I listened to Any Questions yesterday (glutton for punishment) and heard the usual whoops, cheers and foot stomping approval when Chuka Umunna told us he would ban Tyson Fury from the SPOTY awards. We were told that Fury is “homophobic” and his views shouldn’t be tolerated. Just what is it with modern day “liberals”? They must be the most illiberal. intolerant people you could ever wish not to meet. And they all turn up at BBC political prog’s. One shrill member of the audience was quite hysterical; where the hell do they find ’em?
Not surprisingly most of the panel also disapproved of Donald Trump, though they would let him in the country… if only to “re-educate” him. The enlightened Chuka informed us that if Trump ever set foot in Streatham (Umunna’s constituency…lucky people!) he would receive a rather hostile reception. Well, coming from Streatham, I might warn Donald to keep as far away from this overcrowded ghetto as it’s possible to do. It use to be a lovely place. Now it’s a typical multicultural, inner city shit hole. It holds few attractions for me let alone an American billionaire.
It is always refreshing to listen to “normal” folk who call in to Any Answers later. This is part of their scheduling they clearly have difficulty rigging. One woman told the startled Beeboid that Trump was quite right, indeed he was the only candidate worth voting for.
I wish there were more like her.
THink they dont rig ‘Any Answers’? Of course they do like all phone ins, to get alleged ‘balance’. Your comment is vetted before you go on air, and even when allowed on most of those who can put an intelligent point of view which Anita Anand doesn’t like are pretty quickly moved on, it’s a case of state your view, Anand replies (attempting to counter it) then its “Thanks for your comment and I want to bring in M in Luton..”
From whom? If not those followers of a peaceful religion?
Or their foot soldiers, who merely need to drop a line to Theresa and Dave that they might kick off and all sorts of people the BBC are less concerned about, or their rights, are on the ‘no entry’ list.
Along with quaint notions of free speech and democracy.
I heard Chucky say this on “Any Point to this liberal crap?”
Had I not seen the metrosexual multiculti Benetton clone in pictures-had I not heard that plum in his BUPA capped mouth…had I not seen him claiming himself to be Obamas heir in his silkworm suits?…I`d have gathered by his tone that he was threatening Trump,should he come to “his constituency”.
If I were a delicate flower like Donald…I`d see it as threatening hate speech and intimidation…and worthy of a free manicure at Chuckys expense for this racist microaggression.
Come on Donald-give us a laugh…wonder if Chucky is threatening Tyson Fury in a similar vein?
Although I hated it at the time, my Mum and Dad always watched it, so I thought for old times sake I’d take a look at Friday’s repeat of ‘The Good Old Days’ on BBC4, (surprised that in this day and age the BBC actually showed it). It represents a world so far removed from the Britain of today, one of a proud Britain, a Britain with an Empire and gloriously revelling in those now long forgotten days.
It would never pass go today, both the audience and performers and their material hideously white and representing a culture hideously British, one that today as an adult I can appreciate just as my parents did then. Although this episode dated from 1980, its incredible to think that the program very nearly made it to 1984, yep just a little over 30 years ago. Boy how things have changed so rapidly compared to the 30 year period 1954 – 1984 when culturally Britain was little changed.
Agree 100%.
I thought the Good Old Days a pile of crap-and, compared to Fawlty Towers etc-it was.
Buut there`s no other current forum where you can see Les Dawson and Norman Collier etc…who, in hindsight, were the last authentic British comics we produced.
All we get these days are public school smartarses who need the Guardian to write their “funnies for them”…Daily Mail, Trump. UKIP, Bullingdon…and then back to the Mail.
Dawson never once needed the BBC circuit to earn a crust-unlike Steel Thomas, Hardy and Toksvig…all of who probably shared a dorm with Tom Bobinsons brother or Richard Curtis.
Hamelins for the kindertransport this lot, about as funny as Lenny Henrys death mask.
Prior to “Alternative Comedy” humor was non-political. These days the BBC issue certificates of correct thinking. It was the Left who made comedy “political” – by which they mean shouty, intolerant, and bitter (reflecting their miserabilist outlook) rather than life affirming. They basically hate humanity as well as themselves.
I know comedy has to evolve, but is it just me ? – I have never ‘got’ any of the Alternative Comedy since it first saw light of day – never raised so much as a titter when I saw any of it – and this was back in the days of Baddiel & Skinner. Have never seen the Buzzcocks, Celebrity Juice or any other offputting title, and these ‘comedians’ don’t so much as tell a joke but relate observations on life.
The last time I laughed til I cried at a comedian ? when God was a boy, and I saw Jim Davidson at his best in a nightclub act, and the one and only Bernard Manning. I never saw Ken Dodd live, but those that have praise the experience !!
Dame Edna could be deemed to be alternative comedy – but he is hilarious. I have children and grandchildren who laughed out loud at Barry Humphrys in pantomime – and also Les Dawson and Ken Dodd. And some of the grandchildren love watchoing Dads Army – but cannot see the point in much of the modern BBC “comedy”.
I would say that “contemporary comedy” is generally narcissistic. It is essentially whining. We live in a whinny selfish culture. That is why it is so cynical. The world frustrates our bottomless greed and self-centeredness, which by the way is why comedians try to supercharge it with politics – as a substitute for actually caring e.g. looking after your parents rather than complaining and hoping they take a trip to the Exit Clinic.
There is probably the same amount of comedy (including old fashioned comedy) around as there ever was, with just the same shortage of great comedy; because gold is always in short supply. The main difference I would say is that a lot of contemporary comedy instead of giving you a warm feeling inside leaves a cynical aftertaste. This is true even of non-political comedians, such as Graham Norton.
But that type of comedy is not “Alternative Comedy”. It is more like the Spike Milligan/Monty Python et al style of comedy, which is a pre-alternative comedy but post-war reaction to the political insanity of the C20th.
I once saw Bob Monkhouse, he was the after dinner speaker at a do I attended; he was brilliant, I’d only ever thought of him as some smarmy game show host up to to then, but boy was he funny.
Apparently one of the 20,000 Syrians being imposed on us by Cameron has stated that he is ‘in paradise’.
Beeboids and LBC seem amazed at this and seem to think that this in some way reflects well on the Syrian in question, and needs to be repeatedly broadcast.
These idiots do not seem to realise that getting to Britain is to win first prize in the European lottery for the majority of Third Worlders. Of course the man IS ‘in paradise’, and cannot believe his luck! Because Globalist idiots hate Britain so much and think the grass over the wall is greener elsewhere, they are blind to the fact that Britain offers huge attractions compared to even most other wealthy countries for foreigners, a naive and trusting people for one thing who have been brainwashed into kowtowing to foreigners and have had self belief destroyed – even the belief that we too are an ethnic group.
