The DT quotes from a letter from UNITE to recalcitrant Labour M.P.s
“As for those of you who excuse voting on the basis of conscience, we wish to make clear to you that selection of MPS cannot be based on individual conscience but on strict loyal support for party policy as determined democratically by the majority of the membership.”
Now if this reaches the eyes of a Now Show “joke” writer there must be a good joke in there by reminding your listeners of the “strict loyal support” one Jeremy Corbyn has provided to various party policies over the years, do you not think?
Perhaps along the line of reading the quote and then adding “Jeremy Corbyn’s waste paper basket must have overflowed over the years with such reminders!”.
The BBC and the CofE appear to be tripping hand-in-hand through the tulips today
BBC London’s Rizla Teeth welcomes the Bishop of Barking (no really, it’s a London borough) who tells us “Jesus was a refugee”
Not sure I recall that aspect of Christ from my Sunday School days. Our Rizla lets that pass without comment – for one thing the Bishop was telling his ‘story’ and secondly he was expressing his opinion so viewers will have to do their own fact checking. Pontius Pilot-like the BBC can wash it’s hands.
His parents took him to Egypt (the neighbouring province, as opposed to one the other end of the Empire) briefly in his infancy to avoid Herod’s murderous wrath, then went back home again. It’s not known whether the Egyptian authorities put out the red carpet, paid their keep, provided reasonable housing at tax-payers’ expense to the detriment of settled communities, and welcomed the rest of their family to indefinite residence; I suspect Joseph had to work for a living.
The Holy Family took refuge in Egypt until the threat from Herod (who ordered the killing of all male children in the Bethlehem area as he feared a rival King had been born) had receded.
They returned to Nazareth rather than taking up permanent residence in Egypt.
New Parliamentary Petition: Order the BBC to immediately release the Dame Janet Smith Review findings.
Following revelations that Jimmy Savile was one of the most prolific child sex offenders of the twentieth century, the BBC commissioned a review into sexual abuse and bullying within the Corporation. The review was completed in May 2015 and BBC refuses to release its findings.
According to several media reports, the completed Dame Janet Smith Review is likely to contain very damaging revelations about what the BBC knew about sexual abuse at the time Savile was offending. There is the suggestion that the BBC is now withholding the completed report to protect itself until the renewal of its Royal Charter.
Please show your support by signing the petition here:
This petition is currently on hold while they check it is up to required standards. I cannot see anything (if those are the exact words above) that justifies this, admittedly the wording is somewhat ‘edgey’, but surely the BBC would love this sort of challenge?
I will wait the ‘few days’ it is suggested it might take to approve the petition.
C4 tonight Muslim broadcast ahead – Live from Birmingham – breathlessly reporting – Malala, How Muslims are portrayed in the evil media, Not all Muslims terrorists, Snow with super serious face whilst introducing ‘ Nobel Peace Prize Winner’ Malala who scolds us for our attitude to Islam whilst wearing the shite on her head. I think this one will hit new heights.
I recall Jon Snow gushing like a lavender fountain when he was interviewing St Richard Dawkins in regard of his new book the other month.
Snow mentioned Dawkins possibly being a tad “Islamophobic” .
Dawkins replied that this was a non-word, a weasel word…Snow may well have crumpled like a pastel tissue, but we didn`t see his lip sag in sadness.
And tonight-as if Dawkins had not told him previous-Snow wonders about islamophobia as he queues for a free balti at the start of his Allahawful Channel 4 tribute act to BBC effluence.
Funny that Snow hangs on Dawkins every word when it comes to scotching God…but when he says that Islamophobia does not exist-and its a crap word meaning nothing-Snow seemed not to have learned a thing.
Why`s that then ,Snowfake?
Jon Snow is a pathetic left wing ponce. He is too busy kvetching about “poppy fascism” or that the OBE has the hate word “empire” in it to notice that the country is being destroyed from within. He is an utter excuse for a thinking journalist, he is merely a mouthpiece for any right on north London bullshit.
Bearing in mind that the BBC charter requires honesty and impartiality in their reporting. It is therefore not the purpose of the BBC to present distorted facts or truths in pursuit of their own agenda.
Which is why you can know simply from the paragraph excerpt from the Breitbart article below that the BBC abandons any attempt at accuracy or honesty to push their own propaganda.
