In the previous post we had a quick thought that Shaker Aamer was gaming the non-Muslim population with a faux anti-extremism posture, a front in order to gain our confidence…entryism in other words.
What if a London Mayor candidate also plays such games and seeks to gain a position which he can use to silence critics of Islam? Here Sadiq Khan positions himself as a humanitarian and equalities campaigner….
We must do more to challenge Islamophobia. As mayor of London, I’ll make tackling hate crimes – including Islamophobia, antisemitism and homophobia – a top priority for the Metropolitan police and ensure they get the resources they needs to make a real difference. I’ll work with the police and community organisations to improve the way we report and record Islamophobic crimes – so we have the best possible information to act on.
Nice that Labour’s Sadiq Khan thinks he can use the Met. Police as his own private police force to enforce an Islamic Inquisition….oh yes he’ll tackle anti-Semitism and homophobia (East London will be in lock down) but he had to say that didn’t he…just a bit too obvious what the agenda really might be if he hadn’t….though the title of his Guardian rant might just give the game away….
‘With Islamophobia on the rise I fear for my friends and family’
It is a tragic inevitability that as non-Muslim birth rates continue to flatline or decline in the face of a Muslim population growing very much more quickly that with or without net migration into the UK, a democratic majority will ultimately prevail. Of course, that is already here in Muslim enclaves – mainly in England, almost exclusively in urban locations, and in particular in several specific towns and cities with very large Muslim populations have of course already achieved democratic representation.
The so called moderates that we are constantly hearing about in this RoP are not moderate. They are simply inactive, as the vast majority of any group is. It is only a tiny fraction of the non-Muslim population that chooses to become involved in politics. We passively accept this and let the more proactive in our society do what they are destined to do – seek political influence. And when they achieve it we accept it – people like those in this bBBC community might voice our opinions more vociferously than some but we still accept the democratic rule of law. So passively the ‘moderate’ Muslims and the rest of the population will watch as our society’s values are progressively eroded by the pernicious rise of pro-Muslim policies. The end point is Sharia law.
If me and mine were London voters, such cretinous gerrymandered populism in face of real issues would be enough to ensure Mr. Khan never sees power.
But we are no longer, so good luck to all in the ‘smoke.
We have decided to retain our family home away from our cities, and will await the property crashes that will ensue from such policies to assist our retirement planning wherever such idiotic leadership has not manifested, if such a place exists.
I may need to learn Japanese.
There is a lot of talk about Islamophobia (which quite literally means a fear of submission and should therefore be laughed out of court) but there is no term for the irrational hatred of Christians, Jews, English, Scots etc. Whenever a mass murder (7/7) a murder (Lee Rigby) or rape (take your pick of any number of British cities and towns) occurs where perpetrators are Muslim we never here about their hatred of us, only the possibility of an “Islamophobic backlash”. How strange and peculiar is this situation? There is no word which describes the routine violence committed against us, but there is a word to describe natives who to date have never committed violence against Muslims……this is more than strange, it is chilling. When the Jews were being persecuted by the Nazis at least they weren’t also accused of being Naziophobes….and it really is as insane as that in Britain today.
The bBC has been making a huge song and dance about the Islamic terrorist whom the ethical latte drinkers( who have to wear tampons up their arse as they get older) try to tell me this twat is a British Citizen . (No you frog looking Scottish MP, he isn’t)
The SNP foreign affairs spokesman and former Scottish first minister said that “as with so many other things”, Blair and Straw had a great deal to answer for. “They have to be asked the straight question of how could they possibly not have known about the fate that had befallen a British citizen,” he said.
Anyway while thus Saudi benefit scrounger has stated he isn’t going to sue the UK (Gee I wonder why?) which the bBC has made into a magnanimous act . Have a look at the words he used in which to try and make himself anything but a terrorist.
“He said Islam did not allow the killing of civilians: “Even if there is a war, you cannot kill just anybody, you cannot kill kids, you cannot kill chaplains, you cannot just go in the street and get a knife and start stabbing people. If you are that angry about this country, you can get the hell out.”
So Civilians kids and Chaplains are forbidden he claims , yet he doesn’t say all murder is wrong. That people is the two faced nature of the enemy within, an enemy which rapes your daughters, beheads your brothers, blows up your mothers all the while screaming Allah ackba whilst they sign onto the dole . If the wankers who reported Gazza take offence with my post. Then ask yourself this question, what was this Saudi Terrorist doing in Afghanistan, you know that country he took his entire family to live in, whilst working for a Kuwaiti charity known for funding AL Q. Which no leftwing media outlet bBC,Guardian has bothered their arse in naming) Well allow pounce to do so:
Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage