I like to give my wife an appraisal each month to ensure her performance around the house is up to scratch. Last month I found her hoovering needed improvement. I also criticised her for daring to touch the remote for the TV. The only two areas of concern this month.
I wonder Taffman, if the AlBeeb would like me too!
The BBC seems to be the broadcast equivalent of all the brochures coming though my door from Xmas tat gizmo headlines saying ‘Could this be….?’ to claim something but not have to back it up.
In a supposedly trustworthy broadcaster that is a worry.
So the corrupt and self-entitled BBC socialists take the opportunity to repeat a mantra originally delivered by the corrupt and self-entitled UN. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-22508439
Paul Ryan, a songwriter from the ’60s offered a few prescient words on a similar subject:
Someone said, drink the water, but I will drink the wine.
Someone said, take a poor man, rich don’t have a dime.
So fool yourselves if you will, I just haven’t got the time.
If you can drink the water, I will drink the wine.
Go on and fool yourselves if you will, you can hold out your hand,
I’ll give back your flowers, and I will take the land.
And I will drink the wine, and I will take the land.
I will drink the wine.
You don’t hear the song much nowadays, I suppose Frank Sinatra ate a little too much red meat for the likes of the BBC.
Let the stupid bastards , put it on the menu at the subsidised BBC canteen. They could also join, I am a Celebrity, but I don’t think ITV would have them. Witchity Grubs come to mind.
For the sake of freedom of speech I ask all U.K residents to sign the U.K government’s petition NOT to ban Donald Trump from the U.K. I hope the numbers swell to an extent that the BBC cannot ignore it, along with all the other leftist media.
Do you hear that murmering grumbling sound coming from inside your tv?
No, it’s not Bonnie Greer failing to declare her support for the Democrat Party but taking advantage of the BBC airwaves to attack the Republicans….
That low continuous muttering in your living room is the sound of the State inexorably growing larger and larger
This morning’s house eunuch Charlie Stayt may look impotent enough with his hair so over-coiffed it would have embarrassed Duran Duran in their new romantic pomp – but don’t be fooled….
“The First Female Chief Medical Officer” ain’t joking when she declares : ‘If industry does not co-operate WE are going to have to get STRICT’.
They love the smell of new taxes in the morning
One moment women’s obesity (what about the men?) is a medical and personal issue…
Next minute this slightly lispy common purpose graduate who is power-dressed (Mrs Thatcher would have been proud) with only her dowdy hairdo to let her down (talk to Charlie afterwards, luv) gives us a massive, wait for it …
Just before 8am this morning on the Today Programme (R4):
Rev Giles Fraser – well-known pathological altruist, professional virtue signaller and liberal fascist – would like us to consider two boxers and their very different qualities. He finds in Tyson Fury (white, christian) much to be sneered at, openly derided. In Muhammad Ali (black, muslim), he finds a ‘great man’ who’s ‘religion of peace’ is an example to us all. He says all of this without any hint of irony, wit or self-awareness. He means it and he wants us to know that he means it.
According to the BBC’s chartered requirement for ‘impartiality and balance’, should I now be expecting to hear a rebuttal of Fraser’s ridiculously partisan views on Islam? Fraser was permitted to make his Lord Haw-Haw like speech for a full three minutes or so uninterrupted. I will expect nothing less from whomever the BBC invites on to present the rebuttal to his infantile (and dangerous) claims about this so-called ‘religion of peace’.
Perhaps any rebuttal could begin by wondering why Fraser, a christian priest (allegedly), is such a misogynist, homophobe, anti-semite and terrorist supporter. It’s hard to interpret Fraser’s uncritical analysis of Islam as ‘a religion of peace’ as anything other than tacit support for all of its in-built (and fundamental) prejudices and intolerance. Further, does he imagine his own faith (allegedly), Christianity, as, say… more or less tolerant than Islam, as more or less homophobic – or how about more or less inclined to conduct public beheadings against those of its flock who choose to leave the faith..?
Fraser is a toxic cultural traitor and full-time political and social agitator who is wilfully being given air time with which to spread his vile fascist-supporting poison on the licence payer’s dime. The BBC will offer no rebuttal (of course they won’t) because we know that’s how these liberal fascists operate.
ObiWan, I heard that too. It was terrible. I despise the man. He is so full of himself…It was his oh-so sincere way he said it all, and yes, he actually meant it! It was staggering.
Rev. Giles – the living proof that “empty vessels make most noise”
Completely vacuous and the ideal choice for “Platitude for the Day”.
Some drivel about “Islam is the religion of peace”
Self-righteous, incoherent cunt
But we all know Fury is guilty of Crimethink – expect more arrests soon. Plod’s got lots of work to do and no doubt Fraser can assist them in this task.
Melanie Phillips crossed swords with the fat balding blob, I forget on which programme. He was whining about the poor Palestinians and indicating that he supported their terrorism against Israelis. Astounded, Melanie said something like, “But you’re a priest!”
I had the misfortune to hear the corpulent blatherer this morning too; what struck me listening to it was that if you didn’t know he was (ostensibly anyway) a C of E cleric, you could be forgiven for thinking you were listening to a (subtle) call to Islam; the way he spoke about Muhammad Ali and the wonders of the Haj to Mecca – complete @rsehole.
It was interesting that he used Muhammad Ali as an example; I recall Bill Warner mentioning how as Cassius Clay he was named after an anti-slavery abolitionist, yet the Islamic names he assumed, Muhammad and Ali, each belonged to men who had owned slaves.
The Today programme talked to Naomi Klein about the Paris climate-change conference, introducing her as a “well-known expert”. She is not an expert – she is an author, a polemicist. Her recent book on climate change had been ripped to shreds by expert critics. Nevertheless she ranted on about island nations disappearing beneath the waves yada yada yada.
But at least she contested the BBC’s news line that all is well with the “agreement” now being reached in Paris.
Indeed, the BBC has thrown any last remaining shreds of its credibility out of the window over this Paris banquet of fools and intervieiwing a foaming loon like Miss Klein (credentials an an expert – zilch) is scraping the bottom of the barrel through to the other side. It will be that other discredited clown, Erlich, next!
Foot in gob time, Marvin. Had you taken the trouble to read the link (you can read, can’t you?) you’d have seen a splendid comment on the Candian Marxist polemicist (some qualification!) from The Economist.
Or does that organ qualify for your half-witted ‘crank’ label, too?
I read the article from the Economist. It has nothing to say about climate change. John Anderson referenced expert critics and so far we have one article from the Economist.
BBc Breakfast. OBESITY IN WOMEN. Yes back to obesity and was it the chief medical officer going through the same old mantra. Ban advertising on unhealthy food, stop offers on cheap unhealthy food…etc..etc. Were the sloths taking the piss then when minutes later they give Kirkwood a giant birthday cake!
Roving sloth in Cumbria links floods to climate change.
Sofa sloths talk about the “historic” climate change talks in Paris
Some mischievous person has commented to the Beeb that their Home Page today contains several items on obesity following Sally Davies’ statement. It also contains half a dozen individual items that are food related including the Great British Bake Off.
It’s difficult to know which is worse – the BBC for reporting this tosh uncritically or the government’s ‘most senior doctor’ (ha ha) not taking the rap for her profession having neither a clue what the cause is, nor for having dished out the wrong dietary advice for several decades, despite increasing doubts concerning its reliability.
Let’s hear from some political experts on obesity. Please welcome on to the (reinforced) sofa Diane Abbott and Ken Clarke. Unfortunately Sir Cyril Smith couldn’t be with us this morning.
Never mind Naomi Klein’s climate expertise, a BBC anorak-in-the-field just found a Cumbrian farmer giles who nodded, tilted his flat cap, scratched his head, tugged his forelock and said ooh-ahhh when prompted to blame the wet weather on “Climate Change” Nice one BBC, if that doesn’t settle the science I don’t know what will
I’m usually loath to link to the Guardian (or pass the frittata, as I like to call it) but since it tells us far more about BBC thinking than the Radio Times here’s the BBC News At 10 Story
The point of which is the pressure on Newsnight – or what I like to call Bumsnet
‘The longer bulletin, which will run from Monday to Thursday, comes after a five-month trial in the run-up to the general election which proved popular with viewers, according to the BBC.’
[Do I detect a slight note of cynicism there with that ‘according to the BBC’ qualifier?]
‘The BBC bulletin continues as the most popular news show in the UK with an average audience of 4 million a night, typically between 22% and 25% of the viewing public at that time’
[So that pre-General Election boost of enthusiasm was coming from only a quarter of the ‘viewing public’ (whatever that means). I would prefer the BBC to offer approval or disapproval statistics based of those actually paying Licence Fees]
‘Some BBC news insiders questioned the rationale for extending the show, which would allow an extra 1.5 stories.’
[Only in liberal media lah-lah land could anyone not flush with embarrassment as they speak of point-five of a news story]
One more point from the Guadian’s early valedictory for their bestest favourite show: Newsnight
‘Viewing figures for Newsnight were hit by the earlier trial, but the BBC2 show has staged a fightback in the past month with notable successes the Paris attack special, which attracted an audience of 1.4 million.’
[Look on the bright side – ISIS are doing all they can whenever they can to support Newsnight]
‘The delay to a long-expected announcement, first reported by the Guardian last week, and possible impact of its BBC2 news show prompted one BBC insider to call the decision “a typical BBC dog’s breakfast”.’
[BBC insider – let me guess…. the ink is hardly dry on Ian Katz’s leaving from the Guardian for Newsnight fairwell card]
“…All aspects of a Muslim’s life are governed by Sharia, the revealed, sacred law of Islam…”
Didn’t the guy/gal who wrote this (unattributed) piece for the BBC get the memo? (NTDWI)
Look Beeboid, if you tell Joe Public that all aspects of a Muslim’s life are governed by Sharia, they might start saying that Muslims cannot accept the Law of the land, in this case German Law. Which might ring true with what Joe Public sees in England and elsewhere each day. Joe Public might realise that Muslims see nothing amiss when fellow Muslims rape kuffir kids and murder kuffirs in the street, or butcher their daughters’ genitals, or subjugate their women, or rig elections, or kill homosexuals, or murder/rape their daughters/nieces/sisters. Nip out to Syria for a bit of Jihadi Islamic Muslim choppy choppy, so as to be prepared and experienced in choppy choppy for when you get back ‘home’ to Blighty. After all, it’s the revealed, sacred law of Islam – according to the BBC, by which all aspects of a Muslim’s life are governed – according to the BBC.
Radicalisation happens in the home, the mosque, the schools, and the madrassas. The internet is but a form of ‘finishing school’. But the spineless, fear driven cowards who infect our public realm dare not say it.
We are led by donkeys in our Government and our media.
The BBC just cannot get the cork back in the jihadi narrative bottle. Islam or death – that’s the basic choice and the BBC makes it clear daily how it has chosen.
Just take a look at this article on the Manchester Evening News which must have stayed up for all of a couple of hours in the late evening when they put it up, about hoards of Pakistani drug dealers given extremely lenient sentences.
Then consider this reader comment from the Muslim Sister (?) of a drug pusher who was jailed, and just look at where she places the blame.
“Makes me think and wonder at times yes the police have put these men behind bars but who have they arrested? The ones that are already addicts the young men who clearly are being lead astray. What about the guys who give it to them to take and supply I have never seen anyone of them arrested am a nurse and I can sit here and name every leader who are still free and walking out side. You won’t get rid of the problem unless you get rid of the couse. These men will come out continue to smoke and continue to sell as the ones providing it to them are walking free. One of these men are very close to me he never sold drugs he was just an addict one day police decided to raid our house arrested the full family I lost my job. Left him ashamed, he has no qualifications no job nothing he got to a point he had no idea what to do in the end he sold drugs. The couse here was the police the impact it had on our family was awful we got dismissed from the case but no apologies to the family they put though hell. Instead let’s go and put an article up about who these people are and how bad they are making the community. Am sorry to say but this time round it was the justice system that failed ”
She claims to know who these suppliers are, but doesn’t seem to have reported them herself ! No doubt though there would be plenty of BBC types falling over themselves to defend her views.
A couple from Bradford are celebrating their 90th wedding anniversary on Friday.
Karam and Kartari Chand, who are 110 and 103 respectively, are believed to be Britain’s longest married couple.
