Erwin Amoyaw-Gyamfi, 29, and Erun Izzet, 32, sometimes I wish the BBC would abandon its political correctness, and stop pretending where these arms dealers actually originate from.
My guess is Turkey, but they might be Syrian, or Kurdish or anywhere else. I don’t want to have to go fishing around the net to find out !
Here’s one in the you can’t make it up category.
1630 R4 feedback. Priority given to a ‘random’ woman ringing in with her ‘feedback’ that the bbc have not sufficiently limked the storm desmond and lake district floods with global warning!!!!!!!
This was followed by another woman complaining of insufficient coverage of the Paris climate change conference.
To refute this accusation who should they turn to but……..Roger Harrabin!!!
See. I told you you couldnt make it up.
That should be because the UN’s own scientists say there is no provable link:
“In summary, there continues to be a lack of evidence and thus low confidence regarding the sign of trend in the magnitude and/or frequency of floods on a global scale”
But you will never hear that repeated on the BBC. In fact, you’ll hear the opposite; a load of climate bollox spouted by the usual proxy eco-nutter – quite likely a celeb – having nothing whatsoever to do with science, and never, ever challenged.
Weatheractions “Mini Ice Age” trends in weather make sense.
Cooling temperatures mean that the Atmosphere is less able to support the level of water vapour, so it gets less and less with cooling, which means it falls out of the sky in the form of MORE rain than usual, especially if you have an unusually powerful jet stream, delivering warm air, to contrast with cool air. All caused by lots of solar wind activity after some big earth facing coronal holes on the face of the Sun. As well as the front, back and sides position of the Moon when the solar wind arrives.
In a piece today on the BBC News TV channel about certain schools indoctrinating kids there was a short sentence which may have gone unnoticed…”many Jewish schools” we were told are also exclusionary. My complaint? nowhere were the schools subject of the item referred to as “Muslim schools.” Deliberate? Or more likely no one even noticed the inherent bias.
The BBC just had to get in about the yeshivas just to show that it wasn’t just the Muslim schools that were being got at and yes any mention of Islam was kept to a minimum.
I think I saw a report on that on London local news last week. That was on the net. As Questionable time followers will know my ariel has had enough of BBc and given up. So that’s obviously been swirling around for a while.
TrueToo It’s because I always question the time I wasted watching it. It’s only because of the live chat about it on here that actually makes me watch it.
TrueToo It’s because I always question the time I wasted watching it.
I probably waste more time because I don’t live in the UK and therefore cannot access Questionable Time via the BBC and have to keep on checking to see whether some kind soul has put it up on YouTube. That takes time because sometimes it’s uploaded with the date prominent and sometimes with one or more of the panellists or the venue prominent.
It’s worth it on those rare occasions when the show is not seriously biased.
Think you`ll find that the schools that bothered OFSTED were guilty of teaching a “narrow Islamic curriculum”.
See?…that`s because there were, of course fears over Orthodox Jewish schools.
Reads across fine to me-only Tory scum and Islamophobes would not join those two dots together.
Is being a BBC news analyst a medical condition yet?…really ought to be seeing as it`s brain twisting delusional droolings…sectioning has been perped on people for less.
As for fear of Global Warming-why that`s as sane as being worried about Islam.
DSM number 666….
‘Have I Got News For You’ tonight. With Kirsty Wawk or whatever her name is.
Everyone stuck the boot into Trump for five minutes. And no laughs. The level of humour was such as comparing ‘coming over here’ with ‘combing over here’….geddit? No suggestion that millions agree with him and that he could be the next President of the USA. Oh, and Katie Hopkins was stabbed for supporting Trump.
I now listen to a lot of Classic F.M. which is a bit of a surprise to myself, as, despite being in my 60’s, I’m still a committed Heavy Metal fan. The reason I listen to Classic FM is because of the BBC. The BBC radio programmes annoy me and the one and only time I gave Radio 4 a chance for the day, by 19.15, I was suicidal. Quite recently the news on Classic FM changed in tone, that being when it changed from “Sky” to “Global News”. The tone changed from a fair report to one of rabid lefty. I then found myself and still doing so, shouting at the radio as I did when listening to any of the BBC radio output. By chance, when looking at a F.O.I. request concerning rainfall data collection, Global News came up in one of the F.O.I. replies and it stated that “Global News” was in fact a subsidiary of the BBC broadcasting arm, that being, I guess, BBC Global News Limited. Please correct me if I’m wrong. But the dead give away that in all probability it is the BBC, is that nearly all their bulletins on Classic FM start with “Labour says” and never do I hear any thing good about the Conservative Party, UKIP, Republicans etc. The music is very good on Classic with a whole mix of genres but the news bulletins, well, oh dear, another “Lefty Love Fest” and probably by courtesy of “Your BBC”. If anyone knows differently……
I recently commented on disqus that Classic FM news headlines seem to be written by an intern who is desperate for a job at the BBC. This post more than confirms my observations.
Like Old Bloke, I’m a refugee from Radio 4 (and 3) and though I find Classic FM frequently toe-curling in its sheer banality (could its presenters sound less patronising and insincere if they tried?) at least it’s preferable to the endless procession of cultural Marxism that is the alternative.
Except, as the previous two posters say, for when it comes to news time, when the Guardian readers at ‘Global News’ start up. Suddenly, it’s like being back on radio 4 again.
Global News , is from Global Radio , owners of many radio stations including , Capital , Classic , Gold & LBC. The news is, actually supplied by Sky News , on behalf of IRN ,which is owned by the radio groups. Some local content is inserted by the stations themselves , or different news stories to suit the particular audience for that station. I do find LBC news & Gold , a lot different than the BBC output however , less bias I would say.
Like so much on the airways it’s a choice of evils. As you say, it is mostly banal yet presented as though each carefully selected gem is an education in itself and a privilege for listeners to hear. In reality, although Classic FM provides wallpaper background while driving, I think of it as Radio Trite.
Radio Trite – I like that! As opposed to Radio 5 – aka ‘Radio Bloke’.
I don’t agree with Essexman about the comparative lack of bias – but then, if it is sourced from Sky, it wouldn’t be. Sky News is as bad as the BBC and I’m surprised Murdoch tolerates it.
Why dont you give LBC a go?
The presenters are totally unprofessional (Shelagh Fogerty ex Beeboid apart) and at least do not attempt to disguise their biases (and they do vary).
All Donald Trump did was to state what is already in the USA Law book. President Carter used it to keep out anyone from Iran when the USA were having issues with them. Carter banned them from entering the USA. The difference here is that Carter was a Democrat (a fuzzy felt folder, tree hugging, wouldn’t hurt a lamb lefty) and O.K. to ban anyone (please sign this petition) whereas Trump is a Republican, who, if he became President, swears an oath to protect his people first, which can include a banning order by law on who is deemed to be a threat to the USA, but because he is a Republican, it is not O.K. Then there is Obama.
I have been waiting for a single Muslim to ring in and say Trump should not be banned. I suspect a high proportion of the petition signers are themselves Muslims. The Mosques are probably encouraging it.
“Can I add your name to the petition brother?”
“And the wives too?”
Yes of course.
That Nolan has no more than two or three brain cells to rub together, stuck in the standard lefty PeeCee.
I note the deference with which he treated the Muslim caller, remaining silent even during the long pauses and encouraging him to continue with repetitive questions – in contrast to his brusque attitude to David Vance.
I rushed to judgement re Nolan. He appeared to treat David more fairly as the programme went on. He also spoke a bit sharply to the Muslim woman when she asked that ridiculous question of David re all Muslims being terrorists.
But unfortunately he’s stuck in the BBC hive mind. He was genuinely amazed by the accusation from the other David that the BBC was engaged in a campaign against Donald Trump. If he can’t see that, then he knows nothing about the organisation he works for.
Interesting how the filter on phone in callers operated.
Mohammed is a Muslim who is also other faiths. Best not mention that if some cheery chaps pop around and ask who is who before slotting those who come up with wrong answers.
And those long silences on a long ramble were weird.
‘He shouldn’t be a Presidential candidate’. Well, that’s rather down to the US voting public surely? Not Mohammed and Mr. Nolan and the careful-saying, calm Mr. Stern (who kicked off getting his facts on terrorist gender wrong, and was protected in doing so) who waffled into idiocy.
A shame the fact the BBC cherry-picked the aspect to get outraged about was not pursued in more depth, a bit like the Hopkins interview.
Noted Nolan ignored the Carter point totally to redirect (which he did every time logic looked like hurting the narrative) to a favoured straw man argument of those who control the invitation list and the edit suites and broadcast transmitters.
Shrieking ‘I come on this station time and time again’ Zarina asked a question of David, only to then answer it for him. And Dignified Nolan then weighs in to ‘help’ by interrupting at every turn and acted as her interference to suppress David.
Almost like she and her good mate Nolan had a chat prior.
I listened and agree. Notice how much airtime he gave to ‘Mohammed’ who called in? Long pauses, no interruptions and allowed to repeat himself to get his narrative across. DV was treated in the same dismissive way as Farage and Katie Hopkins.
Tried to get the longest published version … it may get chopped around, by BBC twistmeisters
She understands only too well, the road this absurd type of hysterical narrative is leading to,
and those making purchase with it.
Most of the time she s just playing the outspoken for the media
… here its serious.
Donald Trump reminds me of Newt Gingrich, who competed for the Republican presidential nomination against the Obama camp.
He had two obstacles to overcome:
One, image is vital for a president and I imagine that the Republicans just couldn’t envision a man with a name like Newt Gingrich in the top job. It really doesn’t have a presidential ring to it.
Two, he told the truth about the Palestinians, describing them as “an invented people,” and that is so politically incorrect it would destroy anyone’s chances of success in the race.
I note with amusement how the BBC et al can’t wait to run the latest story of condemnation of Trump for saying that the UK has a Muslims problem. The next story is of how many Muslims faith ‘schools’ in the UK are unregistered and teaching an abhorrent mix of misogyny, homophobia and anti semitism and radicalising children. But of course we don’t have a problem with Islam. Presumably these schools are nothing to do with Islam.
Just caught this one on repeat … “Police Terror Tactics Are ‘Radicalising’ Muslims”,
Sooooo … the other option? – he doesn t say of course
He could always whisk, D “nothing to do with Islam” Camoron in, maybe he could be of assistance?
Former Home Office terrorism adviser Jahan Mahmood resigned from his government job in a disagreement over the country’s counter terrorism strategy
… once again, at every level … infiltration
Another prime example
Home Affairs Select Committee – countering extremism – . K Vaz with MCB, CAGE and various apologists
“So let’s get this straight.
According to Jahan Mahmood, there are loyal, law-abiding Muslim citizens of the United Kingdom who hate jihad terror as a twisting and hijacking of their peaceful faith.
Some of these people are being arrested on “really very flimsy evidence, only to be later released.”
… That so enrages them, and those around them, that they end up embracing the jihad terror that they had rejected until they were falsely accused of participating in it.?
… Very well.
I am writing this on an airplane, hurtling through the air and using the airplane wi-fi.
I got to the airport early this morning, because I suspected that I would be subjected to special scrutiny and long delays — and I was right.
It happens every time I fly now, and has happened for months.
No one I have asked about this in the TSA and FBI have told me anything, but since it happens every time I strongly suspect I am on some “right-wing extremist” list.
This is absurd and annoying, but … there is NO CHANCE that it will “radicalize” me and make me turn to violence.
Why?, is it so blandly taken for granted that resistance to jihad will “radicalize” Muslims who otherwise abhor jihad violence?”
Robert Spencer
Succinct, and precise summation … that wanting “jihad”, wanting mass murder, or extreme violence has to come from somewhere?
Where from? … any ideas
Ken Bruce this morning played a remake of the 1963 lesley Gore song ‘You don’t own me. Lyrics below.
Perhaps the BBC could have this as signature tune every time they show a Muslim woman in a Burka or a woman following her man, or even during one of those segregated debates at Universities and Oldham labour party meetings.
You don’t own me
I’m not just one of your many toys
You don’t own me
Don’t say I can’t go with other boys
And don’t tell me what to do
Don’t tell me what to say
And please, when I go out with you
Don’t put me on display ’cause
I don’t tell you what to say
I don’t tell you what to do
So just let me be myself
That’s all I ask of you
I’m young and I love to be young
I’m free and I love to be free
To live my life the way I want
To say and do whatever I please
I don’t tell you what to say
Oh, don’t tell you what to do
So just let me be myself.
couldn’t find a better example of richly-deserved karma coming back to hit someone in the face. She made doubly sure that the 911 operator had absorbed the info that the attackers were three black thugs, thereby going against her cherished beliefs in racially profiling them.
Wouldn’t it be great if she were the judge when they face trial.
Well, I suppose as the victim of their crime she would have to recuse herself, and anyway she’s a federal judge and I imagine a lower court would handle the case.
She should be forced to judge them. Then it might finally dawn on her and her ilk that there is nothing wrong with racial profiling when one race is committing most of the crime and it’s the height of ‘liberal’ ideological stupidity to pretend it isn’t happening and tie the hands of the police.
The problem is there will be another liberal ready to give them another chance and insist that they are just misunderstood. There are proportionately more blacks in prison because they commit the crime yet the liberals keep on insisting that it is racial profiling by the police. There are proportionately more blacks sectioned under the Mental Health Act because they have serious problems not because they are racially targeted. I used to be a liberal until I had to live amongst these people. I can’t afford the white flight and even that is described by liberals as racism because we don’t want to live with them! My advice to these liberals is live for a year in the same streets and then revisit your beliefs.
The political correctness in South Africa as Apartheid was dismantled rivalled that of today’s UK. Then, a witness to a crime committed by blacks would not report the race of the perpetrators and even if it was reported, the media and police would not release the information, effectively making it more difficult if not impossible to apprehend the suspects.
(But of course, in the relatively rare occasions when the perpetrators were white their skin colour was shouted from the rooftops.)
I imagine the same thing applies today with the Rainbow Nation already 25 years old.
As always, the left operates to make life more difficult for ordinary people and easier for the criminals.
