It’s not just what they say! Last night I watched the end of Homeland and turned over at a few minutes past 10:00 pm to BBC1 News at 10. At that moment the phone rang and I muted Mishal’s golden tones at the start of her report on the French elections. But, you know, the bias came through anyway. Although we had to wait for the map of France showing the results, in the silence of my TV, Mishal’s near-grin and relaxed body language shouted that the FN in France had failed to storm the political heights. I don’t know what she actually said but the visibly obvious good news (for the BBC) was transmitted silently into my North London sitting room.
I tuned in for short spells to the French 24 news programme. Should I have been so surprised at the amount of anti FN comment coming over including from the presenters. It seemed from my brief tuning in that there an amount of bias.
Anyone else feel this?
I suppose we should be grateful it was called FN and not as frequently described over here in our press and TV as National Front-clearly trying to give it nasty label.
Finally on the question of leadership, what an achievement for two females (yes with family connections) to rise to the top of a political party without being part of a quota or ‘special’ group.
Have been watching the same channel. The change from “serious face” to announce possible FN
victory, to “smiley face” to herald FN’s “third place” says it all.
There is no such thing as bad publicity , if you “failed ” in an election , the FN must have the BBC rattled . They don`t like Sarko`s Republican`s , formally UMP, either . Hollande has betrayed them , by bombing some Muzzies . I guess they are hoping , for some Islamic /terrorist party to come to power in France one day.
The funny thing thing is, that barring the immigration/anti-EU part of Front Nationale’s platform – all their other policies are decidedly protectionist and left-wing. It just goes to show that the Leftist blob will happily ditch 90% of their dearly held principles at the drop of a hat – as long as that party signs up to the core idea of destroying western society.
I remember a similar experience following our GE in the ‘morning after-post-mortem’. Lots of red dresses around worn by some very glum faced ladies – priceless.
It’s well known the BBC have too many overpaid prima-donnas and not enough to talk about (a local reporter once came to interview me about spun-up county hoo-haa in her radio noddy car. She clearly felt she was heir to Ed Murrow), but they really do like their ‘don’t you know who I am’ dispatches from the front.
‘Manhandled’, eh? Lucky he was not ‘kettled’. Looked more like unremarkable crowd control given security issues. Anyone speak Mandarin?
A shame the BBC decided to be provocative. Lucky the Chinese equivalent of Ms. May didn’t ban them from entry,
And the poor sod on trial is shunted out of the limelight.
I wonder what would happen if a scrum of Chinese TV teams decided to barrel into W1A’s swing doors?
Surely all the Chinese need to do is claim it’s ‘for the purposes of something…anything’ and they can clamp down just as easily as the BBC does with any trying to find out how they engage in censorship too?
In other countries, where really bad and dangerous things happen, news reporters are regularly killed while doing their job. Real men facing real dangers to discover and report the facts. When was the last time a bbc journalist died while reporting on a news story? Has it ever happened; I can’t recall an instance yet they whinge about the least bit of upset. I don’t think any of their many thousands of self styled journalists actually know what real journalism entails.
Poor lad, what a terrifying experience. Those Chinese chaps gently moved him at least 50 yards whilst allowing filming to continue.
Perhaps John Sudworth would like to go and do a piece about IS abuses of human rights. I suspect, if he survived, the BBC really would have something to grumble about.
At this time of the year, doesn’t it give you a warm glow when you think how much the UK’s generous aid to the Syrian ‘refugees’ is going to be appreciated!
‘International Development Secretary Justine Greening said the UK was helping to meet the most “immediate, basic needs” of displaced Syrians while also giving “immediate, life-saving humanitarian assistance to refugees in transit”.
The whole ‘Daesh’ thing sounded bonkers from the outset, which I note many media decided to run with before pondering or raising flags (red ones, not black with squiggles).
Just a small advert for Lord Hall’s appearance before the Sport, Media and Arts committee of the H of C on Wednesday. He will be gently quizzed by respectful MPs about the forthcoming charter renewal. As you can see I don’t expect anything other than deference from the MPs to the man who holds their careers in his hand. After all the BBC can make and break politicians, so they need to watch their step. I still intend to watch though in the hope that something unexpectedly bad for the BBC happens. Also it will amusing to hear everyone agree that the BBC is a national institution of the utmost importance . Loved by all, respected across the globe , representing fantastic value for money , crucial to the survival of British arts, a fearless seeker after truth packed with doughty journalists who expose wrong doing and prejudice where ever it occurs and the righteous guardian ( small G please note) of British democracy. After getting that tribute off their chests the MPs will then agree that whilst a subscription model may be desirable at some unspecified time in the future the time is not yet ripe and so they will force us to continue to pay the LF for at least another 5 years. Please note that a majority of MPs on the committee and the chairman are Tories and yet I expect them to bow down before the mighty BBC and be in awe of the great man.
How they can all be so wrong on every point listed I don’t know. In my view the BBC is an organisation which has done, and continues to do, great harm to our country and democracy by producing a non stop diet of liberal left propaganda and at the same time denying a platform for those who view the world differently.
One has long suspected that BBC and Guardian hacks were joined at the hip – but are BBC journos and colleagues from their favourite paper now officially going dutch?
‘Oh, the hard life of a political journalist. When it was announced that Jeremy Corbyn would give a speech to the £50-a-head Stop the War fundraising dinner, a group of hacks from the Guardian and BBC had an idea. Instead of going undercover and coughing up the fee, they could just book normal tables at EV, a popular Turkish restaurant under the arches in Waterloo, which was only half-booked for the event, and do some eavesdropping.’
‘The journos turned up and seated themselves, ready for an evening of hellimli, ispanakli and cheap gossip but were soon disappointed. The restaurant has a number of rooms, and there was a wall between theirs and Stop the War’s. No luck for the stingy reporters, then, but we suppose an evening of Turkish food on expenses can’t be that bad.’
One can reasonably assume that all concerned found the company congenial at any rate.
Everyday Misandry in the theatre business – can you envisage for one moment a publicity poster showing a male Peter Pan cutting Tinkerbell’s lifeline? Imagine the Twitterstorm!
I would like to say that I intended to give up on BBC and Channel 4 as a New Year’s resolution, but have been forced to employ my resolution some weeks early. There is not a lot left, as French television is diabolical, and foreign. I seem to be reduced to Breitbart on line, and Russia Today on the telly. I am seriously worried that I may be losing the plot.
We prefer watching French TV as the news doesn’t raise our blood pressure, we just look at the pictures and by the time the translation part of our brain kicks in the item is over. We watch the sport , films and ok SKY news sometimes. We rely on IPads for the Beeb website in small doses . We lost the plot ages ago OG and we find watching DVDS of “it ain’t half hot mum” (Beeb hates it) very soothing.
OG – Regarding French TV – If you look at the program listings, go for the ones with VM, normally found in the header. These are the programs which were initially in English. A quick play around with the menu options on your TV, and hey presto, films and programs back into English with French subtitles. We have particularly enjoyed the final series of The Mentalist in English which has just ended on TF1.
Surprisingly there is a HYS comments section – almost no one has bought the Merkel the Compassionate story – pretty much everyone accusing her of helping to destroy Europe.
Evenin’ all. This is my first post on this rather excellent site which I’ve been enjoying for some time now, so firstly a big thanks to everyone for your continued efforts in exposing the frankly staggering bias the BBC (and our MSM in general) tries to continually ram down our throats. Well it won’t be goin’ down this throat anytime soon, instead it’ll be spat out, posted here and judged for the utter drivel it is..!
First point once again concerns our dear conti-mental maniac Mutti Merkel. Not content with merely throwing her country’s borders wide open this summer to a million marauders without a) a passport b) knowing where it’s acceptable to take a shit in Europe, or c) any way whatsoever to look after themselves, she’s now decided to slow things down and reduce immigrant numbers:
But wait, hang on a minute, isn’t Europe’s Liar of the Year 2015 Dave C trying to do EXACTLY that with his ‘renegotiation’..? You know, reduce the number of migrants coming into the UK? Shouldn’t maybe, just maybe, our beloved national broadcaster be asking WHY Merkel can open and close her borders at will, yet when it comes to what the UK wants we’re unceremoniously shot down like a Russian warplane with its wing tips straying a millimetre into Turkish airspace?!
Just like Germany’s rush for coal-fired power stations, there are some inconvenient facts the BBC has no choice but to ignore in order to protect ‘the narrative’.
A flashback to 28gate and Climategate 2 and an exposure of the BBC and its eco-socialist plotters in all their alarmist, fascistic, naked ugliness.
Not only did the BBC get away with it, it is now more shamelessly biased than ever:
The Climategate 2 e-mails indicate that Professor Hulme expected a kickback from BBC, including an environmental slant on BBC coverage to bar global-warming skeptics from news broadcasts. On February 25, 2002, environmental skeptic and London University professor Philip Stott debated the topic of climate change with John Houghton of the Met Office on the network’s flagship Today program, which prompted a furious e-mail from Professor Hulme. “Did anyone hear Stott vs Houghton on Today, Radio 4, this morning?” Hulme queried colleagues. “Woeful stuff really. This is one reason why Tyndall is sponsoring the Cambridge Media Environment Programme, to starve this type of reporting at source.”
A similar account regarding BBC and climate scientists stonewalling skeptics came in December 2004, when BBC’s then-environmental correspondent Alex Kirby wrote to Professor Jones claiming he had successfully deterred one skeptic from BBC, alleging that the skeptic’s case was a “pure stream of consciousness rubbish.” However, he failed to block a group of scientists from being featured, who pointed to flaws in the hockey-stick climate change graph.
“I can well understand your unhappiness at our running the other piece,” Kirby wrote. “But we are constantly being savaged by the loonies for not giving them any coverage at all … and being the objective impartial (ho ho) BBC that we are, there is an expectation in some quarters that we will every now and then let them say something.” Professor Jones criticized the action, saying, “I thought you exercised some caution with crackpots,” to which Kirby responded, “Oh Phil, what can I say … I hope you’ll still talk to me despite this.”
Phillip Scott use to appear on Jerermy Swine ‘s show on a regular basis, he has now been airbrushed out, for having skeptical thought ‘s on Global Warming. I wonder if, Prof. Antony Gless, will get the same treatment, as he is another heretic on GW, although Sky & LBC still have him on.He is more an expert on security & terrorism, but the BBC have been baiting him recently on, “What’s the greatest threat, GW or ISIS. ” The Prof, of course says ISIS, the Evil BBC, hate that answer of course.
Al Beeb hates Britain’s Armed Forces and uses every opportunity that it can to undermine it . They weren’t called the ‘Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation’ for nothing by our brave guardians.
How typical of the BBC. Bleat on and on about climate change, hail the historic agreement and then publish this
which basically concedes that the agreement is not worth the recycled paper it’s written on (which we all knew already). It’s all about semantics apparently, a subject the BBC have been masters at for years.
Their craving for news to distort to fit their lefty socialist view of the world according to the BBC is akin to a crack addict. How many times have we seen this? Take the many examples of recent Middle Eastern crises. The BBC stands back, complains that the West is doing nothing, but when the West does ‘something’ the BBC are all over them like a cheap suit and bleating about innocent civilians, refugees etc. And then the crack whore news channel has its next fix and all is calm on planet beeb.
That Sunday morning R4 religious show again. Driving early to work I caught most of it.
An attempt by the interviewer that failed had me listening. That was an interview about the government’s new strategy of combatting extremism ( religious that is ) ,
Whoever was being inteviewed would not allow the BBC hack to suggest that all religions posed a problem and was quite specific . It was not a problem for any other belief system other that the usual suspect. Oh dear BBC that was unfortunate.
Then a little piece on how Muslims are fearful. Not in fear of their lives but of nasty looks and nasty words.
Indigenousphobia I suppose .
It seemed tasteless to me after the slaughter in Paris and California to even suggest some form of equivallence. But this is R4 and the BBc and that is what they do.
What is it with these people? Don’t they understand how it sounds to a non hivemind person?
The clear-thinking chap was from the Evangelical Alliance – an outfit that’s been around for decades, on the fundamentalist end of the Christian spectrum, but hardly fundamentalist in the new sense we have become accustomed to. Like the Salvation Army, Baptists, Presbyterian/Congregationalist and virtually all non-conformists, whitewashed out of existence by the BBC. I wonder why?
Magnificent from Pat Condell, and one of his best. It is indeed true that we yearn for TRUTH. We have had a belly-full of lies and deceit, and unless we return to truthful and proper governance, major civil conflict in this country and elsewhere is surely inevitable.
The BBC reporting with shock and horror as a human rights activist is on secret trial in China for making tweets that do not follow the party line. How awful, they emote, that someone can be hounded by the government and faces six years in jail just for saying things the party don’t approve of!
What hypocritical morons! The BBC spend half their resources persecuting people in the UK who do just that! How many people have the BBC pressed to be imprisoned for saying things that are non-BBC-approved?
Thanks to ZanuLabour and the BBC, expressing incorrect thoughts is a criminal offence in this country too. People have gone to prison for saying things against the party line, especially against the left’s favourite victim groups.
Undiluted, unashamed, unquestioning, patronising, childish, naive propaganda. The so-called BBC genuinely believes it’s that pale, bearded, corduroy-wearing, sneery and softly-spoken science teacher stood in front of a group of nine-year olds with a simplistic map of the globe Blu Tac’d to the bloody blackboard.
He whimpers, ‘Now then children…’ then starts reading the paragraph headed “What does it mean for me?”
The article contains the following. It reads curiously differently from the chorus of delight churned out by the far Left BBC:
“Analysts said the traditional parties had little to celebrate.
“The dam has held for the time being but the FN is making consistent progress in this country and at some point, the dam is going to break,” political analyst Stephane Rozes of the CAP think tank said.”
You can’t help wondering what AFP knows that the BBC doesn’t. Lots, presumably.
Any chance of my becomeing Shaka (Khan) Ahmeds agent?
The lad`s all over the media like a cheap suit in a wind tunnel.
What blanket media coverage…
AND-he`s prepared to forgo compo( bet the BBC and lawyers are pissed off with that-Phil Shiner surely had had his bike clips on since Shaka flew in like Santa a month ago)-as long as he gets answers from Bush and Blair.
Join the queue beardie!
Now`s here a few questions for YOU sonny!