They tied the knot in India in 1925 during the British Raj and moved to England 40 years later.
The BBC Asian Network’s Shabnam Mahmood went along to the celebrations.
Might appear like a nice ‘normal’ story until you start messing about with the figures and find that if she’s 103 and been married for 90 years, she was forced into a paedophile marriage at the age of 13 while her husband was 20 ! In the UK this would have been illegal even in 1925 so why does the BBC neglect to mention this, because it manages a dig at the British Empire in the Video.
He came to Bradford 40 years later when he was 60! What on earth was the British ‘government’ doing allowing a man so close to retirement settle in the UK ? Of course Harold Wilson was the Prime Minister of an extreme Left wing Labour government at the time. Explains a lot !
Are there verifiable records to demonstrate he is 110? Or is this just another example of taking the word of certain sections of the population to always be true?
Oh FFS – just listen to Jeremy vile right now. He’s got on a sexual deviant MAN who was sent to, guess what, a MAN’s prison. Do we really need to listen to this shit just before lunch. The facts are – he’s got the following 2 things that define him a MAN:
a) a Y chromosome
b) a dick
What does HE think the authorities do with HIM when HE breaks the law and receives a prison sentence? Put it in a woman’s prison? How would the real women react having a MAN in the showers? Maybe Al Beeb are suggesting that the taxpayer funds special prisons to house their special pet transsexuals?
Might I suggest that the National Front web page might be the best place to vent your spleen about this?
Perhaps you might like to set up some kind of a death camp and execute all those suffering from what is an internationally recognised medical condition? Even Iran has managed to progress beyond your current position which puts you in some very unpleasant company! You must hold such libertarian countries as North Korea and Saudi Arabia in very high regard, as they are amongst the few which like yourself do not accept this as a medical condition.
I really does beggar belief what someone like you gets out of a post like this, attacking peoples freedom to live in the way they please. How are you any better than the Islamic Fascists who share your views?
When you’ve finished with the Trans people, perhaps you can start on the gays, and then the Jews, and we can all live under Sharia law in peace !
If you could take your head out of your arse for just one minute you might understand that I’m not attacking the individual for what he is, rather for what he expects the rest of society to do to accommodate his ‘condition’. Supported by the BBC, these people want privileges over and above the rest of us. This individual is a convicted criminal and clearly an attention seeker. Why does the BBC give him the publicity he craves if not just to push their left/liberal pro-minority agenda. Currently, transgender people are the BBC’s favourite minority group (muzzies notwithstanding of course).
If I met this individual in the street I would treat him no differently to anyone else, and society should do the same – not offer additional rights and privileges at the expense of others.
Here’s a very simple question for you: regardless of what he (or you) thinks, this person is legally and biologically a man, no question, so do YOU think it is right that he is sent to a woman’s prison, or do you think we should build a special prison to house him? Maybe you think he should not be sent to prison in view of his ‘condition’? See what I mean about privileges?
I fully appreciate that this individual cannot help what he is, no more or less than others can’t help feeling revolted by gays and transexuals. Please understand that it’s a biological thing, not a conscious decision that can be changed through ‘education’ and ‘enrichment’ like the BBC attempt to do. That’s not the same thing as advocating persecution. We all have different views on all manner of subjects. It sounds to me like the liberals might have go to you and imposed their homogenous thoughts.
The rights of the many trump the wishes of a few – always. You would do well to remember that.
In using the male pronoun, and reinforcing that in capitals, you are most definitely attacking the person !
I note you believe you have lost the argument as you begin by name calling !
I have a question for you though. At what point does someone become a member of the opposite gender? I suspect that answer for you is that they never do ! However those of us with a modicum of compassion accept that it is a difficult question, and the acquisition of a government issued piece of paper is no guide to anything !
I can assure you that the (il)liberals have not ‘got to me’ I just happen to believe in individual freedom, to say & do as one pleases and if that offends then tough !
If the situation in prison causes so much distress people find death a better alternative then sending them there is an execution sentence, and if we aren’t executing even the most vile murderers then executing people because of a difficult gender status is unacceptable to civilised people.
Of course you might argue that you aren’t a civilised person and believe death is too good for them! And you’d be in good company, as said before, you share the same views as North Korea & Saudi Arabia !
Trying to accommodate someone in the correct setting where they don’t end their lives is not infringing anyone else’s rights. Prisons have medical wings, and other more isolated areas where these people can be put. The fact the immensely greedy Tories won’t build any more prison places nor staff them properly is the root cause of many of the problems you’re seeing.
I’m not sure why you have to be so rude in your posts.
The point neilw was making was that the individual in question is a man and no amount of tinkering with drugs or scalpels will change that.
I respect fully their rights to call themselves something else and I have no axe to grind, but the whole hierarchy of evolution can’t be changed. No amount of modern medical interference will change that fact.
Thoughtful, you ask “At what point does someone become a member of the opposite gender? I suspect that answer for you is that they never do !”
You suspect wrong. Very wrong. You seem very keen to attack me for speaking my mind, while at the same time banging on about “freedom, to say & do as one pleases” – and if it offends then “tough” as you say. There’s some irony & hypocrisy in there, don’t you think. You sound more like a lefty – freedom of speech is OK, but only if it doesn’t offend or disagree with ME.
Anyway, regarding your question, which I will answer directly (unlike you); I myself, and society in general (as defined in law) deem them to be female only when they have completed gender re-assignment surgery and have been issued with a new birth certificate reflecting that fact. Up until that point, they are legally (and biologically) male, so quite rightly go to a male prison. If they can’t tolerate life in a male prison then don’t commit crime, it’s not rocket science.
The point of this forum is to highlight BBC bias, and there is absolutely no question whatsoever that with respect to gays & transsexuals, the BBC give disproportionate coverage. Clearly there is an agenda because, quite frankly, the vast majority of the population couldn’t give a toss, and that would include me if I wasn’t constantly having it rammed in my face!
Just as well only Planet Jenni bothers to scrape the slurry from Womans Hour Ishooz!
1. Annie Lennox is a mate of Colin Firths bejewelled “significant other(file under Amal Clooney for that one-stop hop to the BBC Green Room)…but still wheels out that “Sisters Are Doing It for Themselves” crap…and Jenni sees this as akin to painting the Sistine Chapel of Feminism.
2. Count how often “inspiring” “empowering”and “positivity”(c/o Geri Halliwell 1997) get used by this crop-haired cult member with possibly only two songs in a thirty year career…whereas Chrissie Hynde has been sent to the back of Jennis Jalopy for recent “unpleasantnesses” that can`t be burned in an Delhi biodigester.
3.Thankfully, old tampons can be-so off we go to India where tampons for asylum seekers and Ethiopians are now getting made, despite those horrid blokes who`d rather that they use old Guardian pads of papier-mache.Thankfully though-they`ve got the clarion call from our Annie, so they bleed for us all,,,girlpower!
4. Now-Islamic States call to women eh?…off with the business heels, on with the soft mules of concern and rustle up a cuppa lov.
For our academic_female, knows as much about feminist radicalisation as the rest of us-tells us that it does indeed “empower women” when they join IS…the warrior queen syndrome, being in control of their lives, biology is destiny etc.
There was me thinking they were a baby breeding, mare-raping bunch of bastard barbarians-and not an equal opportunity employer(albeit with concerns as Jenni is slow to tell us, but she does slip it in at one point-bravura!) .
Indeed-to be positivity-filled, is it not meet that more women join the terrorists in the cause of equal employment-sisters ought to welcome the new empowerment maybe?
5.Oh and some shit about a blowjob feminist lad who thinks board games and no God will create a secular church-the liberal oafs have been pushing this Hampstead confection since 2012, and push they will until Welby falls on Sacranies sword(all options but pork to constitute said letter opener).
Planet Jenni_and I say it in my Forrest Gump voice-is as off beam as poor Laurie Taylor in his corduroy castle of the Bewildered-yet pay for both 60s retards, we continue so to do…whyso?
“…Laurie Taylor in his corduroy castle of the Bewildered…”
A nice turn of phrase, but while Taylor is undoubtedly a stereotypical corduroy-wearing liberal fascist, I’m not so sure he’s a ‘bewildered’ one. I think he knows very well what he’s about. His vapid musings on Radio 4 come across as typical of the closed-minded, narrow-focused, mutually self-reinforcing leftist types. To Taylor, there is only one genuine worldview: his own (and by extension that of those who agree with him). Anyone outside of that gilded cage of pathological self-indulgence is considered, to use BBC newspeak, ‘controversial’.
Taylor’s been peddling his particular brand of sneering, middle-class lefty nonsense (hiding behind pretend intellectualism) for decades at licence payers’ expense. I’m not sure what’s more annoying for the rest of us: the fact he’s been getting away with it for so long or that we’ve been forced to pay for it.
Wimmins hours, is nothing more than moaners hour, where no moan no matter how absurd is aired. Farming is a feminist issue? Apparently more female animals are farmed, for eggs milk calves wool etc etc so it’s oppression of wimmin! No matter this comes from a Vegan swivel eyed loon, who doesn’t take account the male animals are slaughtered and never even get a chance of a life, apparently that’s OK !
I do listen to Woman’s Hour occasionally. But I always seem to miss the updates on their campaign for British Muslims to have more women imams in the mosques.
I’m sure there must be one, now that the Church of England has women bishops.
Talking of obese women, BBC Points West had an article last night about much needed contributions for Xmas food banks here in the West, cut to a film of a woman bigger than Hattie Jacques, three kids, one recent, one walking around with no top and a nice well decorated lounge, cue a sob sob interview with her telling our roving reporter how much she needed these hampers for Christmas so she can make ends meet. They were desperate for tins of vegetables, WTF, are these people unable to peel a bag of carrots for 40p?
Never at any time did our supposed journalist reporter ask….
1) Why have another kid if your struggling to feed them?
2) If you are struggling to pay the grocery bills why are you so fucking fat?
3) How come you can afford to heat your house to such a temperature that your kids can wonder around half dressed?
Do they think we’re bloody stupid?
Moving on next item ‘Bristol Brothers’ football team, a team of wholly Somalian footballers doing wonders for the ‘communiteeee’ this begs the question what would BBC Points West’s reaction be if I were to start a Bristol WASPs footy team to try to restore cohesion and faith within the WASP community? Thought so, is that Plod I hear knocking?
The BBC will never ask these questions for fear of appearing ‘judgemental’ – aka a leftist smokescreen for hiding their ‘anything goes/big welfare’ agenda.
I am sure many are offended by Andy Wests attack on free speech and Tyson Furys freedom of conscience but still contribute to his wages on pain of harrassment or imprisonment for failing to pay the licence fee.
Was that the real Roger Harrabin on Thursday’s PM ? I was busy doing other things at the time but my ears pricked up when I thought I heard him casting doubts about the claims that the Pacific islands were disappearing.
And wasn’t there someone from the Red Cross suggesting that humans building on green fields etc., developing the un-developed world, might be the cause of their own difficulties?
Could Harrabin and the BBC be quietly building their own escape raft for when ‘Climate Change’ goes wrong? Nothing to do with us guv, we just reported it! Perhaps at this very moment they are planning reprints of the BBC publication, authored by Nigel Calder, that blamed us all for the coming New Ice Age?
Yes, Roger Harrabin’s piece stood out for me yesterday. The impression I took was that someone had complained about earlier coverage and the BBC realised it had to offer a counter view given the amount of evidence that they aren’t disappearing.
I also think Harrabin was indulging in a bit of ‘raft building’ as JimS suggested. You’ll start to see more and more of that as the ‘pause’ continues to confound £billions worth of climate modelling CPUs in The Met Office and beyond. The IPCC has already had to admit forecasted temperature rises have been wildly inaccurate (aka: doom-laden catastrophist fiction). I’ve also noted the BBC has been at pains (and it does really hurt them) to admit there is no evidence to link the recent flooding in the UK to what it calls ‘climate change’ (aka: fossil fuels).
Brillo in full BBC clone mode, being full-on shouty when speaking to (at) Katy Hopkins ! All those years of sharing a studio with Abbottapotamus seems to have rubbed off. I always thought the idea of interviewing was to ask a question and listen to the answer (a tough gig with politicos I know), but Brillo was untypically testy and as a result the interview failed. He should sit down and look at his performance, because hitherto he has generally been good. Perhaps he could have a look at some old Brian Walden interviews, to see it done right.
