On the Sunday Politics last week, Cooper-Balls did a piece about “The Jungle” in Calais, and again expressed her wish to see more of these “peaceful” muslims allowed into the UK. At one point, she told us that the women and children lived on the outskirts of the camp, because the centre was too dangerous for them. Why was it too dangerous? Because that’s where the single muslim males lived.
She was then interviewed in the studio by Andrew Neil, who deliberately missed a golden opportunity to nail her hypocrisy to the wall, by questioning her on her promise to take a refugee family into one of her homes. And also to ask her why she hasn’t yet made good on that promise.
And whilst were at it, why hasn’t Paul O’Grady ( Lily Savage) left the country as he promised he would if the Conservative’s got in . All a load of left wing lying scum that live for the soundbite.
I think the problem may lie with the logo. Giving the impression that it’s a ‘fly on the wall’ documentary on an STD clinic must surely deter older viewers?
I caught the last 15 minutes of Newsnight the other night. Haven’t watched it for ages. Maitless was question Greer and three other smug, superior, faux intellectuals on the controversy around Donald Trump’s comment on Muslims. Not one of them could make an intelligent, well though out comment on the subject, preferring instead to sneer at and insult “The Donald”.
For anyone who can bear it, have a listen to Paul Henley on yesterday’s World Update:
Er…, actually, let me cancel that. I just went to the podcast and I see that they have excised half the programme – the half I wanted in order to demonstrate the BBC’s grinding bias against the US.
As I recall, Henley was waxing poetic about the British being the butt of American jokes about bad teeth, and claimed that it’s a myth and Americans actually have worse teeth. To prove his ‘point’ he dug up a professor from University College London who claimed to have done extensive research demonstrating the veracity of the above-mentioned claim.
I guess for the BBC this is earth-shattering news that we absolutely have to know about, rather than an unproven, boring irrelevance.
The US has a presidential nominee who wants to stop Muslims (temporarily) from entering the country.
And the right wing made no gains in the French elections.
And everyone made noble pledges to cool the planet down and then warmed it up again on their flights home.
TT: “And Americans have bad teeth. What a glorious week it’s been for the BBC.”
Or not.
On the BBC web-site, they used a photo of Mike Myers (in Austin Powers mode – with prosthetic teeth?) to illustrate how bad American teeth actually are …
… except that Mike Myers is a Canadian.
That’ll enhance US:Canadian relations no end. Well done, BBC.
I watched with satisfaction the exchange between Dimbleby and Rees Mogg on Question Time. Not since James Goldsmith took down Dimbleby on the Money Programme years ago have I felt so good, but then – I began to think: Dimbleby is Richard’s son, Rees Mogg is William’s son, Zac Goldsmith is James’ son…this is all too, too cozy.
Thanks for the mention of Goldsmith blasting the hell out of The Money Programme and its BBC nomarks.
If only we had this calibre of business leader who knew his stuff, came prepared with a transcript and makes time to drag these two BBC blowflies to the outer kingdom.
We need far more of this-the BBC are a house of cards in the light of someone who actually KNOWS his business-who WON`T let the BBC get away with their smears and lies…and who SHOWS these “interviewers” collapse like jellied eels in the face of a real businessman who knows his duties, his business and what BBC scum send out as polyfilla by way of “analysis and comment”.
Glorious-a must watch on you tube
That is brilliant. I am 41 yrs old and i naturally assumed the bbbc became biased under tony bliar. If o ly we could have someone so well prepared with transcripts and a good insight into facts. I would recomend that link to anyone to just “get” what the bbbc are up to.traitorous bastards
The BBC was a bit biased against Churchill before the Second World War. Biased throughout the troubles in Ireland, biased over the Falklands War. Has it ever been otherwise?
Mrs Thatcher on Nationwide in 1983, would instantly dispell that assumption. Question Time, Radio 5 Live and the Jeremy Vine show still use the same pool of program contributors today.
Geoff, the mistake was to have an exclusion zone in the first place. But the direction in which a ship is sailing is irrelevant. My hero Nelson ( not Mandela ) would turn in his grave !
Those were the days, when a Prime Minister went out of her way to take action to support our troops and not be steam rollered by the media. IS would be removed if we had that attitude today.
If we had someone like Margaret Thatcher as our PM today, those irrelevant non-entities in Brussels would be soiling themselves. And that includes Merkel, who seems to have modelled herself on the Iron Lady, but completely misunderstood her. Mind you, if we did have someone like Thatcher, we wouldn’t NEED these ridiculous non-renegotiations. We’d already have what we wanted.
Precisely Grant, the exclusion zone was a total error; war should have been declared on Argentina. I remember that: “We are not at war with Argentina, we are at conflict.” Nonsense coming out of the MoD spokesman, MacDonald I think was his name.
The vessels of the Argentinian navy should then have been attacked by the Royal Navy, wherever and whenever they were found in international waters.
If that had been done, the war would have been over much sooner and with the loss of fewer British lives; it would also have sent a message worldwide, that we were not a nation to be trifled with.
Do Leftist cretins, such as this Gould woman, have any conception of how the Soviet Union would have responded to the Japanese; if they had invaded the two Kuril Islands which they lay claim to? Exclusion zones? Not sinking enemy battleships, purely because they are heading away from the war zone?
I do not think for a moment, they would have adopted such a strategy. They would have destroyed any and everything that they perceived as a threat, either imminently or at some time in the future.
Big difference with this interview and today is that if two Biased interviewers had been allowed at the same time the interview would have consisted of a series of aggressive interruptions every second, with interviewer who earnestly believe their left wing voices are the the most important thing the viewer/ listener wants to hear and the only thing the interviewee is allowed to say is:
before the beeboid cuts them off with another aggressive question without allowing a response.
Absolutely superb ! The TV interviews try a character-assassination on Goldsmith, he garottes them on live TV. Glorious stuff. Wet “journalists” versus a , ruthless businessman.
And of course Goldsmith started the first Get-Out-EU party.
Go back a few decades to Private Eye’s ‘Goldenballs Fighting Fund – set up to contest a libel action by Sir Jimmy against PE – and the craven capitulation of the magazine, accompanied by the strangely ‘unavailable’ fund, to which I and many other readers contributed, and you have the reason for the cancellation of my subs. A small gesture, it’s true, and back in the 70s so pre-Hislop, but his editorship has only served to reinforce the fall of a once great satirical and totally impartial magazine, at that time non-allied to the BBC .
F……………..lipping heck…..thank you so much for digging this gem out…i was 20 when i watched this live…my father and i were so impressed with Jimmy G and his takedown of the two presenters here…he was so in command of his brief, his facts,…he was ready for them. We have very few people now capable of taking on the BBC massive these days…only the late Chris Hitchens could have given them a run for their money, he had no time for bullshit, bless him. I watched the whole thing again, equally enthralled 38 yrs on…a masterclass in fighting your corner against big brother.
I just watched it for the second time today. What a masterclass. These two journalists are just pathetic little boys. The first time Jimmy accuses them of being liars , they do not deny it ! Ridiculous !
The pre-Christmas Friday night drinks session in the BBC bar must be going well tonight. The news team will be toasting their success at suppressing the story about the government’s fraudulent treatment of immigration figures – one of the exceptionally rare occasions where the BBC has deliberately lied and connived to help a Tory government.
Still… being nice to your enemies… it’s all in the spirit of Christmas, isn’t it?
Except that those who control the BBC are less concerned with the posturings of petty political parties in a faux democracy than they are with manipulating information on behalf of those who actually hold control.
TrueToo – a week made even more glorious by the Jersey lass’s (aka Jenny Hill, the BBC’s Berlin correspondent) udderly rubbish report for BBC News: ‘Reports of Angela Merkel’s demise are greatly exaggerated’. Our Jenny is clearly swept away by the great Mutti because her MP’s applauded one of her speeches and Mutti got a bit sniffly. And, anyway, some random man from some random US think tank says that the German people are just a bit slow in keeping up with the Mutti’s cleverness. Our Jenny is completely entranced. To cap it all, some woman with ‘a lined face’ at a village Christmas fair ‘beckoned’ Jenny over to say that she had gone to live there 43 years ago. Really Jenny? Tell us more. Where was this wrinkly woman from – Pakistan, Syria, or another German village down the road? Was Jenny wearing a big flashing badge with the words ‘BBC – if you’re an immigrant please beckon me over’? Is this normal behaviour? Does Jenny trot round Germany beckoning people over to tell them that she came from Jersey last week?
Jenny is just a little person trying to carve out an existence. She will seek to impress those who employ her in the hope of advancing her career. The rest of us just have to work to fund Jenny’s career in the BBC.
Nominations received so far for the “Biased BBC 2015 Awards” (new categories have been added, thank you for your suggestions and indulgence)
“Most Outrageous BBC Propaganda” –
Jenny Hill (for her performance at Munich Railway Station)
Roger Harrabin (for services to cognitive dissonance)
Evan Davis (for being Evan Davis)
Clive Myrie (for dicking about Tyson Fury)
Jon Donnison
Mishal Husain
Mathew Price
“Best Humiliation of a Beeboid on TV”-
Jacob Rees-Mogg (for owning Dimbleby)
“Most Incoherent Ramble on World Affairs”-
Mark Mardell (for his state of the nation address)
“Most Ridiculous Political Guest”-
Diane Abbott (not BBC, but may as well be)
Can we open up the floor for nominations on ‘Most Biased Question Time Audience?’
Yes, I know since Farage called their bluff they’ve been trying their damnedest to appear like their paying the teensiest, tiniest amount of lip service to their impartiality obligations, but when your audiences are that far left to start off with even a colossal shift to the right hasn’t a hope in hell of even tickling the centre ground – as has been witnessed of late.
And while I’m on with it can I nominate ‘Cuffs’ as “Best BBC Minority Box Ticking Production’. The first episode was bad, but my God, it just got worse and worse (according to the wife, I ran out of steam before the end of the first episode..!).
Thanks for the list, Mr Golightly. I’m sure that all of the above are worthy candidates but they are,after all, just rather unimportant people who have been propelled to importance because they have proved themselves the willing mouthpieces of those who pay their wages. After listening to Radio 4 and watching BBC news for over 40 years, I have had the opportunity to witness the corporation’s gradual change from flickering light to stygian murkiness – from the post WWII attempt to educate the masses, and push for something better, to the 21st century dumbing down the masses through sport and other pointless contests, all designed to render the masses incapable of using their brains. My nominations go to the BBC bigwigs and fatcats who sit atop the whole repulsive pile – i.e. those who fashion, control and promote those individuals of the BBC workforce deemed most suited to further the agenda of the BBC at the close of 2015.
Agreed. Perhaps one of those programmes ‘The Long View’ could look at how the BBC has changed in that time.
By the way, has anyone else noticed how the past is consistently misrepresented in even casual reference? It continually grinds on my ears that whenever there is a reference to some event of the past – Indian independence, Suez canal, miners’ strike, Falklands campaign, even the Beatles landing in America for goodness’ sake! – the contemporary soundtrack is always in the antique, stentorian tones of the Pathe News – which was antique, marginal and widely derided even at the time.
I am currently going through the World at War at a slow pace, and I am constantly taken by surprise by the modern, unaffected, often classless, and absolutely genuine tone of the broadcasters’ voices of that time. Startlingly enthusiastic coverage of the bombing of shipping by the Luftwaffe just offshore from Dover in 1940 – 41, for instance, where there was no trace of mawkishness, sentimentality or even the much mythologised stiff upper lip. Just an astonishingly excited enthusiasm for defeating the enemy. To falsify this past is a subtle crime, but a serious one.
and that superb World at War series was produced by Thames TV – not the BBC. Directed by Jeremy Isaacs.
The BBC tries to claim that it alone represents British TV. But many of the greatest British TV was produced by ITV, such as the decades of good stuff from Granada TV under those awful capitalists the Bernstein brothers eg Brideshead Revisited, Jewel in the Crown, World in Action. Granada broke the mould on political reporting – showing realtime election stuff.
Even now, which long-running soap has style and sense – Coronation Street or Eastenders ?
I remember a meeting with Granada executives in Manchester back in the mid-1980s, talking about the prospects for satellite TV. Then we had lunch – after which their MD David Plowright played Chopin on a grand piano. He was not trying to be clever – he was finishing the day of discussions with a welcome to my American colleagues, before we had another few drinks.
The Bernsteins had originally set up the Granada cinema chain in the 1930s, with many iconic buildings, and then moved into TV when the first independent licences became available.
The history of Granada shows that you do not need a criminally-enforced licence tax to get good quality TV. You just need good people (investors and executives), people with a vision, who know how to get big audiences by providing good programmes.
These days – the BBC gets crap audience figures most of the time – with crap programmes most of the time. £4 billion a year buys mostly rubbish.
They do now have an article, which gives the names but they are well into the article http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-leeds-35134872
it’s not on the Uk page, nor England, but makes it onto the Leeds page
after the mine closed down by the Climate Change Act
Indeed. If the perpetrators were White then the whole might of the BBC would be aimed at rooting out the causes of this epidemic and ensuring that those in power ,who aided and abetted by turning blind eyes, were held to account. But no the BBC does its best to cover up and protect those involved in the turning of blind eyes. The left are rotten to the core and the BBC is their filthy standard bearer.
You have to follow a tortuous path to find the report. England/ regions/ Yorkshire and Lancashire / Leeds and West Yorkshire . That is if you even know the trial was occurring ,as Doublethinker says the outrage and screaming going on if the situation was reversed I would imagine the UK would be plunged into a month of mourning.
Look North tonight – whole programme from Kellingley Colliery, lots of handwringing by the presenters and Yvette Cooper was wheeled on to prattle; though no-one ever asked the question: why if the pit is being closed (it shouldn’t be at all in my opinion) does it need to be irrevocably? Why not retain it so we have a secure, domestic source against the future varying contingencies of external supply?
It may be that it is uneconomic to mine coal there presently, that doesn’t mean it will remain so in ten, twenty, thirty or a hundred years time. The pit could be kept as a reserve source of coal for the future, as all the other mines which closed and weren’t “mothballed” should have been.
The failure to do so means that we are primarily reliant upon imports from other countries (Russia and Columbia FFS) for supplies of this vital resource and as we (should have) learned from the Arabs and their exorbitant oil price hikes in the early 1970’s – that isn’t such a good position for any country to be in, particularly one which, in this instance, actually has enormous reserves of the very stuff which is being imported.
Anyone see Fergal Sharky’s report from Dresden, last night. How many times can someone get “far right” into a report? These evil BBC mob never live in a Culturally Enriched Area , even when working from abroad. Sharky’s angle was, East German ‘s are racist, & should be Culturally Enriched. What a Cupid Stunt, that man is.
It’s strange that the East Germans are so racist when they were presumably brought up and educated under a left wing “Democratic Republic” of the sort the BBC so admire. The same, of course, could be said of the Poles and Hungarians.
Already we have seen the Dutch police fire over the heads of the shire Dutch in Geldmalsen. I think the East Germans are altogether a different matter and the German state needs to be very careful. What the BBC thinks has no relevance any more and we need to understand this.
2016 promises to be interesting to say the least and may be the beginning of the end for liberalism in Europe. Much will depend on events and the reaction of the current liberal elites.
That they are essentially cowardly could make things dangerous for us all especially those on the old right.
Their fall will be swift and unexpected as these things always are but who knows what will follow and this is a moment of danger.
The dark future is coming and liberalism and the fantasies of these dreadful people must bear responsibility. Conservative voices have been silenced and there will be a price to pay. It should have been different but unreality has ruled and cultural marxism has all but destroyed Europe.
I think you have previously said that now might be the time to be cautious and maybe keep silence – if so, am glad you are still commenting. However, I do agree with you that times are becoming more, rather than less, dangerous.
This is still true SB but that event in Holland is so outstanding as to make comment necessary. Just how close are some of the EU regimes to declaring war against their own people? Was that a one off and a mistake or policy now?
We just do not know and even looking three months ahead is getting almost impossible. I think Gert Wilders’s attitude( when he speaks ) will be really significant.
We can be sure the BBC will ignore him but with each week that organisation is becoming irrelevant to Europe’s future.
Totally agree, and first sensible comment I’ve heard. The men in my family were all miners so have a particular interest in this story. Who knows what the state of power sources will be in 100 years, and there could easily be a return to fossil fuels. The pointy heads all want cleaner power for the planet, but at what price ? In the same way no-one knows what effect mobile phones have on the brain – (not been used long enough) after 40 years , its the following generations who will have to sort out our mess.
I agree with you, but Britain has signed up to the Green Religion. Not only coal, but gas too is going to be phased out, and we will get all our power from renewables and Chinese nuclear reactors. No, me neither.
That’s correct RiC; but mines such as Kellingley with (+30 years) reserves of coal should never be completely abandoned; any nation which had governments which were serious about the future energy security of their country, would never do such a thing – they would recognize them for the invaluable domestic resource which they are.
Those mines would be retained and maintained for the future and by that I don’t mean the next two electoral cycles; all the more so once the true effects of all this green energy b******s manifest themselves, in energy shortages and higher prices.
Good Lord – we used to GIVE excess electricity supply to the French, do you think they’ll reciprocate in a few years when we are in the cr@p?
The same applies to all the coal fired power stations which have been / are going to be closed – in a rational world they would be kept for potential use in the future, not flattened as soon as they can be after the last shift finishes.
The energy policies of successive U.K. governments -Labour and Tory- have been appalling and in a few years hence we shall see from the effects, quite how bad those policies and decisions were.
Katy Hopkins was on Woman’s hour and their Facebook page was apoplectic
with 300 people shouting “How can provide a platform for that woman to mouth her hate ?
………. “and she’s ugly as well” they added for empahasis
I’d accidentally tuned into BBC Radio Labour, but I heard chubster Jenny Murray, with chubster David Aaronovitch discussing “Is it morally right to criticise someones weight ?”
– Hopkins was direct, but very good and not offensive.
How can people complain about “giving Katy Hopkins a platform” when this BBC Radio Hatefest that has its “Half Hour of Hate” 6.30pm on Fridays against UKIP, capitalism, people who challenge the BBC’s state religion of GreenDream aswell as providing weeklong a platform for hate against them whilst banning them from defending themselves ?
– I note that Twitter was full of positive comments from Hopkins supporters and few angry tweets from BBC types.
Interestingly, on my new Mac I just got a security warning about Flash Player, advising ‘most websites’ will play videos fine without it, and offering a disable option. Which I duly opted for.