How the hell did you get to Afghanistan, who gave you your passport to fly falsely on(Tommy Robinson got two years for less)…and why did you take your family?…and how did they go home whereas you didn`t?
Are you REALLY “British” or piggybacking off the State as a Muslim who claims allegiance to The Caliphate, and not the country who (for some reason) housed you?
And how much did the Northern Alliance get for you?…weren`t THEY responsible for all that followed?…and can we expect to see you in Kabul Smalls Claims Court to get the transfer fee refunded?
The whole story stinks-more than Batmanghedghlis bedsocks-yet the gulls of the liberal mountains of weirdness just fly past and refuse to peck at the tip…funny how they grill a Farage with the dentist drill, but give Shakka the conch shell and matching saucer, eye mask and headphones so he need not be inconvenienced with questions that Planet Normal would like to ask him.
Solid post Chris; I read that he is due £2,000,000 in compo, so perhaps he can’t be bothered with suing H.M.G. or maybe he’s worried that in a courtroom, he may be asked all sorts of awkward questions which he could struggle to answer convincingly.
On a related point, I’m thinking of no longer buying the MoS; they devoted page after page to this @rsehole in yesterday’s edition and trumpeted the fact that one of their reporters had been campaigning for years to get him freed and returned “home”.
Why isn’t one of their reporters campaigning for the release of Alexander Blackman with such sedulousness?
I don’t wish to support a newspaper which acts on behalf of Muslim foreign nationals in such a manner; also Peter Hitchens, whom I used to hold in great admiration both as a writer and commentator, is not as good as he was – seemingly obsessed with cannabis and terribly weak on the West’s growing, Islamic problems.
Think Peter-like you, he`s long been a hero of mine-has got a little tired, and saw what happened to Melanie Phillips-and has the school fees for Oxford to still think of.
To be fair, he`s done his bit-and it`ll be our generation who need to get writing-or at least seeking out the Murrays, Delingpoles etc to back in the coming dark days.
This site has plenty talent, and we`re thankfully linked with lots of others who feel and write the same-so we should be covered….but the decline of Peter H is noted…so thanks for that.
The Mail yesterday was awful, and it hates UKIP as much as the Mirror…so a fickle friend.
Shaker Aamer: ‘British agent witnessed my beating’
Shaker Aamer My Moral compass, The Complicated road,
Shaker Aamer: What happens now? Compensation to be paid to Guantanamo detainees
Shaker Aamer ‘thought he was poisoned at Guantanamo’
Shaker Aamer: Free at last – Released from Guantanamo arrived to UK
Shaker Aamer: Guantanamo’s last UK inmate in his own words
OOOOOH Brother! ……. there will be much more I m sure
but not much from this, eh BBC?
Oooh Yeah!
Shaker Aamer: ‘No plans to sue’ over Guantanamo
Shaker Aamer: In his own words
Shaker Aamer: My first words to my wife
Shaker Aamer: Shakar Amamer s story
Shaker Aamer : Commentary by BBC home affairs correspondent Dominic Casciani:
Haven`t Islamic State got an online magazine called “Inspire”?
Why then does the BBC continue to tell me that our machete wielding Muslim who was filmed buying one(for his dear old mum, bless him!) was “inspired “by Islamic State to chop that goat into smaller chunks for the Eid curry?
How could he BE “inspired” , when we all know that Islamic State is only alleged or so-called…and has no basis in reality of its more challenging notions that it SEEMS to think are in the Noble and Holy Koran?
In short, a dunghill of verbal puree where words are bandied about and mean only what the BBC like them to mean-at that minute anyway ,until the news cycle comes round again on the carousel.
Why not use the better Islamic word for our Muslim pal…”Imagine”..and play him some tune to go with it…if you can think of one!
No apology for posting this here too!
How many of us have noticed the change in rhetoric?
First, it was “Global Warming”. There hasn’t been any “Global Warming” for 18 years and nine months, so that got changed to “Climate Change”. But over the recent years, several peer reviewed scientific papers have shown much caution and stated that there has been no or very little indication of “Climate Change” attributed to man made Co2. Oh dear, the sheeple aren’t buying into the “Climate Change” so let us try another tack. How about “Saving the Planet?”. Yup, sounds about right to me. So, “Saving the Planet” will become the new catchphrase. Get used to it, good people.
Climate change, I would have thought, can only be assessed and quantified in retrospect and over a considerable period of time. Am I right on that?
If, in 100 years time, then there has been no bay area fog in San Francisco for, say, 50 years, it might be safe to say the climate has changed in that part of California. Similarly, if the Hebrides have had consistently snowy winters & cold weather during the year for most of a century by then, it would be reasonable to assume the climate has changed. No tropical storms or cyclones in the Bay of Bengal for five or more decades, then the climate has changed. Consistent rainfall every month in northern Australia for half a century or more, yes the climate appears to have changed.
To cherry pick at short range could lead to all sorts of trouble.
re TOB’s post and that of chrisH immediately above, I found myself thinking during either the 6pm or 10pm BBC R4 news broadcasts that yesterday they would have been enjoyed very much by George Orwell (Eric Blair).
Another example of the BBC ruining what was a good idea for a programme.
Today at 12.04 on BBC 4 they broadcast a programme on social media, using the example of the Sir Tim Hunt incident. The problem, inevitably as this was the BBC, was that they immediately took sides on Sir Tim Hunt, and of course he was the bad guy. The introduction gave a distorted account of what he said by taking the joke out of context and limiting the quotation to as few words as possible. They broadcast only the punchline of his joke, which they could say meant whatever they wanted it to mean – caricaturing him as old, male and sexist. The programme then interviewed Connie St Louis, the first journalist to claim that Hunt had made sexist remarks. She then became the victim in the story because some of the social media response was critical of her, and of course this had to be racially motivated because she is black. Poor her. Then it was on to how the feminists had run the outrage with their own hashtag.
It could have been an interesting and thought provoking programme, but it wasn’t. A suitable epitaph for the BBC. As featured on BBc 22:00 news. Of course this story has been banging around for a while. Not that long ago America sent a warship into the area. So not exactly news. What struck me is how the hell do the Chinese build these artificial islands with global warming and rising sea levels. I was expecting the BBc reporter to say with a smirk never mind they’ll all be under water soon. No honestly I was …really.
I heard that story a long while back. Probably on here, so I won’t be the only one. So the question is, who has decided it’s now fit for wider discussion, and why?
This is the so-called BBC doing ‘investigative journalism’, trying to prove it can actually produce insightful news to expose some sort of evil in the world – an evil they, and they alone, have decided is evil.
China is obviously in their crosshairs due to its allegiances with Russia and Iran, its contribution to adding that evil, horrible life-feeding gas CO2 to the atmosphere, and the fact that they’ve just done some deals with that evil Tory Gideon Osborne – boo hiss etc (well it is Panto season).
I’ll be eagerly awaiting their Xmas specials on the Erdogans’ supposed oil deals with IS, an extended Panorama ‘drilling down into the detail’ (as our Evan would say) of the accounts of Kidz Company, and the long anticipated appearance of Alan ‘Teflon’ Yentob on HardTalk.
I’m sure I read that the Rollers were the biggest selling act of 1977 or was it 1976. In As an aside I did play Saturday Night when I had a community radio show.
The Bay City Rollers were pretty cr@p, but as you say they did play a big part in the music charts of the mid 70s and were big in America, no self respecting 70s music show should ignore them, but remember the BBC is no stranger to manipulating history.
Now if they were polically left leaning such as Bragg, Heaton or Weller their addition to the Radio 2 playlist would be no problem. I wonder if their current equivalent One Direction will be ignored by Sounds Of The 2010s in 2050 ?
For goodness sake, don’t tell the BBC that the Bay City Rollers are ‘Scotland’s answer to the Beatles’ – they’ll start playing them wall to wall just to piss off us English
Dave 666
Think the year you have in mind was 1975, when Bye Bye Baby was the top seller of the year – originally a minor hit in the 60s for the Four Seasons who wrote it.
Weirdly the BCRs first made it in 1971 with Keep on Dancing – orginally a hit in the USA for The Gentries in 1965. Then it all went very quiet for 3 years until unusually they resurfaced with Remember in early ’74. No, I’m not a fan.
Thus the BCRs were not overly original but did give the girls something to cheer about post glam-rock. Nothing wrong with harmless fun but not to be confused with talent.
So the odd track from them would be fine but maybe they are not ‘hip’ enough for the hipsters on bBBC. To see really hip people (joke) just watch the Top of the Pops from 1980 on BBC4 and marvel how the producers used to push their favourite acts, even when no-one was actually buying their records.
Sluff The TOTP re-runs are basically now the only thing I make any effort to watch from the BBc. As I spent some of the early 80s with BAOR I often missed the British forces Television broadcast of it. As you say they were pushing certain things. I certainly don’t remember guests turning up to promote what they were doing.
With the revelation (laugh) that BBC and Guardian hacks co-ordinate their plans for attendance at political events (see my earlier post) I thought it may be worthwhile looking at their respective write ups and checking the bylines.
The Guardian appear to credit no less than three journos:
The Toady programme’s Miss Shouty currently interviewing a child-like/sounding victim of ‘domestic violence’, which seems to be Al Beeb’s latest crusade with which to beat the government. I fully expect to hear from Miss Shouty that domestic violence has increased exponentially under the Tories and THAT MORE FUNDING IS REQUIRED, as it always is. Computer systems are not sufficient or efficient I’m hearing currently. Forces ‘overwhelmed’ leads Miss Shouty, forces need to spend more time interviewing ‘victims’, ie stupid girls who have chosen their swains according to their sex drive rather than their brain and don’t leave them immediately.
Aah, it’s probably only a small punt for increased police funding. As you were!
I also heard this interview, with some bemusement I must say. The woman sounded more like a girl and the boyfriend’s modus operandi was messaging her on the internet, she replying to his messages. The police quite rightly took the view that there was nothing they could do. No one wants to condone physical violence in any way but this was not a good example of how police time should be used. Domestic abuse, as opposed to violence, is now so widely defined that the police would indeed be overwhelmed if they had to deal with every ‘case’.
I approve of domestic violence.
Thick women marry/co-habit with stupid men.
Violent dimwit murders dimwitess, before she has further contaminated the planet.
Murderer spends life in prison unable to further contaminate the planet.
Gene-win situation.
Natural, dysgenic removal, selection.
December 1964, IIRC. Remember as a child having to rip off layers of clothing and escape into the garden from ageing, unwell adults who need some extra warmth from a coal fire. I recall wearing a summer, shortsleeved shirt on Christmas Day and the middle-aged adults also coming into the garden to enjoy the warm sunshine. Didn’t stay like that for long. Seem to recall that in January we had a short reminder of the previous winter.
She is of course only talking about the South of England. What about the temperatures North of the Border? It got down to minus 7 over the weekend. But those temperatures which are 11 degrees below normal wouldn’t get the same treatment as those which are only 3 or 4 degrees above normal would they? Narrative at play once again and yet more propaganda from the BBC. Terminology is everything is well. “More reminiscent of Mid July” Really? In which year was that then Carol? “Unseasonably warm” Really? “Warm”? Not mild then? It seems you can change the correct meteorological terminology to suit an agenda. And temperatures above where they SHOULD be. What a stupid statement. Where they should be is based upon what? Day time temperatures, night time temperatures, mean temperatures, short term trend temperatures, long term trend temperatures, El Nino affected temperatures, England Temperatures, London temperatures, my back garden temperatures…what in God’s name? And may break the record for December…well that depends on the location and type of the recording device doesn’t it? Stick it alongside runway 09/27 Left/Right at Heathrow and probably yes, just when an A380 powers up to clear the runway.
This science educated ‘warmist AND coolist’ is extremely bothered that the media, the enviro-mentalists & the IPCC quickly forget not just ‘global’ in the geographic sense but global in the time sense. If you are going to have ‘global’ in title it has got to be global for everything, however far north (or south) you may go, for a whole year at a time, for whole decades, for whole centuries. You are right to remind of the snow & below freezing temperatures in the north. [Forgotten, btw, by BBC R4 Met Office people yesterday in the main forecasts. They were saying its warm & wet everywhere. Oh no it wasn’t! Pantomime season has started.]
‘Terminology is everything is well. “More reminiscent of Mid July” Really?’
Yes. I can recall one June and one July in the last ten years where I was wearing three layers and still feeling cold indoors and out. And I’m in the south-east. A little motor sport experience, of the spectator variety, also adds a little bit more to the time equation. IIRC, in rallying especially, however fast you may be able go and do actually go over a particular stage, a low speed segment in that stage (slowing to go around an ailing competitor ahead, perhaps) quickly drags down your overall time and speed for the stage.
BTW, observing the clothes worn during a year is quite a good bit of observational science – as far as AGW is concerned – especially when compared year to year, season to season. As is comparing electricity & gas (or other heating) bills and noting the variations in consumption.
I am awaiting with increased interest this year’s annual temperature figures for the UK and the world, bearing in mind that this year although parts of the globe were incredibly hot (California & parts of Europe) or at least had a good summer (s-east England) some parts of the globe had excessively cold weather (Australia, NZ and parts of S. America(?)) or miserable, very cold summers (anywhere north and west of s-east England) but I expect it to be announced as ‘the hottest year on record’ on the BBC.
At which point I begin to suspect even more that things are being measured rather selectively or collected data is being adjusted to fit with a computer prediction that itself was a collection of human speculation on a GIGO basis.
The sheeple MSM weather folks also seem to have completely forgotten about the panic that ensued with the invention of ‘Acid Rain’. When did that all get sorted? Why aren’t historic buildings in Cumbria now little more than a fizzing puddle of dissolved rubble after the recent floods? Some poor sod somewhere probably bought shares in a car lacquer manufacturer anticipating yearly trips by all and sundry to refresh their car’s bodywork after the continual acidic onslaught.
Off to check the roof to see whether the tiles have melted after this morning’s rain shower…
Acid rain was a consequence of air pollution, notably by sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Steps have been taken to reduce those emissions so that acid rain is not the problem it once was.
Or, as Dr William Reville, associate professor of Biochemistry and Public Awareness of Science Officer at UCC, put it in the Irish Times:
“How dangerous was acid rain? The most comprehensive study was commissioned in 1980 by US president Jimmy Carter. The National Acid Precipitation Assessment Programme (NAPAP) examined the damage caused by acid rain and recommended solutions. In 1982 president Ronald Regan raised the annual budget for NAPAP to $100 million. The final cost of NAPAP, the most costly environmental study in US history, was $537 million.