The benefits of EU migration ………………
The perpetrators will spend time in one of Britain’s ‘four star’ hotels when convicted and sentenced .
Time to get out of the bloated , bureaucratic and ‘manufactured EU state’ . Wake up Great Britain.
Actually not EU migration (yet), as they are Turks.
The majority of “migration” is non EU, which the government could actually do something about, but instead decides not to (which it had pledged to do) showing utter contempt for the public.
Interesting on this article that the Beeb chose to list all the fatal police shootings of the last five years (actually a very small list) – look at the nasty police shooting all these innocent people.
Anyone see on yesterdays BBC news website that Banksy has been to the Jungle to cheer up the oppressed Asylem Seekers.
He created a number of his artworks for them. The best one I thought was a sinking raft filled with desperate Asylem Seekers trying to get help from a luxury yacht in the distance.
I love Banksy hes so “on it” so “edgy” – yeah and I love the way he keeps his identity secret cos we all know he really lives in a squat in Bristol with his comrades and homeless asylum seekers and not in a large detached house somewhere.
I reckon if we knew where he lived he would be too busy signing autographs from me and my mates and probably wouldnt have the time he needs to read Marxs and Engels and plan his next creative piece of vandalism (sorry I meant to say art).
ps I wander if Saint Bob is on the luxury yacht hosting a celebrity party to raise money for a publicity campaign to raise the profile of Saint Bob – sorry I meant to say to raise money for a publicity campaign to raise the awareness of the plight of asylem seelers!
pps I cant show you the link cos I dont know how to do it and my wife wont show me !!!
COP21 – they think it’s all over, and done and dusted. At least, Harrabin thinks so, with his suitably humbled, pious delivery from Paris, this morning. “We have won”, or words to that effect. Champers, back slapping, and little (or large) brown envelopes all round, and possible promotion to “extra-special climate correspondent” for Roger.
Secretly, Harrabin and the rest of the global warming bandwagon don’t want a binding deal that actually reduces CO2 emissions in a verifiable manner. If that did happen, they all lose their raison d’etre. To coin an old phrase, they have a vested interest in ‘maintaining the problem’.
Watch them all, the tens of thousands of the parasites, convene again in 5 years to gorge themselves on our money.
What a sorry state of affairs we have come to when the BBC and associated left wing press are more outraged by Donald Trump than they are at the Islamic terrorists.
Carter is more racist than Trump because he wanted to ban a race (the Persians) or at least a nationality. Trump only wants to ban a religion which is neither a race nor a nationality.
Last night BBC London news made a report on the latest victim of white working class man. The London cabby. The powers that be are proposing to abolish “The Knowledge” or otherwise known as exams, therefore allowing anyone who can drive to become a black cab driver. Some existing drivers along with the odd member of the public argued that it will mean a worse service meaning cab drivers will no doubt get lost. But the real reason which the BBC of course suppressed is the urge to ethnically diversify the London Cabby. I wonder how many cab drivers said this that were interviewed ?.
Clearly the ‘powers that be’ have never ridden in a Yellow cab driven by immigrants in New York ! My one experience (and first time in New York) saw me directing the Indian driver via my map to Tiffanys !!!!
Of course that is why they want to do away with the knowledge.
They hate cabbies mostly from traditional Cockney working class backgrounds, anti mass immigration , nationalist, cynical, conservative in outlook and mainly older too – precisely the people beeboids want to see dead!
In response to Donald Trump’s statements in the US and – more importantly – the emergence of a British commentator willing to stick her neck out and applaud his bravery in speaking out so as to voice otherwise silenced popular concerns – if not to fully endorse his putative plan of action – our BBC has swung into their habitual form of action
The evident intetion of the BBC – as exemplified by Andrew Neil’s recent attempted destructive cross-examinition of Katie Hopkins – is to attempt to undermine any case for controlling immigration ( in particular muslim immigration) with an appeal to facts and statistics.
The Newsbeat report aimed at children and young people is intended to give some selected statistics to back up the pro-muslim case in this debate. I put it that way because it would be completely out of character and habit for the BBC to give any support for the opposite tendency.
Well let’s have a look at the pie charts.
1. Muslim v Non-Muslim population 4.8% : 95.2% (Source UK Census – ie 2011 figures)
In fact, given the patchy nature of the modern Census, with the inevitable tendency for illegals and over-stayers to avoid being recorded, I was surprised by the high figure for muslims presented here – this close to 5% figure is now almost five years old. Five years of uncontrolled massive net immigration and rapidly rising birthrates. Any guesses for 2016? 10% 12% and fast rising?
2. Percentage of Muslims living in the UK who were born here – 47% “British” to 53% “Non-British”
And indentifying as “British” we wonder? In fact given that the real concern here is radicalisation and propensity for terrorism and that the profile of terrorists tends to be those raised in the west (with several cases of local converts) this statistic is pretty irrelevant.
3. Muslims within the prison population of England and Wales 13% muslim to 87% non.
Given the supposed near 5% of the population this would be quite an indictment of muslim lawlessness. In fact the 13% is more in line with my guestimate of the present muslim population. Terrorists – particularly those we manage to capture bearing in mind the propensity to self-destruct – are always going to be a very small element in the overall criminal population.
4. Arrests for Terror offences a/ overall number against ‘general arrests’ 0.03% against 99.97%
This is a pretty irrelevant number designed to encourage us not to worry about terror. But, think, how many thousands of Americans were arrested in 2001 against the tiny number of 9/11 bombers – who wouldn’t have been in the terror arrests figures in any case because they vapourised themselves along with their victims.
4.Arrests for Terror offences b/ 46% muslim 54% non-muslim.
Now at first glance this a perplexing figure. I note from this BBC report “Terrorism arrests at record level, figures show” (10th December 2015) in which we learn that 39% of those arrested did not face any charge. Are the Police using terror laws to arrest people for what are actually clearly not terror related reasons? This could artificially bump up the non-muslim figures. For further clarification it would be interesting to see what percentage relate to terror arrests in Ulster? My supposition would be these factors might mop up most of the non-muslim arrests. Alternatively are the BBC suggesting an as yet unpublicised large-scale terror insurgency that is neither muslim nor irish in origin?
I suspect that Al Beep did not anticipate a critical appraisal of these graphs by the target audience – children.
50% of British Muslims are under the age of 25, 33% are under 15. It is up by 75% on 2001 figures. Non-Muslim birth rate is far lower. The implications of this population time bomb are obvious. But this doesn’t tell the whole story. The UK’s Muslim population is distributed unevenly – mainly in England, mainly urban and mainly in a number of specific towns, cities and regions. The Muslim population of 70 council wards is over 40 per cent. In some areas it is difficult to find a non-Muslim. As described very eloquently by Dr Peter Hammond in his book about slavery, terrorism and Islam, it is about the percentage of Muslims in a particular population that influences the group behaviour in society. Less than 2%, generally peaceful and law abiding, 5% dangerous. Look at for a comprehensive analysis – this should be on the national curriculum.
The over represented Muslim prison population statistic tells its own story without the need for any further analysis, as does the rate of arrests for terror offences. The proportion of arrests for terrorism offences compared to non-terrorism related offences is meaningless.
An article in the Guardian, of all places, says that some of them are actively trying to get sent to prison so that they can radicalise other prisoners:
Gambia declared Islamic republic by President Yahya Jammeh.
Some 90% of Gambians are Muslim. The former British colony’s economy relies heavily on tourism. – Well, he can probably wave goodbye to that one. Tunisia anyone?
Mr Jammeh has been president of the tiny West African country for 21 years. – Hymmm, not a democracy then?
In 2007, he claimed to have found a herbal cure for Aids. – Enough said. Another muslim despot fruitcake.
And the next one please.
On the last open thread I highlighted the appalling bias the BBC has demonstrated against Tyson Fury and Donald Trump – not that the esteemed contributors to this site needed it pointing out.
Well here is first hand evidence on Five Live’s “Afternoon Edition”.
Listen (from 30:15) to the holier-than-thou, self-satisfied smugness with which they refer to Trump and Mail columnist Katie Hopkins.
And then (from 35:15) to the “in fairness she’s not alone there” quirky quip.
What the fuck ever happened to impartiality and balance?
The presenters are Sarah Brett and Dan Walker. Two more to add to the ever increasing pile of traitorous fifth columnists.
I listened. It was mercifully short. Just a few seconds to prove that they are blinkered lefties with an adolescent view of the Muslim invasion and an insulting attitude to anyone who warns of the dangers of it.
Dunno how many of my esteemed colleagues here are aware of the excellent Intelligence Squared debates in the US and the UK on a variety of topical subjects. The US version has a panel of two sides for or against a given motion, a moderator who generally succeeds in maintaining scrupulous impartiality as he controls and directs the debate and, unlike Question Time, unknown questions randomly chosen from the audience. It also has a vote from the audience, both before and after the debate.
The UK version does not adhere strictly to that format. The recent debate chaired by Jonathan Freedland on migration had no audience vote, did not have a panel split into two opposing sides and Freedland had a hard time hiding his bias, which, as a Guardian editor, is evidently of the lefty, PeeCee variety.
Here’s the panel:
Paddy Ashdown: Capable of coming up with one or two reasonable ideas on occasion, but otherwise thoroughly pickled in lefty PeeCee idiocy
Pia Oberoi: A UN human rights person, quite calm and polite but obviously firmly on the left of the political spectrum
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg: A genuine bleeding heart so far to the left he’s practically falling over
Balázs Orbán: Apparently on the right and an adviser to the Hungarian government on migration.
Malcolm Rifkind: Conservative and eloquent
Given that Jonathan Freedland is on the left, this particular show was seriously unbalanced though it did seem that audience questions at least were unedited.
The Great European refugees and migrants debate is not directly connected to BBC bias, but Freedland made me think that your average BBC propagandist would have managed the debate in a similar way:
Naturally Freedland directs his first question of the panellists to Orban, though the latter was the third speaker, asking whether his advice is that the number of migrants accepted by Hungary should be “zero.” That’s at 16:25 minutes in.
And at 26:30 minutes in, he asks Orban, “Who does Hungary imagine will take in these refugees if Hungary won’t.” (Why would Freedland imagine that’s an appropriate question to put to Orban, rather than, for example, the terrorists ruling Saudi Arabia.)
Not content with Orban’s original response, Freedland pushes him till he says they should go to neighbouring countries. That radical idea appears to evoke a murmur of dissent from a small section of the audience.
At 41:30, Freedland becomes “provocative,” in his own words, by asking Orban if Hungary would accept Syrian refugees if they were Christians. Eventually Orban indicates that it would not make a difference. (Damn pity that he did not use the opportunity to say it’s an excellent idea and would be a moral solution since Christians are the most oppressed minority in the Middle East, victimised by the very Muslims the West is bending over backwards to assist.)
At 1:16:00 minutes in, he asks Orban about the “chilling” rise of people like Le Pen in Europe. When Orban indicates that xenophobia is on the decline in Hungary but on the rise in Germany and links that decline and rise to the respective governments’ stance on accepting refugees, Freedland, referring to the decline in Hungary at 1:17:15 minutes in, said, “Some might say that’s because they don’t need to have xenophobic popular movements because the government’s kind of got that covered,” to much amusement and appreciation from a large section of the audience.
It’s the old deceit, so beloved of the BBC: Express your own lefty opinion, but disguise it as the opinion of “some.”
Freedland did put a couple of questions to other members of the Panel, but demonstrated his bias and incompetence at chairing such a debate by almost exclusively pecking away at Orban.
Well, at least the audience had a bit more freedom to express an opinion without mockery from the chair. Here’s the first question, at 45:40 minutes in:
“Lord Ashdown and Rabbi Wittenberg have spoken cogently to an audience, each member of whom could afford 30 pounds to be here tonight. So how would you persuade people who have genuine concerns about undercut pay, squeezed services and overcrowded multilingual classrooms of the justice of accepting a large number of refugees.”
Paddy Ashdown: Capable of coming up with one or two reasonable ideas on occasion, but otherwise thoroughly pickled in lefty PeeCee idiocy
Pia Oberoi: A UN human rights person, quite calm and polite but obviously firmly on the left of the political spectrum
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg: A genuine bleeding heart so far to the left he’s practically falling over
Balázs Orbán: Apparently on the right and an adviser to the Hungarian government on migration.
Malcolm Rifkind: Conservative and eloquent
Given that Jonathan Freedland is on the left, this particular show was seriously unbalanced though it did seem that audience questions at least were unedited
Even more imbalanced in terms of ethnicity too, not just left-right spectrum, ( especially given the topic!)
One ethnic Brit (Ashdown) Three ethnic Jewish (if you include Freedland himself). 😮
One Asian
One Hungarian.
Just had a looking at the BBC SPOTY website to update my log in, in preparation to vote for Tyson.
From that I learn that the panel who decide the finalists comprise the following
Barbara Slater (BBC)
Jermaine Jenas (BBC)
Philip Bernie (BBC)
Carl Doran (BBC)
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson
Maggie Alphonsi (womans rugby player – WTF?)
Hazel Irvine (BBC – WTF?)
Baroness Sue Campbell
Dame Mary Peters
Ian Prior (The Guardian)
Cliff Hayes (The Sun)
Tim Hallissey (The Times)
So plenty of feminisation and diversity there, Dame Mary and Jenas being the only two who have done ‘proper’ sport. We also learn that The award goes to the sportsperson whose actions have most captured the public’s imagination during the given year’ beats me then how Ryan Giggs won in 2009….
Presented by Gary Lineker and Claire Balding (yawn) it kicks off on Dec 20th with Ella Henderson and Sigma opening the show (who they?) has it morphed into the X-Factor? ‘Arry Carpenter and ‘Enry Cooper must be spinning in their graves! Still they have to fill the time with something as they have so little sport to show these days..
I reckon Mo Farrah will still be on the nomination list until at least 2050 or at least until he wins…
11. The BBC reserves the right to cancel or suspend voting at any time. In the event of any such cancellation or suspension, a technical failure or any other malfunction with the vote, the BBC reserves the right to arrange for the winner to be decided by a contingency arrangement from the votes cast by a pre-agreed contingency panel. This panel will be the same as one which devised the shortlist – see above for details.
If the vote is heading in a certain way, what’s the betting the program is hit by ‘technical’ problems ? If so the 12 listed are unlikely to vote for a certain individual….
That panel complies perfectly with BBC policy on subject matter experts. Look at the Science/Environment politburo, see how many science qualifications you can find.
BBC going bonkers because of Trump and Tyson Fury .
Half The Now Show was a diatribe against Donald Trump . It wasn’t funny , it was predictable , it was one sided and it was the liberal/lefts way of showing they are not free thinking liberals but more on the Marxist Stalinist left of what we are allowed to think and what we are not .
Perhaps when someone actually produces a definition for this meaningless word then there would be a case for defamation, but as it is, the only realistic definition is someone who says something which offends a leftie !
It’s as if they have a form of political Tourette’s syndrome. However much they attempt to conceal it, the bile always pops out. “Whoop….W*nkers! (c/o Pete, from Big Brother)
This week in the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– TV Licensing Pulls Plug on Dubious Prosecution: Another case where the evidence just didn’t stack up, but TV Licensing thought they’d chance their hand anyway (a very, very common occurrence, but sadly one many innocent people are unaware of): Read more here.
– TV Licence Evasion: A Few Notes on Liability: Here we detail some potential pitfalls a person might have if someone else is responsible for the TV licence: Read more here.
Many of us remember the Tet offensive in Vietnam in 1968. It took the US by complete surprise and led to the eventual leaving of Vietnam by them.
The tactics of the Vietcong were devasting. Erupt into cities and towns with out warning. This is a real possibility now in Europe with Isis being present , I assume, in large numbers throughout the continent. Paris was a warning in my opinion as to just how devastating such tactics could prove. Isis have made no secret of their policies. Flood Europe with so called refugees and infiltrate terrorists at the same time. I am sure it is giving our leaders nightmares but so desperate are they to appear to be virtuous that they would rather risk horrendous casualties that take effective action.
So Trump is a direct challenge to them. He is asking that the nation’s safety is put above all other considerations and for that he is vilified. Well the US and Texas and the Western and Southern states in particular are made of different stuff to us beaten down citizens of a fanatasy land and understand what he means and what the second amendment also guarantees.
If the worst should happen in 2016 and it is even money in my opinion then the responsibility will rest upon the shoulders of the liberal political and media elite. They will have to face up to the wrath of the peoples of Europe.
Many of us remember the Tet offensive in Vietnam in 1968. It took the US by complete surprise and led to the eventual leaving of Vietnam by them.
The tactics of the Vietcong were devasting. Erupt into cities and towns with out warning. This is a real possibility now in Europe with Isis being present , I assume, in large numbers throughout the continent. Paris was a warning in my opinion as to just how devastating such tactics could prove.
I think this is very possible and what the Jihadists plan to do, attack using terror and guerilla warfare throughout Europe. If anyone who is unfamiliar, reads this famous article in the German magazine Spiegel from 2005, about what Al Quaeda really want it seems to suggest as much. We should all remember ISIS split from Al Quaeda in order to power full steam ahead with the caliphate while Al Quaeda wanted to bide their time.
Right now we’re in the fifth phase. All other phases have gone to plan so far.
The Fifth Phase This will be the point at which an Islamic state, or caliphate, can be declared. The plan is that by this time, between 2013 and 2016, Western influence in the Islamic world will be so reduced and Israel weakened so much, that resistance will not be feared. Al-Qaida hopes that by then the Islamic state will be able to bring about a new world order.
The Sixth Phase Hussein believes that from 2016 onwards there will a period of “total confrontation.” As soon as the caliphate has been declared the “Islamic army” it will instigate the “fight between the believers and the non-believers” which has so often been predicted by Osama bin Laden.
The Seventh Phase This final stage is described as “definitive victory.” Hussein writes that in the terrorists’ eyes, because the rest of the world will be so beaten down by the “one-and-a-half billion Muslims,” the caliphate will undoubtedly succeed. This phase should be completed by 2020, although the war shouldn’t last longer than two years.
If this “total confrontation” does happen, it may be better that it does come sooner rather than later, while Europe is still strong and basically European. We are in a war, and our society is becoming split between people who understand this and people who don’t. Trump has exposed that faultline more clearly than anyone else. Of course, The Tet Offensive was a military operation against military targets. The Jihadists would be there usual evil selves targeting unarmed civilians.
As an aside, the interesting thing about Tet (I actually did a big project about this event) is that as a multi-pronged frontal assault, it was a huge tactical failure on the part of the Vietnamese and the Americans easily won that battle. The Viet Cong had generally been doing very well with their covert tactics. But when people at home in the US saw how strong and willing the Vietnamese still were, together with the realisation of some in the government that there was a lack of a winnable strategic goal, it ultimately doomed the war effort. A lot of this was helped by the coverage of the liberal media.
Still, if one believes in the domino theory, standing up to communism and holding the line in Vietnam may have been ultimately worthwhile as far as winning the Cold War was concerned. Although the price Cambodia had to pay as a result might have been too high. Almost impossible to know…
“I am sure it is giving our leaders nightmares but so desperate are they to appear to be virtuous that they would rather risk horrendous casualties that take effective action.”
That’s a really frightening assertion but it also appears to be completely true. I am frightened that future generations will have to suffer a dark age that is darker than any in history. And this time the whole world will be enslaved and living in genuine fear.
They have told me that it is going to take more than usual time to reply:
Complaint Summary: Why Diane Abbott MP forever on our screen /bias.
Full Complaint: Could you please explain why the BBC is forever putting Diane Abbott on air, who forever either giggles at serious question without giving a sensible answers to serious National debate (recent R4 Today programme for example), or speaks other hypocritical nonsense against the majority National train of thought.
Tonight again notice the woman is on Question Time.
Last night after the vote of Syria in Parliament she was again saying ridiculous things.
It is a Conservative government and has been a right/ centre run Government for the majority of the last 100 years, yet the BBC seem to favour majority Labour personalities to be on the air more than the Governing party.
It is so annoying when all one wants for our tax funded broadcaster in the political field is fair, basically without fear or favour equal and unbiased reporting without having to listen to someone who does not represent the majority more than those politicians that do.
Good luck I know how you feel I complained about her a while ago. I’m still waiting hear about my complaint about BBc omitting facts in a White cop black victim USA story. Perhaps who ever is reading this at the BBc could move it along.
Yes and in fact it perfectly demonstrates perhaps the single most anti-democratic trend in politics today – the power of noisy, minority, single issue pressure groups.
These groups, by screaming and stamping their feet like so many fractious toddlers, get what they want by hogging the limelight and giving the impression of support, frequently against the wishes of the majority, who remain more or less silent.
We have seen this awful process swamp the quiet majority and seize power over ordinary people time and again in recent years and it needs stamping on.
The Climate Change Jamboree is reaching its climax, the tension is almost unbearable.
You can follow it live here:
Will they/won’t they? As the waste of paper they are signing is a non-binding agreement to do nothing about a problem that doesn’t actually exist, but they are planning to spend eye-watering amounts of money not fixing it anyway, I reckon they will sign.
Hopefully there will be a group photo of these saviours of the planet that I can put on my wall…and throw darts, faeces etc at.
By the way, good work Mr Roger Harrabin. It can’t be easy trying to come across all earnest and concerned about something you know is a complete fraud and smokescreen.
As the waste of paper they are signing is a non-binding agreement to do nothing about a problem that doesn’t actually exist, but they are planning to spend eye-watering amounts of money not fixing it anyway, I reckon they will sign.
Great summary.The lunacy of it all they actually think they can control the temperature of a huge piece of rock floating in an infinite universe. Have they not noticed it hasn’t warmed for 19 years should we not be thinking about how we are going to keep the temperature up ?
Allo Allo DVD series 1-9 £14.99 from back when the BBC was half decent and made comedy that you could laugh at. Alas now it’s banned from broadcast under Political Correctness laws but it’s a cheap enough reminder of what the BBC once was
It was recently, shown on BBC 2 in the afternoons, but one scene slipped the censors . The German Officers, call the Italian Officer , who appeared in the later series , a wopp. I guess that has been stealth edited out by now .
If you got Brigstock, Calman, Toksvig, Punt (check spelling), Dennis, and the many other left-wing unfunnies, into a room and showed them the whole series they wouldn’t have a clue why it was funny.
Current BBC comedy is already dire and getting worse.
Fawlty Towers or Citizen Khan anyone? How stark is that comparison?
Each and everyone (Brigstock, Calman, Toksvig, Punt, Dennis) privately educated.
When was the last time we saw funny but un-PC (check his blog) working class comedian Lee Hurst (who has done stuff for the armed forces in Afghanistan) on the BBC?
Oops – working class, funny, not PC and supports our boys…answered my own question.
Since the noble and courageous BBC Middle East reporters are always keen to campaign against intolerance and injustice, they will surely have listened to the following report from Israel English radio news with horror and indignation and firm resolve to expose the perpetrators of the abuse and trumpet their inhumanity from the rooftops:
Jordanian border authorities prevented an Israeli family from crossing into their territory on Wednesday because the husband and sons were wearing kipot (skull caps). Despite clarifying to border guards that they did not intend to wear the kipot once they had crossed the border, the Israeli family were told that it is not permitted to enter Jordan with Jewish items.
A Channel 10 (Israeli TV) report on Thursday said another Israeli Jew (identifiable as Jewish) was also turned away at the border crossing.
We look forward to Jeremy Bowen and company leading the campaign against the Jordanian border guards and their superiors, right up to King Hussein, if necessary. No doubt they are now busy with the investigative journalism necessary to provide background for the campaign and no doubt a worldwide audience will soon learn that Jordan destroyed synagogues and Jewish cemeteries when it occupied Jerusalem from 1948 and used the gravestones for latrines and to pave roads and that under Jordanian law a Jew may not become a citizen of the country.
And no doubt demonstrators, enlightened and incited to action by the BBC, will march in their thousands in Western capitals bearing placards reading, “We are all Jews now,” the BDS movement will insist that shops remove Jordanian products from their shelves and the UN will organise an anti-Jordanian Apartheid week.
Just caught some of BBC “any questions” on the unregistered schools scandal
Not once did those on the panel discuss it was “Islamic schools” as the most pertinent part,
missing out the crux of the story
… once again blatant BBC Islamophilia, on Trump once again the twitterati narrative
… just garbage
That was an atrocious programme all round – again! The usual ‘Three Lefties and a lukewarmie in search of a clue’ with an audience hand-picked by the SWP.
If the BBC had any concerns at all it would sort out both AQ and AA. That it doesn’t proves it doesn’t give a damn. It thinks it is invulnerable.
Here we go again.
Two people of Syrian origin have been arrested in Geneva on suspicion of making, concealing and transporting explosives, the Swiss attorney general says. The two are also suspected of violating a law prohibiting groups such as al-Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State (IS), the so-called impartial BBC reported.
“”‘I’m prepared – I’m lucky, I’ve a place in Kent and a flat in London – me and (partner) Jeanne would be prepared to take three families immediately in our place in Kent and a family in our flat in London, immediately, and put them up until such time as they can get going and get a purchase on their future.’””
Excellent! It could be set in a takeaway with Edith dressed in a burka, Yvette being stoned to death and Lieutenant Gruber being thrown off the church steeple. Not forgetting, of course, the cartoon of the fallen Mohammed with the big bombs.
What a relief, the world has been saved thanks to COP21 in Paris:
Or is it just the end of the latest, pointless, groupthink exercise?
Well done the BBC, it couldn’t have happened without your objective and critical analysis of the complex issues surrounding global warming.
I briefly watched the hall full of people clapping and several unknown politicians applauding Banky Moon and saw another BBC headline about joy in response to the agreement, whatever it is. Are the big guys coming for a photo op – Obama, Putin and Merkel?
Just think. How many palaces, luxury planes and yachts we will be funding for the “developing” country leaders and their minions. Mugabe to the power 10000000…..
The only thing that the Paris CoP achieved was the only thing it set out to do: to pull off a global heist that makes the Hatton Garden job look like a minor shoplifting offence in comparison. This was politically mandated criminality on a truly global scale – a huge wealth redistribution scam forced through by liberal fascists hiding behind the extremely thin veil of non-existent ‘catastrophic anthropogenic global warming’ (aka ‘climate change’).
This was a theft from the worlds most successful nations to the world’s less successful nations, organised and lobbied for by largely unelected officials and bottom-feeding NGOs such as Greenpeace, WWF, Oxfam and Friends of the Earth – all of whom stand to improve their annual cash flow from both the UN and EU as a direct result. In short, Paris CoP 2015 was a major crime scene.
The next few years will be make-or-break for the entire CAGW ponzi scheme as the IPCC struggles year-on-year in the face of inconvenient reality to make its climate catastrophism narrative play – so Paris represented a final chance for socialist collectivists who are determined to sabotage successful fossil fuel based economies and circumvent democracy in their struggle to establish a basis for a borderless socialist world government – something which has always been the ultimate aim of the entire UN-driven climate change agenda.
The BBC are cock-a-hoop. For now. But reality, thankfully, has a very nasty and unavoidable sting in the tail. Let the liberals gleefully shove it in our faces for now. Time is certainly running out for them and their massive deception. 18 years, according to satellite data, without any significant warming in global temperatures.
A minor correction to your wise words if I may and one for which I cannot take the credit. The wealth redistribution you highlight correctly as the real objective of these criminals has been described as,’Money from the poor in rich nations being given to the rich in poor nations’.
Petra Kelly and the East German Stasi plants have grown into bloom.
And have done since 1989.
There was an Alliance between the Greens in Germany and the Socialists-a Red Green Axis…one that only found its mouth when the Soviets no longer were destroying the environment-until they collapsed, the Greens were fully onside with “development”-as long as the Soviets were doing all of that. The West were loathed-much like now.
