There may or may not be ‘no go zones’ in the Uk but there are many who aim to set them up…..
“Muslims Against Crusades” (MAC), an Islamic group based in the United Kingdom, plans to wage a propaganda campaign to make a portion of London accept Sharia law. They are calling it the “Islamic Emirates Project,” and it is designed to create beachheads for sharia across the UK.
According to CNS News, the MAC group has released its blueprint for the ‘emirates campaign’ to the public, including the following rules for Muslims to follow:
– reject democracy
– not have non-Muslim friends
– not celebrate non-Muslim festivals including Christmas and Easter
– not join the police or armed forces
– not vote for lawmakers, or stand for election
– demand the release of “all Muslim prisoners in the hands of the disbelievers”
– reject integration with non-Islamic society
– abide by shari’a and not any “man-made law”
Imposing Sharia law is just as much a hate crime as abusing someone for wearing a hijab…
Whilst the BBC et al fulminate against the likes of Pegida they are almost silent in comparison about Muslim supremacist the BBC maintains a strictly neutral tone when reporting German ‘Muslim patrols’….no alarmist ‘warnings from history’ about the rise of the Islamists in the way that the BBC peddles for Right-wing organisations.
Of course there really are no go zones all around Europe
Police Warn of No-Go Zones in Germany
“Every police commissioner and interior minister will deny it. But of course we know where we can go with the police car….[O]ur colleagues can no longer feel safe there in twos, and have to fear becoming the victim of a crime themselves. We know that these areas exist. Even worse: in these areas, crimes no longer result in charges. They are left to themselves. Only in the worst cases do we in the police learn anything about it. The power of the state is completely out of the picture.” — Bernhard Witthaut, Chief Police Commissioner of Germany.
According to a police investigator interviewed by Der Spiegel, the immigrant clans “view German society as one to be plundered; they see us as born losers.”
Spiraling levels of violent crime perpetrated by immigrants from the Middle East and the Balkans are turning parts of Duisburg, a key German industrial city, into “areas of lawlessness” — areas that are becoming de facto “no-go” zones for police, according to a confidential police report that was leaked to the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel.
They go by the euphemistic term Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones, with the even more antiseptic acronym ZUS, and there are 751 of them as of last count. They are conveniently listed on one long webpage, complete with street demarcations and map delineations.
What are they? Those places in France that the French state does not fully control. They range from two zones in the medieval town of Carcassonne to twelve in the heavily Muslim city of Marseilles, with hardly a town in France lacking in its ZUS. The ZUS came into existence in late 1996 and according to a 2004 estimate, nearly 5 million people live in them.
Sweden…the police have ‘surrendered total control’…
Norway isn’t having such a good time either…
And in the UK?
Bishop warns of no-go zones for non-Muslims
Islamic extremists have created “no-go” areas across Britain where it is too dangerous for non-Muslims to enter, one of the Church of England’s most senior bishops warns today.
The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester and the Church’s only Asian bishop, says that people of a different race or faith face physical attack if they live or work in communities dominated by a strict Muslim ideology.
Echoing Trevor Phillips, the chairman of the Commission for Equalities and Human Rights, who has said that the country is “sleepwalking into segregation”, the bishop argues that multiculturalism has led to deep divisions.
David Davis, the shadow home secretary, has accused Muslims of promoting a kind of “voluntary apartheid” by shutting themselves in closed societies and demanding immunity from criticism.
Murders and rapes going unreported in no-go zones for police as minority communities launch own justice systems
From The Times, no link…
Certain areas in Britain will still have to remain off-limits for servicemen and women in military gear, despite the Government’s desire for a nationwide uniform free-for-all, senior RAF sources acknowledged yesterday. … one senior air force source said that military commanders had to be aware of potential problems of personnel wearing combat and other military clothes in the street. “We’re aware of the sensitivities, for example, in some ethnic minority communities which is why we need to have a dialogue with local authorities and police if we don’t want to cause a problem.”