Yay! It’s the weekend! And the BBC is… still going on about last weekend!
BBC News shared BBC Trending’s video. BBC TrendingLike Page
3 hrs ·
▶ Trends of the week:
Q. How did British Twitter users mock Donald J. Trump’s claims about “radicalised” London?
A. …
Note; It is possible that when the BBC uses ‘British Twitter users’ they actually mean ‘Some of our mates at W1A’
I would mock them, but they may set all 20,000 staff on me for not being helpful.
The BBC have made non-liberalism a thought crime. It really is as simple as that; with the clarification that their liberalism has nothing to do with a free society, it is about using a big State to engineer utopia – even though every single attempt to do this has been a catastrophic failure. Pointing this out (and seeking to defend our own culture) has become a thought crime.
That the Left defend Islam shows you just how sick in the head Leftists are – because Islam is supposed to be the opposite of everything they believe. It is hatred and nothing more which motivates the Left. Their second favourite word (after taxes) is smash.
The simple fact is that jug ears knew this all along. The Senate has to approve any US treaty and it will not approve one that threatens the US economy. Everyone in the USA knew that years ago, the Demcorcats included. Thus all the posturing from Kerry was just that, posturing, and the US government was acting in total bad faith, negotiating a deal it could not possibly back up.
To quote a line from the eco-nutters who were protesting in Paris: this is what democracy looks like!
What should we teach our kids ? With Robert Peston on Radio 4 17:00 today:
What will the world economy look like 30 years from now? And how should we be preparing British schoolchildren today to find employment in it? Robert Peston travels to four cutting edge schools that claim to provide the way forwards for secondary education.
Should the focus be on languages and cultural knowhow for an increasingly globalised world? Should we be striving to create more of the engineers and programmers that so many employers are crying out for? Or – with the unstoppable march of the robots gobbling up ever more human jobs – should we be preparing kids with the social skills to be future entrepreneurs, employing their own personal fleets of automatons? Or is a traditional academic education the answer.
Robert Peston tries to get answers to perhaps the most important question all parents must ask from economists, scientists and teachers – and argues that what matters may not be the detail of the curriculum but the way children are taught to learn.
The program was untrammelled left wing crap from start to finish, and what might at first appeared to be a reasonable question descended into questions about teaching kids what it was like to be an asylum seeker crossing the Med, or how they can indoctrinate kids to accept multiculturalism despite it being an abject failure. Boroughs of inner London where 40% of the population weren’t born here! Kids who can’t speak English at all and might it affect their education (not a thought given to the White British kids!)
The most jaw dropping though was Pestons observation “I sense a common purpose here” Yes Robert I think you aren’t the only one !
Just back from business and a merciful weekend without the BBC. I just read that the bloke who like a mystical prophet declared those Holy of Holy utterances ‘You ain’t no Muslim, Bruv’ (and who inadvertently gave the leftist controlled media a deflection tactic) wasn’t a Muslim but in fact a British security man named ‘John’. The BBC must be absolutely gutted. I suppose they’ll now have to hunt around for a Muslim to denounce Islamic fascism… time to wheel out Shaker Aahmer….
As the BBC is still stirring it against Trump and his claim that Muslim entrants to the US need far stricter checking – this ought to be required reading for all BBC staff :
Elsewhere I have seen that the FBI say they don’t even check social media. Maybe if they did they would have realised that the San Bernadino murderous wife had been posted her love for jihad on Facebook for a long time.
I see the number of people who have signed the online petition to ban Trump has reached half a million; isn’t this the exact number of scum who signed up to Liebour in order to vote for that soppy, wet wimp, Corbyn?
Anyway, the Express sum up the typical leftie sanctimonious hypocrisy –
BBC News 24 this evening quotes a “NEAR COLLISION” between a Turkish fishing boat and a Russian navel vessel just off a Greek island. However, RT states in a more detailed account that the Russian vessel was stationary and ONLY the Turkish fishing boat was on collision course. I now who to believe. BBC bias at its best.
Yes – Russian ship at anchor. Oh and, erm, 600 metres away. Russian ship fires warning shots, Turkish skipper denies even knowing about any gunshots. Yep – that’ll be a near miss.
You would think the Al “no muslim bruv” BBC would be onto this, after the overt reporting last week
… alas no … doesn t suit the narrative?
Non Muslim, “John – security guard from north London – said he was happy to hear his 20-year-old son” ….
(who sounds like he was schooled by D Camoron), “commend him for “doing the right thing”
Well our No10 traitor in chief did say …”he said it all much better than I could have done.”
“When a machete-wielding Muslim stabbed a non-Muslim in a London tube station, an onlooker shouted out to the attacker, “You ain’t no Muslim, bruv.” This was widely taken to have been shouted by a Muslim who was outraged at the hijacking of his peaceful religion by the stabber. The hashtag #YouAintNoMuslimBruv went viral as a declaration of solidarity with the authentic, peaceful followers of the Religion of Peace.
There’s just one catch … the man who actually shouted this out was not Muslim at all, but a non-Muslim who has dutifully absorbed all the Religion-of-Peace propaganda that the British government and media have fed him over the years.
As for that large-scale Muslim movement against jihad terrorism … well, we’re still waiting.
The fact that this man is a non-Muslim makes the whole scene grotesquely absurd.
Here is a man lying on the ground bleeding from stab wounds, with his attacker standing right there with his bloody knife, and the first thing this onlooker can think to do is … to say something to try to protect the image of Islam. ”
R Spencer
Not like the scum at the BBc to give a knee jerk reaction, much. Lets have a look when all the figures are available and see if “routed” (defeat and cause to retreat in disorder ) was an appropriate word to use.
Of course the other definition of ‘routed’ – implying something that has been well and truly carved up – seems very likely to be appropriate. That process requires quite a bit of fiddly engineering, too.
The BBC may call it a ‘rout’ but that doesn’t make it a rout. As Sky News have just reported, the results of the elections serve to underline just how resilient the vote for Front Nationale is. The only reason Le Pen’s party got pushed into second place was because the socialist scum, sensing utter defeat, pulled out of this round and urged their voters to vote – for a right wing party! It’s hilarious.
Remember that 57.5% vote for the centre-right is made up of a divided, unhappy number of Republicans and unwilling Socialists. NF’s vote share is therefore still, technically, the largest uncompromised vote. It ain’t over at all for NF – despite the gleeful crowing from the BBC. If anything, the BBC should measure its tone somewhat – NF are still the second largest party in the French regions – and with an uncompromised electorate.
Those poor French turkeys voting for Christmas. Next time they are attacked and spread the #jesuisparis bullshit just say, nah, you voted for it you got it, stop crying and take it like a lefty.
Maybe lighting candles and hugging strangers has scared the muzzers off though?