Of the approximately 200 top images associated with the story on the BBC’s news site, 53 per cent portrayed children, while 36 portrayed men. But the UN’s figures tell a very different story: just 15 per cent of the new arrivals were actually children, while 72 per cent were men
Just the usual BBc Teddy. This Month I’ve been told that 1/ They didn”t verify a story & 2/ They didn’t have time to tell the whole of another story. Nothing changes at the BBc.
Yeah Dave – it also shows the real agenda and mindset of our government. If they had any real morality and ethics then these figures alone would justify a complete overhaul of the BBC. There is no valid excuse for purposefully twisting the truth, yet our government is complicit in bringing in measures AS IF these projected lies were true.
Too true. It just shows how utterly gutless and unprincipled our government is. And did I mention Stupid!
Added to the other major problems that will lead to the destruction of our country; the spread of Islam, our burgeoning welfare culture (both largely created or exacerbated by Labour) these are things they could be addressing.
They are in a position to do something, but can’t be bothered.
They prefer to concentrate on really important matters like gay weddings and the delivery of wedding cards from Dave C to all gays (OK I made that last one up). Nothing particularly against gays but I cannot see this is a priority when we are gently progressing towards societal breakdown.
The disgusting state of affairs with regard to our ‘leaders’ – both government and Church, and our media not only ignoring the continuing and worsening plight of Christians throughout the Islamic world, but actually increasing the likelihood of these attacks on our shores is criminal.
Just spotted plenty of Victorian diversity in the trailer to the forthcoming BBC series ‘Dickensian’ which would appear to be a mash up of all Dickens novels. More massaging of the past to suit the BBC agenda of the 21st century and brainwashing of the unquestioning…
All that needs to be known that the series was written by Tony Jordan, former lead writer of EastEnders, enough said, should we expect Oliver Twist to appear in front of a parochial sharia court?
The BBC really cannot accept that until the period starting in 1948, Britain was a 99.9% white country. The very concept is something they cannot comprehend.
Oh, the AlBeeb would be right at home in not-so-Great Corbynland. No doubt they will lobby to take charge of education as well as being the State’s official propaganda, whoops I mean “communications”, arm. Nothing like a bit of whitewashing history to suit the agenda.
“Labour’s spokeswoman in the Lords, Baroness Morgan of Ely, said the vote would be a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” and young people should be allowed a say on the country’s future relationship with the EU.”
Taken from BBC WEBSITE “EU referendum: Lords defeat Labour bid for votes at 16”
With a little digging its not too difficult to find that the Baroness not only was once an intern at the EU…but also BBC researcher.
Tony Jordan wrote one series looking longingly back at the un PC 1970s Life on Mars, with the fantastic Gene Hunt and ending with John Simm throwing himself off a roof rather than sit through a PC Police meeting
Even that was diverse, Simm had an Asian girlfriend in the present and the landlord of the 70s boozer (The Railway Arms) was a dreadlocked guy called ‘Nelson’…
Talking of PC I started re watching Howard’s way on DVD due to our digital reception failure I don’t remember it being PC. I enjoy it’s dreadful acting and also the shots of Southampton and local areas where I lived back in the 80s. However watching it again the son of an Asian doctor is working in the boatyard. One of the white workers tells him it’s time to stop work, Davey replies he want’s to finish the job he’s doing. The workers are interrupted before it can go further which is implied what would have happened. Various shots show Davey working but not much sign of the other workers. Tom Howard leaves the yard in another scene and calls out to an off shot Davey not to work too late.
Border force? ‘Frontex’?
This is where the idiots in charge of the EU would like to take over our Great British armed forces and further under mine our sovereignty. Its all because of the total and utter useless EU and its failure to act because of a self inflicted invasion instigated by the maniac Merkel.
Grow some ball Mr Cam Moron and get this great nation out of the failed manufactured state.
Ok following the latest BBc we didn’t have time reply. The follow up is on it’s way to them.
