The BBC keep on wheeling out the old ‘hate speech’ narrative, but hate preachers like Anjem cowpat seem to be immune from such laws. One law for them, another….
How many Muslim asylum seekers have been taken in by Middle Eastern Muslim countries. Those in Turkey seem to be so unwelcome they are being shipped to the gullible West as quickly and profitably as possible. Not the action you would expect from an Islamic state when dealing with it’s own followers surely?
Where is the condemnation of the Arab states and the petitions to sign to demonstrate outrage?
Did anyone else hear Carolyn Quinn on PM, during the discussion on the banning of the reporting of the results, in newspapers and online, of junior football matches; she was squeaking “Or a girl”, “a girl”, “girl” when one of the blokes towards the end of the interview kept talking about “the boys” in the teams he coached.
F*****g pathetic! He just ignored her and kept talking – hilarious.
As ever the Fascist left have created a reality as they want it to be, and not how it is, nor what was said. Even people on here have been deceived by the left wing media as they seek to demonise and not to understand & criticise.
Here’s what Trump did say:
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump called Monday for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
“Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension,” Trump said in the statement. “Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again.”
So his criticism is of the countries leaders who he claims have no understanding of what the problem is nor what is going on. His argument is that they should be kept out until they do, which when put that way is much more reasonable.
Worse though despite him being vilified he is not the only Republican runner to propose this, although from the media reaction you might expect he is:
Trump is not the first GOP candidate to suggest restricting Muslim immigration, though he is certainly the first to call for a “complete shutdown.” Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a frequent sparring partner of Trump’s, called for restricted immigration, including a denial of visas and refugee status, from 34 mostly Muslim countries, including Mali, Turkey and Morocco. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz have suggested only allowing in Christian refugees from Syria.
Conveniently omitted from most media reporting.
Of course the BBC is having a field day, and today brought in a Muslim MP to comment on the suggestion that Police are afraid to patrol several Muslim areas in Britain (you bet they are!). Betcha can’t guess which hotbed of Islamic radicalisation and piety they thought was representative of that description? No? Well they produced Tulip Siddiq, MP for Hampstead & Kilburn – probably the constituency MP for more BBC presenters than any other ! and a million miles away from any of the shit they’ve been promoting as good !
I heard this garbage today…Tulip who? I’ve never heard of the woman but it’s a case of any muzzer will do for the bbc. She never mentioned the fact that the filth and our armed forces personnel have been advised not to walk the streets wearing any part of the uniform when off duty so as not to become a target…I don’t see so many Help for Heroes T-shirts any more?
Funny how Tulip’s voice wasn’t heard during the muzzer paedo scandal, or Paris, or when the hundreds of UK hating terrorists returned from Syria to our shores, or when the various hate preachers stir the pot…nope, not a word?
But when the muzzers are put upon it’s different, they have to stick up for their own because nazislam is all they care’s not AK47’s we need to worry about here it’s the pen and people like Tulip will lead the way, ably abetted by the scum bbc of course.
Never before has the BBC’s impartiality been more marked than in their recent reporting of Donald Trump and Tyson Fury.
Whether the great and good at BBC deem the comments from either to be beyond the pale, it is not their job to try and influence the listening public either way.
They are richly rewarded via the licence fee to bring an unbiased perspective to any news story. And yet their reportage has been anything but balanced.
Charles Myrie referring to Fury as a “dickhead” and Nick Bryant referring to Trump’s comments as being “in the gutter”.
And every piece I see and hear is inundated with anti commentators with no pro or even impartial voices offering a balancing perspective.
That the BBC would still try and argue that it is in no way biased and not trying to drive through its own left wing, hand wringing, anti-Christian, anti-Western world agenda has never been more of a sham than it is right now.
The obvious way to settle the Fury accusation of homophobia is for the complainants to fight duels against him, in the boxing ring, if they have the guts.
Alternatively, as Tyson comes from a Traveller’s family he should sue his accusers for racism!
Sky is just as bad. Mentioning the “Ban Trump” petition at every opportunity. No mention of the “Don’t ban Trump” petition. Lügenpresse halt die Fresse. Britain really needs a PEGIDA movement.
It is in the interests of the BBC to allow the Fury discussion to continue and in some respects actually ferment it. Free publicity for the terminally dull SPOTY programme and award across all BBC and competing channels.
Cameron wont do anything politically incorrect, such as bombing Islamic areas of Syria, unless he gets permission from Brussels, to bomb Islamic areas of Britain.
I suppose if Ukip were in power , they would order the SAS in to shoot them all , or send them all to a concentration camp , or put them all in chains , to do fruit picking. That would inflame the rest of the muslim world . Come get realistic , you huff & puff , but all your “final solutions “are totally illegal .Farage will never be PM , & Ukip , won`t ever run the country , I would put a couple of grand on that at the bookies , it won`t ever happen , sorry to disappoint .
Ah, Essexinsectlarva.
Should you not be crawling into some crack in a fallen oak tree, Quercus TreasonousMaximus, to survive the winter?
To emerge, imago perfecto, in the spring of 2016, as an anopheles mosquito, with no Y genes, to further infect the UK with your Plasmodium..
Here is one you have not, with your primitive cranial equipment, thought out thoroughly.
“Totally illegal”
So the Muslim imports who voted, in their millions, for your beloved Labour party, not just once, but multiple times, also totally illegally.
I propose that we, the genuine British we, we follow their good example.
I appreciate that in some UKIP supporters opinion Essexman has committed a thought crime by saying he votes Conservatives, but I do wish they would lay off the attacks on him. I find it rather pathetic.
Let me get this straight. Plod is looking seriously at the comments made by Tyson Fury. These are the same public servants who still tiptoe around issues of child rape, FGM, honour killings etc. etc. by the cultural enrichers. Dunno whether anger or despair is the right response to this.
Congratulations to Arlene Foster, who will be the successor to Peter Robinson as DUP chief and NI First Minister. A no nonsense lady from the beautiful lakeland County Fermanagh. She hasn’t mentioned her gender once as far as I can tell, and neither have the DUP. Happy to stand on her own merits. Good for her.
Can anyone remember when some leftie arty-farty prat put on a modern ‘art’ exhibition in Glasgow depicting a graffiti-ridden Bible? Could you imagine the uproar if this had been a Koran? Where were the sanctimonious whines of disgust from the resident leftie socialists at the BBC? Exactly.
Just laugh at them – the BBC/Guardianistas that is. Their day is ending and they are dimly ( as always dimness is their trademark) aware of it.
The world turns as it always does in the end and it is turning away from unthinking and absurd fantasy liberalism back to reality.
They amuse me these po faced liberals and they are good entertainment value. Does Tyson care about them or their threats? Of course not.
Does Trump care ? Of course not it just gives him more coverage and more potential support in the US where it matters not here in Hampstead where nothing real exists any longer and where absurdity has so long lived as to make the place a byword for all that is wrong with England.
Liberals are cowards at heart and shelter behind the state they have created when challenged.
Don’t give them your time and never argue with them .Just laugh.
An e-petition saying don’t ban Trump:
Get signing people. Also, don’t forget to get a BBCiD and vote for Tyson Fury in Sports Personality of the Year.
Good find Dover Sentry. The BBC are chucking everything including Ed Miliband’s two kitchen sinks at Donald Trump. The BBC really are pathetic, dhimmi scum!
Yes they are, but imagine what it would be like if Trump were a British politician in the H of C. He would be the subject of vile abuse , attacks from every outlet of the BBC 24/7 which would persist until he was expelled from whichever party he belonged to and resigned his seat, The Guardian and Independent would have pages devoted to attacks, some would be asking if he was sane, he would probably have been arrested , if he had any honours they would be being stripped from him.
Donald Trump said what many people in Britain know to be true but no politician dare say anything like he did. It would be literally the end of their career and they would be made a Pariah for the rest of their lives , just as Enoch Powell was. Such is the hold of the liberal left concensus on public life in Britain.
This was demonstrated yet again today on the Daily Politics when Andrew Neil pretended ( he must know better) that there was virtually no evidence for postal voting fraud amongst Asian communities. Why anyone thinks that people from Pakistan are going to change their culture of corruption and doing what their ‘leaders’ tell them just because they have moved to the UK, is beyond me. But the liberal left , who of course benefit from the corruption of our democracy , just parrot away that there is no evidence of corruption and nothing gets done. If anyone does get serious about reforming the postal voting system the BBC will trot out ‘racist islamophobic’ mantra and the matter will be dropped. Just another nail in the coffin of the UK.
Andrew Neil is not going to bite the hand which feeds him – even coming out against ISIS ruffled some feathers on the Left. It is the BBC we are talking about not some organisation that seeks to be balanced.
THEY tend to get a one way ticket to mid-Staffs.
And get to meet Time Woman Of The Year, Angela Merkel…I lost my bet that it would be Caitlyn Jenner, Jess Phillips, Charlotte Proudman or that Muslim Tulip who `s all over the media trying to get Trump banned from his hotel and golf course up north.
Thought we WANTED foreigners to pay their taxers-if I were Donald, I`d insist on a personal interview in Newport to assess his overtaxing…and watch the liberal blowhards get a communal attack of the vapours.
S`pose none these gesture benders who want Trump banned have even asked if he`s even thinking of coming to Islamistan…
Saw this in the Daily Mail. Good for the soldier but can the story be verified? Did he really ask all those good people who helped him after his injury whether they were Muslim or did he assume? If he assumed, isn’t that a sort of positive racism? Hard to picture him asking every one along the line, ‘Are you a Muslim?’ especially if he was in pain. And the white people who were so rude and obnoxious – did he ask them whether they were Muslim, Christian, atheist? Why did the white girl spit in his girlfriend’s face? Did he ask? Did the spitter know he was a soldier? Apparently the only ones so anti our soldiers are Muslims or their sympathisers i.e. the lefties. Just a thought.
A very poor attempt in that article at special pleading. People are slaughtered in California by Islamic terrorists and this is what is really important to the BBC. A possible backlash that has not really happened and it is as if these dreadful liberal apologists want it to. The enemy is not Muslims. The enemy is the lugenpresse.
Heard the old BBC “climate change” flood palava again today
Mark Steyn rebukes democrats in climate hearing: ‘You’re effectively enforcing a state ideology’
Cam moron should divert all the foreign aid that this nation gives to the rest of the world into helping those devastated communities of the North.
Wake up Mr Prime Minister and put you own people first !
I hope 2015 will be seen as the turning point. It’s taken the terror attacks and the migrant flood to finally open a lot of peoples’ eyes. Those who were edgy about seeing their communities change but trying to ignore it have had to pay attention this year.
I’ve noticed many “ordinary people” who haven’t been interested in current affairs suddenly having an opinion about what’s been going on. And they don’t like it. They regret not having paid attention to what was happening in front of them.
The shameful British media and government would far rather keep migration figures and creeping submission to Islam quiet, using the stranglehold of political correctness.
PC and the offence industy has been brilliantly successful in shutting down free speech and turning out a couple of generations of indocrinated zombie thinkers and graduate ninnies who now make up the establishment.
Ironically, their increasingly transparent efforts to manipulate the public into meek acceptance of mass immigration and culture change has “radicalised” many easy going people who were previously happy to let things coast along.
But thanks to the glaring bias of the BBC, many are slowly realising they are victims of a massive ongoing fraud. They see the mainstream media provides no outlet for their opinions and is a lost cause to sanity.
Sites like this, youtube and Breitbart etc let people realise they’re not the only ones that still value common sense and freedom of speech, effectively banned under PC.
On mainstream sites reader comments are now laughingly at odds with the views in the editorials.
Trump, Tyson Fury and those who are anti-PC and not afraid to state their opinions are like cracks in the dam. The BBC and establishment squirm desperately to shut them down asap. But as the BBC has to rope in ever more of the professionally offended to back up their shaky position it’s having an opposite effect to the one intended.
Increasing numbers of people are seeing straight through this, getting a taste for free speech and realising how we must fight to protect it.
Very true. The Economist is a case in point, in a leader praising Merkel’s migrant “policy” the comments section was full opinions completely at odds with the article..
True, the moment of Politically incorrect Glasnost is near. Ironically, With Cameron attacking the freedom of information laws, he is a greater obstacle to this than Corbyn. Cameron is no Gorbachev. So this means that it could start with an assassination rather by peaceful means from an intelligent leader, or by the patriotic Tories, purging the pro-EU Traitors from the Tory party.
Rush Limbaugh points out that Trump was merely stating the ‘Law of the Land’ and that the law had already been used by President Jimmy Carter:
‘Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by president. Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of aliens or any class of alien as immigrants or nonimmigrants or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.’
Not so ‘nutty’ then and it would seem to be a wise precaution to take under present circumstances … which is probably why bigot Obama has made a veiled reference to Trump’s ‘bigotry’, why ‘moron throws his hands up in horror and, yet again, why the BBC turn common sense round by 180 degrees.
Here it is Trump triumphs.
I do hope Cameron is aware of this when they debate the petition to ban Trump in Parliament. Or when Appeaser May dares to prevent him from coming here.
I have also received a petition from some Scotch University who want to remove his honorary degree.