“The situation turned out to be much more complex than had been predicted. The acidity of a lake is determined as much by the acidity of the local soil and vegetation as it is by acid rain. Many lakes in north-eastern America, dead in the 1980s, had plenty of fish in 1900. It was surmised by environmentalists that 20th-century sulphur dioxide emissions had choked these lakes to death with acid rain. But the NAPAP showed many of these lakes were acidic and fishless even before European settlement in America. Fish survived better in these lakes around 1900 because of extensive slash and burn logging in the area. The soil became more alkaline as the acid vegetation was removed, reducing the acid flowing into the lakes and making the water hospitable to fish. Logging stopped in 1915, acid soils and vegetation returned and the lakes became acidic again. The study also found that in many cases forests were suffering debilitation due to insects or drought and not acid rain.”
Today BBC Points West Tweet this, yet no questioning last as to why one is affordable but the other isn’t, yet this story has been around for a while, best not include them in the same program…
Did the BBC in Wiltshire inform its listeners that there is conscription in Syria and that these refugees are dodging the draft and thereby breaking their country’s law?
My sister-in-law’s house had been up for sale for over two years and was bought by our local council at a knock-down price, although she was happy to get the sale through and move on. After collecting the keys to her new house, the selling agent advised her that the council are buying up low-value, ex-authority housing in our county for the ‘migrants’ that Krankie has agreed to settle here. In the small village where my sister-in-law lived, they have bought 22 houses in the last two months. This is a village with a 3,500 population. This will give some indication of what’s coming.
I know someone on our local Council who are housing 10 refugee families. NOT in council property mind, but in private rented accommodation; this will be cue for photo opportunities of “family of 8 from Syria housed in 5 bed detached house with half acre of garden ! ” So the above story doesn’t surprise me at all !
Is BBC Wiltshire suggesting that the passengers in the photograph were the specific 27 refugees referred to? Perhaps crossing the English Channel in a rubber dinghy?
The picture seems to have gained much coverage, initially to illustrate the claim that the honorary French consul in Bodrum, Turkey was selling rubber boats to refugees. This make the caption of Newsletter, The Pride of Northern IrelandMigrants and refugees paddling a rubber dinghy close to the beach at Psalidi near Kos Town, Kos, Greece, in August very believable.
Shouldn’t the BBC be obliged to explain that the photograph they used was from archives for illustration purposes, only and not an actual photograph of the refugees shortly to be housed in Wiltshire?
Already fed up to the back teeth with the BBC banging on about astronaut Tim Peake we hear this morning – as Louise Minchin interviews a woman from the Euro Space Whatsname – the reason why this is so marvelous and special ….
Haven’t guessed it yet?
Well, our Tim is the first “Official” British spaceman – and as our Louise explains this means Tim is the first PUBLICLY FUNDED British astronaut. Fanfare!!!!
Bet you didn’t know this factoid… shared with us by the Euro-space-spokeswoman… for every £1 spent in space we get £10 back! Blimey. But don’t expect your’s to arrive in a brown envelope before Christmas. However, I forsee the likes of Dara O’Briain and Brian Cox should pick up some welcome over-time.
Pondering this theory of central spending throw £1 up and get £10 back (I think that beats the Luvvie’s favourite £1 spent on entertainment industries brings £7 back claim ?) I’m curious as to how the Soviet bloc with all their central spending was such a failed ecomony that the Ruskies have now had to take paying passengers on their rockets?
An added excitement for the BBC is not just the public funding aspect. Mr Peake is not participating as a British astronaut, rather he is flying under the auspices of the European Space Agency as part of the initial intake of European astronauts. We wish him a successful flight, but watch out for the EU propaganda.
I’m arguing as the Devil’s Advocate here, but worth pointing out that the Russians still have a manned launch capability, as do the Chinese, whereas the Americans do not and Europe never has.
I watched the report this morning from Tim Peakes former primary school in chichester. The school children were clearly all white, there was no ethnicity whatsoever, as this information from the chichester government website explains
“93.01% of the District population are White British; this is the highest level in West Sussex. Chichester District has the lowest percentage of Black and Ethnic Minority residents in West Sussex with 6.99% (N.B new classifications of Census 2011 means that White Irish, White other and White Gypsy and Traveller are now Black and Ethnic Minorities.) This is lower than county, regional and national averages.”
Yet somehow, when the BBC selected 4 primary students to create messages of support to Tim at the end of the report, they were the following ethnicity.
1) Black
2) Black
3) Muslim
4) White
How is that possible. I bet there is at most a handful of black or muslim students at the school. The section was tagged on at the end of the report. My suspicions were…….they were not students there. They were not part of the main report.
BBC news were much happier at the London Science Museum school shindig where a “100% diverse” group of school children were filmed – Tim Peake must have been the first white face any of them had seen at school all year.
Not unrelated to Geoff at 0846 above.
BBC R4 Toady. Thought for the Day at 0750. Wasn’t totally paying attention not least for scarcely believing what I heard but I THINK I heard that a church known to the presenter is gong to erect and present in the church for Christmas a deflated life raft. So the congregation can remember the Syrian refugees ‘fleeing for their lives’ across the water.
That’s the water from Turkey to Greece by the way – which fact seems to continually escape Al-Beeb’s notice.
Pass the sick bag.
Sluff, as I have just stated in a post just above yours, there is conscription in Syria. That is why you are seeing so many young men of “fighting age”. They are breaking their country’s law by dodging the draft. Funny how I have yet to hear this on the BBC.
Sluff – I too heard Thought for the Day – for once I thought by an English-spoken vicar, Lucy. Ah, good – bit of traditionalism and common sense. But you did hear right! I too could hardly believe my ears when she went on about the deflated life raft to be suspended from the beams over the nave – which we were helpfully informed came from the Latin for Naval. She also said that Joseph and Mary were refugees too?? I was always led to believe they were having to travel due to tax registration laws. So is the Bbc now trying to rewrite the bible? Give me strength. I gave up attending church years ago when all the happy-clappy stuff started. I was always taught in the Services that one didn’t mention sex, politics or religion in the Mess. These were private matters. Seems no longer!
The refugee bit refers to the massacre of the innocents when Herod got a bit angry that the magi had deceived him and decided to kill all the male children under two in Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Egypt.
Would this have been Lucy Winkle from their nearby parish-St James in Piccadilly?
Long a suckup to the left and the Palestinians-didn`t they put an Israeli type wall up in their copious churhchyard last year..or some such stunt.
Good church that-any chance of HERSELF heading back to the Cotswolds and letting those poor Syrians bathe in her font, let them piss up and hang washing by those stained glass windows of hers?
Good graveyard too-centrally based and near the BBC should they need to shower.
After all-no-one will be in over the hols,all tape loops and Labour slurry 24/7…and I`m sure they`ll be happy to hand it all back to Tony Hall, once they`re all back in January.
Come on Lucy, come on BBC…let`see what a Syrian Refugees Welcome” Committee in Action can do for us all..make a good live feed too, for Jon Snow to mull over in cloisters somewhere prep schoolish and daddy-derived!
Wankaz!…if the Bible narrative was to be really acted upon-all these Syrians(other brands of spongebag are of course available)-would be heading BACK to Syria to pay their taxes, and would register with their authorities both at Calais-and as they cross back to rebuild their Muslim paradise to come.
Surely THEY need all these doctors, engineering post grads and lawyers, footy stars and chanteuses…more than we do, seeing as we`re a Tory basket case who can hardly feed white D or give a boob job to Kellie Baloney…the BBC/Guardian and Labour tell me nothing else…and I believe it all now.
If only Lucky Lucy gave a damn about the Christians who`d likely have been thrown OFF the boat she cherishes.Guilty of praying to HER God…and not Allah as she`d no doubt think just as valid.
Thank You Rowan Williams-a catastrophic failure all round. The Ecclesiastical Clinton.
The BBC website says it was the result of a “row”. Whenever I have a row with someone on a boat, I throw them overboard too. The BBC really are the lowest bastards imaginable.
As the French are now involved do they still have any Super Etendardes armed with Exocets we could buy. They were quite happy to supply Argentina a few years ago!
I have not heard anything from the BBC on the illegal invasion of the Turkish army into northern (Kurdish) Iraq, and their refusal to go despite the demands of the Iraqi government that they do so. Turkey has refused to withdraw, and remains in illegal occupation of parts of the country. Doubtless they are slaughtering Kurds to their heart’s content. What are the UN, NATO, the major powers doing about it? Damn all, apparently.
Martin, Historically the BBC has supported Kurds , against Turkey. There may, of course, be a change of policy at the BBC . It would be interesting to know if that is the case.
I see from the Telegraph that a complaint against the beebyanka has been partially allowed and (we’re talking about the beebyanka, after all) more than partially disallowed, concerning a programme about Lewis Carroll. What was advertised to its own participants as a celebration of the author was drastically edited, to centre on a photograph, purportedly taken by Carroll, of the sister of Alice Liddell ( i.e. THAT Alice), turning it into an assertion of child abuse.
I wonder if any readers can recall rather more substantial allegations of child abuse and significantly more recent ones, which the beebyankoids were in no particular hurry to pursue.
Owen, Yes, the BBC will do anything to distract from the child abuse in the BBC itself and ,of course, Lewis Carroll is not here to defend himself. I am sure there is a lot more to come out in the open about the BBC unless they manage to keep the lid on it.
Someone above mentioned 1964 as being a mild Christmas, I don’t recall that far back, but I do recall Christmas day 1974 being sunny and very mild, a little research throws up the London Weather website, which informs us that in London December 1974 maxed out at 15.2deg and was frost free, the average temperature higher than both October and November.
It would appear that down South a temp of over 15deg is nothing new, much the same as 41 years ago.
It’s almost that mild today, but as our weather, is dependent on the position of the jet stream, & the temperature of the North Atlantic Drift, as well as wind direction. For the greenies , this is a new religion.
So Jeremy Vine picks once again at the old “Orgreave Scab”.
Public Inquiry if you please.
Not sure if Michael, Cherie, Charlotte or Gareth could find time to do this ones for us-after all, Shaker might need Phil, we`ve still got Hillsborough and Goddard…and Bloody Sunday will run once again, once we`ve replaced its kneecaps.
Oh-and Ricky Tomlinson wants one too over his Shrewsbury case in 1971…he can stick it to Ted in the cause of balancing the abuse to be thrown yet again at Lady Thatcher, by Billy Elliot extras still warming their hands over a Brassed Off Brazier.
I`m sick of this continual shit-stirring…and it`s all one sided.
No David Wilkie and the role of Kim Howells and the NUM.
No Falkirk and Len McClusky
No UKIP one re the latest postal frauds of Oldham.
No Grunwick.
No Ashton/Kent and CND/Libyan and Soviet money, no Peter Heathfield and Scargills house.
Course not-and, need I add-no Top Peoples Review by Goddard of the arch-Top Peoples nonce grooming Corporation either-but plenty feet to be held to her candle in Louth and Kirkwall. How brave!…has Yentob left the building yet?
In short-lying BBC scummards who keep these “Orgreave butties” curled up and green as you please-but out they come and offered to the rest of us as “informing the debate”-as opposed to stirring Labours diarrhoea up so we get to smell their pain and fear.
DP today. Old has beens Vince Cable and Mullin ( ex Labour MP) were mulling over the possibility of a anti Tory alliance at the next election. The first thing to do said Vince, was to start talking to each other as they were doing on the programme. A delighted Ms Coburn , obviously enthralled at the possibility of an anti Tory alliance , said they would be welcome anytime to come on the programme and muse some more on this topic. Let us watch and see how hard the BBC tries to be the match maker and help all the ‘progressive’ parties to form an anti Tory alliance. Without doubt this idea will stir all the juices of the BBC who must be fretting on the unelectability of Labour with Captain Corbyn at the helm. A warning to the poor Lib Dems though, forming a pact with a Corbyn led Labour party will do them more harm than they can possibly imagine. Perhaps Vince is trying to split Labour and help the Labour ‘moderates’ find a home when they are kicked out by the increasingly Stalinist Labour party for ideological crimes against the people.
I rather think Serena Williams was the one who brought up the racism aspect. While I grant you Sports Illustrated is famous for their swimsuit edition doesn’t anyone think the cover is a bit off? Even to use a politically correct expression – sexist?Ms. Williams did win the award for genuine athletic achievement.
Do not be so rude, about Sherman tanks.
If you think this one is ugly what about her sister?
Venus is as much like a goddess of beauty, as Serena is serene.
Serena, who has tantrums and swears at and threatens linesmen.
The same Serena who hid when someone came to give her a drugs test.
I wonder what substances the parents were using when they chose the names, it must have been stronger than the stuff sold by my local pub.
As stated earlier Tim Peake WTF? 13:00 news it’s lead story I turned over. But they are going on and on about this. Helen Sharman had turned up to comment as I turned back at what I thought was the end of the program. So what is the agenda? I thought Helen Sharman was the first “Briton” in space?
Lists all the other “Britons” that have been in Space already
“To date, six British-born astronauts and one non-British born UK citizen have flown in space” Before TP.
I could be wrong, but isn’t he the first to be sent to the International Space Station?
As per usual there’s some muddying of the waters perfected by our top class band of journalistic brothers at the BBC, but I think that is the difference.
A RAF chap was going to go up in late 86, early 87, until the Challenger disaster, put a stop to it. The other Brits took out American citizenship to get a fast track Shuttle trip. Some were ex military, I believe. Yes so we have had English people on the ISS , the parents were still in England. The sons just found a quicker way to get up into Space.
I really can’t understand why it’s such a big deal. OK, so the bloke has gone into space and good luck to him, but it hardly compares with Yuri Gagarin does it?
As I posted earlier – re Major Tim – the BBC let the cat out of the bag this morning. He is the first PUBLICLY FUNDED spaceman from Britain. Hence the inordinate excitement at the BBC – the rest of the media take their cue from big brother.
As I posted earlier – re Major Timt – the BBC let the cat out of the bag this morning. He is the first PUBLICLY FUNDED spaceman from Britain. Hence the inordinate excitemnt at the BBC – the rest of the media take their cue from big brother.
The article doesn’t state whether by far right they mean ‘Islamist’. Nice to see more evidence further down of the non-refugees travelling from Syria as errm, refugees.