Guess what the first thing is I now see from the BBC when trying to play this? nether ‘unique’?
Have to say I like Katy Hopkins, as I do anyone who speaks their minds and refuses to kowtow to the new fascism of political correctness and liberalism.
Was pleased that Katie took the attack to the enemy, both personally and in their very lairs of privilege.
Note Jenni protest about her paying herself for her gastric band-not leeching off the NHS.
Note too Big Dave confess to being a weak-willed sap who can`t resist a cake, and has no willpower-unlike Katie.
Boy-these two HATED her by the time she`d reported on the girth of them both, as well as her “research” into Jenni Murrays ballooning issues.
Great stuff-the Left do NOT like personal charges against themselves..hypocrisy still just about the only sin they`d rather not be accused of.
David Dimbleby and Rees-Mogg will haunt the old dud until he`s wheeled to landfill…
I note now that there are 567 Likes for comments for “The BBC have a moral responsibility not to give this bullsh*t a platform.” and 2 similar liked comments.
but those very same commenters act in a bullying way themselves.
– Now those people know what it feels like the the rest of us, as we try to listen to the BBC radio yet have lefty dogma forced at us most of the time.
Ah Twitter woke up to the Saturday repeat; there were 22 angry tweets from haters.
..Ah hangon 10 of those were actually from Nov18th protesting about her being allowed airtime, when in fact she never actually made to air cos of her epileptic fit accident beforehand.
I watched an edited recording of Lord Hall’s appearance before the HofC Culture, Media and Sports committee yesterday on the topic of Charter renewal. The MPs exceeded my expectations in terms of their obsequiousness and awe of the DG of the BBC. Not once did the committee challenge the BBC in anything but the most deferential way and even then it was on topics such as whether Fury should still be on the SPOTY short list. Even on the topic Alan Yentob the DG swotted them away with ease with no MP demanding to know why Yentob was being allowed to keep one of his two , or was it three jobs, at the BBC when the DG had just said that his behaviour over Kid’s Company was unacceptable. He added that no further inquiry was merited ie lets move. MPs like lambs.
The DG had his side kick Purnell with him, the BBC Director of Strategy , an ex Labour MP and minister of course.One topic raised was why the BBC wanted a 11 year Charter settlement and not 5. Purnell replied that it would allow the BBC to break away from the election cycle and so be better able to scrutinise the work of MPs. Well if the BBC did its job properly I could buy this argument but of course we know they scrutinise one side and promote the other. There was lots of chat ( not scrutiny) about the BBC’s contribution to the arts etc etc.
On news and current affairs Lord Hall trotted out that one of the many functions of the BBC was to ensure that all points of view were heard! He qualified this, with the caveat that those points of view had to be legal ( well, yes indeed) and had to comply with BBC editorial guidelines ie the BBC chooses what we can and can’t see and hear, censorship in other words. Not one MP challenged him on this key point.
The most depressing thing was that when asked about funding I Player Purnell said that the BBC had already agreed with government that in future anyone wanting to watch ANY catch up TV , whether BBC or ITV et al, would have to first pay the LF! So even if you don’t want to watch the BBC’s output you have to pay for it. Purnell arrogantly pointed out that this was no different to the existing situation with TV. No MP asked how would this tax be harvested. It seems to me that to get any catch up service you will have to pay a subscription ( tax) to the BBC even if you only watch ITV! ITV should be outraged and sue. So subscriptions are OK for catch up but not for live TV. Not one MP asked about subscriptions. They are truly cowed by the might of the BBC.
Then to complete my misery I watched This Week . The panel , D Abbott, M Portillo, Lib Dem and SNP reps, unanimously chose Merkel as the world politician of the year because she went against the wishes of the German and did what was right!!
Democracy 0 Liberal Left World View 4, BBC in heaven.
I note that its 1984 is on today’s Pick Of The Pops, so conveniently we get to hear’Do They Know Its Christmas, yes the song that started it all, stupidly in my shallow youth I actually bought it. With hindsight it looks like we’ve paid twice, we saved ’em and now they’re heading north, that’s of course if you believe the money actually went where intended…
Incidentally was the irony lost on Geldof and the rest of those sporting mullets, as well as the record buyers that ‘they’ wouldn’t have actually known that it was Christmas, or even given a sh1t, because in their religion they don’t bloody celebrate Christmas!
OK lets get festive, here’s a charity video/song you’ll never see or hear on the BBC again (unless edited) can you guess why ? (1.39) shame Kim Wilde was looking rather good here….
#nothelpful – get ready for a call to be ‘interviewed’ by BBC WS and some obscure rain station of theirs, where they stitch you up in the intro beforehand, and having given then a serve during, have a massive whinge once they know you can’t reply. Integrity, see.
No, but I’m sure they will show re-runs of Eastenders starring Leslie Grantham, a convicted murderer.
Plus the BBC employs Boy George for some populist dross called The Voice. He has a conviction for False Imprisonment. So that’s all right then.
Imagine, by contrast, if a professional footballer had engaged the services of an “escort” (prostitute,) as did Boy George, payed for sexual services and then detained the prostitute against their will?
That footballer would be subjected to intense public censure, but it’s OK for celebs…
AS Geoff said no they don’t which is why there are gaps in it’s broadcast. You would have thought it would have been relatively easy just to cut his appearances out,but obviously this is beyond them. With F1 gone the TOTP re runs are now the only reason I make any effort to watch anything on BBc.
Geoff, actually the majority of Ethiopians are Christian, of the Orthodox variety. They follow the old calendar so they have Christmas on January 6th when Western Christians are celebrating the Epiphany – well, they used to until the Catholics started moving feasts to the nearest Sunday.
The thought of this … the tonality, the vocal choreography, the exquisite skill of the written work
… some Arab halfwit with nasal squealing down a speaker system 5 times a f-cking day
as I am sure you are aware, that should be it.
If anyone with the slightest modicum of erm “Christmas spirit”, who could ever be even, remotely, concerned about the intrusive, backward, impositioning, ideologies view on this?
Then General Supervisor: Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid …………. and co
Can give you a 10 page, soul destroying, Islamic pontification, on its rulings all about the ins and outs
of why.
Islamic Rulings No 5000 … The ruling on music, on singing and dancing.
Brilliant. In addition to Hallelujah I watched Ode to Joy, two marvelous examples of European culture. They say so much about Europe and its place in the world. What can Islam offer by comparison? Some beautiful mosques and little else. Very little that we Europeans would cross the road to see or hear. Don’t all those who seem to either support or seem to be indifferent to, the rapid Islamification of Europe, think that these mighty cultural achievements are worth preserving. Don’t they realise that under Islam they will rapidly disappear along with so many other things Europeans value such as all our liberal values. Perhaps next time flash mob should perform Bach’s Sleepers Awake!
Par for the course. We pay for the report, if they don’t like it, they hide it, as per the Balen report. And then spend your bbc tax through the court system attacking anybody that dares to question them.
And now for your “Climate Change” weather report. As we fast approach the hottest part of the day for December days, a scan of temperature gauges around the country throw up some interesting results. I’m sure like me, you have heard or read, that we will get the hottest December day “eva” today in the U.K. Note, the term U.K., said by the media in such a way that the whole of the U.K. would appear to be getting the record 18+ degrees that has been banded around. So looking at all those temperature gauges that are brought into use to tell us all a record has been recorded, with a strong South Westerly blowing across pretty much all of the South of England, what do we see? Any reporting station down wind of London is showing 15-17 degrees. North, South and East of London, outside of the South West direction of wind directly blowing over London is showing 11-14 and maybe a 15 degrees. A look into Europe at the same latitude also shows 11-15 degrees. If ever there was a clear indication of Urban Heat effect, then today is the day and why the CET was devised all those years ago, to try and bring sensible data to the table. But hey, if a temperature station records 18+ degrees, then it has to be down to Climate Change, even if it is only at No25 Accacia avenue and upwind of about 2 million people, factories, airports, football stadiums, motorways, docks, air conditioning plants and the busiest times for any city just before Christmas. You have been warned.
I do wish they’d shut up about this “hottest” bollox – I’d hardly call 50 or 60 degrees in old money, hot. I’ve known mild winters, I’ve known cold winters, warm Christmases, and Christmases which have been bloody freezing. So what?
Why can’t we just be grateful for a little unseasonal balmy weather, and enjoy it, without affording it the status of “record” or “unheard of, before”? We never used to…
Any road up, it’s mid-December. things have a habit of turning nasty at very short notice, so that in a couple of weeks, we could well be in an icy blast, with stationary windmills, and power cuts.
I know the Brits have always obsessed about the weather, but this is all becoming very childish. and getting beyond a joke.
Fact is that if the bloody BBC didn’t keep harping on about it (I know they have to, to further their agenda) no one would really notice, its not exactly tee shirt and shorts weather, just typical December weather, ie you need a coat!
No coat for me here – lunch and drinkiepoos on the terrace. Even the lizards have woken up. Won’t last, though – it never does. That’s why we should lap it up, instead of frightening ourselves silly with dopey doom-laden forecasts of global warming.
By the way, after all the hype, did anyone actually get a sandstorm? I expected wild reports of Saharan desert fall out, inches deep…
Two wonderful examples of bias in Any Questions this lunchtime. First, a question on the EU referendum. At the end of the discussion Dimbleby reads out just one tweet/email – in favour of staying in. Then a question on the anti-Cecil Rhodes campaign at Oxford. Again, after the discussion, Dimbleby reads out just one tweet/email – highly anti-Rhodes. Obviously one knows where the BBC will stand culturally on both issues, but how about maintaining some degree of neutrality ?
What is strange, well not really, is how quiet the BBC and Met Office have been concerning the White Christmas Scotland will have and maybe the highest parts of England in the north are going to get next weekend. The kids and holiday skiers are going to have a ball!
Heard on the BBC that some town in Devon recorded the “warmest mid-December night time temperature since records began”…I994, since you ask!
For an organisation that rather enjoyed the murder of Ross McWhirter, and would not demur at the early death of Roy Castle(Christianity being so last century)…they seem awful fond of their endless “Record Breaking” stats don`t they?
I`m guessing that Radio Devon are up all night on top of the BBC carpark in Exeter and phoning in this kind of bogus science, whilst strung out on strong coffee and recreational powders.
These “microdata” bytes are no indicator of anything, but the BBC/Met Offices obsession with getting us worried about global “warming”…or is it “cooling” again yet?
I wish they`d ask a proper scientist , not expect the hurray Henrys and Jemimahs to email from Exeters Environmental…very mental…”Yoonie”.
Bellamy, Ball(Johnny)…even Letts or Delingpole…why ask Lilley(Physics) or Lawson?…heck, even Magnus or Heinz would be more use.
Susan Watts anywhere to help them?-or do we just expect our national broadcaster to remain scientifically illiterate?
Blind photographer’s concert pictures are an Instagram hit.
OK so where are the pictures? Isn’t that the beauty of the phenomena? The pictures?
Are the pictures irrelevant? Could it be that Ahmad Zaghal, son of Palestinian immigrants, currently based in Damascus, with a disability has ticked the right boxes at bbc.con?
I cannot imagine what it must be like to be blind but I can’t help thinking that a muslim sounding name plus a disability is too much for the BBC to resist. Who cares about the photos?
Here we can see the usual BBC lies and left-wing propaganda about the mythical ‘rise’ of the ‘far-right’. The BBC calls any movement and speech against Islamic fundamentalism as far-right in order to do their Islamic masters’ bidding and give the impression that it is the white Europeans that are racist. In reality people have just had enough of Islamic immigration and apologist drivel foisted upon them by left-wing Marxist scum.
There’s something about Keane’s syrupy Irish sanctimoniousness (think Guerin) that sticks in the throat. His piece, which I caught by accident yesterday, was perhaps the most disgusting and disingenuous drivel I have heard all year. He uses the term ‘far Right’ like some superstitious mediaeval peasant muttering a half-understood benediction to ward-off the plague.
An utter twat is Feargal Keane?
What is it with these poltroon paddies-himself and Orla Guerin come to mind.
No gigs on butter churning with their native RTE then?
Hence the shit stirring plastic paddy schmalz on the British(not prep school bedwetting Oirish like they are) Bullshitting Co-op.
Funny that ex Hitler Youth, Jew baiting Guenter Grass gets a comment…like Speer and Gitta Sereny…the BBC just LOVES the cultured Nazi who`s on the right side of that wavy line of welfare leftism-as long as they really DID hate the Jews whilst it was politic to do so.
Indeed, the BBC still require it at higher levels.
Note the death of Greville Janner-and the grievance hustling lawyer Liz Dux(eh?) who refers to it as a “tragedy for her clients”….boy they`re low aren`t they?…and like Brittan I suspect some anti-Jewish agenda here.
Looks largely like a public relations exercise. As the commenters under the article point out, there isn’t exactly any work going on a remote Scottish island, so they will be living on benefits.
Yes, the BBC is crap, biased and truly rotten from top to septic toe.
BUT-tomorrow from midday onwards will be Radio 3s` hop around Europe to get Christmas music for us from many places in the EBU.
Expecting another highlight with no political crap-just great music to celebrate the coming of The King(no, not Elvis!).
Last years was great-and briefly could have convinced me to love the EU and stay in the lead vessel.
I realise that this isn’t a current output, but a BBC regular being exposed – I think it still qualifies !
Peter Davidson – All creature Grunt & smell & Doctor Who
“I’ll be voting Labour without a doubt. I tremble at the idea we might put a Tory government back into power. I think back to the last time a Conservative government was running the country and can’t believe we might do it. I’m also a big Brown fan; he might not have that slick charm that we seem to buy into these days, as we did with Blair, which turned into a big mistake, and as we seem to be doing with Cameron. With Brown, it’s substance over style; he’s a career politician, who has spent his life working to help people. I like that he isn’t slick, unlike Cameron, who’s only been in politics for a few years”
Why do the media especially Al Beeb, rely so much on the opinions of actors and film stars? People who have never done a days honest work in their lives and who are completely out of touch with the honest hard-working people of Britain.
Think it`s because half of them are downstairs in the Green Room and therefore always available for that quote they seek.
Or maybe because they rely on state funding as well-usually at the expense of northern rep-so any views on “cuts” or the effects on those they pretend to be for the script-well, it needs acting out…and the BBC like that.
Or, being a safe lefty rebel gets plenty sofa space with Bonnie, Carole-and a good opinion for the next Stratford luvvie who seeks an Osborne(John), an Orton or a Littlewood.
OR…my preferred answer-these ciphers and oafs can`t` think for themselves unless someone else has written the script and role for them-they`re well paid to mouth others words and emote as if they believe it-and, boy the BBC have been writing such scripts and scenarios now since the 60`s…so they`ll say what they`re paid to say.
> Why do the media especially Al Beeb, rely so much on the opinions of actors and film stars? People who have never done a days honest work in their lives and who are completely out of touch with the honest hard-working people of Britain.
That’s rubbish. People in all walks of life are entitled to an opinion, and those who are known to the general public are likely to get repeated.
Besides, “completely out of touch with the honest hard-working people of Britain” is shorthand for “I don’t like people expressing opinions I disagree with because I like believing I’m right about everything and don’t like being reminded that the truth is very different.”
How come that virtually every last one of them that are interviewed for their opinions are from the left? That hardly represents the public at large – Labour lost the last election, remember.
Politicians,journalists and luvvies all inhabit the same gutter, totally detached from the real world. The simple fact is that they could all drop dead tomorrow and life would go on much the same for the rest of us.
I have a lot of sympathy for the argument that “they`ll say what they`re paid to say”, but I think it goes deeper than that.
If an actor wants regular work he needs to stay on the right side of the BBC and the management of the subsidised theatres. This requires public support for the obligatory belief system – the BBC is unbiased, public subsidies are good, the Tories are the fount of all evil and UKIP are the spawn of the devil. Deviate from this script and you’ll be very short of bookings.
Constantly repeating what you know to be lies is very destructive of self respect, so it’s easier to persuade yourself that they are the truth. Love Big Brother.
“People in all walks of life are entitled to an opinion, and those who are known to the general public are likely to get repeated.”Good statement by Jerrod.
I Rest my case.
Why should those who are known to the general public get repeated.?
Actors and sons of actors, Al Beeboids and sons and daughters of Al Beeeboids, most who have never done a real day’s work since leaving drama school or ‘uni’, clutching useless degrees in ‘non’ subjects. As Lobster states ……………….
“How come that virtually every last one of them that are interviewed for their opinions are from the left? That hardly represents the public at large – Labour lost the last election, remember.”
Not many plumbers, electricians, nurses, carpenters taxi drivers etc etc on QT eh Jerrod?
Jerrod, you a Beeboid or an actor by any chance?
> most who have never done a real day’s work since leaving drama school
Not the first time I’ve heard that phrase uttered. You seem to think it’s acceptable to slag off a whole tranche of people just because you have decided that they’re worthless. What a brave and upstanding member of your community you must be.
> Jerrod, you a Beeboid or an actor by any chance?
Neither. What about you? What is it about you that makes you the one who decides who should and shouldn’t express an opinion, or have that opinion reported upon?
Jerrod you are beginning to ‘act’ like a troll.
You are trying to avoid answering the original post by putting up a smokescreen.
Just a reminder, “Why do the media especially Al Beeb, rely so much on the opinions of actors and film stars?”
Film stars, actors, poets, artists and Beeboids are a small, a very small percentage of the population of this country yet they seem to get the media focused on their political opinions as if they hold some authority in politics – they don’t, because they do not live in the real world of ordinary work. The spend most of their time and work in a pretend world.
I am an ordinary person mixing with ordinary working people.
I post on this website because its called Biasedbbc. Why on earth do you post here?
If you are not an actor or a thespian you would certainly make a good ‘stand in’ for Scott / Scotty.
> Film stars, actors, poets, artists and Beeboids are a small, a very small percentage of the population of this country yet they seem to get the media focused on their political opinions as if they hold some authority in politics – they don’t, because they do not live in the real world of ordinary work. The spend most of their time and work in a pretend world.
Not true. Sorry, but you’re wrong.
Apologies if pointing out your inaccuracies offends you.
> I am an ordinary person mixing with ordinary working people.
Good for you. Me too. So that’s one less reason for you to attempt to stand in judgement over me, isn’t it.
Jerrod, I am not offended.
I am not judging you.
Where exactly am I wrong ?