The BBC even fantasised about the possibility…
In the future, London is divided in two. North of the river is a virtual police state and the South is a lawless no-go area ruled by criminal gangs. When the body of young boy washes up on the banks of the Thames, a police detective crosses the dangerous divide in the search for his killers.
The BBC, and the police, even once believed as the Socialist Worker once complained….
Myths pushed by media and police
BBC RADIO 4’s Today programme last week reported that the mainly Asian area of Glodwick in Oldham, Lancashire, is now a “no-go” area for whites. Oldham police had released figures that said of the 572 racist attacks in the city last year, 60 percent were against whites, mainly by Asians. This led much of the media to claim that there are gangs of racist Asians in parts of Britain who are attacking white people.
Why do the police and the BBC try to silence voices like Trump who raise the obvious truth?…
The Independent reveals the thinking in this report about no go zones across the UK…as usual it is in order not to upset the feelings of the communities involved…
OFFICIALLY, there is no such thing as a no-go area in Britain.
Today, no senior police officer, no local authority and no Government minister would or could admit that no-go districts existed in England, Scotland and Wales.
Yet the term can be used, and in dozens of places in or around many British cities.
Of course the police don’t admit to these no go zones…
‘There are no ‘no-go’ areas,’ he said, ‘but officers are more aware of the danger in some parts. In less violent areas, officers would just be listening out for jobs that were for them. But on beats where it’s very violent, each person wants to back the other up, even when the call is just to a domestic incident.’
The police don’t want to stigmatize certain areas…
Senior police officers, acutely aware of the potential political impact of their comments on such areas, refuse to identify problem estates.
And there is another factor. Lord Scarman, who presided over four major inquiries into civil disorders, most notably the Brixton riots of 1981, said last week while social deprivation and the architecture of problem estates was important, ‘ethnic differences are very important too. These are only general comments; if everyone was wealthy nobody would bother about the colour of people’s faces. But unfortunately not everyone is wealthy. Incoming immigrants create problems in poverty-stricken areas where there is already chronic unemployment and lack of money.’
IF OFFICIALS are reluctant to admit to the existence of no-go areas, let alone list them, it is not just because they would be accused of permitting a breakdown of law and order. Identifying them can actually make things worse.
Many areas with high ethnic minority populations which have had serious problems in the past now have false reputations.
Understandably, local authorities are keen their estates should not be tarred with too dirty a brush.
The BBC is happy to comply and airbrush out the real reason for the silencing…note what is missing from their report in comparison to the following ones from the Telegraph and Mirror…..
Met Police asked ‘not to wear Union badge’ after death of PC Phillips
Met Police have been asked “not to wear a Union badge” in tribute to fallen colleagues because it breaches uniform policy, the police federation said.
Union flag badge tribute ‘against regulations’
Senior officers are reportedly concerned that the badge in honour of fallen colleagues could provoke ill-feeling or cause offence in some communities
Cops wearing Union Jack badge in tribute to dead PC ‘ordered to remove them in case they OFFEND’
Most European Muslims want sharia
by Ingrid Carlqvist
Dispatch InternationalA majority of the Muslims in Europe want sharia to have precedence over the secular laws of their European host countries. This according to a new study by WZB Berlin Social Science Center where Muslims in six countries interviewed, including Sweden. A study that should concern Western politicians, according to the researchers.
The study posed three questions to the immigrant Turks and Moroccans in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Holland and Sweden:
- Do you think sharia is more important to you than the laws of the country you live? (66%)
- Do you mean that there is only one legitimate interpretation of the Koran that should apply to all Muslims? (75%)
- Are you saying that Muslims should return to their “Islamic roots”? (60%)
Those who answered Yes to all questions be referred to as “consistent fundamentalists” – and these represent 44 per cent of those questioned Muslims in Europe. The fundamentalist attitudes are as common among younger Muslims among the elderly.
