In a sense, transgenders have replaced gays in the BBC pantheon of victims and it seems to have a stream of stories to win our hearts over.
“A transgender woman who was sent to an all-male prison has told the BBC that she was terrified and traumatised by the experience. Tara Hudson, who was jailed for assault, was transferred to a female jail after thousands signed a petition to move her. She says she considered taking her own life while in the all-male prison in Bristol.”
Perhaps if “Tara” did not run around assaulting people “she” might not end up behind bars in the first place?
Heard on radio 2 ten oclock news that the woman? Who inspired lou reeds “walk on the wildside” had died. The newsreader said that although she hadnt made any money,it was all worth it for the partys and the drugs. Ffs,10am news on radio 2.
Wonder how many BBC staff or elsewhere have heard the 1978 15 minute live version of `walk on the wild side` on the lp `liveTake No Prisoners` – well worth checking out on U-Tube as arguably one of the last bits of live comedy you will hear that has not been sanitised by careerism and political correctness
Interesting isn’t it. Most assaults are committed by men. Assaults by females are rare. Perhaps if ‘it’ had really been a woman then ‘it’ wouldn’t have committed the assault in the first place. I fear ‘it’ is giving away HIS true gender by behaving in a masculine way.
Whilst as a generality, I agree, I attended a martial arts seminar a couple of years ago, where several doormen attested to how violent women are these days. Women are becoming much more violent.
All embyros are inherantly female, until a hormone is released which turns the female embryo into a male, developing male genitals. Later the brain develops. Whilst it is physiologically possible, due to abnormalities in foetal development, that the male hormone is released too late, so that brain development is male, whereas the genital development has already developed as female, leading to the “man in a woman’s body” in later life, there is no way that this process can happen in reverse. It is physiologically and biologically impossible for a male to have a female brain. When little boys want to be little girls, it is a phase which they do grow out of, unless abused by parents getting them injected with hormones to pervert the normal and natural development of their child. It is child abuse and should be prosecuted as such.
Therefore if the biology of the human has a penis, then they are male. End of story.
Any thoughts of a being a man trapped in a woman’s body is therefore a psychological condition. It is delusion. It is not healthy to appease or “humour” such delusions. The suicide figures for post op transsexuals proves the point. Giving in to that delusional fantasy does nothing to prevent suicide or remove extreme psychological problems.
Now, personally I have no problem whatsoever with people being delusional and believing that they are anything they want to believe in. I have no problem with men believing that they are trapped in a woman’s body. I know a few transexuals who do believe in such things, and that is absolutely fine, I have no problem with them at all. They are free to believe whatever the hell they want, and dress and behave how they want, BUT I do have a massive problem with being expected to agree with and indulge their mentally unstable delusions.
I have friends who have several different mental problems, from depression, extreme social anxiety, bi-polar disorder and even schizophrenia. None of these people mind their problems and occasional delusional states being described thus. Only trans-gender people have a problem with their mental delusion described as the actual mental delusion which it so obviously is and demanding they be considered “normal”.
We should not be legislating into supporting and accepting these delusions. It is not healthy to do so.
I think this is another stepping stone to the total perversion of rational human sexuality. First it was homosexuals being falsely normalised. Homosexuality is natural, as are any kind of abnormal deformation, but homosexuality is not normal. No problem, what consenting adults do in private is only their own business. what is next? Currently it is BDSM power-play relationships, with the consensual abuse and violence, then trans-genderism, next it will be adult consensual incest. (if this father and son love each other, why not let them marry? who is it harming) and then it will be paedophilia, and then no-doubt bestiality and necrophilia. There is no perversion too taboo for the “socially progressive” lefty.
you got it all the wrong way around Geyza !
The Chromosomes are encoded at conception, all foetus start female and are then virilisied by the action of the hormone Testosterone. The brain is locked in its gender state by 6 weeks, so if it hasn’t been made male by then it’s not going to be.
If on the other hand Testosterone released into the womb with a female baby can cause the brain to be masculine.
Studies by Professor Milton Diamond post mortum on the brains of transgendered people have revealed the facts that the sexually dimorphic nucleus in the Corpus Calossum is the opposite to what the subjects gender was.
It is in reality a physical condition which can be shown to be the case. If this is as you claim a ‘mental delusion’ then how is it possible to recreate this condition in laboratory animals? In the Old Soviet Union they were also able to carry out these experiments on human subjects – showing the morals of the far left were severely lacking.
Don’t blame the people who suffer from this condition for the actions of the Social Justice Warriors who couldn’t give a stuff about them, and are only interested in using them as a tool to oppress the people.