The BBC has been trumpeting the announcement by US ‘Time Magazine’ that Angela Merkel is their ‘person of the year’ for “her role in Europe’s crises over migration and Greek debt. Mrs Merkel had provided “steadfast moral leadership in a world where it is in short supply”, editor Nancy Gibbs wrote.”
The BBC article was only turned up by searching for it, but it is at least honest, which is more than can be said for the rest of their output.
The contentious and unreported stuff comes in the other rejected candidates, and it’s like winning first prize in a beauty competition when the other competition are all vermin.
Here’s the list of the runners up – and you better sit down with a strong cuppa:
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – head of the Islamic State militant group
Donald Trump – business magnate seeking Republican nomination as US presidential candidate
Black Lives Matter – activist group campaigning against violence towards black people, notably in the US
Hassan Rouhani – president of Iran since 2013
Travis Kalanick – US entrepreneur, founder of the Uber transportation network firm
Caitlyn Jenner – born Bruce Jenner, became 1976 Olympic decathlon champion, officially changed name and gender in 2015
No prizes for guessing why they haven’t bothered reporting these runners up !
I was half listening to something during the day so if I’m off the target please correct me I was cleaning the oven. That the Time magazine award was for individuals who had influence and were likely to continue to have influence on our lives, and that it was not necessarily influence for the good,
I assume BBc has been running it’s anti Trump campaign all day, As I’ve said earlier I’ve been on MSN on and off challenging the more inane of the comments being made. Our digital reception has been rubbish so No BBC until about 5 minutes ago when some bint was advertising the ban Trump petition. I wonder if this is a new service BBc is providing to advertise certain chosen petitions in this case Ban Trump & ban Fury. Strange when there was over 4000,000 signatures to close our borders I never heard a whisper
I’d never heard of him before Wednesday, either. This para from the article caught my eye:
Rutherford said society had “fought for generations” to give everybody the right to freedom of speech but Fury’s comments “undermine the struggles we have been through”.
Not really getting the idea of ‘freedom of speech’ then, are we, Greg?
I was going to make that exact point. What an arse he comes across as. Decides not to withdraw from attending SPOTY but makes sure everyone knows he was thinking about it.
I liked Fury’s tweet though: All this talk of Greg Rutherford – who exactly is he?
Last night on tv the featherweight sportsman Greg Rutherford story about his should I/shouldn’t I agonising was expanded to include lots of on-going phone discussions with the BBC. Whatever the eventual outcome the BBC are manipulating this for all it’s worth
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
George Orwell
“I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself.”
Oscar Wilde
“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
Benjamin Franklin
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”
Harry S. Truman
“Everybody has the right to freedom of speech, which is something that we as a society have struggled with and fought for generations to get to where we are now but by the nature of these comments, undermine the struggles that we have been through.”
Greg Rutherford
“Liberal Fascists have the right to ban freedom of speech, which is something that they have struggled with and fought for generations to get to where they are now but by the nature of these comments, undermine the struggles that they have been through.”
Richard Pinder
BBC news on today this morning at 7….. A Syrian woman and her seven children were drowned in the Aegean this morning trying to get to mainland Europe, they were trying to escape from Islamic state.
2 points of bias, presumably they were “escaping” from Turkey or a Greek island (unusual use of the word “mainland” suggests this), secondly on this occasion there was no qualifying “so called” before Islamic state.
Unless things have really gone downhill, surely IS aren’t operating in “our ally” Turkeys territory are they?
This is an appalling tragedy that could have been avoided if Europes leaders and their media cheerleaders had followed the Australian precedent and made clear that boat people would be repatriated to port of embarkation, not offered German citizenship and Schengen rights.
Maybe it’s a good time to revisit the actual facts, and the cynical propaganda, surrounding the death of little Alan Kurdi (note, not Aylan):
Almost the entire MSM lost their marbles for a while about that incident. No doubt this latest news will evoke similar virtue signalling by the usual suspects, including the BBC. The ominous signs of bias have already been spotted by @embolden.
Considering the BBC’s evident excitment with the reporting of US politics one wonders how come this story received so little traction – no calls for on-line petitions etc?
“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”
Oh wait, to be fair, the BBC has covered the story. Tucked away on-line there’s a denial and rebuttal
‘But Gen Campbell, who commands US and allied forces in Afghanistan, in response said that he had discussed the media reports with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and had concluded that there was no substance to them.’
Last night I caught up up the recent BBC4 Timewatch program on the Mary Rose, what a waste of time. 90% of the program was made up of old programs from 1980, 1982, 1984 and 2004, little new to learn, that is apart tooth analysis of one the skeletons found that the crew member was Spanish. Dan Snow goes on to surmise that a number of the crew were foreign and possibly one of the reasons it sank, ie the crew had language problems….. The implication of course being that a fair percentage of the 400 crew of a 500 year old British Naval ship were ….. non Brits.
I also note in the press this morning that the BBC have lost live coverage of The Australian Open tennis championship and fans of the dour won’t be able to watch Andy play live, also it looks like F1 may follow. This of course begs the question what the *&$£ does the BBC do with our £5bn? Apart from lengthy lavish self promotion pieces (see the latest BBC1 Christmas ad) exactly what do the BBC produce that is worth consuming?
Last time I checked Eurosport who show all the big tennis tournaments live, along with RTL who show all the F1 races live was free to air on Astra 19.2, but the freak rules of the telly tax means that even to watch these foreign channels live, one still needs a licence….
Thanks for alerting me Geoff. I had recorded this because I thought that the BBC couldn’t possibly find a multiculty angle on the Mary Rose, but I won’t bother watching now . The BBC manages to foul everything it touches with its multiculty obsession. No programme seems to escape large dollops of multiculty shit being daubed all over it. Thinking about it I’m surprised that the BBC didn’t claim that the Mary Rose was crewed by North Africans or Arabs who rioted when they found that bacon butties were being served for lunch, leaving the ship in the lurch so to speak.
The world is in a sorry state; if we believed everything we read and watched, well, we’re all doomed! The BbC should move its organisation to somewhere East of Suez because they certainly do not reflect the BRITISH bit of their title in their spoutings. In fact they seem ashamed of it which is appalling.
Europe couldn’t organise a p*** up in a brewery except by throwing money in the pot which does no good as it lands in the wrong pockets.
I am reminded of a phrase which comes up several times in the film Reach for the Sky. ” Rules? Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men”. What a different world we might see if the common sense this phrase embodies were to be incorporated into everyone’s thinking. I’m glad I am in my late 60s as, if things continue on this downward path, I shan’t be here to see the terrible consequences.
BTW – how does one make a comment on something several posts back and for your comment to be included in that thread and not pages later?
Last night, the bBBC commendably featured the many un-reviewed deaths in Southern Health NHS.
Yet within hours the website headline is “Warning of NHS winter beds struggle”
So a bit for once of proper investigative journalism is quickly removed in favour of the usual ‘NHS underfunding by the nasty Tories’ narrative.
Anyone catch Roger Harrabin’s Freudian slip on this morning’s Today programme? Talking about COP21 he said “What we’re trying to achieve in Paris” before correcting it to “What the delegates are trying to acheive…”.
Tells us nothing that wasn’t already screamingly obvious, but the BBC doesn’t care about trying to mask its rampant bias any more.
Also, did you notice the return of Richard Black (ex BBC now Director at Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit) on the Toady Prog with a report from Paris. That’s what I call doubling down on the bias !
Roger Harrabin: “What we’re trying to achieve in Paris”
Amazingly (sic) Ros Atkins (BBC news channel Outside Source) made the exact same slip about which I posted a few days ago. In his excitement about something Obama had said Atkins talked of an agreement “We” hope to get. You don’t suppose the BBC have had internal briefings and training in warmism do you? (sarcasm there).
Murdering SOB Michael Adebolajo is seeking compensation from HM Prison for loss of his two front teeth. I am sure his human rights will be supported by the BBC.
Something about the man’s missing teeth reminded me of this Christmas song.
The chap who lost his teeth (and as a result is a much sought after cell mate amongst some elements within the incarcerated community) insisted on being addressed as Mujaahid Abu Hamza whilst on trial.
Au contraire. According to the Kurdish Womens Protection Army, true Jihadists are terrified of being killed by a woman, because that prevents them entering Paradise and its accompanying pleasures.
We just need to recruit more women firearms officers and give them plenty of time and ammunition to practice with and very clear instructions on rules of engagement with anyone killing, attemping to kill or threatening to kill. Since the offender might be wearing a suicide bomb, tasering is too risky because it might detonate the explosive, similairly, negotiation is too risky, leaving only a shoot to kill option. Seeing how the Paris police were so heavily outgunned, one can but hope that a thorough and urgent review of the firearms carried and type of ammunition used, has been carried out and implemented by the security forces.
You miss my point: she shot to wound, not to kill – that isn’t aggressive enough, to be an armed officer dealing with scum like that in such a fashion.
The Jihadist, covered in blood, rushed at her with a meat cleaver in his hand that he’d just used to murder a man; whose body was lying (in her view) in a pool of blood, in the middle of the street, yet she shot him in the leg. The other terrorist was armed with a handgun and was also spared. They could both have been lawfully killed and should have been, better for his family; better for our society and better for the taxpayer.
I don’t really care what they believe or don’t believe awaits them in the whorehouse of degeneracy that is their Islamic paradise, so long as they get to find out, as swiftly as possible one way or the other.
So BBC R4 Today at 8.30 ran an interview about climate change with Anote Tong president of Kiribati. Mr Tong told us that his tiny Pacific islands would soon disappear underwater because of global warming. “According to the projections of the IPCC” he said, “We will be underwater… and so our future is very much on the line”.
Egged on by Today presenter Sarah Montague who (referring to the COP21 talks in Paris) asked him, “Are we in a positon where we can say the survival of Kiribas depends on the next few hours”? Tong explained how Kiribati had bought land in Fiji so his population could flee there when sea levels rise.
But is everything as the BBC narrative would have us believe? Could it be that Mr Tong is really motivated by the prospect of huge international aid payments? Are there FIFA-esque corruption issues on Kiribati?
A quick Google search throws up some background context which the BBC presumably doesn’t want us to know;
1. Tong’s predecessor as president, Teburoro Tito, says, “The scientists tell us that our reefs are healthy and can grow and rise with the sea level, so there is absolutely no need to buy land in Fiji or anywhere else. How can we ask for foreign aid when we spend our own money on such foolish things?”
2. “We know that the whole reef structure can grow at 10 to 15 mm a year, which is faster than the expected sea-level rise,” confirmed Paul Kench, an atoll geo-morphologist at the University of Auckland.
3. Kiribati, with a per-capita income of 1,600 dollars, receives more foreign aid per capita than any other Pacific nation.
4. Corruption is a widespread problem in Kiribati. Political corruption and nepotism seem to be the main corruption issues in Kiribati, and the economic importance of the fishing industry and fishery management increasingly makes it a corruption-prone area.
5. In 2014 about 1.7 million US dollars given by Taiwan for Kiribati to buy a boat to service the Phoenix and Line Islands went missing. Reports said the money had been wired to a Philippines company, but had disappeared. But Mr Tong says not all the money has been lost and the remainder is with the government.
6. Teburoro Tito, Tong’s predecessor as president and a member of parliament accused Tong of seeking to “promote his own personal image to the outside world”. He recalled firing Tong as fisheries minister because he allegedly lied about tax improprieties.
7. The Kiribati Government purchased a 2,210 hectare property at Natoavatu Estate on Vanua Levu (Fiji) in a bid to enhance its economic resilience. Anote Tong says Kiribati lost hundreds of millions of dollars during the financial market crash of 2008 and the purchase of land is to provide financial stability. “Given the financial markets are just playing a lot of uncertainties, investing in real estate like that is not a bad idea. There is no doubt in my mind the value will go up in a time, in a very short time, with stability, political stability in Fiji, everything will improve.”
9. The Kiribati government said the purchase marked “a new milestone” in its “development plans, which include exploring options of commercial, industrial and agricultural undertakings such as fish canning, beef/poultry farming, fruit and vegetable farming.”
10. Environmental activists have nominated Tong for a Nobel Prize because he is among the most prominent world leaders advocating for greater global action on climate change.
Incidentally; many low-lying Pacific islands are growing, not sinking.
Islands in Tuvalu, Kiribati and the Federated States of Micronesia are among those which have grown… The findings, published in the magazine New Scientist, were gathered by comparing changes to 27 Pacific islands over the last 20 to 60 years using historical aerial photos and satellite images.
The Maldives, another bunch of islands slipping rapidly beneath the ever-rising seas, appears to like airports. Here is a handy list with links to individual airports:
To save you having to read it I have selected some highlights.
Gan International Airport (GIA) – ‘To promote tourism and other economic activity in the south a new venture was formed early in 2012 to further develop and expand GIA.’
Hanimaadhoo International Airport – ‘It was upgraded to an international airport on 2 February 2012, with the introduction of direct flights to Trivandrum by Maldivian.’
Ibrahim Nasir International Airport – ‘In 2010, the Nasheed administration appointed IFC to run a bidding process for the privatisation of the airport. The bid was won by a consortium between GMR Group and Malaysia Airports who provided Rufiyaa 1 Billion[7] as upfront fee to the government for the expansion and modernisation of the airport by 2014, and its operation for 25 years.’ Remember the name Nasheed, we will meet him again later.