Can t some Paree dirgemeister, drag his piano with a solemn funeral pace to the “Le mur des je t’aime”
… bang out “where have all the flowers gone” to the 751 no go zones,
to formally announce the erm … Francais abandonner total?
They fail to mention the region of Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, where the Socialist candidate refused to stand aside, and the FN had 36% from the first round, ahead of the Republicans on 26%. The FINAL result here is 48% to the Republicans, still 36% for the FN, and 16% for the Socialists.
Considering that the Fn finished round 1 on 40.55%, this is a decent improvement in support, and far from a ‘routing’.
In Calais, the FN did not do so well, with around 42.8%, up from 40.6% in round 1. But gaining an increased vote share is hardly a routing is it.
So it looks like the FN did not win any regions, but they gained more representation in the regional Parliaments, and won nigh on 50% of the vote in Provence – hardly a routing…..
Yes I was perplexed by the Beeb choosing to use “routed” and I think in the early articles they put in inverted commas, no idea why. Latest article on the website has dropped the word, because as you point out it was anything but. Hugh Schofield’s short analysis in the body of the main web article is actually quite nuanced. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35088276
Those of you not yet done with your Christmas shopping maybe Robert Dyas is the place? Can’t make up my mind if this is spoof of not, I reckon James is not be straight….
French far right National Front ‘routed’ in key vote
France’s far-right National Front (FN) has failed to win a single region in the second round of elections, exit polls indicate.
Early results suggest the party has been beaten into third place, despite leading in six of 13 regions in the first round of votes a week ago.
The polls predict Nicolas Sarkozy’s centre-right Republicans will win most seats ahead of the ruling Socialists.
The troubling aspect is that despite polling 28% the FN has not achieved power and representation which reflects that achievement. It is the same electoral fraud that operates in this country i.e. UKIP wins 4 million votes in General Election and gets 1 MP, whereas SNP gets 1.5 million votes and 50 MPs.
Slightly O/T and not current but entertaining – Marine Le Pen puts Laura Kuenssberg back in her box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83NsHR5-0-Y. And she comes across not as angry, dangerous and extreme but direct, intellectual and sane.
Superb interview. Marine le Pen comes across as a very clever woman – a damn sight brighter than Hollande and the EU bigwigs. And Laura K comes across as a tendentious Beeboid trying to hit Farage and UKIP rather than probing the NF’s place in French politics and their political approach.
What the BBC doesn’t appear to have grasped is that democracy has been routed. A totally artificial, contrived and politically juvenile result, effective in the short term and leading to massive levels of discontent in the not especially longer term. Much the same, on a smaller scale, has already occurred in the UK and the prognosis is that it will get worse – before it gets better.
They mention that they have two times (it’s actually three, the BBC don’t really do maths) the number of doctors per capita that we do in the UK. They fail to mention that the salary for a doctor in Cuba with two specialities was recently raised to $67 a month.
Strangely enough, when the government wants to even implement an NHS pay freeze the BBC are spitting and foaming at the mouth, like rabid (unvaccinated?) dogs, howling at the injustice. But when the Cubans can afford a massive army of medics, thanks to $67/month wages, it’s all in the glories of socialism.
Shaker Aamer: ‘British agent witnessed my beating’
Shaker Aamer My Moral compass, The Complicated road,
Shaker Aamer: What happens now? Compensation to be paid to Guantanamo detainees
Shaker Aamer ‘thought he was poisoned at Guantanamo’
Shaker Aamer: Free at last – Released from Guantanamo arrived to UK
Shaker Aamer: Guantanamo’s last UK inmate in his own words
OOOOOH Brother! ……. there will be much more I m sure
but not much from this, eh BBC?
Shaker Aamer’s guide to identifying an Englishman: “He was sat some distance away”. Well that’s open and shut then.
Victoria Derbyshire really is an odious, thin lipped, self regarding, pious, hatchet-faced waste of oxygen. Her sincere expression of abject admiration and totally uncritical acclaim for Shaker Aamer was palpable and nauseating. No I’m not giving him the benefit of the doubt – too much is wrong with his account. If it looks like a duck it’s a duck.
I’ve been listening to why he says he went to Afghanistan and his story about being captured. Pure comedy gold, the BBc should use it as a sit com script.
Sometimes the attempt at bias goes off like a damp squib
This morning Louise Minchin interviews American comedy actress Tina Fey who has a new movie out soon – so the US luvvie who famously impersonated Sarah Palin is bound to make a lefty attack on Donald Trump, right?
The BBC obviously thinks so as our Louise assumes all she has to do is to say ‘what do you think about Trump?’ for a great lefty comedy moment. I’m sure David Mitchell, Markus Brigstock or Paul Merton – in Tina’s shoes (they wish!) – would have oblidged.
So our Louise can’t repress the anticipatory smile as she asks about Mr Trump
Tina Fey : “Well, y’know, New York is weird…. y’know I share the same baby-nurse with Donald Trump, so…. I don’t want to….”
Our Louise tries again with a line about Trump being nasty to women but Tina Fey simply refers to some You Tube clip and gives a luke warm acknowledgement that yes that is nasty.
Can’t help but feel the BBC didn’t get their full moneysworth
“The French for “phew” is “ouf”, and it is a big “ouf” being heard across the country as mainstream politicians discover that the worst has not come to pass.”
They aren’t even bothering to disguise the bias now.
The use of the word “mainstream” is another attempt to marginalise the FN, but by any standards, a party that gets 28% of the vote is mainstream.
Last night’s headline on the BBC internet news was simply ecstatic: Marine Le Pen ‘Routed’.
The interns must have been beside themselves with joy at that woman not winning a region, and couldn’t contain their joy.
BTW she upped her vote to 42% but plainly was never going to get a majority against one other party alone.
In the great game of European politics the people are given to believe that politics is contested on a left v right spectrum (with the “far right” being the baddies and the “left” being the goodies, with the “mainstream parties” being a reasonable second best). The BBC of course, are major promoters of this fiction.
In reality the contest has changed to globalists v national interests, but this change continues to be disguised, with varying levels of success.
This is difficult to disguise in the French situation where the “left” have joined with the “right” in order to invalidate the “far rights” votes….It`s not a million miles from the scenario set out in Houellebecqs novel “Submission” in which “left”, “right” and muslim brothers unite to deny the “far right” victory in a future Presidential election held against a background of shootings and riots and instal an Islamic government and sharia law, “to restore order”.
The real story in France is that the “left” abandoned the French working class in order to side with the globalists against the national interest, a similar scenario is being played out in the UK too. Remember pleas from the Guardianista-in-chief Polly Toynbee to “vote Lib Dem to keep Cameron out of number 10 ” in 2010?
National interests/patriots v globalists, it`s the new black.
No wonder the BBC radio news headline that I heard on today this morning had a rather “move along nothing to see here” ring about it!
The grave risk is that once the people realise their democracy is a sham, even wilder voices than those being heard now will begin to make sense.
I think there is a lot of truth in what you say about the illusory left-right ‘split’ ,Em, but I fear that your main point is too deep for the Man on the Clapham Omnibus to grasp .
Would it not be better to push the line that this vote-switching malarkey is a suborning of the democratic process -after all , we have all been brought up on the notion that the winning party under the FPTP system is the winner ,albeit that they may never have achieved an absolute majority of votes?If UKIP or the FN in France achieve the highest vote , then how is this vote-switching combination moral in the circumstances?
My own view is that this consideration reveals the sham of the ‘democracy’ that we live under in this country.
It is interesting to speculate whether and how this massive fraud can ever be overcome,as the ruling elites of the LibLabCon (as well as the French equivalent) have obviously had their lickspittles poring over the rules and regulations to effectively bar any party they don’t want succeeding at our ‘elections’.
How to overcome this?…..Barring violent overthrow, it would seem the only way is Entryism ,where people work their way up in the conventional parties , achieve power , and change the rules .I won’t name the usual suspects who achieved this in the 20th century , but it is hard to avoid this conclusion that this will be the only way forward.
In a year of Caitlyn Jenner, Chelsea Manning, Rachel Dolezal,Jewel Shuping…and the monstering of Richard Dawkins, Germaine Greer,Maryam Namazie, Chrissie Hynde etc…this Daily Mail article at the weekend gets a profile on Paul Joseph Watsons site(thanks to the link earlier to his work..a rising star!).
Have the BBC followed their insane mushy maze of the vaporised mind they cloud about?…and insisted on more nursery school places for our Canadian lardie using his kids mattress as a nappy?
Lennons back in vogue…Chairman Mao? “Strange Days Indeed”?…if IS will stop the eejits exhuming Imagine-by not slaughtering hipsters and the like-I could yet come to reappraise this lefty oaf, who did forsee John McDonnell at least http://www.prisonplanet.com/transgender-father-abandons-7-children-to-become-6-year-old-girl.html
So in perfect harmony with their editors of integrity then?
‘BBC Complaints now defends the presentation of inaccurate information to audiences by disingenuously claiming that a statement presented as though it were fact was actually an opinion – and hence BBC editorial guidelines on accuracy do not apply.’
Comments are allowed, with the highest-rated going what is by now a fairly predictable way.
I highlight the sixth most popular because I suspect it will be censored:
23. Posted by Mr W
Mr Merkel tell the women in Scandinavia and Germany who have been sexually assaulted and raped by migrants that you are doing the right thing, tell the german taxpayer, tell the other nations in Europe that the costs and strains they are bearing are doing the right thing, tell european security services you are doing the right thing. This is a self imposed test.
Not impressed, it’s another complaint.
Full Complaint: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35088276 States “French far right National Front routed in key vote” The definition of rout is defeat and cause to retreat in disorder This is clearly not the case, nor do I consider it to be unbiased reporting.
Gratuitous bullshit and denial of factual history.
“Shaker Aamer: ‘I don’t know much about 9/11′”
“you know, 2 buildings fell down”
So there were no muslim terrorists involved? No airliners filled with passengers blown to kingdom come in a kerosene fireball?
It tempting to say you couldn’t make it up but the BBC clearly are.
Labour only got 30% of the vote in May but I don’t recall the BBC using the word ‘rout’ at the time. The BBC dictionary defines ‘rout’ as only applicable to right wing parties and cannot be used in regard to left wing parties.
Nevertheless, I appreciate you feel there should have been more information given during this bulletin and your concerns have been sent across to the Breakfast team and to senior management.
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
Sorry this is just taking the piss . How long does it take to say he was carrying a knife had drugs in his bloodstream and what I didn’t know before this reply that he had already damaged a Police car. They have used this “didn’t have time excuse” multiple times in the past How about cutting 30seconds of the endless obesity, sugar lectures or the banter between the sloths and Kirkwood. Sorry this is just a pathetic reply which holds no water.
Ah, the old ‘there’s wasn’t time for accuracy’ dodge, with a side order of ‘in any case it was covered elsewhere in a locked filing cabinet in a basement behind a door that said ‘Beware of the Leopard’.
Nicola will go far.
The concept of ‘if you can’t get it it right don’t try, or make excuses’, seems lost on the BBC.
Basically they are arguing they can say anything in an edit so long as the rest is ‘somewhere’.
The BBC is a sack of rats….
…… a committee of MPs is understood to have said, we learn, via sources…
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MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
I listened to Any Questions yesterday (glutton for punishment) and heard the usual whoops, cheers and foot stomping approval when Chuka Umunna told us he would ban Tyson Fury from the SPOTY awards. We were told that Fury is “homophobic” and his views shouldn’t be tolerated. Just what is it with modern day “liberals”? They must be the most illiberal. intolerant people you could ever wish not to meet. And they all turn up at BBC political prog’s. One shrill member of the audience was quite hysterical; where the hell do they find ’em?
Not surprisingly most of the panel also disapproved of Donald Trump, though they would let him in the country… if only to “re-educate” him. The enlightened Chuka informed us that if Trump ever set foot in Streatham (Umunna’s constituency…lucky people!) he would receive a rather hostile reception. Well, coming from Streatham, I might warn Donald to keep as far away from this overcrowded ghetto as it’s possible to do. It use to be a lovely place. Now it’s a typical multicultural, inner city shit hole. It holds few attractions for me let alone an American billionaire.
It is always refreshing to listen to “normal” folk who call in to Any Answers later. This is part of their scheduling they clearly have difficulty rigging. One woman told the startled Beeboid that Trump was quite right, indeed he was the only candidate worth voting for.
I wish there were more like her.
THink they dont rig ‘Any Answers’? Of course they do like all phone ins, to get alleged ‘balance’. Your comment is vetted before you go on air, and even when allowed on most of those who can put an intelligent point of view which Anita Anand doesn’t like are pretty quickly moved on, it’s a case of state your view, Anand replies (attempting to counter it) then its “Thanks for your comment and I want to bring in M in Luton..”
‘The enlightened Chuka informed us that if Trump ever set foot in Streatham… he would receive a rather hostile reception.’
But but but… in an unguarded moment Chucky said of London….
London’s nightclubs were “full of trash”.
“Most of the West End haunts seem to be full of trash and C-list wannabes, while other places that should know better opt for the cheesy vibe.”
‘a rather hostile reception’
From whom? If not those followers of a peaceful religion?