The BBC just use “right wing” and “conservative” in describing any sort of extremism. It’s a reflex to them. They are all left wing, therefore, since they are all good people, left wing = good, and by extension right wing = bad. It does not matter if the “right wing” or “conservative” faction in question is an Islamic extremist or a die hard Communist or a patriotic French party with socialist economic policies; if the BBC do not like you, you must by definition be a right wing conservative.
I don’t read French for the complete details but the French media also seem to be describing Claude Hermant as a man with links to the far Right. Teh BBC undoubtedly copied.
Well they seem to be giving the current leader of the British Conservative party quite an easy ride (bearing in mind he seems to achieve the exact opposite of whatever he promises on an almost daily basis), so that must make him a..?
Not entirely related to the BBC, but Shelagh Fogarty (ex-BBC) is currently running an hour long discussion on LBC on the subject “Can the Labour Party survive under Jeremy Corbyn”, this on the back of Dan Hodges (once again) and Miriam O’Reilly both resigning their membership of the Labour Party.
This, to me, is just a fishing expedition of the kind that the BBC on occasion run themselves. An hour long naval gaze at a problem within the Labour Party.
Of course the Labour Party will survive under Jeremy Corbyn, but it is what results that should be investigated. Can it be a party of government, or will it be just a reactionary protest party? These should be the questions not “will it survive”which of course it will.
The other point worth making is that it is impossible to imagine such a prolonged conversation happening in the context of one of the other major parties. I don’t recall much conversation of a similar vein in the context of the Lib Dems for instance?
Will it be an inclusive party able to contain people with a wide range of views, or will it become a party for only those supporting the approved group think?
See my other post re UNITE letter to recalcitrant MPs!
National Front leader Le Pen acquitted of inciting hatred
French National Front leader Marine le Pen has been acquitted of charges of inciting hatred on the December 2010 campaign trail in Lyon, France. The charges relate to her comments comparing Muslims praying in the streets to the Nazi occupation of France in World War Two. In October Ms Le Pen told a court in Lyon she did not commit any offence. Prosecutors said she had exercised her right to free speech and was not referring to all Muslims.
She was charged in July 2014 after her immunity as a member of the European Parliament was lifted following a vote requested by French authorities. In her 2010 speech to far-right National Front supporters, broadcast by French media, she said that France had initially seen “more and more veils”, then “more and more burkhas” and “after that came prayers in the streets”. She said: “I’m sorry, but some people are very fond of talking about World War Two and about the occupation, so let’s talk about occupation, because that is what is happening here… There are no tanks, no soldiers, but it is still an occupation, and it weighs on people.”
The reports goes on, but nowhere does the BBC find the time or space to report who exactly brought these ridiculous charges of ‘waaaaycism!’ against Marine Le Pen (reason enough to form my own suspicions).
Ah – here in the Telegraph we get rather more clarity:
“…The case, brought by two anti-racism and two Muslim groups, stems from comments Ms Le Pen made at a 2010 rally in Lyon while campaigning to take over the party.”
“…Abdallah Zekri, secretary general of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, CFCM, said such words “feed the ambient climate of Islamophobia that we’re currently going through”. Henri Braun, lawyer for anti-Islamophobia group, CCIF, said her message was clear. “In her words, she links praying in the street with the Occupation. The succession of words is very clear. We are told these are enemies occupying our territory…and this enemy is Muslims,” he said.
Thought as much. Islam cannot bear freedom of speech – it goes against everything its dark heart stands for. Yet again, I had to look elsewhere for the facts. Good job, BBC.
Wonder how this will go down with all the ‘can never work there again’ brigade, well since th last time he was back?
Had to love there were complaint(s)… two.
Surprised Fraser Steel did not cancel all leave on these alone.
‘the BBC said it would not investigate the complaint as the matters raised were of an “internal nature” and therefore could not be discussed publicly. The complainant’s remarks had been “passed to the appropriate figures within the BBC”, said a spokesman.’
All in house, anonymous and unaccountable. Again. Nice.
Ever wondered wether the mainstream media are living in a parallel universe to the rest of us everyday folk?
I read in my evening paper that Shaka Aamer (late of Guantanamo) when asked ‘what do you noticed has changed about London?’ He replied “It’s more cosmopolitan”.
I’ve news for him – his native Saudi Arabia ain’t!
And the most homogenous nation on earth…any proselytising Muslim gets deported, alongside his family.
One mosque tops, a few hundred at most- and absolutely NO call to accept an immigrant-they never get called out by Ban Ki Moon do they?
That`s only Europe who`ll get old Bans moaning-he`s South Korean and they sure as hell won`t be taking an immigrant…especially if he intends to stay a publi figure when he`s left the UN.
Hypocrite…but well done Japan”!
Now for a PR man (and most else), I find DC less than savvy, but is amazing what ‘trends’ on the BBC, especially when they have such excellent links with ‘photoshoppers’ and ‘people’, doubtless freelancing in Calais after the trek from Gaza where they first hooked up.
BBC News shared BBC Trending’s post. It was too easy for the photoshoppers.
BBC TrendingLike Page
David Cameron watched the launch of astronaut Tim Peake into space ? but people have been creating their own memes about what he could have been viewing instead. ?
What’s David Cameron watching on the telly, exactly?*
Learn More. Become a Citizen.
*If he is watching the BBC, little of value.
But at least then BBC News can cover what BBC Trending calls news, and so on ad infinitum….
Probably working for the Passport Office-or maybe commute to the DVLA.
As for your anti-Welsh diatribe?…might be the way to go, unless they`ve created “taffopphobia”…didn`t Blair and/or Anne Robinson fall foul of the Heddlu?
God no-this comment must stand, Blair and Robinson…I withdraw my slur pronto!
As I write, just saw Salam Yacoob in the rear view mirror telling Jon Snow about-well let`s guess “Islamophobia and the need for her “Respect Galloway and Me” Party.
Good old Channel 4 and its seeking a wide cross section of opinion en?
Did notice one thing though…the very flames of hell seemed to be consuming Snow as he signed off …Tomorrows Other World surely for the fork tongued gimlet.
Enough of this Taffphobia!
We also have feelings you know. I shall be making an official complaint to those concerned which will bring the full might of the Taffia upon you all.
However there is a sheep farmer in the nearby village who is known a ‘Dai Lop Sided’ because he walks with a limp. Our local baker is ‘Dai Crust’, while at the top of the village is a posh Dai, known as ‘Dai Upper Crust’ and finally David Davies is called ‘Dai Twice’. You will have to work that one out yourself.
Now, back to work…………..
Looking at that range of names….all good old Welsh ones eh….I’d attribute their wicked ways to the Welsh Baptist movement, or maybe the methodists…rum lot those…
And yes, both militant groups the taffia and the viet-taff would be suing for taffophobia quicker than you could say Shaker Aamer or Moazam Begg…
Surely British is “Welsh” under BBc designations? Certainly under the ICM survey I filled in via BBc there was no separate entry just British. Those racists haven’t replied to me yet by the way.
Dave666, In any census or questionaire under “ethnic origin “, I write ” This is a racist question and I refuse to answer “. Under “sexual orintation ” I put “none of your business “. And the same reply under “religion “. It all reminds me of a large country in central Europe in the 1930s which had similar obsessions .
Saudis announce Islamic anti-terrorism coalition
Not a word about Saudi funding of mosques which have a reputation for being prime recruiting stations for terrorists. Osama bin Laden didn’t leave Saudi Arabia because he disagreed with Wahhabism but because he felt the Saudis weren’t doing enough to implement it.
How is it that the BBC can run a huge piece on the closure of the last deep coal mine, together with the colliery brass band when a la Emily Thornbury, the white working class, especially in the North of England is something they absolutely detest!
There was once the original Bollinger Bolshevik living in Hampstead who honestly believed the miners were just like he was, except forced to work down the pit, too poor to afford the subscription to the Fabian Society. When he actually did get around to visiting a pit, he was revolted by the men who worked there, and commented that the pits now aren’t the same as they were, and had been filled with ‘scum’ !
Just goes to show how stupid the looney left were, and continue to be.
This from the Meteorological Office “monthly weather report” December 1979. (Abridged)
“Wet and Windy; Mild first half of month”
Unsettled weather, with winds often reaching gale force, affected all parts of the U.K. throughout the month. The first two weeks were generally mild but colder weather then spread to all districts. (Note: Met Office broke the country down into districts, later to be renamed as regions, which were not the same) Showers or periods of rain occurred frequently, showers being mostly of rain early in the month but later becoming wintry with hail sleet and snow at times, particulary after mid month. Rainfall was occasionally heavy and there was widespread flooding in the South West of England and Wales during the last week. Rainfall totals were well above average almost everywhere in the U.K. with more than twice the average being recorded in many areas of England and wales. Rainfall was particularly heavy on the 4th and 8th over parts of Wales and North West England. On the 25th and 27th excessive rainfall lead to many parts of the South West being flooded. The range of maximum temperatures recorded for all districts of the U.K. were of a minimum of 13.5 degrees (Scotland West) and 16.6 degrees (England and Wales)
So for 2015 read 1979. Not much has changed in 36 years has it Carol Kirkwood? (Of the BBC)
Nevertheless, I appreciate you feel there should have been more information given during this bulletin and your concerns have been sent across to the Breakfast team and to senior management.
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
Sorry this is just taking the piss . How long does it take to say he was carrying a knife had drugs in his bloodstream and what I didn’t know before this reply that he had already damaged a Police car. They have used this “didn’t have time excuse” multiple times in the past How about cutting 30seconds of the endless obesity, sugar lectures or the banter between the sloths and Kirkwood. Sorry this is just a pathetic reply which holds no water.
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It’s not just what they say! Last night I watched the end of Homeland and turned over at a few minutes past 10:00 pm to BBC1 News at 10. At that moment the phone rang and I muted Mishal’s golden tones at the start of her report on the French elections. But, you know, the bias came through anyway. Although we had to wait for the map of France showing the results, in the silence of my TV, Mishal’s near-grin and relaxed body language shouted that the FN in France had failed to storm the political heights. I don’t know what she actually said but the visibly obvious good news (for the BBC) was transmitted silently into my North London sitting room.
Le Pen’s FN have been front and centre of all Al Beeb news output today.
Can anybody ever recall a non-victorious party in a non-UK based election being given such prominent coverage?
No. Nor me.
What’s that you say about agenda and narrative?
Bias? What bias?
Well, no – but I can think of one in a UK-based election. And that’s been centre-stage since May.
Hahaha Beltane. Spot on
I tuned in for short spells to the French 24 news programme. Should I have been so surprised at the amount of anti FN comment coming over including from the presenters. It seemed from my brief tuning in that there an amount of bias.
Anyone else feel this?
I suppose we should be grateful it was called FN and not as frequently described over here in our press and TV as National Front-clearly trying to give it nasty label.
Finally on the question of leadership, what an achievement for two females (yes with family connections) to rise to the top of a political party without being part of a quota or ‘special’ group.
Have been watching the same channel. The change from “serious face” to announce possible FN
victory, to “smiley face” to herald FN’s “third place” says it all.
There is no such thing as bad publicity , if you “failed ” in an election , the FN must have the BBC rattled . They don`t like Sarko`s Republican`s , formally UMP, either . Hollande has betrayed them , by bombing some Muzzies . I guess they are hoping , for some Islamic /terrorist party to come to power in France one day.
The funny thing thing is, that barring the immigration/anti-EU part of Front Nationale’s platform – all their other policies are decidedly protectionist and left-wing. It just goes to show that the Leftist blob will happily ditch 90% of their dearly held principles at the drop of a hat – as long as that party signs up to the core idea of destroying western society.
‘Silent Shite’ comes to mind….
I remember a similar experience following our GE in the ‘morning after-post-mortem’. Lots of red dresses around worn by some very glum faced ladies – priceless.
“”BBC reporter manhandled outside Pu Zhiqiang trial””
Is this news?? He wasn’t arrested or assaulted. Just asked to move on, nothing to see here. The BBC do that all the time…
(My God, their journalists have such fragile egos!).
They’re not used to dealing with a State (and its organs) which doesn’t give a f**k about them or their opinions.
It’s well known the BBC have too many overpaid prima-donnas and not enough to talk about (a local reporter once came to interview me about spun-up county hoo-haa in her radio noddy car. She clearly felt she was heir to Ed Murrow), but they really do like their ‘don’t you know who I am’ dispatches from the front.
‘Manhandled’, eh? Lucky he was not ‘kettled’. Looked more like unremarkable crowd control given security issues. Anyone speak Mandarin?
A shame the BBC decided to be provocative. Lucky the Chinese equivalent of Ms. May didn’t ban them from entry,
And the poor sod on trial is shunted out of the limelight.
I wonder what would happen if a scrum of Chinese TV teams decided to barrel into W1A’s swing doors?
Surely all the Chinese need to do is claim it’s ‘for the purposes of something…anything’ and they can clamp down just as easily as the BBC does with any trying to find out how they engage in censorship too?
In other countries, where really bad and dangerous things happen, news reporters are regularly killed while doing their job. Real men facing real dangers to discover and report the facts. When was the last time a bbc journalist died while reporting on a news story? Has it ever happened; I can’t recall an instance yet they whinge about the least bit of upset. I don’t think any of their many thousands of self styled journalists actually know what real journalism entails.
Agree 100% John, journalists (only in the loosest possible terms) …
Listed under an education heading, check out this garbage
from the commode that is BBC – “World Service”
BBC webpage: Israel occupying ‘traditional Arab lands’ since 1948 …
But they face the risk of real hardship – sometime there is a shortage of accommodatio and they have to downgrade to 4 star hotels
Well, Frank Gardner was shot and now reports from a wheelchair.; and then there was Martin Bell who was badly wounded with shrapnel.
It gets me when we have a split screen and news reporters are interviewing one another for God’s sake !
Poor lad, what a terrifying experience. Those Chinese chaps gently moved him at least 50 yards whilst allowing filming to continue.
Perhaps John Sudworth would like to go and do a piece about IS abuses of human rights. I suspect, if he survived, the BBC really would have something to grumble about.
At this time of the year, doesn’t it give you a warm glow when you think how much the UK’s generous aid to the Syrian ‘refugees’ is going to be appreciated!
‘International Development Secretary Justine Greening said the UK was helping to meet the most “immediate, basic needs” of displaced Syrians while also giving “immediate, life-saving humanitarian assistance to refugees in transit”.