Thank you for enlightening me Thoughtful. I was basing my argument on a documentary which followed the development of an embryo into a foetus and on until birth and then looked at gender issues. It was in this documentary (aired recently on either the BBC or Channel 4) which showed that the brain’s gender developed after the genitals.
I see I need to do more research in this area. Thank you again.
Its good to see an exchange of views by Geyza and Thoughtful, without any acrimony or vanity, leading to a learning moment.
Yeah, NCBBC, and don’t expect the Far Left bBBC to facilitate that on the issues of the day any time soon.
Only ‘approved’ thinking and conclusions are permitted by Big Brother.
The point, surely, is that this has clearly become an orchestrated campaign, the motivations behind which have little to do with those suffering genuine mental distress as a consequence of their condition. It is little more than another front in the Gramscian war being fought against what cultural Marxists insist are ‘bourgeois social norms’.
I have no doubt that there are genuine cases of transsexualism but suggestions that it is a common condition are absurd. It was, and always will be, rare, and its treatment, especially if it involves surgery or hormonal intervention, is a serious business not to be undertaken lightly – certainly not where tiny children are concerned.
I feel sympathy towards the genuine transsexual person whose very genuine difficulty is being used by a wolfpack whose real desire is to destroy society and who will use anyone and anything to achieve it.
I think I can agree with all of what you say, especially the last sentence of the second paragraph.
The most insidious of all the Fascists hate is the pushing of treatment for ‘transgender kids’, this is despite the reality of the situation being that 80% + of those kids would ‘grow out of it’ and might be gay or just a bit effeminate. This is why treatment has been put on hold until puberty has passed, but the Fascists are pushing Doctors to treat these kids in ways which cause irreversible changes to the body.
That really is the unpleasant truth, but at the ends the Fascists just walk away leaving some poor soul in a worse condition than they were before, while they search for a new ‘victim’
It is the Achilles’ Heel of the serious Left that like Dracula, it is doomed to a perpetual search for the next victim-group to transform into its slaves, hollowed out and re-purposed as a class deprived of justice. To mix myths, they are ‘progressed’ into zombies who are addicted to their suffering and can never be cured.
So it is with trans-sexuality. Whatever the facts of the phenomenon are, the important point for their new masters is their oppression as a class, newly conscious for themselves, and ironically alienated even from their own condition by political warfare.
If the Left ever knock at your door telling you they are here to help you tell them to **** ***.
It was Christians who freed the slaves.
It was free markets that improved the living stands of the poor.
It was Liberals who created the Old Age Pension.
It was the Conservatives who brought in the Factory and Education acts.
The Left have brought nothing but poverty, slavery, and envy.
To listen to the BBC you would think that it was the Labour Party that created the NHS. They opposed it!
Read Beveridge’s memoirs “Power and Influence” (1955).
It is one of the greatest and most outrageous ironies that while Churchill was actually a prime mover in the concept and creation of the NHS, a man whose vindictive hatred of him was absolute, Aneurin Bevan, is regarded as its ‘father’ by the left.
You forgot to mention mass murder on a scale that leaves Temur the Lame gasping for breath. Some 150 million in less then a century. As for the numbers affected but survived the plague of Marxism/communism, estimate half of mankind.
Homosexuals and transsexuals are just weird. They are members of a huge group of strange people. I blame the parents.
Dear me, Mr Trunk is at it again – seeding the discussion with off-colour comments intended only, I think, to bring it into disrepute.
(This and other threads).
Just ten years ago could you have imagined transgenderism?
Anyone want to guess what the next big thing will be.
It may also explain why several BBC staff members seem embedded no matter what.
Adult consensual incest, probably. Then paedophilia. Both practices which are rife amongst the Pakistani community.
This is all about control by confusion, everything that most of us were brought up believing was right and based on Christian ethics is now being turned on its head and confusing the hell out of people.
Now its our language, already being taught in our Marxist stuffed educational establishments, new pronouns which certainly confuse me, but when they become more common place, woe-betide any oldie (like me) using the wrong pronoun when referring to a transgender thus creating a shitstorm on Twitter and a sacking in the workplace…
More diversity training required…..
Can’t I just say “IT”? That’s gender neutral.
I feel as if I’m a lesbian trapped in a mans body . What prison should I be in ?
BBC already creaming their pants about the oscar potential of the new transgender Eddy Redmaine film. Think it’s called “Faggot: The Movie” or some such. Sure regular members of the public will be queuing round the block to catch that one.