Villa International Airport Maamigili – ‘The airport opened on October 1, 2011 as a domestic airport. In 2013, it was upgraded to international airport standards.’
So, no concerns about global warming and rising sea levels there then. But wait, remember Nasheed? This Nasheed?
Here is the best bit:
‘With regard to the threat posed to the very low-lying islands by changes in sea level caused by global warming, in March 2009 Nasheed pledged to set an example by making the Maldives carbon-neutral within a decade by moving to wind and solar power. As part of a wider campaign by international environmental NGO’s campaign publicising the threats of climate change and its effects on the Maldives, Nasheed presided over the world’s first underwater cabinet meeting on 17 October 2009, off the island of Girifushi with the meeting participants underwater in scuba diving gear.’
You could not make this hypocritical bullshit up.
I think Trump should be awarded a Nobel prize for Green issues, promoted by the Climate Change lobby. After all preventing people from outside the USA, S Americans and Muslims from countries with very low carbon footprints per person from entering and breeding in a high carbon footprint country, like the USA is exactly what is required to stabilize CO2 emissions.
We could use the same reasons for limiting migration.
Incidentally, how is Hungary getting on with that giant barbed wire border fence? I suggest Trump proposes a visit to have a look at it and get advice on the matter.
Why all the uproar on keeping Muslims out of the U.S. ? Hungary haven’t just talked about it, they’ve done something about it, and yet has the Hungarian Prime Minister been banned from entering the UK? er, no.
Another strange inconsistency regarding BBC coverage of “identity” and its “complexity”.
A man who had his teeth knocked out whilst being restrained in HM prison Belmarsh seeks to sue the Home Office.
Throughout the BBCs report he is referred to by his Christian name despite the fact that he changed his name to an Islamic one on conversion to Islam.
Compare and contrast with the coverage of “Trans people” in the Prison system who “identify as women but have not had their gender reassignment surgery” who are consistently referred to by their adopted female names.
We’ve been through this more than a dozen times and most of us have decided that on this occasion the BBC is for once correct to do so.
If he had changed his name to “Muslims must slaughter the Khuffar” would you be happy with the reading that out? Or “I killed an infidel soldier and will enter paradise, do the same so will you” ?
That is exactly what he has done, only it’s a foreign language, and because you don’t understand it, you think it’s OK to use it simply on the basis some murdering muzzie says so?
Seriously you need to clue up on the messages being sent in these name changes, because they are coded messages to other potential Jihadis glorifying what they have done.
On the flip side if a White British person (remember them?) has changed their name by deed poll or statutory declaration, it is a criminal offence not to recognise it !
What you are actually suggesting is that BBC should either glorify Islamic slaughter, or break the law. Which would you suggest was the correct course here?
The use of Christian names in this context has the effect of disguising the motive of the murderer and the set of views he or she has chosen to identify with.
This is a long standing game played by the deniers of Islamic aggression, hence the frequent delays in releasing names and descriptions of attackers… obfuscate the inspiration for the violence and to allow counter narratives like “work place violence”, “mental health issues” and the like.
You are correct in suggesting a name can be a signal. Are you seriously suggesting that giving a non Muslim name in this context is a helpful signal? helpful to who?
I’d suggest it helps those who want to conceal the motives of jihadists because the “name signal” implicit in the use of “Michael” rather than the name “mujaheed Abu hamza” allows a fake debate about motive to be developed. There are still those who argue that poor old “Mike” lost the plot and carried out the murder on a whim of insanity rather than that he changed his name to “Abu Hamzas soldier” before carrying out a premeditated murder inspired by jihad.
Perhaps the BBC convention should be to explicitly translate Islamic names as a matter of course, so we all know the thinking that goes on in the giving and choosing of names in that particular community.
“Are you seriously suggesting that giving a non Muslim name in this context is a helpful signal? helpful to who?”
Where did I even come close to suggesting that?
You don’t seem to understand that it wasn’t a ‘Muslim name’ Like Mohammed or Abdul ! It was a specially selected Jihadi name designed to convey a message in a way normal names do not.
Do you know what “Mujaheed Abu Hamza” actually means, because if you have to go look this up, then your post is utterly meaningless. Do you know the signal this sends to other potential Jihadis, again if not your post is without any kind of sense.
If you think it is ‘better’ to risk people lives because you want people to know, what they already know, then I don’t think you’d find many who share that thought.
The vast majority of the British people KNOW why these two murdered Lee Rigby, and it matters not one jot to their understanding that BBC broadcast his name in either form. Broadcasting an advert for others to undertake Jihad is not defensible.
No ones life should be put at risk, just because you want to reinforce the message that Muslims carried out the attack in the name of Islam !
Thoughtful, the position I take is a simple one, BBC news reporting, being publicly funded, should be about presenting the facts of a case and avoiding bias.
In this case the murderer has an Islamic name, as I suggested that name can easily be translated or qualified such as “he changed his name to…..which means…..” these are facts, facts of the case.
It is up to the news broadcaster, the publicly funded BBC to present the facts, we then draw our own conclusions and debate them with freedom of speech and opinion.
Lives are at risk regardless of what is published in the media, but those lives are perhaps more at risk if facts are omitted to make an event “look” different than what it was, than what the event actually represents.
I too got 6/7 but asked my uncle for permission to do the quiz.
What an indicator of how shit and full of low expectations that BBC is in regard of its F1 chums.
Imagine THAT as a quiz in Womans Hour or the Laurie Penney hour.
Of course, they`ll never ask us about it-or draw attention to their Muslims “lack of concern” for their sisters.
Far better to name a nail bar after Mary Seacole, or shop sustainably.
Is the feminine name for “wanker” a “wankette”?
Is this some feeble BBC attempt to make Saudi Arabia not look completely savage and backward? Look, women can go to lingerie shops! It’s practically westernised!
And then the following question shows a woman needs a male relative’s permission to visit Europe.
Got to make myself an old Shoot-style League Table with 22 tabs-and develop my Alan Freeman impression of a voice.
For at 10 am the news headline that led Radio 4 was that the Polish PM and Cameron “didn`t see eye to eye re welfare reforms he planned”
THAT leads your news?By 11am it had been relegated to number three-replaced by usual crap over missing NHS targets for the old/mentally iii/muslims transgender etc…might have been about there not being enough money for them,and this bloody government are flopping in inverse proportion to the greatness of Labour(how refreshing to hear John Spellar say that Osborne doling out dinghies to Cumbria loaded with tomorrows money was “a step in the right direction”…thought the paths were impassable John!).
Yes, the BBC let Labour on to pass continual judgement on all things “political”-no Tories in sight for most of it-and we get greens and Momentum/Occupy/Stop the war tosspotties to harry the lected government we all put in only six months ago…how dared we?
Nah, fuck the BBC…boils down to that eh?
I noticed in the DE today that residential properties near Manchester are being converted into Syrian refugee shelters without existing residents being informed because of a loophole in law. just wait for the BBC fly on a wall series to start” Living with a Syrian” to try and counter the backlash.
I can completely understand why some folk are getting a trifle hot under the collar due to the claim for compensation put forward by Michael Adebelajo. Yes, it’s enormously irritating, utterly despicable and thoroughly without merit. However, we all know the ludicrous knots the legal system ties itself into attempting to be just and fair to vermin like this murdering turd. He has clearly made these claims to cause offence and to ridicule our prison service. I say so what? What can he spend it on? He’s stuck inside for the rest of his worthless life. He’ll never know the feeling of freedom again. Of course he should have been hanged and then this nonsense would never have occured. But there’s another way of looking at this. Let him win his compo’, then the Rigby family can put in another claim and they’ll get the dosh.
And perhaps next time he becomes involved in a “fracas” it won’t just be his front teeth he loses…
Since puppies are born for free, by definition, if they are sold at all it must be for a profit.
As shown with Kids Company, the entitlement culture thrives in the charity sector as well as in the bBBC and the state sector generally.
Puppies born free, sold for profit.
I have been breeding dogs for 20 plus years with no profit.
This week I gave up awaiting puppies from my bitch after her second failed mating, which cost £600 in stud fees, plus £300, per pup if born paid to stud dog owner, plus £800, before mating on hip and elbow scores, echo doppler heart testing and several other required genetic tests and of course veterinary costs. I would have kept two and sold others for around £12,00, each if lucky to produce more than two. Ongoing costs are dietary needs, vaccinations, and regular veterinary attention.With thanks to under researched BBC attacks on dog breeders even more genetic tests will be required adding to the costs. And no, the costs of breeding cannot be passed on when there are cheap but dodgy imports sold on motorway service stations at night from Eastern Europe and Ireland. In the latter case the government is unwilling to step on large income providing puppy mills.
As for the RSPCA – money from collecting tins is outweighed by substantial legacies.
You have a point and most (including me) will agree with most of your comments. But there is the issue of practicality and taxpayers money – not something Al-Beeb ever worry themselves about.
He’ll get legal aid, and our taxes will go to his lawyers, who have no interest in a quick case. If he wins, he can give the money to his family and it could be a lot. Remember the asylum seeker who was wrongly imprisoned prior to deportation for about 5 days, and got £20,000 ? 18 months wages on the minimum wage – which an asylum seeker would probably be on at best, for 5 days. Never underestimate the sheer insanity of judges.
Meanwhile the Rigby family (I don’t know anything about them) are in all probability law abiding and have worked for a living and have a little bit put by ergo – no legal aid for any process.
The legal knots you mention bring rich rewards but only for those that tie them.
Funny how an FGM case can be dismissed on the grounds it wouldn’t be ‘in the public’s interest’ but the compo claim of a vile, subhuman, butchering terrorist – well, why not?
Lord Janner, the child abuse, buggery for over 25 yrs one, who with his two top barristers … his erm “legal team”, will all be paid for by us
“The peer, 87, was granted a team of lawyers paid for by the public purse after a judge ruled this week that he is too sick to stand trial … Lord Janner’s legal fight against child sex abuse allegations being funded by taxpayer … They will present their final fee notice to the court’s central fund which will pay them along with Lord Janner’s solicitors. Lord Janner is accused of sexually assaulting boys who lived in care homes in Leicestershire between 1963 and 1988. The youngest alleged victim was eight years old. “
One could always ask the BBC how the market rates for talent they pay are calculated as, like BBC pensions, BBc salaries only seem to go up as well as up. Maybe an FOI?
Just joking.
Some have noted that whatever it is that measures Newsnight ratings even now may not need to be very big or powerful.
The BBC is really ramping up its anti Trump narrative.
No 10 traitors – Camoron regards comments made by US presidential hopeful Donald Trump as “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong”, Downing Street has said. “These terrorists are not representative of Islam and indeed what they are doing is a perversion of Islam.”
Simply wrong? … well … we know old Camoron, Traitor No1 himself definitely is.
BBC – Donald Trump’s Muslim US ban call roundly condemned
BBC -David Cameron criticises Donald Trump ‘Muslim ban’ call
Simply ridiculous, unhinged, ill-informed comments are complete and utter nonsense”, “an utterly repellent figure” and “one of the most malignant figures in politics”, “condemn him utterly and hope his campaign dies a death.”
etc etc.
Trump is a monster, a madman and a vile racist. erm … He’s just like Hitler…. really? … or just like Jimmy Carter?.
During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency.
The US has seen the Paris attacks, the dangerous lunacy over the flood of, glaringly obviously illegal economic Islamic immigrants, and now had a serious terror attack again on its own shores
… coupled with an Islamophilic President who is frankly useless … something like this was bound to happen.
Trump should have advocated, more serious profiling of anyone Islamic, Islamic institutions, mosques etc
and serious target specific action on travel around Islam … but hey!, that ain t Trump.
Until the situation is clarified?, oh and he s damn right on “no go areas” too.
There is an excellent article by Ann Coulter, over at, titled ‘Birthday Present From Donald Trump’; it is well worth a read, here are some excerpts:
“In the 14 years since Muslims killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11, this country has admitted another 1.5 million Muslims. So we’re xenophobic, bigoted racists if we don’t make it 2 million? Three million? When will we have enough? How many murdered Americans is an acceptable number before we can shut off the spigot of Muslim immigration?
The hysterical demand for never-ending Third World immigration has gone beyond the rich’s need for cheap servants and the Democrats’ need for voters. It’s a mass psychosis.
Angry Muslims have been popping up all over TV to denounce Trump and complain about anti-Muslim bigotry in the U.S. If they’d prefer a country with a larger Muslim population and no white devil oppressors, low-rent mud huts are available in any of about 50 Muslim countries around the world. First month free; after that, two goats a month.
Currently, there are more than a thousand active investigations of ISIS in all 50 states. Here’s an idea: Instead of paying for an ever-expanding federal workforce to track, wiretap and investigate immigrants with possible terrorist sympathies, let’s stop bringing them in!”
A London Cop Confirms Donald Trump UK Radicalisation Claims, as the BBC, Cameron, Boris Johnson, Zak Goldsmith Sneer
EXCLUSIVE: London Cop Confirms Donald Trump UK Radicalisation Claims
‘There Are Areas We Have To Ask For Muslim Leaders’ Permission To Patrol’
Just to rub salt in the wound
“The United Kingdom is trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem.