But hang on a minute, what’s going on?
Why haven’t the BBC sent a reporter over to discover exactly what it is that we’re doing wrong? After all, it is Christmas … isn’t it?
Very few ‘watches knickers’ I am glad to see. COP21 and dog will be glowing with pride.
I did write the possessive of ‘witch’, honest.
Couldn’t stop snickering when I saw that!
Islamic State inspired self-harming? Well that’s a new one on me!
It’s clearly a major brand issue now.
The whole ‘Daesh’ thing sounded bonkers from the outset, which I note many media decided to run with before pondering or raising flags (red ones, not black with squiggles).
Just a small advert for Lord Hall’s appearance before the Sport, Media and Arts committee of the H of C on Wednesday. He will be gently quizzed by respectful MPs about the forthcoming charter renewal. As you can see I don’t expect anything other than deference from the MPs to the man who holds their careers in his hand. After all the BBC can make and break politicians, so they need to watch their step. I still intend to watch though in the hope that something unexpectedly bad for the BBC happens. Also it will amusing to hear everyone agree that the BBC is a national institution of the utmost importance . Loved by all, respected across the globe , representing fantastic value for money , crucial to the survival of British arts, a fearless seeker after truth packed with doughty journalists who expose wrong doing and prejudice where ever it occurs and the righteous guardian ( small G please note) of British democracy. After getting that tribute off their chests the MPs will then agree that whilst a subscription model may be desirable at some unspecified time in the future the time is not yet ripe and so they will force us to continue to pay the LF for at least another 5 years. Please note that a majority of MPs on the committee and the chairman are Tories and yet I expect them to bow down before the mighty BBC and be in awe of the great man.
How they can all be so wrong on every point listed I don’t know. In my view the BBC is an organisation which has done, and continues to do, great harm to our country and democracy by producing a non stop diet of liberal left propaganda and at the same time denying a platform for those who view the world differently.
If the BBC can get away with 28gate, it can get away with anything.
One has long suspected that BBC and Guardian hacks were joined at the hip – but are BBC journos and colleagues from their favourite paper now officially going dutch?
‘Oh, the hard life of a political journalist. When it was announced that Jeremy Corbyn would give a speech to the £50-a-head Stop the War fundraising dinner, a group of hacks from the Guardian and BBC had an idea. Instead of going undercover and coughing up the fee, they could just book normal tables at EV, a popular Turkish restaurant under the arches in Waterloo, which was only half-booked for the event, and do some eavesdropping.’
‘The journos turned up and seated themselves, ready for an evening of hellimli, ispanakli and cheap gossip but were soon disappointed. The restaurant has a number of rooms, and there was a wall between theirs and Stop the War’s. No luck for the stingy reporters, then, but we suppose an evening of Turkish food on expenses can’t be that bad.’
One can reasonably assume that all concerned found the company congenial at any rate.
Turkish restaurant, eh? Let’s hope they all got the shits.
Everyday Misandry in the theatre business – can you envisage for one moment a publicity poster showing a male Peter Pan cutting Tinkerbell’s lifeline? Imagine the Twitterstorm!
I would like to say that I intended to give up on BBC and Channel 4 as a New Year’s resolution, but have been forced to employ my resolution some weeks early. There is not a lot left, as French television is diabolical, and foreign. I seem to be reduced to Breitbart on line, and Russia Today on the telly. I am seriously worried that I may be losing the plot.
We prefer watching French TV as the news doesn’t raise our blood pressure, we just look at the pictures and by the time the translation part of our brain kicks in the item is over. We watch the sport , films and ok SKY news sometimes. We rely on IPads for the Beeb website in small doses . We lost the plot ages ago OG and we find watching DVDS of “it ain’t half hot mum” (Beeb hates it) very soothing.
OG – Regarding French TV – If you look at the program listings, go for the ones with VM, normally found in the header. These are the programs which were initially in English. A quick play around with the menu options on your TV, and hey presto, films and programs back into English with French subtitles. We have particularly enjoyed the final series of The Mentalist in English which has just ended on TF1.
Don’t loose the plot Old Goat. Your views are valued here. Despite or maybe because of your courage ‘mon brave’ to reside in France 😉
And as I head to the kitchen to plan dinner on spoons alone, the BBC semantic subs do not disappoint:
BBC News
The 22-year-old bought a chef’s knife ahead of Remembrance Sunday.
British man guilty of IS-inspired knife plan
A man with a plan.
Merkel’s conference speech covered on the Beeb website
Surprisingly there is a HYS comments section – almost no one has bought the Merkel the Compassionate story – pretty much everyone accusing her of helping to destroy Europe.
Evenin’ all. This is my first post on this rather excellent site which I’ve been enjoying for some time now, so firstly a big thanks to everyone for your continued efforts in exposing the frankly staggering bias the BBC (and our MSM in general) tries to continually ram down our throats. Well it won’t be goin’ down this throat anytime soon, instead it’ll be spat out, posted here and judged for the utter drivel it is..!
First point once again concerns our dear conti-mental maniac Mutti Merkel. Not content with merely throwing her country’s borders wide open this summer to a million marauders without a) a passport b) knowing where it’s acceptable to take a shit in Europe, or c) any way whatsoever to look after themselves, she’s now decided to slow things down and reduce immigrant numbers:
But wait, hang on a minute, isn’t Europe’s Liar of the Year 2015 Dave C trying to do EXACTLY that with his ‘renegotiation’..? You know, reduce the number of migrants coming into the UK? Shouldn’t maybe, just maybe, our beloved national broadcaster be asking WHY Merkel can open and close her borders at will, yet when it comes to what the UK wants we’re unceremoniously shot down like a Russian warplane with its wing tips straying a millimetre into Turkish airspace?!
Just like Germany’s rush for coal-fired power stations, there are some inconvenient facts the BBC has no choice but to ignore in order to protect ‘the narrative’.
Think ‘1984’ and its Ministry of Truth.
P.S. Welcome!
Welcome. Welcome to channeling the anger positively.
A flashback to 28gate and Climategate 2 and an exposure of the BBC and its eco-socialist plotters in all their alarmist, fascistic, naked ugliness.
Not only did the BBC get away with it, it is now more shamelessly biased than ever:
The Climategate 2 e-mails indicate that Professor Hulme expected a kickback from BBC, including an environmental slant on BBC coverage to bar global-warming skeptics from news broadcasts. On February 25, 2002, environmental skeptic and London University professor Philip Stott debated the topic of climate change with John Houghton of the Met Office on the network’s flagship Today program, which prompted a furious e-mail from Professor Hulme. “Did anyone hear Stott vs Houghton on Today, Radio 4, this morning?” Hulme queried colleagues. “Woeful stuff really. This is one reason why Tyndall is sponsoring the Cambridge Media Environment Programme, to starve this type of reporting at source.”
A similar account regarding BBC and climate scientists stonewalling skeptics came in December 2004, when BBC’s then-environmental correspondent Alex Kirby wrote to Professor Jones claiming he had successfully deterred one skeptic from BBC, alleging that the skeptic’s case was a “pure stream of consciousness rubbish.” However, he failed to block a group of scientists from being featured, who pointed to flaws in the hockey-stick climate change graph.
“I can well understand your unhappiness at our running the other piece,” Kirby wrote. “But we are constantly being savaged by the loonies for not giving them any coverage at all … and being the objective impartial (ho ho) BBC that we are, there is an expectation in some quarters that we will every now and then let them say something.” Professor Jones criticized the action, saying, “I thought you exercised some caution with crackpots,” to which Kirby responded, “Oh Phil, what can I say … I hope you’ll still talk to me despite this.”
Unbelievable, eh?
Sadly, all too believable – though so damning that in any decent profession, Kirby would have been kicked out.
Phillip Scott use to appear on Jerermy Swine ‘s show on a regular basis, he has now been airbrushed out, for having skeptical thought ‘s on Global Warming. I wonder if, Prof. Antony Gless, will get the same treatment, as he is another heretic on GW, although Sky & LBC still have him on.He is more an expert on security & terrorism, but the BBC have been baiting him recently on, “What’s the greatest threat, GW or ISIS. ” The Prof, of course says ISIS, the Evil BBC, hate that answer of course.
A remarkable good news item for Britain:
Not considered news – any kind of news – by the BBC.
Al Beeb hates Britain’s Armed Forces and uses every opportunity that it can to undermine it . They weren’t called the ‘Baghdad Broadcasting Corporation’ for nothing by our brave guardians.
How typical of the BBC. Bleat on and on about climate change, hail the historic agreement and then publish this
which basically concedes that the agreement is not worth the recycled paper it’s written on (which we all knew already). It’s all about semantics apparently, a subject the BBC have been masters at for years.
Their craving for news to distort to fit their lefty socialist view of the world according to the BBC is akin to a crack addict. How many times have we seen this? Take the many examples of recent Middle Eastern crises. The BBC stands back, complains that the West is doing nothing, but when the West does ‘something’ the BBC are all over them like a cheap suit and bleating about innocent civilians, refugees etc. And then the crack whore news channel has its next fix and all is calm on planet beeb.
That Sunday morning R4 religious show again. Driving early to work I caught most of it.
An attempt by the interviewer that failed had me listening. That was an interview about the government’s new strategy of combatting extremism ( religious that is ) ,
Whoever was being inteviewed would not allow the BBC hack to suggest that all religions posed a problem and was quite specific . It was not a problem for any other belief system other that the usual suspect. Oh dear BBC that was unfortunate.
Then a little piece on how Muslims are fearful. Not in fear of their lives but of nasty looks and nasty words.
Indigenousphobia I suppose .
It seemed tasteless to me after the slaughter in Paris and California to even suggest some form of equivallence. But this is R4 and the BBc and that is what they do.
What is it with these people? Don’t they understand how it sounds to a non hivemind person?
The clear-thinking chap was from the Evangelical Alliance – an outfit that’s been around for decades, on the fundamentalist end of the Christian spectrum, but hardly fundamentalist in the new sense we have become accustomed to. Like the Salvation Army, Baptists, Presbyterian/Congregationalist and virtually all non-conformists, whitewashed out of existence by the BBC. I wonder why?
Trump still winning despite Muslim backlash…
Trump wins more support as petition reaches half a million signatures…
Trump is right. Police say parts of Britain are no-go areas…
Oh! … #heaintnomuslimbruv eh! BBC
Magnificent from Pat Condell, and one of his best. It is indeed true that we yearn for TRUTH. We have had a belly-full of lies and deceit, and unless we return to truthful and proper governance, major civil conflict in this country and elsewhere is surely inevitable.
The BBC reporting with shock and horror as a human rights activist is on secret trial in China for making tweets that do not follow the party line. How awful, they emote, that someone can be hounded by the government and faces six years in jail just for saying things the party don’t approve of!
What hypocritical morons! The BBC spend half their resources persecuting people in the UK who do just that! How many people have the BBC pressed to be imprisoned for saying things that are non-BBC-approved?
Thanks to ZanuLabour and the BBC, expressing incorrect thoughts is a criminal offence in this country too. People have gone to prison for saying things against the party line, especially against the left’s favourite victim groups.
Undiluted, unashamed, unquestioning, patronising, childish, naive propaganda. The so-called BBC genuinely believes it’s that pale, bearded, corduroy-wearing, sneery and softly-spoken science teacher stood in front of a group of nine-year olds with a simplistic map of the globe Blu Tac’d to the bloody blackboard.
He whimpers, ‘Now then children…’ then starts reading the paragraph headed “What does it mean for me?”
It’s interesting to go to the horse’s mouth for a statement on the latest developments in France.
Take AFP, for example, as reported on Breitbart:
Main French Parties Have Little To Cheer In National Front’s Defeat
The article contains the following. It reads curiously differently from the chorus of delight churned out by the far Left BBC:
“Analysts said the traditional parties had little to celebrate.
“The dam has held for the time being but the FN is making consistent progress in this country and at some point, the dam is going to break,” political analyst Stephane Rozes of the CAP think tank said.”
You can’t help wondering what AFP knows that the BBC doesn’t. Lots, presumably.
Any chance of my becomeing Shaka (Khan) Ahmeds agent?
The lad`s all over the media like a cheap suit in a wind tunnel.
What blanket media coverage…
AND-he`s prepared to forgo compo( bet the BBC and lawyers are pissed off with that-Phil Shiner surely had had his bike clips on since Shaka flew in like Santa a month ago)-as long as he gets answers from Bush and Blair.
Join the queue beardie!
Now`s here a few questions for YOU sonny!
How the hell did you get to Afghanistan, who gave you your passport to fly falsely on(Tommy Robinson got two years for less)…and why did you take your family?…and how did they go home whereas you didn`t?
Are you REALLY “British” or piggybacking off the State as a Muslim who claims allegiance to The Caliphate, and not the country who (for some reason) housed you?
And how much did the Northern Alliance get for you?…weren`t THEY responsible for all that followed?…and can we expect to see you in Kabul Smalls Claims Court to get the transfer fee refunded?
The whole story stinks-more than Batmanghedghlis bedsocks-yet the gulls of the liberal mountains of weirdness just fly past and refuse to peck at the tip…funny how they grill a Farage with the dentist drill, but give Shakka the conch shell and matching saucer, eye mask and headphones so he need not be inconvenienced with questions that Planet Normal would like to ask him.
Solid post Chris; I read that he is due £2,000,000 in compo, so perhaps he can’t be bothered with suing H.M.G. or maybe he’s worried that in a courtroom, he may be asked all sorts of awkward questions which he could struggle to answer convincingly.
On a related point, I’m thinking of no longer buying the MoS; they devoted page after page to this @rsehole in yesterday’s edition and trumpeted the fact that one of their reporters had been campaigning for years to get him freed and returned “home”.
Why isn’t one of their reporters campaigning for the release of Alexander Blackman with such sedulousness?
I don’t wish to support a newspaper which acts on behalf of Muslim foreign nationals in such a manner; also Peter Hitchens, whom I used to hold in great admiration both as a writer and commentator, is not as good as he was – seemingly obsessed with cannabis and terribly weak on the West’s growing, Islamic problems.
Think Peter-like you, he`s long been a hero of mine-has got a little tired, and saw what happened to Melanie Phillips-and has the school fees for Oxford to still think of.
