roger harrabin Retweeted
Extreme UK rains (like those seen in Storm
#Desmond) are more likely with global warming
Roger Harrabin is nothing if not consistent….always pushing the narrative….not in this instance making a fool of himself by openly claiming a storm was caused by climate change but linking to a climate alarmist group whose ‘own scientists’ can look out the window and immediately calculate if this is so…and of course it is……
Extreme UK Rains More Likely With Warming
Over this past weekend, a major storm swept across the U.K. and dumped torrential amounts of rain in some spots — the more than 13 inches that fell in one location in northwest England even set a national 24-hour rainfall record.
Just days later, a real-time analysis by scientists working with Climate Central’s World Weather Attribution program has found that global warming has boosted the odds of such an extreme rainfall event in the region by about 40 percent — a small, but clear, effect, the scientists say.
They are just incredible…others have been trying to link storms to climate change for years, decades and still can’t do so with any degree of certainty…and yet these guys can just go Booom….job done…yep it’s climate change alright.
Nobel prize on the way for sure.
Remind you of anything?
Most of us, I think, know by now that this is all just bollocks, and that Harrabin is a BBC joke, and not a very good one, either.
Strange, from what I saw last week on the news channels, a local farmer blamed the river and flood management more than climate change. Flood measures that failed to keep rivers dredged and not clearing vegetation were his main points. The locals probably have a better idea than an non science graduate from the BBC. Another person managing the clear up stated the river bed was so full of debris (prior to the flooding) that the channel depth was half what it should be. Possible contributing factors? Not according to the non science graduate from the BBC.
It almost makes me think the Environment Agency deliberately ‘under-manage’ drainage in order to exacerbate the flooding.
It’s usually to save the newts, otters, birdies etc, as it was in Somerset.
And, of course to divert funds to vanity projects.
I saw that interview too. The farmer said locals had raised the problem – particularly debris and unstable trees on the riverbank – with the Environment Agency but were ignored. Lo and behold, when the rains came and river levels rose the flow of water was obstructed by…..debris and fallen trees.
A letter in this morning’s Telegraph explained how normal river levels in Keswick have risen dramatically over the last 10 years due to lack of dredging. And why can’t they dredge? Because the EU says they can’t.
So surprise, surprise when flooding occurs the EU and its eco-nutters can blame it on ‘climate change’. Win-win, eh?
The levels of rain experienced in Cumbria are nothing new, in fact in another letter earlier in the week to the Telegraph a bloke said he remembered as a kid – in the thirties I think it was – when there was so much flooding it joined up Bassenthwaite and Derwentwater.
I read that letter too and couldn’t help recalling the lies spun about the Somerset Levels flooding nor how the eco-nutters are still pretending that was due to ‘warming’ (which hasn’t happened for 18 years).
The problem is that the ceaseless barrage of lies and propaganda from the BBC is almost all the average person in the street ever hears. It’s a miracle that sceptical views can be found at all outside of ‘awkward squad’ circles.
Lies and fearmongering from Harrabin. Lord Hall-Hall’s propaganda machine makes the Nazis seem like amateurs – at least everybody knew what they were up to. The BBC slyly play on their ‘trusted’ status to fool the public into believing this eco-socialist agenda is really ‘settled science’, but then go well beyond what even UN-sponsored scientists at the IPCC are saying i.e. there is no provable link between ‘global warming’ and extreme weather.
Maybe the answer is to concrete over huge areas of land to build houses, roads, hospitals, schools and other infrastructures for the hundreds of thousands of enrichers coming in every year.
I’m of that opinion as well, in fact I’m fast coming to the conclusion that nearly all of our problems can be linked directly or loosely to immigration, be they social, economic or environmental.
Roger Harrabin is not qualified in any way to make pronouncements on anything scientific. He is purely a conduit for enviro-fascist propaganda and, sad to say, that is something he is very good at.
The BBC now blatantly shows contempt for its requirement to be impartial.
We can thank the corrupt “insider trading” style meeting of 28gate for the BBC abandoning impartiality on science.
BBC favourite Bob Ward is in fine form at the moment, swinging between giddy debutante post ball fumble and more usual irony-free cesnorship commissar. Even some of the 97% seem a bit worried he may turn on them too.