For years the BBC has shoved down the cultural wonders of Romany Culture down our throats and along comes Tyson Fury, spouting his own “Romany values” and the BBC becomes apoplectic with rage! You have to laugh at it all. I really hope he wins SPOFTY just to hear his victory speech. Mind you, some BBC journalists won’t be happy…
A BBC Northern Ireland journalist has been “threatened with suspension” after criticising the broadcaster’s decision to keep Tyson Fury on the shortlist for the BBC Sports Personality of the year, according to reports. Andy West, a BBC NI news presenter wrote on his Facebook that he was “ashamed to work for the BBC”, according to BuzzFeed News.
So he should be.
If I worked for the BBC I’d be ashamed too, only not for the reasons given by West.
I wouldn’t normally give SPOTY the time of day. A mind-numbing, seemingly endless, snore-athon where a personality appears to be the most obvious thing missing from most recent winners. However, this year has already proved to be an exception due to Tyson Fury. Now he does have a personality. As of this evening I have a BBCiD and can’t wait to vote.
It’s one of those rare moments when reality smashes through the rose-tinted glasses of the London socialist elite. Love it!
Credit where it is due, as one of the harshest critics, both of yourself and everything Beeboid.
Have you had a Damascene conversion?
I hope so.
This idiot BBC journo said he was ashamed to work for the BBC and has now been suspended pending investigation.
Hard to know quite what to think!
This being in addition to or instead of Clive Myrie?
I suspect this will be a BBC suspension, meaning no work and same pay until restored to position months later in a new role and more pay.
Jasmine Lawrence must be fining it crowded on that naughty step.