unfunny comedienne who started turning up on panel shows when Danny Cohen (pbuh) decreed that all male panels were haram. The requirement to be funny was of course secondary. This is also known as the Susan Calman Rule.
Muhaydin Mire charged with attempted murder after stabbing a stranger in Leytonstone 2015:12:07.
Not reported by Al-Beeb, so probably an accident.
Mire, that is the type of organism we are having imported on our behalf to enrich us.
The BBC One O’Clock news opened with the headline “Anger at Donald Trump…” That’s not reporting, it’s setting an agenda. Report what he said, then, if you must, report criticism of it. Then report the widespread support his remarks have received. The BBC is so leftist I doubt they even notice what they are doing.
If that doesn’t work, just ask a question [innocent face]…
Politics UK
“David Cameron regards comments made by US presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Muslims as “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong”, Downing Street has said.”
Do you agree with David Cameron?
Now, try an FoI to see when the BBC has decided the PM’s comments have deserved such support, been ignored, or require decrying.
This petition is still running – while the government has said they’re going to ignore it ( as if we didn’t know that) I still think its worth pushing – if only to hear the so called BBC squeal
“They’re better educated than most Americans
They have more gender equality
They’ve been here since the birth of the nation …
There have been Muslims involved in terrorism …”
I particularly like the last one, you don’t say…
The above is a selection of subheaders from the CNN article, there’s no doubt that the agenda is being
spread relentlessly across the West through most major media outlets.
So when they quoted ”Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”, and left out “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on” they were being deliberately mischievous. They knew what they were doing alright.
Crude responses are all we get from people these days. That’s what so depressing. Political correctness is stifling genuine discussion. We are frightened of Islam and we fear that what we’ve been seeing is only the tip of the iceberg.
I think the “expert” on R4′ s PM gave the game away a bit when indulging in the ritual condemnation of Trump.
“political parties can now depend more on non-white voters”. This is what the whites in the USA and the white, indigenous populations in Europe are begining to grasp. The “white working class” in Britain are extremely slow to realise that the Labour party hierarchy despise their “lack of cultural curiosity” and “simple-minded patrotism” and are no longer interested in them. The can rely on mini-caliphates and the “enriched” public sector to provide the voters they need.
Expect lots of hand wringing on the BBC about postal vote corruption – not!
I will never forget how the BBC reacted to the 2010 General Election – it had to take John Reid (the former Labour Cabinet Minister) to say (in effect) shut the **** BBC the Labour Party just lost the election! The BBC Labour Party bias was desperate.
I’ve been trawling the web trying to get a figure ( total or %) for postal votes cast at Oldham , with out any joy -I’m hoping M’learned friend here might know
According to the Electoral Commission report on the 2015 GE “Across England, Scotland and Wales,”the proportion of electors who chose to vote by post was 16.9%. In comparison, 1.4% of the electorate were issued with a postal vote in Northern Ireland, where postal voting is not available on demand”
There is a reason why the rules are tighter in NI including a requirement for photo id, and that reason was rampant electoral fraud.
I am ‘baffled’ why Oldham has a much higher than average share of postal votes, and I’m sure elections there are as clean as any English town, like Bradford, Rotherham, Luton or indeed the borough of Tower Hamlets.
Totally agree. What is so sad is that the same Electoral Commission , quote “do not recommend restricting the availability of postal voting in Great Britain”
They know its happening but want to leave it to the political parties, returning officers, and local police.
In other words, do nothing and pass the buck to people who either have a vested interest or are already too busy to do anything about it.
Farewell democracy.
The crazy thing is the Republicans, if they got their act together, could win the presidency without needing any non-white votes; but they have cr@pped on their white electoral base so much that many whites simply don’t vote at all, because the GOP don’t represent them.
If Trump can tap into those neglected white voters – he COULD win the Republican nomination AND ascend to become POTUS; that is assuming no-one assassinates him, which isn’t unlikely considering he’s p****d off a lot of scum in America – I hope he beefs up his security, as he’ll need it as this race heats up.
Not sure what the Unis are worried about. Surely ‘purposes of indoctrination, education and information’ is about the same on the public tab as ‘journalism, education and information’, so they can pull a BBC and be exempted from any inquiry?
Is Goldsmiths considered elite? As I bet they would like off the radar asap.
So Stop The War prefers Islamic States version of “international solidarity” to the Wests?
Astonishing that these heat-filled thick nasties don`t get any kind of checking or scrutiny from the BBC,but there again, they agree on the ultimate destination.
The Jizzlamists are speaking…Corbyn Scum one and all.
Read and weep-then get ready for the storms
The pixie faced c*nt Caroline Lucas was on C4 news last night bleating and complaining that her resignation from Stop The War had been ‘leaked to the press’
The BBC always frames a debate to give a hefty slant in favour of its own agenda. So with Muslims in the UK they limit discussion to terrorism and ISIS, and how they are a tiny minority and the vast majority are peace loving etc. etc.
They never address the impact of an alien culture on our own, and how these people would prefer to live their lives. So for example:
And then there are the dubious practices that go with it including FGM, bigamy, honour crimes, gender segregation etc. – none of which get any attention from the BBC but all of which are undermining our civilised society. And the bigger the Muslim proportion of our population (and it will only get bigger) the more widespread this will become. In the meantime, according to a news article in this morning’s Telegraph, Plod continues to turn a blind eye to those Muslim practices which are blatantly in contravention of our laws – again, unreported by the BBC.
The BBC is subverting our culture – our tolerance, laws and freedoms. It is the enemy within.
German media announces arrival of 1,000,000th “refugee” this year!!. Talk of administrative chaos. Volunteers suffer nervous breakdowns through overwork. Will the Ironing Chancelor still be in power by the end of the year? Has the penny begun to drop?. No way! Trump is the face of true evil. Some Muslim spokesbeard says that Trump is more like a leader of a lynch mob rather than the future president of our wonderful country. Surely, even the most stupid Muslim must realise that playing the patriotism card is at best unconvincing. Apparantly , “populism” is also a great evil. In other words, the will of the people must be ignored when it conflicts with the prejudices of the “great and so very very good”. Wir schaffen das!
Left wing denial is a pathological condition in which the sufferer can deny reality in a bid to excuse the past outrages, mass murders, failures, etc etc of past Left wing loonies in charge of various countries.
Even I was surprised though to find that this mental health condition is now so far advanced that they can not only deny Hitler and the Nazis were really Socialist, but also major world figures of Communism like Kim Jung Un or Pol Pot are apparently not left wing !
Al Beeb are absolutely apoplectic. The froth is spilling out everywhere. This article is actually 100% biased, with not even the slightest acknowledgement that Trump has any support whatsoever, never mind the support of most white Americans. Are they so far up their own left-wing arses that the actually believe that social media is in any way representative of mainstream public opinion? As has been said on here recently, Twitter is noting more than a far-left echo chamber, yet Al Beeb seem to think that the entire world is in agreement.
If trump had suggested interning muslims, or deporting US muslim citizens, then maybe they would have a small point (even though millions would still be in agreement with him), but he didn’t suggest that at all. Still, Al Beeb ‘report’ it as if he had, and the sheep swoon with appreciation.
Personally, I don’t think Trump would make a good president, but part of me really wants him to land the gig, if only to give another poke in the eye to the lefties. Remember, despite the best efforts of the MSM, the Tories still won the GE, and the goons on twitter genuinely thought they had it in the bag.
I don’t care any more what the BBC official line is on anything. I am sure the Americans don’t care and probably think the BBC is a football club.
They really fancy themselves don’t they squealing on about Trump and how very awful he is. Who really cares? Not Trump and not the American voter.
One of the nastiest things about the liberal ascendancy is it is so bloody up itself. It really thinks we care. No we don’t. As for Cameron he will say whatever the Twitter mob want him to say. A man so devoid of original thought as to give a whole new meaning to the word predictable- that is if he could spell it.
You mention a very good point which is often missed. Why does the BBC have a line on anything? The BBC Charter mandates impartiality, as soon as you have an official line you are not impartial. It is a measure of the arrogance of the BBC, and their feeling of untouchability, that they are now so blatant in their grandstanding.
The whole stinking organisation should be dismantled.
Interesting examination of “Climate Change” by a U.S. Senate committee chaired by Ted Cruz, watching it live now.
Mark Steyn is to appear and you can get to it via a link on his site http://www.steynonline.com
I note that once again the odious Trot outfit “Stop the war” are assembling outside the BBC in London before starting off on their latest puerile rally…..Start at the headquarters of your biggest backers and supporters perhaps?…It’s becoming a recurring theme..