Or their foot soldiers, who merely need to drop a line to Theresa and Dave that they might kick off and all sorts of people the BBC are less concerned about, or their rights, are on the ‘no entry’ list.
Along with quaint notions of free speech and democracy.
I heard Chucky say this on “Any Point to this liberal crap?”
Had I not seen the metrosexual multiculti Benetton clone in pictures-had I not heard that plum in his BUPA capped mouth…had I not seen him claiming himself to be Obamas heir in his silkworm suits?…I`d have gathered by his tone that he was threatening Trump,should he come to “his constituency”.
If I were a delicate flower like Donald…I`d see it as threatening hate speech and intimidation…and worthy of a free manicure at Chuckys expense for this racist microaggression.
Come on Donald-give us a laugh…wonder if Chucky is threatening Tyson Fury in a similar vein?
Just seen this. I fell about:
Although I hated it at the time, my Mum and Dad always watched it, so I thought for old times sake I’d take a look at Friday’s repeat of ‘The Good Old Days’ on BBC4, (surprised that in this day and age the BBC actually showed it). It represents a world so far removed from the Britain of today, one of a proud Britain, a Britain with an Empire and gloriously revelling in those now long forgotten days.
It would never pass go today, both the audience and performers and their material hideously white and representing a culture hideously British, one that today as an adult I can appreciate just as my parents did then. Although this episode dated from 1980, its incredible to think that the program very nearly made it to 1984, yep just a little over 30 years ago. Boy how things have changed so rapidly compared to the 30 year period 1954 – 1984 when culturally Britain was little changed.
Agree 100%.
I thought the Good Old Days a pile of crap-and, compared to Fawlty Towers etc-it was.
Buut there`s no other current forum where you can see Les Dawson and Norman Collier etc…who, in hindsight, were the last authentic British comics we produced.
All we get these days are public school smartarses who need the Guardian to write their “funnies for them”…Daily Mail, Trump. UKIP, Bullingdon…and then back to the Mail.
Dawson never once needed the BBC circuit to earn a crust-unlike Steel Thomas, Hardy and Toksvig…all of who probably shared a dorm with Tom Bobinsons brother or Richard Curtis.
Hamelins for the kindertransport this lot, about as funny as Lenny Henrys death mask.
Prior to “Alternative Comedy” humor was non-political. These days the BBC issue certificates of correct thinking. It was the Left who made comedy “political” – by which they mean shouty, intolerant, and bitter (reflecting their miserabilist outlook) rather than life affirming. They basically hate humanity as well as themselves.
I know comedy has to evolve, but is it just me ? – I have never ‘got’ any of the Alternative Comedy since it first saw light of day – never raised so much as a titter when I saw any of it – and this was back in the days of Baddiel & Skinner. Have never seen the Buzzcocks, Celebrity Juice or any other offputting title, and these ‘comedians’ don’t so much as tell a joke but relate observations on life.
The last time I laughed til I cried at a comedian ? when God was a boy, and I saw Jim Davidson at his best in a nightclub act, and the one and only Bernard Manning. I never saw Ken Dodd live, but those that have praise the experience !!
Dame Edna could be deemed to be alternative comedy – but he is hilarious. I have children and grandchildren who laughed out loud at Barry Humphrys in pantomime – and also Les Dawson and Ken Dodd. And some of the grandchildren love watchoing Dads Army – but cannot see the point in much of the modern BBC “comedy”.
“Dame Edna could be deemed to be alternative comedy”
Whatever gave you that idea? Men have been dressing up as women for laughs since Aristophanes at least.
I would say that “contemporary comedy” is generally narcissistic. It is essentially whining. We live in a whinny selfish culture. That is why it is so cynical. The world frustrates our bottomless greed and self-centeredness, which by the way is why comedians try to supercharge it with politics – as a substitute for actually caring e.g. looking after your parents rather than complaining and hoping they take a trip to the Exit Clinic.
There is probably the same amount of comedy (including old fashioned comedy) around as there ever was, with just the same shortage of great comedy; because gold is always in short supply. The main difference I would say is that a lot of contemporary comedy instead of giving you a warm feeling inside leaves a cynical aftertaste. This is true even of non-political comedians, such as Graham Norton.
It isn’t the dressing up that makes Humphries “alternative” – it is his style of comedy. Fairly surreal.
Fair point.
But that type of comedy is not “Alternative Comedy”. It is more like the Spike Milligan/Monty Python et al style of comedy, which is a pre-alternative comedy but post-war reaction to the political insanity of the C20th.
I once saw Bob Monkhouse, he was the after dinner speaker at a do I attended; he was brilliant, I’d only ever thought of him as some smarmy game show host up to to then, but boy was he funny.
Australian Jim Jeffries – saw him in Florida last year…………..superb – does not give a shit about anyone – and that includes the ROP’ers
Apparently one of the 20,000 Syrians being imposed on us by Cameron has stated that he is ‘in paradise’.
Beeboids and LBC seem amazed at this and seem to think that this in some way reflects well on the Syrian in question, and needs to be repeatedly broadcast.
These idiots do not seem to realise that getting to Britain is to win first prize in the European lottery for the majority of Third Worlders. Of course the man IS ‘in paradise’, and cannot believe his luck! Because Globalist idiots hate Britain so much and think the grass over the wall is greener elsewhere, they are blind to the fact that Britain offers huge attractions compared to even most other wealthy countries for foreigners, a naive and trusting people for one thing who have been brainwashed into kowtowing to foreigners and have had self belief destroyed – even the belief that we too are an ethnic group.
Yay! It’s the weekend! And the BBC is… still going on about last weekend!
BBC News shared BBC Trending’s video.
BBC TrendingLike Page
3 hrs ·
▶ Trends of the week:
Q. How did British Twitter users mock Donald J. Trump’s claims about “radicalised” London?
A. …
Note; It is possible that when the BBC uses ‘British Twitter users’ they actually mean ‘Some of our mates at W1A’
I would mock them, but they may set all 20,000 staff on me for not being helpful.
‘Avoiding telling’ is the new BBC ‘editorial integrity’, surely?
The BBC have made non-liberalism a thought crime. It really is as simple as that; with the clarification that their liberalism has nothing to do with a free society, it is about using a big State to engineer utopia – even though every single attempt to do this has been a catastrophic failure. Pointing this out (and seeking to defend our own culture) has become a thought crime.
That the Left defend Islam shows you just how sick in the head Leftists are – because Islam is supposed to be the opposite of everything they believe. It is hatred and nothing more which motivates the Left. Their second favourite word (after taxes) is smash.
I had to like the first comment it garnered…
KateC @crunchie64 7h7 hours ago
@BBCr4today again, why five men and two women?
Don’t paniiiiiiic! Danny has left the building.