Only on rare occasions does Brillo come out looking impartial. I have not seen this interview, but he has a particular style, which involves reading an ambiguous question from the stack of papers and refusing to acknowledge that the interviewee has answered it, so he asks it repeatedly in a tetchy tone and then moves on muttering about the question being unanswered.
And as soon as he realises he’s losing the argument he stops the interviewee from any form of counter argument by saying “that’s not how this works, I ask the questions”.
Having watched him skewer many slippery politicians in the past, I found his performance vs. Katie Hopkins rather embarrassing. What a shame our globally respected and admired national broadcaster doesn’t employ Katie to offer a bit of balance.
‘Hall graciously acknowledges Parliament’s right to inquire into how public money is spent. So why his own reluctance to appear before the Commons European Scrutiny Committee earlier this month? This was but one of the many questions Jonathan Ford failed to ask him’
Back to Ms. Hopkins, she could have researched more thoroughly, and certainly had those no-go area talking points (that exist) to hand, but she showed Neil up as no better than all the other house eunuchs who control the mic and edit suite and do the hives bidding.
He also made claims that were patently factually wrong, but as he doesn’t get asked questions, gets away with them staying uncorrected.
Like trust, what credibility he may have built up for professionalism and impartiality in that nest of rats called the BBC, lies in tatters.
I have just watched it – usual Neil formula. ‘Tell me where are those vast swathes where non muslims cannot go… tell me tell me where are these vast swathes… you have not answered me… tell me where these vast swathes are’.
Behind this reputation, his air of a senior interviewer, is the mind of an 18 year old Trot inspired sixth former. Yell out his point repeatedly, and refuse to hear anything that builds up a case against that which he supports.
I do hope that he interviews Donald Trump who would respond, as he does with boorish lame interviewers,- and tell him to move the interview along, his question has been answered.
Worth noting how the Independent and Huff Post were there with the response that Neil had skewered Kate Hopkins. A quick phone perhaps?
I’d like to see Brillo interview the American writer and columnist Ann Coulter, about her views on Trump’s suggestion re Muslim entry to the U.S. – if you think Katie Hopkins is outspoken, she is on another level entirely.
Cripes, the BBC in a funk on this one, and getting all its mates manning the pumps.
Indy? HuffPo? There’s twenty three and a half right there.
If they get the Graun fired up on the elected edits they may arouse twitter’s less questioning shock troops, but anyone with a brain and internet access will know what went down there, and it was Brillo’s reputation.
The post-interview chat was even more revealing. What’s happened to main stream politics? Brillo, McAlvoy and some nonentity struggle with the inconceivable. There are actual people out there who disagree with us!!!! about Islam and the joys it brings. Trump, Le Pen, FN, AfD, PEGIDA, Orban, East Europeans in general, etc.. UKIP not mentioned, what went wrong there? The same incomprehension on their faces as Ceaucescu when he was shouted down in public before he was toppled. I thought McAlvoy was supposed to be some sort of superintelligence.
Arguing that the “problem is already here”, stating “we must solve this problem” and then claiming that the arrival of more potential problem causers is irrelevant to solving the problem sounds extremely stupid. If she arrived home and found a number of persons seeking shelter, some of whom were defecating in her living room, and if she found this unpleasant rather than enriching family life, I’m sure she would want to stop more guests entering her home until all the original guests had been properly house-trained. At least, she does admit there is a problem.
Agree. Mr Neil didn’t come out well from the interview with Katy. He shouted a lot , cut her off , refused to let her speak, spoke over her. Exactly the standard BBC way of dealing with someone who doesn’t share the liberal left consensus on any topic you wish to name. But Mr Neil is usually above that and shows little or no partiality. Perhaps his pay masters told him off for his Isis rant a few weeks ago.
Just before the interview began Mr Neil , who I usually consider to be head and shoulders above any other BBC ‘journalist/ presenter’ said that everyone in British public life found D Trump’s remarks offensive and that the fastest growing petition ever on the UK government’s web site was to have him banned from the UK. Then on comes Katy Hopkins and says what many Brits believe, that we have serious problems with Muslims in our country. She had the courage to speak for us. This highlights the chasm that exists between what the liberal elite think , or at least what they say in public, and what most Brits think. She rightly said that there were no go areas in the UK where we ( Brits she meant) had lost control ( ceded control to Muslims may be a better way of expressing it). Mr Neil demanded to know where these areas are. Katy , for reasons I don’t fully understand , refused to name them but invited the BBC to follow her when she tours one . But because she wouldn’t name them, Mr Neil claimed that such areas don’t exist. Will the BBC go with her on such a tour? Even if they do they will spin it. I would advise her to take a second crew along with her to film it and compare and contrast the BBC version.
The two guests, both from the elite, then said that whilst some people may nod their heads at what Katy said, it was important to consider what do you do with those Muslims already here. After all you don’t want to offend them and banning Muslims from entering the country would do nothing to help the situation. Obviously they have never heard that when in a hole the first thing to do is to stop digging. But more importantly what their comments expose is that the liberal left elite know full well that the policy that they forced on to the rest us of mass immigration has been a disaster and that we have do indeed have serious problems with Muslims in the UK but that the elite dare not do anything about it for fear of making it a whole lot worse. How much longer will they whistle in the dark. How many more terrorist outrages will it take to get them to do something ? How many more thousands of British girls will be raped before they feel sufficiently ashamed to take action ? How much more electoral fraud and corruption will there have to be before they admit that democracy and our values are under attack , not just from Isis but from Islam as a whole?
BBC today feature a couple celebrating their 90th wedding anniversary.
They are Indian and married there in 1925 and came to the UK in 1965, presumably very close to the retirement age.
And here we are in 2015 and neither appear to be able to speak English.
Now I wish them well as individuals but am finding it a bit hard to identify how the taxpayer has benefitted from their nett economic contribution. Contrary of course to the open-door immigrationists’ propaganda.
To the money-grows-on-trees bBBC of course such issues cannot be raised on any level.
And I might add that the lady has reached the great age of 103, which means she married at the age of 13. How does that square with today’s under-age sex rules? Should her 110 year old husband not be interviewed?
Maybe Lowell Goddard should know.
If neither are able to speak English it’s a fair bet that neither held down anything more than a very menial job – that is, unless they are self-made business people who operated exclusively within their own ‘community’.
So there’s good chance they’ve cost the country several hundred thousand pounds. And I wonder how much of that left the country.
Both of my parents settled in the U.K after the war in 1946 when there was a labour shortage. They were Polish and Italian respectively. Both worked and paid taxes all their working lives without claiming a single benefit whilst raising four children and just as importantly, both learnt fluent English within 2 years of arriving here. This is in addition to my father speaking German and Italian fluently with my mother fluent in Polish as well. Indians are some the most f*****g laziest people on this planet.
Wiser people than me have suspected that reducing the age of consent has always been on the liberal agenda so the combination underage sex/immigration story is tailor made for the BBC.
I posted this story earlier. What you’ve missed in the calculations is that he came to the UK age 60, only 5 years from retirement. What on earth was Harold Wilson’s leftie government doing allowing people of that age to settle here?
They are also not Indian! In 1925 they were Indian, partition happened in 1947 creating Pakistan & Bangladesh. As Muslims they are most likely to actually be Pakistani !
How the fuck did they get a state pension , you needed 44 years of Ni contributions to get the full pension. Although the Evil Blair reduced it to 30 years. Can’t think why.
Turned on TWATO as they get all excited about the “climactic” climate fiddling jamboree in Paris.
Talk about pre-baked flat pack crap.
Cumbria was linked to Indonesia-to Mexico-and to anywhere where the weathers been a bit blowy or changeable of late.
Booker himself dealt with the flatus that Cumbrias weather has been the “worse `eva!”
But Harrabin needs an orgasm for gaia before he sneaks his Calais pals home in an electric double decker( Cliff Richard notwithstanding).
So -what might have been “news” back before 69…is now part-cooked old filler from all their other environomental shows that demand chicken licking(halal preferred).
I kid you not-this audio montage of previous “weather things” really makes the JWs, the Jonestown eejits look sane-at least their eschatological ghoulies are based on a Book…not on Harrabin waving a shroud around with a piece of Saviles seaweed in the pocket.
When DID news become a side effect of all the liberal liars propaganda…was it before or after the rise of Rowan and the font fleecing of Giles Fraser?
Utter crap-Patch or Petra sent out into the rain would do a far better job of “analysing” weather patterns that the Climate Carbon Emotions of Harrabin and his other fellow-profiteers from peddling their green bilge.
I have a feeling this will be an unpopular point of view. I don’t read Katie Hopkin’s column so I can’t comment on that, but I did see the interview on Daily Politics. I agree with her that Trump’s proposal, would be impractical, but nevertheless gave expression to the real fear that people throughout the US and Europe have about Islamification (Anne McElvoy also hinted at this in a rather roundabout way). But I do think Katie Hopkins could have expressed it better. The same applies to “no-go” areas. We all know that these areas exist, but Katie Hopkins just wasn’t well-prepared enough to present her argument convincingly.
Islamification is the real issue, and so-called radicalisation is just a symptom. Yet this is the one subject that is always brushed aside – the one subject that no one has the courage to express directly. With all due respect to Katie Hopkins, and I do admire her courage, we need someone better equipped intellectually to confront these issues.
We all have our own point of view OA it’s not a matter of approval or not as the case may be.
Making a better job of answering the Q’s is not so easy when Brillo shours down the answer with his extra volume mic.
While she wasnt willing to name the islamic areas per se, she offered to let the bbc follow her walk around the worst of them…..cant say fairer than that.
With respect to you, she wasnt invited to discuss islamification or radicalisation but to comment on the Trump ideas, but she did manage to point out some of the negative effects of the ROP on our cities.
I dont read her column either, and dont wish to begin, but I want the one sided views of the beeb challenged, as I know you do to.
Nadolig llawen i chi..
I take your point D_C. I wouldn’t like put forward an argument with Brillo shouting over everything I was trying to say. Just like you I want to hear more opposition to BBC groupthink. We really need more voices with the courage to challenge BBC/liberal left Ismaccuseists. Yes, I did make that word up, but it’s just as valid as Islamaphobia.
Funny what you can find hidden away on the BBC webpage without any prominence and only accessible by searching by keyword. Even then it was halfway down the page.
There’s been an incredibly scant reference to this on the Radio 4 news, and to those with ears to hear the bias it was possible to discern there was a lot more behind it than they were reporting:
Ofsted is to set up a taskforce of inspectors to seek out unregistered schools that are operating outside the law in England.
Chief Inspector of Schools Sir Michael Wilshaw says there is a serious and growing threat to the safety of children.
Inspectors have found three unregistered schools operating in Birmingham in recent weeks.
But who could be doing such a thing?
Ofsted says it found a narrow Islam-focused curriculum in all the schools it unearthed.
And in one of the three settings, conditions were described as unhygienic and filthy, with staff who had not been screened for their suitability to work with children.
Inspectors also found books described as inappropriate, with texts including “misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic material”.
But I don’t understand ! The BBC has been telling us that Islam is a tolerant religion of peace which doesn’t have any such things in it. Even David Cameron has been telling this!
Writing formally to the education secretary today, Sir Michael says he believes the number of children in unregistered schools could be far higher.
He warns that Ofsted’s work to promote British values is being undermined by the growth of these unregistered schools.
And what exactly are these British values? To me the current Conservative party do not embody them in any way.
The chief inspector says he is also concerned that some of these education centres have received what could be “confusing and unhelpful” advice from Department for Education officials that they can continue to operate while applying to register.
He says it sends out “entirely the wrong message” and could have the unintended consequence of encouraging others to open such schools.
So yet again a la Rotherham we have public sector staff giving the incorrect advice and doing nothing to ‘offend’ or upset the favourite brown eyed boys in case someone bleated Waycism.
While most of the places visited by Ofsted so far have been in Muslim communities, inspectors may also turn their attention to similar unregistered tuition centres operated by other groups.
“It will apply across the board, to any religious group whether Muslim group, Jewish group, or Christian group who wants to operate this sort of provision in unsafe accommodation, in unhygienic and filthy accommodation.