The Stasi and the Communists from the east quietly dropped the Marx and Engels-and discovered Bookchin, Naess and Sarah Oarkins Green here in the UK-and the EU prodided all requiredcover and funding for a Common European Home.
In short-what the Communists couldn`t get with their arms and docile manpower in uniform…they got with the likes of Kent, Ashton and Bahro…and the Greens were hollowed out and given the pink pass for “sustainable socialismus”-pastel shaded deceits and covert subversions.
So when we looked for the Commie quislings-they`d all moved on up to-well the likes of Merkel, Barrossa, Mandelson for example?
They`ve never given up on Marx-what is to be done and all that?…codespeak you`ll head openly on the BBC nowadays, now McDonnell has reminded us of the power of Marxist dialectics.
This story needs to be written-the Communists and Greens are the same source of tomorrows totalitarianism, albeit in pastel shades and therapeutic, voluntary re-educational opportunities for those yet to engage with the New Realities of Islam and Atheism under the Gods of pan and Thanatos etc.
Take solace from the fact that you are now in a very niche little group. There are now no more sovereign countries in your corner, or research institutes or any other authority on the subject. So it’s just you, your favourite crank websites, Christian fundamentalists and ISIS. How does it feel to be on the wrong side of science and the wrong side of history?
I used to live in Wood Green, so was aware of some of the “issues” re gangland and Turkish Muslim gangs way back-mind you, the Haringey PC lobby rather believed in Shoesmith and Bernie Grant in their phases of influence…so thought I`d look up this story that breezed through the BBC News at 1pm yesterday-and so will now be resting up in the Cotswolds for the weekend, while they check the Aga and tweet Richard Coles and Seamus Milne.
Simply charming-and no doubt,any shootings of gangland thugs will be fed to the Al-Duggani clan to relight the fires that are so loved at the BBC…and are COP21 compliant too, Insh`Allah!
Apparently, George Galloway has not been fooled by the Paris Climate scam.
He has invited Piers Corbyn to speak on RT at 11.30pm, “Sputnik with George Galloway”, Freeview Channel 135.
When it comes to Climate Change, it does seem to be the Corbynites versus the Pro-EU Pro-BBC Blairite traitors. While we UKIPers are up against the Pro-EU ClosetPro-BBC Cameronite traitors.
So lets get this straight: according to the BBC
Islamic Terrorism – nothing to see there, no no-go areas, Sharia is fine, its all under control.
UK politics: labour says, labour thinks, labour will do…
US politics: Hilary is great. She has the perfect credentials to be the next President: a vagina. Meanwhile Stupid Trump: Ban the bastard. And tomorrow we’ll get round to burning the books – live on Question Time?.
Climate change: a meeting was held, papers were signed, everyone agreed to meet again soon….the world is safe again. Hooray.
So, dear, lets get the hot chocolate, go to bed and fall asleep to the sound of Sailing By.
Vote to leave, if you don’t like what’s on the table. Don’t believe everything you read in the papers, as well as the BBC. If I don’t like the deal, I will do too.Simples.
But you are missing the point Essexman, your hero’s negotiations are a scam because he has already said ‘he will campaign with all his heart and soul for Britain to stay in the EU when a referendum is held’.
What sort of negotiations is that?
Neville Chamberlain waving a piece of paper anyone ?
UNBELIEVABLE – BBC where are you with this breaking news?
In front of Queen of Netherlands -Muslim Orchestra Conductor (MUSLIM) decides to lecture about Islam – Whole Orchestra gets up and walks off stage – Muslim Conductor escorted off stage and out of building!
“… we are not fully clear of all the details because of the lack of English language news reports. According to an April 30, 2013, article by BBC, this may not have occurred recently…”
Seems like a significant lack of clarity and a lot of ‘may not’ involved, with the BBC at the core, here at least.
I never heard of it, so that would seem about right.
Can I be the gadfly here?
He calls himself Issa Mesih( Jesus the Messiah in Arabic, I`m guessing)…and he`ll be a Kurd or Yemeni.
If he had actually conducted a Western Orchestra( I`m guessing that he must have just done so, or was about to-so he must be worth the following by his musicians)-then he`s already a brave man. Cultured and courageous to run with a death sentence like that, and especially conducting the White Kuffars Master Compositions at the very Temple of European Enlightenment-the Amsterdam Concertgebouw.
Looks like Borat-but a braver man to have come so far.
And-in a room where Jesus Christ would not matter a jot to most of the liberal gilded truffles sitting there to be entertained by an exotic Barenboim cloned notion like Mesih-it was brave of him to “go inappropriate” and fart at the canape table.
For he names Jesus-and is not ashamed of that( and to be proud of Him is biblically required of us as Christians).
I do wonder if a Geert Wilders could have argued him into the Christian faith…for Muslims image of Jesus is thick, distorted perverted and wrong-but its STILL an improvement on that of our society-as we`re seeing all the time at the BBC and in our “Xmas Culcha” we`re wading through at the moment.
To march him out, ostracise him is a big error-he needs argument and reason-but he`s far more scripturally coherent than his reflex critics.
He`s in more danger from IS than most of us-and his faith has saved him, I would suggest.
Wonder how we got to see this after 4 years or so-it matters I`d say…and if a Christian doesn`t have answers for Issa Mesih( and f*** knows the lefty atheists and media liberals have none)…then we`d better get used to him before the blackshrts come for him and then for us.
One final point-his message was far less offensive to me than was that bint Canadian lesbian who was proselytising for more EU, more state funding and more immigrants whilst waving her fairy wand at the Last Night Of The Proms. Issas` call was more in Gods will than hers…
(Hebreeen 13.2)
Someone commented on the inferiority of Citizen Khan to Fawlty Towers. I wonder if a combination of the two would work?
Let’s call it Al-Fawalti Minarets.
Episode 1: Bashir Al-Fawalti runs a shabby but pretentious hotel in Tower Hamlets. His social aspirations rest upon a gourmet night to celebrate the post-Ramadan feast of Eid-al-Fitr. When the chef wrecks it all by getting drunk, Bashir administers fifty lashes with a tree branch for indulging in haram substances.
Episode 2: Bashir’s shrill shrew of a wife Fatima is wailing that Bashir forgot their anniversary. Actually, absent-minded Bashir mistakenly congratulated his other shrill wife Ayesha. But Fatima still won’t stop shrieking, so Bashir sews her into her burka for the day and duct-tapes her mouth.
In a rather strange piece the Daily Mail have changed their minds about Islamic terror and decided that it’s a good thing for the UK to experience! To my mind there’s some Sunni Muslim Oil money being waved under their noses, because they apparently had 6 positive stories about Saudi on their headlines.
Of course the BBC hasn’t been slow to pick up on this, and in Radio 4’s newspaper review the editor of the Radio Times was positively breathless, gushing over what a wonderful human being Shaker Aamer is, with no mention of his terror connections, and presumably again believing that Jihadi terror will be an enriching experience. Providing of course that it doesn’t happen to them or theirs !
On this morning’s bBBC1 Marr Show, hosted by Emily Maitlis, they were falling over themselves in orgasmic delight at the mention of Shaker Aamer’s name, and interviewed gave a platform to Alex Salmond to say what a great chap he is.
If the Mail continues with its sudden but noticeable increase in the distortion of public opinion, just like many other media outlets, and the pursuit of anti-government lines – as per the ‘bullying’ non-story – does this mean an imminent change of political bias? And if the realignment is established, what will the BBC deride?
I think it was pretty obvious that by chance there just happened to be a large number of Corebin supporters in the audience if you watched it. Including one woman with appeared to be infatuated with him.
Everyone agreed to meet in Paris to solve the dangers of fairies and unicorns. This meeting, set up to address the threats posed by fairies and unicorns, was called the Conference of the Parties (CoP). The CoP – comprised of representatives from all the world’s various governments (and many unelected representatives from self-interested charities) – has been meeting for 25 years now, on and off, each time to discuss the threats posed by fairies and unicorns. In almost 30 years of extremely well funded research, a scientific consensus that fairies and unicorns do exist and are actually potentially catastrophically dangerous to mankind has emerged. Unfortunately, nobody yet has ever seen or has ever been able to scientifically identify any fairy or unicorn anywhere in the world.
After two weeks of talking about the dangers that fairies and unicorns pose – even though, to date, there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that faeries and unicorns have ever directly or indirectly caused anyone any harm at all – all the delegates to the meeting agreed that the dangers posed by still imaginary fairies and unicorns is real and that urgent action is needed to deal with the threat, should these imaginary faeries and unicorns ever actually appear and start making trouble.
All the delegates at the Paris CoP decided that the best way to fight fairies and unicorns would be to tax the world’s population to try and make it so that the danger of faeries and unicorns ever appearing and threatening anyone, especially smaller, poorer nations, is averted, or at the very least mitigated. The CoP agreed, therefore, that it would collect $100billion every year from now on – mostly from the world’s richer nations who are, after some discussion, believed to be the most responsible for encouraging the likelihood of an attack by fairies and unicorns.
The $100billion that the CoP has voted for itself to receive every year will come from taxpayers living and working in the world’s richest nations (but not all of them, especially not those in Asia and the Middle East who are, CoP says, not as responsible for making fairies and unicorns a real threat to humanity as are countries in western Europe and North America) – this will be money collected mostly from ordinary people who are just trying to earn a living, feed their families , etc, and most of whom would have had no idea whether fairies and unicorns even existed or not, had the Media Party, who are very firm believers in both fairies and unicorns, not told them. Every day, in every way.
Poorer nations, who the CoP think are probably more vulnerable to fairy and unicorn attack than richer nations, will get the majority of the $100billion collected every year. They will be asked to use the money to protect themselves from anticipated fairy and unicorn attacks – although nobody is yet sure how best this could be done.
To date, nobody has ever proved the existence in any scientific paper, anywhere, ever, of either fairies or unicorns.
Great post ObiWan. The unequivocal evidence for fairies and unicorns in a nutshell:
The planet remained stable and ‘cool’ for as long as we are able to say. Then towards the end of the nineteenth century we started digging up coal and setting fire to it. This was very bad. The perfectly stable planet has suddenly erupted into a massive furnace and we’re all going to die by next Thursday unless we abandon business (and common sense) and take up lentil knitting. Or something. Al Gore coined the expression “inconvenient truth” but I’ll reappropriate it here and associate it with actual truth. Neither the stable temperature before 1900 or the rapid temperature rise post 1900 happened. It is a complete, fraudulent fabrication. In every model produced by the IPCC they obfuscate the Medieval Warm period (about 1000 years ago), erasing it from history, and hide the Little Ice Age (about 400 years ago) to produce a flat line. They postulate this flat line by looking at some unrepresentative tree rings. Unfortunately, these tree rings don’t support the postulation that the temperature is now rising post 1900 so for this they use, oh look, a thermometer. Inconveniently though, the temperature stopped going up around 20 years ago so, well, you know, just leave those off. Now draw a graph of the imminent apocalypse and get your chequebooks out industrialised countries so that we can tax the poor people in the places where we actually contribute something to the world in order to finance some private jets and a fleet of Hummers for extraordinarily wealthy despots in very poor parts of the world where they contribute F.A. to humanity. Welcome to insanity.
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
company Christmas party?
winterval surely !!! tut, tut.
Erwin Amoyaw-Gyamfi, 29, and Erun Izzet, 32, sometimes I wish the BBC would abandon its political correctness, and stop pretending where these arms dealers actually originate from.
My guess is Turkey, but they might be Syrian, or Kurdish or anywhere else. I don’t want to have to go fishing around the net to find out !
Correct, Turkey.
Here’s one in the you can’t make it up category.
1630 R4 feedback. Priority given to a ‘random’ woman ringing in with her ‘feedback’ that the bbc have not sufficiently limked the storm desmond and lake district floods with global warning!!!!!!!
This was followed by another woman complaining of insufficient coverage of the Paris climate change conference.
To refute this accusation who should they turn to but……..Roger Harrabin!!!
See. I told you you couldnt make it up.
Did they say why they were broadcasting the Now Show two hours early? Still, it sounds like it was genuine satire for a change.
That should be because the UN’s own scientists say there is no provable link:
“In summary, there continues to be a lack of evidence and thus low confidence regarding the sign of trend in the magnitude and/or frequency of floods on a global scale”
But you will never hear that repeated on the BBC. In fact, you’ll hear the opposite; a load of climate bollox spouted by the usual proxy eco-nutter – quite likely a celeb – having nothing whatsoever to do with science, and never, ever challenged.
Weatheractions “Mini Ice Age” trends in weather make sense.
Cooling temperatures mean that the Atmosphere is less able to support the level of water vapour, so it gets less and less with cooling, which means it falls out of the sky in the form of MORE rain than usual, especially if you have an unusually powerful jet stream, delivering warm air, to contrast with cool air. All caused by lots of solar wind activity after some big earth facing coronal holes on the face of the Sun. As well as the front, back and sides position of the Moon when the solar wind arrives.
Isn’t it curious how it’s always the eco-nutters and Lefties who manage to get through on these phone-ins?
In a piece today on the BBC News TV channel about certain schools indoctrinating kids there was a short sentence which may have gone unnoticed…”many Jewish schools” we were told are also exclusionary. My complaint? nowhere were the schools subject of the item referred to as “Muslim schools.” Deliberate? Or more likely no one even noticed the inherent bias.
The BBC just had to get in about the yeshivas just to show that it wasn’t just the Muslim schools that were being got at and yes any mention of Islam was kept to a minimum.
I think I saw a report on that on London local news last week. That was on the net. As Questionable time followers will know my ariel has had enough of BBc and given up. So that’s obviously been swirling around for a while.
Questionable Time? That’s a really apt title for that show.
TrueToo It’s because I always question the time I wasted watching it. It’s only because of the live chat about it on here that actually makes me watch it.
TrueToo It’s because I always question the time I wasted watching it.
I probably waste more time because I don’t live in the UK and therefore cannot access Questionable Time via the BBC and have to keep on checking to see whether some kind soul has put it up on YouTube. That takes time because sometimes it’s uploaded with the date prominent and sometimes with one or more of the panellists or the venue prominent.