Can you be so kind as to answer my question ”why on earth do you post here”?
Thanks .
I post here because its a site that is of the opinion that Al Beeb is Biased.
We obviously have a differing opinion on the amount of Al Beeb broadcasting time allowed for actors and film stars. But I am sure that the readers of this site will agree with my original statement.
They will probably agree that you are a troll and that you would certainly make a good ‘stand in’ for Scott / Scotty
Odds of you being genuinely sorry seem slim. But if you say so.
You are lucky you can post here because you want to.
The BBC often prevents the public doing this when they have trouble accounting for corporate activities and those of their staff. In their capacity as judge, jury and all else.
Unique. Not really vital. Hence the reason for this site.
You are of course a most welcome addition to the roster on current form.
Well who’d have thunk it? Following the revelation by Mexican scientists that there was an uncharted volcano underneath the ice sheets of Antarctica and melting them, another intrepid explorer has ventured forth to another location on Antarctic and found something similar but describes this ‘something similar’ as a “blow torch”. A “blow torch” under the ice sheets? And there was me thinking (because the BBC had told me so) it was Global Warming aka “Climate Change” that was causing the ice to melt. http://iceagenow.info/hot-zone-like-a-blowtorch-detected-under-antarctica/
David Aaronovitch What is IS? R4 22.15, repeated from earlier in the week.
I have said before that we should be prepared to recognise and praise good programmes that the BBC produces, and journalists who present them. This was such a one, I think. I thought this kind of discussion had died a long time ago for the BBC. It was informative, it failed to patronise the listener, and above all it did not appear to be biased.
I am unsure whether Mr Aaronovitch has been pilloried here before, but this was indisputably a good programme, going into fascinating detail about the eschatological basis for Islamic jihad and (mainly) Isis, but also other apocalyptic Islamist groups. I found out much that I had not heard before, and the cross-referencing to non-Muslim cults through history seemed sound to me (I am much more familiar with Christian heresies and cults), which gave me confidence to trust what was being said about Islam in its radical formats.
Others might pick holes in its approach, contents, or conclusions, but that is not the point – it set out an ‘honest stall’, whose content invited comment and perhaps argument, but not the justifiable blanket condemnation that so much of the Corporation’s programming achieves now. I say well done!
Agree entirely Mr Beaker.
I praised it earlier in the week, alongside Jonathan Freedlands programme on the Shoah film.
Neither were prefect-but Aaronovitch asked good questions,and genuinely seemed to want to know the answers. He was honest in his own limitations ,and inability to understand the eschatological implications of IS and what fuelled them.
Which I found refreshing and informative from a BBC who always seem to think they KNOW what answers their agenda requires-and will try to mould the quotes and soundbites for the editing suite to “analyse”.
Praise where praise is due-if only the BBC would not insult our intelligence with forever trying to cover Muhammads arse…the facts speak for themselves, and all involved in this programme gave us enough truth to draw our own conclusions,,,felt the Jonestown parallel failed, but at least they didn`t gloss over Islams ultimate aim…sad to say, it`s so unusual to get such a show these days though.
The BBC are broadcasting a new series called “Dickensian” over Christmas. Apparently it has all the main characters from the Dickens stories living in the same place at the same time and interacting with each other. Of course the Beeb sees fit to change characters to fit their diversity agenda, so we have a BLACK Artful Dodger and a mixed race Little Nell – but her grandfather is still a white chap. What promised to be a good idea for a series has been spoiled by the BBC’s demands for diversity. But then, what else can we expect from that well known social engineering broadcasting corporation.
I see Radio 4 are broadcasting a version of Jane Austen’s “Emma” set in India with all the characters being Asian with Asian surnames. Can anyone see a pattern emerging here? This is what they are using your licence fee on.
The big Media/Gov lie that is ruining our nation, that would see us all part black part white part indian, just so long as it is a nation of low paid serfs, that prop up an elite of grasping, self serving “old money” with a widening gap in wealth/living standards erm … continues, and that’s today.
How Dickensian eh! … told you, that shitbag Iain Duncan Smith, was perusing Dickens Novels for his next policy.
This is a fictional series, where fictional characters from disparate novels interact in ways that their original author never intended – but the biggest problem you have is that two characters (out of how many?) don’t have pearly white skin.
> Radio 4 are broadcasting a version of Jane Austen’s “Emma” set in India with all the characters being Asian with Asian surnames. Can anyone see a pattern emerging here?
Letting us see that storylines of romance, comic misunderstanding and melodrama are universal? Perish the thought. Tell you what, let’s boycott any reshowing of Amy Heckerling’s Clueless, too! Not only did that relocate Emma to Hollywood, but – gasp! – several of the characters were black. And we can’t have that, now, can we.
I don’t know whether Dickensian is going to be any good or not – I’ve read a couple of reviews that suggest it will be. But I do know that I’m not going to be too worried that her off Men Behaving Badly is somehow in Victorian London playing Mrs Bumble, or that Little Nell isn’t white.
Jerrod – so historical accuracy in the ethnicity of the characters isn’t a prerequisite for a historical drama? I’m not sure many people would agree with you there; it just comes off as trying to alter the past by making it appear that ladies and gentlemen of colour have resided in Britain for much longer than they actually have done.
It also diminishes the enjoyment of the programme by including such anachronisms, I remember watching Little Dorrit some years back with an person of Pakistani-heritage playing a business partner of Arthur Clennan – his casting was so obviously out of place, yet so typically PC by Al Beebus, that it slightly diminished an otherwise superb drama.
> so historical accuracy in the ethnicity of the characters
You’re asking for historical accuracy of characters which didn’t exist.
> ladies and gentlemen of colour have resided in Britain for much longer than they actually have done.
Sorry to burst your Aryan bubble, but non-white people existed in Britain before the Windrush, you know.
> It also diminishes the enjoyment of the programme by including such anachronisms
If you’re a closed-minded little racist blob of hate, maybe. Most people are too busy getting caught up in the drama to sit there whining about how one character’s skin colour doesn’t fit with their own imagined white superiority. Not everyone is as racist as you and Andy S.
Here is the Oxford English dictionary definition of ‘Racism’:
“Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior: a programme to combat racism.”
This is provably incorrect by the prosecutions in English courts over cases of ‘hate crime’. In addition, if you do accept that this is the definition then you have proved your own use of the word on these pages to be wholly wrong, and should therefore apologise !
> This is provably incorrect by the prosecutions in English courts over cases of ‘hate crime’.
Oh, DO go on. After a day of last minute Christmas shopping, I could do with a laugh.
> In addition, if you do accept that this is the definition then you have proved your own use of the word on these pages to be wholly wrong, and should therefore apologise !
I’m not going to lose much sleep over whether someone who denies that a word exists thinks that I should apologise or not. After all, in your fantasy world “there is no such thing as racism”, so I would have nothing to apologise for, would I?
Mr. G. So true ! By the way, in addition to the ” Beeboid of the Year ” competition. How about a ” BBBC Poster of the Year ” contest ? I nominate chrisH.
As a relative Newbie on this forum I am not really qualified to say. However, I always enjoy ChrisH’s Magical Mystery Tour of Our Times, and also DaveS’ sobering analysis of the current and future possibilities. The Old Bloke for the non-biased weather updates. Guest Who for the unwavering search for Integrity. Alex for the no-nonsense evisceration of Leftist claptrap. And many, many other contributors, who go to making this forum a bulwark against the prevailing relativist nonsense in all MSM.
Just spotted this little run of tributes!
Thank You friends…it`s fun inside my head, but the fact that so many others have similar views to the crap thrown up by the BBC keeps me from moping.
After all-a leader without followers is just a man out for a walk.
Without wishing to go all Gywnnie on you, with no cut onion by the eye…I`ve hugely enjoyed The Scottish stuff(grant etc as I recall)…the Green Stuff( I baled out after Copenhagen 2009, and that Antarctic ice breaker that got stuck in the ice!)…and those of you who put me in touch with Gatestone, gallia, Vienna, Spencer/Geller over the years.
I liked the UKIP haikus ideas too, reckon there`s a good book in much of what we write…and guessing there`ll be plenty more to laugh at (and watch crumble before our eyes) next year as well.
Jerrod – if there were “non-white people” in Britain “before the Windrush”, then presumably (if they were here in sufficient quantity) there will be novels and plays written from those times which include them as characters?
Why doesn’t the BBC use those to create historical dramas? I can’t think of any examples myself, but I’m sure you’ll enlighten us; especially as you’ve implied the existence of BAME residents in the U.K. in far greater numbers than I was, previously, aware (probably something to do with being in this damned “Aryan bubble”).
Do you think some of those ladies and gentlemen of colour, could have produced literature themselves from that period of British history through which they lived?
It would be great if they had, because such novels and plays would (I suppose) be filled with genuine “non-white people” as characters and these could then be made into (accurate) historical dramas by Al Beebus.
Which would preclude the need to cast black and Asian actors in roles in dramas which the original author / playwright had envisioned, then written, the characters as being white.
> Do you think some of those ladies and gentlemen of colour, could have produced literature themselves from that period of British history through which they lived?
They may well have done. Whether they succeeded in getting anything published would be another matter, of course.
But anyway, there were black people present in Victorian Britain. Last year there was a sizeable exhibition of studio portraiture of the period showing that: a very small selection are on the exhibition’s publicity page at http://autograph-abp.co.uk/exhibitions/black-chronicles-ii .
Are you just virtue signalling with this comment or are you for real? You are using all the cultural marxist tricks and key words. Well worn and dull.
Does not convince I’m afraid.
“If you’re a closed-minded little racist blob of hate”
Arrived here earlier today, a couple of hours later, true colours are shown.
The closed mind is yours, sonny.
Most people contributing to BBBC went through the British “educational” system.
Which taught them to believe approximately the same bollox you believe.
The difference is we have questioned what we were taught, and have found it untruthful.
So we looked elsewhere for the truth.
So carry on hating and believing the propaganda taught in your school (and the BBC).
Another Beeboid Gadfly coming on here to show us how WACIST we contributors to this site are. This is our literary heritage we are talking about here. Characters that were shown to be white – see the original illustrations in the novels, are deliberately changed by lesser talented writers who, in their PC arrogance, think they can improve a character or story by inserting modern sensibilities and a diversity agenda. If Dickens created ethnic characters he would have described them as such. That is the real racism you leftist twat – debasing English literary heritage and then using trigger words against anyone who objects to this bastardisation . Call me all the isms and ists you like. You’ll not shut me up with your overused and cliched insults.
Good comment – plus, the BBC keep telling us that one of their (self-allocated) jobs is to “support the creative industries”. Well, if there is so much creativity out there, why aren’t the creatives creating new characters, instead of hijacking long-established literary characters as a vehicle for their own modern day beliefs?
Well, for one, you’re confusing “reporting on an issue” with “BBC being offended”.
For another, when you have few enough characters that are non-white, and it’s hard enough for BME actors to get cast in roles (due in part to casting directors being irrationally afraid of racist backlash by idiots such as that exhibited by Andy S and others on here), people are understandably concerned when roles which would ordinarily call for a BME actor get denied to them.
It’s not really difficult to understand. Of course, you’d have to stop convincing yourselves that your white skin compensates for your lack of comprehension first.
And there you go. Everyone else is the racist not you
Just because that article happens to chime with your mindset (conveniently), doesn’t mean it is simply “reporting an issue”. They are implying casting white actors into supposedly non-white roles is offensive, yet they are happily casting minority actors into traditional white roles
Your problem is, your own racism is so inbuilt you fail to see your own hypocrisy
> Just because that article happens to chime with your mindset (conveniently)
I don’t see what’s “convenient” about an article which I’d never read until today.
> They are implying casting white actors into supposedly non-white roles is offensive
They’re saying that to some people it’s an issue, which I realise is a basic concept that you find difficult to understand is the same thing. Like I said, comprehension doesn’t seem to be your forte.
Why is it that those on the Fascist wing of the left, always feel the need to insult anyone who fails to share their views?
Do you also approve of violence in the name of the Fascist Left Jerrod? It seems many people do.
And before you tell me you’re an anti Fascist just remember Churchills warning – The Fascists of the future will call themselves ‘anti fascists’ !
Why do you feel the need to come on here and insult people? Calling someone an idiot, just because you disagree with their view, is insulting and demeaning. Please apologise for your behaviour.
Jerrod contributes nothing in terms of highlighting the level of bias contained within the BBC. His arguments are poorly argued, idealistic and lacking in content. Sometimes my teenage children sound somewhat similar to Jerrod. hey are fast approaching the sixth form. The troll should be ignored or banned in the same way as the revolting Beeb fail to answer my comments to them. The coin of Freedom speech can land both ways.
As my dear departed old mum used to say, ‘do unto others as they would have them do unto you.’
As I said earlier, I believe the objective of this site is to highlight the level of bias contained within the BBC not to support the level of bias.
No seriously you are funny. Now it’s the you can’t comprehend strand. I assume everyone who holds a different view to you has to write it in crayon as we don’t reach to your towering intellectual level. Classic lefty I don’t comprehend your last sentence though. So BME actors don’t get cast because directors fear a wacist back lash? Really when did that happen?
A BLACK Artful Dodger ?????? That means Lenny Henry will be up in arms about stereotyping blacks and complaining about the number of times he was stopped and searched ! I wont be watching.
Tony Jordan doesn’t give a sh1t if just one man and his dog watch because his wage is assured by those of us who pay for this cra@p under duress. In truth it was probably those that have attended the same courses as you that dictated the inclusion of such utterly unbelievable portrayals of classic characters…
Jerrod, your comments appear to be as racist as any of those posts on bBBC you are labelling as racist. As LostOverThere says – meaningless and hypocritical.
“Sorry to burst your Aryan bubble” – “your white skin compensates for your lack of comprehension” – “their own imagined white superiority”
Nobody has talked of “white superiority” except for Jerrod. Most people are only calling for authenticity, in the same way that lefties went insane when a white woman was once cast as Miss Saigon.
“Most” people will sit at home and enjoy the programme, or not, without giving two hoots about what colour skin the characters have. Because they’re able to engage with drama on its own terms, and aren’t sat at home whining about how it’s NOT FAIR that this fictional programme, featuring characters that are completely made up in the first place, doesn’t adhere to their own views on the racial purity of Victorian England.
I do hope those on here who are so fraught at the possibility of seeing a non-white skin on a made-up programme are going to be on their own this Christmas. If not, then my sympathies lie with the families that will have to turn up the telly to drown out their miserabilist drivel.
>“Most” people will sit at home and enjoy the programme, or not, without giving two hoots about what colour skin the characters have.
Maybe in your pink fluffy bubble and within your circle of metrosexual Guardian reading lycra clad cyclist friends, you can pretend, but believe me people in the real world are seeing through the agenda led sh1te that the BBC is chucking out over the airwaves. They have absolutely no credibility anymore.
> your circle of metrosexual Guardian reading lycra clad cyclist friends
Oh, you’ve met them. Nice people. I’m sure they made you feel welcome; my friends are ace.
> people in the real world are seeing through the agenda led sh1te that the BBC is chucking out over the airwaves
Sorry, but my world is just as real as yours. I’m not denying people who disagree with me exist, but it seems you are. So who’s living in the fantasy world?
Jerrod, imagine for one moment the BBC do a drama about the death of Steven Lawrence (and I’m surprised they haven’t done one yet) do you think those friends you mentioned would be happy if any of Lawrence, members of his gang,or his mother were played by white actors? Or if any of the thugs that killed him were played by black actors?
If you answer yes to either question you will be a liar, if you answer no then you are a hypocrite and a racist. If you don’t answer it’s because you know I am right.
> imagine for one moment the BBC do a drama about the death of Steven Lawrence
You do realise that Stephen Lawrence was an actual person who was killed in horrific circumstances, while Little Nell is a fictional character, don’t you?
Are you aware of the difference between reality and fiction? It would appear not.
> If you don’t answer it’s because you know I am right.
I was tempted not to answer at all after that, as being a dick on the internet doesn’t give you the right to dictate how and when other people should respond. But I figured that staying silent would play into your sociopathic egomania.
However, I am off for the rest of the evening now, as we’re going to a late night showing of Star Wars. Don’t take my silence in any way as agreement to your deluded, idiotic views, now will you.
Jerrod. Just seen your reply where you make some of the same lame personal attacks as your wingman. Just because you make it personal doesn’t mean you are clever. I can assure you – you are not. Obviously I am clear what is fiction and what is reality – unlike you I don’t rely on getting my ‘news’ from the BBC, which you must agree is often more fiction than truth. But whether the characters portrayed were real or just well-loved or well-known characters from fiction, the same principle applies. Whether an actor is playing Lawrence, Othello or Miss Saigon there would be uproar today if the BBC used white actors for any of these roles. So doing it the other way round is clearly just as bad. If you think differently to that then you are clearly a racist.
> “Most” people will sit at home and enjoy the programme, How do you know that? Have you conducted a survey or is it just you and your mate?
Nope, just going by the likely number of people watching vs. the small number of people who will be sitting on their fat white arses whining to high heaven because a couple of people whose skin has more melatonin than their own happen to be in roles within a piece of fiction.
If people who agree with you turn out to be in their millions, rather than just a couple of dozen corpulent wastrels, I’m happily eat my stovepipe hat. But that won’t happen. Because sad little racist idiots will always be outnumbered by people who aren’t subject to delusional psychoses.
My problem with introducing black or asian actors to play roles traditionally played by white people is with the intention behind it – to flog to death the multiculural message. I was never happy when English movies about English people in England cast Americans as the stars, largely to appeal to US audiences. And I was a bit furious when the dog in Peter Pan – in the story a Landseer – was played by St Bernard. I just don’t like entertainment and literature tinkered with in order to make a political point. So that makes me a racist, a US hater and a breedist.
It appears the liberal political elites have scored an own goal here, I mean are they saying the above is a thieving non-white ,fatherless person who travels around in a portable abode? Isn’t that…….Racist according to their little red book.
Mr G, The Met Office’s own description of a “White Christmas” and those used by the bookies, is that in the 24 hour period for the 25th December, that snow should fall ‘on the roof’ of any of the official Met Office (thereby government offices) recording station. Trouble is, all these recording stations tend to be at sea level and getting snow at sea level is as rare as hens teeth. BUT, Scotland sees snow on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so they will see, at least the white stuff but on the hills above 1,000 ft. Cumbria high tops stand a chance too! South of Preston, very unlikely.