‘The World Tonight’ last night gave us a ‘take’ from the ubiquitous far leftie Giles Fraser – quelle surprise.
Tim Montgomerie noticed and tweeted;
The BBC now using @giles_fraser to give thoughts for the day on the World Tonight as well as Today. Other Christian voices are available!
I am completely mystified by the logic of, “Stop the War”. Do this bunch of fantasists believe that the absence of a few RAF planes will stop the war? Am I missing something here?
But then I am also mystified as to why Britain is putting the lives of our own servicemen at risk, when the young men who should have been fighting for their own country have run away to Europe.
There is no logic at all in Stop The War. It is a group of far, far Leftists that seeks the destruction of Western society so that it can become its new ruling class.
You can just imagine how the BBC will report this when they finally get around to it, brown man with a beard (who happens not to be a Muslim) is arrested after worried passengers report him to Police because they’re so paranoid about terrorism.
Yet take a look at this umbrella which is made to look like a samurai sword and see just how easy it is to mistake it for a Samurai sword.
Worse though, these umbrellas have a reinforced shaft & removable tip revealing a sharp point. For all purposes this is an offensive weapon & plod appear to have either missed it, or ignored the fact.
I wonder how the BBC will be spinning this, as it was reported in the evening standard the obviously are aware of it.
Newsnight. Ok admission time I fell asleep and when I woke up it was on. Davis tells a Trump supporter that he lives in London & there are no no go areas….Click off. Why does the BBc bother we don’t vote in the American elections.
I’d like to take some of these leftie fantasists especially the women and take them to the edge of one of these areas at early evening, tell them I’d meet them on the far side as they walked through. I wonder how many would shit themselves and admit they’d been lying, and how many are so clueless in their delusion that they’d attempt it.
“I’d like to take some of these leftie fantasists especially the women and take them to the edge of one of these areas at early evening…”
I’ve lived in London for thirty years, “Thoughtful”, and spent many, many late nights in Brixton, Tower Hamlets, Peckham, Haringey etc and never had any trouble. How often have you?
Lovely for you zero, what Trump said was that the Police are scared to enter certain areas of London, for which he’s being attacked by Boris Johnson and the Mets PR dept.
Well, looking at the footage from Leytonstone and Woolwich, the cops involved looked appropriately scared. I am sure there are other items of news and film footage on line that would confirm this.
How often have you been called to deal with a violent incident, rather than being part of the crowd?
Did any of those late nights in Peckham take you anywhere near the ‘Kings on the Rye’ nightclub? I lived near there for about a year in the late 80s and it was bad then.
Exactly D666, I’d like to see Davis and his “partner” taking the evening air, strolling around Tower Hamlets.
The Camoron needs to keep his snout well clear of the American electoral process; can you imagine the response of Al Beebus and the MSM here if the reverse were the case, and Trump passed comment on the danger in the event of the Marxist leading the Labour Party becoming our PM – in the run-up to our general election?
By no means is it confined to Tower Hamlets. At risk of invoking the wrath of Britain’s third rate journalists (which, judging by today’s press seems to be most of them) I’d point out that most of the UK’s intensely Muslim occupied territories are regarded as ‘no go’ – especially by white women and younger white men.
Come to that, there are plenty of parts of Brixton or Croydon I wouldn’t venture into.
Fascinating contribution on Newsshite from one of Comrade Bala’s devotees, supposedly a poet of some sort.
Race laws control actions but not thoughts. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could control thoughts. “Racist” academics like Starkey wouldn’t exist. BBC/Jackie fulfulling their prime 1984 objectives. I suppose we should be grateful that mass physical extermination of all class enemies is not being advocated, simply turning certain targeted individuals into media non-persons.
As far back as the 80’s if someone of the wrong persuasion were to walk through certain parts of Oldham they would come under attack – both verbal and occasionally physical. The police similarly knew they would be targeted and would never patrol on their own.
I don’t know about London but Oldham is just one of many areas in the north that definitely has “no go” areas.
Anybody who says otherwise is either clueless or a liar.
The Sky News late night newspaper preview is in full ‘get Trump’ mode, rolling around like dogs in filth at the lockstep print media’s reaction to Trump’s latest. No doubt the BBC equivalent (I can barely watch the BBC these days) is much the same.
One day, the UK media might wake up to the yawning chasm between popular opinion and their own alien views. I hope they do it before it us too late, otherwise they will all be out of work – deservedly so.
Sadly, the media don’t need to ‘wake-up’. Like all good leftists they are proud of their different views, they regard themselves as our moral superiors and any difference is simply proof of their superiority. Everyone one else is wrong. They expect to be ‘looked up to’ by the oiks (who should accept the leftists know what’s best for them).
Arrogance like that does not lend itself to change!
I agree, but you are overlooking something. When I say they need to ‘wake up’ I mean if they wish to stay in business and maintain their influence. Sales figures of print newspapers and magazines are dropping like stones. Viewing figures of the broadcast media are dissipating like fog in sunlight.
You can only stay in business if you hold your reader/viewership.
Can’t bear to watch the BBC either, watched the Sky paper review with Mrs G, she made the observation that its bloody stressful and anger inducing to see what’s going on around you, our country and culture being destroyed yet the chattering classes are purposely blind to it.
The likes of Trump and Wilders are portrayed as evil and potentially banned from the country for no other reason than speaking the truth, yet we welcome any potential terrorist, every truth is being skewed to the point that one does sometimes question their own sanity, Marx work is nearly done!
I really couldn’t agree more. I don’t much care from Trump but if he simply manages to challenge the PC consensus then he is going to be worth the entrance fee.
So, was it a record or wasn’t it? The claim is that in Honister, Cumbria, an Environment Agency rain gauge recorded a record in the U.K for an amount of rainfall collected in 24 hours, that being 341mm. Or did it? How many of us know that the Environment Agency use different gauges to that of the Met Office and that the Environment Agency rain gauges do not conform to the “Standard” W.M.O. 5″ collection tube? Well, I did. I also know that at the last review, the E.A. gauges, mainly “tipping bucket” types are known to record spurious data as the method of collection and measuring has given rise to incorrect data. The funnel to collect the rainfall is not the standard 5″ as in the Met Office gauges but can be up to 12″ for the E.A. ones. The E.A. gathering can also be greatly affected by wind and to a lesser degree by temperature. The E.A. know that their gauges cannot be relied upon and as such ‘adjustments’ have to be made.
I have enclosed some important links for all of the forum members and trust that they are read.
The first is a photo of the E.A. device at Honister http://www.geograph.org.uk/more.php?id=2666377
The rain gauge is the white “toilet” bowl in the back ground and this picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.
Next is the problems pertaining to the “tipping bucket” gauges as used by the E.A.
And third is the Met Office requirement as stipulated by the “standard” rain gauge which is commonly used throughout the world and regulated by the W.M.O.
[An ordinary funnel-type raingauge has been in use for all manual measurements since the earliest days of observing. The design has varied over the years but today the Met Office strongly encourages conformity in order to maximise comparability of readings across the network. The standard design has a rim of diameter 5 in (127 mm) standing 12 in (30 cm) above the ground. Raingauges based on the standard design are adapted to meet specific needs; there is a version having a capacity to hold a large volume of rain which is used in remote sites where readings may only be taken once a month. Exposure of the gauge should be on open ground distant from the effects of sheltering objects. At a few windy sites, established a number of years ago, there may be a surrounding turf wall of diameter 3 m and height 30 cm which shields the gauge from the extreme effects of strong winds. Systematic differences as large as 12% have been noted between an unsheltered gauge and one within a turf wall. It is not the present practice to build turf walls at new station]
To repeat, the standard Met Office gauge has a collecting neck of just 5″ whereas the E.A. in the photo above has a 12″ bowl leading to a collecting chamber. Is it no wonder that a record was set when the collecting bowl was nearly 3 times the size?
Rain gauges measure the depth of rainfall. Of course a 12” gauge will collect more volume than a 5”; but the ‘depth’ will be the same per square inch collected.
The supposed “problems pertaining to the “tipping bucket” gauges as used by the E.A.” you link to (which you obviously couldn’t even be bothered to read); are that they may record less rainfall than the standard 5” Met Office gauge.
Zero, thanks for informing me that I’m embarrassing myself. Thanks also for informing me that rain gauges measure depth of rainfall, never knew that. Thanks also for informing me that the rain collected on a 12″ disc surface area will be the same as a 5″ tube. Thanks also for informing me that you are happy to accept that the E.A. gauges do not necessarily record correct rainfall amounts compared to the official Met Office ones. Oh and I did read all of the E.A. report on their gauges (I did so several years ago), and if they were so accurate in their data gathering then why the report and concern about legitamacy? And that you are happy to accept that this gauge in Honister gave an accurate reading to produce a U.K. record in what is an unprotected site? Maybe someone pi**ed into it in that 24 hour period? Now who is embarrassing oneself? Whatever.