It’s worth it on those rare occasions when the show is not seriously biased.
Think you`ll find that the schools that bothered OFSTED were guilty of teaching a “narrow Islamic curriculum”.
See?…that`s because there were, of course fears over Orthodox Jewish schools.
Reads across fine to me-only Tory scum and Islamophobes would not join those two dots together.
Is being a BBC news analyst a medical condition yet?…really ought to be seeing as it`s brain twisting delusional droolings…sectioning has been perped on people for less.
As for fear of Global Warming-why that`s as sane as being worried about Islam.
DSM number 666….
‘Have I Got News For You’ tonight. With Kirsty Wawk or whatever her name is.
Everyone stuck the boot into Trump for five minutes. And no laughs. The level of humour was such as comparing ‘coming over here’ with ‘combing over here’….geddit? No suggestion that millions agree with him and that he could be the next President of the USA. Oh, and Katie Hopkins was stabbed for supporting Trump.
Biased and worse still, not funny.
I think James Cagney knew how to teat feminists like Kirsty Wark.
Kirsty Wark best mate of Gordon Brown
I now listen to a lot of Classic F.M. which is a bit of a surprise to myself, as, despite being in my 60’s, I’m still a committed Heavy Metal fan. The reason I listen to Classic FM is because of the BBC. The BBC radio programmes annoy me and the one and only time I gave Radio 4 a chance for the day, by 19.15, I was suicidal. Quite recently the news on Classic FM changed in tone, that being when it changed from “Sky” to “Global News”. The tone changed from a fair report to one of rabid lefty. I then found myself and still doing so, shouting at the radio as I did when listening to any of the BBC radio output. By chance, when looking at a F.O.I. request concerning rainfall data collection, Global News came up in one of the F.O.I. replies and it stated that “Global News” was in fact a subsidiary of the BBC broadcasting arm, that being, I guess, BBC Global News Limited. Please correct me if I’m wrong. But the dead give away that in all probability it is the BBC, is that nearly all their bulletins on Classic FM start with “Labour says” and never do I hear any thing good about the Conservative Party, UKIP, Republicans etc. The music is very good on Classic with a whole mix of genres but the news bulletins, well, oh dear, another “Lefty Love Fest” and probably by courtesy of “Your BBC”. If anyone knows differently……
I recently commented on disqus that Classic FM news headlines seem to be written by an intern who is desperate for a job at the BBC. This post more than confirms my observations.
Like Old Bloke, I’m a refugee from Radio 4 (and 3) and though I find Classic FM frequently toe-curling in its sheer banality (could its presenters sound less patronising and insincere if they tried?) at least it’s preferable to the endless procession of cultural Marxism that is the alternative.
Except, as the previous two posters say, for when it comes to news time, when the Guardian readers at ‘Global News’ start up. Suddenly, it’s like being back on radio 4 again.
Global News , is from Global Radio , owners of many radio stations including , Capital , Classic , Gold & LBC. The news is, actually supplied by Sky News , on behalf of IRN ,which is owned by the radio groups. Some local content is inserted by the stations themselves , or different news stories to suit the particular audience for that station. I do find LBC news & Gold , a lot different than the BBC output however , less bias I would say.
Like so much on the airways it’s a choice of evils. As you say, it is mostly banal yet presented as though each carefully selected gem is an education in itself and a privilege for listeners to hear. In reality, although Classic FM provides wallpaper background while driving, I think of it as Radio Trite.
Radio Trite – I like that! As opposed to Radio 5 – aka ‘Radio Bloke’.
I don’t agree with Essexman about the comparative lack of bias – but then, if it is sourced from Sky, it wouldn’t be. Sky News is as bad as the BBC and I’m surprised Murdoch tolerates it.
I meant ‘more insincere’ not less in the above (more haste, less speed…)
Just booted Global News off and left it off as it wheeled out renowned environmental icon John Prescott to offer his wisdom.
This John Prescott:
Why dont you give LBC a go?
The presenters are totally unprofessional (Shelagh Fogerty ex Beeboid apart) and at least do not attempt to disguise their biases (and they do vary).
All Donald Trump did was to state what is already in the USA Law book. President Carter used it to keep out anyone from Iran when the USA were having issues with them. Carter banned them from entering the USA. The difference here is that Carter was a Democrat (a fuzzy felt folder, tree hugging, wouldn’t hurt a lamb lefty) and O.K. to ban anyone (please sign this petition) whereas Trump is a Republican, who, if he became President, swears an oath to protect his people first, which can include a banning order by law on who is deemed to be a threat to the USA, but because he is a Republican, it is not O.K. Then there is Obama.
David Vance on 5Live at the moment. Tells Nolan “Trump has told the truth and been castigated by hypocrites.” Get in!
“Islam is in perpetual civil war with itself.” Go David!
I have been waiting for a single Muslim to ring in and say Trump should not be banned. I suspect a high proportion of the petition signers are themselves Muslims. The Mosques are probably encouraging it.
“Can I add your name to the petition brother?”
“And the wives too?”
Yes of course.
But they would have to get two of their wives for one signature since a woman is worth half a man in Islam.
Nolan, Trump, Islam and David Vance last night. Listen from 11 mins in:
That Nolan has no more than two or three brain cells to rub together, stuck in the standard lefty PeeCee.
I note the deference with which he treated the Muslim caller, remaining silent even during the long pauses and encouraging him to continue with repetitive questions – in contrast to his brusque attitude to David Vance.
I rushed to judgement re Nolan. He appeared to treat David more fairly as the programme went on. He also spoke a bit sharply to the Muslim woman when she asked that ridiculous question of David re all Muslims being terrorists.
But unfortunately he’s stuck in the BBC hive mind. He was genuinely amazed by the accusation from the other David that the BBC was engaged in a campaign against Donald Trump. If he can’t see that, then he knows nothing about the organisation he works for.
Interesting how the filter on phone in callers operated.
Mohammed is a Muslim who is also other faiths. Best not mention that if some cheery chaps pop around and ask who is who before slotting those who come up with wrong answers.
And those long silences on a long ramble were weird.
‘He shouldn’t be a Presidential candidate’. Well, that’s rather down to the US voting public surely? Not Mohammed and Mr. Nolan and the careful-saying, calm Mr. Stern (who kicked off getting his facts on terrorist gender wrong, and was protected in doing so) who waffled into idiocy.
A shame the fact the BBC cherry-picked the aspect to get outraged about was not pursued in more depth, a bit like the Hopkins interview.
Noted Nolan ignored the Carter point totally to redirect (which he did every time logic looked like hurting the narrative) to a favoured straw man argument of those who control the invitation list and the edit suites and broadcast transmitters.
Shrieking ‘I come on this station time and time again’ Zarina asked a question of David, only to then answer it for him. And Dignified Nolan then weighs in to ‘help’ by interrupting at every turn and acted as her interference to suppress David.
Almost like she and her good mate Nolan had a chat prior.
I thought a woman was only worth a 3rd of a man to the cult.
Good for David. Nolan appears to have cut him off. This just shows that when a leftist is cornered and lost for an answer he cuts the threat off.
I listened and agree. Notice how much airtime he gave to ‘Mohammed’ who called in? Long pauses, no interruptions and allowed to repeat himself to get his narrative across. DV was treated in the same dismissive way as Farage and Katie Hopkins.
The bias was painfully obvious. Again.
Tried to get the longest published version … it may get chopped around, by BBC twistmeisters
She understands only too well, the road this absurd type of hysterical narrative is leading to,
and those making purchase with it.
Most of the time she s just playing the outspoken for the media
… here its serious.
UK: Ban Trump petition hits 400,000, but jihad hate preachers are still admitted
… has his US poll lead increased?
One for the BBC, for LBC, for the “right on” lame brained Twitterfarties
Trump will not be banned however many Muslims and Globalists call for his banning, because he may become the next US president.
How the Beeboids will hurl their dummies should that happen!
Donald Trump reminds me of Newt Gingrich, who competed for the Republican presidential nomination against the Obama camp.
He had two obstacles to overcome:
One, image is vital for a president and I imagine that the Republicans just couldn’t envision a man with a name like Newt Gingrich in the top job. It really doesn’t have a presidential ring to it.
Two, he told the truth about the Palestinians, describing them as “an invented people,” and that is so politically incorrect it would destroy anyone’s chances of success in the race.
Donald Trump? Well, the name is average and he is way too honest for a politician but perhaps America is ready for his tough, no-nonsense approach.
I note with amusement how the BBC et al can’t wait to run the latest story of condemnation of Trump for saying that the UK has a Muslims problem. The next story is of how many Muslims faith ‘schools’ in the UK are unregistered and teaching an abhorrent mix of misogyny, homophobia and anti semitism and radicalising children. But of course we don’t have a problem with Islam. Presumably these schools are nothing to do with Islam.
The Left hate truth because it is a constant threat to their worldview.
And, more importantly, their income streams (AGW, ‘Research’ grants, Fake charities, etc).
Just caught this one on repeat … “Police Terror Tactics Are ‘Radicalising’ Muslims”,
Sooooo … the other option? – he doesn t say of course
He could always whisk, D “nothing to do with Islam” Camoron in, maybe he could be of assistance?
Former Home Office terrorism adviser Jahan Mahmood resigned from his government job in a disagreement over the country’s counter terrorism strategy
… once again, at every level … infiltration
Another prime example
Home Affairs Select Committee – countering extremism – . K Vaz with MCB, CAGE and various apologists
“So let’s get this straight.
According to Jahan Mahmood, there are loyal, law-abiding Muslim citizens of the United Kingdom who hate jihad terror as a twisting and hijacking of their peaceful faith.
Some of these people are being arrested on “really very flimsy evidence, only to be later released.”
… That so enrages them, and those around them, that they end up embracing the jihad terror that they had rejected until they were falsely accused of participating in it.?
… Very well.
I am writing this on an airplane, hurtling through the air and using the airplane wi-fi.
I got to the airport early this morning, because I suspected that I would be subjected to special scrutiny and long delays — and I was right.
It happens every time I fly now, and has happened for months.
No one I have asked about this in the TSA and FBI have told me anything, but since it happens every time I strongly suspect I am on some “right-wing extremist” list.
This is absurd and annoying, but … there is NO CHANCE that it will “radicalize” me and make me turn to violence.
Why?, is it so blandly taken for granted that resistance to jihad will “radicalize” Muslims who otherwise abhor jihad violence?”
Robert Spencer
Succinct, and precise summation … that wanting “jihad”, wanting mass murder, or extreme violence has to come from somewhere?
Where from? … any ideas
Ken Bruce this morning played a remake of the 1963 lesley Gore song ‘You don’t own me. Lyrics below.
Perhaps the BBC could have this as signature tune every time they show a Muslim woman in a Burka or a woman following her man, or even during one of those segregated debates at Universities and Oldham labour party meetings.
You don’t own me
I’m not just one of your many toys
You don’t own me
Don’t say I can’t go with other boys
And don’t tell me what to do
Don’t tell me what to say
And please, when I go out with you
Don’t put me on display ’cause
I don’t tell you what to say
I don’t tell you what to do
So just let me be myself
That’s all I ask of you
I’m young and I love to be young
I’m free and I love to be free
To live my life the way I want
To say and do whatever I please
I don’t tell you what to say
Oh, don’t tell you what to do
So just let me be myself.
I think this is what is meant by the word ‘Schadenfreude’; gotta love it when the Progressives pets turn on them.
couldn’t find a better example of richly-deserved karma coming back to hit someone in the face. She made doubly sure that the 911 operator had absorbed the info that the attackers were three black thugs, thereby going against her cherished beliefs in racially profiling them.
Wouldn’t it be great if she were the judge when they face trial.
Well, I suppose as the victim of their crime she would have to recuse herself, and anyway she’s a federal judge and I imagine a lower court would handle the case.
She should be forced to judge them. Then it might finally dawn on her and her ilk that there is nothing wrong with racial profiling when one race is committing most of the crime and it’s the height of ‘liberal’ ideological stupidity to pretend it isn’t happening and tie the hands of the police.
The problem is there will be another liberal ready to give them another chance and insist that they are just misunderstood. There are proportionately more blacks in prison because they commit the crime yet the liberals keep on insisting that it is racial profiling by the police. There are proportionately more blacks sectioned under the Mental Health Act because they have serious problems not because they are racially targeted. I used to be a liberal until I had to live amongst these people. I can’t afford the white flight and even that is described by liberals as racism because we don’t want to live with them! My advice to these liberals is live for a year in the same streets and then revisit your beliefs.
Hear, hear.
The political correctness in South Africa as Apartheid was dismantled rivalled that of today’s UK. Then, a witness to a crime committed by blacks would not report the race of the perpetrators and even if it was reported, the media and police would not release the information, effectively making it more difficult if not impossible to apprehend the suspects.
(But of course, in the relatively rare occasions when the perpetrators were white their skin colour was shouted from the rooftops.)
I imagine the same thing applies today with the Rainbow Nation already 25 years old.
As always, the left operates to make life more difficult for ordinary people and easier for the criminals.
Can the BBC tell me of just one black governed country that is not corrupt.
There isn’t one, nor will there ever be.
The benefits of EU migration ………………
The perpetrators will spend time in one of Britain’s ‘four star’ hotels when convicted and sentenced .
Time to get out of the bloated , bureaucratic and ‘manufactured EU state’ . Wake up Great Britain.
Actually not EU migration (yet), as they are Turks.
The majority of “migration” is non EU, which the government could actually do something about, but instead decides not to (which it had pledged to do) showing utter contempt for the public.
Interesting on this article that the Beeb chose to list all the fatal police shootings of the last five years (actually a very small list) – look at the nasty police shooting all these innocent people.
Anyone see on yesterdays BBC news website that Banksy has been to the Jungle to cheer up the oppressed Asylem Seekers.
He created a number of his artworks for them. The best one I thought was a sinking raft filled with desperate Asylem Seekers trying to get help from a luxury yacht in the distance.