Everybody is wise to what is happening, very sad! … come on, be honest.”
D Trump
Just listened to a ten minute piece on Radio 4 PM about a fraud scam that devastated the lives of elderly British people and funded terrorism. Strangely enough, the BBC failed to mention their names.
Despite the fraudsters being Mohamed Dahir, Sakaria Aden, and Yasser Abukar and the fraud being detected as a result of a terrorism investigation linked to Syria it goes without saying that it has nothing to do with Methodism.
I bet those pensioners wish we had had more cautious Trumpian politicians watching our collective backs in the past.
Oh, I didn’t mention the ages of the fraudsters, unlike the BBC. What have the ages got to do with the crime?
I expect it fills the copy space and avoids asking the real questions.
This is what makes me shake my head at all the opprobrium which has been directed at Trump by (most of) the MSM, our w****r political class and the “progressives” who sign that petition along with the muzzies; day in and day out, the MSM, and the internet for those who specifically seek it, is filled with examples which are indicative of the gamut of Muslim criminality.
The range of their lawbreaking is breathtaking: terrorism; drug smuggling; drug dealing; prostitution; organized child rape and molestation; social security fraud; VAT fraud; income tax evasion; breaches of food hygiene legislation; child cruelty, animal cruelty; charity fraud; insurance fraud; embezzlement; polygamy, “honour’ killing; uxoricide; FGM; vehicle crime; racial attacks; religious attacks; armed robbery etc etc etc.
They are (as yet) a relatively small percentage of our total population here in the U.K. yet they commit a hugely disproportionate amount of crime and cause a high level of disaffection with the way things are in this country amongst the majority of its indigenous population.
Yet this is NEVER acknowledged by Al Beebus, the rest of the MSM or most politicians; most people with any sense agree with Donald Trump and long to see such a policy introduced here, yet the MSM and “elite” would view the holding of such views as beyond the pale.
I’m no great brain box, but I can see where this country is heading in 40 or 50 years time for our children and grandchildren – why the f**k can’t they? And then do something to prevent it.
Think someone needs to inform Jez that Muslims do not celebrate Christmas, indeed they even wish to kill Christians that do and regularly do as a matter of course in Iraq, Syria and Africa etc. This is not fiction this is fact!
Interestingly enough, they had a 5-Live phone-in this morning and the host (it wasn’t Nicky Campbell – btw what 54 y/o man uses that childish version of their name?) was taking calls on Trump. Most of the callers disagreed with Trump but had no problem with him coming to the UK, so they could ridicule his views or argue against them. The host (Rachel Burden, I assume) sounded increasingly desperate as most of the callers were taking Trump’s views in a light-hearted way instead of agreeing that he should be banned.
Guess what, though… they are hoping if they tell it often enough by reporting what the BBC reports what the BBC sees, things may change…
BBC News shared BBC Trending’s post.
1 hr · People have responded to Donald J. Trump’s comments with some clever retorts
BBC TrendingLike Page
Yesterday at 12:13pm ·
Donald J. Trump’s claim that parts of London are “so radicalised the police are afraid for their lives” has been mocked online. #TrumpFacts
Trouble is, ‘people’ are not playing ball when the modding and editorial filter can’t happen.
No #2 most liked is telling them a few home truths and mocking BBC ‘balance’.
I would have ‘liked’ it too, but some friends on my feed would see it and I really can’t be bothered fielding BS from them all night. These are the ones posting every daft BBC Trump/Tyson petition they can recycle, and who I simply ignore.
I know I should take them on, but then it’s also how the BBC and its merry social media warriors think their way is the only way, and it all comes crashing down when there is an actual secret ballot, and they can’t figure out why.
Jusy caught this one on repeat … “Police Terror Tactics Are ‘Radicalising’ Muslims”,
Sooooo … the other option? – he doesn t say of course
He could always whisk, D “nothing to do with Islam” Camoron in, maybe he could be of assistance?
Former Home Office terrorism adviser Jahan Mahmood resigned from his government job in a disagreement over the country’s counter terrorism strategy
… once again, at every level … infiltration
Another example
Home Affairs Select Committee – countering extremism – . K Vaz with MCB, CAGE and various apologists
“So let’s get this straight.
According to Jahan Mahmood, there are loyal, law-abiding Muslim citizens of the United Kingdom who hate jihad terror as a twisting and hijacking of their peaceful faith.
Some of these people are being arrested on “really very flimsy evidence, only to be later released.”
… That so enrages them, and those around them, that they end up embracing the jihad terror that they had rejected until they were falsely accused of participating in it.?
… Very well.
I am writing this on an airplane, hurtling through the air and using the airplane wi-fi.
I got to the airport early this morning, because I suspected that I would be subjected to special scrutiny and long delays — and I was right.
It happens every time I fly now, and has happened for months.
No one I have asked about this in the TSA and FBI have told me anything, but since it happens every time I strongly suspect I am on some “right-wing extremist” list.
This is absurd and annoying, but … there is NO CHANCE that it will “radicalize” me and make me turn to violence.
Why?, is it so blandly taken for granted that resistance to jihad will “radicalize” Muslims who otherwise abhor jihad violence?”
Robert Spencer
Succinct, and precise summation … that wanting “jihad”, wanting mass murder, or extreme violence has to come from somewhere?
Where from? … any ideas?
Yes excellent. And look at the contents of the highest and lowest rated. The highest attack the media, point out huge errors in multicultural policies, whilst the lowest harp on about the rise of fascism, far right far right, labels and buzzwords, never sustainable arguments.
Just remember that anyone could have 10, 20 or more e-mail addresses. So I would bet that at least 50% of those petition signers are fraudulent – probably many more as the keen ones will have created dozens to push their point of view.
Mind you multiple voting remotely comes naturally to certain people.
And look at the contents of the highest and lowest rated. The highest attack the media, point out huge errors in multicultural policies, whilst the lowest harp on about the rise of fascism, far right far right, labels and buzzwords, never sustainable arguments.
Spot on. I always look at the highest and lowest rated. Seems the moderators were upset by Daniel’s comment attacking the BBC and the left and shoved it on the lowest rated page (as well as the highest rated):
Weird. I would have though the process would be automatic.
Anyway, that HYS is really encouraging to see because it indicates that the BBC cannot even get a realistic degree of leftie support for its leftie agenda on its very own website.
By the way at the end of that article BBC journalist Gavin Hewitt writes:
“…Waiting in the wings are the anti-establishment parties whose route to influence is paved with the disruptive power of social media.”
Which means “How dare the punters circumvent us, communicate with each other, and vote for parties that we, the liberal media, don’t prescribe.”
Suck it up Hewitt! You’ve been circumvented.
Sick of your lies, bullshit and deception. The people of Europe are slowly waking up and you the BBC and the elite are going to have problems putting the lid on our anger and rejection of your failed EU and f**ked up multi-culti liberal dream.
On the petition to ban Trump Guido nails it. BBC and all are crowing because they have over 400,000 signatures to ban Trump for wanting to ban Muslims entering the US until the terror problem is solved.
Rather quiet about the petition which outnumbered it calling for a total ban on immigration to the UK until ISIS is defeated.
As Ernie Wise used to say ‘Get out of that, you can’t can you.
So, lets do some simple maths: 400,000 (which in truth is probably less than 100,000 due to fake duplicate registrations) divided by an electorate of about 45,000,000 – I make that less than 0.9% even if the 400,000 is genuine (which it so obviously isn’t).
It’s funny how the very same lefties claim that a government elected with just 25% of thee vote doesn’t represent the country, yet they genuinely believe (wrongly of course) that they should get their way with less than 1%. No hypocrisy there then.
UK Government responded
The UK government has no intention of closing Britain’s borders, as this would create more problems than it would solve. (no one asked that, no answer then)
The UK remains ‘open for business’ for legitimate travellers and trade. (no one asked that, is this bloody Cameron writing this)
However, we continue to operate our borders securely and to enforce our immigration laws. This includes carrying out 100% checks on arriving passengers in order to identify any criminal, security and immigration concerns.
Given recent events in Paris.
Border Force has intensified checks on people, goods and vehicles entering the UK from the near continent and elsewhere, undertaking additional and targeted security checks against passengers and vehicles travelling to France via both maritime and rail ports and a number of airports across the country
There is also a “Don’t ban Trump” petition which was lagging at about 8000 last time I looked. Not surprising as the “Ban Trump” petition has been advertised by Sky, BBC, etc. It’s a pity that these perverters of truth can present themselves as the voice of Britain.
Left-wing froth alert – Katie Hopkins is trending on Twitter.
Several clowns pointing out that Hopkins doesn’t speak for Britain. Hmmmm, are they sure about that? I mean REALLY sure? Well, yes, of course they are because they are a bunch of typical lefties for which the words conceited & sanctimonious were invented.
They BBC social media team at least are quite excited. And that means the BBC as a hole is excited. Hence an upward vortex of posts sharing each other’s excitement.
Only surprised they have not found a way to get Nigel in too.
The BBC is clearly trying to get a lot accomplished on social media and petitions in the years before actual secret ballots reveal who really does speak for the country. And who misuses £4,000,000,000 a year to claim they do.
Bias writ large on 10 pm news.
Pensioners scammed out of £1 million. Money gone to Syria. At the very end of the report. The guilty all look distinctly non white British and supporters of that religion the bBbc only like to mention positively. Oops.
But soon back to normal with the regular update on the Trump petition and then the boat people risking their lives as they flee from….errrr Turkey.
Pass the sick bag.
Yes, I heard on PM that the freeloader, his wife and 7 (!) kids (one only 20 days old – all together now… Ahhhhhhhhh) were attempting to “flee from IS”.
I think that Al Beeb are behind the curve on this one – I mean, fancy not reporting that IS are now controlling Turkey. Makes you wonder where they get their news from doesn’t it?
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The BBC keep on wheeling out the old ‘hate speech’ narrative, but hate preachers like Anjem cowpat seem to be immune from such laws. One law for them, another….
This is the type of article the BBC should be producing….
How many Muslim asylum seekers have been taken in by Middle Eastern Muslim countries. Those in Turkey seem to be so unwelcome they are being shipped to the gullible West as quickly and profitably as possible. Not the action you would expect from an Islamic state when dealing with it’s own followers surely?
Where is the condemnation of the Arab states and the petitions to sign to demonstrate outrage?
Did anyone else hear Carolyn Quinn on PM, during the discussion on the banning of the reporting of the results, in newspapers and online, of junior football matches; she was squeaking “Or a girl”, “a girl”, “girl” when one of the blokes towards the end of the interview kept talking about “the boys” in the teams he coached.
F*****g pathetic! He just ignored her and kept talking – hilarious.
That comment instantly reminded me of this!
That last line, as true today as it was then.
As ever the Fascist left have created a reality as they want it to be, and not how it is, nor what was said. Even people on here have been deceived by the left wing media as they seek to demonise and not to understand & criticise.
Here’s what Trump did say:
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump called Monday for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
“Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension,” Trump said in the statement. “Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again.”
So his criticism is of the countries leaders who he claims have no understanding of what the problem is nor what is going on. His argument is that they should be kept out until they do, which when put that way is much more reasonable.
Worse though despite him being vilified he is not the only Republican runner to propose this, although from the media reaction you might expect he is:
Trump is not the first GOP candidate to suggest restricting Muslim immigration, though he is certainly the first to call for a “complete shutdown.” Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a frequent sparring partner of Trump’s, called for restricted immigration, including a denial of visas and refugee status, from 34 mostly Muslim countries, including Mali, Turkey and Morocco. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz have suggested only allowing in Christian refugees from Syria.
Conveniently omitted from most media reporting.
Of course the BBC is having a field day, and today brought in a Muslim MP to comment on the suggestion that Police are afraid to patrol several Muslim areas in Britain (you bet they are!). Betcha can’t guess which hotbed of Islamic radicalisation and piety they thought was representative of that description? No? Well they produced Tulip Siddiq, MP for Hampstead & Kilburn – probably the constituency MP for more BBC presenters than any other ! and a million miles away from any of the shit they’ve been promoting as good !
Bias? It runs in our veins !
I heard this garbage today…Tulip who? I’ve never heard of the woman but it’s a case of any muzzer will do for the bbc. She never mentioned the fact that the filth and our armed forces personnel have been advised not to walk the streets wearing any part of the uniform when off duty so as not to become a target…I don’t see so many Help for Heroes T-shirts any more?
Funny how Tulip’s voice wasn’t heard during the muzzer paedo scandal, or Paris, or when the hundreds of UK hating terrorists returned from Syria to our shores, or when the various hate preachers stir the pot…nope, not a word?
But when the muzzers are put upon it’s different, they have to stick up for their own because nazislam is all they care’s not AK47’s we need to worry about here it’s the pen and people like Tulip will lead the way, ably abetted by the scum bbc of course.
Never before has the BBC’s impartiality been more marked than in their recent reporting of Donald Trump and Tyson Fury.
Whether the great and good at BBC deem the comments from either to be beyond the pale, it is not their job to try and influence the listening public either way.