To be fair, he`s done his bit-and it`ll be our generation who need to get writing-or at least seeking out the Murrays, Delingpoles etc to back in the coming dark days.
This site has plenty talent, and we`re thankfully linked with lots of others who feel and write the same-so we should be covered….but the decline of Peter H is noted…so thanks for that.
The Mail yesterday was awful, and it hates UKIP as much as the Mirror…so a fickle friend.
His late brother, sadly missed, was far superior in intellect and argument, view his put-downs of leftist trash and muslims on YT.
Shaker Aamer: ‘British agent witnessed my beating’
Shaker Aamer My Moral compass, The Complicated road,
Shaker Aamer: What happens now? Compensation to be paid to Guantanamo detainees
Shaker Aamer ‘thought he was poisoned at Guantanamo’
Shaker Aamer: Free at last – Released from Guantanamo arrived to UK
Shaker Aamer: Guantanamo’s last UK inmate in his own words
OOOOOH Brother! ……. there will be much more I m sure
but not much from this, eh BBC?
Click to access Britains-Last-Guantanamo-Detainee.pdf
Oooh Yeah!
Shaker Aamer: ‘No plans to sue’ over Guantanamo
Shaker Aamer: In his own words
Shaker Aamer: My first words to my wife
Shaker Aamer: Shakar Amamer s story
Shaker Aamer : Commentary by BBC home affairs correspondent Dominic Casciani:
ChrisH: “Now`s here a few questions for YOU sonny!!
Brilliantly put!
Your best line is definitely:
“The whole story stinks-more than Batmanghedghlis bedsocks”
Haven`t Islamic State got an online magazine called “Inspire”?
Why then does the BBC continue to tell me that our machete wielding Muslim who was filmed buying one(for his dear old mum, bless him!) was “inspired “by Islamic State to chop that goat into smaller chunks for the Eid curry?
How could he BE “inspired” , when we all know that Islamic State is only alleged or so-called…and has no basis in reality of its more challenging notions that it SEEMS to think are in the Noble and Holy Koran?
In short, a dunghill of verbal puree where words are bandied about and mean only what the BBC like them to mean-at that minute anyway ,until the news cycle comes round again on the carousel.
Why not use the better Islamic word for our Muslim pal…”Imagine”..and play him some tune to go with it…if you can think of one!
No apology for posting this here too!
How many of us have noticed the change in rhetoric?
First, it was “Global Warming”. There hasn’t been any “Global Warming” for 18 years and nine months, so that got changed to “Climate Change”. But over the recent years, several peer reviewed scientific papers have shown much caution and stated that there has been no or very little indication of “Climate Change” attributed to man made Co2. Oh dear, the sheeple aren’t buying into the “Climate Change” so let us try another tack. How about “Saving the Planet?”. Yup, sounds about right to me. So, “Saving the Planet” will become the new catchphrase. Get used to it, good people.
Climate change, I would have thought, can only be assessed and quantified in retrospect and over a considerable period of time. Am I right on that?
If, in 100 years time, then there has been no bay area fog in San Francisco for, say, 50 years, it might be safe to say the climate has changed in that part of California. Similarly, if the Hebrides have had consistently snowy winters & cold weather during the year for most of a century by then, it would be reasonable to assume the climate has changed. No tropical storms or cyclones in the Bay of Bengal for five or more decades, then the climate has changed. Consistent rainfall every month in northern Australia for half a century or more, yes the climate appears to have changed.
To cherry pick at short range could lead to all sorts of trouble.
re TOB’s post and that of chrisH immediately above, I found myself thinking during either the 6pm or 10pm BBC R4 news broadcasts that yesterday they would have been enjoyed very much by George Orwell (Eric Blair).
Another example of the BBC ruining what was a good idea for a programme.
Today at 12.04 on BBC 4 they broadcast a programme on social media, using the example of the Sir Tim Hunt incident. The problem, inevitably as this was the BBC, was that they immediately took sides on Sir Tim Hunt, and of course he was the bad guy. The introduction gave a distorted account of what he said by taking the joke out of context and limiting the quotation to as few words as possible. They broadcast only the punchline of his joke, which they could say meant whatever they wanted it to mean – caricaturing him as old, male and sexist. The programme then interviewed Connie St Louis, the first journalist to claim that Hunt had made sexist remarks. She then became the victim in the story because some of the social media response was critical of her, and of course this had to be racially motivated because she is black. Poor her. Then it was on to how the feminists had run the outrage with their own hashtag.
It could have been an interesting and thought provoking programme, but it wasn’t. A suitable epitaph for the BBC. As featured on BBc 22:00 news. Of course this story has been banging around for a while. Not that long ago America sent a warship into the area. So not exactly news. What struck me is how the hell do the Chinese build these artificial islands with global warming and rising sea levels. I was expecting the BBc reporter to say with a smirk never mind they’ll all be under water soon. No honestly I was …really.
I heard that story a long while back. Probably on here, so I won’t be the only one. So the question is, who has decided it’s now fit for wider discussion, and why?
This is the so-called BBC doing ‘investigative journalism’, trying to prove it can actually produce insightful news to expose some sort of evil in the world – an evil they, and they alone, have decided is evil.
China is obviously in their crosshairs due to its allegiances with Russia and Iran, its contribution to adding that evil, horrible life-feeding gas CO2 to the atmosphere, and the fact that they’ve just done some deals with that evil Tory Gideon Osborne – boo hiss etc (well it is Panto season).
I’ll be eagerly awaiting their Xmas specials on the Erdogans’ supposed oil deals with IS, an extended Panorama ‘drilling down into the detail’ (as our Evan would say) of the accounts of Kidz Company, and the long anticipated appearance of Alan ‘Teflon’ Yentob on HardTalk.
Oh, wait…
This also caught my eye
I like the comment “The issue eventually ended up being assessed by the BBC Trust’s complaints and appeals board.”
I’m sure I read that the Rollers were the biggest selling act of 1977 or was it 1976. In As an aside I did play Saturday Night when I had a community radio show.
The Bay City Rollers were pretty cr@p, but as you say they did play a big part in the music charts of the mid 70s and were big in America, no self respecting 70s music show should ignore them, but remember the BBC is no stranger to manipulating history.
Now if they were polically left leaning such as Bragg, Heaton or Weller their addition to the Radio 2 playlist would be no problem. I wonder if their current equivalent One Direction will be ignored by Sounds Of The 2010s in 2050 ?
For goodness sake, don’t tell the BBC that the Bay City Rollers are ‘Scotland’s answer to the Beatles’ – they’ll start playing them wall to wall just to piss off us English
Dave 666
Think the year you have in mind was 1975, when Bye Bye Baby was the top seller of the year – originally a minor hit in the 60s for the Four Seasons who wrote it.
Weirdly the BCRs first made it in 1971 with Keep on Dancing – orginally a hit in the USA for The Gentries in 1965. Then it all went very quiet for 3 years until unusually they resurfaced with Remember in early ’74. No, I’m not a fan.
Thus the BCRs were not overly original but did give the girls something to cheer about post glam-rock. Nothing wrong with harmless fun but not to be confused with talent.
So the odd track from them would be fine but maybe they are not ‘hip’ enough for the hipsters on bBBC. To see really hip people (joke) just watch the Top of the Pops from 1980 on BBC4 and marvel how the producers used to push their favourite acts, even when no-one was actually buying their records.
Sluff The TOTP re-runs are basically now the only thing I make any effort to watch from the BBc. As I spent some of the early 80s with BAOR I often missed the British forces Television broadcast of it. As you say they were pushing certain things. I certainly don’t remember guests turning up to promote what they were doing.
And….if you watch the ones with the ‘untouchable’ Saville…you might spot him touching up the girls. Another dirty little BBC secret.
Oh-oh… just what Aunty needed… ageing cyberNats on the warpath again.
They made them believe in magic, after all.
With the revelation (laugh) that BBC and Guardian hacks co-ordinate their plans for attendance at political events (see my earlier post) I thought it may be worthwhile looking at their respective write ups and checking the bylines.
The Guardian appear to credit no less than three journos:
Rowena Mason, Kevin Rawlinson and John Harris
The BBC meanwhile give all the reporting credit to we Licence Payers’ old friend Carole Walker
‘Corbyn attends Stop the War dinner despite criticism’
Birds of a feather, flock together
The Toady programme’s Miss Shouty currently interviewing a child-like/sounding victim of ‘domestic violence’, which seems to be Al Beeb’s latest crusade with which to beat the government. I fully expect to hear from Miss Shouty that domestic violence has increased exponentially under the Tories and THAT MORE FUNDING IS REQUIRED, as it always is. Computer systems are not sufficient or efficient I’m hearing currently. Forces ‘overwhelmed’ leads Miss Shouty, forces need to spend more time interviewing ‘victims’, ie stupid girls who have chosen their swains according to their sex drive rather than their brain and don’t leave them immediately.
Aah, it’s probably only a small punt for increased police funding. As you were!
I also heard this interview, with some bemusement I must say. The woman sounded more like a girl and the boyfriend’s modus operandi was messaging her on the internet, she replying to his messages. The police quite rightly took the view that there was nothing they could do. No one wants to condone physical violence in any way but this was not a good example of how police time should be used. Domestic abuse, as opposed to violence, is now so widely defined that the police would indeed be overwhelmed if they had to deal with every ‘case’.
I approve of domestic violence.
Thick women marry/co-habit with stupid men.
Violent dimwit murders dimwitess, before she has further contaminated the planet.
Murderer spends life in prison unable to further contaminate the planet.
Gene-win situation.
Natural, dysgenic removal, selection.
Carol Kirkwood is dancing the Global Warming fandango this morning….
“Temperatures above where they SHOULD be for this time of year”
“More reminiscent of mid-July”
“Unseasonably warm”
“May break the record for December”
Calm down luv, you’re probably just having a hot flush
It is warm at the moment, but it has been warm before at this time of year. If winters are warming, then why aren’t summers?
Since records began (Geoff’s) ‘IF’ the temperature passes 14.5deg it will be the warmest December day at Geoff Towers since urm 2007….
You can’t please the warmists they should be happy that we’re not burning excess fuel to keep warm, I am!
December 1964, IIRC. Remember as a child having to rip off layers of clothing and escape into the garden from ageing, unwell adults who need some extra warmth from a coal fire. I recall wearing a summer, shortsleeved shirt on Christmas Day and the middle-aged adults also coming into the garden to enjoy the warm sunshine. Didn’t stay like that for long. Seem to recall that in January we had a short reminder of the previous winter.
She is of course only talking about the South of England. What about the temperatures North of the Border? It got down to minus 7 over the weekend. But those temperatures which are 11 degrees below normal wouldn’t get the same treatment as those which are only 3 or 4 degrees above normal would they? Narrative at play once again and yet more propaganda from the BBC. Terminology is everything is well. “More reminiscent of Mid July” Really? In which year was that then Carol? “Unseasonably warm” Really? “Warm”? Not mild then? It seems you can change the correct meteorological terminology to suit an agenda. And temperatures above where they SHOULD be. What a stupid statement. Where they should be is based upon what? Day time temperatures, night time temperatures, mean temperatures, short term trend temperatures, long term trend temperatures, El Nino affected temperatures, England Temperatures, London temperatures, my back garden temperatures…what in God’s name? And may break the record for December…well that depends on the location and type of the recording device doesn’t it? Stick it alongside runway 09/27 Left/Right at Heathrow and probably yes, just when an A380 powers up to clear the runway.
Quite right, TOB.
This science educated ‘warmist AND coolist’ is extremely bothered that the media, the enviro-mentalists & the IPCC quickly forget not just ‘global’ in the geographic sense but global in the time sense. If you are going to have ‘global’ in title it has got to be global for everything, however far north (or south) you may go, for a whole year at a time, for whole decades, for whole centuries. You are right to remind of the snow & below freezing temperatures in the north. [Forgotten, btw, by BBC R4 Met Office people yesterday in the main forecasts. They were saying its warm & wet everywhere. Oh no it wasn’t! Pantomime season has started.]
‘Terminology is everything is well. “More reminiscent of Mid July” Really?’
Yes. I can recall one June and one July in the last ten years where I was wearing three layers and still feeling cold indoors and out. And I’m in the south-east. A little motor sport experience, of the spectator variety, also adds a little bit more to the time equation. IIRC, in rallying especially, however fast you may be able go and do actually go over a particular stage, a low speed segment in that stage (slowing to go around an ailing competitor ahead, perhaps) quickly drags down your overall time and speed for the stage.
BTW, observing the clothes worn during a year is quite a good bit of observational science – as far as AGW is concerned – especially when compared year to year, season to season. As is comparing electricity & gas (or other heating) bills and noting the variations in consumption.
I am awaiting with increased interest this year’s annual temperature figures for the UK and the world, bearing in mind that this year although parts of the globe were incredibly hot (California & parts of Europe) or at least had a good summer (s-east England) some parts of the globe had excessively cold weather (Australia, NZ and parts of S. America(?)) or miserable, very cold summers (anywhere north and west of s-east England) but I expect it to be announced as ‘the hottest year on record’ on the BBC.
At which point I begin to suspect even more that things are being measured rather selectively or collected data is being adjusted to fit with a computer prediction that itself was a collection of human speculation on a GIGO basis.
The sheeple MSM weather folks also seem to have completely forgotten about the panic that ensued with the invention of ‘Acid Rain’. When did that all get sorted? Why aren’t historic buildings in Cumbria now little more than a fizzing puddle of dissolved rubble after the recent floods? Some poor sod somewhere probably bought shares in a car lacquer manufacturer anticipating yearly trips by all and sundry to refresh their car’s bodywork after the continual acidic onslaught.
Off to check the roof to see whether the tiles have melted after this morning’s rain shower…
Acid rain was a consequence of air pollution, notably by sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Steps have been taken to reduce those emissions so that acid rain is not the problem it once was.
Or, as Dr William Reville, associate professor of Biochemistry and Public Awareness of Science Officer at UCC, put it in the Irish Times:
“How dangerous was acid rain? The most comprehensive study was commissioned in 1980 by US president Jimmy Carter. The National Acid Precipitation Assessment Programme (NAPAP) examined the damage caused by acid rain and recommended solutions. In 1982 president Ronald Regan raised the annual budget for NAPAP to $100 million. The final cost of NAPAP, the most costly environmental study in US history, was $537 million.