I love Banksy hes so “on it” so “edgy” – yeah and I love the way he keeps his identity secret cos we all know he really lives in a squat in Bristol with his comrades and homeless asylum seekers and not in a large detached house somewhere.
I reckon if we knew where he lived he would be too busy signing autographs from me and my mates and probably wouldnt have the time he needs to read Marxs and Engels and plan his next creative piece of vandalism (sorry I meant to say art).
ps I wander if Saint Bob is on the luxury yacht hosting a celebrity party to raise money for a publicity campaign to raise the profile of Saint Bob – sorry I meant to say to raise money for a publicity campaign to raise the awareness of the plight of asylem seelers!
pps I cant show you the link cos I dont know how to do it and my wife wont show me !!!
COP21 – they think it’s all over, and done and dusted. At least, Harrabin thinks so, with his suitably humbled, pious delivery from Paris, this morning. “We have won”, or words to that effect. Champers, back slapping, and little (or large) brown envelopes all round, and possible promotion to “extra-special climate correspondent” for Roger.
What a creep.
Secretly, Harrabin and the rest of the global warming bandwagon don’t want a binding deal that actually reduces CO2 emissions in a verifiable manner. If that did happen, they all lose their raison d’etre. To coin an old phrase, they have a vested interest in ‘maintaining the problem’.
Watch them all, the tens of thousands of the parasites, convene again in 5 years to gorge themselves on our money.
What a sorry state of affairs we have come to when the BBC and associated left wing press are more outraged by Donald Trump than they are at the Islamic terrorists.
Carter is more racist than Trump because he wanted to ban a race (the Persians) or at least a nationality. Trump only wants to ban a religion which is neither a race nor a nationality.
Last night BBC London news made a report on the latest victim of white working class man. The London cabby. The powers that be are proposing to abolish “The Knowledge” or otherwise known as exams, therefore allowing anyone who can drive to become a black cab driver. Some existing drivers along with the odd member of the public argued that it will mean a worse service meaning cab drivers will no doubt get lost. But the real reason which the BBC of course suppressed is the urge to ethnically diversify the London Cabby. I wonder how many cab drivers said this that were interviewed ?.
Clearly the ‘powers that be’ have never ridden in a Yellow cab driven by immigrants in New York ! My one experience (and first time in New York) saw me directing the Indian driver via my map to Tiffanys !!!!
Of course that is why they want to do away with the knowledge.
They hate cabbies mostly from traditional Cockney working class backgrounds, anti mass immigration , nationalist, cynical, conservative in outlook and mainly older too – precisely the people beeboids want to see dead!
Pie in the sky
In response to Donald Trump’s statements in the US and – more importantly – the emergence of a British commentator willing to stick her neck out and applaud his bravery in speaking out so as to voice otherwise silenced popular concerns – if not to fully endorse his putative plan of action – our BBC has swung into their habitual form of action
The evident intetion of the BBC – as exemplified by Andrew Neil’s recent attempted destructive cross-examinition of Katie Hopkins – is to attempt to undermine any case for controlling immigration ( in particular muslim immigration) with an appeal to facts and statistics.
The Newsbeat report aimed at children and young people is intended to give some selected statistics to back up the pro-muslim case in this debate. I put it that way because it would be completely out of character and habit for the BBC to give any support for the opposite tendency.
Well let’s have a look at the pie charts.
1. Muslim v Non-Muslim population 4.8% : 95.2% (Source UK Census – ie 2011 figures)
In fact, given the patchy nature of the modern Census, with the inevitable tendency for illegals and over-stayers to avoid being recorded, I was surprised by the high figure for muslims presented here – this close to 5% figure is now almost five years old. Five years of uncontrolled massive net immigration and rapidly rising birthrates. Any guesses for 2016? 10% 12% and fast rising?
2. Percentage of Muslims living in the UK who were born here – 47% “British” to 53% “Non-British”
And indentifying as “British” we wonder? In fact given that the real concern here is radicalisation and propensity for terrorism and that the profile of terrorists tends to be those raised in the west (with several cases of local converts) this statistic is pretty irrelevant.
3. Muslims within the prison population of England and Wales 13% muslim to 87% non.
Given the supposed near 5% of the population this would be quite an indictment of muslim lawlessness. In fact the 13% is more in line with my guestimate of the present muslim population. Terrorists – particularly those we manage to capture bearing in mind the propensity to self-destruct – are always going to be a very small element in the overall criminal population.
4. Arrests for Terror offences a/ overall number against ‘general arrests’ 0.03% against 99.97%
This is a pretty irrelevant number designed to encourage us not to worry about terror. But, think, how many thousands of Americans were arrested in 2001 against the tiny number of 9/11 bombers – who wouldn’t have been in the terror arrests figures in any case because they vapourised themselves along with their victims.
4.Arrests for Terror offences b/ 46% muslim 54% non-muslim.
Now at first glance this a perplexing figure. I note from this BBC report “Terrorism arrests at record level, figures show” (10th December 2015) in which we learn that 39% of those arrested did not face any charge. Are the Police using terror laws to arrest people for what are actually clearly not terror related reasons? This could artificially bump up the non-muslim figures. For further clarification it would be interesting to see what percentage relate to terror arrests in Ulster? My supposition would be these factors might mop up most of the non-muslim arrests. Alternatively are the BBC suggesting an as yet unpublicised large-scale terror insurgency that is neither muslim nor irish in origin?
I suspect that Al Beep did not anticipate a critical appraisal of these graphs by the target audience – children.
50% of British Muslims are under the age of 25, 33% are under 15. It is up by 75% on 2001 figures. Non-Muslim birth rate is far lower. The implications of this population time bomb are obvious. But this doesn’t tell the whole story. The UK’s Muslim population is distributed unevenly – mainly in England, mainly urban and mainly in a number of specific towns, cities and regions. The Muslim population of 70 council wards is over 40 per cent. In some areas it is difficult to find a non-Muslim. As described very eloquently by Dr Peter Hammond in his book about slavery, terrorism and Islam, it is about the percentage of Muslims in a particular population that influences the group behaviour in society. Less than 2%, generally peaceful and law abiding, 5% dangerous. Look at for a comprehensive analysis – this should be on the national curriculum.
The over represented Muslim prison population statistic tells its own story without the need for any further analysis, as does the rate of arrests for terror offences. The proportion of arrests for terrorism offences compared to non-terrorism related offences is meaningless.
An article in the Guardian, of all places, says that some of them are actively trying to get sent to prison so that they can radicalise other prisoners:
Gambia declared Islamic republic by President Yahya Jammeh.
Some 90% of Gambians are Muslim. The former British colony’s economy relies heavily on tourism. – Well, he can probably wave goodbye to that one. Tunisia anyone?
Mr Jammeh has been president of the tiny West African country for 21 years. – Hymmm, not a democracy then?
In 2007, he claimed to have found a herbal cure for Aids. – Enough said. Another muslim despot fruitcake.
And the next one please.
On the last open thread I highlighted the appalling bias the BBC has demonstrated against Tyson Fury and Donald Trump – not that the esteemed contributors to this site needed it pointing out.
Well here is first hand evidence on Five Live’s “Afternoon Edition”.
Listen (from 30:15) to the holier-than-thou, self-satisfied smugness with which they refer to Trump and Mail columnist Katie Hopkins.
And then (from 35:15) to the “in fairness she’s not alone there” quirky quip.
What the fuck ever happened to impartiality and balance?
The presenters are Sarah Brett and Dan Walker. Two more to add to the ever increasing pile of traitorous fifth columnists.
I listened. It was mercifully short. Just a few seconds to prove that they are blinkered lefties with an adolescent view of the Muslim invasion and an insulting attitude to anyone who warns of the dangers of it.
Dunno how many of my esteemed colleagues here are aware of the excellent Intelligence Squared debates in the US and the UK on a variety of topical subjects. The US version has a panel of two sides for or against a given motion, a moderator who generally succeeds in maintaining scrupulous impartiality as he controls and directs the debate and, unlike Question Time, unknown questions randomly chosen from the audience. It also has a vote from the audience, both before and after the debate.
The UK version does not adhere strictly to that format. The recent debate chaired by Jonathan Freedland on migration had no audience vote, did not have a panel split into two opposing sides and Freedland had a hard time hiding his bias, which, as a Guardian editor, is evidently of the lefty, PeeCee variety.
Here’s the panel:
Paddy Ashdown: Capable of coming up with one or two reasonable ideas on occasion, but otherwise thoroughly pickled in lefty PeeCee idiocy
Pia Oberoi: A UN human rights person, quite calm and polite but obviously firmly on the left of the political spectrum
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg: A genuine bleeding heart so far to the left he’s practically falling over
Balázs Orbán: Apparently on the right and an adviser to the Hungarian government on migration.
Malcolm Rifkind: Conservative and eloquent
Given that Jonathan Freedland is on the left, this particular show was seriously unbalanced though it did seem that audience questions at least were unedited.
The Great European refugees and migrants debate is not directly connected to BBC bias, but Freedland made me think that your average BBC propagandist would have managed the debate in a similar way:
Naturally Freedland directs his first question of the panellists to Orban, though the latter was the third speaker, asking whether his advice is that the number of migrants accepted by Hungary should be “zero.” That’s at 16:25 minutes in.
And at 26:30 minutes in, he asks Orban, “Who does Hungary imagine will take in these refugees if Hungary won’t.” (Why would Freedland imagine that’s an appropriate question to put to Orban, rather than, for example, the terrorists ruling Saudi Arabia.)
Not content with Orban’s original response, Freedland pushes him till he says they should go to neighbouring countries. That radical idea appears to evoke a murmur of dissent from a small section of the audience.
At 41:30, Freedland becomes “provocative,” in his own words, by asking Orban if Hungary would accept Syrian refugees if they were Christians. Eventually Orban indicates that it would not make a difference. (Damn pity that he did not use the opportunity to say it’s an excellent idea and would be a moral solution since Christians are the most oppressed minority in the Middle East, victimised by the very Muslims the West is bending over backwards to assist.)
At 1:16:00 minutes in, he asks Orban about the “chilling” rise of people like Le Pen in Europe. When Orban indicates that xenophobia is on the decline in Hungary but on the rise in Germany and links that decline and rise to the respective governments’ stance on accepting refugees, Freedland, referring to the decline in Hungary at 1:17:15 minutes in, said, “Some might say that’s because they don’t need to have xenophobic popular movements because the government’s kind of got that covered,” to much amusement and appreciation from a large section of the audience.
It’s the old deceit, so beloved of the BBC: Express your own lefty opinion, but disguise it as the opinion of “some.”
Freedland did put a couple of questions to other members of the Panel, but demonstrated his bias and incompetence at chairing such a debate by almost exclusively pecking away at Orban.
Well, at least the audience had a bit more freedom to express an opinion without mockery from the chair. Here’s the first question, at 45:40 minutes in:
“Lord Ashdown and Rabbi Wittenberg have spoken cogently to an audience, each member of whom could afford 30 pounds to be here tonight. So how would you persuade people who have genuine concerns about undercut pay, squeezed services and overcrowded multilingual classrooms of the justice of accepting a large number of refugees.”
Well, precisely.
Here’s the panel:
Paddy Ashdown: Capable of coming up with one or two reasonable ideas on occasion, but otherwise thoroughly pickled in lefty PeeCee idiocy
Pia Oberoi: A UN human rights person, quite calm and polite but obviously firmly on the left of the political spectrum
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg: A genuine bleeding heart so far to the left he’s practically falling over
Balázs Orbán: Apparently on the right and an adviser to the Hungarian government on migration.
Malcolm Rifkind: Conservative and eloquent
Given that Jonathan Freedland is on the left, this particular show was seriously unbalanced though it did seem that audience questions at least were unedited
Even more imbalanced in terms of ethnicity too, not just left-right spectrum, ( especially given the topic!)
One ethnic Brit (Ashdown)
Three ethnic Jewish (if you include Freedland himself). 😮
One Asian
One Hungarian.
And of the three Jews only one (Rifkind) spoke sense.
Just had a looking at the BBC SPOTY website to update my log in, in preparation to vote for Tyson.
From that I learn that the panel who decide the finalists comprise the following
Barbara Slater (BBC)
Jermaine Jenas (BBC)
Philip Bernie (BBC)
Carl Doran (BBC)
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson
Maggie Alphonsi (womans rugby player – WTF?)
Hazel Irvine (BBC – WTF?)
Baroness Sue Campbell
Dame Mary Peters
Ian Prior (The Guardian)
Cliff Hayes (The Sun)
Tim Hallissey (The Times)
So plenty of feminisation and diversity there, Dame Mary and Jenas being the only two who have done ‘proper’ sport. We also learn that The award goes to the sportsperson whose actions have most captured the public’s imagination during the given year’ beats me then how Ryan Giggs won in 2009….
Presented by Gary Lineker and Claire Balding (yawn) it kicks off on Dec 20th with Ella Henderson and Sigma opening the show (who they?) has it morphed into the X-Factor? ‘Arry Carpenter and ‘Enry Cooper must be spinning in their graves! Still they have to fill the time with something as they have so little sport to show these days..
I reckon Mo Farrah will still be on the nomination list until at least 2050 or at least until he wins…
Register to vote for Tyson here!
Clause 11 is also interesting, quote,
11. The BBC reserves the right to cancel or suspend voting at any time. In the event of any such cancellation or suspension, a technical failure or any other malfunction with the vote, the BBC reserves the right to arrange for the winner to be decided by a contingency arrangement from the votes cast by a pre-agreed contingency panel. This panel will be the same as one which devised the shortlist – see above for details.
If the vote is heading in a certain way, what’s the betting the program is hit by ‘technical’ problems ? If so the 12 listed are unlikely to vote for a certain individual….
It is vital, in the interests of free speech and democracy that, everybody votes Fury.
Never was it more important to show the fascist PC thought police what the silent majority really thinks.
That panel complies perfectly with BBC policy on subject matter experts. Look at the Science/Environment politburo, see how many science qualifications you can find.
BBC going bonkers because of Trump and Tyson Fury .
