I heard Humphrys trailing an interview with Naomi Klein (08:23) in regard to climate change this morning. Is it not a paradox that someone who isn’t a scientist, who isn’t really interested in climate change other than as a vehicle to further her rabid anti-capitalism, anti-western, anti-big business narrative, that she gets given a platform on the Today programme to peddle her guff when even scientists with the slightest whiff of heretical scepticism about them are either completely shut out of the ‘debate’ or abused and vilified by the likes of the BBC’s supposedly impartial climate campaigner Roger Harrabin? Just because, allegedly, 97% of scientists (a complete fabrication) support the theory of man-made climate change doesn’t mean that the BBC should allow any old swivel-eyed frothy mouthed dingbat on to have their say just because they take up that rallying call and they can make the most tenuous of associations between their pet dogma and the evil climate change.
I didn’t hear the actual interview but I imagine it was hardly challenging for Klein who was introduced by Humphrys as ‘One of the most respected voices in [the climate] debate.’ according to Bishop Hill who quotes the Economist’s view of her…
Ms Klein’s harshest critics must allow that, for an angry adolescent, she writes rather well. It takes journalistic skill of a high order to write page after page of engaging blather, so totally devoid of substance. What a pity she has turned her talents as a writer to a cause that can only harm the people she claims to care most about. But perhaps it is just a phase.
Wasn’t really a good day for people who were expecting a news programme that didn’t indulge the fantasies of the air headed. Giles Fraser was back on Thought for the Day (07:50). Now we’ve had a look at the manically illiberal response to Trump and Fury and Muhammed Ali’s contribution. Giles Fraser now adds his unique and quixotic insight. Apparently Ali was locked up for being a Muslim rather than being a draft dodging racist. Giles tells us that this is the future for Muslims everywhere….locked up for being Muslim. Nothing if not somewhat sensationalist and fantastical. Oh yes….Islam is a religion of peace.
All of the above is yet another depressing indictment of the alternative reality Modern Britain, guided by the reversed-poles moral compass of the BBC, has become.
Beam me up, Scotty (no, not you).
It’s one thing, and bad enough, to have an air head on the Today programme preaching her nonsense but worse I think to invite Prescott to peddle his anti-business version of climate change reality on the Daily Politics. With blatant, absolutely blatant, lies. Andrew Neil, one of the best, or perhaps least odious, BBC reps entertained us with a frankly petty but amusingly ruthless interrogation of Zak Goldsmith over the delay in deciding on extension of London’s airport capacity. But then singularly failed to challenge a climate change argument with a logical inconsistency you could drive a truck through. At this point it would be helpful if I described said inconsistency wouldn’t it. Well it’s a little forensic; I’d need to be precise and can’t be right now without seeing it again. But I recorded the programme so will go back and find the relevant part to transcribe – feel free to iPlayer it yourself if you’re appropriately motivated – Friday’s programme where you’ll also find Katie Hopkins on Muslims, Trump, petitions and no-go ghettos. She’s taking a beating in today’s media for not landing an intellectual punch on Neil – correct, sentiment good, argument less good.
“this is the future for Muslims everywhere….locked up for being Muslim.”
I have a problem with this, I do not want to pay one penny to keep these organisms in jail.
There is a, cheaper alternative.