They are richly rewarded via the licence fee to bring an unbiased perspective to any news story. And yet their reportage has been anything but balanced.
Charles Myrie referring to Fury as a “dickhead” and Nick Bryant referring to Trump’s comments as being “in the gutter”.
And every piece I see and hear is inundated with anti commentators with no pro or even impartial voices offering a balancing perspective.
That the BBC would still try and argue that it is in no way biased and not trying to drive through its own left wing, hand wringing, anti-Christian, anti-Western world agenda has never been more of a sham than it is right now.
And Cam moron ‘no balls’ will do nothing about it as he needs Al Beeb’s help for forthcoming the EU Referendum .
The obvious way to settle the Fury accusation of homophobia is for the complainants to fight duels against him, in the boxing ring, if they have the guts.
Alternatively, as Tyson comes from a Traveller’s family he should sue his accusers for racism!
Sky is just as bad. Mentioning the “Ban Trump” petition at every opportunity. No mention of the “Don’t ban Trump” petition. Lügenpresse halt die Fresse. Britain really needs a PEGIDA movement.
It is in the interests of the BBC to allow the Fury discussion to continue and in some respects actually ferment it. Free publicity for the terminally dull SPOTY programme and award across all BBC and competing channels.
Agenda and ratings.
BBC catnip.
I just hope it will encourage all those who hate the BBC to tune in and vote for Tyson Fury, just to stick a big f*ck you to the BBC.
Oh, this is interesting. I wonder whether we’ll see this discussed on the BBC?
Alex – take a look at this. Seems to support Trumps view !
I am sorry to upset Essexman, but what are Cam moron and his government doing about it ? They are in power and have been for some time.
They are in office. Not the same thing.
Cameron wont do anything politically incorrect, such as bombing Islamic areas of Syria, unless he gets permission from Brussels, to bomb Islamic areas of Britain.
I suppose if Ukip were in power , they would order the SAS in to shoot them all , or send them all to a concentration camp , or put them all in chains , to do fruit picking. That would inflame the rest of the muslim world . Come get realistic , you huff & puff , but all your “final solutions “are totally illegal .Farage will never be PM , & Ukip , won`t ever run the country , I would put a couple of grand on that at the bookies , it won`t ever happen , sorry to disappoint .
Ah, Essexinsectlarva.
Should you not be crawling into some crack in a fallen oak tree, Quercus TreasonousMaximus, to survive the winter?
To emerge, imago perfecto, in the spring of 2016, as an anopheles mosquito, with no Y genes, to further infect the UK with your Plasmodium..
Here is one you have not, with your primitive cranial equipment, thought out thoroughly.
“Totally illegal”
So the Muslim imports who voted, in their millions, for your beloved Labour party, not just once, but multiple times, also totally illegally.
I propose that we, the genuine British we, we follow their good example.
Labour, eh never voted for the socialist scum ever. BBC employee, for your information.
I appreciate that in some UKIP supporters opinion Essexman has committed a thought crime by saying he votes Conservatives, but I do wish they would lay off the attacks on him. I find it rather pathetic.
Let me get this straight. Plod is looking seriously at the comments made by Tyson Fury. These are the same public servants who still tiptoe around issues of child rape, FGM, honour killings etc. etc. by the cultural enrichers. Dunno whether anger or despair is the right response to this.
Congratulations to Arlene Foster, who will be the successor to Peter Robinson as DUP chief and NI First Minister. A no nonsense lady from the beautiful lakeland County Fermanagh. She hasn’t mentioned her gender once as far as I can tell, and neither have the DUP. Happy to stand on her own merits. Good for her.
Can anyone remember when some leftie arty-farty prat put on a modern ‘art’ exhibition in Glasgow depicting a graffiti-ridden Bible? Could you imagine the uproar if this had been a Koran? Where were the sanctimonious whines of disgust from the resident leftie socialists at the BBC? Exactly.
Just laugh at them – the BBC/Guardianistas that is. Their day is ending and they are dimly ( as always dimness is their trademark) aware of it.
The world turns as it always does in the end and it is turning away from unthinking and absurd fantasy liberalism back to reality.
They amuse me these po faced liberals and they are good entertainment value. Does Tyson care about them or their threats? Of course not.
Does Trump care ? Of course not it just gives him more coverage and more potential support in the US where it matters not here in Hampstead where nothing real exists any longer and where absurdity has so long lived as to make the place a byword for all that is wrong with England.
Liberals are cowards at heart and shelter behind the state they have created when challenged.
Don’t give them your time and never argue with them .Just laugh.
An e-petition saying don’t ban Trump:
Get signing people. Also, don’t forget to get a BBCiD and vote for Tyson Fury in Sports Personality of the Year.
Check this on Order-order
If you haven’t signed (and disseminated) that other petition yet here it is again
This is an example of BBC bias. And bias towards Islam at any cost and any opportunity.
“”A wounded soldier’s response to people who expect him to hate Muslims””
Good for the British soldier who lost a leg in a bomb attack and holds no resentment against muslims.
But the majority of British soldiers who received such injuries do not forgive muslims so readily.
Why don’t we hear from these soldiers, BBC? I tell you why not. They don’t fit your biased Left Wing narrative!!
Out of over 2500 British troops injured in Afghanistan and Iraq the BBC focusses on one whose views they like.
Yet more impartiality.
Good find Dover Sentry. The BBC are chucking everything including Ed Miliband’s two kitchen sinks at Donald Trump. The BBC really are pathetic, dhimmi scum!
Yes they are, but imagine what it would be like if Trump were a British politician in the H of C. He would be the subject of vile abuse , attacks from every outlet of the BBC 24/7 which would persist until he was expelled from whichever party he belonged to and resigned his seat, The Guardian and Independent would have pages devoted to attacks, some would be asking if he was sane, he would probably have been arrested , if he had any honours they would be being stripped from him.
Donald Trump said what many people in Britain know to be true but no politician dare say anything like he did. It would be literally the end of their career and they would be made a Pariah for the rest of their lives , just as Enoch Powell was. Such is the hold of the liberal left concensus on public life in Britain.
This was demonstrated yet again today on the Daily Politics when Andrew Neil pretended ( he must know better) that there was virtually no evidence for postal voting fraud amongst Asian communities. Why anyone thinks that people from Pakistan are going to change their culture of corruption and doing what their ‘leaders’ tell them just because they have moved to the UK, is beyond me. But the liberal left , who of course benefit from the corruption of our democracy , just parrot away that there is no evidence of corruption and nothing gets done. If anyone does get serious about reforming the postal voting system the BBC will trot out ‘racist islamophobic’ mantra and the matter will be dropped. Just another nail in the coffin of the UK.
Andrew Neil is not going to bite the hand which feeds him – even coming out against ISIS ruffled some feathers on the Left. It is the BBC we are talking about not some organisation that seeks to be balanced.
THEY tend to get a one way ticket to mid-Staffs.
And get to meet Time Woman Of The Year, Angela Merkel…I lost my bet that it would be Caitlyn Jenner, Jess Phillips, Charlotte Proudman or that Muslim Tulip who `s all over the media trying to get Trump banned from his hotel and golf course up north.
Thought we WANTED foreigners to pay their taxers-if I were Donald, I`d insist on a personal interview in Newport to assess his overtaxing…and watch the liberal blowhards get a communal attack of the vapours.
S`pose none these gesture benders who want Trump banned have even asked if he`s even thinking of coming to Islamistan…
Saw this in the Daily Mail. Good for the soldier but can the story be verified? Did he really ask all those good people who helped him after his injury whether they were Muslim or did he assume? If he assumed, isn’t that a sort of positive racism? Hard to picture him asking every one along the line, ‘Are you a Muslim?’ especially if he was in pain. And the white people who were so rude and obnoxious – did he ask them whether they were Muslim, Christian, atheist? Why did the white girl spit in his girlfriend’s face? Did he ask? Did the spitter know he was a soldier? Apparently the only ones so anti our soldiers are Muslims or their sympathisers i.e. the lefties. Just a thought.
Another BBC article about muslim fear in America.
“”The fear of being Muslim in North America””
But no attacks? So why the article?
I fear being attacked if venturing into many muslim parts of UK cities. Will the BBC feature me in one of their articles? Of course not!
BBC Bias. Always playing the Left Wing narrative.
A very poor attempt in that article at special pleading. People are slaughtered in California by Islamic terrorists and this is what is really important to the BBC. A possible backlash that has not really happened and it is as if these dreadful liberal apologists want it to. The enemy is not Muslims. The enemy is the lugenpresse.
Heard the old BBC “climate change” flood palava again today
Mark Steyn rebukes democrats in climate hearing: ‘You’re effectively enforcing a state ideology’
Tory “Comical” Rory moment working well?
Did his grandad design the Maginot Line? I believe that also worked well, although the Gerrmans did go round it. The concept was valid anyway.
Cam moron should divert all the foreign aid that this nation gives to the rest of the world into helping those devastated communities of the North.
Wake up Mr Prime Minister and put you own people first !
I read somewhere that a day’s worth of bBC money could fix the flood problems in Cumbria.
Doesn t help those poor souls in Cumbria, but neither does lying.
These ‘Unprecedented’ storms and floods are more common than we think?
Global warming hysteria busted again
@Dave S: “Their day is ending…”
I hope 2015 will be seen as the turning point. It’s taken the terror attacks and the migrant flood to finally open a lot of peoples’ eyes. Those who were edgy about seeing their communities change but trying to ignore it have had to pay attention this year.
I’ve noticed many “ordinary people” who haven’t been interested in current affairs suddenly having an opinion about what’s been going on. And they don’t like it. They regret not having paid attention to what was happening in front of them.
The shameful British media and government would far rather keep migration figures and creeping submission to Islam quiet, using the stranglehold of political correctness.
PC and the offence industy has been brilliantly successful in shutting down free speech and turning out a couple of generations of indocrinated zombie thinkers and graduate ninnies who now make up the establishment.
Ironically, their increasingly transparent efforts to manipulate the public into meek acceptance of mass immigration and culture change has “radicalised” many easy going people who were previously happy to let things coast along.
But thanks to the glaring bias of the BBC, many are slowly realising they are victims of a massive ongoing fraud. They see the mainstream media provides no outlet for their opinions and is a lost cause to sanity.
Sites like this, youtube and Breitbart etc let people realise they’re not the only ones that still value common sense and freedom of speech, effectively banned under PC.
On mainstream sites reader comments are now laughingly at odds with the views in the editorials.
Trump, Tyson Fury and those who are anti-PC and not afraid to state their opinions are like cracks in the dam. The BBC and establishment squirm desperately to shut them down asap. But as the BBC has to rope in ever more of the professionally offended to back up their shaky position it’s having an opposite effect to the one intended.
Increasing numbers of people are seeing straight through this, getting a taste for free speech and realising how we must fight to protect it.
‘On mainstream sites reader comments are now laughingly at odds with the views in the editorials.’
Yes indeed, I have noticed this so much more during the past couple of months. Even the Guardian readers are turning on the left intellectuals.
I hope that this includes the lover of spittle Zoe Williams who claims she if from the ‘intellectual left’.
Very true. The Economist is a case in point, in a leader praising Merkel’s migrant “policy” the comments section was full opinions completely at odds with the article..
True, the moment of Politically incorrect Glasnost is near. Ironically, With Cameron attacking the freedom of information laws, he is a greater obstacle to this than Corbyn. Cameron is no Gorbachev. So this means that it could start with an assassination rather by peaceful means from an intelligent leader, or by the patriotic Tories, purging the pro-EU Traitors from the Tory party.
Rush Limbaugh points out that Trump was merely stating the ‘Law of the Land’ and that the law had already been used by President Jimmy Carter:
‘Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by president. Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, the president may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of aliens or any class of alien as immigrants or nonimmigrants or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.’
Not so ‘nutty’ then and it would seem to be a wise precaution to take under present circumstances … which is probably why bigot Obama has made a veiled reference to Trump’s ‘bigotry’, why ‘moron throws his hands up in horror and, yet again, why the BBC turn common sense round by 180 degrees.
Here it is Trump triumphs.
I do hope Cameron is aware of this when they debate the petition to ban Trump in Parliament. Or when Appeaser May dares to prevent him from coming here.
I have also received a petition from some Scotch University who want to remove his honorary degree.
The BBC has been trumpeting the announcement by US ‘Time Magazine’ that Angela Merkel is their ‘person of the year’ for “her role in Europe’s crises over migration and Greek debt. Mrs Merkel had provided “steadfast moral leadership in a world where it is in short supply”, editor Nancy Gibbs wrote.”
The BBC article was only turned up by searching for it, but it is at least honest, which is more than can be said for the rest of their output.
The contentious and unreported stuff comes in the other rejected candidates, and it’s like winning first prize in a beauty competition when the other competition are all vermin.
Here’s the list of the runners up – and you better sit down with a strong cuppa:
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – head of the Islamic State militant group
Donald Trump – business magnate seeking Republican nomination as US presidential candidate
Black Lives Matter – activist group campaigning against violence towards black people, notably in the US
Hassan Rouhani – president of Iran since 2013
Travis Kalanick – US entrepreneur, founder of the Uber transportation network firm
Caitlyn Jenner – born Bruce Jenner, became 1976 Olympic decathlon champion, officially changed name and gender in 2015
No prizes for guessing why they haven’t bothered reporting these runners up !