Well, this is awkward…
‘As world leaders hail what they are calling an historic deal at the climate summit…’
The simple fact is that jug ears knew this all along. The Senate has to approve any US treaty and it will not approve one that threatens the US economy. Everyone in the USA knew that years ago, the Demcorcats included. Thus all the posturing from Kerry was just that, posturing, and the US government was acting in total bad faith, negotiating a deal it could not possibly back up.
To quote a line from the eco-nutters who were protesting in Paris: this is what democracy looks like!
What should we teach our kids ? With Robert Peston on Radio 4 17:00 today:
What will the world economy look like 30 years from now? And how should we be preparing British schoolchildren today to find employment in it? Robert Peston travels to four cutting edge schools that claim to provide the way forwards for secondary education.
Should the focus be on languages and cultural knowhow for an increasingly globalised world? Should we be striving to create more of the engineers and programmers that so many employers are crying out for? Or – with the unstoppable march of the robots gobbling up ever more human jobs – should we be preparing kids with the social skills to be future entrepreneurs, employing their own personal fleets of automatons? Or is a traditional academic education the answer.
Robert Peston tries to get answers to perhaps the most important question all parents must ask from economists, scientists and teachers – and argues that what matters may not be the detail of the curriculum but the way children are taught to learn.
The program was untrammelled left wing crap from start to finish, and what might at first appeared to be a reasonable question descended into questions about teaching kids what it was like to be an asylum seeker crossing the Med, or how they can indoctrinate kids to accept multiculturalism despite it being an abject failure. Boroughs of inner London where 40% of the population weren’t born here! Kids who can’t speak English at all and might it affect their education (not a thought given to the White British kids!)
The most jaw dropping though was Pestons observation “I sense a common purpose here” Yes Robert I think you aren’t the only one !
Perhaps the kids might teach Peston how sentences begin and end.
Or how to comb his fucking hair !
What the world needs now is more human rights lawyers !
Just back from business and a merciful weekend without the BBC. I just read that the bloke who like a mystical prophet declared those Holy of Holy utterances ‘You ain’t no Muslim, Bruv’ (and who inadvertently gave the leftist controlled media a deflection tactic) wasn’t a Muslim but in fact a British security man named ‘John’. The BBC must be absolutely gutted. I suppose they’ll now have to hunt around for a Muslim to denounce Islamic fascism… time to wheel out Shaker Aahmer….
How dare a kaffir assume that a terrorist would be claiming to act in the name of Islam!
But the BBC will never mention that they were wrong. A bow for the cause has been made. The BBC’s attitude? Move on….
As the BBC is still stirring it against Trump and his claim that Muslim entrants to the US need far stricter checking – this ought to be required reading for all BBC staff :
Elsewhere I have seen that the FBI say they don’t even check social media. Maybe if they did they would have realised that the San Bernadino murderous wife had been posted her love for jihad on Facebook for a long time.
I see the number of people who have signed the online petition to ban Trump has reached half a million; isn’t this the exact number of scum who signed up to Liebour in order to vote for that soppy, wet wimp, Corbyn?
Anyway, the Express sum up the typical leftie sanctimonious hypocrisy –
I ‘wonder’ whether the BBC will be discussing this instance of alleged racism? Don’t hold your breath!
BBC News 24 this evening quotes a “NEAR COLLISION” between a Turkish fishing boat and a Russian navel vessel just off a Greek island. However, RT states in a more detailed account that the Russian vessel was stationary and ONLY the Turkish fishing boat was on collision course. I now who to believe. BBC bias at its best.
Yes – Russian ship at anchor. Oh and, erm, 600 metres away. Russian ship fires warning shots, Turkish skipper denies even knowing about any gunshots. Yep – that’ll be a near miss.
Maybe the Turkish skipper was an ex-BBC Gaza reporter? They appear to miss oodles.
#Youain tnomuslimbruv
You would think the Al “no muslim bruv” BBC would be onto this, after the overt reporting last week
… alas no … doesn t suit the narrative?
Non Muslim, “John – security guard from north London – said he was happy to hear his 20-year-old son” ….
(who sounds like he was schooled by D Camoron), “commend him for “doing the right thing”
Well our No10 traitor in chief did say …”he said it all much better than I could have done.”
… and what s that? … protecting Islam?
“When a machete-wielding Muslim stabbed a non-Muslim in a London tube station, an onlooker shouted out to the attacker, “You ain’t no Muslim, bruv.” This was widely taken to have been shouted by a Muslim who was outraged at the hijacking of his peaceful religion by the stabber. The hashtag #YouAintNoMuslimBruv went viral as a declaration of solidarity with the authentic, peaceful followers of the Religion of Peace.
There’s just one catch … the man who actually shouted this out was not Muslim at all, but a non-Muslim who has dutifully absorbed all the Religion-of-Peace propaganda that the British government and media have fed him over the years.
As for that large-scale Muslim movement against jihad terrorism … well, we’re still waiting.
The fact that this man is a non-Muslim makes the whole scene grotesquely absurd.
Here is a man lying on the ground bleeding from stab wounds, with his attacker standing right there with his bloody knife, and the first thing this onlooker can think to do is … to say something to try to protect the image of Islam. ”
R Spencer
It looks like the internet seems to avoiding this inconvenient story as a whole. Why tell the truth when you have an agenda?.
Not like the scum at the BBc to give a knee jerk reaction, much. Lets have a look when all the figures are available and see if “routed” (defeat and cause to retreat in disorder ) was an appropriate word to use.
Of course the other definition of ‘routed’ – implying something that has been well and truly carved up – seems very likely to be appropriate. That process requires quite a bit of fiddly engineering, too.
The BBC may call it a ‘rout’ but that doesn’t make it a rout. As Sky News have just reported, the results of the elections serve to underline just how resilient the vote for Front Nationale is. The only reason Le Pen’s party got pushed into second place was because the socialist scum, sensing utter defeat, pulled out of this round and urged their voters to vote – for a right wing party! It’s hilarious.
Even the BBC have to admit the truth:
One poll suggested Ms Le Pen had secured 42.5% in the second round in her region, against the centre-right’s 57.5%.
Remember that 57.5% vote for the centre-right is made up of a divided, unhappy number of Republicans and unwilling Socialists. NF’s vote share is therefore still, technically, the largest uncompromised vote. It ain’t over at all for NF – despite the gleeful crowing from the BBC. If anything, the BBC should measure its tone somewhat – NF are still the second largest party in the French regions – and with an uncompromised electorate.
Any comparisons with the result at Oldham are purely coincidental. As we all know, our electoral system is beyond reproach…..or should that be parody?
Those poor French turkeys voting for Christmas. Next time they are attacked and spread the #jesuisparis bullshit just say, nah, you voted for it you got it, stop crying and take it like a lefty.
