One minute Roger claims the UK is the bad guy in the climate change farce….
COP21: UK under fire on climate policy
Allegations of hypocrisy will be levelled at the UK when the Climate Secretary Amber Rudd appears at the Paris climate summit on Monday.
Environmentalists say the UK government is talking impressively on climate change to its international audience, but down-grading energy policy at home.
Craig Bennett from Friends of the Earth said: “The government is totally hypocritical on climate change.
“George Osborne’s anti-environmental policy decisions on energy fly the opposite way to the low-carbon route the vast majority of other countries are pursuing.
“There is a total mismatch between his policies and the warm words of David Cameron.
Three days later we’re the heroes…for now (good old Roger, always playing games)……
UK ‘scores well’ on climate, for now
Denmark, the UK and Sweden have topped the international rankings in an index of countries combating climate change.
The annual table is compiled by green groups Germanwatch and Climate Action Network.
They analysed progress in the 58 countries producing more than 90% of energy-related CO2 emissions.
Harrabin could have saved himself a lot of embarrassment if he’d just looked at the figures….
Emissions from the energy sector have been reduced by 32% since 1990 and so on…
Kyoto Protocol target
UK emissions of the basket of six greenhouse gases covered by the Kyoto Protocol were an average 607.9 MtCO2e per year over the first commitment period (2008-12), 22 percent lower than base year emissions. The UK’s target for this period was a 12.5 percent reduction on base year emissions. Final reporting on the UK’s emissions under the first commitment period will not take place until late 2015 or early 2016, but it is unlikely that there will be any significant changes to the emissions presented in these statistics.
For the second commitment period a UK target is yet to formally be agreed.
The Climate Change Act 2008
The first carbon budget ran from 2008 to 2012. In 2014, the UK confirmed that it had met the first carbon budget, with emissions 36 MtCO2e below the cap of 3,018 MtCO2e over the first carbon budget period.
Between 1990 and 2013, there was a 32 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the energy supply sector. This decrease has resulted mainly from changes in the mix of fuels being used for electricity generation, including the growth of renewables, together with greater efficiency resulting from improvements in technology.
So we’re well on target….shame Harrabin chooses to trumpet green propaganda from the likes of Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace.
Interesting that instead of investigating Greenpeace’s claims against a climate sceptic Harrabin preferred to merely point the BBC audience in the direction of their libellous entrapment….does he know the claims are nonsense but isn’t interested in debunking green allegations against sceptics?
Two good readable pieces:
Don’t waste your energy trying to persuade Roger to read things like data, reports, papers, graphs etc. He is much too important for that and saving the planet leaves very little time for anything else. As an English graduate he wouldn’t understand it anyway.
Environmentalists say the UK government is talking impressively on climate change to its international audience, but down-grading energy policy at home
A few weeks ago the UK faced a situation where the government had to pay businesses to reduce their power consumption after a few coal fired power stations suffered simultaneous failure. ‘Renewables’ were nowhere to be seen as the sun wasn’t shining and the wind wasn’t blowing. The more coal-fired power stations are closed (and they will be), the worse these risks of power shortages will become (and they will do).
Now THAT’S what I call ‘downgrading of energy’. I can only hope that when the serious power cuts come (and they will) the shrieking, scaremongering, authoritarian environmentalists/alarmists/socialists who have bewilderingly dictated our energy policy for the last 20-odd years will be held to account – for manslaughter even, as it is likely people will die as a result.