They also haven’t reported that their person of the year in 1938 was one Adolf Hitler, the following year Joseph Stalin ! Illustrious company !
I was half listening to something during the day so if I’m off the target please correct me I was cleaning the oven. That the Time magazine award was for individuals who had influence and were likely to continue to have influence on our lives, and that it was not necessarily influence for the good,
If as you say the prize is for the most influence on our lives, then Al bin Call me Dave (Hug a Hoodie and all) has had no influence. Keep trying lad.
I assume BBc has been running it’s anti Trump campaign all day, As I’ve said earlier I’ve been on MSN on and off challenging the more inane of the comments being made. Our digital reception has been rubbish so No BBC until about 5 minutes ago when some bint was advertising the ban Trump petition. I wonder if this is a new service BBc is providing to advertise certain chosen petitions in this case Ban Trump & ban Fury. Strange when there was over 4000,000 signatures to close our borders I never heard a whisper
Who actually gives a sh.. ?
Seriously I have no idea who he is.
I’d never heard of him before Wednesday, either. This para from the article caught my eye:
Not really getting the idea of ‘freedom of speech’ then, are we, Greg?
I was going to make that exact point. What an arse he comes across as. Decides not to withdraw from attending SPOTY but makes sure everyone knows he was thinking about it.
I liked Fury’s tweet though: All this talk of Greg Rutherford – who exactly is he?
Last night on tv the featherweight sportsman Greg Rutherford story about his should I/shouldn’t I agonising was expanded to include lots of on-going phone discussions with the BBC. Whatever the eventual outcome the BBC are manipulating this for all it’s worth
Free speech – as long as it’s what I agree with
“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
George Orwell
“I may not agree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to make an ass of yourself.”
Oscar Wilde
“Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.”
Benjamin Franklin
“Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”
Harry S. Truman
“Everybody has the right to freedom of speech, which is something that we as a society have struggled with and fought for generations to get to where we are now but by the nature of these comments, undermine the struggles that we have been through.”
Greg Rutherford
“Liberal Fascists have the right to ban freedom of speech, which is something that they have struggled with and fought for generations to get to where they are now but by the nature of these comments, undermine the struggles that they have been through.”
Richard Pinder
BBC news on today this morning at 7….. A Syrian woman and her seven children were drowned in the Aegean this morning trying to get to mainland Europe, they were trying to escape from Islamic state.
2 points of bias, presumably they were “escaping” from Turkey or a Greek island (unusual use of the word “mainland” suggests this), secondly on this occasion there was no qualifying “so called” before Islamic state.
Unless things have really gone downhill, surely IS aren’t operating in “our ally” Turkeys territory are they?
This is an appalling tragedy that could have been avoided if Europes leaders and their media cheerleaders had followed the Australian precedent and made clear that boat people would be repatriated to port of embarkation, not offered German citizenship and Schengen rights.
Is it odd that again the father survived?
Maybe it’s a good time to revisit the actual facts, and the cynical propaganda, surrounding the death of little Alan Kurdi (note, not Aylan):
Almost the entire MSM lost their marbles for a while about that incident. No doubt this latest news will evoke similar virtue signalling by the usual suspects, including the BBC. The ominous signs of bias have already been spotted by @embolden.
They’re all crazy rednecks over there, you know
Considering the BBC’s evident excitment with the reporting of US politics one wonders how come this story received so little traction – no calls for on-line petitions etc?
“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”
Oh wait, to be fair, the BBC has covered the story. Tucked away on-line there’s a denial and rebuttal
‘Nato denies reports troops overlooked Afghan child abuse’
‘But Gen Campbell, who commands US and allied forces in Afghanistan, in response said that he had discussed the media reports with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and had concluded that there was no substance to them.’
So that’s alright then
Last night I caught up up the recent BBC4 Timewatch program on the Mary Rose, what a waste of time. 90% of the program was made up of old programs from 1980, 1982, 1984 and 2004, little new to learn, that is apart tooth analysis of one the skeletons found that the crew member was Spanish. Dan Snow goes on to surmise that a number of the crew were foreign and possibly one of the reasons it sank, ie the crew had language problems….. The implication of course being that a fair percentage of the 400 crew of a 500 year old British Naval ship were ….. non Brits.
I also note in the press this morning that the BBC have lost live coverage of The Australian Open tennis championship and fans of the dour won’t be able to watch Andy play live, also it looks like F1 may follow. This of course begs the question what the *&$£ does the BBC do with our £5bn? Apart from lengthy lavish self promotion pieces (see the latest BBC1 Christmas ad) exactly what do the BBC produce that is worth consuming?
Last time I checked Eurosport who show all the big tennis tournaments live, along with RTL who show all the F1 races live was free to air on Astra 19.2, but the freak rules of the telly tax means that even to watch these foreign channels live, one still needs a licence….
‘fans of the dour won’t be able to watch Andy play live’
No offence intended and far be it from me to point up keyboard errors but ‘fans of the dour…’ in reference to Mr Murray cheered me up no end
Thanks for alerting me Geoff. I had recorded this because I thought that the BBC couldn’t possibly find a multiculty angle on the Mary Rose, but I won’t bother watching now . The BBC manages to foul everything it touches with its multiculty obsession. No programme seems to escape large dollops of multiculty shit being daubed all over it. Thinking about it I’m surprised that the BBC didn’t claim that the Mary Rose was crewed by North Africans or Arabs who rioted when they found that bacon butties were being served for lunch, leaving the ship in the lurch so to speak.
The world is in a sorry state; if we believed everything we read and watched, well, we’re all doomed! The BbC should move its organisation to somewhere East of Suez because they certainly do not reflect the BRITISH bit of their title in their spoutings. In fact they seem ashamed of it which is appalling.
Europe couldn’t organise a p*** up in a brewery except by throwing money in the pot which does no good as it lands in the wrong pockets.
I am reminded of a phrase which comes up several times in the film Reach for the Sky. ” Rules? Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men”. What a different world we might see if the common sense this phrase embodies were to be incorporated into everyone’s thinking. I’m glad I am in my late 60s as, if things continue on this downward path, I shan’t be here to see the terrible consequences.
BTW – how does one make a comment on something several posts back and for your comment to be included in that thread and not pages later?
Last night, the bBBC commendably featured the many un-reviewed deaths in Southern Health NHS.
Yet within hours the website headline is “Warning of NHS winter beds struggle”
So a bit for once of proper investigative journalism is quickly removed in favour of the usual ‘NHS underfunding by the nasty Tories’ narrative.
Anyone catch Roger Harrabin’s Freudian slip on this morning’s Today programme? Talking about COP21 he said “What we’re trying to achieve in Paris” before correcting it to “What the delegates are trying to acheive…”.
Tells us nothing that wasn’t already screamingly obvious, but the BBC doesn’t care about trying to mask its rampant bias any more.
Roland – I can’t believe he’s made the same slip AGAIN – he’s got form –
Also, did you notice the return of Richard Black (ex BBC now Director at Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit) on the Toady Prog with a report from Paris. That’s what I call doubling down on the bias !
Roger Harrabin: “What we’re trying to achieve in Paris”
Amazingly (sic) Ros Atkins (BBC news channel Outside Source) made the exact same slip about which I posted a few days ago. In his excitement about something Obama had said Atkins talked of an agreement “We” hope to get. You don’t suppose the BBC have had internal briefings and training in warmism do you? (sarcasm there).
Murdering SOB Michael Adebolajo is seeking compensation from HM Prison for loss of his two front teeth. I am sure his human rights will be supported by the BBC.
Something about the man’s missing teeth reminded me of this Christmas song.
The chap who lost his teeth (and as a result is a much sought after cell mate amongst some elements within the incarcerated community) insisted on being addressed as Mujaahid Abu Hamza whilst on trial.
One of the things we learned from the jihadist murder of Lee Rigby – there should be no female police firearms officers.
Au contraire. According to the Kurdish Womens Protection Army, true Jihadists are terrified of being killed by a woman, because that prevents them entering Paradise and its accompanying pleasures.
We just need to recruit more women firearms officers and give them plenty of time and ammunition to practice with and very clear instructions on rules of engagement with anyone killing, attemping to kill or threatening to kill. Since the offender might be wearing a suicide bomb, tasering is too risky because it might detonate the explosive, similairly, negotiation is too risky, leaving only a shoot to kill option. Seeing how the Paris police were so heavily outgunned, one can but hope that a thorough and urgent review of the firearms carried and type of ammunition used, has been carried out and implemented by the security forces.
You miss my point: she shot to wound, not to kill – that isn’t aggressive enough, to be an armed officer dealing with scum like that in such a fashion.
The Jihadist, covered in blood, rushed at her with a meat cleaver in his hand that he’d just used to murder a man; whose body was lying (in her view) in a pool of blood, in the middle of the street, yet she shot him in the leg. The other terrorist was armed with a handgun and was also spared. They could both have been lawfully killed and should have been, better for his family; better for our society and better for the taxpayer.
I don’t really care what they believe or don’t believe awaits them in the whorehouse of degeneracy that is their Islamic paradise, so long as they get to find out, as swiftly as possible one way or the other.
He should have been used for target practise by the army .
Bayonet practice more like.
Maybe an early intro to the aspired-to 72 virgins, without prior warning on where they hail from?
Krankie & pals ratcheting up the hate………….notice it is SNP MP calling for Trump ban in the House of Commons………
Granted this is breaking news but compare how detailed and case orientated the Australian report (Fairfax) Anti-terrorism raids in southwest Sydney is compared with the BBC’s Sydney police arrest teenager and man over ‘terror plans’
The BBC’s is mostly padding.
So BBC R4 Today at 8.30 ran an interview about climate change with Anote Tong president of Kiribati. Mr Tong told us that his tiny Pacific islands would soon disappear underwater because of global warming. “According to the projections of the IPCC” he said, “We will be underwater… and so our future is very much on the line”.
Egged on by Today presenter Sarah Montague who (referring to the COP21 talks in Paris) asked him, “Are we in a positon where we can say the survival of Kiribas depends on the next few hours”? Tong explained how Kiribati had bought land in Fiji so his population could flee there when sea levels rise.
But is everything as the BBC narrative would have us believe? Could it be that Mr Tong is really motivated by the prospect of huge international aid payments? Are there FIFA-esque corruption issues on Kiribati?
A quick Google search throws up some background context which the BBC presumably doesn’t want us to know;
1. Tong’s predecessor as president, Teburoro Tito, says, “The scientists tell us that our reefs are healthy and can grow and rise with the sea level, so there is absolutely no need to buy land in Fiji or anywhere else. How can we ask for foreign aid when we spend our own money on such foolish things?”
2. “We know that the whole reef structure can grow at 10 to 15 mm a year, which is faster than the expected sea-level rise,” confirmed Paul Kench, an atoll geo-morphologist at the University of Auckland.
3. Kiribati, with a per-capita income of 1,600 dollars, receives more foreign aid per capita than any other Pacific nation.
4. Corruption is a widespread problem in Kiribati. Political corruption and nepotism seem to be the main corruption issues in Kiribati, and the economic importance of the fishing industry and fishery management increasingly makes it a corruption-prone area.
5. In 2014 about 1.7 million US dollars given by Taiwan for Kiribati to buy a boat to service the Phoenix and Line Islands went missing. Reports said the money had been wired to a Philippines company, but had disappeared. But Mr Tong says not all the money has been lost and the remainder is with the government.
6. Teburoro Tito, Tong’s predecessor as president and a member of parliament accused Tong of seeking to “promote his own personal image to the outside world”. He recalled firing Tong as fisheries minister because he allegedly lied about tax improprieties.
7. The Kiribati Government purchased a 2,210 hectare property at Natoavatu Estate on Vanua Levu (Fiji) in a bid to enhance its economic resilience. Anote Tong says Kiribati lost hundreds of millions of dollars during the financial market crash of 2008 and the purchase of land is to provide financial stability. “Given the financial markets are just playing a lot of uncertainties, investing in real estate like that is not a bad idea. There is no doubt in my mind the value will go up in a time, in a very short time, with stability, political stability in Fiji, everything will improve.”
9. The Kiribati government said the purchase marked “a new milestone” in its “development plans, which include exploring options of commercial, industrial and agricultural undertakings such as fish canning, beef/poultry farming, fruit and vegetable farming.”
10. Environmental activists have nominated Tong for a Nobel Prize because he is among the most prominent world leaders advocating for greater global action on climate change.
There are so many small Pacific Ocean communities. Apparently Kiribati is the only one to see a financial gain from the supposed rise of the ocean.
The flag seems appropriate.

Incidentally; many low-lying Pacific islands are growing, not sinking.
Islands in Tuvalu, Kiribati and the Federated States of Micronesia are among those which have grown… The findings, published in the magazine New Scientist, were gathered by comparing changes to 27 Pacific islands over the last 20 to 60 years using historical aerial photos and satellite images.
Very good article here;
The Maldives, another bunch of islands slipping rapidly beneath the ever-rising seas, appears to like airports. Here is a handy list with links to individual airports:
To save you having to read it I have selected some highlights.
