I noted in the last post Roger Harrabin’s speed at tweeting that the GWPF was to be investigated by the Charity Commission in relation to the Greenpeace entrapment scam….
Charity comm has opened case into @thegwpfcom after #coal funding sting. http://energydesk.greenpeace.org/2015/12/08/exposed-academics-for-hire/ … It’s NOT a formal investigation. @ECIU_UK
Not so quick is our Roger to Tweet that the founder of Greenpeace has reported them, Greenpeace, to the FBI (thanks to Mice Height in the comments)…from WUWT:
BREAKING: Greenpeace co-founder reports Greenpeace to the FBI under RICO and wire-fraud statutes
By Dr. Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace
Greenpeace, in furtherance of what is in effect its war against every species on the planet, has now turned to what, on the face of things, looks to me like outright breach of the RICO, wire-fraud, witness-tampering and obstruction-of-committee statutes. I have called in the FBI.
The organization’s timing was clearly intended to spring the trap on Professor Happer hours before he was due to appear in front of Congress. This misconduct constitutes a serious – and under many headings criminal – interference with the democratic process that America cherishes.
I have reported Greenpeace to the FBI under 18 USC 96 (RICO statute); 18 USC 1343 (wire fraud); 18 USC 1512 (tampering with a witness due to appear at a Congressional hearing); and 18 USC 1505 (obstruction of proceedings before committees).
I shall also be asking the Bureau to investigate Greenpeace’s sources of funding. It is now an enemy of the State, an enemy of humanity and, indeed, an enemy of all species on Earth.
Greenpeace is a charity…..I wonder if they have broken any rules that need investigating? Checkout a few facts about the green megacorp…..
Revenue Canada, the Canadian IRS, said Greenpeace’s activities have “no public benefit” and that its lobbying to shut down industries could send people “into poverty.”
Greenpeace is now the largest environmental organization in the world with annual revenues of $368 million, an international supporter base of some 24 million, and what Forbes magazine describes as “a skillfully managed business” with full command of “the tools of direct mail and image manipulation – and tactics that would bring instant condemnation if practiced by a for-profit corporation.”
A meager six percent of revenue went to field operations while 11 percent went to legal expenses to attack the organization’s critics and defend members who had run afoul with the law.
According to classified documents he obtained, an astounding 60 percent of the organization’s revenue went to salaries.
And a Bishop Hill commenter has noted that in relation to donors who wish to stay anonymous Greenpeace has one or two itself….providing large sums of money…
From Greenpeace’s annual report:
“We are also extremely thankful for the gifts of two donors who wish to remain anonymous; one who gave $250,000 for our work to protect oceans and the other who gave $250,000 for our efforts to avert the worst impacts of global warming.”
I wonder what sort of correspondence passed back and forth regarding that anonymity.
It seems that Arnie has disturbing ideas for we sceptics, oh, and he doesn’t appear to be aware that Carbon Dioxide is NOT Carbon Monoxide…
Charity, a much abused, and incorrectly used, term.
The RNLI is a real charity whose seamen are all volunteers, and have a history of volunteering dating from 1824 (Wikipedia).
These unpaid volunteers, risk, and occasionally lose, their lives attempting to save others.
There are many other real charities in existence.
Then there is the Charity Industry, a left wing fund raising group.
Characteristics of this industry include :-
Senior staff receive Prime Minister size salaries and expenses.
The financial activities are of the Kids Co type, with donations disappearing at all stages of what, may be described as mismanagement.
They do zero work in the UK (eg Oxfam which has been a political agency working on behalf of the Labour Party for thirty years).
Their “work” whether in the UK or overseas is, like all lefty organisations, corrupt, inefficient, ineffective.
The staff are packed with prosperous lefties nepotistically moving, as Marxists do, from one “charity” to an NGO to a sinecure in the Labour/Trade Union movement.
The staff continually suggest that charitable status should be withdrawn from privately run schools.
One small, Christian run church charity is worth more than all these dregs of the planet scum.
Greenpeace is now the largest environmental organization in the world with annual revenues of $368 million…
A meager six percent of revenue went to field operations while 11 percent went to legal expenses to attack the organization’s critics and defend members who had run afoul with the law.
According to classified documents he obtained, an astounding 60 percent of the organization’s revenue went to salaries.
Carter Roberts, the CEO of the US branch of the World Wildlife Fund, was paid a total of $455,147 in 2009 – his base salary being $425,000.
Now THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is what is commonly known as ‘big business’.