Maybe lighting candles and hugging strangers has scared the muzzers off though?
Can t some Paree dirgemeister, drag his piano with a solemn funeral pace to the “Le mur des je t’aime”
… bang out “where have all the flowers gone” to the 751 no go zones,
to formally announce the erm … Francais abandonner total?
the results are in, in some areas.
The BBC’s analysis is of course terrible.
They fail to mention the region of Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, where the Socialist candidate refused to stand aside, and the FN had 36% from the first round, ahead of the Republicans on 26%. The FINAL result here is 48% to the Republicans, still 36% for the FN, and 16% for the Socialists.
And in Provence, the FN actually did rather well with 47.19% from latest count (still provisional), to 52.19% for the Republicans. http://election-regionale.linternaute.com/resultats/provence-alpes-cote-d-azur/region-93
Considering that the Fn finished round 1 on 40.55%, this is a decent improvement in support, and far from a ‘routing’.
In Calais, the FN did not do so well, with around 42.8%, up from 40.6% in round 1. But gaining an increased vote share is hardly a routing is it.
So it looks like the FN did not win any regions, but they gained more representation in the regional Parliaments, and won nigh on 50% of the vote in Provence – hardly a routing…..
So not a “rout” exactly what I knew would be the case. But the headline will have made it’s mark on the sheeple.
Yes I was perplexed by the Beeb choosing to use “routed” and I think in the early articles they put in inverted commas, no idea why. Latest article on the website has dropped the word, because as you point out it was anything but. Hugh Schofield’s short analysis in the body of the main web article is actually quite nuanced.
Those of you not yet done with your Christmas shopping maybe Robert Dyas is the place? Can’t make up my mind if this is spoof of not, I reckon James is not be straight….
I wonder if they have a fairy for the top of the tree?
He got excited by the power tool.
A more balanced review of the French results, I wonder if the BBC know he’sTweeted this?
and the BBC version?
French far right National Front ‘routed’ in key vote
France’s far-right National Front (FN) has failed to win a single region in the second round of elections, exit polls indicate.
Early results suggest the party has been beaten into third place, despite leading in six of 13 regions in the first round of votes a week ago.
The polls predict Nicolas Sarkozy’s centre-right Republicans will win most seats ahead of the ruling Socialists.
Why is this troubling ? Mr Wellings ?
taffman. My thought exactly who is troubled?
The troubling aspect is that despite polling 28% the FN has not achieved power and representation which reflects that achievement. It is the same electoral fraud that operates in this country i.e. UKIP wins 4 million votes in General Election and gets 1 MP, whereas SNP gets 1.5 million votes and 50 MPs.
Slightly O/T and not current but entertaining – Marine Le Pen puts Laura Kuenssberg back in her box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83NsHR5-0-Y. And she comes across not as angry, dangerous and extreme but direct, intellectual and sane.
Superb interview. Marine le Pen comes across as a very clever woman – a damn sight brighter than Hollande and the EU bigwigs. And Laura K comes across as a tendentious Beeboid trying to hit Farage and UKIP rather than probing the NF’s place in French politics and their political approach.
Tx for that share.
The polls in Kirsty’s intro up to usual standards then.
Laura K is a professional disgrace. She was being screamed at down the earwig to keep it on Farage and simply ended up looking idiotic.
Any non Democrat from the USA best get used to her on Trump loop for a year if interviewed about anything.
The whole thing is set up to play to a small UK bubble and the hell with shedding light on anything else.
What the BBC doesn’t appear to have grasped is that democracy has been routed. A totally artificial, contrived and politically juvenile result, effective in the short term and leading to massive levels of discontent in the not especially longer term. Much the same, on a smaller scale, has already occurred in the UK and the prognosis is that it will get worse – before it gets better.
BBC scours the globe, in search of ways to praise socialism.
Today they are praising Cuba. Which has the world’s best healthcare, apparently.
They mention that they have two times (it’s actually three, the BBC don’t really do maths) the number of doctors per capita that we do in the UK. They fail to mention that the salary for a doctor in Cuba with two specialities was recently raised to $67 a month.
Strangely enough, when the government wants to even implement an NHS pay freeze the BBC are spitting and foaming at the mouth, like rabid (unvaccinated?) dogs, howling at the injustice. But when the Cubans can afford a massive army of medics, thanks to $67/month wages, it’s all in the glories of socialism.
Shaker Aamer: ‘British agent witnessed my beating’
Shaker Aamer My Moral compass, The Complicated road,
Shaker Aamer: What happens now? Compensation to be paid to Guantanamo detainees
Shaker Aamer ‘thought he was poisoned at Guantanamo’
Shaker Aamer: Free at last – Released from Guantanamo arrived to UK
Shaker Aamer: Guantanamo’s last UK inmate in his own words
OOOOOH Brother! ……. there will be much more I m sure
but not much from this, eh BBC?
Click to access Britains-Last-Guantanamo-Detainee.pdf
Shaker Aamer’s guide to identifying an Englishman: “He was sat some distance away”. Well that’s open and shut then.
Victoria Derbyshire really is an odious, thin lipped, self regarding, pious, hatchet-faced waste of oxygen. Her sincere expression of abject admiration and totally uncritical acclaim for Shaker Aamer was palpable and nauseating. No I’m not giving him the benefit of the doubt – too much is wrong with his account. If it looks like a duck it’s a duck.
I’ve been listening to why he says he went to Afghanistan and his story about being captured. Pure comedy gold, the BBc should use it as a sit com script.
Sometimes the attempt at bias goes off like a damp squib
This morning Louise Minchin interviews American comedy actress Tina Fey who has a new movie out soon – so the US luvvie who famously impersonated Sarah Palin is bound to make a lefty attack on Donald Trump, right?
The BBC obviously thinks so as our Louise assumes all she has to do is to say ‘what do you think about Trump?’ for a great lefty comedy moment. I’m sure David Mitchell, Markus Brigstock or Paul Merton – in Tina’s shoes (they wish!) – would have oblidged.
So our Louise can’t repress the anticipatory smile as she asks about Mr Trump
Tina Fey : “Well, y’know, New York is weird…. y’know I share the same baby-nurse with Donald Trump, so…. I don’t want to….”
Our Louise tries again with a line about Trump being nasty to women but Tina Fey simply refers to some You Tube clip and gives a luke warm acknowledgement that yes that is nasty.
Can’t help but feel the BBC didn’t get their full moneysworth
The earwig must have been going ballistic. Poor love.
“The French for “phew” is “ouf”, and it is a big “ouf” being heard across the country as mainstream politicians discover that the worst has not come to pass.”
They aren’t even bothering to disguise the bias now.
The use of the word “mainstream” is another attempt to marginalise the FN, but by any standards, a party that gets 28% of the vote is mainstream.