“It will apply to all religious groups, I want to make that absolutely clear,” Sir Michael told the BBC.
Yeah yeah, we know that all that guff means is ‘I’m watching my back for the Left wing Fascists’ ! (And Theresa the Appeasers bunch too) The chances of finding another religion up to these kinds of things is practically nil & he knows it !
“Every year that these schools are either allowed to stay open, or else are able to evade detection, thousands more children are subjected to indoctrination, to abuse, and to an education so limited and blinkered that it can scarcely be described as an education at all.”
Well I think we can all agree with that, but why can’t public officials say that?
There’s a whole lot more unpleasant reading in the article, begging the question why, then the BBC can devote so much time to trivial news, can’t it properly report on this?
I wouldn’t worry about it, Thoughtful. Just a few bad apples, innit? There’s no way muslims fail to integrate fully and wholeheartedly into their host nation’s culture, laws and education system and social fabric. Everyone knows all muslims, being keen to share in our multi-faith, multicultural, equitable and progressive society, never put their Holy Instruction Manual of 7th century medievalism ahead of any of that.
I should, in fairness to the Beeb (Ed: why?) point out that it’s now the main story on the News page. Until they find further footage of Donald Trump being monstered by an animal, of course.
Inspectors also found books described as inappropriate, with texts including “misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic material”.
‘….with staff who had not been screened for their suitability to work with children. ‘
Funny, when unqualified teachers such as ex-military personnel are recruited (after screening, it must be emphasized) into mainstream schools, teachers’ unions, heavily aided and abetted by BBC airtime, are shrieking their protest. And these Islamic wallahs haven’t even been screened let alone possess any teaching qualifications.
How much more like Pakistan does this country have to become before our politicians get an effing grip?
I would expect a whole load of Rotherham taxi drivers to get jobs as teaching assistants at junior and infant schools.
What could ever go wrong with that bit of enriching for our children. Lots of boxes ticked.
Hey kids, guess what Newsbeat has found! yes… more Trump!
1 hr · This bald eagle really didn’t enjoy being on Donald Trump’s arm.
The bird, called Uncle Sam, was posing with the US presidential candidate for a Time magazine photo shoot earlier this year.
“This bird is seriously dangerous but beautiful,” Mr Trump said.
Video courtesy of TIME.
Deuced civil of TIME to help out their old mukkers at BBC Juvenile to keep the obsession going.
The depressing thing about that exchange is we have no idea what proportion of our population inhabit the morally-twisted alternative universe of that Independent reporter.
Whatever it is, judging by social media, the BBC’s output (e.g. women going to going ISIL apparently feeling ’empowered’ according to Woman’s Hour) and what goes on in our ‘universities’ these days, I’d wager it’s definitely on the increase.
I almost felt sorry for the kid, who at least stood his ground, even as it crumbled beneath him.
But he will soon be getting a call from the BBC to become an activ.. sorry, Editor of Integrity.
A wealth parasite skimming a nice little earner off the process demanding that wealth creators fund folk they would not want to go near with a bargepole, with a gift polished turd gleam of virtue-jerk righteousness.
That shows the difference between the sexes. If I had been at an all-male demonstration (probably illegal unless it involves the apparently self-educated RoP) and seen a female streaker I would have cheered her heartily for her efforts. And so would my mates.
These wimmin just have no sense of humour; a quality they share with the entire left leaning side of the political spectrum.
The sole contribution which the Left have made to feminism in my lifetime is hatred of men.
The collective noun for a group of Lefties is a hatred.
A hatred of CND activists chanting give the Soviet Union a chance. A hatred of student activists waving posters saying Mao is the way forward. Socialist Workers for peace declaring that opposition to Islam is racist.
Note-years after Gove pointed out what was going on in Birmingham-Wilshaw at OFSTED and the BBC have dug up this one again re “unregistered schools”.
This is a “Trojan Horse” that will be used to remove Christians and Jews from education-whilst the Muslims will continue to actually TEACH(indoctrinate the better word) their kids to be the new slave traders, the new rapists.
And-of course-a big step to removing the option for homeschooling for any of us-so compulsory vaccinations, for the Agenda 21 Project, 38 degrees, Common Purpose, banning UKIP, removing Jesus-the UN/EU Gore-Obama axis..all the rst of the non-teaching hidden curriculum that offers us Brand and Dianne Athill, Jon Snow and Owen Jones to do all our thinking and speaking for the coming empty vessels of the cultural charabanc that parades by us daily.
Wilshaw needs to explain how the Baby P case was fiddled to cover the arses of his predecessors…and how any “moral” educational enquiry could employ a Chris Woodhead.
Do`nt fall for this-shit and grubby, but at least Muslim kids learn something in their schools on a Friday afternoon-not how to emote on cue to Lenford Henry etal.
Lolz. Just came in and put Feedback on. Later they’ll be asking Horrorbin why he hardly ever mentions Climate Change.
That should be a larf. Bizarre, but amusing none the less.
I thought that this was worth posting as a legal response to those paying less tax than they otherwise might:
Duke of Westminster v Commissioners of Inland Revenue 19 TC 490:
‘Every man is entitled if he can to order his affairs so that the tax attaching under the appropriate Acts is less than it otherwise would be. If he succeeds in ordering them so as to secure this result, then, however unappreciative the Commissioners of Inland Revenue or his fellow tax-payers may be of his ingenuity, he cannot be compelled to pay an increased tax.’
They are running scared. I received this circulated email from 38 degrees with a picture of David Attenborough.
“The BBC is in real danger. And if you lose the BBC, I certainly will have lost a very, very important element of my life. And I would like to think that quite a lot of people in Britain think the same thing…the BBC depends upon the public … if it doesn’t have the support of the public, the BBC is lost.”
This was David Attenborough – but these words could have been said by any one of us.[1] The BBC is at the heart of Britain and the government wants to rip through it with devastating cuts.[2]
People power has defeated this government before, and we can do it again. But right now, not enough people know that our BBC is at risk – and that’s exactly how the government wants it. They want to push through these cuts without us noticing. But if thousands of us share this picture with our friends and family today, together we can let millions of people know that our BBC is at risk.
Please can you share this image below with your friends and family? You can click the link to share it on Facebook – or, if you don’t use Facebook, could you forward this email to your friends, family and colleagues instead?
Hundreds of thousands of us have already flooded the government consultation with our message: protect the BBC.[3] We’ve sent a clear signal to the government that we won’t let them get away with dismantling Britain’s public broadcaster. But if we’re going to stop the government ripping it apart, we need our friends and families to stand with us too.
Every email we send, every message we post to Facebook – every message of defiance that says “the BBC is ours” – makes it harder for the government to sneak their cuts through. And the timing is right: for huge numbers of people Christmases past and present have been defined by the BBC. Let’s make sure it’s here for Christmases of the future.
“Protect the BBC”? You must be having a laugh. I for one can’t wait to see the back of it.
And Attenborough? Once a respected wildlife documentary film-maker, he has now sold his soul to the global warming fanaticism, and is as daft as the rest of them.
Andrew Neil shown to be trying for a Gotcha moment, instead of for a proper interview.
This sort of BBC hectoring actually has the reverse effect.
Katie came across as sane and considered – and quick witted.
To be honest Tom, she understands only too well, the road this absurd type of hysterical narrative is leading to,
and those making purchase with it.
Most of the time she s just playing the outspoken for the media … here its serious.
This evening on PM, Eddie Mair was discussing OFSTEDs new team of investigators of unregistered schools with Rafique Patel from the Association of Muslim Schools, this threw up some interesting dilemmas for Eddie who sounded startled by what he was hearing about teaching materials containing “homophobia, misogyny and anti semitism” used in the independent Islamic faith school sector.
So startled was Eddie, that he cut to the chase and asked Rafique Patel “Is this a Muslim problem?” answer…. no, there are problems in Jewish and Hindu schools too. Sadly Eddies nerve failed him at this point so no evidence for this statement was sought.
Standard issue bbc bias by omission, and playing the “all faith schools are the same” line much loved by the beebs secularist wing.
Subsequently Rafique Patel stated words to the effect that the Government should be looking into why some Muslim parents need to send their kids to “independent faith schools” and how the state education system is failing them and their children by not meeting their “faith needs”……
……Stand by for demands for more UK taxpayer funded, Islam friendly “education”.
Classic taqiyya from our Muslim schools mouthpiece-classic tiptoe through the minefield by Eddie-who`s got no kids so has no “dog(or bitch)” in THIS game at least-and a quick leap into “we`re not talking about just Muslims here-why Hindus or Jews might be culpable of teaching nothing beyond a prescribed Islamic curriculum for all we know eh?”.
In short-you pay BBC-you get Eddie and his go-to goons from Islam or other grievance hustlers needing a moan on our money.
Schools are failed fucked and finished anyway-have been since Kenneth Baker, but the rot is smelling from the head now…we`ll all need a pass in Arabic soon if we want to go down Brick Lane anyway, so might as well get a Mecca aerial, find a taxi firm that requires child safety locks….unless we get the BBC binned and pronto.
You can tell that I`ve just heard “The Now Show” can`t you?…one Norman Collier is worth fifty years of “alternative to comedy” offered by Benn, Dennis and Punt etc.
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Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 10, 21:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I keep hearing from MP’s an excuse for them not doing what they were voted in to do, things such…
Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
Up2snuffMar 10, 18:56 Start the Week 10th March 2025 MM, Hindus & Muslims have always clashed. Do pay attention. They clash in modern India. They also clashed way back…
I like to give my wife an appraisal each month to ensure her performance around the house is up to scratch. Last month I found her hoovering needed improvement. I also criticised her for daring to touch the remote for the TV. The only two areas of concern this month.
I wonder Taffman, if the AlBeeb would like me too!
I cant find much on Al beeb about this ……………………..
Does he get full pay with a ‘slap on the wrist’ ? It is now getting beyond ‘Bias’
Will our PM act before its too late for him?
Move along, Jasmine.
‘Stepping aside’ on full pay is the new black. Especially for Xmas.
Clive Myrie exempted of course.
Open the BBC web site this morning, greeted by a front page article “Could Iran be the best place to be born today?”
I think we know the answer to this.
What is this nonsense I thought, clicked it and read a completely useless article saying nothing at all except a load of PC inspired nonsense.
The BBC seems to be the broadcast equivalent of all the brochures coming though my door from Xmas tat gizmo headlines saying ‘Could this be….?’ to claim something but not have to back it up.
In a supposedly trustworthy broadcaster that is a worry.
Maybe all their journos could take their own advice and fuck off there ?
For some reason best known to themselves, the BBC is deeply in love with the brutal Islamic dictatorship of Iran.
I imagine part of the reason must be that Iran hates Israel and the US, a hatred to gladden BBC hearts.
Foucault was rhapsodizing about Iran before he died – the Left are attracted to evil like flies to shit.
The BBC pushing any and every angle re the Climate Change scam.
“”How eating insects could help climate change””
So the corrupt and self-entitled BBC socialists take the opportunity to repeat a mantra originally delivered by the corrupt and self-entitled UN.
Paul Ryan, a songwriter from the ’60s offered a few prescient words on a similar subject:
Someone said, drink the water, but I will drink the wine.
Someone said, take a poor man, rich don’t have a dime.
So fool yourselves if you will, I just haven’t got the time.
If you can drink the water, I will drink the wine.
Go on and fool yourselves if you will, you can hold out your hand,
I’ll give back your flowers, and I will take the land.
And I will drink the wine, and I will take the land.
I will drink the wine.
You don’t hear the song much nowadays, I suppose Frank Sinatra ate a little too much red meat for the likes of the BBC.
First line above should have read:
So the corrupt and self-entitled BBC champagne socialists…
Let the stupid bastards , put it on the menu at the subsidised BBC canteen. They could also join, I am a Celebrity, but I don’t think ITV would have them. Witchity Grubs come to mind.
For the sake of freedom of speech I ask all U.K residents to sign the U.K government’s petition NOT to ban Donald Trump from the U.K. I hope the numbers swell to an extent that the BBC cannot ignore it, along with all the other leftist media.
Here is the link.
Do you hear that murmering grumbling sound coming from inside your tv?
No, it’s not Bonnie Greer failing to declare her support for the Democrat Party but taking advantage of the BBC airwaves to attack the Republicans….