“The situation turned out to be much more complex than had been predicted. The acidity of a lake is determined as much by the acidity of the local soil and vegetation as it is by acid rain. Many lakes in north-eastern America, dead in the 1980s, had plenty of fish in 1900. It was surmised by environmentalists that 20th-century sulphur dioxide emissions had choked these lakes to death with acid rain. But the NAPAP showed many of these lakes were acidic and fishless even before European settlement in America. Fish survived better in these lakes around 1900 because of extensive slash and burn logging in the area. The soil became more alkaline as the acid vegetation was removed, reducing the acid flowing into the lakes and making the water hospitable to fish. Logging stopped in 1915, acid soils and vegetation returned and the lakes became acidic again. The study also found that in many cases forests were suffering debilitation due to insects or drought and not acid rain.”
Last night BBC Points West were glad to report that Wiltshire has accepted their first Syrian Refugees, BBC Wiltshire Tweeted This..
Today BBC Points West Tweet this, yet no questioning last as to why one is affordable but the other isn’t, yet this story has been around for a while, best not include them in the same program…
Can we expect some serious journalism and probing questions on tonights show? Probably not…
Did the BBC in Wiltshire inform its listeners that there is conscription in Syria and that these refugees are dodging the draft and thereby breaking their country’s law?
My sister-in-law’s house had been up for sale for over two years and was bought by our local council at a knock-down price, although she was happy to get the sale through and move on. After collecting the keys to her new house, the selling agent advised her that the council are buying up low-value, ex-authority housing in our county for the ‘migrants’ that Krankie has agreed to settle here. In the small village where my sister-in-law lived, they have bought 22 houses in the last two months. This is a village with a 3,500 population. This will give some indication of what’s coming.
I know someone on our local Council who are housing 10 refugee families. NOT in council property mind, but in private rented accommodation; this will be cue for photo opportunities of “family of 8 from Syria housed in 5 bed detached house with half acre of garden ! ” So the above story doesn’t surprise me at all !
Is BBC Wiltshire suggesting that the passengers in the photograph were the specific 27 refugees referred to? Perhaps crossing the English Channel in a rubber dinghy?
The picture seems to have gained much coverage, initially to illustrate the claim that the honorary French consul in Bodrum, Turkey was selling rubber boats to refugees. This make the caption of Newsletter, The Pride of Northern Ireland Migrants and refugees paddling a rubber dinghy close to the beach at Psalidi near Kos Town, Kos, Greece, in August very believable.
Shouldn’t the BBC be obliged to explain that the photograph they used was from archives for illustration purposes, only and not an actual photograph of the refugees shortly to be housed in Wiltshire?
Already fed up to the back teeth with the BBC banging on about astronaut Tim Peake we hear this morning – as Louise Minchin interviews a woman from the Euro Space Whatsname – the reason why this is so marvelous and special ….
Haven’t guessed it yet?
Well, our Tim is the first “Official” British spaceman – and as our Louise explains this means Tim is the first PUBLICLY FUNDED British astronaut. Fanfare!!!!
Bet you didn’t know this factoid… shared with us by the Euro-space-spokeswoman… for every £1 spent in space we get £10 back! Blimey. But don’t expect your’s to arrive in a brown envelope before Christmas. However, I forsee the likes of Dara O’Briain and Brian Cox should pick up some welcome over-time.
Pondering this theory of central spending throw £1 up and get £10 back (I think that beats the Luvvie’s favourite £1 spent on entertainment industries brings £7 back claim ?) I’m curious as to how the Soviet bloc with all their central spending was such a failed ecomony that the Ruskies have now had to take paying passengers on their rockets?
An added excitement for the BBC is not just the public funding aspect. Mr Peake is not participating as a British astronaut, rather he is flying under the auspices of the European Space Agency as part of the initial intake of European astronauts. We wish him a successful flight, but watch out for the EU propaganda.
And what exactly does Dara O’Briain know about space? Still, I suppose it makes a change from Clare Balding.
Dara is already bald.
I’m arguing as the Devil’s Advocate here, but worth pointing out that the Russians still have a manned launch capability, as do the Chinese, whereas the Americans do not and Europe never has.
I watched the report this morning from Tim Peakes former primary school in chichester. The school children were clearly all white, there was no ethnicity whatsoever, as this information from the chichester government website explains
“93.01% of the District population are White British; this is the highest level in West Sussex. Chichester District has the lowest percentage of Black and Ethnic Minority residents in West Sussex with 6.99% (N.B new classifications of Census 2011 means that White Irish, White other and White Gypsy and Traveller are now Black and Ethnic Minorities.) This is lower than county, regional and national averages.”
Yet somehow, when the BBC selected 4 primary students to create messages of support to Tim at the end of the report, they were the following ethnicity.
1) Black
2) Black
3) Muslim
4) White
How is that possible. I bet there is at most a handful of black or muslim students at the school. The section was tagged on at the end of the report. My suspicions were…….they were not students there. They were not part of the main report.
BBC news were much happier at the London Science Museum school shindig where a “100% diverse” group of school children were filmed – Tim Peake must have been the first white face any of them had seen at school all year.
Not unrelated to Geoff at 0846 above.
BBC R4 Toady. Thought for the Day at 0750. Wasn’t totally paying attention not least for scarcely believing what I heard but I THINK I heard that a church known to the presenter is gong to erect and present in the church for Christmas a deflated life raft. So the congregation can remember the Syrian refugees ‘fleeing for their lives’ across the water.
That’s the water from Turkey to Greece by the way – which fact seems to continually escape Al-Beeb’s notice.
Pass the sick bag.
Sluff, as I have just stated in a post just above yours, there is conscription in Syria. That is why you are seeing so many young men of “fighting age”. They are breaking their country’s law by dodging the draft. Funny how I have yet to hear this on the BBC.
Sluff – I too heard Thought for the Day – for once I thought by an English-spoken vicar, Lucy. Ah, good – bit of traditionalism and common sense. But you did hear right! I too could hardly believe my ears when she went on about the deflated life raft to be suspended from the beams over the nave – which we were helpfully informed came from the Latin for Naval. She also said that Joseph and Mary were refugees too?? I was always led to believe they were having to travel due to tax registration laws. So is the Bbc now trying to rewrite the bible? Give me strength. I gave up attending church years ago when all the happy-clappy stuff started. I was always taught in the Services that one didn’t mention sex, politics or religion in the Mess. These were private matters. Seems no longer!
The refugee bit refers to the massacre of the innocents when Herod got a bit angry that the magi had deceived him and decided to kill all the male children under two in Bethlehem. Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Egypt.
Don’t think they used a life raft though.
Nowadays they just follow The Star of Merkel (and as they all well know, there’s an App for that…).
Would this have been Lucy Winkle from their nearby parish-St James in Piccadilly?
Long a suckup to the left and the Palestinians-didn`t they put an Israeli type wall up in their copious churhchyard last year..or some such stunt.
Good church that-any chance of HERSELF heading back to the Cotswolds and letting those poor Syrians bathe in her font, let them piss up and hang washing by those stained glass windows of hers?
Good graveyard too-centrally based and near the BBC should they need to shower.
After all-no-one will be in over the hols,all tape loops and Labour slurry 24/7…and I`m sure they`ll be happy to hand it all back to Tony Hall, once they`re all back in January.
Come on Lucy, come on BBC…let`see what a Syrian Refugees Welcome” Committee in Action can do for us all..make a good live feed too, for Jon Snow to mull over in cloisters somewhere prep schoolish and daddy-derived!
Wankaz!…if the Bible narrative was to be really acted upon-all these Syrians(other brands of spongebag are of course available)-would be heading BACK to Syria to pay their taxes, and would register with their authorities both at Calais-and as they cross back to rebuild their Muslim paradise to come.
Surely THEY need all these doctors, engineering post grads and lawyers, footy stars and chanteuses…more than we do, seeing as we`re a Tory basket case who can hardly feed white D or give a boob job to Kellie Baloney…the BBC/Guardian and Labour tell me nothing else…and I believe it all now.
If only Lucky Lucy gave a damn about the Christians who`d likely have been thrown OFF the boat she cherishes.Guilty of praying to HER God…and not Allah as she`d no doubt think just as valid.
Thank You Rowan Williams-a catastrophic failure all round. The Ecclesiastical Clinton.
‘Joseph and Mary were refugees too??’
They would have been popular on the refugee lifeboats navigating the med.
How did the BBC report it
“Migrants killed in ‘religious clash’ on Mediterranean boat”
Ethnic cleansing becomes a ‘religious clash’ at the BBC
The BBC website says it was the result of a “row”. Whenever I have a row with someone on a boat, I throw them overboard too. The BBC really are the lowest bastards imaginable.
As the French are now involved do they still have any Super Etendardes armed with Exocets we could buy. They were quite happy to supply Argentina a few years ago!
See… balance.
In the past our young men went to their countries to defend their families from attacks.
Now their young men come here to move our young folk out, and leave their families there to deal with the attackers.
In Beebworld that is totally who it should be.
I have not heard anything from the BBC on the illegal invasion of the Turkish army into northern (Kurdish) Iraq, and their refusal to go despite the demands of the Iraqi government that they do so. Turkey has refused to withdraw, and remains in illegal occupation of parts of the country. Doubtless they are slaughtering Kurds to their heart’s content. What are the UN, NATO, the major powers doing about it? Damn all, apparently.
The BBC treats Turkey in a completely different way to Israel. No guesses why!.
Martin, Historically the BBC has supported Kurds , against Turkey. There may, of course, be a change of policy at the BBC . It would be interesting to know if that is the case.
I see from the Telegraph that a complaint against the beebyanka has been partially allowed and (we’re talking about the beebyanka, after all) more than partially disallowed, concerning a programme about Lewis Carroll. What was advertised to its own participants as a celebration of the author was drastically edited, to centre on a photograph, purportedly taken by Carroll, of the sister of Alice Liddell ( i.e. THAT Alice), turning it into an assertion of child abuse.
I wonder if any readers can recall rather more substantial allegations of child abuse and significantly more recent ones, which the beebyankoids were in no particular hurry to pursue.
Owen, Yes, the BBC will do anything to distract from the child abuse in the BBC itself and ,of course, Lewis Carroll is not here to defend himself. I am sure there is a lot more to come out in the open about the BBC unless they manage to keep the lid on it.
Someone above mentioned 1964 as being a mild Christmas, I don’t recall that far back, but I do recall Christmas day 1974 being sunny and very mild, a little research throws up the London Weather website, which informs us that in London December 1974 maxed out at 15.2deg and was frost free, the average temperature higher than both October and November.
It would appear that down South a temp of over 15deg is nothing new, much the same as 41 years ago.
Move along now, nothing to see here, just weather…
It’s almost that mild today, but as our weather, is dependent on the position of the jet stream, & the temperature of the North Atlantic Drift, as well as wind direction. For the greenies , this is a new religion.
Unconnected to the BBC, I read this elsewhere in a discussion about the recent conference.
“Maybe politicians could hold their breath and not exhale any CO2?!?”
I hear there was a Greenie placard spotted which read : “Make love not CO2”
Well, unless your thing happens to be some form of asphyxiation related S&M….
So Jeremy Vine picks once again at the old “Orgreave Scab”.
Public Inquiry if you please.
Not sure if Michael, Cherie, Charlotte or Gareth could find time to do this ones for us-after all, Shaker might need Phil, we`ve still got Hillsborough and Goddard…and Bloody Sunday will run once again, once we`ve replaced its kneecaps.
Oh-and Ricky Tomlinson wants one too over his Shrewsbury case in 1971…he can stick it to Ted in the cause of balancing the abuse to be thrown yet again at Lady Thatcher, by Billy Elliot extras still warming their hands over a Brassed Off Brazier.
I`m sick of this continual shit-stirring…and it`s all one sided.
No David Wilkie and the role of Kim Howells and the NUM.
No Falkirk and Len McClusky
No UKIP one re the latest postal frauds of Oldham.
No Grunwick.
No Ashton/Kent and CND/Libyan and Soviet money, no Peter Heathfield and Scargills house.
Course not-and, need I add-no Top Peoples Review by Goddard of the arch-Top Peoples nonce grooming Corporation either-but plenty feet to be held to her candle in Louth and Kirkwall. How brave!…has Yentob left the building yet?
In short-lying BBC scummards who keep these “Orgreave butties” curled up and green as you please-but out they come and offered to the rest of us as “informing the debate”-as opposed to stirring Labours diarrhoea up so we get to smell their pain and fear.
DP today. Old has beens Vince Cable and Mullin ( ex Labour MP) were mulling over the possibility of a anti Tory alliance at the next election. The first thing to do said Vince, was to start talking to each other as they were doing on the programme. A delighted Ms Coburn , obviously enthralled at the possibility of an anti Tory alliance , said they would be welcome anytime to come on the programme and muse some more on this topic. Let us watch and see how hard the BBC tries to be the match maker and help all the ‘progressive’ parties to form an anti Tory alliance. Without doubt this idea will stir all the juices of the BBC who must be fretting on the unelectability of Labour with Captain Corbyn at the helm. A warning to the poor Lib Dems though, forming a pact with a Corbyn led Labour party will do them more harm than they can possibly imagine. Perhaps Vince is trying to split Labour and help the Labour ‘moderates’ find a home when they are kicked out by the increasingly Stalinist Labour party for ideological crimes against the people.
As usual, the bBBC turns every sports event into racism. Now it’s Serena Williams as American sports person of 2015.
Isn’t America where there is a World Series for a sport no one plays but them?
I thought so as well.
I rather think Serena Williams was the one who brought up the racism aspect. While I grant you Sports Illustrated is famous for their swimsuit edition doesn’t anyone think the cover is a bit off? Even to use a politically correct expression – sexist?Ms. Williams did win the award for genuine athletic achievement.

Either that picture has been photo-shopped or it’s a lookalike.
Serena Williams resembles a Sherman tank in real life.
These are not the legs that she wears on the tennis court !
Couldn’t agree more. Has to be a fix. And what does the photo has to do with her sport?
Do not be so rude, about Sherman tanks.
If you think this one is ugly what about her sister?
Venus is as much like a goddess of beauty, as Serena is serene.
Serena, who has tantrums and swears at and threatens linesmen.
The same Serena who hid when someone came to give her a drugs test.
I wonder what substances the parents were using when they chose the names, it must have been stronger than the stuff sold by my local pub.
Naturally, I prefer the Grant.