Gan International Airport (GIA) – ‘To promote tourism and other economic activity in the south a new venture was formed early in 2012 to further develop and expand GIA.’
Hanimaadhoo International Airport – ‘It was upgraded to an international airport on 2 February 2012, with the introduction of direct flights to Trivandrum by Maldivian.’
Ibrahim Nasir International Airport – ‘In 2010, the Nasheed administration appointed IFC to run a bidding process for the privatisation of the airport. The bid was won by a consortium between GMR Group and Malaysia Airports who provided Rufiyaa 1 Billion[7] as upfront fee to the government for the expansion and modernisation of the airport by 2014, and its operation for 25 years.’ Remember the name Nasheed, we will meet him again later.
Villa International Airport Maamigili – ‘The airport opened on October 1, 2011 as a domestic airport. In 2013, it was upgraded to international airport standards.’
So, no concerns about global warming and rising sea levels there then. But wait, remember Nasheed? This Nasheed?
Here is the best bit:
‘With regard to the threat posed to the very low-lying islands by changes in sea level caused by global warming, in March 2009 Nasheed pledged to set an example by making the Maldives carbon-neutral within a decade by moving to wind and solar power. As part of a wider campaign by international environmental NGO’s campaign publicising the threats of climate change and its effects on the Maldives, Nasheed presided over the world’s first underwater cabinet meeting on 17 October 2009, off the island of Girifushi with the meeting participants underwater in scuba diving gear.’
You could not make this hypocritical bullshit up.
I think Trump should be awarded a Nobel prize for Green issues, promoted by the Climate Change lobby. After all preventing people from outside the USA, S Americans and Muslims from countries with very low carbon footprints per person from entering and breeding in a high carbon footprint country, like the USA is exactly what is required to stabilize CO2 emissions.
We could use the same reasons for limiting migration.
Incidentally, how is Hungary getting on with that giant barbed wire border fence? I suggest Trump proposes a visit to have a look at it and get advice on the matter.
Why all the uproar on keeping Muslims out of the U.S. ? Hungary haven’t just talked about it, they’ve done something about it, and yet has the Hungarian Prime Minister been banned from entering the UK? er, no.
Another strange inconsistency regarding BBC coverage of “identity” and its “complexity”.
A man who had his teeth knocked out whilst being restrained in HM prison Belmarsh seeks to sue the Home Office.
Throughout the BBCs report he is referred to by his Christian name despite the fact that he changed his name to an Islamic one on conversion to Islam.
Compare and contrast with the coverage of “Trans people” in the Prison system who “identify as women but have not had their gender reassignment surgery” who are consistently referred to by their adopted female names.
We’ve been through this more than a dozen times and most of us have decided that on this occasion the BBC is for once correct to do so.
If he had changed his name to “Muslims must slaughter the Khuffar” would you be happy with the reading that out? Or “I killed an infidel soldier and will enter paradise, do the same so will you” ?
That is exactly what he has done, only it’s a foreign language, and because you don’t understand it, you think it’s OK to use it simply on the basis some murdering muzzie says so?
Seriously you need to clue up on the messages being sent in these name changes, because they are coded messages to other potential Jihadis glorifying what they have done.
On the flip side if a White British person (remember them?) has changed their name by deed poll or statutory declaration, it is a criminal offence not to recognise it !
What you are actually suggesting is that BBC should either glorify Islamic slaughter, or break the law. Which would you suggest was the correct course here?
The use of Christian names in this context has the effect of disguising the motive of the murderer and the set of views he or she has chosen to identify with.
This is a long standing game played by the deniers of Islamic aggression, hence the frequent delays in releasing names and descriptions of attackers… obfuscate the inspiration for the violence and to allow counter narratives like “work place violence”, “mental health issues” and the like.
You are correct in suggesting a name can be a signal. Are you seriously suggesting that giving a non Muslim name in this context is a helpful signal? helpful to who?
I’d suggest it helps those who want to conceal the motives of jihadists because the “name signal” implicit in the use of “Michael” rather than the name “mujaheed Abu hamza” allows a fake debate about motive to be developed. There are still those who argue that poor old “Mike” lost the plot and carried out the murder on a whim of insanity rather than that he changed his name to “Abu Hamzas soldier” before carrying out a premeditated murder inspired by jihad.
Perhaps the BBC convention should be to explicitly translate Islamic names as a matter of course, so we all know the thinking that goes on in the giving and choosing of names in that particular community.
“Are you seriously suggesting that giving a non Muslim name in this context is a helpful signal? helpful to who?”
Where did I even come close to suggesting that?
You don’t seem to understand that it wasn’t a ‘Muslim name’ Like Mohammed or Abdul ! It was a specially selected Jihadi name designed to convey a message in a way normal names do not.
Do you know what “Mujaheed Abu Hamza” actually means, because if you have to go look this up, then your post is utterly meaningless. Do you know the signal this sends to other potential Jihadis, again if not your post is without any kind of sense.
If you think it is ‘better’ to risk people lives because you want people to know, what they already know, then I don’t think you’d find many who share that thought.
The vast majority of the British people KNOW why these two murdered Lee Rigby, and it matters not one jot to their understanding that BBC broadcast his name in either form. Broadcasting an advert for others to undertake Jihad is not defensible.
No ones life should be put at risk, just because you want to reinforce the message that Muslims carried out the attack in the name of Islam !
Thoughtful, the position I take is a simple one, BBC news reporting, being publicly funded, should be about presenting the facts of a case and avoiding bias.
In this case the murderer has an Islamic name, as I suggested that name can easily be translated or qualified such as “he changed his name to…..which means…..” these are facts, facts of the case.
It is up to the news broadcaster, the publicly funded BBC to present the facts, we then draw our own conclusions and debate them with freedom of speech and opinion.
Lives are at risk regardless of what is published in the media, but those lives are perhaps more at risk if facts are omitted to make an event “look” different than what it was, than what the event actually represents.
I scored 6/7 I missed out on the relative gender equality in the region.
How much do you know about life as a woman in Saudi Arabia?
The BBC is quite aware but seemingly unconcerned.
Saudi not so keen on giving citizenship to non Muslims either.
also it does not allow non-Muslims to enter Mecca or Medinah. Nothing from the BBC and no petition in sight on that one.
I don’t really have a problem with this. I mean, who in their right mind would WANT to go to Mecca?
I too got 6/7 but asked my uncle for permission to do the quiz.
What an indicator of how shit and full of low expectations that BBC is in regard of its F1 chums.
Imagine THAT as a quiz in Womans Hour or the Laurie Penney hour.
Of course, they`ll never ask us about it-or draw attention to their Muslims “lack of concern” for their sisters.
Far better to name a nail bar after Mary Seacole, or shop sustainably.
Is the feminine name for “wanker” a “wankette”?
Missturbator, Chris.
Is this some feeble BBC attempt to make Saudi Arabia not look completely savage and backward? Look, women can go to lingerie shops! It’s practically westernised!
And then the following question shows a woman needs a male relative’s permission to visit Europe.
Got to make myself an old Shoot-style League Table with 22 tabs-and develop my Alan Freeman impression of a voice.
For at 10 am the news headline that led Radio 4 was that the Polish PM and Cameron “didn`t see eye to eye re welfare reforms he planned”
THAT leads your news?By 11am it had been relegated to number three-replaced by usual crap over missing NHS targets for the old/mentally iii/muslims transgender etc…might have been about there not being enough money for them,and this bloody government are flopping in inverse proportion to the greatness of Labour(how refreshing to hear John Spellar say that Osborne doling out dinghies to Cumbria loaded with tomorrows money was “a step in the right direction”…thought the paths were impassable John!).
Yes, the BBC let Labour on to pass continual judgement on all things “political”-no Tories in sight for most of it-and we get greens and Momentum/Occupy/Stop the war tosspotties to harry the lected government we all put in only six months ago…how dared we?
Nah, fuck the BBC…boils down to that eh?
Loved the SHOOT league tables with tabs !
I noticed in the DE today that residential properties near Manchester are being converted into Syrian refugee shelters without existing residents being informed because of a loophole in law. just wait for the BBC fly on a wall series to start” Living with a Syrian” to try and counter the backlash.
I can completely understand why some folk are getting a trifle hot under the collar due to the claim for compensation put forward by Michael Adebelajo. Yes, it’s enormously irritating, utterly despicable and thoroughly without merit. However, we all know the ludicrous knots the legal system ties itself into attempting to be just and fair to vermin like this murdering turd. He has clearly made these claims to cause offence and to ridicule our prison service. I say so what? What can he spend it on? He’s stuck inside for the rest of his worthless life. He’ll never know the feeling of freedom again. Of course he should have been hanged and then this nonsense would never have occured. But there’s another way of looking at this. Let him win his compo’, then the Rigby family can put in another claim and they’ll get the dosh.
And perhaps next time he becomes involved in a “fracas” it won’t just be his front teeth he loses…
Not BBC but casual leftism from the charity sector
Casual Leftism is one form of Leftism. It refers to negative stereotypes or prejudices about capitalism and the free market.
‘Puppies born into squalor, torn from their mothers and sold for profit.’
Goodness, sold for profit!
‘RSPCA fatcat ‘rakes in 45% more’ than the previous boss – but the charity is spending LESS on animal welfare’
Since puppies are born for free, by definition, if they are sold at all it must be for a profit.
As shown with Kids Company, the entitlement culture thrives in the charity sector as well as in the bBBC and the state sector generally.
Puppies born free, sold for profit.
I have been breeding dogs for 20 plus years with no profit.
This week I gave up awaiting puppies from my bitch after her second failed mating, which cost £600 in stud fees, plus £300, per pup if born paid to stud dog owner, plus £800, before mating on hip and elbow scores, echo doppler heart testing and several other required genetic tests and of course veterinary costs. I would have kept two and sold others for around £12,00, each if lucky to produce more than two. Ongoing costs are dietary needs, vaccinations, and regular veterinary attention.With thanks to under researched BBC attacks on dog breeders even more genetic tests will be required adding to the costs. And no, the costs of breeding cannot be passed on when there are cheap but dodgy imports sold on motorway service stations at night from Eastern Europe and Ireland. In the latter case the government is unwilling to step on large income providing puppy mills.
As for the RSPCA – money from collecting tins is outweighed by substantial legacies.
”Puppies born into squalor, torn from their mothers and sold for profit.’’
Another money raising project for Muslim terrorist no doubt.
You have a point and most (including me) will agree with most of your comments. But there is the issue of practicality and taxpayers money – not something Al-Beeb ever worry themselves about.
He’ll get legal aid, and our taxes will go to his lawyers, who have no interest in a quick case. If he wins, he can give the money to his family and it could be a lot. Remember the asylum seeker who was wrongly imprisoned prior to deportation for about 5 days, and got £20,000 ? 18 months wages on the minimum wage – which an asylum seeker would probably be on at best, for 5 days. Never underestimate the sheer insanity of judges.
Meanwhile the Rigby family (I don’t know anything about them) are in all probability law abiding and have worked for a living and have a little bit put by ergo – no legal aid for any process.
The legal knots you mention bring rich rewards but only for those that tie them.
Funny how an FGM case can be dismissed on the grounds it wouldn’t be ‘in the public’s interest’ but the compo claim of a vile, subhuman, butchering terrorist – well, why not?
Lord Janner, the child abuse, buggery for over 25 yrs one, who with his two top barristers … his erm “legal team”, will all be paid for by us
“The peer, 87, was granted a team of lawyers paid for by the public purse after a judge ruled this week that he is too sick to stand trial … Lord Janner’s legal fight against child sex abuse allegations being funded by taxpayer … They will present their final fee notice to the court’s central fund which will pay them along with Lord Janner’s solicitors. Lord Janner is accused of sexually assaulting boys who lived in care homes in Leicestershire between 1963 and 1988. The youngest alleged victim was eight years old. “
One from the ‘Oh dear. How Sad. Never mind’ files…?
One could always ask the BBC how the market rates for talent they pay are calculated as, like BBC pensions, BBc salaries only seem to go up as well as up. Maybe an FOI?
Just joking.
Some have noted that whatever it is that measures Newsnight ratings even now may not need to be very big or powerful.
Four seems high. Maybe it includes Ian Katz’ mum?
The BBC is really ramping up its anti Trump narrative.
No 10 traitors – Camoron regards comments made by US presidential hopeful Donald Trump as “divisive, unhelpful and quite simply wrong”, Downing Street has said. “These terrorists are not representative of Islam and indeed what they are doing is a perversion of Islam.”
Simply wrong? … well … we know old Camoron, Traitor No1 himself definitely is.
BBC – Donald Trump’s Muslim US ban call roundly condemned
BBC -David Cameron criticises Donald Trump ‘Muslim ban’ call
Simply ridiculous, unhinged, ill-informed comments are complete and utter nonsense”, “an utterly repellent figure” and “one of the most malignant figures in politics”, “condemn him utterly and hope his campaign dies a death.”
etc etc.
Trump is a monster, a madman and a vile racist. erm … He’s just like Hitler…. really? … or just like Jimmy Carter?.
During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency.