That low continuous muttering in your living room is the sound of the State inexorably growing larger and larger
This morning’s house eunuch Charlie Stayt may look impotent enough with his hair so over-coiffed it would have embarrassed Duran Duran in their new romantic pomp – but don’t be fooled….
“The First Female Chief Medical Officer” ain’t joking when she declares : ‘If industry does not co-operate WE are going to have to get STRICT’.
They love the smell of new taxes in the morning
One moment women’s obesity (what about the men?) is a medical and personal issue…
Next minute this slightly lispy common purpose graduate who is power-dressed (Mrs Thatcher would have been proud) with only her dowdy hairdo to let her down (talk to Charlie afterwards, luv) gives us a massive, wait for it …
“SO….” before launching her Statist power-grab.
Just before 8am this morning on the Today Programme (R4):
Rev Giles Fraser – well-known pathological altruist, professional virtue signaller and liberal fascist – would like us to consider two boxers and their very different qualities. He finds in Tyson Fury (white, christian) much to be sneered at, openly derided. In Muhammad Ali (black, muslim), he finds a ‘great man’ who’s ‘religion of peace’ is an example to us all. He says all of this without any hint of irony, wit or self-awareness. He means it and he wants us to know that he means it.
According to the BBC’s chartered requirement for ‘impartiality and balance’, should I now be expecting to hear a rebuttal of Fraser’s ridiculously partisan views on Islam? Fraser was permitted to make his Lord Haw-Haw like speech for a full three minutes or so uninterrupted. I will expect nothing less from whomever the BBC invites on to present the rebuttal to his infantile (and dangerous) claims about this so-called ‘religion of peace’.
Perhaps any rebuttal could begin by wondering why Fraser, a christian priest (allegedly), is such a misogynist, homophobe, anti-semite and terrorist supporter. It’s hard to interpret Fraser’s uncritical analysis of Islam as ‘a religion of peace’ as anything other than tacit support for all of its in-built (and fundamental) prejudices and intolerance. Further, does he imagine his own faith (allegedly), Christianity, as, say… more or less tolerant than Islam, as more or less homophobic – or how about more or less inclined to conduct public beheadings against those of its flock who choose to leave the faith..?
Fraser is a toxic cultural traitor and full-time political and social agitator who is wilfully being given air time with which to spread his vile fascist-supporting poison on the licence payer’s dime. The BBC will offer no rebuttal (of course they won’t) because we know that’s how these liberal fascists operate.
ObiWan, I heard that too. It was terrible. I despise the man. He is so full of himself…It was his oh-so sincere way he said it all, and yes, he actually meant it! It was staggering.
Rev. Giles – the living proof that “empty vessels make most noise”
Completely vacuous and the ideal choice for “Platitude for the Day”.
Some drivel about “Islam is the religion of peace”
Self-righteous, incoherent cunt
I’m afraid that was a slur on cunts, which cannot be allowed to stand.
My thoughts exactly.
Absolutely spot on, ID. You sum it all up in just the last word.
But we all know Fury is guilty of Crimethink – expect more arrests soon. Plod’s got lots of work to do and no doubt Fraser can assist them in this task.
Melanie Phillips crossed swords with the fat balding blob, I forget on which programme. He was whining about the poor Palestinians and indicating that he supported their terrorism against Israelis. Astounded, Melanie said something like, “But you’re a priest!”
Some priest.
I had the misfortune to hear the corpulent blatherer this morning too; what struck me listening to it was that if you didn’t know he was (ostensibly anyway) a C of E cleric, you could be forgiven for thinking you were listening to a (subtle) call to Islam; the way he spoke about Muhammad Ali and the wonders of the Haj to Mecca – complete @rsehole.
It was interesting that he used Muhammad Ali as an example; I recall Bill Warner mentioning how as Cassius Clay he was named after an anti-slavery abolitionist, yet the Islamic names he assumed, Muhammad and Ali, each belonged to men who had owned slaves.
And we don’t hear anything about the Muslim slave trade on the BBC.
The program I was thinking of was the Moral Maze.
The Today programme talked to Naomi Klein about the Paris climate-change conference, introducing her as a “well-known expert”. She is not an expert – she is an author, a polemicist. Her recent book on climate change had been ripped to shreds by expert critics. Nevertheless she ranted on about island nations disappearing beneath the waves yada yada yada.
But at least she contested the BBC’s news line that all is well with the “agreement” now being reached in Paris.
Indeed, the BBC has thrown any last remaining shreds of its credibility out of the window over this Paris banquet of fools and intervieiwing a foaming loon like Miss Klein (credentials an an expert – zilch) is scraping the bottom of the barrel through to the other side. It will be that other discredited clown, Erlich, next!
Who are these expert critics who have ripped her book to shreds?
If you’re too lazy to Google the reviews, here’s a primer for you:
My mistake. I was looking for expert critics not crank websites.
Foot in gob time, Marvin. Had you taken the trouble to read the link (you can read, can’t you?) you’d have seen a splendid comment on the Candian Marxist polemicist (some qualification!) from The Economist.
Or does that organ qualify for your half-witted ‘crank’ label, too?
I read the article from the Economist. It has nothing to say about climate change. John Anderson referenced expert critics and so far we have one article from the Economist.
Ask the BBC to provide such source information (as GCooper kindly did) and see what reply you get.
Seems your search parameters are limited.
BBc Breakfast. OBESITY IN WOMEN. Yes back to obesity and was it the chief medical officer going through the same old mantra. Ban advertising on unhealthy food, stop offers on cheap unhealthy food…etc..etc. Were the sloths taking the piss then when minutes later they give Kirkwood a giant birthday cake!
Roving sloth in Cumbria links floods to climate change.
Sofa sloths talk about the “historic” climate change talks in Paris
Too many fat birds is the lead article on the news page as well.
Some mischievous person has commented to the Beeb that their Home Page today contains several items on obesity following Sally Davies’ statement. It also contains half a dozen individual items that are food related including the Great British Bake Off.
Cwisis? What cwisis?
It’s difficult to know which is worse – the BBC for reporting this tosh uncritically or the government’s ‘most senior doctor’ (ha ha) not taking the rap for her profession having neither a clue what the cause is, nor for having dished out the wrong dietary advice for several decades, despite increasing doubts concerning its reliability.
Let’s hear from some political experts on obesity. Please welcome on to the (reinforced) sofa Diane Abbott and Ken Clarke. Unfortunately Sir Cyril Smith couldn’t be with us this morning.
Never mind Naomi Klein’s climate expertise, a BBC anorak-in-the-field just found a Cumbrian farmer giles who nodded, tilted his flat cap, scratched his head, tugged his forelock and said ooh-ahhh when prompted to blame the wet weather on “Climate Change” Nice one BBC, if that doesn’t settle the science I don’t know what will
I’m usually loath to link to the Guardian (or pass the frittata, as I like to call it) but since it tells us far more about BBC thinking than the Radio Times here’s the BBC News At 10 Story
The point of which is the pressure on Newsnight – or what I like to call Bumsnet
‘The longer bulletin, which will run from Monday to Thursday, comes after a five-month trial in the run-up to the general election which proved popular with viewers, according to the BBC.’
[Do I detect a slight note of cynicism there with that ‘according to the BBC’ qualifier?]
‘The BBC bulletin continues as the most popular news show in the UK with an average audience of 4 million a night, typically between 22% and 25% of the viewing public at that time’
[So that pre-General Election boost of enthusiasm was coming from only a quarter of the ‘viewing public’ (whatever that means). I would prefer the BBC to offer approval or disapproval statistics based of those actually paying Licence Fees]
‘Some BBC news insiders questioned the rationale for extending the show, which would allow an extra 1.5 stories.’
[Only in liberal media lah-lah land could anyone not flush with embarrassment as they speak of point-five of a news story]
One more point from the Guadian’s early valedictory for their bestest favourite show: Newsnight
‘Viewing figures for Newsnight were hit by the earlier trial, but the BBC2 show has staged a fightback in the past month with notable successes the Paris attack special, which attracted an audience of 1.4 million.’
[Look on the bright side – ISIS are doing all they can whenever they can to support Newsnight]
‘The delay to a long-expected announcement, first reported by the Guardian last week, and possible impact of its BBC2 news show prompted one BBC insider to call the decision “a typical BBC dog’s breakfast”.’
[BBC insider – let me guess…. the ink is hardly dry on Ian Katz’s leaving from the Guardian for Newsnight fairwell card]
Oops. BBC bias revealed!
This journalist has let something slip:
“…All aspects of a Muslim’s life are governed by Sharia, the revealed, sacred law of Islam…”
Didn’t the guy/gal who wrote this (unattributed) piece for the BBC get the memo? (NTDWI)
Look Beeboid, if you tell Joe Public that all aspects of a Muslim’s life are governed by Sharia, they might start saying that Muslims cannot accept the Law of the land, in this case German Law. Which might ring true with what Joe Public sees in England and elsewhere each day. Joe Public might realise that Muslims see nothing amiss when fellow Muslims rape kuffir kids and murder kuffirs in the street, or butcher their daughters’ genitals, or subjugate their women, or rig elections, or kill homosexuals, or murder/rape their daughters/nieces/sisters. Nip out to Syria for a bit of Jihadi Islamic Muslim choppy choppy, so as to be prepared and experienced in choppy choppy for when you get back ‘home’ to Blighty. After all, it’s the revealed, sacred law of Islam – according to the BBC, by which all aspects of a Muslim’s life are governed – according to the BBC.
Radicalisation happens in the home, the mosque, the schools, and the madrassas. The internet is but a form of ‘finishing school’. But the spineless, fear driven cowards who infect our public realm dare not say it.
We are led by donkeys in our Government and our media.
The BBC just cannot get the cork back in the jihadi narrative bottle. Islam or death – that’s the basic choice and the BBC makes it clear daily how it has chosen.
Just take a look at this article on the Manchester Evening News which must have stayed up for all of a couple of hours in the late evening when they put it up, about hoards of Pakistani drug dealers given extremely lenient sentences.
Then consider this reader comment from the Muslim Sister (?) of a drug pusher who was jailed, and just look at where she places the blame.
“Makes me think and wonder at times yes the police have put these men behind bars but who have they arrested? The ones that are already addicts the young men who clearly are being lead astray. What about the guys who give it to them to take and supply I have never seen anyone of them arrested am a nurse and I can sit here and name every leader who are still free and walking out side. You won’t get rid of the problem unless you get rid of the couse. These men will come out continue to smoke and continue to sell as the ones providing it to them are walking free. One of these men are very close to me he never sold drugs he was just an addict one day police decided to raid our house arrested the full family I lost my job. Left him ashamed, he has no qualifications no job nothing he got to a point he had no idea what to do in the end he sold drugs. The couse here was the police the impact it had on our family was awful we got dismissed from the case but no apologies to the family they put though hell. Instead let’s go and put an article up about who these people are and how bad they are making the community. Am sorry to say but this time round it was the justice system that failed ”
She claims to know who these suppliers are, but doesn’t seem to have reported them herself ! No doubt though there would be plenty of BBC types falling over themselves to defend her views.
Quentin Letts offers a very mild riposte today to the BBC’s jackbooted treatment of his Met Office programme on R4.
A couple from Bradford are celebrating their 90th wedding anniversary on Friday.
Karam and Kartari Chand, who are 110 and 103 respectively, are believed to be Britain’s longest married couple.
They tied the knot in India in 1925 during the British Raj and moved to England 40 years later.
The BBC Asian Network’s Shabnam Mahmood went along to the celebrations.
Might appear like a nice ‘normal’ story until you start messing about with the figures and find that if she’s 103 and been married for 90 years, she was forced into a paedophile marriage at the age of 13 while her husband was 20 ! In the UK this would have been illegal even in 1925 so why does the BBC neglect to mention this, because it manages a dig at the British Empire in the Video.
He came to Bradford 40 years later when he was 60! What on earth was the British ‘government’ doing allowing a man so close to retirement settle in the UK ? Of course Harold Wilson was the Prime Minister of an extreme Left wing Labour government at the time. Explains a lot !
Good spot!
Are there verifiable records to demonstrate he is 110? Or is this just another example of taking the word of certain sections of the population to always be true?