Half The Now Show was a diatribe against Donald Trump . It wasn’t funny , it was predictable , it was one sided and it was the liberal/lefts way of showing they are not free thinking liberals but more on the Marxist Stalinist left of what we are allowed to think and what we are not .
Just heard it – self-indulgent unfunny garbage, with demented shrieks of support from the audience.
I wish someone accused of “racism”would bring a court case for defamation. Just one test case could shut up a lot of the trash on the BBC.
Perhaps when someone actually produces a definition for this meaningless word then there would be a case for defamation, but as it is, the only realistic definition is someone who says something which offends a leftie !
“self-indulgent unfunny garbage”
That is all “Alternative Comedy” amounts to – middle class Leftist hatred and intolerance.
It’s as if they have a form of political Tourette’s syndrome. However much they attempt to conceal it, the bile always pops out. “Whoop….W*nkers! (c/o Pete, from Big Brother)
This week in the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– TV Licensing Pulls Plug on Dubious Prosecution: Another case where the evidence just didn’t stack up, but TV Licensing thought they’d chance their hand anyway (a very, very common occurrence, but sadly one many innocent people are unaware of): Read more here.
– TV Licence Evasion: A Few Notes on Liability: Here we detail some potential pitfalls a person might have if someone else is responsible for the TV licence: Read more here.
Many of us remember the Tet offensive in Vietnam in 1968. It took the US by complete surprise and led to the eventual leaving of Vietnam by them.
The tactics of the Vietcong were devasting. Erupt into cities and towns with out warning. This is a real possibility now in Europe with Isis being present , I assume, in large numbers throughout the continent. Paris was a warning in my opinion as to just how devastating such tactics could prove. Isis have made no secret of their policies. Flood Europe with so called refugees and infiltrate terrorists at the same time. I am sure it is giving our leaders nightmares but so desperate are they to appear to be virtuous that they would rather risk horrendous casualties that take effective action.
So Trump is a direct challenge to them. He is asking that the nation’s safety is put above all other considerations and for that he is vilified. Well the US and Texas and the Western and Southern states in particular are made of different stuff to us beaten down citizens of a fanatasy land and understand what he means and what the second amendment also guarantees.
If the worst should happen in 2016 and it is even money in my opinion then the responsibility will rest upon the shoulders of the liberal political and media elite. They will have to face up to the wrath of the peoples of Europe.
Many of us remember the Tet offensive in Vietnam in 1968. It took the US by complete surprise and led to the eventual leaving of Vietnam by them.
The tactics of the Vietcong were devasting. Erupt into cities and towns with out warning. This is a real possibility now in Europe with Isis being present , I assume, in large numbers throughout the continent. Paris was a warning in my opinion as to just how devastating such tactics could prove.
I think this is very possible and what the Jihadists plan to do, attack using terror and guerilla warfare throughout Europe. If anyone who is unfamiliar, reads this famous article in the German magazine Spiegel from 2005, about what Al Quaeda really want it seems to suggest as much. We should all remember ISIS split from Al Quaeda in order to power full steam ahead with the caliphate while Al Quaeda wanted to bide their time.
Right now we’re in the fifth phase. All other phases have gone to plan so far.
The Fifth Phase This will be the point at which an Islamic state, or caliphate, can be declared. The plan is that by this time, between 2013 and 2016, Western influence in the Islamic world will be so reduced and Israel weakened so much, that resistance will not be feared. Al-Qaida hopes that by then the Islamic state will be able to bring about a new world order.
The Sixth Phase Hussein believes that from 2016 onwards there will a period of “total confrontation.” As soon as the caliphate has been declared the “Islamic army” it will instigate the “fight between the believers and the non-believers” which has so often been predicted by Osama bin Laden.
The Seventh Phase This final stage is described as “definitive victory.” Hussein writes that in the terrorists’ eyes, because the rest of the world will be so beaten down by the “one-and-a-half billion Muslims,” the caliphate will undoubtedly succeed. This phase should be completed by 2020, although the war shouldn’t last longer than two years.
If this “total confrontation” does happen, it may be better that it does come sooner rather than later, while Europe is still strong and basically European. We are in a war, and our society is becoming split between people who understand this and people who don’t. Trump has exposed that faultline more clearly than anyone else. Of course, The Tet Offensive was a military operation against military targets. The Jihadists would be there usual evil selves targeting unarmed civilians.
As an aside, the interesting thing about Tet (I actually did a big project about this event) is that as a multi-pronged frontal assault, it was a huge tactical failure on the part of the Vietnamese and the Americans easily won that battle. The Viet Cong had generally been doing very well with their covert tactics. But when people at home in the US saw how strong and willing the Vietnamese still were, together with the realisation of some in the government that there was a lack of a winnable strategic goal, it ultimately doomed the war effort. A lot of this was helped by the coverage of the liberal media.
Still, if one believes in the domino theory, standing up to communism and holding the line in Vietnam may have been ultimately worthwhile as far as winning the Cold War was concerned. Although the price Cambodia had to pay as a result might have been too high. Almost impossible to know…
“I am sure it is giving our leaders nightmares but so desperate are they to appear to be virtuous that they would rather risk horrendous casualties that take effective action.”
That’s a really frightening assertion but it also appears to be completely true. I am frightened that future generations will have to suffer a dark age that is darker than any in history. And this time the whole world will be enslaved and living in genuine fear.
Climate change “activists” in Paris form a line.Blahblah. Oh look they are shouting “This is what democracy looks like” well actually it doesn’t.
They have told me that it is going to take more than usual time to reply:
Complaint Summary: Why Diane Abbott MP forever on our screen /bias.
Full Complaint: Could you please explain why the BBC is forever putting Diane Abbott on air, who forever either giggles at serious question without giving a sensible answers to serious National debate (recent R4 Today programme for example), or speaks other hypocritical nonsense against the majority National train of thought.
Tonight again notice the woman is on Question Time.
Last night after the vote of Syria in Parliament she was again saying ridiculous things.
It is a Conservative government and has been a right/ centre run Government for the majority of the last 100 years, yet the BBC seem to favour majority Labour personalities to be on the air more than the Governing party.
It is so annoying when all one wants for our tax funded broadcaster in the political field is fair, basically without fear or favour equal and unbiased reporting without having to listen to someone who does not represent the majority more than those politicians that do.
Good luck I know how you feel I complained about her a while ago. I’m still waiting hear about my complaint about BBc omitting facts in a White cop black victim USA story. Perhaps who ever is reading this at the BBc could move it along.
Good luck with all of that.
Yes and in fact it perfectly demonstrates perhaps the single most anti-democratic trend in politics today – the power of noisy, minority, single issue pressure groups.
These groups, by screaming and stamping their feet like so many fractious toddlers, get what they want by hogging the limelight and giving the impression of support, frequently against the wishes of the majority, who remain more or less silent.
We have seen this awful process swamp the quiet majority and seize power over ordinary people time and again in recent years and it needs stamping on.
It only works if your views chime with those of the nation’s favourite unbiased broadcaster, as it depends on large dollops of publicity freely given.
I have been watching some AlBeeb natural history films. Narrated by that national treasure Dame Davidina Attenborough.
Biased as hell.
Short quiz for you.
In BBC wildlife programs are predators shown hunting successfully
a) Female? or b) Female?
In BBC wildlife programs are animals which are shown behaving stupidly or unwisely
a) Male? or b) Male?
I have noticed this before but it is getting worse.
Keep up the good work BBC delenda est.
The Climate Change Jamboree is reaching its climax, the tension is almost unbearable.
You can follow it live here:
Will they/won’t they? As the waste of paper they are signing is a non-binding agreement to do nothing about a problem that doesn’t actually exist, but they are planning to spend eye-watering amounts of money not fixing it anyway, I reckon they will sign.
Hopefully there will be a group photo of these saviours of the planet that I can put on my wall…and throw darts, faeces etc at.
By the way, good work Mr Roger Harrabin. It can’t be easy trying to come across all earnest and concerned about something you know is a complete fraud and smokescreen.
As the waste of paper they are signing is a non-binding agreement to do nothing about a problem that doesn’t actually exist, but they are planning to spend eye-watering amounts of money not fixing it anyway, I reckon they will sign.
LOL, thanks for the chuckle. And oh, so true.
Great summary.The lunacy of it all they actually think they can control the temperature of a huge piece of rock floating in an infinite universe. Have they not noticed it hasn’t warmed for 19 years should we not be thinking about how we are going to keep the temperature up ?
If you like, I can post you a box of my faeces so you can throw that at ’em too. No charge involved – just as a favour to you.
Allo Allo DVD series 1-9 £14.99 from back when the BBC was half decent and made comedy that you could laugh at. Alas now it’s banned from broadcast under Political Correctness laws but it’s a cheap enough reminder of what the BBC once was
Good Moaning!
It was recently, shown on BBC 2 in the afternoons, but one scene slipped the censors . The German Officers, call the Italian Officer , who appeared in the later series , a wopp. I guess that has been stealth edited out by now .
If you got Brigstock, Calman, Toksvig, Punt (check spelling), Dennis, and the many other left-wing unfunnies, into a room and showed them the whole series they wouldn’t have a clue why it was funny.
Current BBC comedy is already dire and getting worse.
Fawlty Towers or Citizen Khan anyone? How stark is that comparison?
Each and everyone (Brigstock, Calman, Toksvig, Punt, Dennis) privately educated.
When was the last time we saw funny but un-PC (check his blog) working class comedian Lee Hurst (who has done stuff for the armed forces in Afghanistan) on the BBC?
Oops – working class, funny, not PC and supports our boys…answered my own question.
I bought the full set of ‘Allo ‘Allo and Aint Half Hot Mum a while back when I suspected that they both would be banned.
What a mistake-a to make! It hasn’t been banned yet. It’s on Gold later this week.
Since the noble and courageous BBC Middle East reporters are always keen to campaign against intolerance and injustice, they will surely have listened to the following report from Israel English radio news with horror and indignation and firm resolve to expose the perpetrators of the abuse and trumpet their inhumanity from the rooftops:
Jordanian border authorities prevented an Israeli family from crossing into their territory on Wednesday because the husband and sons were wearing kipot (skull caps). Despite clarifying to border guards that they did not intend to wear the kipot once they had crossed the border, the Israeli family were told that it is not permitted to enter Jordan with Jewish items.
A Channel 10 (Israeli TV) report on Thursday said another Israeli Jew (identifiable as Jewish) was also turned away at the border crossing.
We look forward to Jeremy Bowen and company leading the campaign against the Jordanian border guards and their superiors, right up to King Hussein, if necessary. No doubt they are now busy with the investigative journalism necessary to provide background for the campaign and no doubt a worldwide audience will soon learn that Jordan destroyed synagogues and Jewish cemeteries when it occupied Jerusalem from 1948 and used the gravestones for latrines and to pave roads and that under Jordanian law a Jew may not become a citizen of the country.
And no doubt demonstrators, enlightened and incited to action by the BBC, will march in their thousands in Western capitals bearing placards reading, “We are all Jews now,” the BDS movement will insist that shops remove Jordanian products from their shelves and the UN will organise an anti-Jordanian Apartheid week.
I can hardly wait.
Just caught some of BBC “any questions” on the unregistered schools scandal
Not once did those on the panel discuss it was “Islamic schools” as the most pertinent part,
missing out the crux of the story
… once again blatant BBC Islamophilia, on Trump once again the twitterati narrative
… just garbage
That was an atrocious programme all round – again! The usual ‘Three Lefties and a lukewarmie in search of a clue’ with an audience hand-picked by the SWP.
If the BBC had any concerns at all it would sort out both AQ and AA. That it doesn’t proves it doesn’t give a damn. It thinks it is invulnerable.
Here we go again.
Two people of Syrian origin have been arrested in Geneva on suspicion of making, concealing and transporting explosives, the Swiss attorney general says. The two are also suspected of violating a law prohibiting groups such as al-Qaeda and the so-called Islamic State (IS), the so-called impartial BBC reported.
BBC luvvie Bob Geldof offered back in September to house Syrian refugees.
Allegedly, this hasn’t happened….
Whoduv gest it?
“”‘I’m prepared – I’m lucky, I’ve a place in Kent and a flat in London – me and (partner) Jeanne would be prepared to take three families immediately in our place in Kent and a family in our flat in London, immediately, and put them up until such time as they can get going and get a purchase on their future.’””
I heard the BBC was considering reviving the series and bringing it up to date.
It will be called Allo Akbar.
Excellent! It could be set in a takeaway with Edith dressed in a burka, Yvette being stoned to death and Lieutenant Gruber being thrown off the church steeple. Not forgetting, of course, the cartoon of the fallen Mohammed with the big bombs.
‘the cartoon of the fallen Mohammed with the big bombs’ – that’s a cracker.
Yes and Helga replaced with a 12 year old.
What a relief, the world has been saved thanks to COP21 in Paris:
Or is it just the end of the latest, pointless, groupthink exercise?
Well done the BBC, it couldn’t have happened without your objective and critical analysis of the complex issues surrounding global warming.
So now the BBC and Horrid Harribin have saved the planet what are they going to do now ? job done isn’t it
I briefly watched the hall full of people clapping and several unknown politicians applauding Banky Moon and saw another BBC headline about joy in response to the agreement, whatever it is. Are the big guys coming for a photo op – Obama, Putin and Merkel?
Just think. How many palaces, luxury planes and yachts we will be funding for the “developing” country leaders and their minions. Mugabe to the power 10000000…..
The only thing that the Paris CoP achieved was the only thing it set out to do: to pull off a global heist that makes the Hatton Garden job look like a minor shoplifting offence in comparison. This was politically mandated criminality on a truly global scale – a huge wealth redistribution scam forced through by liberal fascists hiding behind the extremely thin veil of non-existent ‘catastrophic anthropogenic global warming’ (aka ‘climate change’).
This was a theft from the worlds most successful nations to the world’s less successful nations, organised and lobbied for by largely unelected officials and bottom-feeding NGOs such as Greenpeace, WWF, Oxfam and Friends of the Earth – all of whom stand to improve their annual cash flow from both the UN and EU as a direct result. In short, Paris CoP 2015 was a major crime scene.