If she threatened me, as an unpaid linesman, I’d run like f**k and then claim racial and sexual prejudice.
As stated earlier Tim Peake WTF? 13:00 news it’s lead story I turned over. But they are going on and on about this. Helen Sharman had turned up to comment as I turned back at what I thought was the end of the program. So what is the agenda? I thought Helen Sharman was the first “Briton” in space?
Lists all the other “Britons” that have been in Space already
“To date, six British-born astronauts and one non-British born UK citizen have flown in space” Before TP.
I could be wrong, but isn’t he the first to be sent to the International Space Station?
As per usual there’s some muddying of the waters perfected by our top class band of journalistic brothers at the BBC, but I think that is the difference.
Happy to be corrected though.
It is news, if of a very glacial variety.
several decades ago man went to the moon.
Sticking a geezer on a joint station via a Russian rocket hardly seems that special.
Classic FM Global Farce was wetting themselves over it too. Better than their usual fare, so I left it on.
Bear in mind ‘Nothing to do with’ Dave found time in his busy schedule to kick back and chillax to it on the TV in his crib.
A RAF chap was going to go up in late 86, early 87, until the Challenger disaster, put a stop to it. The other Brits took out American citizenship to get a fast track Shuttle trip. Some were ex military, I believe. Yes so we have had English people on the ISS , the parents were still in England. The sons just found a quicker way to get up into Space.
The BBC website refers to ” the first official UK astronaut” whatever that means. But it is refreshing for the BBC to be so patriotic. LOL !
I really can’t understand why it’s such a big deal. OK, so the bloke has gone into space and good luck to him, but it hardly compares with Yuri Gagarin does it?
As I posted earlier – re Major Tim – the BBC let the cat out of the bag this morning. He is the first PUBLICLY FUNDED spaceman from Britain. Hence the inordinate excitement at the BBC – the rest of the media take their cue from big brother.
As I posted earlier – re Major Timt – the BBC let the cat out of the bag this morning. He is the first PUBLICLY FUNDED spaceman from Britain. Hence the inordinate excitemnt at the BBC – the rest of the media take their cue from big brother.
Bloody good job we all signed up to that nuclear deal with Iran a few months ago, don’t you think?
You won’t see this on BBC news, I bet!
“Over now to BO in our Washington studio…”
Is anybody interested in his b*llshit?
Finally the link to the Far Right in the January Paris attacks is unmasked.
The article doesn’t state whether by far right they mean ‘Islamist’. Nice to see more evidence further down of the non-refugees travelling from Syria as errm, refugees.
The BBC just use “right wing” and “conservative” in describing any sort of extremism. It’s a reflex to them. They are all left wing, therefore, since they are all good people, left wing = good, and by extension right wing = bad. It does not matter if the “right wing” or “conservative” faction in question is an Islamic extremist or a die hard Communist or a patriotic French party with socialist economic policies; if the BBC do not like you, you must by definition be a right wing conservative.
I don’t read French for the complete details but the French media also seem to be describing Claude Hermant as a man with links to the far Right. Teh BBC undoubtedly copied.
Well they seem to be giving the current leader of the British Conservative party quite an easy ride (bearing in mind he seems to achieve the exact opposite of whatever he promises on an almost daily basis), so that must make him a..?
I think conflating ISIS with fascism is quite reasonable. Pity the BBC do9esn’t see Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in the same light.
They are the “right kind ” of fascists.
Not entirely related to the BBC, but Shelagh Fogarty (ex-BBC) is currently running an hour long discussion on LBC on the subject “Can the Labour Party survive under Jeremy Corbyn”, this on the back of Dan Hodges (once again) and Miriam O’Reilly both resigning their membership of the Labour Party.
This, to me, is just a fishing expedition of the kind that the BBC on occasion run themselves. An hour long naval gaze at a problem within the Labour Party.
Of course the Labour Party will survive under Jeremy Corbyn, but it is what results that should be investigated. Can it be a party of government, or will it be just a reactionary protest party? These should be the questions not “will it survive”which of course it will.
The other point worth making is that it is impossible to imagine such a prolonged conversation happening in the context of one of the other major parties. I don’t recall much conversation of a similar vein in the context of the Lib Dems for instance?
Will it be an inclusive party able to contain people with a wide range of views, or will it become a party for only those supporting the approved group think?
See my other post re UNITE letter to recalcitrant MPs!
The BBC reports:
National Front leader Le Pen acquitted of inciting hatred
French National Front leader Marine le Pen has been acquitted of charges of inciting hatred on the December 2010 campaign trail in Lyon, France. The charges relate to her comments comparing Muslims praying in the streets to the Nazi occupation of France in World War Two. In October Ms Le Pen told a court in Lyon she did not commit any offence. Prosecutors said she had exercised her right to free speech and was not referring to all Muslims.
She was charged in July 2014 after her immunity as a member of the European Parliament was lifted following a vote requested by French authorities. In her 2010 speech to far-right National Front supporters, broadcast by French media, she said that France had initially seen “more and more veils”, then “more and more burkhas” and “after that came prayers in the streets”. She said: “I’m sorry, but some people are very fond of talking about World War Two and about the occupation, so let’s talk about occupation, because that is what is happening here… There are no tanks, no soldiers, but it is still an occupation, and it weighs on people.”
The reports goes on, but nowhere does the BBC find the time or space to report who exactly brought these ridiculous charges of ‘waaaaycism!’ against Marine Le Pen (reason enough to form my own suspicions).
Ah – here in the Telegraph we get rather more clarity:
“…The case, brought by two anti-racism and two Muslim groups, stems from comments Ms Le Pen made at a 2010 rally in Lyon while campaigning to take over the party.”
“…Abdallah Zekri, secretary general of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, CFCM, said such words “feed the ambient climate of Islamophobia that we’re currently going through”. Henri Braun, lawyer for anti-Islamophobia group, CCIF, said her message was clear. “In her words, she links praying in the street with the Occupation. The succession of words is very clear. We are told these are enemies occupying our territory…and this enemy is Muslims,” he said.
Thought as much. Islam cannot bear freedom of speech – it goes against everything its dark heart stands for. Yet again, I had to look elsewhere for the facts. Good job, BBC.
The BBC and ‘clearing’… always fascinating.
Alan Yentob, eat your heart out…
Wonder how this will go down with all the ‘can never work there again’ brigade, well since th last time he was back?
Had to love there were complaint(s)… two.
Surprised Fraser Steel did not cancel all leave on these alone.
‘the BBC said it would not investigate the complaint as the matters raised were of an “internal nature” and therefore could not be discussed publicly. The complainant’s remarks had been “passed to the appropriate figures within the BBC”, said a spokesman.’
All in house, anonymous and unaccountable. Again. Nice.
Chris Evans, Richard Bacon, Jonathan Ross, Brand, Craig Charles, Clarkson, Yentob…
When you’re languishing on the gravy train ALL is ALWAYS forgiven.
(Unless you’re David Bellamy).
Ever wondered wether the mainstream media are living in a parallel universe to the rest of us everyday folk?
I read in my evening paper that Shaka Aamer (late of Guantanamo) when asked ‘what do you noticed has changed about London?’ He replied “It’s more cosmopolitan”.
I’ve news for him – his native Saudi Arabia ain’t!
+ 1000
Maybe he should head for Tokyo, if they’ll have him.
And the most homogenous nation on earth…any proselytising Muslim gets deported, alongside his family.
One mosque tops, a few hundred at most- and absolutely NO call to accept an immigrant-they never get called out by Ban Ki Moon do they?
That`s only Europe who`ll get old Bans moaning-he`s South Korean and they sure as hell won`t be taking an immigrant…especially if he intends to stay a publi figure when he`s left the UN.
Hypocrite…but well done Japan”!
It’s only a matter of time before Jezza Corbyn puts old Aamer in for a knighthood..
Maybe Lord Aamer of Guantanamo ?
And as yet -STILL no offer of a memorial service for dear departed Jihadi John.
His export drive is missed…a tragedy for Corbyn and his chums.
Now for a PR man (and most else), I find DC less than savvy, but is amazing what ‘trends’ on the BBC, especially when they have such excellent links with ‘photoshoppers’ and ‘people’, doubtless freelancing in Calais after the trek from Gaza where they first hooked up.
BBC News shared BBC Trending’s post.
It was too easy for the photoshoppers.
BBC TrendingLike Page
David Cameron watched the launch of astronaut Tim Peake into space ? but people have been creating their own memes about what he could have been viewing instead. ?
What’s David Cameron watching on the telly, exactly?*
Learn More. Become a Citizen.
*If he is watching the BBC, little of value.
But at least then BBC News can cover what BBC Trending calls news, and so on ad infinitum….
British ‘men’, Waseem Riaz, Imtiaz Ali, Mohammed Aftab Boota, Shazia Ahmed, Wasim Ali, Zawed Malik, Mohammed Sajjad, Umar Arif and Welshman Paul Thomas who conspired to supply £5m worth of heroin have been jailed.
I’m sure the community has been enriched.
Our prisons must be nearly as ‘diverse’ as the BBC now.
Typical bloody Welsh !
Probably working for the Passport Office-or maybe commute to the DVLA.
As for your anti-Welsh diatribe?…might be the way to go, unless they`ve created “taffopphobia”…didn`t Blair and/or Anne Robinson fall foul of the Heddlu?
chrisH, Ha ! If you are comparing me with Blair or Robinson, I withdraw my comment immediately !
God no-this comment must stand, Blair and Robinson…I withdraw my slur pronto!
As I write, just saw Salam Yacoob in the rear view mirror telling Jon Snow about-well let`s guess “Islamophobia and the need for her “Respect Galloway and Me” Party.
Good old Channel 4 and its seeking a wide cross section of opinion en?
Did notice one thing though…the very flames of hell seemed to be consuming Snow as he signed off …Tomorrows Other World surely for the fork tongued gimlet.
Enough of this Taffphobia!
We also have feelings you know. I shall be making an official complaint to those concerned which will bring the full might of the Taffia upon you all.
However there is a sheep farmer in the nearby village who is known a ‘Dai Lop Sided’ because he walks with a limp. Our local baker is ‘Dai Crust’, while at the top of the village is a posh Dai, known as ‘Dai Upper Crust’ and finally David Davies is called ‘Dai Twice’. You will have to work that one out yourself.
Now, back to work…………..
Looking at that range of names….all good old Welsh ones eh….I’d attribute their wicked ways to the Welsh Baptist movement, or maybe the methodists…rum lot those…
And yes, both militant groups the taffia and the viet-taff would be suing for taffophobia quicker than you could say Shaker Aamer or Moazam Begg…
My Dad, of joke-fame, used to find the notion of Dai the Death as the village undertaker hilarious.
Owen the Pusher doesn’t have quite the same ring, isn’t it?
Surely Ahmed the pusher.
Surely British is “Welsh” under BBc designations? Certainly under the ICM survey I filled in via BBc there was no separate entry just British. Those racists haven’t replied to me yet by the way.
Dave666, In any census or questionaire under “ethnic origin “, I write ” This is a racist question and I refuse to answer “. Under “sexual orintation ” I put “none of your business “. And the same reply under “religion “. It all reminds me of a large country in central Europe in the 1930s which had similar obsessions .
I foxed, the census, & put East Saxon/ English on mine.Where it said the box for ethnicity, the one that said, White, I wrote in “Hideously “.
Essexman, LOL !
Grant, under the rules you self designate, so you can be something different each time you fill in a form.
RJ, I hadn’t thought of that. Good idea. Might help to clog up the system !
Try Jedi Knight for religion – they had to officially register it in the last census!
Saudis announce Islamic anti-terrorism coalition
Not a word about Saudi funding of mosques which have a reputation for being prime recruiting stations for terrorists. Osama bin Laden didn’t leave Saudi Arabia because he disagreed with Wahhabism but because he felt the Saudis weren’t doing enough to implement it.
How is it that the BBC can run a huge piece on the closure of the last deep coal mine, together with the colliery brass band when a la Emily Thornbury, the white working class, especially in the North of England is something they absolutely detest!
There was once the original Bollinger Bolshevik living in Hampstead who honestly believed the miners were just like he was, except forced to work down the pit, too poor to afford the subscription to the Fabian Society. When he actually did get around to visiting a pit, he was revolted by the men who worked there, and commented that the pits now aren’t the same as they were, and had been filled with ‘scum’ !
Just goes to show how stupid the looney left were, and continue to be.
This from the Meteorological Office “monthly weather report” December 1979. (Abridged)
“Wet and Windy; Mild first half of month”
Unsettled weather, with winds often reaching gale force, affected all parts of the U.K. throughout the month. The first two weeks were generally mild but colder weather then spread to all districts. (Note: Met Office broke the country down into districts, later to be renamed as regions, which were not the same) Showers or periods of rain occurred frequently, showers being mostly of rain early in the month but later becoming wintry with hail sleet and snow at times, particulary after mid month. Rainfall was occasionally heavy and there was widespread flooding in the South West of England and Wales during the last week. Rainfall totals were well above average almost everywhere in the U.K. with more than twice the average being recorded in many areas of England and wales. Rainfall was particularly heavy on the 4th and 8th over parts of Wales and North West England. On the 25th and 27th excessive rainfall lead to many parts of the South West being flooded. The range of maximum temperatures recorded for all districts of the U.K. were of a minimum of 13.5 degrees (Scotland West) and 16.6 degrees (England and Wales)
So for 2015 read 1979. Not much has changed in 36 years has it Carol Kirkwood? (Of the BBC)
Well we have a reply
Many thanks for getting in touch regarding Breakfast, broadcast 25 November.
I reviewed the programme for you and although this was one of the headlines, there wasn’t enough time given to go into detail regarding the story.
We have covered this across all of our platforms and have discussed it in more detail on our BBC News Website:
Nevertheless, I appreciate you feel there should have been more information given during this bulletin and your concerns have been sent across to the Breakfast team and to senior management.
Thanks again for getting in touch.
Kind regards
Nicola Stewart
BBC Complaints
NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.
Sorry this is just taking the piss . How long does it take to say he was carrying a knife had drugs in his bloodstream and what I didn’t know before this reply that he had already damaged a Police car. They have used this “didn’t have time excuse” multiple times in the past How about cutting 30seconds of the endless obesity, sugar lectures or the banter between the sloths and Kirkwood. Sorry this is just a pathetic reply which holds no water.