Who said it: Donald Trump or Adolf Hitler?
Dan Hodges has joined the ‘outraged’ band wagon rallying against Trump…Donald Trump is an outright fascist who should be banned from Britain today
The trouble is, as with so many, Hodges is a hypocrite…ready to call Islam a problem but also ready to call anyone who calls Islam a problem a racist. We’ve noted this aspect of Hodges’ personality on this site but one of the 494 (so far ) commenters on his article in the Telegraph has similarly noted his two-faced stance listing Hodges’ previous comments…..
Who said it: Dan Hodges or Adolf Hitler?
I’m merrily commenting on the MSN page not the BBc I know but might as well be. They have been busy deleting my comments for the last couple of hours on the ban Trump story. I have just been pasting them back up