Oh FFS – just listen to Jeremy vile right now. He’s got on a sexual deviant MAN who was sent to, guess what, a MAN’s prison. Do we really need to listen to this shit just before lunch. The facts are – he’s got the following 2 things that define him a MAN:
a) a Y chromosome
b) a dick
What does HE think the authorities do with HIM when HE breaks the law and receives a prison sentence? Put it in a woman’s prison? How would the real women react having a MAN in the showers? Maybe Al Beeb are suggesting that the taxpayer funds special prisons to house their special pet transsexuals?
I feel effing sick.
Might I suggest that the National Front web page might be the best place to vent your spleen about this?
Perhaps you might like to set up some kind of a death camp and execute all those suffering from what is an internationally recognised medical condition? Even Iran has managed to progress beyond your current position which puts you in some very unpleasant company! You must hold such libertarian countries as North Korea and Saudi Arabia in very high regard, as they are amongst the few which like yourself do not accept this as a medical condition.
I really does beggar belief what someone like you gets out of a post like this, attacking peoples freedom to live in the way they please. How are you any better than the Islamic Fascists who share your views?
When you’ve finished with the Trans people, perhaps you can start on the gays, and then the Jews, and we can all live under Sharia law in peace !
Think about what you’re typing for Gods sake !
If you could take your head out of your arse for just one minute you might understand that I’m not attacking the individual for what he is, rather for what he expects the rest of society to do to accommodate his ‘condition’. Supported by the BBC, these people want privileges over and above the rest of us. This individual is a convicted criminal and clearly an attention seeker. Why does the BBC give him the publicity he craves if not just to push their left/liberal pro-minority agenda. Currently, transgender people are the BBC’s favourite minority group (muzzies notwithstanding of course).
If I met this individual in the street I would treat him no differently to anyone else, and society should do the same – not offer additional rights and privileges at the expense of others.
Here’s a very simple question for you: regardless of what he (or you) thinks, this person is legally and biologically a man, no question, so do YOU think it is right that he is sent to a woman’s prison, or do you think we should build a special prison to house him? Maybe you think he should not be sent to prison in view of his ‘condition’? See what I mean about privileges?
I fully appreciate that this individual cannot help what he is, no more or less than others can’t help feeling revolted by gays and transexuals. Please understand that it’s a biological thing, not a conscious decision that can be changed through ‘education’ and ‘enrichment’ like the BBC attempt to do. That’s not the same thing as advocating persecution. We all have different views on all manner of subjects. It sounds to me like the liberals might have go to you and imposed their homogenous thoughts.
The rights of the many trump the wishes of a few – always. You would do well to remember that.
In using the male pronoun, and reinforcing that in capitals, you are most definitely attacking the person !
I note you believe you have lost the argument as you begin by name calling !
I have a question for you though. At what point does someone become a member of the opposite gender? I suspect that answer for you is that they never do ! However those of us with a modicum of compassion accept that it is a difficult question, and the acquisition of a government issued piece of paper is no guide to anything !
I can assure you that the (il)liberals have not ‘got to me’ I just happen to believe in individual freedom, to say & do as one pleases and if that offends then tough !
If the situation in prison causes so much distress people find death a better alternative then sending them there is an execution sentence, and if we aren’t executing even the most vile murderers then executing people because of a difficult gender status is unacceptable to civilised people.
Of course you might argue that you aren’t a civilised person and believe death is too good for them! And you’d be in good company, as said before, you share the same views as North Korea & Saudi Arabia !
Trying to accommodate someone in the correct setting where they don’t end their lives is not infringing anyone else’s rights. Prisons have medical wings, and other more isolated areas where these people can be put. The fact the immensely greedy Tories won’t build any more prison places nor staff them properly is the root cause of many of the problems you’re seeing.
I’m not sure why you have to be so rude in your posts.
The point neilw was making was that the individual in question is a man and no amount of tinkering with drugs or scalpels will change that.
I respect fully their rights to call themselves something else and I have no axe to grind, but the whole hierarchy of evolution can’t be changed. No amount of modern medical interference will change that fact.
Thoughtful, you ask “At what point does someone become a member of the opposite gender? I suspect that answer for you is that they never do !”
You suspect wrong. Very wrong. You seem very keen to attack me for speaking my mind, while at the same time banging on about “freedom, to say & do as one pleases” – and if it offends then “tough” as you say. There’s some irony & hypocrisy in there, don’t you think. You sound more like a lefty – freedom of speech is OK, but only if it doesn’t offend or disagree with ME.
Anyway, regarding your question, which I will answer directly (unlike you); I myself, and society in general (as defined in law) deem them to be female only when they have completed gender re-assignment surgery and have been issued with a new birth certificate reflecting that fact. Up until that point, they are legally (and biologically) male, so quite rightly go to a male prison. If they can’t tolerate life in a male prison then don’t commit crime, it’s not rocket science.
The point of this forum is to highlight BBC bias, and there is absolutely no question whatsoever that with respect to gays & transsexuals, the BBC give disproportionate coverage. Clearly there is an agenda because, quite frankly, the vast majority of the population couldn’t give a toss, and that would include me if I wasn’t constantly having it rammed in my face!
Just as well only Planet Jenni bothers to scrape the slurry from Womans Hour Ishooz!
1. Annie Lennox is a mate of Colin Firths bejewelled “significant other(file under Amal Clooney for that one-stop hop to the BBC Green Room)…but still wheels out that “Sisters Are Doing It for Themselves” crap…and Jenni sees this as akin to painting the Sistine Chapel of Feminism.
2. Count how often “inspiring” “empowering”and “positivity”(c/o Geri Halliwell 1997) get used by this crop-haired cult member with possibly only two songs in a thirty year career…whereas Chrissie Hynde has been sent to the back of Jennis Jalopy for recent “unpleasantnesses” that can`t be burned in an Delhi biodigester.
3.Thankfully, old tampons can be-so off we go to India where tampons for asylum seekers and Ethiopians are now getting made, despite those horrid blokes who`d rather that they use old Guardian pads of papier-mache.Thankfully though-they`ve got the clarion call from our Annie, so they bleed for us all,,,girlpower!
4. Now-Islamic States call to women eh?…off with the business heels, on with the soft mules of concern and rustle up a cuppa lov.
For our academic_female, knows as much about feminist radicalisation as the rest of us-tells us that it does indeed “empower women” when they join IS…the warrior queen syndrome, being in control of their lives, biology is destiny etc.
There was me thinking they were a baby breeding, mare-raping bunch of bastard barbarians-and not an equal opportunity employer(albeit with concerns as Jenni is slow to tell us, but she does slip it in at one point-bravura!) .
Indeed-to be positivity-filled, is it not meet that more women join the terrorists in the cause of equal employment-sisters ought to welcome the new empowerment maybe?
5.Oh and some shit about a blowjob feminist lad who thinks board games and no God will create a secular church-the liberal oafs have been pushing this Hampstead confection since 2012, and push they will until Welby falls on Sacranies sword(all options but pork to constitute said letter opener).
Planet Jenni_and I say it in my Forrest Gump voice-is as off beam as poor Laurie Taylor in his corduroy castle of the Bewildered-yet pay for both 60s retards, we continue so to do…whyso?
“…Laurie Taylor in his corduroy castle of the Bewildered…”
A nice turn of phrase, but while Taylor is undoubtedly a stereotypical corduroy-wearing liberal fascist, I’m not so sure he’s a ‘bewildered’ one. I think he knows very well what he’s about. His vapid musings on Radio 4 come across as typical of the closed-minded, narrow-focused, mutually self-reinforcing leftist types. To Taylor, there is only one genuine worldview: his own (and by extension that of those who agree with him). Anyone outside of that gilded cage of pathological self-indulgence is considered, to use BBC newspeak, ‘controversial’.
Taylor’s been peddling his particular brand of sneering, middle-class lefty nonsense (hiding behind pretend intellectualism) for decades at licence payers’ expense. I’m not sure what’s more annoying for the rest of us: the fact he’s been getting away with it for so long or that we’ve been forced to pay for it.
Wimmins hours, is nothing more than moaners hour, where no moan no matter how absurd is aired. Farming is a feminist issue? Apparently more female animals are farmed, for eggs milk calves wool etc etc so it’s oppression of wimmin! No matter this comes from a Vegan swivel eyed loon, who doesn’t take account the male animals are slaughtered and never even get a chance of a life, apparently that’s OK !
I do listen to Woman’s Hour occasionally. But I always seem to miss the updates on their campaign for British Muslims to have more women imams in the mosques.
I’m sure there must be one, now that the Church of England has women bishops.
Talking of obese women, BBC Points West had an article last night about much needed contributions for Xmas food banks here in the West, cut to a film of a woman bigger than Hattie Jacques, three kids, one recent, one walking around with no top and a nice well decorated lounge, cue a sob sob interview with her telling our roving reporter how much she needed these hampers for Christmas so she can make ends meet. They were desperate for tins of vegetables, WTF, are these people unable to peel a bag of carrots for 40p?
Never at any time did our supposed journalist reporter ask….
1) Why have another kid if your struggling to feed them?
2) If you are struggling to pay the grocery bills why are you so fucking fat?
3) How come you can afford to heat your house to such a temperature that your kids can wonder around half dressed?
Do they think we’re bloody stupid?
Moving on next item ‘Bristol Brothers’ football team, a team of wholly Somalian footballers doing wonders for the ‘communiteeee’ this begs the question what would BBC Points West’s reaction be if I were to start a Bristol WASPs footy team to try to restore cohesion and faith within the WASP community? Thought so, is that Plod I hear knocking?
The BBC will never ask these questions for fear of appearing ‘judgemental’ – aka a leftist smokescreen for hiding their ‘anything goes/big welfare’ agenda.
Tyson Fury: BBC Journalist Andy West Suspended For Criticising Sports Personality Of The Year Nomination
Journalist Andy West said that, as a gay man he was offended by homophobic comments made by Tyson Fury
I am sure many are offended by Andy Wests attack on free speech and Tyson Furys freedom of conscience but still contribute to his wages on pain of harrassment or imprisonment for failing to pay the licence fee.
What about Clive wotsit the newsreader who called Fury a dickhead on air? Doesn’t he get disciplined?
Oh, I nearly forgot – he’s black.
Brillo pad has just been savaged by Katie Hopkins on the DP show…..he hardly laid a glove on her….
Katie for PM
Totally agree Dysgwr,
Brillo tried to ask a question and then talk over her answer with the louder microphone, but Katie persevered.
Well done Katie for criticising on air BBC bias, so I doubt if we will see her on bBBC for a while.
Katie is a Conservative , she admires, the blessed Maggie, a Kipper , she ain’t. Well done Katie!
Was that the real Roger Harrabin on Thursday’s PM ? I was busy doing other things at the time but my ears pricked up when I thought I heard him casting doubts about the claims that the Pacific islands were disappearing.
And wasn’t there someone from the Red Cross suggesting that humans building on green fields etc., developing the un-developed world, might be the cause of their own difficulties?
Could Harrabin and the BBC be quietly building their own escape raft for when ‘Climate Change’ goes wrong? Nothing to do with us guv, we just reported it! Perhaps at this very moment they are planning reprints of the BBC publication, authored by Nigel Calder, that blamed us all for the coming New Ice Age?
Yes, Roger Harrabin’s piece stood out for me yesterday. The impression I took was that someone had complained about earlier coverage and the BBC realised it had to offer a counter view given the amount of evidence that they aren’t disappearing.
I also think Harrabin was indulging in a bit of ‘raft building’ as JimS suggested. You’ll start to see more and more of that as the ‘pause’ continues to confound £billions worth of climate modelling CPUs in The Met Office and beyond. The IPCC has already had to admit forecasted temperature rises have been wildly inaccurate (aka: doom-laden catastrophist fiction). I’ve also noted the BBC has been at pains (and it does really hurt them) to admit there is no evidence to link the recent flooding in the UK to what it calls ‘climate change’ (aka: fossil fuels).
The next twelve months should be interesting.
Brillo in full BBC clone mode, being full-on shouty when speaking to (at) Katy Hopkins ! All those years of sharing a studio with Abbottapotamus seems to have rubbed off. I always thought the idea of interviewing was to ask a question and listen to the answer (a tough gig with politicos I know), but Brillo was untypically testy and as a result the interview failed. He should sit down and look at his performance, because hitherto he has generally been good. Perhaps he could have a look at some old Brian Walden interviews, to see it done right.