The next few years will be make-or-break for the entire CAGW ponzi scheme as the IPCC struggles year-on-year in the face of inconvenient reality to make its climate catastrophism narrative play – so Paris represented a final chance for socialist collectivists who are determined to sabotage successful fossil fuel based economies and circumvent democracy in their struggle to establish a basis for a borderless socialist world government – something which has always been the ultimate aim of the entire UN-driven climate change agenda.
The BBC are cock-a-hoop. For now. But reality, thankfully, has a very nasty and unavoidable sting in the tail. Let the liberals gleefully shove it in our faces for now. Time is certainly running out for them and their massive deception. 18 years, according to satellite data, without any significant warming in global temperatures.
A minor correction to your wise words if I may and one for which I cannot take the credit. The wealth redistribution you highlight correctly as the real objective of these criminals has been described as,’Money from the poor in rich nations being given to the rich in poor nations’.
Well said, ObiWan… the plan all along was socialism. ‘Climate Change’ was invented to deliver it.
Yes, well said. They can’t fool all of the people all of the time. But they’ve had a damn good try!
Petra Kelly and the East German Stasi plants have grown into bloom.
And have done since 1989.
There was an Alliance between the Greens in Germany and the Socialists-a Red Green Axis…one that only found its mouth when the Soviets no longer were destroying the environment-until they collapsed, the Greens were fully onside with “development”-as long as the Soviets were doing all of that. The West were loathed-much like now.
The Stasi and the Communists from the east quietly dropped the Marx and Engels-and discovered Bookchin, Naess and Sarah Oarkins Green here in the UK-and the EU prodided all requiredcover and funding for a Common European Home.
In short-what the Communists couldn`t get with their arms and docile manpower in uniform…they got with the likes of Kent, Ashton and Bahro…and the Greens were hollowed out and given the pink pass for “sustainable socialismus”-pastel shaded deceits and covert subversions.
So when we looked for the Commie quislings-they`d all moved on up to-well the likes of Merkel, Barrossa, Mandelson for example?
They`ve never given up on Marx-what is to be done and all that?…codespeak you`ll head openly on the BBC nowadays, now McDonnell has reminded us of the power of Marxist dialectics.
This story needs to be written-the Communists and Greens are the same source of tomorrows totalitarianism, albeit in pastel shades and therapeutic, voluntary re-educational opportunities for those yet to engage with the New Realities of Islam and Atheism under the Gods of pan and Thanatos etc.
Merkel – Islam immigration by the millions – Germany – Kaput!
Take solace from the fact that you are now in a very niche little group. There are now no more sovereign countries in your corner, or research institutes or any other authority on the subject. So it’s just you, your favourite crank websites, Christian fundamentalists and ISIS. How does it feel to be on the wrong side of science and the wrong side of history?
So niche, so on the wrong side, you continue to devote your free time to being a valued part by offering nothing tangible in debate.
Depressing, isn’t it?
We’re such a niche group that Marvin has to devote some of his/her BBC time to tell us so.
I used to live in Wood Green, so was aware of some of the “issues” re gangland and Turkish Muslim gangs way back-mind you, the Haringey PC lobby rather believed in Shoesmith and Bernie Grant in their phases of influence…so thought I`d look up this story that breezed through the BBC News at 1pm yesterday-and so will now be resting up in the Cotswolds for the weekend, while they check the Aga and tweet Richard Coles and Seamus Milne.
Simply charming-and no doubt,any shootings of gangland thugs will be fed to the Al-Duggani clan to relight the fires that are so loved at the BBC…and are COP21 compliant too, Insh`Allah!
Apparently, George Galloway has not been fooled by the Paris Climate scam.
He has invited Piers Corbyn to speak on RT at 11.30pm, “Sputnik with George Galloway”, Freeview Channel 135.
When it comes to Climate Change, it does seem to be the Corbynites versus the Pro-EU Pro-BBC Blairite traitors. While we UKIPers are up against the Pro-EU ClosetPro-BBC Cameronite traitors.
Following Jeremy’s op-ed in The Times last week Piers is clearly on his own.
Jeremy is totally on-message with the journey to Marxism we are all on. An AGW nutter.
So lets get this straight: according to the BBC
Islamic Terrorism – nothing to see there, no no-go areas, Sharia is fine, its all under control.
UK politics: labour says, labour thinks, labour will do…
US politics: Hilary is great. She has the perfect credentials to be the next President: a vagina. Meanwhile Stupid Trump: Ban the bastard. And tomorrow we’ll get round to burning the books – live on Question Time?.
Climate change: a meeting was held, papers were signed, everyone agreed to meet again soon….the world is safe again. Hooray.
So, dear, lets get the hot chocolate, go to bed and fall asleep to the sound of Sailing By.
Brexit – here we go.
What a wimp. Does he not realise that a majority of the people have “had enough” of his “Cast iron Promises”!!!!!!!
Sorry OT – however, I bet the Beeboids think it is “wonderful – a sinner repents”.
I am sure Essexman and the Tory ‘wets ‘ will still support him .
Vote to leave, if you don’t like what’s on the table. Don’t believe everything you read in the papers, as well as the BBC. If I don’t like the deal, I will do too.Simples.
But you are missing the point Essexman, your hero’s negotiations are a scam because he has already said ‘he will campaign with all his heart and soul for Britain to stay in the EU when a referendum is held’.
What sort of negotiations is that?
Neville Chamberlain waving a piece of paper anyone ?
UNBELIEVABLE – BBC where are you with this breaking news?
In front of Queen of Netherlands -Muslim Orchestra Conductor (MUSLIM) decides to lecture about Islam – Whole Orchestra gets up and walks off stage – Muslim Conductor escorted off stage and out of building!
Brilliant post – +100
Bizarre, but it’s not clear that he was the conductor. It apparently happened a few years ago. Have a look at the second comment by Harry here:
“… we are not fully clear of all the details because of the lack of English language news reports. According to an April 30, 2013, article by BBC, this may not have occurred recently…”
Seems like a significant lack of clarity and a lot of ‘may not’ involved, with the BBC at the core, here at least.
I never heard of it, so that would seem about right.
Can I be the gadfly here?
He calls himself Issa Mesih( Jesus the Messiah in Arabic, I`m guessing)…and he`ll be a Kurd or Yemeni.
If he had actually conducted a Western Orchestra( I`m guessing that he must have just done so, or was about to-so he must be worth the following by his musicians)-then he`s already a brave man. Cultured and courageous to run with a death sentence like that, and especially conducting the White Kuffars Master Compositions at the very Temple of European Enlightenment-the Amsterdam Concertgebouw.
Looks like Borat-but a braver man to have come so far.
And-in a room where Jesus Christ would not matter a jot to most of the liberal gilded truffles sitting there to be entertained by an exotic Barenboim cloned notion like Mesih-it was brave of him to “go inappropriate” and fart at the canape table.
For he names Jesus-and is not ashamed of that( and to be proud of Him is biblically required of us as Christians).
I do wonder if a Geert Wilders could have argued him into the Christian faith…for Muslims image of Jesus is thick, distorted perverted and wrong-but its STILL an improvement on that of our society-as we`re seeing all the time at the BBC and in our “Xmas Culcha” we`re wading through at the moment.
To march him out, ostracise him is a big error-he needs argument and reason-but he`s far more scripturally coherent than his reflex critics.
He`s in more danger from IS than most of us-and his faith has saved him, I would suggest.
Wonder how we got to see this after 4 years or so-it matters I`d say…and if a Christian doesn`t have answers for Issa Mesih( and f*** knows the lefty atheists and media liberals have none)…then we`d better get used to him before the blackshrts come for him and then for us.
One final point-his message was far less offensive to me than was that bint Canadian lesbian who was proselytising for more EU, more state funding and more immigrants whilst waving her fairy wand at the Last Night Of The Proms. Issas` call was more in Gods will than hers…
(Hebreeen 13.2)
More bad news for Labour – George Galloway finished his big screen epic THE KILLINGS OF TONY BLAIR
Talking with distributor – coming to a big screen near you soon?
BBc news back on about food waste..yet again . The record is broken. Please just shut the f**ck up.
Someone commented on the inferiority of Citizen Khan to Fawlty Towers. I wonder if a combination of the two would work?
Let’s call it Al-Fawalti Minarets.
Episode 1: Bashir Al-Fawalti runs a shabby but pretentious hotel in Tower Hamlets. His social aspirations rest upon a gourmet night to celebrate the post-Ramadan feast of Eid-al-Fitr. When the chef wrecks it all by getting drunk, Bashir administers fifty lashes with a tree branch for indulging in haram substances.
Episode 2: Bashir’s shrill shrew of a wife Fatima is wailing that Bashir forgot their anniversary. Actually, absent-minded Bashir mistakenly congratulated his other shrill wife Ayesha. But Fatima still won’t stop shrieking, so Bashir sews her into her burka for the day and duct-tapes her mouth.
“duct tapes her mouth”.
Tried that – doesn’t work 🙂
In a rather strange piece the Daily Mail have changed their minds about Islamic terror and decided that it’s a good thing for the UK to experience! To my mind there’s some Sunni Muslim Oil money being waved under their noses, because they apparently had 6 positive stories about Saudi on their headlines.
Of course the BBC hasn’t been slow to pick up on this, and in Radio 4’s newspaper review the editor of the Radio Times was positively breathless, gushing over what a wonderful human being Shaker Aamer is, with no mention of his terror connections, and presumably again believing that Jihadi terror will be an enriching experience. Providing of course that it doesn’t happen to them or theirs !
On this morning’s bBBC1 Marr Show, hosted by Emily Maitlis, they were falling over themselves in orgasmic delight at the mention of Shaker Aamer’s name, and
interviewedgave a platform to Alex Salmond to say what a great chap he is.If the Mail continues with its sudden but noticeable increase in the distortion of public opinion, just like many other media outlets, and the pursuit of anti-government lines – as per the ‘bullying’ non-story – does this mean an imminent change of political bias? And if the realignment is established, what will the BBC deride?
A loony in the Independent thinks the public like Jeremy Corbyn because last week’s bBBC QT audience applauded him!
The author has a Wikipedia article.
I think it was pretty obvious that by chance there just happened to be a large number of Corebin supporters in the audience if you watched it. Including one woman with appeared to be infatuated with him.
Everyone agreed to meet in Paris to solve the dangers of fairies and unicorns. This meeting, set up to address the threats posed by fairies and unicorns, was called the Conference of the Parties (CoP). The CoP – comprised of representatives from all the world’s various governments (and many unelected representatives from self-interested charities) – has been meeting for 25 years now, on and off, each time to discuss the threats posed by fairies and unicorns. In almost 30 years of extremely well funded research, a scientific consensus that fairies and unicorns do exist and are actually potentially catastrophically dangerous to mankind has emerged. Unfortunately, nobody yet has ever seen or has ever been able to scientifically identify any fairy or unicorn anywhere in the world.
After two weeks of talking about the dangers that fairies and unicorns pose – even though, to date, there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that faeries and unicorns have ever directly or indirectly caused anyone any harm at all – all the delegates to the meeting agreed that the dangers posed by still imaginary fairies and unicorns is real and that urgent action is needed to deal with the threat, should these imaginary faeries and unicorns ever actually appear and start making trouble.
All the delegates at the Paris CoP decided that the best way to fight fairies and unicorns would be to tax the world’s population to try and make it so that the danger of faeries and unicorns ever appearing and threatening anyone, especially smaller, poorer nations, is averted, or at the very least mitigated. The CoP agreed, therefore, that it would collect $100billion every year from now on – mostly from the world’s richer nations who are, after some discussion, believed to be the most responsible for encouraging the likelihood of an attack by fairies and unicorns.
The $100billion that the CoP has voted for itself to receive every year will come from taxpayers living and working in the world’s richest nations (but not all of them, especially not those in Asia and the Middle East who are, CoP says, not as responsible for making fairies and unicorns a real threat to humanity as are countries in western Europe and North America) – this will be money collected mostly from ordinary people who are just trying to earn a living, feed their families , etc, and most of whom would have had no idea whether fairies and unicorns even existed or not, had the Media Party, who are very firm believers in both fairies and unicorns, not told them. Every day, in every way.
Poorer nations, who the CoP think are probably more vulnerable to fairy and unicorn attack than richer nations, will get the majority of the $100billion collected every year. They will be asked to use the money to protect themselves from anticipated fairy and unicorn attacks – although nobody is yet sure how best this could be done.
To date, nobody has ever proved the existence in any scientific paper, anywhere, ever, of either fairies or unicorns.
Great post ObiWan. The unequivocal evidence for fairies and unicorns in a nutshell:
The planet remained stable and ‘cool’ for as long as we are able to say. Then towards the end of the nineteenth century we started digging up coal and setting fire to it. This was very bad. The perfectly stable planet has suddenly erupted into a massive furnace and we’re all going to die by next Thursday unless we abandon business (and common sense) and take up lentil knitting. Or something. Al Gore coined the expression “inconvenient truth” but I’ll reappropriate it here and associate it with actual truth. Neither the stable temperature before 1900 or the rapid temperature rise post 1900 happened. It is a complete, fraudulent fabrication. In every model produced by the IPCC they obfuscate the Medieval Warm period (about 1000 years ago), erasing it from history, and hide the Little Ice Age (about 400 years ago) to produce a flat line. They postulate this flat line by looking at some unrepresentative tree rings. Unfortunately, these tree rings don’t support the postulation that the temperature is now rising post 1900 so for this they use, oh look, a thermometer. Inconveniently though, the temperature stopped going up around 20 years ago so, well, you know, just leave those off. Now draw a graph of the imminent apocalypse and get your chequebooks out industrialised countries so that we can tax the poor people in the places where we actually contribute something to the world in order to finance some private jets and a fleet of Hummers for extraordinarily wealthy despots in very poor parts of the world where they contribute F.A. to humanity. Welcome to insanity.