I think that Jerrod and his like minded multiculturalists seem unaware of a basic aspect of humanity. By artificially introducing anachronisms and racially irrelevant characterisation into established and well regarded literature, the reverse of the noble aspiration is achieved with ridicule high among audience reactions. Except, of course, for Guardian readers but they still represent a scant few thousand of the UK population, and that won’t change.
If turning a white character black, will Fagin now be portayed as a Muslim? I doubt it. He will probably be played as a nice cuddly type of Jew (not how Dickens portrayed him) with many Muslim friends.
Idris Elber could have portrayed Bill Sykes and Billy Connolly Scrooge. That sort of miscasting would have caused howls of synthetic outrage by left-wing racists like Jerrod. Clearly if he’s a fan of this sort of race-changing of characters he would have loved the Black and White Minstrels.
A message for ChrisH,
A heads up about Devon having the warmest December night on record. I got surprised by your statement as this had missed me, so I went looking. Sure enough, it has been reported and reported on a private “weather watcher” blog that in the Otter Valley, East Devon, a private recording station (with all mod cons) did record a minimum of 14 degrees, which was posted as a record High minimum for Devon if not the U.K. Any record needs verification so I dug a little deeper as my local Devon temperature was 5 degrees cooler albeit slightly higher in altitude but only 20 miles away as the crow flies. The owner of the site, which on the face of it seems to be one of the better private sites with much collected data, has stated that due to the position of the site, rarely gets frosts. WHAT!?!?! The owner explains why he thinks the site does not get frosts, while all around they are freezing their nuts off. So here we have a blog entry stating that due to certain atmospheric conditions (a South West Wind off the sea, which we have been having for a month down here) then the minimum temperatures are significantly higher than ordinarily should be recorded for that geographic area, basically a heat sink trap! Unbelievable. True temperature at this site cannot be valid data for the area but only for that site. A probable false record, another one and how many more I wonder? Just like the Heathrow debacle. It really is getting silly out there but will the sheeple listen?
“Labour has warned of possible damage to community relations with the police.”
And which “communities” would they be BBC & labour (Corbyn)? Would they be the law-abiding white working-class communities, or the communities in leafy suburbia up & down the country, or maybe the commuter belt or wealthy parts of Cheshire even? Or, would it be inner city “communities” of, say, London & Birmingham. You know the ones I mean, let’s say the ‘darker’ places that harbour a disproportionate number of armed drug dealers and other such parasitic criminal filth like Mark Duggan & Jermain Baker. The sort of “communities” that “stick together” and have “community spokespeople” who are fond of mouthing off at public meetings to defend the filth that live within them for reasons we can only guess at. Well my guess is some sort of bruvverly kinship, if you know what I mean….
Ah yes, the “vibrant” and “culturally enriching” communities. How stupid of me for not understanding that these particular “communities” have a right to special policing. I wonder why that is though? Why is it, I wonder, that these people have a greater fear of armed police than do the rest of us? After all, if you are law-abiding and keep out of trouble then you won’t even have any contact with the police (like the vast majority of us) let alone get shot by one of them.
On Friday I had the misfortune to endure an interview with David Lammy, (MP for Tottenham) on the Today programme. You know, he’s the one like Lenny Henry, only funnier. He was, predictably, trying to defend the latest rascal to be shot by the police while attempting to spring a couple more lovable rogues. In the piece, he repeated the false rumour that Baker was asleep when he was shot. A likely story if ever you heard one, especially given the fact that a gun was found beside him. To be fair, the presenter did reiterate that this was just rumour, but nevertheless, he was let off lightly. Anyway, Lammy went on to draw an analogy with the shooting of that other rascal Mark Duggan, and went completely unchallenged by the presenter when he falsely claimed that Duggan was un-armed. What he fails to mention is that Duggan WAS armed moments before he got what was coming, and the officer had no way of knowing that he had surreptitiously disposed of his loaded weapon. The only analogy to be drawn between these two cases is that both involved armed criminals. Lammy also tried to claim, again unchallenged, that Baker was not a member of a “gang”, without us being given any definition of what a “gang” member is. As usual, the BBC like to hide behind semantics to further their ‘black victim’ agenda.
At the end of the day, if you are not an armed criminal or don’t associate with armed criminals, and you obey the police when instructed, you aren’t going to get shot by them. Unlike the numerous innocents who have been shot when caught in the crossfire between criminal scum in our vibrant, diverse, enriching, multicultural “communities”.
Tend to agree, have posted this before, so I wouldn’t be surprised, technical failure?
11. The BBC reserves the right to cancel or suspend voting at any time. In the event of any such cancellation or suspension, a technical failure or any other malfunction with the vote, the BBC reserves the right to arrange for the winner to be decided by a contingency arrangement from the votes cast by a pre-agreed contingency panel. This panel will be the same as one which devised the shortlist – see above for details.
Tyson doesn’t have a cat in hell’s chance, let’s not pussyfoot around here.
I also notice ‘Blue Peter staff asked a child visiting the studio to pose as a phone-in competition winner. The BBC was fined an unprecedented £50,000 by media watchdog Ofcom over the incident. ‘
Does Ofcom still have any sway over the BBC, or is it now completely autonomous. It is interesting how the BBC deals with any problems.
difficult interviewees – concentrate on trivialities and childish insults to try and sidetrack the issues before time is up. Dozens of examples.
problems with watchdogs – use your strength to get them out of the picture.
dangerous celebrities at the BBC – hide their criminality, and when it’s time to face the music, just don’t publish the findings.
News doesn’t follow the narrative. Change it, or just ignore it.
problems with votes. Just cheat or make it up.
After all, 50% of people get their news from the BBC. What they say is the news, is the news.
How many fingers am i holding up?
Geoff, I am still having problems registering. The BBC have anticipated that as they have a ” Having problems registering ? ” section. They can’t even organise something as simple as this . The BBC are total crap ! Imagine if they were running the Armed Services or a quoted company. God almighty !
OT probably, but then the BBC, the Guardian and Pink News do overlap somewhat.
I have just read this in Standpoint magazine (this month’s is highly recommended) in a column by Douglas Murray and had to research the provenance for myself –
“The Guardian columnist and poverty campaigner changed their name to Jack when they was younger, moving away from a feminine name in line with their gender identity.”
In a year when the very notion of gender and race has been so subverted that a white woman can be a black woman, and a person called Jack can assume the plural (Jacks?), and there is no irony in this, then we are all going to hell in a Winterval-themed handbasket.
The BBC are bigging up the late Jimmy Hill. Unfortunately they seem to have glossed over the fact that he led a rebel tour to South Africa during Apartheid, something that would not sit very well alongside their modern day liberal hogwash.
Anyway, I couldn’t help noticing there were a lot of comments removed from the associated Have Your Say column. I would imagine they mirror my recollection of him being an annoying twat.
Hill is responsible for so much of what`s wrong with football.
1. Out-of control wages
2. The cult of the superstadium and branding of hitherto-local clubs with logos and “US-style family targeting”
3. The hours of shite from “panel experts” as they spout on about what we might see-what we saw-and then yet more analysis about all things spurious…Hill himself was nothing much as a player, but boy-could he flannel…and make a pioneering living out of making a souffle out of a drop of albumen.
In short-a disaster for football was Hill-and the world of puffed up pointless gibberings and hours of VT talking tarmac is, in large part-due to him.
No wonder Linerkers-and nomarks like Savage-thank him for rescuing them from actually having to DO something with their lives after retiring….
To be fair, he did NOT lead the trawl around Argentina 78, and bring back the first set of players who began the wipeout of English footballers….there speaks a bitter Red who wanted Passerella …but ended up with the likes of Kleberson.
Was Bob Wilson the first fake who feigned “Scottish roots” because he`d never have got a place in Englands team?…and maybe HE needs a cabbage before we all blast Big Jack for creating the current transnational conveniences…bloody Bennetton!
Oh-stuff the BBC!
Most kind sir…am watching Bruce Springsteen from 1980 as I note this-wish we`d have signed him back then, certainly more spring in the heel than the current crop of deadbeats currently wandering around the pitches of England at the mo.
From “Steel Tulip” to “Rubber Marigold” within a year or so….and as long as the bitter bluenoses don`t get Pep, we can dream of a possible Thursday night matches somewhere Balkan against green shirted asylum seekers next July…
Well it`s been a week now since we had the “obesity epidemic story”-with a need to tax fizzy drinks.
Seems to have rolled into the long grass maan….legalise drugs….how`s THAT one in the BBC news cycle then?
Add to this, Orgeave and Ricky Tomlinson, Top Peoples Paedo hunt(BBC staff excepted, being only small fry compared to Rothwell Social Services)…
Only reason I ask is that I saw Lee Jasper was on Wood Greens streets, presumably seeking a BBC berth and a Goldsmiths grant for the Wood Green Massacre of one Jermaine Baker…fast asleep at the wheel when the Turkish warlords and gangmasters were to be broken out…sort of thing we ALL choose to do isn`t it?…where else for a snooze but a criminal court security zone?
Like Vera Lynn-when she`s got the Listerine out, we know it`s war.
Lee Jasper on Bruce Grove tends to mean the same.
Will the BBC send us out their upcoming virtuous cycle of agitprop smoke signals, so we can count them in-and then back out again, until something sticks and SOMEONE outside their studios and quangos gives a stuff?
Or is it to be John Major and Fransesca Martinez on a bungee cord until we vote to stay in the EU and want White D to get a House of Lords ticket?
More multi culti pro mixing from the BBC, with an attack on Christmas, which again should be ‘holidays’ or some other non ‘offensive’ word!
They seem so ignorant of what Christianity is about, that they honestly believe Father Xmas, Xmas trees, & Easter Eggs are somehow mentioned in the Bible and part of the religion !
As the number of inter-faith marriages in Britain increases, we uncover a growing phenomenon – the cultural mash-up. Sharmini Selvarajah meets the families who are getting creative as they combine different religious and cultural traditions to create their own unique festivals.
Embracing multiple festivals has always come naturally to Sharmini. She grew up in a British-Asian family, celebrating Christmas, Diwali and Tamil New Year. Now that she’s married to a Jewish American, Passover, Thanksgiving and July 4th also feature.
Every year she throws a Chrismukkah party for family and friends, where latkes sit next to mince pies on the table, and Christmas carols are sung alongside Hanukkah blessings. She’s curious about how other mixed families combine their various beliefs and customs.
The Sommers celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah. Their blue and white Christmas tree is topped by a homemade star of David. Their three sons say the best part of combining Jewish and Christian December traditions is “double the presents – double the fun!”
But their Rabbi, Dr Jonathan Romain, warns that not all interfaith couples are prepared for the challenges of the festive season: “It’s a time of year that can be for some families enormously enriching, but for others it’s a major trauma. And it brings all issues of mixed faith marriage to the fore, issues they’ve been able to sweep under the carpet for the rest of the year.”
Sharmini spends Easter Monday hunting for chocolate eggs with Amy who’s a Christian, her Muslim husband Takbir, and their extended family. But she also hears from those who don’t feel so positively about mashing things up. Is there a risk of diluting celebrations by merging them, so that each is inadequately marked? Does it lead to confusion for children growing up in interfaith families?
This is from a website called the Blacklist, its a piece on the inclusion of three black child actors in a new CBBC series. Good for them, no problem, but surely the existence of such a website is racist, the reverse certainly would be. Maybe the Blacklists intentions are good, but in reality such a site/publication can only create division.
Just to carry on the earlier silliness about the first usage of the word Racism :
The earliest usage I can find dates from August, 1872. The Holy and Great pan-Orthodox Synod of the Eastern Orthodox church issued a statement on “The Heresy of Racism,” wherein it stated:
“We renounce, censure and condemn racism, that is racial discrimination, ethnic feuds, hatreds and dissensions within the Church of Christ, as contrary to the teaching of the Gospel and the holy canons of our blessed fathers which support the holy Church and the entire Christian world, embellish it and lead it to divine godliness.”
Having said that, this might be a matter of translation The word is phyletism, from the Greek word “phili,” translated “race.”
People searching google books for references to the word ‘Racism’ or ‘Racist’ have found that it does not appear in print until around 1937. When there is a huge number of references.
The first written use of the word “racists” was in the 1930 book “History of the Russian Revolution” by Leon Trotsky. The OED confirms this as the original recorded source of the word.
Claiming other sources as earlier is unsubstantiated and therefore cannot be taken as reliable.
Of course, due to presentism it is impossible for even the Fascists to maintain consistency or control of this most meaningless of terms.
Gershwin’s Porgy & Bess – no longer regarded as racist was so regarded in the 1970s
Longfellow’s Hiawatha – not really regarded as racist now, but has been in the past
Al Jolson – Blacking up as a minstrel because blacks couldn’t get on screen was actually a anti race campaigner now regarded as racist !
If this meaningless word has no consistency, then it’s even worse than first thought!
Good teaching thoughtful-these things(etymology, word derivation. roots of words etc) matters an awful lot-and that the garrulous lefty incontinents choose to simply shout over objections, to threaten or smear only shows that they`re easily dealt with-as long as we know our history, and simply repeat our truths and refuse to be led onto their turf.
I think of Powell and Hitchens(P)…one of them made a big distinction between “racialism”-which was THE word used in the 60s/70s…as opposed to its recent perversion and catch all crime of “racism”.
It parallels the difference between “supporting people”…and “advocating Support For The People”
One is human scale, traced back to individual frailty and-though wrong-can be remedied by experience and showing understanding…the other is a State-registered hate crime that is state-defined, means everything and nothing, depending on the power basis of the accuser.
Basically, one became the other with the Lawrence case of 1993…and you nver see the word racialism bandied around these days-although it`s the correct one.
Racism is a weasel word, Chomsky derived…and like all other -“isms” is a State conspiracy against the communal good sense of people…as if Beria or Freisler were prosecuting and judging.
Orwell was on the ball over all this-and so I make a fuss about the lazy use of New Left defined syntax, as opposed to prefectly good words that they binned-just to make their State control all the easier.
Say No To Racism eh?…indeed I do…it`s called racialism at our level and is either understandable or defused on contact with exemplars…it is NOT Frankfurt bollocks-that is what the word Xenophobia covers, and far better…and it reveals who the EU Nazis are( Brits, Islamophobia, appropriate and vulnerable all add to their restricting code of Satanic origin IMHO)
When ‘Racialism’ as it originally was, and then ‘Racism’ started to get used a lot in the early 2000s, when even to mention anything to do with a race issue led to that branding, I remember looking up the dictionary definition and noted it implies a sense of superiority of one race over another. Ever since then I’ve felt quite free with my opinions because I never claim superiority of white Brits over anyone else, merely that one cannot pretend that there are not differences – in norms, beliefs, rituals, morals, values, religions – between different races – in fact all the cultural things – hence the word multi-culturalism. The problem lies with the Stalinists and Far Leftists as so often presented by Al-Beeb, who think the differences don’t matter or wanted to bury them for their own ends, such as their tactical aim to undermine the workings of the Western market economic system in favour of a collectivist socialist model.
Wow. For a word which, according to you, “has no definition”, there seem to be an awful lot of definitions floating around out there. As well as usage predating Trotsky.
So you do seem to be contradicting yourself as a byproduct of demonstrating your obsession with a word that does not exist.
But you’re right, applying a word wrongly causes all sorts of problems. Take, for example, your own assumed epithet of “Thoughtful”… 🙂
At the insults again Jerrod? You can always tell when someone has lost the argument when they resort to insults you know?
Different definitions, which none are agreed upon, and even wikipedia’s entry is disputed!
Perhaps you might like to enlighten us as to why it is that the United Nations a forum which represents nearly all the nations on earth does not recognise the term, preferring instead the more meaningful “Racial Discrimination” and providing an agreed definition of the term?
Have the nations of the world all got it wrong, and only you and the Fascist Left have the right answer?
The truly gratifying aspect of the appearance of some bright and contentious, if self obsessed contributor like Jerrod is that he, or she – let’s not open another potential worm-can – justifies the creation of this website.
The United Nations?
A helpful hint, adducing the UN will get laughs on here.
The most corrupt, useless, self serving, wasteful organisation on earth.
atlas_shruggedMar 10, 04:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Debs My 25 year-old daughter is one of those with I suspect a compromised immune system. Every two weeks she…
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JohnCMar 10, 00:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Syria leader vows to hunt down those responsible for bloodshed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crknjgrd3geo ‘A UK-based monitor said 830 civilians were killed in…
JohnCMar 10, 00:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Romanian far-right presidential hopeful barred from poll rerun https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c3d8n140mpjo An astonishing story of how deep the EU Leftist cancer has…
JohnCMar 9, 23:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney wins race to succeed Trudeau and vows to stand up to Trump https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cg4k2l204zqt Good God – I started…
Eddy BoothMar 9, 23:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I just don’t like him. And I was suspicious of the new vax from the start myself. I don’t trust…
JonathanRMar 9, 22:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Farage will not save Britain It is far too late https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOR8NhL09JQ&ab_channel=TheNewCultureForum
JonathanRMar 9, 22:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 No he is not but if you ever see his videos he interviews specialists in their fields. The same smears…
Odds of the BBC’s finest inquisitors raising this?
ps: Worth clicking the link to her feed. Not sure twitter is really her forte.
In a sentence…………….
The whole political spectrum and standard of our MP’s – ‘Lions led by Donkeys’.
On the Sunday Politics last week, Cooper-Balls did a piece about “The Jungle” in Calais, and again expressed her wish to see more of these “peaceful” muslims allowed into the UK. At one point, she told us that the women and children lived on the outskirts of the camp, because the centre was too dangerous for them. Why was it too dangerous? Because that’s where the single muslim males lived.
She was then interviewed in the studio by Andrew Neil, who deliberately missed a golden opportunity to nail her hypocrisy to the wall, by questioning her on her promise to take a refugee family into one of her homes. And also to ask her why she hasn’t yet made good on that promise.
And whilst were at it, why hasn’t Paul O’Grady ( Lily Savage) left the country as he promised he would if the Conservative’s got in . All a load of left wing lying scum that live for the soundbite.
It’s only been going four months,
Katie Hopkins chat show cancelled
Yet Newsnight, Citizen Khan, etc, endure.
The joys of unique funding?
Same with the Victoria Derbyshire show, that has about 3 viewers?
Unique, in the Left way.
VD’s show only three viewers….ooooh, …..mmmm,,, aaaah, well thank you for …..aaaah giving us this information.