And while I’m on about Honister reporting station, from the photo linked into my post, do you not think that the temperature gauge is, well, how shall we say, rather a little on the high side? I doubt very much if they get a frost that high up a gauge even in Cumbria and thus increasing the mean temperature of that site.
If it is possible could any one on here send my last post to either Paul Homewood (notalotofpeopleknowthat web site) or Christopher Booker at the Telegraph. For some reason, I’m not being allowed to forward this post so you might have better luck than me tonight.
Why is the BBC obsessed with attacking one of the Republican candidates for the US Presidential election? What have they said or done that’s of interest or relevance to the UK?
While this non-story headlines at the BBC here is a story being ignored …
“The Iraqi PM has called on NATO to intervene shortly after the deadline of a Baghdad-issued ultimatum demanding that Turkish troops leave its territory expired. Ankara has refused to withdraw.” RT Today
WW3 could kick off, but let’s first hear what a boxer has been saying …
The fact is that Trump is by far the most popular candidate. All he’s doing is saying what most are thinking, and the left hate it because their idea that his views are extreme rather than mainstream has been well and truly rubbished.
So says Louise Minchin – somewhat ironically on the morning where, besides the weather, the BBC’s choice of top news items are all about individuals saying certain things that other people are jumping up and down about and demanding they jolly well stop saying such things. Oh, and if they don’t recant what they have said – these people should be banned. From which the public ought to conclude it’s only good to talk so long as you are saying the right things.
My other observation is that in the dark days when I listened to BBC 5 Live I started to notice how the BBC loved nothing better than mixing sport and leftist politics.
I would love to see Trump winning the GOP nomination and Tyson Fury to win SPOTY, purely to stick it right up the arseholes at the bBC/Guardian and most of the rest of the MSM for that matter.
BBc breakfast the anti-Trump agenda continues. Crisis in schools teacher recruitment hit by pay freeze apparently recruitment is being harmed by the miniscule wages paid, Local news. The anti Tump agenda continues. How do you think football has changed? Archive footage is released Yes they managed to find some archived womens football & there was a huge audience for that chimes in sofa sloth.
Free advertising spot for Angelina Jolie and her new film By the Sea, wickepedia notes it as a box office bomb
The Bay City Rollers drop in on the sofa.
Isn’t there a certain irony about liberals crying about Trump’s comments to ban Muslims from the US, and then proceeding to set up a petition to ban Trump from the UK?
re crisis in school teacher recruitment – (btw just another instalment in the bBBC ’cause deserving of more taxpayers money’ series)
a. Teachers are on pay sales. Only those at the top of the scale get a freeze. Others all get increments of around £2000+ p.a. about 8% increase.
b. Starting salary for NQT is £23k. Plus (never ever mentioned) a salary based pension entitlement. For readers not familiar, this is 1/57 of the salary per year, increasing by 1.7% compound every year until retirement. Calculation. 1/57 *23k = £403, multiplied by (1.017 to the power of say 42 (years)) = 2.03 equals £818. RPI protected annuity rates currently 3.3%, lump sum needed is 818/.033 = £24,700. Pension contribution is 9% of salary, £2070, giving nett benefit of £22630. The pension benefit is worth almost as much as the salary !!! Who realised that? Hands up! A private sector worker on a defined contribution pension would need a salary of £45,000 to get the same benefits – and then there are the 14 weeks holidays.
Maybe the crisis is not in pay but in clearly explaining the overall package. But don’t expect the bBBC to give this any airtime.
A relative is a teacher and on the quiet understands the above; so realises he, like very many others, is on a more decent deal than it suits the public sector to admit to.
I make no comment on whether teachers deserve this or not – only that the full benefits package should be clearly explained to the taxpayers who ultimately pay for this, and not conveniently hidden from them. The bBBC is complicit in this deception.
Just to clarify earlier post, the deal is that there is a guaranteed rise in pension entitlement of 1.7% per annum compound ABOVE inflation from the year of earning the entitlement to the year of retirement. All above figures assume zero inflation. This replaces the former ‘final salary’ scheme and in effect provides a cap by assuming a final salary approx. x2 that of the starting salary. It stops taxpayers footing the massive pensions bill for those convenient staff promotions just before retirement where the extra earnings of a few months cascade into 40 years worth of extra final salary based pension entitlement e.g. for every £1000 of visible pay rise there was £20,000 of invisible pension pot entitlement for the taxpayer to fund.
No real teaching is going on in mainstream schooling any more.
All cut and paste worksheets as the kids lard up on free breakfasts, and watch a clip of nasty end of the Shawshank Redemption, as both staff and “students” unpop an earpiece, or look up from their smart screens.
Blair stuffed teaching with his lamebrain oafs, but only after disasters like Major, Patten and Baker broke the systems so we`ed all go private or not care any more.
The unions allowed non-teachers, para health chumps, dinner ladies, assistants, mum and “cover supervisors” in to replace teachers-so they could run round Egypt for charity and eat all the buns in record time for Children in Need.
As for the kids who are “In Need” of learning to read, write or be numerate or be sociable?..stuff that-here`s stab vest, padded with ECHR “Rights Of The Child” leaflets that will slow the blade down a little.
In truth though-there`s no need for teachers anymore-the State doles out the condoms, the NHS gives the STD powerpoints and the para health pimps and pushers give out the drugs “advice”-and a 24 hour duty solicitors card on audiobook for those who`ve not been taught to read.
Time to finish schools-0and any pretence that they`re anythong other that HPV stations and access points for free breakfasts . OFSTED just want compliance data, exam boards just want sketch artists to draw their ethnic basketball player in a wheelchair who`s sticking it to whitey…we`re stuffed educationally.
He probably does have many of the attributes of an asshole but at least he has the balls to say what a lot of people are thinking. Most ordinary people in this country are inhibited by the climate of fear generated by terrorists and holier-than-thou social hypocrites that is simultaneously denied and supported by the BBC in a grotesque juggling act.
I agree ! the media and Twatteraties are in meltdown and having an attack of the vapours because someone dares to say what most of Europe are now thinking ! For Christ’s sake, he hasn’t killed anyone or incited anyone else to commit violence, and yet ‘thousands’ are petitioning for Trump to be banned from the UK ! why ? we are lumbered with the most vile criminals from abroad languishing in our jails whom we cant deport, because of their Yuman and Famileee rights, but the Twatterers never get huffy about that. All those who twatter need to get real, and its not only the Beeb, but also Sky and those who comment on the Papers who think they are so f……g morally right ! Behind closed doors most of Britain WOULD agree with Trump, and talk to anyone over the age of 60 and you’ll discover how many have become racist in their attitude as they’ve got older because of what has become to this UK they’ve grown up in. This may well be unpalatable to some, but its true.
Last night Dartmoor recorded a “frost day”. This has meant that on my patch of Dartmoor (780ft amsl) we have had a “frost day” every month of this year. Something of a record, but it is of cold temperatures so non-one will be told.
I hope you’re not blaming it on the evil “Storm Desmond”, which seems to be taking a lot of flack for everything at the moment, including the Islamification of the Former UK.
Re comments further up the thread about ‘no-go’ areas, I had a great idea !
This could be BBC gold to replace Strictly Baking Ice Cook Dance-off Voice……………….why not have celebrity homosexuals and feminists given a route through these areas just after Friday prayers which they had to navigate on their own, kinda Schwarzenegger Running Man style. There could be a set of extra points to be had with for instance, getting a selfie with the local imam, a packet of bacon from from the corner shop, or performing wrapped in a union jack……..Yentob? You there?
Could they dance from cake stand to kitchen down the Brick Lane boulevard of loveliness?…and have detours to the funky nail bars and drag shops that are to be found in that advert for the joys of gay, transphilic living in E2?
The BBC and their political spokesman, David Cameron, might consider whether or not a US President has the power to ban muslims from entering the country. It seems that he/she has the power, but whether it is practically enforceable is another matter. Knowing Trump, as a business man and problem solver, he may well succeed.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t the blessed Jimmy Carter ban Iranians at the time of the hostage crisis?
‘ Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate’
8 U.S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens ” https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182
Since when did the British suckups to the New World Order think they had the right to talk on internal US politics?
Trump is not a candidate here-so why do the liberals think they`ve got the right to speak about him as if he was?
Did all this start with the Guardian lovebumming Ohio in the 2004 Elections to back John Kerry…now the most inept US spokesman in living memory( enough of Dan Quayle…Kerry is the baseline nowadays)?
