The BBC, as usual, is more concerned about ‘worried Muslims’ living in fear of a supposed massive and violent backlash each time members of their religion slaughter innocent Kafirs in the name of that religion.
The BBC is entirely unconcerned that the entire non-Muslim population lives in fear, not of mostly cat calls or internet abuse, but of being bombed, machine gunned or beheaded….they are being terrorised on a huge scale.
The BBC has other priorities and narratives…..
The fear of being Muslim in North America
After terror attacks in Paris and California, Muslims in North America are facing a sometimes violent backlash.
Omar Suleiman, a resident scholar at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center in Irving, Texas, was out of the country when he got word from his wife that their home address had just been published along with dozens of others by an anti-Islamic organisation.
The group, which had just held an armed protest outside the Islamic Center of Irving, got Suleiman’s address because he registered to speak at a city council meeting back in March. He was asking the city council not to support a state bill that many in the Muslim community viewed as anti-Islamic.
Now, the address of the home he shares with his wife and two young children was all over the internet. Suleiman cut the trip short and flew back. Even though the list was eventually removed from the web, Suleiman and his wife were terrified.
Odd how the BBC has missed this tale of people under threat having their addresses published on line with an explicit threat to behead them….
Ohio Hospital Worker Charged For Calling to Behead US Soldiers
A hospital worker in Ohio has been charged with calling for US soldiers to be beheaded in their homes on social media.
He has been charged with three counts of solicitation of a crime of violence and threatening military personnel.
He was arrested for supporting ISIS on November 12.
Prosecutors alleged in a federal indictment published on Tuesday that 25 year-old Terrence J. McNeil was supportive of the Islamic State on social media and had posted the names and addresses of 100 serving US military personnel on his Tumblr account.
Assistant U.S. Attorney General John Carlin said McNeil ‘solicited the murder of members of our military by disseminating violent rhetoric, circulating detailed U.S. military personnel information, and explicitly calling for the killing of American service members in their homes and communities.’
The posting urged ‘Brothers in America’ to ‘kill them in their own lands, behead them in their own homes, stab them to death as they walk their streets thinking that they are safe,’ according to the indictment.
Yep…looking, looking…but no, can’t find any reference on the BBC to this terrorism.
In a simialr vein of wilful ignorance has the BBC made any attempt to report the goings on at Goldsmith’s college where Muslim students have been intimidating and abusing the likes of Maryam Namazie [Something the BBC itself is not averse to doing] or when the ‘diversity officer’ tweeted ‘#killallwhitemen’?
No of course not.
White christian male, Tyson Fury, gets the lynch mob treatment but the BBC ignores this from a Muslim student leader...
A university’s Islamic society president has resigned after homophobic messages were found on his Twitter account following a row over a human rights activist’s speech.
Muhammed Patel left the society at Goldsmiths, University of London after it was revealed tweets such as ‘homosexuality is a disease of the heart and the mind’ had been found on his account.
Other homophobic tweets attributed to the @mopey96 account, which has now been deleted, are said to have referred to ‘fag lovers’ on his Twitter timeline and ‘stupid’ gay pride marches.
Hate crimes against Muslims vs. hate crimes by Muslims?
I recall there was a case a few years ago when the BNP membership database was hacked into and many people were “outed” as BNP members, which cost many in the public services, the teaching profession, the police and prison service their jobs, even though they had never publicly proclaimed their membership or mentioned their political beliefs at work.
I don’t remember any similar concerns for their welfare from the BBC. In fact, the general attitude seemed to be they got what they deserved.
I’m not sure what the difference is between choosing to follow either ideology. It’s a simple choice to follow a particular belief system which the individual makes, according to their own moral framework and values.
Apart, I suppose, from the fact that the BNP have never tried to set up a parallel legal system or murdered anybody.
And the BNP were the first organisation, as far as I know, to bring to public notice the horrendous sexual abuse of white English girls, over decades,by gangs of muslim men. Who did the bbc attack; well, we all know the answer and it wasn’t the muslims.
Yes John think BNP were the first to address this issue publically-but didn’t that miserable creature Vince Cable enjoy telling the Question Time audiance of his views on the BNP. The utter duplicity of all politicans has brought this nation into a terrible dangerous mess & Cable with his background of marxist/socialism should crawl away into his hole.
I’ve just been reading on Breitbart about french muslims planning to vote for Le Pen because they are sick of the jihadi baboons screwing things up for them.
There is a picture doing the rounds on Facebook of four Muslims who have gone to help with the floods in Cumbria. See, there are good Muslims and you better be aware of it. Soon the BBC will be showing this picture as part of the campaign promoting virtuous ROPers
Caption with the picture
These four gentlemen from Blackburn came up to Carlisle after its recent floods giving help, support, delicious sandwiches and hugs. In the name of Islam, indeed. #muslimswelcomeincumbria #cumbriafloods #inthenameofallah #truemuslims #trumpisabuffoon
Please share this post to give them the recognition they deserve.
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Yes…as usual with these ‘charities’ they have dubious links.…doubt the BBC will mention…..
Al-Imdaad Foundation, a South African charity, the British branch of which has previously partnered with Viva Palestina, the pro-Hamas charity established by George Galloway and that included Hamas activists among its staff.
One of Al-Imdaad’s trustees, Qari Ziyaad Patel, has written and sung a nasheed [Islamic song] in praise of the Taliban.
In 2012-13, Al-Imdaad’s British branch raised over £400,000 for the IHH, a Turkish charity widely accused of funding terrorism and that publicly supports Hamas. Al-Imdaad UK has also given over £50,000 (over $80,000) to the Zamzam Foundation, a Somali charity run by the Saudi-funded Somali Muslim Brotherhood.
