Lots of pious, sanctimonious harrumphing about Trump’s call to stop Muslim immigration to the US….temporarily. Cameron is the classic craven, opportunistic politician who fawns over the Muslim voters with his ‘I’m voting for Nadiya‘, his PR praise for ‘You ain’t no Muslim bruv’, and now his attack on Trump, and yet dares not criticise Islam or raise questions about problems Islam brings to The West….he ducks the issue by the usual slippery route of insisting he is tackling Islamism and its ‘poisonous ideology’…..so Cameron, just what is that poisonous ideology and how does it differ from Islam ‘proper’?
Despite the politicians’ and the usual suspects’ grandstanding and cowardice on this subject I imagine judging by what normal people say, that the vast majority of people probably agree with him.
Max Hasting points out the ‘ugly’ truth whilst at the same time distancing himself from it…
MAX HASTINGS: Our politicians lie and treat us like idiots. No wonder Trump, Le Pen and the ugly Right are on the rise
Donald Trump, the rogue elephant of American politics, this week unleashed a liberal firestorm on both sides of the Atlantic.
The aspirant for the Republican presidential nomination demanded a total ban on all Muslims entering the United States.
This provoked outrage from the New York Times, BBC reporters and our own Prime Minister.
How do the politicians get away with it? The likes of the immensely powerful and influential BBC run cover for them and block criticism and debate and orchestrate campaigns of abuse and vilification agianst those who speak out.
Note how the BBC has endless reports that ‘warn’ of the rise of the French ‘far right’ Front National...and yet nothing in a similar tone and vein about the hijacking of the Labour Party by a very dangerous group of terrorist sympathisers….the proof that that is what they are is copious.
Hastings himself unfortunately displays the problem he says is the problem…
The Establishment’s attitude towards extremist Muslims, too, is increasingly out of touch.
The priority is for us to strive for harmony with Muslim communities in our own societies. We are not at war against Islam, and must give no grounds for allowing ISIS to pretend that we are. But nobody should refuse to acknowledge — as the BBC sometimes does — that the _fanatics who threaten us today are not Jews, Mormons or Catholics, but are indisputably extremist Muslims.
The response of Home Secretary Theresa May to the Paris bombings was worryingly out of touch with most people’s daily fears. She said we should be ‘alert, but not alarmed’. Yet how can people not be alarmed by the threat from Muslim extremism?
For his part, Donald Trump is a fool to call for a total ban — albeit temporary — on admitting Muslims to America, for such a policy is wholly impracticable as well as morally and politically wrong.
But opposition to further large-scale Muslim immigration is rational and is a view which deserves more respect than it gets from politicians and most of the media on both sides of the Atlantic.
One minute banning Muslims is impracticable and immoral then…..it’s rational and a view that deserves respect…..classic attempt to disassociate himself from the ‘ugly right’ and yet still espouse their views….ala the BBC’s Nick Doody….Racist Islamophobe?
A man who slags off the EDL as racist islamophobes and yet is part of the ‘One Law For All’ campaign against Islamisation…. No to Shariah law! No to the EDL!
Confirmed speakers and performers include: Nazanin Afshin-Jam, Mina Ahadi, ‘AK47,’ Fari B, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Roy Brown, Nick Doody,
What’s the campaign about…..
The pathetic excuse of much of the European Left is no better
The battle against Sharia is against both the Islamists and the far right
The BBC et al concentrate on what Trump said not on the issues and the reasons for his statement….again the politicians and the media run for cover. Isn’t it the BBC’s job to challenge and question those who are charged with dealing with these issues?
Doubtless, Mr Hastings, like the BBC, also believes in the existence of ‘moderate’ muslims. The problem is that they always get their ‘extremes’ and ‘moderates’ muddled-up. If we can accept (just for a moment) that there might be something called a ‘moderate’ muslim we have to stop ourselves and ask why is it that they are ‘moderate’? Have they diluted their religion somehow? Are they sort of half-in, half-out of Islam?
The facts are rather more sobering. First, there is no such thing as a ‘moderate’ muslim. Islam doesn’t deal in grey, just black and white. You are either 100% muslim or you are an apostate (and therefore scheduled for termination – and that’s not a joke). Islam has no quarter with ‘moderates’ because to ‘real’ Islamists ‘moderates’ are basically apostates (which is why so many muslims end up slaughtering other muslims).