“there wasn’t enough time given to go into detail regarding the story” Is basically your response as to why facts were omitted from this story. In all seriousness are you telling me there wasn’t enough time for someone to say “Laquan McDonald had damaged a police car, was carrying a knife and was found to have pcp in his blood,” Something I timed myself saying in under 10 seconds. So seriously is this really your excuse? You didn’t have 10 seconds?. Perhaps the presenters could have cut down on their banter to save this time. Having worked on a radio station as a presenter I’m certainly capable of juggling things around to save a little bit of time live on or fill in if needed, but apparently your presenters can’t manage this. So apparently you would rather save 10 seconds than give viewers a full comprehensive review of the story. As for having the facts on your web page not all viewers will then go on to refer to this and some viewers may not even have internet access. Yet somehow they are supposed to know they need to refer to your web site to get the full story instead of watching a part of it on the television. Could you explain therefore if you knew you “didn’t have time” for this story why you ran it at all.
I was listening to a certain morning programme on AlBBC2 (the radio is tuned to it in the bathroom) and one of the merry voiceovers (I am guessing it’s from that BBC cultural beacon “The Khans” or whatever passes for “comedy” on that shower of shite nowadays ) wished the listeners a “Merry Christmas and, for the special ones, a Happy Ramadan”.
Now, I am far from an expert on Ramadan dates but I am sure it has already been and gone in October. Frankly, I was a little bit shocked (not in a PC-type way) because surely if you are going to mention an event that’s two months past then you would have to be inclusive and mention Hannukah (which I think has just ended) and even Divali. Why even bring Ramadan into a Christian event at the expense of other religions? Oh, wait…….
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s most diverse cities.…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Winning upsets us all wwfc and can lead to hate – please take your first position and divide it up…
AsISeeItMar 10, 08:04 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Posters hereabouts will jostle and jockey for that prized top of the shop number one spot. Whereas a last comment…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:01 Start the Week 10th March 2025 2016 Brexit – control our borders – 2025 borders open with increase crossing. 2016 Brexit – control our VAT- 2025…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 08:00 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Border Patrol recorded 58,038 encounters with migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in August, according to a Pew Research Center…
JohnCMar 10, 07:38 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I posted earlier Marco, the BBC are celebrating his ‘appointment’ with such a fanfare in a ‘live update’ article…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I think Trump made a big mistake in taking measures against Canada and joking about it becoming the 51 st…
harry142857Mar 10, 07:31 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC approved type of enricher. Welcomed to the UK: Palestinian asylum seeker gunman who called on God to ‘kill all…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 07:26 Start the Week 10th March 2025 A warning from the future! And one which we can all see is not a exaggerated threat. Prof Betz and…
The DT quotes from a letter from UNITE to recalcitrant Labour M.P.s
“As for those of you who excuse voting on the basis of conscience, we wish to make clear to you that selection of MPS cannot be based on individual conscience but on strict loyal support for party policy as determined democratically by the majority of the membership.”
Now if this reaches the eyes of a Now Show “joke” writer there must be a good joke in there by reminding your listeners of the “strict loyal support” one Jeremy Corbyn has provided to various party policies over the years, do you not think?
Perhaps along the line of reading the quote and then adding “Jeremy Corbyn’s waste paper basket must have overflowed over the years with such reminders!”.
£3.00 that keeps giving amusement.
Over 1000 schools closed in Los Angeles today because of some random unknown “threat” – clearly nowhere near as important as uk volunteer astronaut !
The BBC and the CofE appear to be tripping hand-in-hand through the tulips today
BBC London’s Rizla Teeth welcomes the Bishop of Barking (no really, it’s a London borough) who tells us “Jesus was a refugee”
Not sure I recall that aspect of Christ from my Sunday School days. Our Rizla lets that pass without comment – for one thing the Bishop was telling his ‘story’ and secondly he was expressing his opinion so viewers will have to do their own fact checking. Pontius Pilot-like the BBC can wash it’s hands.
His parents took him to Egypt (the neighbouring province, as opposed to one the other end of the Empire) briefly in his infancy to avoid Herod’s murderous wrath, then went back home again. It’s not known whether the Egyptian authorities put out the red carpet, paid their keep, provided reasonable housing at tax-payers’ expense to the detriment of settled communities, and welcomed the rest of their family to indefinite residence; I suspect Joseph had to work for a living.
See Matthew 2:13.
The Holy Family took refuge in Egypt until the threat from Herod (who ordered the killing of all male children in the Bethlehem area as he feared a rival King had been born) had receded.
They returned to Nazareth rather than taking up permanent residence in Egypt.
New Parliamentary Petition: Order the BBC to immediately release the Dame Janet Smith Review findings.
