Is Trump right about importing Islam to the US?………Is there a Muslim agenda?……..
Islam in the US is a numbers game….the more Muslims the more the US mindset will change to favour Islam…so says Tariq Ramadan….
‘What is important in our number, our number as Muslims, is not that we are converting people. It’s by having an important number… the more committed Muslims we have, the more witnesses we have and the more we change mindset around us.’
and to infiltrate society to gain the upper hand…
What I said is not to infiltrate, it’s just to be a journalist. Because the journalist, when you come with your background, of course you should be objective or try to be the most objective but you are coming with a background, and you come with another vision… We have to push our daughters and our sons not only to be medical doctors, not only to be computer scientists but journalists to deal with this, to deal with academia because within academia we have all this business: to shape the perceptions, to help the people…
“I am sorry to see that too many Muslims now, they want a peaceful life, [they want] to be acknowledged, to be accepted but they are not ready for the struggle and the struggle is…We are not here to be accepted. We are here to change the society.”
Ramadan suggested taking advantage of the current Canadian legal framework (“one of the most open in the world”) in order to discretely implement sharia principles one at a time. This is the approach that led Islamists to press for the establishment of reasonable accommodations in the following years.
Tariq Ramadan openly calls for Muslim colonization of the U.S.
‘We should all be careful not to be colonized by something which is coming from this consumerist society…
It should be us, with our understanding of Islam, our principles, colonizing positively the United States of America.
We are learning how to be a Muslim. It’s difficult, it’s a challenge, it’s a jihad…
On the long run, we also have to think about our contribution. We should be a gift to the United States of America. We should be a gift to the West.
We don’t want the West to be destructed. What we want is the West to be reformed.‘
The Mail has confirmed Trump’s assertion about the police….’serving police officers today backed Mr Trump’s claim that some Muslim communities in the UK are no-go areas because of extremism.’
A Lancashire Police officer told MailOnline: ‘There are Muslim areas of Preston that, if we wish to patrol, we have to contact local Muslim community leaders to get their permission’.
Why has the BBC not been investigating the claim, it’s not as if the claim in its own right is not worth checking out never mind who said it. Police no-go zones….not a good thing.
And to continue today’s theme of the moral hypocrisy of the grandstanding Trump bashers here’s Boris today…..
Mr Johnson, the Mayor of London last night said Mr Trump was speaking ‘utter nonsense’ and openly mocked the American, adding: ‘The only reason I wouldn’t go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump.’
Tonight he went further, telling ITV News:
‘I think Donald Trump is clearly out of his mind if he thinks that’s a sensible way to proceed. You can’t ban people going to the US in that way, or indeed to any country.
‘What he’s doing is playing the game of the terrorists and those who seek to divide us. That is exactly the kind of reaction they hope to produce.
‘When Donald Trump says there are parts of London that are no-go areas, I think he is betraying a quite stupefying ignorance that makes him frankly unfit to hold the office of the president of the United States.’
Hmmmm…is that the same Boris who said this in a moment of lucid honesty?……
Islam is the problem.
To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia – fear of Islam – seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke. Judged purely on its scripture – to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques – it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers. As the killer of Theo Van Gogh told his victim’s mother this week in a Dutch courtroom, he could not care for her, could not sympathise, because she was not a Muslim.
The trouble with this disgusting arrogance and condescension is that it is widely supported in Koranic texts, and we look in vain for the enlightened Islamic teachers and preachers who will begin the process of reform. What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam’s medieval ass?
The same Boris who said this?…
This is a turning point: we have to fly the flag for Britishness again
Of all the shattering revelations of the past few days, the worst has been that these suicide bombers were British.
We seem to have pulled off the rare feat of breeding suicide bombers determined to attack the very society that incubated them; and the question is why. Why does America import its suicide bombers, while we produce our own?
The disaster is that we no longer make any real demands of loyalty upon those who are immigrants or the children of immigrants.
So we have drifted on over the intervening decades, and created a multi-cultural society that has many beauties and attractions, but in which too many Britons have absolutely no sense of allegiance to this country or its institutions. It is a cultural calamity that will take decades to reverse, and we must begin now with what I call in this morning’s Spectator the re-Britannification of Britain.
That means insisting, in a way that is cheery and polite, on certain values that we identify as British. If that means the end of spouting hate in mosques, and treating women as second-class citizens, then so be it. We need to acculturate the second-generation Muslim communities to our way of life, and end the obvious alienation that they feel.
That means the imams will have to change their tune, and it is no use the Muslim Council of Great Britain endlessly saying that “the problem is not Islam”, when it is blindingly obvious that in far too many mosques you can find sermons of hate, and literature glorifying 9/11 and vilifying Jews.
We have reached a turning-point in the relations between the Muslim community and the rest of us, and it is time for the moderates to show real leadership.
Shahid Malik, MP for Dewsbury, who said yesterday: “The challenge is straightforward – that those voices that we have tolerated will no longer be tolerated, whether they be on the streets, in the schools, in the youth clubs, in the mosque, in a corner, in a house.
We need to go beyond condemning. We need to confront.” Well said, Shahid; and it is time for the imams to follow.
Boris Johnson is a politician, therefore when his lips move he is lying. As for Trump, he is quite right to point out that in a time of national emergency, the President of the USA has the legal power to ban the entry of unwanted aliens into the US. This was done in 1941 with regard to German, Italian and Japanese citizens. Does Boris Johnson think that Lufthansa, Alitalia and All Nippon Airways continued regular flights into the USA between 1941 and 1945, or does he hope, vainly, that a few muslims will vote for him (they won’t Boris, they won’t)?
IMHO Boris Johnson is a buffoon, as are most Tory MP’s these days . Otherwise they would have sorted out Al Beeb by now.
Cant argue with that.
One has to be a complete buffoon to allow an obviously pro-Labour monopoly broadcaster to continue its propaganda, and doing nothing about it.
You have to remember, the BBC can lie without its lips moving.
Lying by omission, lying by distortion, lying by invention – the Holy Trinity of broadcasting, and the First among these is to simply not tell people what is happening.
Simple, and almost impossible to counter.
Lying by omission, lying by distortion, lying by invention
and lying by blatant revisionism.
And should the cops put CCCT cameras in Muslim controlled areas they will be forced to apologise.
‘Very sorry’, said the cops to da community leaders.
The Boston bombers were of course imported and the Russians alerted the FBI to the danger which warning was not taken seriously.
It will be amusing to watch all those MPs now dissing The Donald sucking up to him when he gets elected. The BBC however will go into meltdown as it just could not cope.
And if Marine le Pen…
And, as I’ve said before, they’ll be in real trouble reporting Marine Le Pen’s economic policies – they match the BBC’s wishlist to a T!