Amused by the venomous BBC knifing of right-wing Tony Abbott…
Ex-Australia PM Tony Abbott says Islam must reform
Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has sparked criticism by saying Islam has a “massive problem” and needs to reform.
Writing in Australian media, Mr Abbott said “not all cultures are equal” and the West should stop apologising for defending its values.
The BBC gives Abbott a couple of lines to hang himself (they hope) and then they set the kangaroo court in motion with the first 1/3 of the article devoted to slagging Abbott off.
Abbott is then allowed to expand on his statement before the last 1/3 is given over to Muslims to give him a kicking.
Note there are no voices brought on to support Abbott’s views, just critics.
Boo Hiss
Laughably the BBC resorts to low insults and contrived counterpoints that are designed to supposedly undermine Abbott’s criticism of a religion, well, supposed religion….
Mr Abbott was removed as prime minister by a party vote in September amid poor poll ratings and is now a backbench MP. Before his political career he had trained to be a Catholic priest.
His letter, published in News Corps tabloids, cautioned against “demonising” Muslims, but said the West “can’t remain in denial about the massive problem within Islam”.
So a mere ex-PM with low ratings who is now a lowly backbencher (and yet they still love Ed Miliband) …and oh yes, he was a trainee priest, a catholic one….so not only must he be intrinsically inclined to hate Islam he’s probably a bit ‘suspect’.
And get this…the real clincher…not only was his letter in a Murdoch paper, but in a tabloid Murdoch paper….how revoltingly populist can you get. ‘Tory’ scum.
Doesn’t say who wrote this stitch-up but I’m guessing it was Hamas’ representative in OZ, Jon Donnison.
Love his idea of what constitutes ‘superb’ journalism….
Well spotted-and, in particular , ta for pointing out the series of digs, biased language that occur in this brief little hit and run attack.
If we were to take apart such pieces word by word, shaft the devil in the detail as it were-then we TOO could accuse our opponents of smears and perpetual microaggressions…and bog them down in semantics, whilst we begin a real fightback.
The serial ram raids from liberal joyriders with their boyfriends chucking gluten-free sweets to the Muslim deity with gaiety-as they cruise Shepherds Bush Green through to Bethnal Green Road in Yentobs taxis on our tab-is a national disgrace…and we need to point this out.
That Abbott and Trump, Powell and Thatcher, Tebbit and Wilders etc…manage to bring them out of hypoallergenic hives into hyperallergic reactions, shows that Abbott-and those of us who like the bloke-is creating the vaccine as he speaks…and we need to blast the BBC for their casual ignorant efforts to down anyone that thinks for themselves-and refuses to pay the BBC to do its “reflex musings” for them.
DIY portakabins and Mens Sheds?…or flat pack solutions involving no dogs and an annual rainbow hummus event at the liberal arse end of a tented mosque?..Giles Fraser as hemline inspector for the kameez you`ll have to don beforehand?…your choice.
Every sour and sly word of this article needs the “Hidden Curriculum” scouring pad applied…Orwell was correct that the values carried in this short little bit of crap from Oz, are all too apparent…and Donnison or whoever need finishing.
Anybody else hear of this from Parramatta near Sydney a few weeks back?..THAT is what Abbott is saying, having seen it….and all those ANZAC planned attacks? Sydney hostage takings of last December?…yet the BBC say f***all.
Screw em mate!
Need I say the 15 year old “boy murderer” was a Muslim-yet the PC Oz establishments are as shit scared as ours-so thanks to Tony for still speaking out
Jon Dennison of course such a measure of ‘superb journalism’ even the BBC had to ship him as far away as possible to still be paid but make them look less bent.
Worked well then.
I’d suspect Mr Abbott’s removal and the then upcoming COP21 were not entirely unrelated.
Having visited Oz three times between 2003 and 2014, I can confirm that the Global Gauleiters of Political Correctness have successfully infiltrated the public discourse. When not so long ago Bruce or Sheila may have laughed at their bumpers stickers (Love it or Leave; Fit in or F**k Off), now those same larrikins are likely to be had up on hate-crime charges. Just like us, just like Canada, Australia is now consumed by the multi-culti Liberal Death-Wish.
I don’t believe Tony Abbott was ever going to last long. He was way too unpopular with the effete metropolitan bien pensants down under. After all he is a royalist, a loyalist, a Christian and most importantly he completely stopped illegal boats arriving on the shores of Oz.
And now, if you will excuse me, “I’m off to the dunny to strangle a darkie” (Aus Slang). No offence meant!
Seems the Start the week page has gone West again! can’t even get it to load tonight.