The US has seen the Paris attacks, the dangerous lunacy over the flood of, glaringly obviously illegal economic Islamic immigrants, and now had a serious terror attack again on its own shores
… coupled with an Islamophilic President who is frankly useless … something like this was bound to happen.
Trump should have advocated, more serious profiling of anyone Islamic, Islamic institutions, mosques etc
and serious target specific action on travel around Islam … but hey!, that ain t Trump.
Until the situation is clarified?, oh and he s damn right on “no go areas” too.
More evidence that the BBC writes Cameron’s scripts, which is why he sounds like a Trot.
There is an excellent article by Ann Coulter, over at, titled ‘Birthday Present From Donald Trump’; it is well worth a read, here are some excerpts:
“In the 14 years since Muslims killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11, this country has admitted another 1.5 million Muslims. So we’re xenophobic, bigoted racists if we don’t make it 2 million? Three million? When will we have enough? How many murdered Americans is an acceptable number before we can shut off the spigot of Muslim immigration?
The hysterical demand for never-ending Third World immigration has gone beyond the rich’s need for cheap servants and the Democrats’ need for voters. It’s a mass psychosis.
Angry Muslims have been popping up all over TV to denounce Trump and complain about anti-Muslim bigotry in the U.S. If they’d prefer a country with a larger Muslim population and no white devil oppressors, low-rent mud huts are available in any of about 50 Muslim countries around the world. First month free; after that, two goats a month.
Currently, there are more than a thousand active investigations of ISIS in all 50 states. Here’s an idea: Instead of paying for an ever-expanding federal workforce to track, wiretap and investigate immigrants with possible terrorist sympathies, let’s stop bringing them in!”
A London Cop Confirms Donald Trump UK Radicalisation Claims, as the BBC, Cameron, Boris Johnson, Zak Goldsmith Sneer
EXCLUSIVE: London Cop Confirms Donald Trump UK Radicalisation Claims
‘There Are Areas We Have To Ask For Muslim Leaders’ Permission To Patrol’
Just to rub salt in the wound
“The United Kingdom is trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem.
Everybody is wise to what is happening, very sad! … come on, be honest.”
D Trump
Just listened to a ten minute piece on Radio 4 PM about a fraud scam that devastated the lives of elderly British people and funded terrorism. Strangely enough, the BBC failed to mention their names.
Any thoughts why?
Gang Guilty over £600,000 fraud on pensioners.
Despite the fraudsters being Mohamed Dahir, Sakaria Aden, and Yasser Abukar and the fraud being detected as a result of a terrorism investigation linked to Syria it goes without saying that it has nothing to do with Methodism.
I bet those pensioners wish we had had more cautious Trumpian politicians watching our collective backs in the past.
Oh, I didn’t mention the ages of the fraudsters, unlike the BBC. What have the ages got to do with the crime?
I expect it fills the copy space and avoids asking the real questions.
Kind of justifies what Trump said, doesn’t it?
This is what makes me shake my head at all the opprobrium which has been directed at Trump by (most of) the MSM, our w****r political class and the “progressives” who sign that petition along with the muzzies; day in and day out, the MSM, and the internet for those who specifically seek it, is filled with examples which are indicative of the gamut of Muslim criminality.
The range of their lawbreaking is breathtaking: terrorism; drug smuggling; drug dealing; prostitution; organized child rape and molestation; social security fraud; VAT fraud; income tax evasion; breaches of food hygiene legislation; child cruelty, animal cruelty; charity fraud; insurance fraud; embezzlement; polygamy, “honour’ killing; uxoricide; FGM; vehicle crime; racial attacks; religious attacks; armed robbery etc etc etc.
They are (as yet) a relatively small percentage of our total population here in the U.K. yet they commit a hugely disproportionate amount of crime and cause a high level of disaffection with the way things are in this country amongst the majority of its indigenous population.
Yet this is NEVER acknowledged by Al Beebus, the rest of the MSM or most politicians; most people with any sense agree with Donald Trump and long to see such a policy introduced here, yet the MSM and “elite” would view the holding of such views as beyond the pale.
I’m no great brain box, but I can see where this country is heading in 40 or 50 years time for our children and grandchildren – why the f**k can’t they? And then do something to prevent it.
Look who supported one of the fraudsters bail applications!
To keep him out of prison over Christmas apparently…….LOL!
Think someone needs to inform Jez that Muslims do not celebrate Christmas, indeed they even wish to kill Christians that do and regularly do as a matter of course in Iraq, Syria and Africa etc. This is not fiction this is fact!
That’s obviously why Corbyn wanted him freed – to kill Christians.
(I’m only half joking).
Interestingly enough, they had a 5-Live phone-in this morning and the host (it wasn’t Nicky Campbell – btw what 54 y/o man uses that childish version of their name?) was taking calls on Trump. Most of the callers disagreed with Trump but had no problem with him coming to the UK, so they could ridicule his views or argue against them. The host (Rachel Burden, I assume) sounded increasingly desperate as most of the callers were taking Trump’s views in a light-hearted way instead of agreeing that he should be banned.
Guess what, though… they are hoping if they tell it often enough by reporting what the BBC reports what the BBC sees, things may change…
BBC News shared BBC Trending’s post.
1 hr ·
People have responded to Donald J. Trump’s comments with some clever retorts
BBC TrendingLike Page
Yesterday at 12:13pm ·
Donald J. Trump’s claim that parts of London are “so radicalised the police are afraid for their lives” has been mocked online. #TrumpFacts
Trouble is, ‘people’ are not playing ball when the modding and editorial filter can’t happen.
No #2 most liked is telling them a few home truths and mocking BBC ‘balance’.
I would have ‘liked’ it too, but some friends on my feed would see it and I really can’t be bothered fielding BS from them all night. These are the ones posting every daft BBC Trump/Tyson petition they can recycle, and who I simply ignore.
I know I should take them on, but then it’s also how the BBC and its merry social media warriors think their way is the only way, and it all comes crashing down when there is an actual secret ballot, and they can’t figure out why.
Jusy caught this one on repeat … “Police Terror Tactics Are ‘Radicalising’ Muslims”,
Sooooo … the other option? – he doesn t say of course
He could always whisk, D “nothing to do with Islam” Camoron in, maybe he could be of assistance?
Former Home Office terrorism adviser Jahan Mahmood resigned from his government job in a disagreement over the country’s counter terrorism strategy
… once again, at every level … infiltration
Another example
Home Affairs Select Committee – countering extremism – . K Vaz with MCB, CAGE and various apologists
“So let’s get this straight.
According to Jahan Mahmood, there are loyal, law-abiding Muslim citizens of the United Kingdom who hate jihad terror as a twisting and hijacking of their peaceful faith.
Some of these people are being arrested on “really very flimsy evidence, only to be later released.”
… That so enrages them, and those around them, that they end up embracing the jihad terror that they had rejected until they were falsely accused of participating in it.?
… Very well.
I am writing this on an airplane, hurtling through the air and using the airplane wi-fi.
I got to the airport early this morning, because I suspected that I would be subjected to special scrutiny and long delays — and I was right.
It happens every time I fly now, and has happened for months.
No one I have asked about this in the TSA and FBI have told me anything, but since it happens every time I strongly suspect I am on some “right-wing extremist” list.
This is absurd and annoying, but … there is NO CHANCE that it will “radicalize” me and make me turn to violence.
Why?, is it so blandly taken for granted that resistance to jihad will “radicalize” Muslims who otherwise abhor jihad violence?”
Robert Spencer
Succinct, and precise summation … that wanting “jihad”, wanting mass murder, or extreme violence has to come from somewhere?
Where from? … any ideas?
Clive Myrie on BBC news channel looks forward to the newspaper review later
His guests will be a political journo from the Guardian and an economics journo from the Independent
We can look forward to a broad range of views there then
BBC: We can sing half a rainbow… Red and Yellow and Pink and Green… We can sing a rainbow, half a rainbow
The word “dickheads” springs to mind.
HYS on BBC website not going well for BBC and the “PC World” gang.
Take a gander at the comments. Real anger! Are we at a turning point? Lets hope!
Yes excellent. And look at the contents of the highest and lowest rated. The highest attack the media, point out huge errors in multicultural policies, whilst the lowest harp on about the rise of fascism, far right far right, labels and buzzwords, never sustainable arguments.
Just remember that anyone could have 10, 20 or more e-mail addresses. So I would bet that at least 50% of those petition signers are fraudulent – probably many more as the keen ones will have created dozens to push their point of view.
Mind you multiple voting remotely comes naturally to certain people.
I had an American friend (who I disagree with on this obviously but she probably doesn’t realise that) ask me to sign it on her behalf this morning.
I heard they want to include postal votes from Tower Hamlets
And from Oldham.
And look at the contents of the highest and lowest rated. The highest attack the media, point out huge errors in multicultural policies, whilst the lowest harp on about the rise of fascism, far right far right, labels and buzzwords, never sustainable arguments.
Spot on. I always look at the highest and lowest rated. Seems the moderators were upset by Daniel’s comment attacking the BBC and the left and shoved it on the lowest rated page (as well as the highest rated):
Weird. I would have though the process would be automatic.
Anyway, that HYS is really encouraging to see because it indicates that the BBC cannot even get a realistic degree of leftie support for its leftie agenda on its very own website.
By the way at the end of that article BBC journalist Gavin Hewitt writes:
“…Waiting in the wings are the anti-establishment parties whose route to influence is paved with the disruptive power of social media.”
Which means “How dare the punters circumvent us, communicate with each other, and vote for parties that we, the liberal media, don’t prescribe.”
Suck it up Hewitt! You’ve been circumvented.
Sick of your lies, bullshit and deception. The people of Europe are slowly waking up and you the BBC and the elite are going to have problems putting the lid on our anger and rejection of your failed EU and f**ked up multi-culti liberal dream.
Still open, too.
And the gap between likes and dislikes is vast.
On the petition to ban Trump Guido nails it. BBC and all are crowing because they have over 400,000 signatures to ban Trump for wanting to ban Muslims entering the US until the terror problem is solved.
Rather quiet about the petition which outnumbered it calling for a total ban on immigration to the UK until ISIS is defeated.
As Ernie Wise used to say ‘Get out of that, you can’t can you.
Link to Guido
So, lets do some simple maths: 400,000 (which in truth is probably less than 100,000 due to fake duplicate registrations) divided by an electorate of about 45,000,000 – I make that less than 0.9% even if the 400,000 is genuine (which it so obviously isn’t).
It’s funny how the very same lefties claim that a government elected with just 25% of thee vote doesn’t represent the country, yet they genuinely believe (wrongly of course) that they should get their way with less than 1%. No hypocrisy there then.
UK Government responded
The UK government has no intention of closing Britain’s borders, as this would create more problems than it would solve. (no one asked that, no answer then)
The UK remains ‘open for business’ for legitimate travellers and trade. (no one asked that, is this bloody Cameron writing this)
However, we continue to operate our borders securely and to enforce our immigration laws. This includes carrying out 100% checks on arriving passengers in order to identify any criminal, security and immigration concerns.
Given recent events in Paris.
Border Force has intensified checks on people, goods and vehicles entering the UK from the near continent and elsewhere, undertaking additional and targeted security checks against passengers and vehicles travelling to France via both maritime and rail ports and a number of airports across the country
UK Government makes statements on Paris attacks
There is also a “Don’t ban Trump” petition which was lagging at about 8000 last time I looked. Not surprising as the “Ban Trump” petition has been advertised by Sky, BBC, etc. It’s a pity that these perverters of truth can present themselves as the voice of Britain.
Left-wing froth alert – Katie Hopkins is trending on Twitter.
Several clowns pointing out that Hopkins doesn’t speak for Britain. Hmmmm, are they sure about that? I mean REALLY sure? Well, yes, of course they are because they are a bunch of typical lefties for which the words conceited & sanctimonious were invented.
They BBC social media team at least are quite excited. And that means the BBC as a hole is excited. Hence an upward vortex of posts sharing each other’s excitement.
Only surprised they have not found a way to get Nigel in too.
The BBC is clearly trying to get a lot accomplished on social media and petitions in the years before actual secret ballots reveal who really does speak for the country. And who misuses £4,000,000,000 a year to claim they do.
Bias writ large on 10 pm news.
Pensioners scammed out of £1 million. Money gone to Syria. At the very end of the report. The guilty all look distinctly non white British and supporters of that religion the bBbc only like to mention positively. Oops.
But soon back to normal with the regular update on the Trump petition and then the boat people risking their lives as they flee from….errrr Turkey.
Pass the sick bag.
Yes, I heard on PM that the freeloader, his wife and 7 (!) kids (one only 20 days old – all together now… Ahhhhhhhhh) were attempting to “flee from IS”.
I think that Al Beeb are behind the curve on this one – I mean, fancy not reporting that IS are now controlling Turkey. Makes you wonder where they get their news from doesn’t it?
Was the Canadian PM there to greet them?
This seems to have excited the BBC no end.
Pols offering own homes and not quite delivering… not so much.
Tyson Fury says ‘he hasn’t any enemies’ I am afraid I disagree with him . Al Beeb hates him ………………………………..
I guess they must be Tysanaphobes. There is a lot of it about the BBC along with Trumpaphobia.