The Quran makes no mention at all of this mythical state of ‘moderation’ – the Holy Book, which is an instruction manual for conquest and brutal repression under a fascistic theocracy, deals only in absolutes. You are either a ‘real’ muslim (obeying every tenet of Sharia) or you are directed to the nearest executioner for a public beheading.
This means that nutjobs like Islamic State and our Sharia-loving friends elsewhere such as Saudi Arabia (that shining beacon of human rights and tolerance) are, in fact – and in every literal sense of the meaning – ‘true’ muslims. Not fanatics, not extreme – they are keeping it real, in other words. By extension, this means so-called ‘moderates’ are not muslim at all – they are apostates and don’t speak for ‘true’ Islam, and are just as likely to be murdered in the glorious new Caliphate as any other group, unless of course they submit to Sharia.
Once we can expunge this misleading talk of so-called ‘moderate’ muslims (no such thing in Islam), we can begin the process of properly talking about the criminality of ‘true’ Islam around the world.
You are correct obiwan, there are no moderate moslems. The more I look for them, the more of a myth they appear to be. Even the BBC has to keep replacing their speed-dial go-to moslems, who they phone up to present a rational and moderate tone on phone-ins and panel shows.
Occasionally the BBC will ignore the vile prejudice which they spout, and pretend that they are still moderates. Such as Mehdi Hassan, who was recorded saying the following:
“The kaffar, the disbelievers, the atheists who remain deaf and stubborn to the teachings of Islam, the rational message of the Quran; they are described in the Quran as, quote, “a people of no intelligence”, Allah describes them as; not of no morality, not as people of no belief – people of “no intelligence” – because they’re incapable of the intellectual effort it requires to shake off those blind prejudices, to shake off those easy assumptions about this world, about the existence of God. In this respect, the Quran describes the atheists as “cattle”, as cattle of those who grow the crops and do not stop and wonder about this world.”
Invited back again and again. Whenever they have a moderate face of Islam, some minor digging will reveal that they do believe the extremism within the Qu’ran and are indulging in Taqiyya to present a false face of Islam. That they still believe in stoning homosexuals to death, on killing rape victims for adultery and killing apostates. They believe the serial killing, serial raping paedophile, Mohammad, was the most perfect human to ever live. How deranged do you have to be to believe that, and yet they keep being invited on to the BBC as “moderates”
What Mehdi Hassan was referring to above is revealed in Sura 8:55:
Lo! the worst of beasts in Allah’s sight are the ungrateful who will not believe.
They consider ALL non-moslems as cattle, or lower than cattle. “The worst of beasts”. Is that not exactly the same sort of blanket dehumanising prejudice as used by NAZIs who classified all Jews as “Untermenchen”?
Yet the BBC invite them back again and again and again and keep allowing such vile prejudiced people to spout their vile lies without question or examination.
The BBC are sick.
There is very little difference between the brutalities of Islamic State and those of the House of Saud.
The simple way to deal with dissemblers like Mehdi Hassan is to ask them a simple question:
Do they consider ‘our friends’ Saudi Arabia:
1. ‘Moderate’ Islam
2. ‘True’ Islam
3. ‘Extreme’ Islam?
But the BBC will never ask such a question, because the implications are patently obvious.
And this, what Obi has just outlined is the REAL reason Saudi will not take in the “Refugees”, by thier own laws of apostasy, they will have to publicly murder the ones who are genuinely fleeing from Islamic persecution.
Not that the BBC would ever make that sort of discovery, and even if they did, they would NEVER highlight it.
I have a relative in the Met Police, he has told me that there are areas in London that are very,very close to being no go zones, they will not go to an incident in these parts unless quite heavy handed numberwise. Minor crimes tend to ignored. My relative has stated that in these areas, and yes they are ethnic, the police are attacked with stones, metal,spat at,etc. The Met police have been told that they are not to go to and from work in uniform for fear of attack when on their own. What does this say about our capital city?
I would like to hear Hogan Howe deny my comments if questioned. My relative is no liar and works as a normal PC ‘on the ground’. Does he fear for his live, I suspect every policeman does, especially in London.