Dites-lui assez souvent , Tatie
Last night’s headline on the BBC internet news was simply ecstatic: Marine Le Pen ‘Routed’.
The interns must have been beside themselves with joy at that woman not winning a region, and couldn’t contain their joy.
BTW she upped her vote to 42% but plainly was never going to get a majority against one other party alone.
Those ‘men’ from RoP at it again in France ?
Quick, interview someone living in fear… of a ‘backlash’
“No problem”, says the BBC reporter, “Here’s one I made earlier”.
vous n’êtes pas un musulman, mon frère
In the great game of European politics the people are given to believe that politics is contested on a left v right spectrum (with the “far right” being the baddies and the “left” being the goodies, with the “mainstream parties” being a reasonable second best). The BBC of course, are major promoters of this fiction.
In reality the contest has changed to globalists v national interests, but this change continues to be disguised, with varying levels of success.
This is difficult to disguise in the French situation where the “left” have joined with the “right” in order to invalidate the “far rights” votes….It`s not a million miles from the scenario set out in Houellebecqs novel “Submission” in which “left”, “right” and muslim brothers unite to deny the “far right” victory in a future Presidential election held against a background of shootings and riots and instal an Islamic government and sharia law, “to restore order”.
The real story in France is that the “left” abandoned the French working class in order to side with the globalists against the national interest, a similar scenario is being played out in the UK too. Remember pleas from the Guardianista-in-chief Polly Toynbee to “vote Lib Dem to keep Cameron out of number 10 ” in 2010?
National interests/patriots v globalists, it`s the new black.
No wonder the BBC radio news headline that I heard on today this morning had a rather “move along nothing to see here” ring about it!
The grave risk is that once the people realise their democracy is a sham, even wilder voices than those being heard now will begin to make sense.
I think there is a lot of truth in what you say about the illusory left-right ‘split’ ,Em, but I fear that your main point is too deep for the Man on the Clapham Omnibus to grasp .
Would it not be better to push the line that this vote-switching malarkey is a suborning of the democratic process -after all , we have all been brought up on the notion that the winning party under the FPTP system is the winner ,albeit that they may never have achieved an absolute majority of votes?If UKIP or the FN in France achieve the highest vote , then how is this vote-switching combination moral in the circumstances?
My own view is that this consideration reveals the sham of the ‘democracy’ that we live under in this country.
It is interesting to speculate whether and how this massive fraud can ever be overcome,as the ruling elites of the LibLabCon (as well as the French equivalent) have obviously had their lickspittles poring over the rules and regulations to effectively bar any party they don’t want succeeding at our ‘elections’.
How to overcome this?…..Barring violent overthrow, it would seem the only way is Entryism ,where people work their way up in the conventional parties , achieve power , and change the rules .I won’t name the usual suspects who achieved this in the 20th century , but it is hard to avoid this conclusion that this will be the only way forward.
In a year of Caitlyn Jenner, Chelsea Manning, Rachel Dolezal,Jewel Shuping…and the monstering of Richard Dawkins, Germaine Greer,Maryam Namazie, Chrissie Hynde etc…this Daily Mail article at the weekend gets a profile on Paul Joseph Watsons site(thanks to the link earlier to his work..a rising star!).
Have the BBC followed their insane mushy maze of the vaporised mind they cloud about?…and insisted on more nursery school places for our Canadian lardie using his kids mattress as a nappy?
Lennons back in vogue…Chairman Mao? “Strange Days Indeed”?…if IS will stop the eejits exhuming Imagine-by not slaughtering hipsters and the like-I could yet come to reappraise this lefty oaf, who did forsee John McDonnell at least
So in perfect harmony with their editors of integrity then?
‘BBC Complaints now defends the presentation of inaccurate information to audiences by disingenuously claiming that a statement presented as though it were fact was actually an opinion – and hence BBC editorial guidelines on accuracy do not apply.’
Another unique?
Tim Peake has just had a fatwa put on him by the irish,all because he’s joining ISS tomorrow.
How many of their mothers are from foreign countries ?
Perhaps we will never be told the answer .
Merkel: Migrant crisis ‘historic test’ for Europe
Comments are allowed, with the highest-rated going what is by now a fairly predictable way.
I highlight the sixth most popular because I suspect it will be censored:
LOL I just got a lefty post taken down for being off topic.
Not impressed, it’s another complaint.
Full Complaint: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35088276 States “French far right National Front routed in key vote” The definition of rout is defeat and cause to retreat in disorder This is clearly not the case, nor do I consider it to be unbiased reporting.
The reply, such as it will be, when it eventually arrives, will be interesting, if predictable.
Oh yes I will be wrong as usual. I want to see how they justify the use of “routed”.
Gratuitous bullshit and denial of factual history.
“Shaker Aamer: ‘I don’t know much about 9/11′”
“you know, 2 buildings fell down”
So there were no muslim terrorists involved? No airliners filled with passengers blown to kingdom come in a kerosene fireball?
It tempting to say you couldn’t make it up but the BBC clearly are.
Labour only got 30% of the vote in May but I don’t recall the BBC using the word ‘rout’ at the time.
Labour only got 30% of the vote in May but I don’t recall the BBC using the word ‘rout’ at the time. The BBC dictionary defines ‘rout’ as only applicable to right wing parties and cannot be used in regard to left wing parties.
Well we have a reply
Many thanks for getting in touch regarding Breakfast, broadcast 25 November.
I reviewed the programme for you and although this was one of the headlines, there wasn’t enough time given to go into detail regarding the story.
We have covered this across all of our platforms and have discussed it in more detail on our BBC News Website:
Nevertheless, I appreciate you feel there should have been more information given during this bulletin and your concerns have been sent across to the Breakfast team and to senior management.
Thanks again for getting in touch.
Kind regards
Nicola Stewart
BBC Complaints
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
Sorry this is just taking the piss . How long does it take to say he was carrying a knife had drugs in his bloodstream and what I didn’t know before this reply that he had already damaged a Police car. They have used this “didn’t have time excuse” multiple times in the past How about cutting 30seconds of the endless obesity, sugar lectures or the banter between the sloths and Kirkwood. Sorry this is just a pathetic reply which holds no water.
Ah, the old ‘there’s wasn’t time for accuracy’ dodge, with a side order of ‘in any case it was covered elsewhere in a locked filing cabinet in a basement behind a door that said ‘Beware of the Leopard’.
Nicola will go far.
The concept of ‘if you can’t get it it right don’t try, or make excuses’, seems lost on the BBC.
Basically they are arguing they can say anything in an edit so long as the rest is ‘somewhere’.
The BBC is a sack of rats….
…… a committee of MPs is understood to have said, we learn, via sources…