A film from over a decade ago…how soon we forget…conveniently.
Birmingham a no go zone…for Blacks?
‘Think 20 years ahead…this’ll be Pakistan…they’re all shipping over..fake passports and that….’ A Paksitani youth
‘Somalis are vermin…dirty…it’s our job to clean up the dirt…they’re black but they’re not…they’re not like us.’ Black youth
‘The government should send them [Somalis] home…they’re animals’ Black woman
‘Is there a sense of threat from Islam?……There is an overpowering element to Islam..intimidating’ Darcus Howe
If a white person said anything approaching that…imagine the outrage.
His opening comments: so, whitey not an ethnic group in Mr Howe’s eyes. Interesting. (Unless he meant that whitey isn’t one of the two largest ethnic groups in the West Mids, in which case he might have a point…)
Brum and other cities brimming with non-white wasters will resemble LA in ten years time or so…gun gangs, areas laid waste….see if i’m right.