Trump isn’t that far away when talking about the police and London is he?
wronged – your point about policemen being instructed not to wear uniform on the way to work – is there a written instruction to this effect ? If there is – Donald Trump ought to see it. And so should Cameron.
The army has not repealed their advice to soldiers to not wear their uniform in London when traveling alone to and from barracks.
This article at Breitbart supports what your friend in the police tells you :
I would not trust very far the word of the Met Police Commissioners or other Chief Constables on this issue – I want to hear the direct experience of the men on the beat, and what instructions they work to.
Every Chief Con is a fraud…a coward…they have been bought, willingly…PC and Common Purposed to the hilt, they are the lap dogs of the govt…speak out and lose that pension/ knighthood. They are a miserable sight indeed…long overdue for a military coup.
There are cities in the Midlands where the police never go because they are never called. They never hear of any trouble because the community deals with that on its own . . . They just have their own form of community justice.”
A good few years ago I was at a party and got chatting to a woman from Colne. She said the town was split in half due to Muslims inhabiting their ‘own’ area (Mosque – build it and they will come) and that whenever there was trouble involving Muslim youths the ‘community’ elders would take care of it – even if Plod were first on the scene they’d cede to these elders when they arrived.
‘Multiculturalism’ was always going to spawn parallel societies – it was obvious to anyone with an ounce of common sense. It has now got to the point where Britain feels like several different countries (most of them Islamic) trying to inhabit the same small island. Both Cameron and Merkel have quite forcefully criticised multiculturalism in the past but neither has done anything about it – in fact the opposite. Thus the ‘far right’ are gaining political momentum across Europe and this will accelerate the more the likes of Cameron spout their risible nonsense about Islam. Resentment is growing: the same week we read of Tyson Fury being investigated for a ‘hate crime’ we also read of Plod’s total ineffectiveness in pursuing FGM, honour killings, arranged marriages and a host of other unlawful, medieval Islamic practices.
This country has seriously lost the plot and is now at a genuine tipping point.
I will ask him if he will provide some documentation
I googled his instruction, this should support what he has said
good to see the police policy on appeasing Muslims who commit crime is working and because of it the police are not a target of Muslim aggression
The mock outrage and quick media overload by Politically Correct Plod is a clear sign that there is something to be hidden from the public. No go areas have been reported in the German media, Handelsblatt, for example. Duisburg Marxloh is a classic example. If you define a no go area as a neighbourhood that has no police presence 24/7 , day in day out them of course they don’t exist. But in Duisburg Marxloh routinely armed police, heavily body armoured only enter the area in fours or fives. These are essentially militsry patrols dealing with various ethnic crime clans. The same applies to areas like Molenbeek in Brussels. Even tourists rating various travel destinations on line complain that they see men armed with AK47s in broad daylight and that police refuse to investigate when they are attacked or robbed when they stray into this area. Similar claims have been made about Paris and they were similatly dismissed as ridiculous by the authorities. It’s barely credible that a city the size of London does not suffer similar problems.
As I have pointed out in another thread a US President has the power to ban any alien group considered dangerous to the US. Calling Trump racist for proposing it puts him alongside anyone or everyone who has debated with a leftie, as their response is to use the race buzzword on every occasion. It is neither morally nor politically wrong for a US President to apply laws which already exist. Trump is not a fool for considering steps to prevent terrorist invasion. The accusation of being a fool is as worn as the charge of racism. We heard it over Reagan and Palin. It has no place in contemporary political arguments.
8 U.S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens ” https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/8/1182
Is it practical? Not 100% as there has never been a law which cannot be completely satisfactory. Thousands of NAZIs after WW2, managed to make it through the allies, through the Red Army, to South America using various aliases.
Now if it were the UK , we could apply a test whereby Keith Vaz met them at the airport and invited them for tea and a bacon sandwich.
I Britain it’s the other way around, where the UK has banned Muslims travelling to Syria. What’s the difference there then?
” ducks the issue by the usual slippery route of insisting he is tackling Islamism and its ‘poisonous ideology’…..so Cameron, just what is that poisonous ideology and how does it differ from Islam ‘proper’?”
Exactly! How much of the Qu’ran must a moslem ignore to be considered a proper moslem, and how much more of it must they adhere to, to be considered an Islamist?