I think the problem may lie with the logo. Giving the impression that it’s a ‘fly on the wall’ documentary on an STD clinic must surely deter older viewers?
“Yet Newsnight, Citizen Khan, etc, endure.”
Incorrect, they continue, we do the enduring.
I caught the last 15 minutes of Newsnight the other night. Haven’t watched it for ages. Maitless was question Greer and three other smug, superior, faux intellectuals on the controversy around Donald Trump’s comment on Muslims. Not one of them could make an intelligent, well though out comment on the subject, preferring instead to sneer at and insult “The Donald”.
A sneer (and her ugly loud voice) is all Greer ever contributes to TV.
For anyone who can bear it, have a listen to Paul Henley on yesterday’s World Update:
Er…, actually, let me cancel that. I just went to the podcast and I see that they have excised half the programme – the half I wanted in order to demonstrate the BBC’s grinding bias against the US.
As I recall, Henley was waxing poetic about the British being the butt of American jokes about bad teeth, and claimed that it’s a myth and Americans actually have worse teeth. To prove his ‘point’ he dug up a professor from University College London who claimed to have done extensive research demonstrating the veracity of the above-mentioned claim.
I guess for the BBC this is earth-shattering news that we absolutely have to know about, rather than an unproven, boring irrelevance.
The US has a presidential nominee who wants to stop Muslims (temporarily) from entering the country.
And the right wing made no gains in the French elections.
And everyone made noble pledges to cool the planet down and then warmed it up again on their flights home.
And David Cameron bowed to his EU masters.
And Americans have bad teeth.
What a glorious week it’s been for the BBC.
TT: “And Americans have bad teeth. What a glorious week it’s been for the BBC.”
Or not.
On the BBC web-site, they used a photo of Mike Myers (in Austin Powers mode – with prosthetic teeth?) to illustrate how bad American teeth actually are …
… except that Mike Myers is a Canadian.
That’ll enhance US:Canadian relations no end. Well done, BBC.
except that Mike Myers is a Canadian.
LOL, the stupid shmucks can’t even get their bias right
Perhaps all North Americans look the same when seen through the leftist goggles of the BBC..
I watched with satisfaction the exchange between Dimbleby and Rees Mogg on Question Time. Not since James Goldsmith took down Dimbleby on the Money Programme years ago have I felt so good, but then – I began to think: Dimbleby is Richard’s son, Rees Mogg is William’s son, Zac Goldsmith is James’ son…this is all too, too cozy.
Thanks for the mention of Goldsmith blasting the hell out of The Money Programme and its BBC nomarks.
If only we had this calibre of business leader who knew his stuff, came prepared with a transcript and makes time to drag these two BBC blowflies to the outer kingdom.
We need far more of this-the BBC are a house of cards in the light of someone who actually KNOWS his business-who WON`T let the BBC get away with their smears and lies…and who SHOWS these “interviewers” collapse like jellied eels in the face of a real businessman who knows his duties, his business and what BBC scum send out as polyfilla by way of “analysis and comment”.
Glorious-a must watch on you tube
That is brilliant. I am 41 yrs old and i naturally assumed the bbbc became biased under tony bliar. If o ly we could have someone so well prepared with transcripts and a good insight into facts. I would recomend that link to anyone to just “get” what the bbbc are up to.traitorous bastards
The BBC was a bit biased against Churchill before the Second World War. Biased throughout the troubles in Ireland, biased over the Falklands War. Has it ever been otherwise?
Mrs Thatcher on Nationwide in 1983, would instantly dispell that assumption. Question Time, Radio 5 Live and the Jeremy Vine show still use the same pool of program contributors today.
The Wankel engine, whatever happened to that?!
What a nasty evil bitch. And I am not talking about Maggie or Sue Lawley !
Yes, such a goddess to the BBC was Ms Gould that they even thought it important enough to report her demise 28 years later…
The BBC have seen to it that the sinking of the Belgrano was more important than the winning of the war – Pinkos! (sic Dennis Thatcher)
I’m sure they only employed Carol Thatcher to set her up for a fall, remember she was popular enough to have won ITV’s I’m A Celebrity….
Geoff, the mistake was to have an exclusion zone in the first place. But the direction in which a ship is sailing is irrelevant. My hero Nelson ( not Mandela ) would turn in his grave !
Quite right Grant, it is surprising how few of the critics at the time seemed to realise that gun turrets could rotate.
Beltane , LOL !
Those were the days, when a Prime Minister went out of her way to take action to support our troops and not be steam rollered by the media. IS would be removed if we had that attitude today.
GWF , So true . Cameron has no balls and does not understand the history of the British. A worthless , ignorant coward
If we had someone like Margaret Thatcher as our PM today, those irrelevant non-entities in Brussels would be soiling themselves. And that includes Merkel, who seems to have modelled herself on the Iron Lady, but completely misunderstood her. Mind you, if we did have someone like Thatcher, we wouldn’t NEED these ridiculous non-renegotiations. We’d already have what we wanted.
Precisely Grant, the exclusion zone was a total error; war should have been declared on Argentina. I remember that: “We are not at war with Argentina, we are at conflict.” Nonsense coming out of the MoD spokesman, MacDonald I think was his name.
The vessels of the Argentinian navy should then have been attacked by the Royal Navy, wherever and whenever they were found in international waters.
If that had been done, the war would have been over much sooner and with the loss of fewer British lives; it would also have sent a message worldwide, that we were not a nation to be trifled with.
Do Leftist cretins, such as this Gould woman, have any conception of how the Soviet Union would have responded to the Japanese; if they had invaded the two Kuril Islands which they lay claim to? Exclusion zones? Not sinking enemy battleships, purely because they are heading away from the war zone?
I do not think for a moment, they would have adopted such a strategy. They would have destroyed any and everything that they perceived as a threat, either imminently or at some time in the future.
Thanks chrisH for the link.
The BBC at that time hadn’t learned how to talk over and interrupt facts that didn’t suit their common purpose.
Big difference with this interview and today is that if two Biased interviewers had been allowed at the same time the interview would have consisted of a series of aggressive interruptions every second, with interviewer who earnestly believe their left wing voices are the the most important thing the viewer/ listener wants to hear and the only thing the interviewee is allowed to say is:
before the beeboid cuts them off with another aggressive question without allowing a response.
Absolutely superb ! The TV interviews try a character-assassination on Goldsmith, he garottes them on live TV. Glorious stuff. Wet “journalists” versus a , ruthless businessman.
And of course Goldsmith started the first Get-Out-EU party.
That was great. He made them fidget and fiddle like two errant schoolboys brought before the headmaster.
“It wasn’t me, sir, the other boy wrote that note about you,” and “I was away on holiday, sir.”
Go back a few decades to Private Eye’s ‘Goldenballs Fighting Fund – set up to contest a libel action by Sir Jimmy against PE – and the craven capitulation of the magazine, accompanied by the strangely ‘unavailable’ fund, to which I and many other readers contributed, and you have the reason for the cancellation of my subs. A small gesture, it’s true, and back in the 70s so pre-Hislop, but his editorship has only served to reinforce the fall of a once great satirical and totally impartial magazine, at that time non-allied to the BBC .
Beltane, yes . I am old enough to remember it. The Leftie objection to Jimmy was always political and nothing to do with his business.
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Jimmy Goldsmith exposing cowardly journalists and the BBC for the big liars they are !
F……………..lipping heck…..thank you so much for digging this gem out…i was 20 when i watched this live…my father and i were so impressed with Jimmy G and his takedown of the two presenters here…he was so in command of his brief, his facts,…he was ready for them. We have very few people now capable of taking on the BBC massive these days…only the late Chris Hitchens could have given them a run for their money, he had no time for bullshit, bless him. I watched the whole thing again, equally enthralled 38 yrs on…a masterclass in fighting your corner against big brother.
I just watched it for the second time today. What a masterclass. These two journalists are just pathetic little boys. The first time Jimmy accuses them of being liars , they do not deny it ! Ridiculous !
The pre-Christmas Friday night drinks session in the BBC bar must be going well tonight. The news team will be toasting their success at suppressing the story about the government’s fraudulent treatment of immigration figures – one of the exceptionally rare occasions where the BBC has deliberately lied and connived to help a Tory government.
Still… being nice to your enemies… it’s all in the spirit of Christmas, isn’t it?
Except that those who control the BBC are less concerned with the posturings of petty political parties in a faux democracy than they are with manipulating information on behalf of those who actually hold control.
TrueToo – a week made even more glorious by the Jersey lass’s (aka Jenny Hill, the BBC’s Berlin correspondent) udderly rubbish report for BBC News: ‘Reports of Angela Merkel’s demise are greatly exaggerated’. Our Jenny is clearly swept away by the great Mutti because her MP’s applauded one of her speeches and Mutti got a bit sniffly. And, anyway, some random man from some random US think tank says that the German people are just a bit slow in keeping up with the Mutti’s cleverness. Our Jenny is completely entranced. To cap it all, some woman with ‘a lined face’ at a village Christmas fair ‘beckoned’ Jenny over to say that she had gone to live there 43 years ago. Really Jenny? Tell us more. Where was this wrinkly woman from – Pakistan, Syria, or another German village down the road? Was Jenny wearing a big flashing badge with the words ‘BBC – if you’re an immigrant please beckon me over’? Is this normal behaviour? Does Jenny trot round Germany beckoning people over to tell them that she came from Jersey last week?
I am waiting for Jenny Hill to be Culturally Enriched in the near future . All hijabed up , & ready to submit to her new masters in Deutschland .
Jenny is just a little person trying to carve out an existence. She will seek to impress those who employ her in the hope of advancing her career. The rest of us just have to work to fund Jenny’s career in the BBC.
Perhaps she’s looking forward to her “Rotherham” experience to demonstrate her love of diversity?
More like Benny Hill
Pillar in a circle:
TrueToo – a week made even more glorious….
Yes, as I wrote the comment I was thinking there must be a number of other happenings that would gladden the touchy-feely hearts of the BBC.
Nominations received so far for the “Biased BBC 2015 Awards” (new categories have been added, thank you for your suggestions and indulgence)
“Most Outrageous BBC Propaganda” –
Jenny Hill (for her performance at Munich Railway Station)
Roger Harrabin (for services to cognitive dissonance)
Evan Davis (for being Evan Davis)
Clive Myrie (for dicking about Tyson Fury)
Jon Donnison
Mishal Husain
Mathew Price
“Best Humiliation of a Beeboid on TV”-
Jacob Rees-Mogg (for owning Dimbleby)
“Most Incoherent Ramble on World Affairs”-
Mark Mardell (for his state of the nation address)
“Most Ridiculous Political Guest”-
Diane Abbott (not BBC, but may as well be)
And don’t forget, Clive Myrie also said with a grin on his face “you made it” to a gimmigrant crossing into Germany !
Can we open up the floor for nominations on ‘Most Biased Question Time Audience?’
Yes, I know since Farage called their bluff they’ve been trying their damnedest to appear like their paying the teensiest, tiniest amount of lip service to their impartiality obligations, but when your audiences are that far left to start off with even a colossal shift to the right hasn’t a hope in hell of even tickling the centre ground – as has been witnessed of late.
And while I’m on with it can I nominate ‘Cuffs’ as “Best BBC Minority Box Ticking Production’. The first episode was bad, but my God, it just got worse and worse (according to the wife, I ran out of steam before the end of the first episode..!).
BBC 24 News:
“”Why Taliban special forces are fighting Islamic State””
What a total rubbish BBC feature. There’s no proof of this, and proof would be impossible to find.
Unless the BBC embedded Roger Harrabin with IS? Now there’s a thought…
Can we have nominations for BBC journalists to be embedded with IS? It could happen if we close our eyes and wish hard enough.
Do they have a nifty motto?
Who Pares Wins?
Reporter: Dawood Azami. No special interest declared.
So that’s all right then….
Thanks for the list, Mr Golightly. I’m sure that all of the above are worthy candidates but they are,after all, just rather unimportant people who have been propelled to importance because they have proved themselves the willing mouthpieces of those who pay their wages. After listening to Radio 4 and watching BBC news for over 40 years, I have had the opportunity to witness the corporation’s gradual change from flickering light to stygian murkiness – from the post WWII attempt to educate the masses, and push for something better, to the 21st century dumbing down the masses through sport and other pointless contests, all designed to render the masses incapable of using their brains. My nominations go to the BBC bigwigs and fatcats who sit atop the whole repulsive pile – i.e. those who fashion, control and promote those individuals of the BBC workforce deemed most suited to further the agenda of the BBC at the close of 2015.
Agreed. Perhaps one of those programmes ‘The Long View’ could look at how the BBC has changed in that time.
By the way, has anyone else noticed how the past is consistently misrepresented in even casual reference? It continually grinds on my ears that whenever there is a reference to some event of the past – Indian independence, Suez canal, miners’ strike, Falklands campaign, even the Beatles landing in America for goodness’ sake! – the contemporary soundtrack is always in the antique, stentorian tones of the Pathe News – which was antique, marginal and widely derided even at the time.
I am currently going through the World at War at a slow pace, and I am constantly taken by surprise by the modern, unaffected, often classless, and absolutely genuine tone of the broadcasters’ voices of that time. Startlingly enthusiastic coverage of the bombing of shipping by the Luftwaffe just offshore from Dover in 1940 – 41, for instance, where there was no trace of mawkishness, sentimentality or even the much mythologised stiff upper lip. Just an astonishingly excited enthusiasm for defeating the enemy. To falsify this past is a subtle crime, but a serious one.
and that superb World at War series was produced by Thames TV – not the BBC. Directed by Jeremy Isaacs.
The BBC tries to claim that it alone represents British TV. But many of the greatest British TV was produced by ITV, such as the decades of good stuff from Granada TV under those awful capitalists the Bernstein brothers eg Brideshead Revisited, Jewel in the Crown, World in Action. Granada broke the mould on political reporting – showing realtime election stuff.
Even now, which long-running soap has style and sense – Coronation Street or Eastenders ?
I remember a meeting with Granada executives in Manchester back in the mid-1980s, talking about the prospects for satellite TV. Then we had lunch – after which their MD David Plowright played Chopin on a grand piano. He was not trying to be clever – he was finishing the day of discussions with a welcome to my American colleagues, before we had another few drinks.
The Bernsteins had originally set up the Granada cinema chain in the 1930s, with many iconic buildings, and then moved into TV when the first independent licences became available.
The history of Granada shows that you do not need a criminally-enforced licence tax to get good quality TV. You just need good people (investors and executives), people with a vision, who know how to get big audiences by providing good programmes.
These days – the BBC gets crap audience figures most of the time – with crap programmes most of the time. £4 billion a year buys mostly rubbish.
And so this evil it continues…
These loathsome filth are operating in every town but yet the scumbag left purposefully turn a blind eye.
Not much on Al Beeb about “this horrendous crime”. I wonder why ?
They do now have an article, which gives the names but they are well into the article
it’s not on the Uk page, nor England, but makes it onto the Leeds page
after the mine closed down by the Climate Change Act
You say “the scumbag left purposely turn a blind eye”
No – “the scumbags at the BBC purposely turn a blind eye”. As they have for many a long year.
Indeed. If the perpetrators were White then the whole might of the BBC would be aimed at rooting out the causes of this epidemic and ensuring that those in power ,who aided and abetted by turning blind eyes, were held to account. But no the BBC does its best to cover up and protect those involved in the turning of blind eyes. The left are rotten to the core and the BBC is their filthy standard bearer.
You have to follow a tortuous path to find the report. England/ regions/ Yorkshire and Lancashire / Leeds and West Yorkshire . That is if you even know the trial was occurring ,as Doublethinker says the outrage and screaming going on if the situation was reversed I would imagine the UK would be plunged into a month of mourning.
Not reported by the BBC :
The fear on their faces when they see the can of worms they have opened up. This is the future for all of Europe’s left-wing traitors.
They deserve the ‘backlash’ as they term it.
“These Labour Party Conferences can get feisty, eh, Walter?”
The cowardice is beyond belief. They are so stupid that they do not know what is coming to them
What was going on there? Is there a version with subtitles?
Look North tonight – whole programme from Kellingley Colliery, lots of handwringing by the presenters and Yvette Cooper was wheeled on to prattle; though no-one ever asked the question: why if the pit is being closed (it shouldn’t be at all in my opinion) does it need to be irrevocably? Why not retain it so we have a secure, domestic source against the future varying contingencies of external supply?
It may be that it is uneconomic to mine coal there presently, that doesn’t mean it will remain so in ten, twenty, thirty or a hundred years time. The pit could be kept as a reserve source of coal for the future, as all the other mines which closed and weren’t “mothballed” should have been.
The failure to do so means that we are primarily reliant upon imports from other countries (Russia and Columbia FFS) for supplies of this vital resource and as we (should have) learned from the Arabs and their exorbitant oil price hikes in the early 1970’s – that isn’t such a good position for any country to be in, particularly one which, in this instance, actually has enormous reserves of the very stuff which is being imported.
Anyone see Fergal Sharky’s report from Dresden, last night. How many times can someone get “far right” into a report? These evil BBC mob never live in a Culturally Enriched Area , even when working from abroad. Sharky’s angle was, East German ‘s are racist, & should be Culturally Enriched. What a Cupid Stunt, that man is.
It’s strange that the East Germans are so racist when they were presumably brought up and educated under a left wing “Democratic Republic” of the sort the BBC so admire. The same, of course, could be said of the Poles and Hungarians.
Already we have seen the Dutch police fire over the heads of the shire Dutch in Geldmalsen. I think the East Germans are altogether a different matter and the German state needs to be very careful. What the BBC thinks has no relevance any more and we need to understand this.
2016 promises to be interesting to say the least and may be the beginning of the end for liberalism in Europe. Much will depend on events and the reaction of the current liberal elites.
That they are essentially cowardly could make things dangerous for us all especially those on the old right.
Their fall will be swift and unexpected as these things always are but who knows what will follow and this is a moment of danger.
The dark future is coming and liberalism and the fantasies of these dreadful people must bear responsibility. Conservative voices have been silenced and there will be a price to pay. It should have been different but unreality has ruled and cultural marxism has all but destroyed Europe.
I think you have previously said that now might be the time to be cautious and maybe keep silence – if so, am glad you are still commenting. However, I do agree with you that times are becoming more, rather than less, dangerous.