In addition, events organized by Al-Imdaad UK have included speakers such as Maulana Sulaimaan Ravat, a South African preacher who has propagated conspiracy theories that Jews overthrew Libya’s dictator, Colonel Gaddafi, in order to steal Libya’s oil reserves.
Excellent Alan
I was surprised to hear the bBBC’s R4 6 o’clock news today report that there have been over 300 arrests for terrorist crimes in the UK in the last year, up from 200 the year before. There was no further comment but, as we all know how peaceful most of the terrorists are, and that most of them are men, that means about 1 arrest for every 3,000 ‘British’ Muslim men. Just in one year.
Did we all notice a reluctance by Al Beeb to give the names of the four scammers convicted of defrauding pensioners. In one report I saw just one was named, in another no names. NTDWI.
Donbob is this the one where the money scammed from pensioners was sent to help fund ISIS? The one where Corbyn wrote a letter to the authorities requesting that the one should be given bail as he is a local lad. According to the Telegraph anyway.
If true, Corbyn should be arrested but it won’t happen!
Yes Alan.
Every time there is a Muslim Terrorist attack, which is usually at least once every day, out come the same tired old AlBeeb lies.
It was a shooter, an attacker, a militant . . .
It was a lone wolf, a disengaged individual, an extremely rare aberration, an unprecedented departure from the norm . . .
Nothing in the Koran supports this, this is totally against Islamic teaching . . .
All total bollox, as most on BBBC are well aware.
But, for the benefit of anyone who went to sleep with Rip Van Winkle and awoke yesterday, here is the truth.
The Koran does not only permit terrorism, it makes it obligatory.
Muslims did not start being nasty c***s yesterday, they have been nasty c***s since Mohammed was a childish,
stupid, ignorant, ill-educated, murdering, paedophile.
Muslims are the enemy of all non Muslims.
Islam and Muslim need to become terms used only in the past tense.
So not going the BBC’s, or that of logic (same thing, really), way in the comments…
1 hr ·
A few pie charts about Muslims in the UK after Donald Trump said we had a ‘massive Muslim problem’
Katie Hopkins and Donald Trump: Four pie charts about Muslims in the UK
Katie Hopkins is supporting US presidential hopeful Donald Trump after he said there was a “massive Muslim problem” in the UK.
The BBC really is obsessed to a worrying degree with a very few individuals who they feel need to be silenced. Less worried about a larger, more vocal group who they actively promote beyond reason.
Interesting point raised Guest Who.
Mrs. Scronker pointed out yesterday that all the evening news in Scotland was centred solely upon what just these three people had said.
1. Alistair Carmichael
2. Donald Trump
3. Tyson Fury.
Here is the letter with which you intended to begin the final word of your contribution – t.
Let us be clear about what ‘peace’ in Islam means:
Quran 2:193: “And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah.”
Islam requires 5 prayers daily reciting the Fatiha 17 times, and each time this disparages the unbelievers.
Surely this is at least a near-hate crime of massive proportions?
More info:
Absolutely – WM is correct. RoP means, and ONLY means, when Islam has totally overcome alternative faiths. Driven out, converted or killed – them’s your choices. Good freakin’ luck if you ain’t Muslim then.
In any civilisation that gave a stuff about its own survival-let alone the very existence of its future children-the attacking vile and violent ideology that terrorised it, that was determined to wreck and enslave it…WOULD be very scared of “blowback”.
Newtons Third law-“to every action”?
To every Muslim action, the same stagehands come out, the same faux-rebels, the same f***in lazy narrative from IKEA flatback solutions…we mustn`t scare them,see how Himmler once listened to Elgar and thought it “gemutlich”?
So what the fuss….
Examples of this craven crap from the spineless spongiforms of “Western Iconic Simples/Symbols/cymbals that crash and give no point to anything.
1. The Bombe Bar Dear cafe that was attacked in Paris a month back “opened for business” a week or so ago to the trumpets of News At ten…imagine…there`s girl sipping her latte-in PUBLIC no less…take that Anjem.
2, Bono asks up the empty Bataclan band…who hid in dressing rooms, locked themselves in picnic hampers but turned it all up to eleven next week in Cheltenham or such…to “do a few songs at the U2 gig the other night”!
Quelle courage…take THAT Abu
3. Madonna does a few apres-gig songs unplugged at the Place de la Republique the other night-boy, Islamic State can only quail at what we`re throwing back at them can`t they?
THIS is what Winston would have deemed an appropriate and proportionate response , had the Nazis been marauding the streets, had the “unknown and inconclusive” assailants who flew the planes into Pearl Harbour been setting up camps and offering to do the HS2 contract for us all withing the next year?
The BBC and its liberal gutless bucket of wishlists and old tampons has GOT to go-why are we paying, and not rebelling?
My instinct is to write an exact mirror copy of every BBC story and get a puffed up Oxbridge actor to do it in all the voices(rap. Imam, working mum, Vicky Pollard and Big Dee, Duggans auntie etc) to read them out using loudspeakers.
They cannot be allowed to lie and lift their shirts and shifts for Islamic and Corbyn penetrations forever can they?
No-after all that Islam has done, is doing and will do until it gets a slap in the mouth that puts them back to sliming up for a few more years yet as of old?….it NEEDS to be very scared of d***ing around with us, using BBC/Guardian and Labour/Liberal cover-and to be fair, they don`t even seek that-the saps just suck it up as they hate the Jews too much to do anything other.