I challenge any of the idiots desperate to welcome immigrants, they seem to have gone to ground recently, to take a walk through an enriched area late at night and alone. This invitation is also made to our political class.
There will be few takers.
I see the BBC are all over Corbyns latest disgraceful comments….
Oh wait!…No they’re not, Trump is fair game, whilst Corbyn is off limits..
Time and time again the BBC’s biased discussions on Trump try to play the race card. Conflating religion with race.
Trump is not saying that all Asians should be excluded temporarily until the US Government sorts out what is going on – and starts to apply much better checks on entry. He is saying that the restriction should be on people of a particular ideology, an ideology that is cited as the justification for endless acts of violence.
I would rather have the BBC do this form of analysis on Trump. They wouldn’t though, because it asks some serious questions.
Wasn’t it earlier this year that Immigration Service vans were mob-wrecked when a check on illegal immigrants was taking place in South London ?
More to the point, am I going soft in the head or did I hear a report this week on the BBC that most police forces right across Britain are failing to investigate – let alone crack down on – issues of honour killing, FGM and abuses against women under Sharia law ? Maybe I was dreaming …… but if it was on the BBC it must be true !
They’re probably too busy investigating Tyson Fury for being rude about homosexuals.
Donald Trump is many things but he is no fool. Trump is gambling, he knows that the chances of another big incident like what happened in France recently is very,very likely. When that event happens his poll ratings will rise and rise. He will be able to say I told you so, and as such, will gain the confidence of the American electorate.
He would have discussed his muslim speech with his advisers, they must have read the speech and warranted the risk worth taking.
should be defined as
While Muslims rape, pillage, and murder their way across Britain and Europe
In this continuous drumbeat of Jihad, I’m surprised how patient we have been with Muslims. Its long past time to say “Enough, or else out you go”. Donald Trump is not saying “Out”, but as a first step to stop Muslim immigration.
The media and politicians of all hues tell us that Islam is peaceful. Oh really. That will come as a surprise to Mohammed, and to millions of Muslims through the ages.
These attacks resulting in hundreds and maybe even thousands of gruesome, will increase, as the Muslim population grows. So the question to our leaders and the media is this
“How many hundreds, or thousands of deaths per year due to Jihad are you prepared to accept to appease/satisfy your delusion? Can you justify these deaths to potential victims, ie us, and the relatives of the survivors?
Donald Trump is providing a stimulus/encouragement to the so called moderate Muslims to do something about Islam. This is far better then to wage remorseless war on Muslim countries, resulting in countless deaths of many innocents, uprooting millions of people, as the politicians, supported by the media, are now doing.
Shame on the media and the politicians as they wage war on Syria, Iraq and all over Islamic countries in this period of Christmas. Donald Trump’s suggestion is by a long measure, a far better way then what Western leaders are now doing.
This continuous war on Islamic countries from the air, from which the victims have no defence, leading to thousands of deaths of innocents and uprooting whole sections of society, is going to leave a legacy of bitter hatred of each other, that will last a thousand years or more.
Donald Trump’s solution is far better then bombing Islamic countries, and then to accept millions of embittered refugees into the West.
Western policy becomes stupider by the moment.
Trump UK ban petition passes 100,000
OK, if the BBC wants to play trumps, how about this hand
It would not be hard to guess the type of community where most of the ‘Ban Trump Petition’ votes came from .
Does the petition accept postal votes?
If not – change the rules and it will soon be past the million mark.
When the liberal elite are as one in sucking any passing Muslim hookah pipe-with no incitement at all from the usual Islam shill groups-you just know that they`re subject to Stockholm Syndrome….but soon to escalate to Gothenburg or even Malmo Disorder very soon if we keep this shit up.
Only the liberal media give a damn about what a Republican is saying on the campaign trial…and they only crave to signal their virtues and their hopes that Anjem will spare them and thank them even.
IS-to be fair-have NEVER made an issue of extracting any blandishments or excuses from the liberal elites-that the sad victims of domestically-induced violence feel to continue to cower and cringe before Islams belt and braces shows how craven, thick and evil, how passive and supine the liberal elite now are.
No amount of SNP/Labour/BBC/Green slurry aimed at Trump(or even Palin way back) will save them-Trump will be safer from Islamic States stanley knifers that the cringing toadying BBC.