This is still true SB but that event in Holland is so outstanding as to make comment necessary. Just how close are some of the EU regimes to declaring war against their own people? Was that a one off and a mistake or policy now?
We just do not know and even looking three months ahead is getting almost impossible. I think Gert Wilders’s attitude( when he speaks ) will be really significant.
We can be sure the BBC will ignore him but with each week that organisation is becoming irrelevant to Europe’s future.
[Your last statement -] I do hope so.
Fergal Sharkey as in former singer for The Undertones? Is there a link to the report?
Not Fergal Sharkey, Fergal Keane. Here’s the url.
I wonder if those who weep about the closure of ‘holes in the ground’ are also protesting about fracking.
Totally agree, and first sensible comment I’ve heard. The men in my family were all miners so have a particular interest in this story. Who knows what the state of power sources will be in 100 years, and there could easily be a return to fossil fuels. The pointy heads all want cleaner power for the planet, but at what price ? In the same way no-one knows what effect mobile phones have on the brain – (not been used long enough) after 40 years , its the following generations who will have to sort out our mess.
I agree with you, but Britain has signed up to the Green Religion. Not only coal, but gas too is going to be phased out, and we will get all our power from renewables and Chinese nuclear reactors. No, me neither.
That’s correct RiC; but mines such as Kellingley with (+30 years) reserves of coal should never be completely abandoned; any nation which had governments which were serious about the future energy security of their country, would never do such a thing – they would recognize them for the invaluable domestic resource which they are.
Those mines would be retained and maintained for the future and by that I don’t mean the next two electoral cycles; all the more so once the true effects of all this green energy b******s manifest themselves, in energy shortages and higher prices.
Good Lord – we used to GIVE excess electricity supply to the French, do you think they’ll reciprocate in a few years when we are in the cr@p?
The same applies to all the coal fired power stations which have been / are going to be closed – in a rational world they would be kept for potential use in the future, not flattened as soon as they can be after the last shift finishes.
The energy policies of successive U.K. governments -Labour and Tory- have been appalling and in a few years hence we shall see from the effects, quite how bad those policies and decisions were.
Katy Hopkins was on Woman’s hour and their Facebook page was apoplectic
with 300 people shouting “How can provide a platform for that woman to mouth her hate ?
………. “and she’s ugly as well” they added for empahasis
I’d accidentally tuned into BBC Radio Labour, but I heard chubster Jenny Murray, with chubster David Aaronovitch discussing “Is it morally right to criticise someones weight ?”
– Hopkins was direct, but very good and not offensive.
How can people complain about “giving Katy Hopkins a platform” when this BBC Radio Hatefest that has its “Half Hour of Hate” 6.30pm on Fridays against UKIP, capitalism, people who challenge the BBC’s state religion of GreenDream aswell as providing weeklong a platform for hate against them whilst banning them from defending themselves ?
– I note that Twitter was full of positive comments from Hopkins supporters and few angry tweets from BBC types.
Direct Link to the audio
Interestingly, on my new Mac I just got a security warning about Flash Player, advising ‘most websites’ will play videos fine without it, and offering a disable option. Which I duly opted for.
Guess what the first thing is I now see from the BBC when trying to play this? nether ‘unique’?
Katy Hopkins has a Mail Online article to accompany her appearance with chubster David Aaronovitch on Women’s Hour.
This Christmas give a fat person you know the greatest gift of all – some brutal honesty!
Odds on Nolan or Lardell to have a ‘special’ on her next?
Have to say I like Katy Hopkins, as I do anyone who speaks their minds and refuses to kowtow to the new fascism of political correctness and liberalism.
Was pleased that Katie took the attack to the enemy, both personally and in their very lairs of privilege.
Note Jenni protest about her paying herself for her gastric band-not leeching off the NHS.
Note too Big Dave confess to being a weak-willed sap who can`t resist a cake, and has no willpower-unlike Katie.
Boy-these two HATED her by the time she`d reported on the girth of them both, as well as her “research” into Jenni Murrays ballooning issues.
Great stuff-the Left do NOT like personal charges against themselves..hypocrisy still just about the only sin they`d rather not be accused of.
David Dimbleby and Rees-Mogg will haunt the old dud until he`s wheeled to landfill…
I note now that there are 567 Likes for comments for “The BBC have a moral responsibility not to give this bullsh*t a platform.” and 2 similar liked comments.
but those very same commenters act in a bullying way themselves.
– Now those people know what it feels like the the rest of us, as we try to listen to the BBC radio yet have lefty dogma forced at us most of the time.
Ah Twitter woke up to the Saturday repeat; there were 22 angry tweets from haters.
..Ah hangon 10 of those were actually from Nov18th protesting about her being allowed airtime, when in fact she never actually made to air cos of her epileptic fit accident beforehand.
I watched an edited recording of Lord Hall’s appearance before the HofC Culture, Media and Sports committee yesterday on the topic of Charter renewal. The MPs exceeded my expectations in terms of their obsequiousness and awe of the DG of the BBC. Not once did the committee challenge the BBC in anything but the most deferential way and even then it was on topics such as whether Fury should still be on the SPOTY short list. Even on the topic Alan Yentob the DG swotted them away with ease with no MP demanding to know why Yentob was being allowed to keep one of his two , or was it three jobs, at the BBC when the DG had just said that his behaviour over Kid’s Company was unacceptable. He added that no further inquiry was merited ie lets move. MPs like lambs.
The DG had his side kick Purnell with him, the BBC Director of Strategy , an ex Labour MP and minister of course.One topic raised was why the BBC wanted a 11 year Charter settlement and not 5. Purnell replied that it would allow the BBC to break away from the election cycle and so be better able to scrutinise the work of MPs. Well if the BBC did its job properly I could buy this argument but of course we know they scrutinise one side and promote the other. There was lots of chat ( not scrutiny) about the BBC’s contribution to the arts etc etc.
On news and current affairs Lord Hall trotted out that one of the many functions of the BBC was to ensure that all points of view were heard! He qualified this, with the caveat that those points of view had to be legal ( well, yes indeed) and had to comply with BBC editorial guidelines ie the BBC chooses what we can and can’t see and hear, censorship in other words. Not one MP challenged him on this key point.
The most depressing thing was that when asked about funding I Player Purnell said that the BBC had already agreed with government that in future anyone wanting to watch ANY catch up TV , whether BBC or ITV et al, would have to first pay the LF! So even if you don’t want to watch the BBC’s output you have to pay for it. Purnell arrogantly pointed out that this was no different to the existing situation with TV. No MP asked how would this tax be harvested. It seems to me that to get any catch up service you will have to pay a subscription ( tax) to the BBC even if you only watch ITV! ITV should be outraged and sue. So subscriptions are OK for catch up but not for live TV. Not one MP asked about subscriptions. They are truly cowed by the might of the BBC.
Then to complete my misery I watched This Week . The panel , D Abbott, M Portillo, Lib Dem and SNP reps, unanimously chose Merkel as the world politician of the year because she went against the wishes of the German and did what was right!!
Democracy 0 Liberal Left World View 4, BBC in heaven.
Lucky the Charter Renewal is a done deal, then. Nice one HofC committee.
I am sure the BBC would warm to Donald Trump is he was more sophisticated. If he could only speak like wot he speaks here.
Picked this up on Harry’s Place.
Click to access hlmg-assessment-2014-gaza-conflict.pdf
At 80 pages it is lengthy, but pure gold and well worth reading. It is also worthy of wider distribution.
There are lots of these on u tube. This is one of my favourites on keeping the BBC’s hands of your money.
I note that its 1984 is on today’s Pick Of The Pops, so conveniently we get to hear’Do They Know Its Christmas, yes the song that started it all, stupidly in my shallow youth I actually bought it. With hindsight it looks like we’ve paid twice, we saved ’em and now they’re heading north, that’s of course if you believe the money actually went where intended…
Incidentally was the irony lost on Geldof and the rest of those sporting mullets, as well as the record buyers that ‘they’ wouldn’t have actually known that it was Christmas, or even given a sh1t, because in their religion they don’t bloody celebrate Christmas!
OK lets get festive, here’s a charity video/song you’ll never see or hear on the BBC again (unless edited) can you guess why ? (1.39) shame Kim Wilde was looking rather good here….
Geoff, by the way , do the BBC show any old clips of TOTP with Jimmy Saville ?
No! Shame, some rare appearances won’t ever get to be seen again, it would be easy to edit the c**t out but they can’t seem to be arsed…
LOL ! Typical lazy media people !
#nothelpful – get ready for a call to be ‘interviewed’ by BBC WS and some obscure rain station of theirs, where they stitch you up in the intro beforehand, and having given then a serve during, have a massive whinge once they know you can’t reply. Integrity, see.
No, but I’m sure they will show re-runs of Eastenders starring Leslie Grantham, a convicted murderer.
Plus the BBC employs Boy George for some populist dross called The Voice. He has a conviction for False Imprisonment. So that’s all right then.
Imagine, by contrast, if a professional footballer had engaged the services of an “escort” (prostitute,) as did Boy George, payed for sexual services and then detained the prostitute against their will?
That footballer would be subjected to intense public censure, but it’s OK for celebs…
AS Geoff said no they don’t which is why there are gaps in it’s broadcast. You would have thought it would have been relatively easy just to cut his appearances out,but obviously this is beyond them. With F1 gone the TOTP re runs are now the only reason I make any effort to watch anything on BBc.
Geoff, actually the majority of Ethiopians are Christian, of the Orthodox variety. They follow the old calendar so they have Christmas on January 6th when Western Christians are celebrating the Epiphany – well, they used to until the Catholics started moving feasts to the nearest Sunday.
Seeing as its Christmas.
Thank you Leha. Just look at the people’s faces.
The thought of this … the tonality, the vocal choreography, the exquisite skill of the written work
… some Arab halfwit with nasal squealing down a speaker system 5 times a f-cking day
as I am sure you are aware, that should be it.
If anyone with the slightest modicum of erm “Christmas spirit”, who could ever be even, remotely, concerned about the intrusive, backward, impositioning, ideologies view on this?
Then General Supervisor: Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid …………. and co
Can give you a 10 page, soul destroying, Islamic pontification, on its rulings all about the ins and outs
of why.
Islamic Rulings No 5000 … The ruling on music, on singing and dancing.
Fantastic, thanks for posting that.
Absolutely wonderful!
PS. Do ya think they’d try it in Bradford or Rotherham?
I dunno, “The Allah Akbar Chorus” does have a certain ring to it ……
Oh bugger, I shall think of that every time I hear it.
Brilliant. In addition to Hallelujah I watched Ode to Joy, two marvelous examples of European culture. They say so much about Europe and its place in the world. What can Islam offer by comparison? Some beautiful mosques and little else. Very little that we Europeans would cross the road to see or hear. Don’t all those who seem to either support or seem to be indifferent to, the rapid Islamification of Europe, think that these mighty cultural achievements are worth preserving. Don’t they realise that under Islam they will rapidly disappear along with so many other things Europeans value such as all our liberal values. Perhaps next time flash mob should perform Bach’s Sleepers Awake!
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– BBC Spends £10m on Savile Probe, Yet Continues to Hide Key Findings: It’s a matter of grave concern that the BBC is sitting on the highly critical Dame Janet Smith Review findings.
– TV Licensing: Bullying the Bereaved: TV Licensing starts its aggressive enquires against a property as soon as it learns the over-75 licence holder has died.
Ah, BBC Integrity at work… what gets covered up vs. what gets the full treatment.
The BBC must be terrified that the full story will become public
BBC News via BBC Trending
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2015 Hashtags of the Year: #BlackLivesMatter
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Speaking of propaganda and censorship, I thought the Clarkson one did well too?
Par for the course. We pay for the report, if they don’t like it, they hide it, as per the Balen report. And then spend your bbc tax through the court system attacking anybody that dares to question them.
And now for your “Climate Change” weather report. As we fast approach the hottest part of the day for December days, a scan of temperature gauges around the country throw up some interesting results. I’m sure like me, you have heard or read, that we will get the hottest December day “eva” today in the U.K. Note, the term U.K., said by the media in such a way that the whole of the U.K. would appear to be getting the record 18+ degrees that has been banded around. So looking at all those temperature gauges that are brought into use to tell us all a record has been recorded, with a strong South Westerly blowing across pretty much all of the South of England, what do we see? Any reporting station down wind of London is showing 15-17 degrees. North, South and East of London, outside of the South West direction of wind directly blowing over London is showing 11-14 and maybe a 15 degrees. A look into Europe at the same latitude also shows 11-15 degrees. If ever there was a clear indication of Urban Heat effect, then today is the day and why the CET was devised all those years ago, to try and bring sensible data to the table. But hey, if a temperature station records 18+ degrees, then it has to be down to Climate Change, even if it is only at No25 Accacia avenue and upwind of about 2 million people, factories, airports, football stadiums, motorways, docks, air conditioning plants and the busiest times for any city just before Christmas. You have been warned.
I do wish they’d shut up about this “hottest” bollox – I’d hardly call 50 or 60 degrees in old money, hot. I’ve known mild winters, I’ve known cold winters, warm Christmases, and Christmases which have been bloody freezing. So what?
Why can’t we just be grateful for a little unseasonal balmy weather, and enjoy it, without affording it the status of “record” or “unheard of, before”? We never used to…
Any road up, it’s mid-December. things have a habit of turning nasty at very short notice, so that in a couple of weeks, we could well be in an icy blast, with stationary windmills, and power cuts.
I know the Brits have always obsessed about the weather, but this is all becoming very childish. and getting beyond a joke.
Fact is that if the bloody BBC didn’t keep harping on about it (I know they have to, to further their agenda) no one would really notice, its not exactly tee shirt and shorts weather, just typical December weather, ie you need a coat!
No coat for me here – lunch and drinkiepoos on the terrace. Even the lizards have woken up. Won’t last, though – it never does. That’s why we should lap it up, instead of frightening ourselves silly with dopey doom-laden forecasts of global warming.
By the way, after all the hype, did anyone actually get a sandstorm? I expected wild reports of Saharan desert fall out, inches deep…
The Christmas Day of the Coronation year was warmer than the Coronation Day itself in June .
Two wonderful examples of bias in Any Questions this lunchtime. First, a question on the EU referendum. At the end of the discussion Dimbleby reads out just one tweet/email – in favour of staying in. Then a question on the anti-Cecil Rhodes campaign at Oxford. Again, after the discussion, Dimbleby reads out just one tweet/email – highly anti-Rhodes. Obviously one knows where the BBC will stand culturally on both issues, but how about maintaining some degree of neutrality ?
What is strange, well not really, is how quiet the BBC and Met Office have been concerning the White Christmas Scotland will have and maybe the highest parts of England in the north are going to get next weekend. The kids and holiday skiers are going to have a ball!
Heard on the BBC that some town in Devon recorded the “warmest mid-December night time temperature since records began”…I994, since you ask!
For an organisation that rather enjoyed the murder of Ross McWhirter, and would not demur at the early death of Roy Castle(Christianity being so last century)…they seem awful fond of their endless “Record Breaking” stats don`t they?
I`m guessing that Radio Devon are up all night on top of the BBC carpark in Exeter and phoning in this kind of bogus science, whilst strung out on strong coffee and recreational powders.
These “microdata” bytes are no indicator of anything, but the BBC/Met Offices obsession with getting us worried about global “warming”…or is it “cooling” again yet?
I wish they`d ask a proper scientist , not expect the hurray Henrys and Jemimahs to email from Exeters Environmental…very mental…”Yoonie”.
Bellamy, Ball(Johnny)…even Letts or Delingpole…why ask Lilley(Physics) or Lawson?…heck, even Magnus or Heinz would be more use.
Susan Watts anywhere to help them?-or do we just expect our national broadcaster to remain scientifically illiterate?
Blind photographer’s concert pictures are an Instagram hit.
OK so where are the pictures? Isn’t that the beauty of the phenomena? The pictures?
Are the pictures irrelevant? Could it be that Ahmad Zaghal, son of Palestinian immigrants, currently based in Damascus, with a disability has ticked the right boxes at bbc.con?
I cannot imagine what it must be like to be blind but I can’t help thinking that a muslim sounding name plus a disability is too much for the BBC to resist. Who cares about the photos?
Here we can see the usual BBC lies and left-wing propaganda about the mythical ‘rise’ of the ‘far-right’. The BBC calls any movement and speech against Islamic fundamentalism as far-right in order to do their Islamic masters’ bidding and give the impression that it is the white Europeans that are racist. In reality people have just had enough of Islamic immigration and apologist drivel foisted upon them by left-wing Marxist scum.
Yes Alex. That is a vile article by Fergal Keane. The bias was so revolting that I’m nominating him for the award of –
“BBC House Dhimmi of 2015”
There’s something about Keane’s syrupy Irish sanctimoniousness (think Guerin) that sticks in the throat. His piece, which I caught by accident yesterday, was perhaps the most disgusting and disingenuous drivel I have heard all year. He uses the term ‘far Right’ like some superstitious mediaeval peasant muttering a half-understood benediction to ward-off the plague.
“He uses the term ‘far Right’ like some superstitious mediaeval peasant muttering a half-understood benediction to ward-off the plague.”
Lol, brilliant! Great comment 🙂
An utter twat is Feargal Keane?
What is it with these poltroon paddies-himself and Orla Guerin come to mind.
No gigs on butter churning with their native RTE then?
Hence the shit stirring plastic paddy schmalz on the British(not prep school bedwetting Oirish like they are) Bullshitting Co-op.
Funny that ex Hitler Youth, Jew baiting Guenter Grass gets a comment…like Speer and Gitta Sereny…the BBC just LOVES the cultured Nazi who`s on the right side of that wavy line of welfare leftism-as long as they really DID hate the Jews whilst it was politic to do so.
Indeed, the BBC still require it at higher levels.
Note the death of Greville Janner-and the grievance hustling lawyer Liz Dux(eh?) who refers to it as a “tragedy for her clients”….boy they`re low aren`t they?…and like Brittan I suspect some anti-Jewish agenda here.
Very good. Searching for the right words to express extreme disgust is sometimes difficult, but you did it.
Ooooo, there’s trouble afoot on the Isle of Bute !
These pictures showing in the on-line version of the Mail of happy smiley faces do not correlate with the lengthy article in the newspaper version. Apparently the islanders are not happy bunnies !
Looks largely like a public relations exercise. As the commenters under the article point out, there isn’t exactly any work going on a remote Scottish island, so they will be living on benefits.