Following revelations that Jimmy Savile was one of the most prolific child sex offenders of the twentieth century, the BBC commissioned a review into sexual abuse and bullying within the Corporation. The review was completed in May 2015 and BBC refuses to release its findings.
According to several media reports, the completed Dame Janet Smith Review is likely to contain very damaging revelations about what the BBC knew about sexual abuse at the time Savile was offending. There is the suggestion that the BBC is now withholding the completed report to protect itself until the renewal of its Royal Charter.
Please show your support by signing the petition here:
It’s under review I’ll sign it when it’s running
This petition is currently on hold while they check it is up to required standards. I cannot see anything (if those are the exact words above) that justifies this, admittedly the wording is somewhat ‘edgey’, but surely the BBC would love this sort of challenge?
I will wait the ‘few days’ it is suggested it might take to approve the petition.
Seems to be standard practice I’ve seen it on a few petitions i’ve signed up for.
C4 tonight Muslim broadcast ahead – Live from Birmingham – breathlessly reporting – Malala, How Muslims are portrayed in the evil media, Not all Muslims terrorists, Snow with super serious face whilst introducing ‘ Nobel Peace Prize Winner’ Malala who scolds us for our attitude to Islam whilst wearing the shite on her head. I think this one will hit new heights.
I recall Jon Snow gushing like a lavender fountain when he was interviewing St Richard Dawkins in regard of his new book the other month.
Snow mentioned Dawkins possibly being a tad “Islamophobic” .
Dawkins replied that this was a non-word, a weasel word…Snow may well have crumpled like a pastel tissue, but we didn`t see his lip sag in sadness.
And tonight-as if Dawkins had not told him previous-Snow wonders about islamophobia as he queues for a free balti at the start of his Allahawful Channel 4 tribute act to BBC effluence.
Funny that Snow hangs on Dawkins every word when it comes to scotching God…but when he says that Islamophobia does not exist-and its a crap word meaning nothing-Snow seemed not to have learned a thing.
Why`s that then ,Snowfake?
Jon Snow is a pathetic left wing ponce. He is too busy kvetching about “poppy fascism” or that the OBE has the hate word “empire” in it to notice that the country is being destroyed from within. He is an utter excuse for a thinking journalist, he is merely a mouthpiece for any right on north London bullshit.
They shot her in the head and she still doesn’t get the message!
Bearing in mind that the BBC charter requires honesty and impartiality in their reporting. It is therefore not the purpose of the BBC to present distorted facts or truths in pursuit of their own agenda.
Which is why you can know simply from the paragraph excerpt from the Breitbart article below that the BBC abandons any attempt at accuracy or honesty to push their own propaganda.
Of the approximately 200 top images associated with the story on the BBC’s news site, 53 per cent portrayed children, while 36 portrayed men. But the UN’s figures tell a very different story: just 15 per cent of the new arrivals were actually children, while 72 per cent were men
Dead Syrian Kid Pic Worked: Media Changed Public Perception After Aylan Kurdi Went Viral
Just the usual BBc Teddy. This Month I’ve been told that 1/ They didn”t verify a story & 2/ They didn’t have time to tell the whole of another story. Nothing changes at the BBc.
Yeah Dave – it also shows the real agenda and mindset of our government. If they had any real morality and ethics then these figures alone would justify a complete overhaul of the BBC. There is no valid excuse for purposefully twisting the truth, yet our government is complicit in bringing in measures AS IF these projected lies were true.
Too true. It just shows how utterly gutless and unprincipled our government is. And did I mention Stupid!
Added to the other major problems that will lead to the destruction of our country; the spread of Islam, our burgeoning welfare culture (both largely created or exacerbated by Labour) these are things they could be addressing.
They are in a position to do something, but can’t be bothered.
They prefer to concentrate on really important matters like gay weddings and the delivery of wedding cards from Dave C to all gays (OK I made that last one up). Nothing particularly against gays but I cannot see this is a priority when we are gently progressing towards societal breakdown.
The disgusting state of affairs with regard to our ‘leaders’ – both government and Church, and our media not only ignoring the continuing and worsening plight of Christians throughout the Islamic world, but actually increasing the likelihood of these attacks on our shores is criminal.
Raymond Ibrahim relates a few of the responses and excuses given.