In truth-the thick Stockholders for Islamic Domination to come deserve a lingering death…they crave it for the sins of Dr Livingston or Lord Castlereagh anyway.
Where Beslan meets Bedlam in Jezland…it`s all Jizlam-and the BBC are its piccolo horn of evil.
Two points regarding Trump
1) Will there be a petition and public outcry boosted by the BBC regarding the effective banning of Muslims from entering the UAE or other Middle Eastern countries or states? I refer of course to the Muslims from Syria and not forgetting Pakistan and Afghanistan; none of them are welcomed by their Islamic brethren, but where is the outcry from the BBC?
Muslim Turkey is all to keen on sending fellow Muslims to the EU instead of looking after them.
2) The so-called Independent, a favourite of the BBC had an article yesterday, claiming that Muslims had contributed to the USA society and medical and scientific advancement from the time it was founded. No mention of the fact that any science etc. was only carried out when actually in the USA and not back ”’home” why would that be? The Independent also seemed to have overlooked the fact that one of it’s own reporters trying to investigate vote rigging in Tower Hamlets a couple of years ago was threatened and beaten up by Muslim gangs and hospitalized! A reporter from the Guardian was similarly threatened in a no ‘no go area’
What selective memories and prejudices those criticizing Trump have.
It is lazy intellectually to call someone ‘racist’ if they voice a fear of Islam, it is nothing to do with race or ethnicity, if every native Brit in East Anglia was a muslim I would feel as uneasy about them as I do about muslim arabs. It is not the race it’s the culture of Islam that is alien to us in the West. Arab Christians are no threat to us, in fact they need our help. However Islam just doesn’t square with our Western culture where, quite honestly, we are too nice & accommodating to other people’s beliefs even if their beliefs are bent on our own destruction. We need to be a bit less welcoming to those who do not like us. Medieval Christian Europe had far more awareness of the dangers of being too tolerant.
You’re correct that neither Islam, nor muslim, are a ‘race’. This point – an actual fact – illustrates the lazy, ill-informed, casual thuggery of leftist lynch mobs, as well as their own inherent racism whenever they point the finger and shout ‘waaaaycist!’ at anyone foolish enough to criticise Islam or muslims.
Islam is a religious and political (statist) doctrine. Muslims are followers of that doctrine. Muslims come in all shapes, sizes, races and ethnicities the world over. Ergo, to criticise a politically theocratic religious doctrine with a global reach is not ‘racist’ by any stretch of the liberal left’s infinitely flexible definitions of ‘racism’.
Fears about Islam – in its truest, most manifest form (hello, Saudi Arabia) – are neither groundless nor irrational. Ergo, there is no such thing as ‘Islamophobia’. Another made-up word to excuse the barbarity of an unreformed 7th century doctrine in the 21st century.
Yes it is not a race, but try explaining that to the courts and the magistrates who sentence people for racist abuse of muslims. Here are three cases chosen randomly in two minutes.
Crimes against muslims are almost always reported and acted upon as racist crimes.
It is not far to move on to saying that any criticism of Islamic doctrines is racist.
My point is this. We can argue that Islam is not a race, but under multiculturalism it can be anything the authorities want it to be.
‘Do you not see Winston, that in a multikulture it can be said that 2 plus 2 equals five then it is five, and Islam is a race, a religion, a cricket team or whatever the party says it is.’
Describing Islam as a race is itself racist. The unspoken assumption being made by the Left is that only brown people can be Muslims. This is not because they think that only brown people are capable of religious enlightenment – it’s actually because (sssh! whisper it!) they hold religion in contempt – as Marxism requires – and believe that only simple, primitive souls can take it seriously. At best, it is a patronising piece of indulgence. At worst, it indicates a racist view that allowances have to be made ‘because they can’t know any better’. Such is the paradox of the liberal.
Trump under attack for saying there are no go areas for UK police.
This video is from 2009, and things have not changed.
But boy, see the cops run when the Allah Ackibars chase them
Hear them shout ‘run you kuffirs’
Donald Trump should show that one at his next rally and then ask the question: ‘Now who do you think is lying?’
Isn’t Trump, like Tony Abbott now, speaking what many, many people are thinking but are too afraid to say for fear of being labelled racist, non PC, and out of touch? I better get to my “safe space” now….