And was their serial abuse of Sarah Palin seen as “helpful” to the New York/Washington and LA elites?…why else are they presuming to speak about Trump.
The hypocrisy at the BBC astounds me. On Victoria Derbyshire this morning they went on and on about bullying in the Conservative party ending in an alleged suicide, but if my memory serves me well didn’t a male BBC employee commit suicide because of a female BBC boss bulling him. Seems to have been well swept under the carpet.
Too true! Norman Smith must have been surrounded off-camera by spittoons to catch the spray, so wildly enthused was he by the prospect of churning more ‘news’ from this conveniently anti-tory story. And later the depth of concern in VD’s voice, prompting ever more provocative pearls from obsessively thuggish – any possible relevance there? – Ray, plucked at the nation’s heartstrings. Well, a few of them, anyway.
AND-seeing as their VD is the excuse for the BBC to harrass our English Boxing Heavyweight Champion-and family-it`s bloody rich for the BBC to cite “workplace bullying”…or trolling people with views not approved by the BBCs Thoght Police, as it really should be called.
How the hell can a viewer pass on a VD clip of crap-and GMP then call round to “have a word”.
If I were him, Id be telling the Travellers Rights lot and take a case out against the BBC and its trusties like Balding and Arnold…would that they`d shown the same zealotry when Sir James of The Bull n Bush House was in his pomp!
We Are All Brothers to young Tyson-call me Billy!
Just why would one carry an umbrella with an handle like this in times like these and looking as he does (bruv) without wishing to attract attention or maybe even arrest? I smell a human rights claim from this guy and a sob story from the BBC. It begs the question where does one buy such a thing. Expect them to become the latest fashion accessory to certain individuals, real or fake….
It look to me like a dummy run. A brolly that looks like a sword, a clock that looks like a bomb. Report them and you are a racist Islamophobe. Next time, the real thing and no one reports it beforehand.
I agree, G.W.F. The guy with the ‘umbrella’ was clearly trolling the police. Just like ‘clock boy’ was trolling the entire USA. I hear he’s now suing for $15million. Wonder how much ‘umbrella tw*t’ expects to collect if his little plan works next time..?
The unpoken truth will be that the BBC are cock-a-hoop at the Tyson Furory
Secretly they will want to drag out the ban him deliberation as long as possible.
It will lend publicity, ratings and Twitter-relevance to their otherwise boring achingly PC sports personality jamboree.
Just imagine (to borrow a word from Yentob care of Lennon) where Eurovision would be were it not for it having become a BBC-sponsored gay-fest. Funding would be questioned. Who would still tune in to hear five hours of Albanians warbling about their goat flocks? – give it the gay spin and suddenly – the show must go on!
Likewise, Sports Personality – visualise four hours of sportmen such as Gary Neville with insights such as ‘when City don’t score, they don’t tend to win’. Bring on the wheelchair racers!
My guess is that the BBC will agonise about Tyson Fury for as long as possible – maybe giving him the standing count and technical knockout only at the 11th hour and then only if they are in fear of public backlash votes in his favour.
Disability scooter Formula 1?
Genius sir!
All engines to be run on chip fat, Pepsi or Coca Cola for the coolant, with an IV feed….I reckon Sunderland will be the place to premierethis new and exciting , inclusive sport!Already sent in my vote for the fat lump from Swanage with the Jolly Roger!
Oh dear-You and Yours moaning at Renault not servicing electric cars for Orkney…apparently, the Highlands are a bit hilly for them all to make it to the Renault dealers in Inverness.
Oh I love You and Yours-do IS use electric SUVs to drag the Yazidis to their deaths-apart from not getting the speed required, these eco-grumps are NOT helping the planet are they?
Not water, piss, and someone is obviously taking plenty. With that noted humanitarian al-Baghdadi officially in second place it has to be a wind-up – or are the pair in line for the next bout of Strictly?
The !slamic conundrum and why we have so many more years to go yet before it is resolved, if a Billion and half people on this earth believe this Iman: (what a brave apostate in the video who asks the question by the way)
The U.S. should have implemented a moratorium on Muslims entering the country, such as Donald Trump suggests, on the 12th September 2001; and it should have remained in place ever since.
A ‘Don’t ban Trump from the United Kingdom’ Government petition worth signing for no other reason than to hopefully show just how far away the metrosexuals, the Twitterati, media and UK politicians are from true public opinion, although its a long way off the 200k of the opposing petition.
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Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
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Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 18:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Anybody else think that the Mike Amesbury election is suddenly going to take place because Labour feel it’s their best…
Earlier I noted the BBC having an irony failure of media companies and facts that don’t suit.
Click to access BBC%20Charter%20Review%20Public%20Consultation%20-%20ITV%20Submission.pdf
‘Or it would mean that we should stop doing EastEnders because ITV does Coronation Street’
One paid for by advertising based on choice. The other so vital it needs compelled funding.
‘ITV forgot to mention that the BBC Trust’s service review in 2014 said that the growth in BBC One and BBC Two’s ‘fresh and new’ scores since 2010 has been impressive’
What the BBC says about the BBC being the stuff of (very dubious) legend.
Comments are open. For now.
BBC bias will have a tricky job spinning the Leytonstone stabber story, not of course that they aren`t trying their best.
#youaintnomuslimbruv is being promoted relentlessly, but now it seems the family of the suspect are complaining that mental health services didn`t respond to their calls for help.
His brother has given an interview (reported on Breitbart London) saying that since arriving in London from Somalia he had “fallen in with the wrong crowd in London” and had smoked cannabis for years.
So in one person we have the fruit of several BBC favoured causes …Islam, Immigration/asylum from Somalia, drug use, a laissez faire attitude to detaining mental health cases in case human rights are infringed and of course, personal responsibility for behaviour.
last line should read “avoidance of personal responsibility for behaviour”.
Will be getting out my ould Koran to check these references, but it all sounds typically thick enough for Medhi Hasan to believe it all.
They hate mockery I`m told…good.
OT, and hence no bearing to the BBC and its oddly variable commitment to democracy and elections, one is sure:
If they do report, I wonder which angle they will take?
Last night I caught a few minutes of Live at the Apollo. I say caught, what I mean is that I switched it off after a few minutes. Katherine Ryan saying that she has a problem with Jews. She went on to say that she had been dating a Jew and going on to discuss circumcision. She then went on to say of course she doesn’t hate all Jews and finished by saying it starts with hating one Jew. She then changed the subject and I switched off. Substitute ‘Jew’ for ‘Muslim’ and consider if the BBC would have allowed it. No? I don’t think so.
Hope she choked on his shvanse.
Katherine Ryan is an unfunny comedienne who started turning up on panel shows when Danny Cohen (pbuh) decreed that all male panels were haram. The requirement to be funny was of course secondary. This is also known as the Susan Calman Rule.
I quite like Susan Calman.
She holds the present singles tile for most jokes at Labour’s expense in a single BBC programme, albeit only two.
Now that Labour is dead in Scotland she can tell jokes about them. I doubt she would do the same for the SNP.
Did you know she has a wife? She occasionally mentions the fact.
Muhaydin Mire charged with attempted murder after stabbing a stranger in Leytonstone 2015:12:07.
Not reported by Al-Beeb, so probably an accident.
Mire, that is the type of organism we are having imported on our behalf to enrich us.
Straight to the point delenda, ‘liked’ it.
Not reported, are you sure? It never really happened!!
He can’t be guilty of attempted murder because he didn’t shout Allahu Akbar, which is probably why the other guy shouted you’re not a Muslim Bruv !
The BBC One O’Clock news opened with the headline “Anger at Donald Trump…” That’s not reporting, it’s setting an agenda. Report what he said, then, if you must, report criticism of it. Then report the widespread support his remarks have received. The BBC is so leftist I doubt they even notice what they are doing.
Of course it is not reporting.
It’s classic one degree of separation, ‘sources say’ opinion dressed up.
Ask who they base this on and you’ll have Hugs and her FOI team down with an exemption before you can say ‘transparency’.
If that doesn’t work, just ask a question [innocent face]…
Politics UK
“David Cameron regards comments made by US presidential hopeful Donald Trump on Muslims as “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong”, Downing Street has said.”
Do you agree with David Cameron?
Now, try an FoI to see when the BBC has decided the PM’s comments have deserved such support, been ignored, or require decrying.
Well if BBC PopTrendMagawhatever doesn’t pick up on this it will be a surprise.
Seems the kind of petition they could get behind.
Not sure why anyone is bothering, as Ms. may seems quite capable of banning whoever she feels like if the appropriate group threatens to kick off.