Something to remember: the Muslim population of the UK is always deliberately understated by Government sources. The usual lie is between 3-4 million – think double that ! Water usage and food consumption figures give a much higher general population (about 10 million higher than official figures), and an inordinate amount of those will be RoPers.
Really good post.
And wasn`t it earlier this year that a soldier was removed or untreated in Canterbury (or somewhere in Kent?) due to his wearing a uniform?
And wasn`t some Birmingham hospital a few years ago, guilty of covering up its treatment of Afghan wounded men-for fear of creating “tensions” with other “patients”…and, no doubt NHS staff as well?
And haven`t swimming lessons been cordoned off for Muslim women only-and the rest of us not allowed to go to the pool those evenings?
I reckon that THESE are no-go areas…and Rotherham Childrens homes, Trojan Horse schools certainly have been “no-go areas” to State-accredited agencies like OFSTED and SSI.
And can we add prisons?…if there is any overt Christian Evangelism in places like Belmarsh and Feltham these days, I`d be very surprised-so theese are ALSO no-go areas for the Church are they not?
Still-would hate to give the idea that the liberal left and useless Tories have lost all control of THEIR “territories”…now as occupied by IS as any Raqqa rathole.
Anyone else seen obesity advisers or anti-smoking enforcers in a prison?…State writ seems not to run in these “uniquely state-controlled” environments?
Need I add mental hospital wards and MPs snugs in Parliament as well…one and the same to me, most days?
My point-all these social spaces and state enforcing places are Sharia no-go zones, albeit silently and with no BBC discussion…but if a prison, a school, a hospital or swimming pool are being cordoned off for Islam-the Trump is only stating the obvious.
Don’t the MPs whose constituencies carry these appalling no-go areas have any concerns? And why do they remain silent? Or are they all Followers of Jeremy & think everything is lovely!
Most MPs with no-go areas are there for the party that imported the Muslim vote in the first place. Their seats depend on their constant lies.
They lie back and think of the postal votes.
Not sure the ‘back and think of the postal votes’ was strictly necessary.
“the party that imported the Muslim vote”
Remind us who that was.
“No-go” areas for Muslims?
I advocate “Go” areas for Muslims in Europe.
Two “Go” areas.
“Go” elsewhere or “Go” in the ground.
The BBC is as lazy, and as intellectually (and financially) corrupt, as it is politically biased. It abuses its considerable power, and is completely unreliable as a source of information about what is happening in contemporary Britain and the world. It is little more than a propaganda platform for the (tax funded middle class) Left and nobody should be forced to pay for it – that people are put into prison if they do not pay for Alan Yentob’s pension is a national scandal.
Still can’t watch that Norwegian rozzer and not think of a Benny Hill skit.
There have been Sharia “courts” in the UK for many years.
Jewish people have been using Jewish courts for many years too; “Jewish courts are in daily use in Britain, and have been for centuries.”
But never fear, even if you are not a Jew or a Muslim, you can exercise the same rights that ‘those’ religious guys and gals do as a Christian (or an agnostic or atheist or Buddhist or whatever) and settle your domestic differences out of court in any way you like, as long as it is legal!
It’s called civil liberties. You might not like it, but you have to put up with it.
Pulling another late one? Maybe while you are here can chip in on this?:
A presenter flat out lying, and only after several months and astounding levels of attrition from ranks of CECUTT drones and directors to grind down the complainant, gets told not to get caught next time, which will be seen by very few, and around none of the vast majority exposed to it at the time.
The BBC as propagandist is without question. So as a source of information is constantly open to question.
And how long before the Jugend wing decide to run a programme labelling even such cursory, insincere, neutered oversight from the Trust as ‘not helpful’? Knowing nothing can or will happen?
There are growing numbers who do not like such abuse of all too unique, unaccountable powers, and are not minded in a free speaking democracy to ‘put up with it’ as directed they have to by some.