Posted this on Main forum, but probably it belongs here;
!Islamic conundrum and why we have many more years to go if a Billion and half people in the world are having to listen to this type of caveman theology:
Al Beeb seem to be ecstatic about the ‘Ban Trump petition’ and are really going to town on it, along with the rest of the MSM . But not a peep from them about this petition …………………
Impartiality? ‘my ar..’
I just love it that the people who want to ban Tyson Fury from SPOTY are almost certainly the same ones who want to ban Trump.
Oh the irony of the left-wing, intolerant, militant, bigoted Guardianista/ Al-Beeb luvvies.
Watch how a ‘tolerant’ kinder politics’ goes out the window the second someone disagrees with their view of the world.
Tory or Trot, the answer to anything they don’t like is always the same – ban it or tax it.
Have Mr Cameron and the bbc never heard of the Cairo University approved English translation of the muslim book, The Reliance of the Traveller, I wonder. If they have I’d suggest that if they haven’t read it, they should and having read it, if they can still say with a straight face that islam is a religion of peace, then I for one will conclude that they are being wilfully dishonest.
The noisy minority are rattling their cage again, the rest of us agree with Trump.
As ever the Fascist left have created a reality as they want it to be, and not how it is, nor what was said. Even people on here have been deceived by the left wing media as they seek to demonise and not to understand & criticise.
Here’s what Trump did say:
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump called Monday for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”
“Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension,” Trump said in the statement. “Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life. If I win the election for President, we are going to Make America Great Again.”
So his criticism is of the countries leaders who he claims have no understanding of what the problem is nor what is going on. His argument is that they should be kept out until they do, which when put that way is much more reasonable.
Worse though despite him being vilified he is not the only Republican runner to propose this, although from the media reaction you might expect he is:
Trump is not the first GOP candidate to suggest restricting Muslim immigration, though he is certainly the first to call for a “complete shutdown.” Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a frequent sparring partner of Trump’s, called for restricted immigration, including a denial of visas and refugee status, from 34 mostly Muslim countries, including Mali, Turkey and Morocco. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz have suggested only allowing in Christian refugees from Syria.
Conveniently omitted from most media reporting.
Of course the BBC is having a field day, and today brought in a Muslim MP to comment on the suggestion that Police are afraid to patrol several Muslim areas in Britain (you bet they are!). Betcha can’t guess which hotbed of Islamic radicalisation and piety they thought was representative of that description? No? Well they produced Tulip Siddiq, MP for Hampstead & Kilburn – probably the constituency MP for more BBC presenters than any other ! and a million miles away from any of the shit they’ve been promoting as good !
Bias? It runs in our veins !
Not the Al Beeb but a good summation of their whole thinking coming from no other than O’Barmy. This is by David Horowitz – http://www.horowitzfreedomcenter.org/
“Dear Friend,
I believe Barack Obama will go down in history as the most disastrous president America has ever known.
Barack Obama has been in the saddle riding our country for almost seven years now. And the result has been an unmitigated disaster.
Because of his own racial agitation, there is more race hatred in our country now than at any time in the last fifty years.
Because of his contempt for American power, we are on the defense everywhere in the world.
Because of his assault on our traditional values, our nation finds itself overwhelmed by social changes we didn’t ask for and don’t want.
Friend, I’m forced to conclude that Barack Obama is the first and only American president who does not love our country.
If he loved America, he wouldn’t have used the execrable Al Sharpton as his advisor on race, defended radical organizations such Black Lives Matter, condoned the mob violence that has made Baltimore and other cities into racial war zones, and enabled the daily attacks our police officers now face.
If he loved America, he wouldn’t be rewarding illegal immigrants whose first act upon setting foot on American soil is breaking one of its fundamental laws.
If he loved America, he wouldn’t have allowed ISIS to become an international threat, appeased the thuggish aggression of Vladimir Putin in Syria and Ukraine, or given Iran, a country that hates us now more than ever, the go-ahead to build the Islamist Bomb.
And most of all, if President Obama loved America, he would defend our most dependable ally Israel, instead of incessantly trying to pull the rug out from under her as she confronts an existential threat to her future. “
there’s a government petition to let him in
so sick of the left shrieking and crying and getting their own way