If a scrap the license fee tax petition reaches 100,000 signatures can we abolish it?
This petition is still running – while the government has said they’re going to ignore it ( as if we didn’t know that) I still think its worth pushing – if only to hear the so called BBC squeal
Currently 441,720
It’s not just the BBC, various media outlets are pushing the same agenda, I was looking at CNN and had to double check it wasn’t the BBC.
“They’re better educated than most Americans
They have more gender equality
They’ve been here since the birth of the nation …
There have been Muslims involved in terrorism …”
I particularly like the last one, you don’t say…
The above is a selection of subheaders from the CNN article, there’s no doubt that the agenda is being
spread relentlessly across the West through most major media outlets.
Sue at Is the BBC Biased has it right:
So when they quoted ”Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”, and left out “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on” they were being deliberately mischievous. They knew what they were doing alright.
Crude responses are all we get from people these days. That’s what so depressing. Political correctness is stifling genuine discussion. We are frightened of Islam and we fear that what we’ve been seeing is only the tip of the iceberg.
Thanks for the link – interesting to see that David Preiser is still among us. Well, at one remove…
I think the “expert” on R4′ s PM gave the game away a bit when indulging in the ritual condemnation of Trump.
“political parties can now depend more on non-white voters”. This is what the whites in the USA and the white, indigenous populations in Europe are begining to grasp. The “white working class” in Britain are extremely slow to realise that the Labour party hierarchy despise their “lack of cultural curiosity” and “simple-minded patrotism” and are no longer interested in them. The can rely on mini-caliphates and the “enriched” public sector to provide the voters they need.
One hundred per cent of the postal vote buys a lot of influence.
Expect lots of hand wringing on the BBC about postal vote corruption – not!
I will never forget how the BBC reacted to the 2010 General Election – it had to take John Reid (the former Labour Cabinet Minister) to say (in effect) shut the **** BBC the Labour Party just lost the election! The BBC Labour Party bias was desperate.
I’ve been trawling the web trying to get a figure ( total or %) for postal votes cast at Oldham , with out any joy -I’m hoping M’learned friend here might know
According to the Oldham Chronicle there were 7,115 postal votes, which was 25.6 per cent of the overall vote.
Jesus Christ.
That is a lot of housebound disabled people.
According to the Electoral Commission report on the 2015 GE “Across England, Scotland and Wales,”the proportion of electors who chose to vote by post was 16.9%. In comparison, 1.4% of the electorate were issued with a postal vote in Northern Ireland, where postal voting is not available on demand”
There is a reason why the rules are tighter in NI including a requirement for photo id, and that reason was rampant electoral fraud.
I am ‘baffled’ why Oldham has a much higher than average share of postal votes, and I’m sure elections there are as clean as any English town, like Bradford, Rotherham, Luton or indeed the borough of Tower Hamlets.
Totally agree. What is so sad is that the same Electoral Commission , quote “do not recommend restricting the availability of postal voting in Great Britain”
Click to access Electoral-fraud-review-final-report.pdf
They know its happening but want to leave it to the political parties, returning officers, and local police.
In other words, do nothing and pass the buck to people who either have a vested interest or are already too busy to do anything about it.
Farewell democracy.
The crazy thing is the Republicans, if they got their act together, could win the presidency without needing any non-white votes; but they have cr@pped on their white electoral base so much that many whites simply don’t vote at all, because the GOP don’t represent them.
If Trump can tap into those neglected white voters – he COULD win the Republican nomination AND ascend to become POTUS; that is assuming no-one assassinates him, which isn’t unlikely considering he’s p****d off a lot of scum in America – I hope he beefs up his security, as he’ll need it as this race heats up.
Seems the FoIA is under threat:
Not sure what the Unis are worried about. Surely ‘purposes of indoctrination, education and information’ is about the same on the public tab as ‘journalism, education and information’, so they can pull a BBC and be exempted from any inquiry?
Is Goldsmiths considered elite? As I bet they would like off the radar asap.
So Stop The War prefers Islamic States version of “international solidarity” to the Wests?
Astonishing that these heat-filled thick nasties don`t get any kind of checking or scrutiny from the BBC,but there again, they agree on the ultimate destination.
The Jizzlamists are speaking…Corbyn Scum one and all.
Read and weep-then get ready for the storms
The pixie faced c*nt Caroline Lucas was on C4 news last night bleating and complaining that her resignation from Stop The War had been ‘leaked to the press’
Why are you not proud of that?
The BBC always frames a debate to give a hefty slant in favour of its own agenda. So with Muslims in the UK they limit discussion to terrorism and ISIS, and how they are a tiny minority and the vast majority are peace loving etc. etc.
They never address the impact of an alien culture on our own, and how these people would prefer to live their lives. So for example:
And then there are the dubious practices that go with it including FGM, bigamy, honour crimes, gender segregation etc. – none of which get any attention from the BBC but all of which are undermining our civilised society. And the bigger the Muslim proportion of our population (and it will only get bigger) the more widespread this will become. In the meantime, according to a news article in this morning’s Telegraph, Plod continues to turn a blind eye to those Muslim practices which are blatantly in contravention of our laws – again, unreported by the BBC.
The BBC is subverting our culture – our tolerance, laws and freedoms. It is the enemy within.
German media announces arrival of 1,000,000th “refugee” this year!!. Talk of administrative chaos. Volunteers suffer nervous breakdowns through overwork. Will the Ironing Chancelor still be in power by the end of the year? Has the penny begun to drop?. No way! Trump is the face of true evil. Some Muslim spokesbeard says that Trump is more like a leader of a lynch mob rather than the future president of our wonderful country. Surely, even the most stupid Muslim must realise that playing the patriotism card is at best unconvincing. Apparantly , “populism” is also a great evil. In other words, the will of the people must be ignored when it conflicts with the prejudices of the “great and so very very good”. Wir schaffen das!
Left wing denial is a pathological condition in which the sufferer can deny reality in a bid to excuse the past outrages, mass murders, failures, etc etc of past Left wing loonies in charge of various countries.
Even I was surprised though to find that this mental health condition is now so far advanced that they can not only deny Hitler and the Nazis were really Socialist, but also major world figures of Communism like Kim Jung Un or Pol Pot are apparently not left wing !
It is not even denial it is just lack of interest in any reality other than their own hatreds. Take away hatred from the Left and nothing remains.
Al Beeb are absolutely apoplectic. The froth is spilling out everywhere. This article is actually 100% biased, with not even the slightest acknowledgement that Trump has any support whatsoever, never mind the support of most white Americans. Are they so far up their own left-wing arses that the actually believe that social media is in any way representative of mainstream public opinion? As has been said on here recently, Twitter is noting more than a far-left echo chamber, yet Al Beeb seem to think that the entire world is in agreement.
If trump had suggested interning muslims, or deporting US muslim citizens, then maybe they would have a small point (even though millions would still be in agreement with him), but he didn’t suggest that at all. Still, Al Beeb ‘report’ it as if he had, and the sheep swoon with appreciation.
Personally, I don’t think Trump would make a good president, but part of me really wants him to land the gig, if only to give another poke in the eye to the lefties. Remember, despite the best efforts of the MSM, the Tories still won the GE, and the goons on twitter genuinely thought they had it in the bag.
I don’t care any more what the BBC official line is on anything. I am sure the Americans don’t care and probably think the BBC is a football club.
They really fancy themselves don’t they squealing on about Trump and how very awful he is. Who really cares? Not Trump and not the American voter.
One of the nastiest things about the liberal ascendancy is it is so bloody up itself. It really thinks we care. No we don’t. As for Cameron he will say whatever the Twitter mob want him to say. A man so devoid of original thought as to give a whole new meaning to the word predictable- that is if he could spell it.
Dave S,
You mention a very good point which is often missed. Why does the BBC have a line on anything? The BBC Charter mandates impartiality, as soon as you have an official line you are not impartial. It is a measure of the arrogance of the BBC, and their feeling of untouchability, that they are now so blatant in their grandstanding.
The whole stinking organisation should be dismantled.
Interesting examination of “Climate Change” by a U.S. Senate committee chaired by Ted Cruz, watching it live now.
Mark Steyn is to appear and you can get to it via a link on his site http://www.steynonline.com
I note that once again the odious Trot outfit “Stop the war” are assembling outside the BBC in London before starting off on their latest puerile rally…..Start at the headquarters of your biggest backers and supporters perhaps?…It’s becoming a recurring theme..
‘The World Tonight’ last night gave us a ‘take’ from the ubiquitous far leftie Giles Fraser – quelle surprise.