Only on rare occasions does Brillo come out looking impartial. I have not seen this interview, but he has a particular style, which involves reading an ambiguous question from the stack of papers and refusing to acknowledge that the interviewee has answered it, so he asks it repeatedly in a tetchy tone and then moves on muttering about the question being unanswered.
Find it on iplayer if poss……
He gets his answers allright, just not the answers he wanted to hear.
And as soon as he realises he’s losing the argument he stops the interviewee from any form of counter argument by saying “that’s not how this works, I ask the questions”.
Having watched him skewer many slippery politicians in the past, I found his performance vs. Katie Hopkins rather embarrassing. What a shame our globally respected and admired national broadcaster doesn’t employ Katie to offer a bit of balance.
Awful. Truly… awful.
I have little time for Ms. Hopkins usually, and in any case she is not uniquely funded under threat of fine or jail, but AN was utterly dire.
And he is getting a pasting in the comments, deservedly so.
The BBC really does feel it is totally unaccountable whilst presuming to hold any it disagrees with to their odd form of account. And no backsies…
‘Hall graciously acknowledges Parliament’s right to inquire into how public money is spent. So why his own reluctance to appear before the Commons European Scrutiny Committee earlier this month? This was but one of the many questions Jonathan Ford failed to ask him’
At least Rona is… oh… no, equally up herself.
Back to Ms. Hopkins, she could have researched more thoroughly, and certainly had those no-go area talking points (that exist) to hand, but she showed Neil up as no better than all the other house eunuchs who control the mic and edit suite and do the hives bidding.
He also made claims that were patently factually wrong, but as he doesn’t get asked questions, gets away with them staying uncorrected.
Like trust, what credibility he may have built up for professionalism and impartiality in that nest of rats called the BBC, lies in tatters.
I have just watched it – usual Neil formula. ‘Tell me where are those vast swathes where non muslims cannot go… tell me tell me where are these vast swathes… you have not answered me… tell me where these vast swathes are’.
Behind this reputation, his air of a senior interviewer, is the mind of an 18 year old Trot inspired sixth former. Yell out his point repeatedly, and refuse to hear anything that builds up a case against that which he supports.
I do hope that he interviews Donald Trump who would respond, as he does with boorish lame interviewers,- and tell him to move the interview along, his question has been answered.
Worth noting how the Independent and Huff Post were there with the response that Neil had skewered Kate Hopkins. A quick phone perhaps?
If anyone was skewered, it was Brillo….
Is there a link to what the indie and huff say please?
I’d like to see Brillo interview the American writer and columnist Ann Coulter, about her views on Trump’s suggestion re Muslim entry to the U.S. – if you think Katie Hopkins is outspoken, she is on another level entirely.
D C. My pleasure . Links to Indie and Huff Post
Cripes, the BBC in a funk on this one, and getting all its mates manning the pumps.
Indy? HuffPo? There’s twenty three and a half right there.
If they get the Graun fired up on the elected edits they may arouse twitter’s less questioning shock troops, but anyone with a brain and internet access will know what went down there, and it was Brillo’s reputation.
The edit suite has been busy already…
BBC Daily Politics & Sunday Politics
Columnist Katie Hopkins was grilled by Andrew Neil on her support for Donald Trump on today’s programme.
Ms Hopkins said Mr Trump had shown leadership with his recent proposals to temporarily ban Muslims entering the United States.
She also suggested there were parts of the UK where some people are scared to go.
Andrew Neil also called her Trump’s Greatest Supporter, and was nailed on this too.
“The BBC doesn’t have polls?” Really?
The post-interview chat was even more revealing. What’s happened to main stream politics? Brillo, McAlvoy and some nonentity struggle with the inconceivable. There are actual people out there who disagree with us!!!! about Islam and the joys it brings. Trump, Le Pen, FN, AfD, PEGIDA, Orban, East Europeans in general, etc.. UKIP not mentioned, what went wrong there? The same incomprehension on their faces as Ceaucescu when he was shouted down in public before he was toppled. I thought McAlvoy was supposed to be some sort of superintelligence.
Arguing that the “problem is already here”, stating “we must solve this problem” and then claiming that the arrival of more potential problem causers is irrelevant to solving the problem sounds extremely stupid. If she arrived home and found a number of persons seeking shelter, some of whom were defecating in her living room, and if she found this unpleasant rather than enriching family life, I’m sure she would want to stop more guests entering her home until all the original guests had been properly house-trained. At least, she does admit there is a problem.
Agree. Mr Neil didn’t come out well from the interview with Katy. He shouted a lot , cut her off , refused to let her speak, spoke over her. Exactly the standard BBC way of dealing with someone who doesn’t share the liberal left consensus on any topic you wish to name. But Mr Neil is usually above that and shows little or no partiality. Perhaps his pay masters told him off for his Isis rant a few weeks ago.
Just before the interview began Mr Neil , who I usually consider to be head and shoulders above any other BBC ‘journalist/ presenter’ said that everyone in British public life found D Trump’s remarks offensive and that the fastest growing petition ever on the UK government’s web site was to have him banned from the UK. Then on comes Katy Hopkins and says what many Brits believe, that we have serious problems with Muslims in our country. She had the courage to speak for us. This highlights the chasm that exists between what the liberal elite think , or at least what they say in public, and what most Brits think. She rightly said that there were no go areas in the UK where we ( Brits she meant) had lost control ( ceded control to Muslims may be a better way of expressing it). Mr Neil demanded to know where these areas are. Katy , for reasons I don’t fully understand , refused to name them but invited the BBC to follow her when she tours one . But because she wouldn’t name them, Mr Neil claimed that such areas don’t exist. Will the BBC go with her on such a tour? Even if they do they will spin it. I would advise her to take a second crew along with her to film it and compare and contrast the BBC version.
The two guests, both from the elite, then said that whilst some people may nod their heads at what Katy said, it was important to consider what do you do with those Muslims already here. After all you don’t want to offend them and banning Muslims from entering the country would do nothing to help the situation. Obviously they have never heard that when in a hole the first thing to do is to stop digging. But more importantly what their comments expose is that the liberal left elite know full well that the policy that they forced on to the rest us of mass immigration has been a disaster and that we have do indeed have serious problems with Muslims in the UK but that the elite dare not do anything about it for fear of making it a whole lot worse. How much longer will they whistle in the dark. How many more terrorist outrages will it take to get them to do something ? How many more thousands of British girls will be raped before they feel sufficiently ashamed to take action ? How much more electoral fraud and corruption will there have to be before they admit that democracy and our values are under attack , not just from Isis but from Islam as a whole?
BBC today feature a couple celebrating their 90th wedding anniversary.
They are Indian and married there in 1925 and came to the UK in 1965, presumably very close to the retirement age.
And here we are in 2015 and neither appear to be able to speak English.
Now I wish them well as individuals but am finding it a bit hard to identify how the taxpayer has benefitted from their nett economic contribution. Contrary of course to the open-door immigrationists’ propaganda.
To the money-grows-on-trees bBBC of course such issues cannot be raised on any level.
And I might add that the lady has reached the great age of 103, which means she married at the age of 13. How does that square with today’s under-age sex rules? Should her 110 year old husband not be interviewed?
Maybe Lowell Goddard should know.
If neither are able to speak English it’s a fair bet that neither held down anything more than a very menial job – that is, unless they are self-made business people who operated exclusively within their own ‘community’.
So there’s good chance they’ve cost the country several hundred thousand pounds. And I wonder how much of that left the country.
Sluff you are too reality orientated. You are meant to go Ahhhhhhhh, 103. The only reality you are meant to engage with is Ahhhhhhhh.
Its just, like, their culture man. Stop being racist.
Both of my parents settled in the U.K after the war in 1946 when there was a labour shortage. They were Polish and Italian respectively. Both worked and paid taxes all their working lives without claiming a single benefit whilst raising four children and just as importantly, both learnt fluent English within 2 years of arriving here. This is in addition to my father speaking German and Italian fluently with my mother fluent in Polish as well. Indians are some the most f*****g laziest people on this planet.
Wasn’t there a labour shortage all over Europe after the war ? particularly the heavily bombed countries ?
Wiser people than me have suspected that reducing the age of consent has always been on the liberal agenda so the combination underage sex/immigration story is tailor made for the BBC.
I posted this story earlier. What you’ve missed in the calculations is that he came to the UK age 60, only 5 years from retirement. What on earth was Harold Wilson’s leftie government doing allowing people of that age to settle here?
They are also not Indian! In 1925 they were Indian, partition happened in 1947 creating Pakistan & Bangladesh. As Muslims they are most likely to actually be Pakistani !
How the fuck did they get a state pension , you needed 44 years of Ni contributions to get the full pension. Although the Evil Blair reduced it to 30 years. Can’t think why.
Turned on TWATO as they get all excited about the “climactic” climate fiddling jamboree in Paris.
Talk about pre-baked flat pack crap.
Cumbria was linked to Indonesia-to Mexico-and to anywhere where the weathers been a bit blowy or changeable of late.
Booker himself dealt with the flatus that Cumbrias weather has been the “worse `eva!”
But Harrabin needs an orgasm for gaia before he sneaks his Calais pals home in an electric double decker( Cliff Richard notwithstanding).
So -what might have been “news” back before 69…is now part-cooked old filler from all their other environomental shows that demand chicken licking(halal preferred).
I kid you not-this audio montage of previous “weather things” really makes the JWs, the Jonestown eejits look sane-at least their eschatological ghoulies are based on a Book…not on Harrabin waving a shroud around with a piece of Saviles seaweed in the pocket.
When DID news become a side effect of all the liberal liars propaganda…was it before or after the rise of Rowan and the font fleecing of Giles Fraser?
Utter crap-Patch or Petra sent out into the rain would do a far better job of “analysing” weather patterns that the Climate Carbon Emotions of Harrabin and his other fellow-profiteers from peddling their green bilge.
I have a feeling this will be an unpopular point of view. I don’t read Katie Hopkin’s column so I can’t comment on that, but I did see the interview on Daily Politics. I agree with her that Trump’s proposal, would be impractical, but nevertheless gave expression to the real fear that people throughout the US and Europe have about Islamification (Anne McElvoy also hinted at this in a rather roundabout way). But I do think Katie Hopkins could have expressed it better. The same applies to “no-go” areas. We all know that these areas exist, but Katie Hopkins just wasn’t well-prepared enough to present her argument convincingly.
Islamification is the real issue, and so-called radicalisation is just a symptom. Yet this is the one subject that is always brushed aside – the one subject that no one has the courage to express directly. With all due respect to Katie Hopkins, and I do admire her courage, we need someone better equipped intellectually to confront these issues.
We all have our own point of view OA it’s not a matter of approval or not as the case may be.
Making a better job of answering the Q’s is not so easy when Brillo shours down the answer with his extra volume mic.
While she wasnt willing to name the islamic areas per se, she offered to let the bbc follow her walk around the worst of them…..cant say fairer than that.
With respect to you, she wasnt invited to discuss islamification or radicalisation but to comment on the Trump ideas, but she did manage to point out some of the negative effects of the ROP on our cities.
I dont read her column either, and dont wish to begin, but I want the one sided views of the beeb challenged, as I know you do to.
Nadolig llawen i chi..
I take your point D_C. I wouldn’t like put forward an argument with Brillo shouting over everything I was trying to say. Just like you I want to hear more opposition to BBC groupthink. We really need more voices with the courage to challenge BBC/liberal left Ismaccuseists. Yes, I did make that word up, but it’s just as valid as Islamaphobia.
Funny what you can find hidden away on the BBC webpage without any prominence and only accessible by searching by keyword. Even then it was halfway down the page.
There’s been an incredibly scant reference to this on the Radio 4 news, and to those with ears to hear the bias it was possible to discern there was a lot more behind it than they were reporting:
Ofsted is to set up a taskforce of inspectors to seek out unregistered schools that are operating outside the law in England.
Chief Inspector of Schools Sir Michael Wilshaw says there is a serious and growing threat to the safety of children.
Inspectors have found three unregistered schools operating in Birmingham in recent weeks.
But who could be doing such a thing?
