Holier than thou


Who said it: Donald Trump or Adolf Hitler?


Dan Hodges has joined the ‘outraged’ band wagon rallying against Trump…Donald Trump is an outright fascist who should be banned from Britain today

The trouble is, as with so many, Hodges is a hypocrite…ready to call Islam a problem but also ready to call anyone who calls Islam a problem a racist.  We’ve noted this aspect of Hodges’ personality on this site but one  of the 494 (so far ) commenters on his article in the Telegraph has similarly noted his two-faced stance listing Hodges’ previous comments…..

Who said it: Dan Hodges or Adolf Hitler?


  • Dan Hodges’ views on Islam:

    “Over a quarter of British Muslims have sympathy for the Charlie Hebdo terrorists. That is far too many

    Just because you wouldn’t personally go out and murder people, it doesn’t make you moderate. We cannot turn a blind eye to the fair-weather supporters of terrorism”


    “Too many of Britain’s Muslims are failing to integrate. We need to find out why”


    “There is a clear link between Islam and terrorism. It’s up to all of us to break it

    We can pretend Paris had nothing to do with religion, and reap the consequences, or we can fight to reclaim faith from the fanatics”


    “We can’t leave the debate on Islam to the Islamophobes

    This is an argument that mustn’t lead to us being forced to take sides – there are no sides to take”


    “What if the terrorists were Christian?

    To understand how to respond to the Charlie Hebdo atrocity, we only have to imagine what would happen if the situation was reversed”



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One Response to Holier than thou

  1. Dave666 says:

    I’m merrily commenting on the MSN page not the BBc I know but might as well be. They have been busy deleting my comments for the last couple of hours on the ban Trump story. I have just been pasting them back up