Tim Montgomerie noticed and tweeted;
The BBC now using @giles_fraser to give thoughts for the day on the World Tonight as well as Today. Other Christian voices are available!
Caroline Lucas has quit stop the war
No mention of this on the bbc 6 o clock news
I am completely mystified by the logic of, “Stop the War”. Do this bunch of fantasists believe that the absence of a few RAF planes will stop the war? Am I missing something here?
But then I am also mystified as to why Britain is putting the lives of our own servicemen at risk, when the young men who should have been fighting for their own country have run away to Europe.
There is no logic at all in Stop The War. It is a group of far, far Leftists that seeks the destruction of Western society so that it can become its new ruling class.
You can just imagine how the BBC will report this when they finally get around to it, brown man with a beard (who happens not to be a Muslim) is arrested after worried passengers report him to Police because they’re so paranoid about terrorism.
Yet take a look at this umbrella which is made to look like a samurai sword and see just how easy it is to mistake it for a Samurai sword.
Worse though, these umbrellas have a reinforced shaft & removable tip revealing a sharp point. For all purposes this is an offensive weapon & plod appear to have either missed it, or ignored the fact.
I wonder how the BBC will be spinning this, as it was reported in the evening standard the obviously are aware of it.
A shocking piece from Sweden. Poor Malmo.
The music is by Saga – Ode to a dying people.
Newsnight. Ok admission time I fell asleep and when I woke up it was on. Davis tells a Trump supporter that he lives in London & there are no no go areas….Click off. Why does the BBc bother we don’t vote in the American elections.
True. Moreover, anyone who claims there are no ‘no go’ areas in London clearly lives in an area populated by fellow BBC pretend journalists.
Either that or he is just a damn liar.
I’d like to take some of these leftie fantasists especially the women and take them to the edge of one of these areas at early evening, tell them I’d meet them on the far side as they walked through. I wonder how many would shit themselves and admit they’d been lying, and how many are so clueless in their delusion that they’d attempt it.
“I’d like to take some of these leftie fantasists especially the women and take them to the edge of one of these areas at early evening…”
I’ve lived in London for thirty years, “Thoughtful”, and spent many, many late nights in Brixton, Tower Hamlets, Peckham, Haringey etc and never had any trouble. How often have you?
Lovely for you zero, what Trump said was that the Police are scared to enter certain areas of London, for which he’s being attacked by Boris Johnson and the Mets PR dept.
Well, looking at the footage from Leytonstone and Woolwich, the cops involved looked appropriately scared. I am sure there are other items of news and film footage on line that would confirm this.
How often have you been called to deal with a violent incident, rather than being part of the crowd?
Zero is a troll/BBC. I’ve lived in Haringey and it’s ‘no go’ in many, many areas. (Marxist rich Highgate isn’t too bad apart from burglary).
Did any of those late nights in Peckham take you anywhere near the ‘Kings on the Rye’ nightclub? I lived near there for about a year in the late 80s and it was bad then.
Exactly D666, I’d like to see Davis and his “partner” taking the evening air, strolling around Tower Hamlets.
The Camoron needs to keep his snout well clear of the American electoral process; can you imagine the response of Al Beebus and the MSM here if the reverse were the case, and Trump passed comment on the danger in the event of the Marxist leading the Labour Party becoming our PM – in the run-up to our general election?
By no means is it confined to Tower Hamlets. At risk of invoking the wrath of Britain’s third rate journalists (which, judging by today’s press seems to be most of them) I’d point out that most of the UK’s intensely Muslim occupied territories are regarded as ‘no go’ – especially by white women and younger white men.
Come to that, there are plenty of parts of Brixton or Croydon I wouldn’t venture into.
“Exactly D666, I’d like to see Davis and his “partner” taking the evening air, strolling around Tower Hamlets.”
Fascinating contribution on Newsshite from one of Comrade Bala’s devotees, supposedly a poet of some sort.
Race laws control actions but not thoughts. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could control thoughts. “Racist” academics like Starkey wouldn’t exist. BBC/Jackie fulfulling their prime 1984 objectives. I suppose we should be grateful that mass physical extermination of all class enemies is not being advocated, simply turning certain targeted individuals into media non-persons.
I would invite Evan Davis and his boyfriend to walk hand in hand through a muslim area and see what happens. What a nasty little queen he is.
As far back as the 80’s if someone of the wrong persuasion were to walk through certain parts of Oldham they would come under attack – both verbal and occasionally physical. The police similarly knew they would be targeted and would never patrol on their own.
I don’t know about London but Oldham is just one of many areas in the north that definitely has “no go” areas.
Anybody who says otherwise is either clueless or a liar.
The Sky News late night newspaper preview is in full ‘get Trump’ mode, rolling around like dogs in filth at the lockstep print media’s reaction to Trump’s latest. No doubt the BBC equivalent (I can barely watch the BBC these days) is much the same.
One day, the UK media might wake up to the yawning chasm between popular opinion and their own alien views. I hope they do it before it us too late, otherwise they will all be out of work – deservedly so.
Sadly, the media don’t need to ‘wake-up’. Like all good leftists they are proud of their different views, they regard themselves as our moral superiors and any difference is simply proof of their superiority. Everyone one else is wrong. They expect to be ‘looked up to’ by the oiks (who should accept the leftists know what’s best for them).
Arrogance like that does not lend itself to change!
I agree, but you are overlooking something. When I say they need to ‘wake up’ I mean if they wish to stay in business and maintain their influence. Sales figures of print newspapers and magazines are dropping like stones. Viewing figures of the broadcast media are dissipating like fog in sunlight.
You can only stay in business if you hold your reader/viewership.
Bar one, unique broadcaster, exempted from traditional business funding models.
Well, yes… and no. Even the BBC is vulnerable to ratings, which is why they chase them so hard.
Were the BBC’s ratings to really plummet (unlikely, I admit) they would find it even harder to justify the receiver tax.
Seems justifications of a market rate nature do not apply to such as Newsnight.
Can’t bear to watch the BBC either, watched the Sky paper review with Mrs G, she made the observation that its bloody stressful and anger inducing to see what’s going on around you, our country and culture being destroyed yet the chattering classes are purposely blind to it.
The likes of Trump and Wilders are portrayed as evil and potentially banned from the country for no other reason than speaking the truth, yet we welcome any potential terrorist, every truth is being skewed to the point that one does sometimes question their own sanity, Marx work is nearly done!
I really couldn’t agree more. I don’t much care from Trump but if he simply manages to challenge the PC consensus then he is going to be worth the entrance fee.
So, was it a record or wasn’t it? The claim is that in Honister, Cumbria, an Environment Agency rain gauge recorded a record in the U.K for an amount of rainfall collected in 24 hours, that being 341mm. Or did it? How many of us know that the Environment Agency use different gauges to that of the Met Office and that the Environment Agency rain gauges do not conform to the “Standard” W.M.O. 5″ collection tube? Well, I did. I also know that at the last review, the E.A. gauges, mainly “tipping bucket” types are known to record spurious data as the method of collection and measuring has given rise to incorrect data. The funnel to collect the rainfall is not the standard 5″ as in the Met Office gauges but can be up to 12″ for the E.A. ones. The E.A. gathering can also be greatly affected by wind and to a lesser degree by temperature. The E.A. know that their gauges cannot be relied upon and as such ‘adjustments’ have to be made.
I have enclosed some important links for all of the forum members and trust that they are read.
The first is a photo of the E.A. device at Honister
The rain gauge is the white “toilet” bowl in the back ground and this picture can be enlarged by clicking on it.
Next is the problems pertaining to the “tipping bucket” gauges as used by the E.A.
Click to access Evaluation%20of%20Tipping%20Bucket%20Rain%20Gauge%20Performance%20and%20Data%20Quality.pdf
And third is the Met Office requirement as stipulated by the “standard” rain gauge which is commonly used throughout the world and regulated by the W.M.O.
[An ordinary funnel-type raingauge has been in use for all manual measurements since the earliest days of observing. The design has varied over the years but today the Met Office strongly encourages conformity in order to maximise comparability of readings across the network. The standard design has a rim of diameter 5 in (127 mm) standing 12 in (30 cm) above the ground. Raingauges based on the standard design are adapted to meet specific needs; there is a version having a capacity to hold a large volume of rain which is used in remote sites where readings may only be taken once a month. Exposure of the gauge should be on open ground distant from the effects of sheltering objects. At a few windy sites, established a number of years ago, there may be a surrounding turf wall of diameter 3 m and height 30 cm which shields the gauge from the extreme effects of strong winds. Systematic differences as large as 12% have been noted between an unsheltered gauge and one within a turf wall. It is not the present practice to build turf walls at new station]
To repeat, the standard Met Office gauge has a collecting neck of just 5″ whereas the E.A. in the photo above has a 12″ bowl leading to a collecting chamber. Is it no wonder that a record was set when the collecting bowl was nearly 3 times the size?