More Christians Die, More Western Leaders Lie: Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2015
Just spotted plenty of Victorian diversity in the trailer to the forthcoming BBC series ‘Dickensian’ which would appear to be a mash up of all Dickens novels. More massaging of the past to suit the BBC agenda of the 21st century and brainwashing of the unquestioning…
All that needs to be known that the series was written by Tony Jordan, former lead writer of EastEnders, enough said, should we expect Oliver Twist to appear in front of a parochial sharia court?
Dickensian? Written by Tony Jordan of East Enders? Cue…..switch channel!!
The BBC really cannot accept that until the period starting in 1948, Britain was a 99.9% white country. The very concept is something they cannot comprehend.
Oh, the AlBeeb would be right at home in not-so-Great Corbynland. No doubt they will lobby to take charge of education as well as being the State’s official propaganda, whoops I mean “communications”, arm. Nothing like a bit of whitewashing history to suit the agenda.
“Labour’s spokeswoman in the Lords, Baroness Morgan of Ely, said the vote would be a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” and young people should be allowed a say on the country’s future relationship with the EU.”
Taken from BBC WEBSITE “EU referendum: Lords defeat Labour bid for votes at 16”
With a little digging its not too difficult to find that the Baroness not only was once an intern at the EU…but also BBC researcher.
Tony Jordan wrote one series looking longingly back at the un PC 1970s Life on Mars, with the fantastic Gene Hunt and ending with John Simm throwing himself off a roof rather than sit through a PC Police meeting
Even that was diverse, Simm had an Asian girlfriend in the present and the landlord of the 70s boozer (The Railway Arms) was a dreadlocked guy called ‘Nelson’…
Talking of PC I started re watching Howard’s way on DVD due to our digital reception failure I don’t remember it being PC. I enjoy it’s dreadful acting and also the shots of Southampton and local areas where I lived back in the 80s. However watching it again the son of an Asian doctor is working in the boatyard. One of the white workers tells him it’s time to stop work, Davey replies he want’s to finish the job he’s doing. The workers are interrupted before it can go further which is implied what would have happened. Various shots show Davey working but not much sign of the other workers. Tom Howard leaves the yard in another scene and calls out to an off shot Davey not to work too late.
Border force? ‘Frontex’?
This is where the idiots in charge of the EU would like to take over our Great British armed forces and further under mine our sovereignty. Its all because of the total and utter useless EU and its failure to act because of a self inflicted invasion instigated by the maniac Merkel.
Grow some ball Mr Cam Moron and get this great nation out of the failed manufactured state.
Ok following the latest BBc we didn’t have time reply. The follow up is on it’s way to them.
“there wasn’t enough time given to go into detail regarding the story” Is basically your response as to why facts were omitted from this story. In all seriousness are you telling me there wasn’t enough time for someone to say “Laquan McDonald had damaged a police car, was carrying a knife and was found to have pcp in his blood,” Something I timed myself saying in under 10 seconds. So seriously is this really your excuse? You didn’t have 10 seconds?. Perhaps the presenters could have cut down on their banter to save this time. Having worked on a radio station as a presenter I’m certainly capable of juggling things around to save a little bit of time live on or fill in if needed, but apparently your presenters can’t manage this. So apparently you would rather save 10 seconds than give viewers a full comprehensive review of the story. As for having the facts on your web page not all viewers will then go on to refer to this and some viewers may not even have internet access. Yet somehow they are supposed to know they need to refer to your web site to get the full story instead of watching a part of it on the television. Could you explain therefore if you knew you “didn’t have time” for this story why you ran it at all.
I was listening to a certain morning programme on AlBBC2 (the radio is tuned to it in the bathroom) and one of the merry voiceovers (I am guessing it’s from that BBC cultural beacon “The Khans” or whatever passes for “comedy” on that shower of shite nowadays ) wished the listeners a “Merry Christmas and, for the special ones, a Happy Ramadan”.
Now, I am far from an expert on Ramadan dates but I am sure it has already been and gone in October. Frankly, I was a little bit shocked (not in a PC-type way) because surely if you are going to mention an event that’s two months past then you would have to be inclusive and mention Hannukah (which I think has just ended) and even Divali. Why even bring Ramadan into a Christian event at the expense of other religions? Oh, wait…….
Unbelievable , even by BBC standards !