Don’t understand thought they were all going to live with Sturgeon and Salmond..
Have to laugh they don’t want them on the mainland so palm them off to some remote Island..
SNP biggest hypocrites
Yes, the BBC is crap, biased and truly rotten from top to septic toe.
BUT-tomorrow from midday onwards will be Radio 3s` hop around Europe to get Christmas music for us from many places in the EBU.
Expecting another highlight with no political crap-just great music to celebrate the coming of The King(no, not Elvis!).
Last years was great-and briefly could have convinced me to love the EU and stay in the lead vessel.
I realise that this isn’t a current output, but a BBC regular being exposed – I think it still qualifies !
Peter Davidson – All creature Grunt & smell & Doctor Who
“I’ll be voting Labour without a doubt. I tremble at the idea we might put a Tory government back into power. I think back to the last time a Conservative government was running the country and can’t believe we might do it. I’m also a big Brown fan; he might not have that slick charm that we seem to buy into these days, as we did with Blair, which turned into a big mistake, and as we seem to be doing with Cameron. With Brown, it’s substance over style; he’s a career politician, who has spent his life working to help people. I like that he isn’t slick, unlike Cameron, who’s only been in politics for a few years”
Peter Who? Classic Brown-nosing, evidently.
Now I come from Scotland. Gordon Brown ” slick charm ” FFS !
Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!
Lobster, LOL !
Why do the media especially Al Beeb, rely so much on the opinions of actors and film stars? People who have never done a days honest work in their lives and who are completely out of touch with the honest hard-working people of Britain.
Think it`s because half of them are downstairs in the Green Room and therefore always available for that quote they seek.
Or maybe because they rely on state funding as well-usually at the expense of northern rep-so any views on “cuts” or the effects on those they pretend to be for the script-well, it needs acting out…and the BBC like that.
Or, being a safe lefty rebel gets plenty sofa space with Bonnie, Carole-and a good opinion for the next Stratford luvvie who seeks an Osborne(John), an Orton or a Littlewood.
OR…my preferred answer-these ciphers and oafs can`t` think for themselves unless someone else has written the script and role for them-they`re well paid to mouth others words and emote as if they believe it-and, boy the BBC have been writing such scripts and scenarios now since the 60`s…so they`ll say what they`re paid to say.
Nailed it.
They sign in and leave their details at the door.
Sign out and there’s a wee slip Danny Cohen’s protege has popped in that they really don’t need to worry about as they append their John Hancock.
> Why do the media especially Al Beeb, rely so much on the opinions of actors and film stars? People who have never done a days honest work in their lives and who are completely out of touch with the honest hard-working people of Britain.
That’s rubbish. People in all walks of life are entitled to an opinion, and those who are known to the general public are likely to get repeated.
Besides, “completely out of touch with the honest hard-working people of Britain” is shorthand for “I don’t like people expressing opinions I disagree with because I like believing I’m right about everything and don’t like being reminded that the truth is very different.”
How come that virtually every last one of them that are interviewed for their opinions are from the left? That hardly represents the public at large – Labour lost the last election, remember.
Politicians,journalists and luvvies all inhabit the same gutter, totally detached from the real world. The simple fact is that they could all drop dead tomorrow and life would go on much the same for the rest of us.
I have a lot of sympathy for the argument that “they`ll say what they`re paid to say”, but I think it goes deeper than that.
If an actor wants regular work he needs to stay on the right side of the BBC and the management of the subsidised theatres. This requires public support for the obligatory belief system – the BBC is unbiased, public subsidies are good, the Tories are the fount of all evil and UKIP are the spawn of the devil. Deviate from this script and you’ll be very short of bookings.
Constantly repeating what you know to be lies is very destructive of self respect, so it’s easier to persuade yourself that they are the truth. Love Big Brother.
RJ, That is true . It is also true of British Universities and pretty much the whole of the British establishment. An apple rotten to the core.
RJ, PS. Since we are talking about Orwell, from Animal Farm ” Surely you don’t want Jones back ? “
Grant, as the J in RJ is for Jones I’m a bit ambivalent on that one.
“People in all walks of life are entitled to an opinion, and those who are known to the general public are likely to get repeated.”Good statement by Jerrod.
I Rest my case.
Why should those who are known to the general public get repeated.?
Actors and sons of actors, Al Beeboids and sons and daughters of Al Beeeboids, most who have never done a real day’s work since leaving drama school or ‘uni’, clutching useless degrees in ‘non’ subjects. As Lobster states ……………….
“How come that virtually every last one of them that are interviewed for their opinions are from the left? That hardly represents the public at large – Labour lost the last election, remember.”
Not many plumbers, electricians, nurses, carpenters taxi drivers etc etc on QT eh Jerrod?
Jerrod, you a Beeboid or an actor by any chance?
> most who have never done a real day’s work since leaving drama school
Not the first time I’ve heard that phrase uttered. You seem to think it’s acceptable to slag off a whole tranche of people just because you have decided that they’re worthless. What a brave and upstanding member of your community you must be.
> Jerrod, you a Beeboid or an actor by any chance?
Neither. What about you? What is it about you that makes you the one who decides who should and shouldn’t express an opinion, or have that opinion reported upon?
Jerrod you are beginning to ‘act’ like a troll.
You are trying to avoid answering the original post by putting up a smokescreen.
Just a reminder, “Why do the media especially Al Beeb, rely so much on the opinions of actors and film stars?”
Film stars, actors, poets, artists and Beeboids are a small, a very small percentage of the population of this country yet they seem to get the media focused on their political opinions as if they hold some authority in politics – they don’t, because they do not live in the real world of ordinary work. The spend most of their time and work in a pretend world.
I am an ordinary person mixing with ordinary working people.
I post on this website because its called Biasedbbc. Why on earth do you post here?
If you are not an actor or a thespian you would certainly make a good ‘stand in’ for Scott / Scotty.
> Film stars, actors, poets, artists and Beeboids are a small, a very small percentage of the population of this country yet they seem to get the media focused on their political opinions as if they hold some authority in politics – they don’t, because they do not live in the real world of ordinary work. The spend most of their time and work in a pretend world.
Not true. Sorry, but you’re wrong.
Apologies if pointing out your inaccuracies offends you.
> I am an ordinary person mixing with ordinary working people.
Good for you. Me too. So that’s one less reason for you to attempt to stand in judgement over me, isn’t it.
Jerrod, I am not offended.
I am not judging you.
Where exactly am I wrong ?
Can you be so kind as to answer my question ”why on earth do you post here”?
Thanks .
You were wrong when you said that actors “do not live in the real world of ordinary work.”
And as for posting here, I started today because I wanted to. Why do you?
I post here because its a site that is of the opinion that Al Beeb is Biased.
We obviously have a differing opinion on the amount of Al Beeb broadcasting time allowed for actors and film stars. But I am sure that the readers of this site will agree with my original statement.
They will probably agree that you are a troll and that you would certainly make a good ‘stand in’ for Scott / Scotty
Odds of you being genuinely sorry seem slim. But if you say so.
You are lucky you can post here because you want to.
The BBC often prevents the public doing this when they have trouble accounting for corporate activities and those of their staff. In their capacity as judge, jury and all else.
Unique. Not really vital. Hence the reason for this site.
You are of course a most welcome addition to the roster on current form.
Well who’d have thunk it? Following the revelation by Mexican scientists that there was an uncharted volcano underneath the ice sheets of Antarctica and melting them, another intrepid explorer has ventured forth to another location on Antarctic and found something similar but describes this ‘something similar’ as a “blow torch”. A “blow torch” under the ice sheets? And there was me thinking (because the BBC had told me so) it was Global Warming aka “Climate Change” that was causing the ice to melt.
David Aaronovitch What is IS? R4 22.15, repeated from earlier in the week.
I have said before that we should be prepared to recognise and praise good programmes that the BBC produces, and journalists who present them. This was such a one, I think. I thought this kind of discussion had died a long time ago for the BBC. It was informative, it failed to patronise the listener, and above all it did not appear to be biased.
I am unsure whether Mr Aaronovitch has been pilloried here before, but this was indisputably a good programme, going into fascinating detail about the eschatological basis for Islamic jihad and (mainly) Isis, but also other apocalyptic Islamist groups. I found out much that I had not heard before, and the cross-referencing to non-Muslim cults through history seemed sound to me (I am much more familiar with Christian heresies and cults), which gave me confidence to trust what was being said about Islam in its radical formats.
Others might pick holes in its approach, contents, or conclusions, but that is not the point – it set out an ‘honest stall’, whose content invited comment and perhaps argument, but not the justifiable blanket condemnation that so much of the Corporation’s programming achieves now. I say well done!
Agree entirely Mr Beaker.
I praised it earlier in the week, alongside Jonathan Freedlands programme on the Shoah film.
Neither were prefect-but Aaronovitch asked good questions,and genuinely seemed to want to know the answers. He was honest in his own limitations ,and inability to understand the eschatological implications of IS and what fuelled them.
Which I found refreshing and informative from a BBC who always seem to think they KNOW what answers their agenda requires-and will try to mould the quotes and soundbites for the editing suite to “analyse”.
Praise where praise is due-if only the BBC would not insult our intelligence with forever trying to cover Muhammads arse…the facts speak for themselves, and all involved in this programme gave us enough truth to draw our own conclusions,,,felt the Jonestown parallel failed, but at least they didn`t gloss over Islams ultimate aim…sad to say, it`s so unusual to get such a show these days though.
S’ok. The BBC says it’s true, so it must be.
The BBC are broadcasting a new series called “Dickensian” over Christmas. Apparently it has all the main characters from the Dickens stories living in the same place at the same time and interacting with each other. Of course the Beeb sees fit to change characters to fit their diversity agenda, so we have a BLACK Artful Dodger and a mixed race Little Nell – but her grandfather is still a white chap. What promised to be a good idea for a series has been spoiled by the BBC’s demands for diversity. But then, what else can we expect from that well known social engineering broadcasting corporation.
I see Radio 4 are broadcasting a version of Jane Austen’s “Emma” set in India with all the characters being Asian with Asian surnames. Can anyone see a pattern emerging here? This is what they are using your licence fee on.
The big Media/Gov lie that is ruining our nation, that would see us all part black part white part indian, just so long as it is a nation of low paid serfs, that prop up an elite of grasping, self serving “old money” with a widening gap in wealth/living standards erm … continues, and that’s today.
How Dickensian eh! … told you, that shitbag Iain Duncan Smith, was perusing Dickens Novels for his next policy.
No immigration, no emigration, no nation, no race, no culture, no opposition, job’s already done in the UK.
“It ain’t half hot, Mr. Elton”?
They could get Ben or Mrs. Furnish in as a cameo.
This is a fictional series, where fictional characters from disparate novels interact in ways that their original author never intended – but the biggest problem you have is that two characters (out of how many?) don’t have pearly white skin.
> Radio 4 are broadcasting a version of Jane Austen’s “Emma” set in India with all the characters being Asian with Asian surnames. Can anyone see a pattern emerging here?
Letting us see that storylines of romance, comic misunderstanding and melodrama are universal? Perish the thought. Tell you what, let’s boycott any reshowing of Amy Heckerling’s Clueless, too! Not only did that relocate Emma to Hollywood, but – gasp! – several of the characters were black. And we can’t have that, now, can we.
I don’t know whether Dickensian is going to be any good or not – I’ve read a couple of reviews that suggest it will be. But I do know that I’m not going to be too worried that her off Men Behaving Badly is somehow in Victorian London playing Mrs Bumble, or that Little Nell isn’t white.
Because it’s a drama, and I’m not a racist.
Jerrod – so historical accuracy in the ethnicity of the characters isn’t a prerequisite for a historical drama? I’m not sure many people would agree with you there; it just comes off as trying to alter the past by making it appear that ladies and gentlemen of colour have resided in Britain for much longer than they actually have done.
It also diminishes the enjoyment of the programme by including such anachronisms, I remember watching Little Dorrit some years back with an person of Pakistani-heritage playing a business partner of Arthur Clennan – his casting was so obviously out of place, yet so typically PC by Al Beebus, that it slightly diminished an otherwise superb drama.
> so historical accuracy in the ethnicity of the characters
You’re asking for historical accuracy of characters which didn’t exist.
> ladies and gentlemen of colour have resided in Britain for much longer than they actually have done.
Sorry to burst your Aryan bubble, but non-white people existed in Britain before the Windrush, you know.
> It also diminishes the enjoyment of the programme by including such anachronisms
If you’re a closed-minded little racist blob of hate, maybe. Most people are too busy getting caught up in the drama to sit there whining about how one character’s skin colour doesn’t fit with their own imagined white superiority. Not everyone is as racist as you and Andy S.
There’s no such thing as Racism – a word made up by Trotsky. It has no meaning – no definition, and a word with no definition is meaningless.
If you disagree with me, then try writing a definition, and I’ll prove it wrong every time you write one!
Thoughtful, Can you prove that the word was made up by Trotsky ?
He can’t, because it wasn’t.
The first recorded usage of the word was in 1902, by an American: Richard Henry Pratt.
I’d suggest that listening to “Thoughtful” in this case is worthless. He clearly doesn’t have any wish to engage with reality.
Jerrod, today I was going to say that I wish more ladies would post here. I believe that Thoughtful is a she and not a he. Just our luck !
She, he, – whoever thoughtful is, they’re wrongly named.
What a delightful irony that the word racism was coined by a man called Pratt.
Beltane , LOL !
> It has no meaning – no definition, and a word with no definition is meaningless.
The OED would beg to differ. And I’ll take their word over yours, I think.
Jerrod, quite !
Here is the Oxford English dictionary definition of ‘Racism’:
“Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior: a programme to combat racism.”
This is provably incorrect by the prosecutions in English courts over cases of ‘hate crime’. In addition, if you do accept that this is the definition then you have proved your own use of the word on these pages to be wholly wrong, and should therefore apologise !
> This is provably incorrect by the prosecutions in English courts over cases of ‘hate crime’.
Oh, DO go on. After a day of last minute Christmas shopping, I could do with a laugh.
> In addition, if you do accept that this is the definition then you have proved your own use of the word on these pages to be wholly wrong, and should therefore apologise !
I’m not going to lose much sleep over whether someone who denies that a word exists thinks that I should apologise or not. After all, in your fantasy world “there is no such thing as racism”, so I would have nothing to apologise for, would I?
If you want a real made-up word designed to shut down debate and smear all “wrong-thinking” people, then how about “Islamophobia”?
Mr. G. So true ! By the way, in addition to the ” Beeboid of the Year ” competition. How about a ” BBBC Poster of the Year ” contest ? I nominate chrisH.
I second that.
Happy to third it.
As a relative Newbie on this forum I am not really qualified to say. However, I always enjoy ChrisH’s Magical Mystery Tour of Our Times, and also DaveS’ sobering analysis of the current and future possibilities. The Old Bloke for the non-biased weather updates. Guest Who for the unwavering search for Integrity. Alex for the no-nonsense evisceration of Leftist claptrap. And many, many other contributors, who go to making this forum a bulwark against the prevailing relativist nonsense in all MSM.
Mr G , I have been on and off here for many years. I can assure you that chrisH is unique , but not in the BBC sense !
Just spotted this little run of tributes!
Thank You friends…it`s fun inside my head, but the fact that so many others have similar views to the crap thrown up by the BBC keeps me from moping.
After all-a leader without followers is just a man out for a walk.
Without wishing to go all Gywnnie on you, with no cut onion by the eye…I`ve hugely enjoyed The Scottish stuff(grant etc as I recall)…the Green Stuff( I baled out after Copenhagen 2009, and that Antarctic ice breaker that got stuck in the ice!)…and those of you who put me in touch with Gatestone, gallia, Vienna, Spencer/Geller over the years.
I liked the UKIP haikus ideas too, reckon there`s a good book in much of what we write…and guessing there`ll be plenty more to laugh at (and watch crumble before our eyes) next year as well.
Jerrod – if there were “non-white people” in Britain “before the Windrush”, then presumably (if they were here in sufficient quantity) there will be novels and plays written from those times which include them as characters?
Why doesn’t the BBC use those to create historical dramas? I can’t think of any examples myself, but I’m sure you’ll enlighten us; especially as you’ve implied the existence of BAME residents in the U.K. in far greater numbers than I was, previously, aware (probably something to do with being in this damned “Aryan bubble”).
Do you think some of those ladies and gentlemen of colour, could have produced literature themselves from that period of British history through which they lived?
It would be great if they had, because such novels and plays would (I suppose) be filled with genuine “non-white people” as characters and these could then be made into (accurate) historical dramas by Al Beebus.
Which would preclude the need to cast black and Asian actors in roles in dramas which the original author / playwright had envisioned, then written, the characters as being white.
> Do you think some of those ladies and gentlemen of colour, could have produced literature themselves from that period of British history through which they lived?
They may well have done. Whether they succeeded in getting anything published would be another matter, of course.
But anyway, there were black people present in Victorian Britain. Last year there was a sizeable exhibition of studio portraiture of the period showing that: a very small selection are on the exhibition’s publicity page at http://autograph-abp.co.uk/exhibitions/black-chronicles-ii .
Are you just virtue signalling with this comment or are you for real? You are using all the cultural marxist tricks and key words. Well worn and dull.
Does not convince I’m afraid.
Dave S – if that was aimed at me, my guess would be that you’re not too percipient of irony.
I have no idea what “virtue signalling” is, regardless of whether the post was in response to my enquiries of our new pal Jerrod or not.
“If you’re a closed-minded little racist blob of hate”
Arrived here earlier today, a couple of hours later, true colours are shown.
The closed mind is yours, sonny.
Most people contributing to BBBC went through the British “educational” system.
Which taught them to believe approximately the same bollox you believe.
The difference is we have questioned what we were taught, and have found it untruthful.
So we looked elsewhere for the truth.
So carry on hating and believing the propaganda taught in your school (and the BBC).
Another Beeboid Gadfly coming on here to show us how WACIST we contributors to this site are. This is our literary heritage we are talking about here. Characters that were shown to be white – see the original illustrations in the novels, are deliberately changed by lesser talented writers who, in their PC arrogance, think they can improve a character or story by inserting modern sensibilities and a diversity agenda. If Dickens created ethnic characters he would have described them as such. That is the real racism you leftist twat – debasing English literary heritage and then using trigger words against anyone who objects to this bastardisation . Call me all the isms and ists you like. You’ll not shut me up with your overused and cliched insults.