Click to access OH_Chapter9.pdf
Old Bloke,
Rain gauges measure the depth of rainfall. Of course a 12” gauge will collect more volume than a 5”; but the ‘depth’ will be the same per square inch collected.
The supposed “problems pertaining to the “tipping bucket” gauges as used by the E.A.” you link to (which you obviously couldn’t even be bothered to read); are that they may record less rainfall than the standard 5” Met Office gauge.
Please stop embarrassing yourself.
Can you provide the detail drawing(s) of the EA used gauges such that we can make a comparison and inform ourselves between the two contending views.
Just like we often want the BBC to do on many matters!
Zero, thanks for informing me that I’m embarrassing myself. Thanks also for informing me that rain gauges measure depth of rainfall, never knew that. Thanks also for informing me that the rain collected on a 12″ disc surface area will be the same as a 5″ tube. Thanks also for informing me that you are happy to accept that the E.A. gauges do not necessarily record correct rainfall amounts compared to the official Met Office ones. Oh and I did read all of the E.A. report on their gauges (I did so several years ago), and if they were so accurate in their data gathering then why the report and concern about legitamacy? And that you are happy to accept that this gauge in Honister gave an accurate reading to produce a U.K. record in what is an unprotected site? Maybe someone pi**ed into it in that 24 hour period? Now who is embarrassing oneself? Whatever.
And while I’m on about Honister reporting station, from the photo linked into my post, do you not think that the temperature gauge is, well, how shall we say, rather a little on the high side? I doubt very much if they get a frost that high up a gauge even in Cumbria and thus increasing the mean temperature of that site.
If it is possible could any one on here send my last post to either Paul Homewood (notalotofpeopleknowthat web site) or Christopher Booker at the Telegraph. For some reason, I’m not being allowed to forward this post so you might have better luck than me tonight.
Why is the BBC obsessed with attacking one of the Republican candidates for the US Presidential election? What have they said or done that’s of interest or relevance to the UK?
While this non-story headlines at the BBC here is a story being ignored …
“The Iraqi PM has called on NATO to intervene shortly after the deadline of a Baghdad-issued ultimatum demanding that Turkish troops leave its territory expired. Ankara has refused to withdraw.” RT Today
WW3 could kick off, but let’s first hear what a boxer has been saying …
No suggestion in the headline then….
The fact is that Trump is by far the most popular candidate. All he’s doing is saying what most are thinking, and the left hate it because their idea that his views are extreme rather than mainstream has been well and truly rubbished.
‘It’s good to talk’
So says Louise Minchin – somewhat ironically on the morning where, besides the weather, the BBC’s choice of top news items are all about individuals saying certain things that other people are jumping up and down about and demanding they jolly well stop saying such things. Oh, and if they don’t recant what they have said – these people should be banned. From which the public ought to conclude it’s only good to talk so long as you are saying the right things.
My other observation is that in the dark days when I listened to BBC 5 Live I started to notice how the BBC loved nothing better than mixing sport and leftist politics.
So long as you are saying the left things, surely?
Louise is precious, isn’t she?
Maybe we could give Trump a reception equivalent to this, now I wonder which poses the greatest threat to the country…..
The invaders are here. It is so funny that the police do not know what to make of it. UK RIP .
I would love to see Trump winning the GOP nomination and Tyson Fury to win SPOTY, purely to stick it right up the arseholes at the bBC/Guardian and most of the rest of the MSM for that matter.
That would be a beautiful site to behold, a bit like when the Tories won the election..sad beboids
I expect that the SPOTY voting will be as believable as the Oldham / Thanet ones.
BBc breakfast the anti-Trump agenda continues. Crisis in schools teacher recruitment hit by pay freeze apparently recruitment is being harmed by the miniscule wages paid, Local news. The anti Tump agenda continues. How do you think football has changed? Archive footage is released Yes they managed to find some archived womens football & there was a huge audience for that chimes in sofa sloth.
Free advertising spot for Angelina Jolie and her new film By the Sea, wickepedia notes it as a box office bomb
The Bay City Rollers drop in on the sofa.
Personally, I think Trump is an asshole but anyone who annoys the BBC cannot be all bad !
Isn’t there a certain irony about liberals crying about Trump’s comments to ban Muslims from the US, and then proceeding to set up a petition to ban Trump from the UK?
Xavier , spot on ! Why do the leftie liberals not all convert to Islam anyway ? Weird.
Because most of them are women, homosexual, transsexual or atheist, i.e most at risk of being beheaded.
re crisis in school teacher recruitment – (btw just another instalment in the bBBC ’cause deserving of more taxpayers money’ series)
a. Teachers are on pay sales. Only those at the top of the scale get a freeze. Others all get increments of around £2000+ p.a. about 8% increase.
b. Starting salary for NQT is £23k. Plus (never ever mentioned) a salary based pension entitlement. For readers not familiar, this is 1/57 of the salary per year, increasing by 1.7% compound every year until retirement. Calculation. 1/57 *23k = £403, multiplied by (1.017 to the power of say 42 (years)) = 2.03 equals £818. RPI protected annuity rates currently 3.3%, lump sum needed is 818/.033 = £24,700. Pension contribution is 9% of salary, £2070, giving nett benefit of £22630. The pension benefit is worth almost as much as the salary !!! Who realised that? Hands up! A private sector worker on a defined contribution pension would need a salary of £45,000 to get the same benefits – and then there are the 14 weeks holidays.
Maybe the crisis is not in pay but in clearly explaining the overall package. But don’t expect the bBBC to give this any airtime.
A relative is a teacher and on the quiet understands the above; so realises he, like very many others, is on a more decent deal than it suits the public sector to admit to.
I make no comment on whether teachers deserve this or not – only that the full benefits package should be clearly explained to the taxpayers who ultimately pay for this, and not conveniently hidden from them. The bBBC is complicit in this deception.
Sluff thank you for clarifying what I thought was the case.
Just to clarify earlier post, the deal is that there is a guaranteed rise in pension entitlement of 1.7% per annum compound ABOVE inflation from the year of earning the entitlement to the year of retirement. All above figures assume zero inflation. This replaces the former ‘final salary’ scheme and in effect provides a cap by assuming a final salary approx. x2 that of the starting salary. It stops taxpayers footing the massive pensions bill for those convenient staff promotions just before retirement where the extra earnings of a few months cascade into 40 years worth of extra final salary based pension entitlement e.g. for every £1000 of visible pay rise there was £20,000 of invisible pension pot entitlement for the taxpayer to fund.
No real teaching is going on in mainstream schooling any more.
All cut and paste worksheets as the kids lard up on free breakfasts, and watch a clip of nasty end of the Shawshank Redemption, as both staff and “students” unpop an earpiece, or look up from their smart screens.
Blair stuffed teaching with his lamebrain oafs, but only after disasters like Major, Patten and Baker broke the systems so we`ed all go private or not care any more.
The unions allowed non-teachers, para health chumps, dinner ladies, assistants, mum and “cover supervisors” in to replace teachers-so they could run round Egypt for charity and eat all the buns in record time for Children in Need.
As for the kids who are “In Need” of learning to read, write or be numerate or be sociable?..stuff that-here`s stab vest, padded with ECHR “Rights Of The Child” leaflets that will slow the blade down a little.
In truth though-there`s no need for teachers anymore-the State doles out the condoms, the NHS gives the STD powerpoints and the para health pimps and pushers give out the drugs “advice”-and a 24 hour duty solicitors card on audiobook for those who`ve not been taught to read.
Time to finish schools-0and any pretence that they`re anythong other that HPV stations and access points for free breakfasts . OFSTED just want compliance data, exam boards just want sketch artists to draw their ethnic basketball player in a wheelchair who`s sticking it to whitey…we`re stuffed educationally.
He probably does have many of the attributes of an asshole but at least he has the balls to say what a lot of people are thinking. Most ordinary people in this country are inhibited by the climate of fear generated by terrorists and holier-than-thou social hypocrites that is simultaneously denied and supported by the BBC in a grotesque juggling act.