Ofsted says it found a narrow Islam-focused curriculum in all the schools it unearthed.
And in one of the three settings, conditions were described as unhygienic and filthy, with staff who had not been screened for their suitability to work with children.
Inspectors also found books described as inappropriate, with texts including “misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic material”.
But I don’t understand ! The BBC has been telling us that Islam is a tolerant religion of peace which doesn’t have any such things in it. Even David Cameron has been telling this!
Writing formally to the education secretary today, Sir Michael says he believes the number of children in unregistered schools could be far higher.
He warns that Ofsted’s work to promote British values is being undermined by the growth of these unregistered schools.
And what exactly are these British values? To me the current Conservative party do not embody them in any way.
The chief inspector says he is also concerned that some of these education centres have received what could be “confusing and unhelpful” advice from Department for Education officials that they can continue to operate while applying to register.
He says it sends out “entirely the wrong message” and could have the unintended consequence of encouraging others to open such schools.
So yet again a la Rotherham we have public sector staff giving the incorrect advice and doing nothing to ‘offend’ or upset the favourite brown eyed boys in case someone bleated Waycism.
While most of the places visited by Ofsted so far have been in Muslim communities, inspectors may also turn their attention to similar unregistered tuition centres operated by other groups.
“It will apply across the board, to any religious group whether Muslim group, Jewish group, or Christian group who wants to operate this sort of provision in unsafe accommodation, in unhygienic and filthy accommodation.
“It will apply to all religious groups, I want to make that absolutely clear,” Sir Michael told the BBC.
Yeah yeah, we know that all that guff means is ‘I’m watching my back for the Left wing Fascists’ ! (And Theresa the Appeasers bunch too) The chances of finding another religion up to these kinds of things is practically nil & he knows it !
“Every year that these schools are either allowed to stay open, or else are able to evade detection, thousands more children are subjected to indoctrination, to abuse, and to an education so limited and blinkered that it can scarcely be described as an education at all.”
Well I think we can all agree with that, but why can’t public officials say that?
There’s a whole lot more unpleasant reading in the article, begging the question why, then the BBC can devote so much time to trivial news, can’t it properly report on this?
I wouldn’t worry about it, Thoughtful. Just a few bad apples, innit? There’s no way muslims fail to integrate fully and wholeheartedly into their host nation’s culture, laws and education system and social fabric. Everyone knows all muslims, being keen to share in our multi-faith, multicultural, equitable and progressive society, never put their Holy Instruction Manual of 7th century medievalism ahead of any of that.
…oh, wait.
I should, in fairness to the Beeb (Ed: why?) point out that it’s now the main story on the News page. Until they find further footage of Donald Trump being monstered by an animal, of course.
Inspectors also found books described as inappropriate, with texts including “misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic material”.
Or the Koran, as it’s better known.
‘….with staff who had not been screened for their suitability to work with children. ‘
Funny, when unqualified teachers such as ex-military personnel are recruited (after screening, it must be emphasized) into mainstream schools, teachers’ unions, heavily aided and abetted by BBC airtime, are shrieking their protest. And these Islamic wallahs haven’t even been screened let alone possess any teaching qualifications.
How much more like Pakistan does this country have to become before our politicians get an effing grip?
I would expect a whole load of Rotherham taxi drivers to get jobs as teaching assistants at junior and infant schools.
What could ever go wrong with that bit of enriching for our children. Lots of boxes ticked.
“”Wood Green shooting: Man dies in police operation””
It’ll be interesting to see how the BBC run with this over the next few days or weeks.
If not related to terrorism, being the weekend if I was a Wood Green branch of JB Sports or Currys, I’d close now and leg it, Xmas rush or not.
“possession of a sub-machine gun, self loading pistol and bullets with the intent to endanger life.”
Just a normal day in Wood Green then!
Hey kids, guess what Newsbeat has found! yes… more Trump!
1 hr ·
This bald eagle really didn’t enjoy being on Donald Trump’s arm.
The bird, called Uncle Sam, was posing with the US presidential candidate for a Time magazine photo shoot earlier this year.
“This bird is seriously dangerous but beautiful,” Mr Trump said.
Video courtesy of TIME.
Deuced civil of TIME to help out their old mukkers at BBC Juvenile to keep the obsession going.
Given pride of place on last night’s News At Ten.
But which bird was Mr T referring to? Sounds like he’s being sexist now.
Interesting exchange here on editorial integrity vs. judgement vs. censorship…
Try asking the BBC what guides them on what goes in or is left out and see how far that gets you.
I wonder if this Indy genius is on any BBC producer GTG lists?
The depressing thing about that exchange is we have no idea what proportion of our population inhabit the morally-twisted alternative universe of that Independent reporter.
Whatever it is, judging by social media, the BBC’s output (e.g. women going to going ISIL apparently feeling ’empowered’ according to Woman’s Hour) and what goes on in our ‘universities’ these days, I’d wager it’s definitely on the increase.
Can’t recall who posted this, so apols for not H/Ting, but just watched.
OT bar the mindset. And first let me stay how impressed I was with the composure of all present. Not likely at BBC QT or Goldsmiths.
I almost felt sorry for the kid, who at least stood his ground, even as it crumbled beneath him.
But he will soon be getting a call from the BBC to become an activ.. sorry, Editor of Integrity.
A wealth parasite skimming a nice little earner off the process demanding that wealth creators fund folk they would not want to go near with a bargepole, with a gift polished turd gleam of virtue-jerk righteousness.
HA HA HA HA !!!!
The BBC are suitable po faced & disapproving but God this is funny !
That shows the difference between the sexes. If I had been at an all-male demonstration (probably illegal unless it involves the apparently self-educated RoP) and seen a female streaker I would have cheered her heartily for her efforts. And so would my mates.
These wimmin just have no sense of humour; a quality they share with the entire left leaning side of the political spectrum.
The sole contribution which the Left have made to feminism in my lifetime is hatred of men.
The collective noun for a group of Lefties is a hatred.
A hatred of CND activists chanting give the Soviet Union a chance. A hatred of student activists waving posters saying Mao is the way forward. Socialist Workers for peace declaring that opposition to Islam is racist.
Note-years after Gove pointed out what was going on in Birmingham-Wilshaw at OFSTED and the BBC have dug up this one again re “unregistered schools”.
This is a “Trojan Horse” that will be used to remove Christians and Jews from education-whilst the Muslims will continue to actually TEACH(indoctrinate the better word) their kids to be the new slave traders, the new rapists.
And-of course-a big step to removing the option for homeschooling for any of us-so compulsory vaccinations, for the Agenda 21 Project, 38 degrees, Common Purpose, banning UKIP, removing Jesus-the UN/EU Gore-Obama axis..all the rst of the non-teaching hidden curriculum that offers us Brand and Dianne Athill, Jon Snow and Owen Jones to do all our thinking and speaking for the coming empty vessels of the cultural charabanc that parades by us daily.
Wilshaw needs to explain how the Baby P case was fiddled to cover the arses of his predecessors…and how any “moral” educational enquiry could employ a Chris Woodhead.
Do`nt fall for this-shit and grubby, but at least Muslim kids learn something in their schools on a Friday afternoon-not how to emote on cue to Lenford Henry etal.
Lolz. Just came in and put Feedback on. Later they’ll be asking Horrorbin why he hardly ever mentions Climate Change.
That should be a larf. Bizarre, but amusing none the less.
I thought that this was worth posting as a legal response to those paying less tax than they otherwise might:
Duke of Westminster v Commissioners of Inland Revenue 19 TC 490:
‘Every man is entitled if he can to order his affairs so that the tax attaching under the appropriate Acts is less than it otherwise would be. If he succeeds in ordering them so as to secure this result, then, however unappreciative the Commissioners of Inland Revenue or his fellow tax-payers may be of his ingenuity, he cannot be compelled to pay an increased tax.’
They are running scared. I received this circulated email from 38 degrees with a picture of David Attenborough.
“The BBC is in real danger. And if you lose the BBC, I certainly will have lost a very, very important element of my life. And I would like to think that quite a lot of people in Britain think the same thing…the BBC depends upon the public … if it doesn’t have the support of the public, the BBC is lost.”
This was David Attenborough – but these words could have been said by any one of us.[1] The BBC is at the heart of Britain and the government wants to rip through it with devastating cuts.[2]
People power has defeated this government before, and we can do it again. But right now, not enough people know that our BBC is at risk – and that’s exactly how the government wants it. They want to push through these cuts without us noticing. But if thousands of us share this picture with our friends and family today, together we can let millions of people know that our BBC is at risk.
Please can you share this image below with your friends and family? You can click the link to share it on Facebook – or, if you don’t use Facebook, could you forward this email to your friends, family and colleagues instead?
Hundreds of thousands of us have already flooded the government consultation with our message: protect the BBC.[3] We’ve sent a clear signal to the government that we won’t let them get away with dismantling Britain’s public broadcaster. But if we’re going to stop the government ripping it apart, we need our friends and families to stand with us too.
Every email we send, every message we post to Facebook – every message of defiance that says “the BBC is ours” – makes it harder for the government to sneak their cuts through. And the timing is right: for huge numbers of people Christmases past and present have been defined by the BBC. Let’s make sure it’s here for Christmases of the future.
Please share this picture with your friends, it only takes a few seconds:
“Protect the BBC”? You must be having a laugh. I for one can’t wait to see the back of it.
And Attenborough? Once a respected wildlife documentary film-maker, he has now sold his soul to the global warming fanaticism, and is as daft as the rest of them.
Tried to get the longest published version … it may get chopped around, by BBC twistmeisters
Gutsy lady!
She did well. And stated that the BBC is biased. And that they live in a media bubble.And that much of the population is fearful of Islam.
Here is the link again
Petition NOT to ban Donald Trump from the U.K.
Well done Katie Hopkins.
Andrew Neil shown to be trying for a Gotcha moment, instead of for a proper interview.
This sort of BBC hectoring actually has the reverse effect.
Katie came across as sane and considered – and quick witted.
Very good.
To be honest Tom, she understands only too well, the road this absurd type of hysterical narrative is leading to,
and those making purchase with it.
Most of the time she s just playing the outspoken for the media … here its serious.
BBC still obsessing about Trump on FB as well. At least they eventually managed some other news…
BBC News
4 hrs ·
Notorious M.O.B*
*She’s the wife of SOB in Chief, BTW, FLOATER (cannot be bothered to change that Autocorrect)
I kid you not. That is about it.
This evening on PM, Eddie Mair was discussing OFSTEDs new team of investigators of unregistered schools with Rafique Patel from the Association of Muslim Schools, this threw up some interesting dilemmas for Eddie who sounded startled by what he was hearing about teaching materials containing “homophobia, misogyny and anti semitism” used in the independent Islamic faith school sector.
So startled was Eddie, that he cut to the chase and asked Rafique Patel “Is this a Muslim problem?” answer…. no, there are problems in Jewish and Hindu schools too. Sadly Eddies nerve failed him at this point so no evidence for this statement was sought.
Standard issue bbc bias by omission, and playing the “all faith schools are the same” line much loved by the beebs secularist wing.
Subsequently Rafique Patel stated words to the effect that the Government should be looking into why some Muslim parents need to send their kids to “independent faith schools” and how the state education system is failing them and their children by not meeting their “faith needs”……
……Stand by for demands for more UK taxpayer funded, Islam friendly “education”.
Classic taqiyya from our Muslim schools mouthpiece-classic tiptoe through the minefield by Eddie-who`s got no kids so has no “dog(or bitch)” in THIS game at least-and a quick leap into “we`re not talking about just Muslims here-why Hindus or Jews might be culpable of teaching nothing beyond a prescribed Islamic curriculum for all we know eh?”.
In short-you pay BBC-you get Eddie and his go-to goons from Islam or other grievance hustlers needing a moan on our money.
Schools are failed fucked and finished anyway-have been since Kenneth Baker, but the rot is smelling from the head now…we`ll all need a pass in Arabic soon if we want to go down Brick Lane anyway, so might as well get a Mecca aerial, find a taxi firm that requires child safety locks….unless we get the BBC binned and pronto.
You can tell that I`ve just heard “The Now Show” can`t you?…one Norman Collier is worth fifty years of “alternative to comedy” offered by Benn, Dennis and Punt etc.