I agree ! the media and Twatteraties are in meltdown and having an attack of the vapours because someone dares to say what most of Europe are now thinking ! For Christ’s sake, he hasn’t killed anyone or incited anyone else to commit violence, and yet ‘thousands’ are petitioning for Trump to be banned from the UK ! why ? we are lumbered with the most vile criminals from abroad languishing in our jails whom we cant deport, because of their Yuman and Famileee rights, but the Twatterers never get huffy about that. All those who twatter need to get real, and its not only the Beeb, but also Sky and those who comment on the Papers who think they are so f……g morally right ! Behind closed doors most of Britain WOULD agree with Trump, and talk to anyone over the age of 60 and you’ll discover how many have become racist in their attitude as they’ve got older because of what has become to this UK they’ve grown up in. This may well be unpalatable to some, but its true.
Last night Dartmoor recorded a “frost day”. This has meant that on my patch of Dartmoor (780ft amsl) we have had a “frost day” every month of this year. Something of a record, but it is of cold temperatures so non-one will be told.
I hope you’re not blaming it on the evil “Storm Desmond”, which seems to be taking a lot of flack for everything at the moment, including the Islamification of the Former UK.
Re comments further up the thread about ‘no-go’ areas, I had a great idea !
This could be BBC gold to replace Strictly Baking Ice Cook Dance-off Voice……………….why not have celebrity homosexuals and feminists given a route through these areas just after Friday prayers which they had to navigate on their own, kinda Schwarzenegger Running Man style. There could be a set of extra points to be had with for instance, getting a selfie with the local imam, a packet of bacon from from the corner shop, or performing wrapped in a union jack……..Yentob? You there?
Could they dance from cake stand to kitchen down the Brick Lane boulevard of loveliness?…and have detours to the funky nail bars and drag shops that are to be found in that advert for the joys of gay, transphilic living in E2?
The BBC and their political spokesman, David Cameron, might consider whether or not a US President has the power to ban muslims from entering the country. It seems that he/she has the power, but whether it is practically enforceable is another matter. Knowing Trump, as a business man and problem solver, he may well succeed.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t the blessed Jimmy Carter ban Iranians at the time of the hostage crisis?
‘ Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate’
8 U.S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens ” https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182
Since when did the British suckups to the New World Order think they had the right to talk on internal US politics?
Trump is not a candidate here-so why do the liberals think they`ve got the right to speak about him as if he was?
Did all this start with the Guardian lovebumming Ohio in the 2004 Elections to back John Kerry…now the most inept US spokesman in living memory( enough of Dan Quayle…Kerry is the baseline nowadays)?
And was their serial abuse of Sarah Palin seen as “helpful” to the New York/Washington and LA elites?…why else are they presuming to speak about Trump.
The hypocrisy at the BBC astounds me. On Victoria Derbyshire this morning they went on and on about bullying in the Conservative party ending in an alleged suicide, but if my memory serves me well didn’t a male BBC employee commit suicide because of a female BBC boss bulling him. Seems to have been well swept under the carpet.
Too true! Norman Smith must have been surrounded off-camera by spittoons to catch the spray, so wildly enthused was he by the prospect of churning more ‘news’ from this conveniently anti-tory story. And later the depth of concern in VD’s voice, prompting ever more provocative pearls from obsessively thuggish – any possible relevance there? – Ray, plucked at the nation’s heartstrings. Well, a few of them, anyway.
AND-seeing as their VD is the excuse for the BBC to harrass our English Boxing Heavyweight Champion-and family-it`s bloody rich for the BBC to cite “workplace bullying”…or trolling people with views not approved by the BBCs Thoght Police, as it really should be called.
How the hell can a viewer pass on a VD clip of crap-and GMP then call round to “have a word”.
If I were him, Id be telling the Travellers Rights lot and take a case out against the BBC and its trusties like Balding and Arnold…would that they`d shown the same zealotry when Sir James of The Bull n Bush House was in his pomp!
We Are All Brothers to young Tyson-call me Billy!
Move along nothing to see here. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3349477/Gang-baseball-bat-wielding-thugs-attacked-eight-strangers-sickening-crime-spree-wrecked-airline-pilot-s-career-jailed-40-years.html
Just why would one carry an umbrella with an handle like this in times like these and looking as he does (bruv) without wishing to attract attention or maybe even arrest? I smell a human rights claim from this guy and a sob story from the BBC. It begs the question where does one buy such a thing. Expect them to become the latest fashion accessory to certain individuals, real or fake….
It look to me like a dummy run. A brolly that looks like a sword, a clock that looks like a bomb. Report them and you are a racist Islamophobe. Next time, the real thing and no one reports it beforehand.
I agree, G.W.F. The guy with the ‘umbrella’ was clearly trolling the police. Just like ‘clock boy’ was trolling the entire USA. I hear he’s now suing for $15million. Wonder how much ‘umbrella tw*t’ expects to collect if his little plan works next time..?
Charge that umbrella with being drunk in charge of an amoeba.
The unpoken truth will be that the BBC are cock-a-hoop at the Tyson Furory
Secretly they will want to drag out the ban him deliberation as long as possible.
It will lend publicity, ratings and Twitter-relevance to their otherwise boring achingly PC sports personality jamboree.
Just imagine (to borrow a word from Yentob care of Lennon) where Eurovision would be were it not for it having become a BBC-sponsored gay-fest. Funding would be questioned. Who would still tune in to hear five hours of Albanians warbling about their goat flocks? – give it the gay spin and suddenly – the show must go on!
Likewise, Sports Personality – visualise four hours of sportmen such as Gary Neville with insights such as ‘when City don’t score, they don’t tend to win’. Bring on the wheelchair racers!
My guess is that the BBC will agonise about Tyson Fury for as long as possible – maybe giving him the standing count and technical knockout only at the 11th hour and then only if they are in fear of public backlash votes in his favour.
Disability scooter Formula 1?
Genius sir!
All engines to be run on chip fat, Pepsi or Coca Cola for the coolant, with an IV feed….I reckon Sunderland will be the place to premierethis new and exciting , inclusive sport!Already sent in my vote for the fat lump from Swanage with the Jolly Roger!
Oh dear-You and Yours moaning at Renault not servicing electric cars for Orkney…apparently, the Highlands are a bit hilly for them all to make it to the Renault dealers in Inverness.
Oh I love You and Yours-do IS use electric SUVs to drag the Yazidis to their deaths-apart from not getting the speed required, these eco-grumps are NOT helping the planet are they?
Trump UK ban petition passes 100,000
OK, if the BBC wants to play trumps, how about this….
Can Time magazine be declared officially insane?
Angela Merkel is Time person of the year
Seriously, what are they putting in the water these days that such a large part of the population considers this sort of thing rational?
Not water, piss, and someone is obviously taking plenty. With that noted humanitarian al-Baghdadi officially in second place it has to be a wind-up – or are the pair in line for the next bout of Strictly?
Famous Winners of Time Magazine Man/Person of the Year:
2015 Angela Merkel
2007 Vladimir Putin
1988 The Endangered Earth
1979 Ayatollah Khomeini
1971 Richard Nixon
1942 Joseph Stalin
1938 Adolf Hitler.
Not a list I want to be on!
Anything happen in Europe just after ’38 that could be down to the activities of a German Chancellor?
Good God….Have a read down the feed of this radio 4 beeboid Anna Chen……As “impartial” as you’d ever find (sic)
Anna Chen. A guardian reviewer, and a socialist groupie. Gets her neck into most left publications. Check her blog.
The !slamic conundrum and why we have so many more years to go yet before it is resolved, if a Billion and half people on this earth believe this Iman: (what a brave apostate in the video who asks the question by the way)
The U.S. should have implemented a moratorium on Muslims entering the country, such as Donald Trump suggests, on the 12th September 2001; and it should have remained in place ever since.
BBC continues to refuse using the word Terrorist.
‘Attacker’ is the new Terrorist word for the BBC. I understand the reason is that the word Terrorist is too judgemental for the BBC.
“”Paris attacks: Bataclan third attacker identified””
The word ‘attacker’ is used seven times in the report. The word Terrorist is not used once. ‘Gunmen’ is used once.
Is the word ‘murderer’ too judgemental? Is calling for the ban of Trump from the UK ‘judgemental’?
UK lorry drivers are being attacked. By whom?
‘Desperate migrants’ of course. Driven to attack innocent people and justified by the BBC
‘they were becoming “more aggressive” because so many barriers were being put in front of them”
Think about that for a moment, BBC.
They have had ‘barriers’ put in front of them, and so go Jihadi postal.
And you want those ‘barriers’ removed?
Where I come from, if you turn to violence just because you don’t get what you want, it does not start well and ends worse.
A ‘Don’t ban Trump from the United Kingdom’ Government petition worth signing for no other reason than to hopefully show just how far away the metrosexuals, the Twitterati, media and UK politicians are from true public opinion, although its a long way off the 200k of the opposing petition.
Thanks for the link.