Good comment – plus, the BBC keep telling us that one of their (self-allocated) jobs is to “support the creative industries”. Well, if there is so much creativity out there, why aren’t the creatives creating new characters, instead of hijacking long-established literary characters as a vehicle for their own modern day beliefs?
LOL Jerrod you make me laugh. Slinging the wacist slur around already reveals so much.
Yet, when a drama casts a white actor in a non-white role, the bbc finds a reason to be offended
When is racism not racism, Jerrod? When dear ol’ Auntie says so?
Well, for one, you’re confusing “reporting on an issue” with “BBC being offended”.
For another, when you have few enough characters that are non-white, and it’s hard enough for BME actors to get cast in roles (due in part to casting directors being irrationally afraid of racist backlash by idiots such as that exhibited by Andy S and others on here), people are understandably concerned when roles which would ordinarily call for a BME actor get denied to them.
It’s not really difficult to understand. Of course, you’d have to stop convincing yourselves that your white skin compensates for your lack of comprehension first.
And there you go. Everyone else is the racist not you
Just because that article happens to chime with your mindset (conveniently), doesn’t mean it is simply “reporting an issue”. They are implying casting white actors into supposedly non-white roles is offensive, yet they are happily casting minority actors into traditional white roles
Your problem is, your own racism is so inbuilt you fail to see your own hypocrisy
> Just because that article happens to chime with your mindset (conveniently)
I don’t see what’s “convenient” about an article which I’d never read until today.
> They are implying casting white actors into supposedly non-white roles is offensive
They’re saying that to some people it’s an issue, which I realise is a basic concept that you find difficult to understand is the same thing. Like I said, comprehension doesn’t seem to be your forte.
Why is it that those on the Fascist wing of the left, always feel the need to insult anyone who fails to share their views?
Do you also approve of violence in the name of the Fascist Left Jerrod? It seems many people do.
And before you tell me you’re an anti Fascist just remember Churchills warning – The Fascists of the future will call themselves ‘anti fascists’ !
> And before you tell me you’re an anti Fascist just remember Churchills warning – The Fascists of the future will call themselves ‘anti fascists’ !
So if I say I’m not a fascist, I’m just a fascist of the future?
*rolls eyes*
Did someone give you the name “thoughtful”? Did it ever occur to you that they may have been making a joke at your expense?
Lets turn it on its head, could a white actor play a classically black character in a drama production in any essentially black nation?
No, the actor wouldn’t expect it and understandably the audience wouldn’t want to see it…
Why do you feel the need to come on here and insult people? Calling someone an idiot, just because you disagree with their view, is insulting and demeaning. Please apologise for your behaviour.
Jerrod contributes nothing in terms of highlighting the level of bias contained within the BBC. His arguments are poorly argued, idealistic and lacking in content. Sometimes my teenage children sound somewhat similar to Jerrod. hey are fast approaching the sixth form. The troll should be ignored or banned in the same way as the revolting Beeb fail to answer my comments to them. The coin of Freedom speech can land both ways.
As my dear departed old mum used to say, ‘do unto others as they would have them do unto you.’
As I said earlier, I believe the objective of this site is to highlight the level of bias contained within the BBC not to support the level of bias.
No seriously you are funny. Now it’s the you can’t comprehend strand. I assume everyone who holds a different view to you has to write it in crayon as we don’t reach to your towering intellectual level. Classic lefty I don’t comprehend your last sentence though. So BME actors don’t get cast because directors fear a wacist back lash? Really when did that happen?
“or that Little Nell isn’t white.”
I’ll bet Bill Sikes is white.
A BLACK Artful Dodger ?????? That means Lenny Henry will be up in arms about stereotyping blacks and complaining about the number of times he was stopped and searched ! I wont be watching.
I’m sure Tony Jordan will be weeping at the thought of one fewer whining racist watching his programme.
Ha! Another brainwashed product of a Marxist inspired university/Common Purpose Training course or the Diane Abbot school of British history…
Tony Jordan doesn’t give a sh1t if just one man and his dog watch because his wage is assured by those of us who pay for this cra@p under duress. In truth it was probably those that have attended the same courses as you that dictated the inclusion of such utterly unbelievable portrayals of classic characters…
Jerrod, your comments appear to be as racist as any of those posts on bBBC you are labelling as racist. As LostOverThere says – meaningless and hypocritical.
I find this discussion a little confusing. I have re-read Jerrod’s post and I can’t see anything racist. Am I missing something ?
“Sorry to burst your Aryan bubble” – “your white skin compensates for your lack of comprehension” – “their own imagined white superiority”
Nobody has talked of “white superiority” except for Jerrod. Most people are only calling for authenticity, in the same way that lefties went insane when a white woman was once cast as Miss Saigon.
Game, set and match to Demon, but it’s sad.
> Most people are only calling for authenticity
“Most” people will sit at home and enjoy the programme, or not, without giving two hoots about what colour skin the characters have. Because they’re able to engage with drama on its own terms, and aren’t sat at home whining about how it’s NOT FAIR that this fictional programme, featuring characters that are completely made up in the first place, doesn’t adhere to their own views on the racial purity of Victorian England.
I do hope those on here who are so fraught at the possibility of seeing a non-white skin on a made-up programme are going to be on their own this Christmas. If not, then my sympathies lie with the families that will have to turn up the telly to drown out their miserabilist drivel.
>“Most” people will sit at home and enjoy the programme, or not, without giving two hoots about what colour skin the characters have.
Maybe in your pink fluffy bubble and within your circle of metrosexual Guardian reading lycra clad cyclist friends, you can pretend, but believe me people in the real world are seeing through the agenda led sh1te that the BBC is chucking out over the airwaves. They have absolutely no credibility anymore.
> your circle of metrosexual Guardian reading lycra clad cyclist friends
Oh, you’ve met them. Nice people. I’m sure they made you feel welcome; my friends are ace.
> people in the real world are seeing through the agenda led sh1te that the BBC is chucking out over the airwaves
Sorry, but my world is just as real as yours. I’m not denying people who disagree with me exist, but it seems you are. So who’s living in the fantasy world?
Jerrod, imagine for one moment the BBC do a drama about the death of Steven Lawrence (and I’m surprised they haven’t done one yet) do you think those friends you mentioned would be happy if any of Lawrence, members of his gang,or his mother were played by white actors? Or if any of the thugs that killed him were played by black actors?
If you answer yes to either question you will be a liar, if you answer no then you are a hypocrite and a racist. If you don’t answer it’s because you know I am right.
The competition is pretty stiff Demon but that’s probably the most stupid comment I’ve ever seen on this blog.
Hey Marvin, I liked your role in the ‘The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy ‘.
Have you voted for this petition yet? if not, perhaps you would like to advertise it ?…………..
Marvin, is that the best insult you can manage? Must try harder.
> imagine for one moment the BBC do a drama about the death of Steven Lawrence
You do realise that Stephen Lawrence was an actual person who was killed in horrific circumstances, while Little Nell is a fictional character, don’t you?
Are you aware of the difference between reality and fiction? It would appear not.
> If you don’t answer it’s because you know I am right.
I was tempted not to answer at all after that, as being a dick on the internet doesn’t give you the right to dictate how and when other people should respond. But I figured that staying silent would play into your sociopathic egomania.
However, I am off for the rest of the evening now, as we’re going to a late night showing of Star Wars. Don’t take my silence in any way as agreement to your deluded, idiotic views, now will you.
Jerrod. Just seen your reply where you make some of the same lame personal attacks as your wingman. Just because you make it personal doesn’t mean you are clever. I can assure you – you are not. Obviously I am clear what is fiction and what is reality – unlike you I don’t rely on getting my ‘news’ from the BBC, which you must agree is often more fiction than truth. But whether the characters portrayed were real or just well-loved or well-known characters from fiction, the same principle applies. Whether an actor is playing Lawrence, Othello or Miss Saigon there would be uproar today if the BBC used white actors for any of these roles. So doing it the other way round is clearly just as bad. If you think differently to that then you are clearly a racist.
Straight to Stephen Lawrence. Collect £200. Do not pass Lee Rigby.
Cannot see a reply link to your 8:21 pm post but there’s an episode of Star Wars Rebels on Disney XD+1 9.00 p.m. if you don’t fancy going out.
Hey ‘Jerrod’, before you go off duty from Al Beeb, have you voted for this petition yet? if not, perhaps you would like to advertise it and tell your ‘mates’ ?…………..
The Farce with this one strong is.
Value good will come of it until the J section of the Borg box is exhausted.
“Most” people will sit at home and enjoy the programme, How do you know that? Have you conducted a survey or is it just you and your mate?
> “Most” people will sit at home and enjoy the programme, How do you know that? Have you conducted a survey or is it just you and your mate?
Nope, just going by the likely number of people watching vs. the small number of people who will be sitting on their fat white arses whining to high heaven because a couple of people whose skin has more melatonin than their own happen to be in roles within a piece of fiction.
If people who agree with you turn out to be in their millions, rather than just a couple of dozen corpulent wastrels, I’m happily eat my stovepipe hat. But that won’t happen. Because sad little racist idiots will always be outnumbered by people who aren’t subject to delusional psychoses.
The Artful Dodger….
My problem with introducing black or asian actors to play roles traditionally played by white people is with the intention behind it – to flog to death the multiculural message. I was never happy when English movies about English people in England cast Americans as the stars, largely to appeal to US audiences. And I was a bit furious when the dog in Peter Pan – in the story a Landseer – was played by St Bernard. I just don’t like entertainment and literature tinkered with in order to make a political point. So that makes me a racist, a US hater and a breedist.
It appears the liberal political elites have scored an own goal here, I mean are they saying the above is a thieving non-white ,fatherless person who travels around in a portable abode? Isn’t that…….Racist according to their little red book.
“Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.” Orwell.
… and female?
Peace on Earth, and Goodwill to all Men. And Women. And Non-Binaries. And Transgenders. And Intersex…….
The Old Bloke, Old Goat and other weather watchers. What are the chances of A White Christmas this year?
Mr G, The Met Office’s own description of a “White Christmas” and those used by the bookies, is that in the 24 hour period for the 25th December, that snow should fall ‘on the roof’ of any of the official Met Office (thereby government offices) recording station. Trouble is, all these recording stations tend to be at sea level and getting snow at sea level is as rare as hens teeth. BUT, Scotland sees snow on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so they will see, at least the white stuff but on the hills above 1,000 ft. Cumbria high tops stand a chance too! South of Preston, very unlikely.
Thanks TOB for the heads-up. So no Snowmen (hideously white) for us then!
There may be one …. but not, no never, on the BBC
Zero. Well, certainly here in south central France, anyway.
Nor here southern France near Spanish border, was 15C this morning
Jerrod, is not portraying a white figure, being played by a black actor, racist?
Old Bloke, Racism only applies to white people !
I think that Jerrod and his like minded multiculturalists seem unaware of a basic aspect of humanity. By artificially introducing anachronisms and racially irrelevant characterisation into established and well regarded literature, the reverse of the noble aspiration is achieved with ridicule high among audience reactions. Except, of course, for Guardian readers but they still represent a scant few thousand of the UK population, and that won’t change.
If turning a white character black, will Fagin now be portayed as a Muslim? I doubt it. He will probably be played as a nice cuddly type of Jew (not how Dickens portrayed him) with many Muslim friends.
Idris Elber could have portrayed Bill Sykes and Billy Connolly Scrooge. That sort of miscasting would have caused howls of synthetic outrage by left-wing racists like Jerrod. Clearly if he’s a fan of this sort of race-changing of characters he would have loved the Black and White Minstrels.
Demon, the BBC are happy for Fagin to be a Jew !
A message for ChrisH,
A heads up about Devon having the warmest December night on record. I got surprised by your statement as this had missed me, so I went looking. Sure enough, it has been reported and reported on a private “weather watcher” blog that in the Otter Valley, East Devon, a private recording station (with all mod cons) did record a minimum of 14 degrees, which was posted as a record High minimum for Devon if not the U.K. Any record needs verification so I dug a little deeper as my local Devon temperature was 5 degrees cooler albeit slightly higher in altitude but only 20 miles away as the crow flies. The owner of the site, which on the face of it seems to be one of the better private sites with much collected data, has stated that due to the position of the site, rarely gets frosts. WHAT!?!?! The owner explains why he thinks the site does not get frosts, while all around they are freezing their nuts off. So here we have a blog entry stating that due to certain atmospheric conditions (a South West Wind off the sea, which we have been having for a month down here) then the minimum temperatures are significantly higher than ordinarily should be recorded for that geographic area, basically a heat sink trap! Unbelievable. True temperature at this site cannot be valid data for the area but only for that site. A probable false record, another one and how many more I wonder? Just like the Heathrow debacle. It really is getting silly out there but will the sheeple listen?
It has been unusually mild here in Central Perthshire for the last few days but the record december high of 14.4 C in 1998 has not been broken yet !
“Labour has warned of possible damage to community relations with the police.”
And which “communities” would they be BBC & labour (Corbyn)? Would they be the law-abiding white working-class communities, or the communities in leafy suburbia up & down the country, or maybe the commuter belt or wealthy parts of Cheshire even? Or, would it be inner city “communities” of, say, London & Birmingham. You know the ones I mean, let’s say the ‘darker’ places that harbour a disproportionate number of armed drug dealers and other such parasitic criminal filth like Mark Duggan & Jermain Baker. The sort of “communities” that “stick together” and have “community spokespeople” who are fond of mouthing off at public meetings to defend the filth that live within them for reasons we can only guess at. Well my guess is some sort of bruvverly kinship, if you know what I mean….
I think they mean the ‘vibrant’ communities.
Ah yes, the “vibrant” and “culturally enriching” communities. How stupid of me for not understanding that these particular “communities” have a right to special policing. I wonder why that is though? Why is it, I wonder, that these people have a greater fear of armed police than do the rest of us? After all, if you are law-abiding and keep out of trouble then you won’t even have any contact with the police (like the vast majority of us) let alone get shot by one of them.
On Friday I had the misfortune to endure an interview with David Lammy, (MP for Tottenham) on the Today programme. You know, he’s the one like Lenny Henry, only funnier. He was, predictably, trying to defend the latest rascal to be shot by the police while attempting to spring a couple more lovable rogues. In the piece, he repeated the false rumour that Baker was asleep when he was shot. A likely story if ever you heard one, especially given the fact that a gun was found beside him. To be fair, the presenter did reiterate that this was just rumour, but nevertheless, he was let off lightly. Anyway, Lammy went on to draw an analogy with the shooting of that other rascal Mark Duggan, and went completely unchallenged by the presenter when he falsely claimed that Duggan was un-armed. What he fails to mention is that Duggan WAS armed moments before he got what was coming, and the officer had no way of knowing that he had surreptitiously disposed of his loaded weapon. The only analogy to be drawn between these two cases is that both involved armed criminals. Lammy also tried to claim, again unchallenged, that Baker was not a member of a “gang”, without us being given any definition of what a “gang” member is. As usual, the BBC like to hide behind semantics to further their ‘black victim’ agenda.
At the end of the day, if you are not an armed criminal or don’t associate with armed criminals, and you obey the police when instructed, you aren’t going to get shot by them. Unlike the numerous innocents who have been shot when caught in the crossfire between criminal scum in our vibrant, diverse, enriching, multicultural “communities”.
Heads up, don’t forget to vote tonight, get your BBC ID here, won’t be watching but will be voting….
I’ll be voting, but it’s futile. If Tyson looks like winning then it will be rigged anyway.
neilw, I posted the other day that it is just the sporting equivalent of Great British Bake Off !
Tend to agree, have posted this before, so I wouldn’t be surprised, technical failure?
11. The BBC reserves the right to cancel or suspend voting at any time. In the event of any such cancellation or suspension, a technical failure or any other malfunction with the vote, the BBC reserves the right to arrange for the winner to be decided by a contingency arrangement from the votes cast by a pre-agreed contingency panel. This panel will be the same as one which devised the shortlist – see above for details.
Oh no! it will be Blue Peter kitten scandal all over again.
Tyson doesn’t have a cat in hell’s chance, let’s not pussyfoot around here.
I also notice ‘Blue Peter staff asked a child visiting the studio to pose as a phone-in competition winner. The BBC was fined an unprecedented £50,000 by media watchdog Ofcom over the incident. ‘
Does Ofcom still have any sway over the BBC, or is it now completely autonomous. It is interesting how the BBC deals with any problems.
difficult interviewees – concentrate on trivialities and childish insults to try and sidetrack the issues before time is up. Dozens of examples.
problems with watchdogs – use your strength to get them out of the picture.
dangerous celebrities at the BBC – hide their criminality, and when it’s time to face the music, just don’t publish the findings.
News doesn’t follow the narrative. Change it, or just ignore it.
problems with votes. Just cheat or make it up.
After all, 50% of people get their news from the BBC. What they say is the news, is the news.
How many fingers am i holding up?
Geoff, I am still having problems registering. The BBC have anticipated that as they have a ” Having problems registering ? ” section. They can’t even organise something as simple as this . The BBC are total crap ! Imagine if they were running the Armed Services or a quoted company. God almighty !
OT probably, but then the BBC, the Guardian and Pink News do overlap somewhat.
I have just read this in Standpoint magazine (this month’s is highly recommended) in a column by Douglas Murray and had to research the provenance for myself –
“The Guardian columnist and poverty campaigner changed their name to Jack when they was younger, moving away from a feminine name in line with their gender identity.”
Here’s the link to Douglas’ column. I’m hoping you can access it. It may be subscribers only –
In a year when the very notion of gender and race has been so subverted that a white woman can be a black woman, and a person called Jack can assume the plural (Jacks?), and there is no irony in this, then we are all going to hell in a Winterval-themed handbasket.
The BBC are bigging up the late Jimmy Hill. Unfortunately they seem to have glossed over the fact that he led a rebel tour to South Africa during Apartheid, something that would not sit very well alongside their modern day liberal hogwash.
Anyway, I couldn’t help noticing there were a lot of comments removed from the associated Have Your Say column. I would imagine they mirror my recollection of him being an annoying twat.
Hill is responsible for so much of what`s wrong with football.
1. Out-of control wages
2. The cult of the superstadium and branding of hitherto-local clubs with logos and “US-style family targeting”
3. The hours of shite from “panel experts” as they spout on about what we might see-what we saw-and then yet more analysis about all things spurious…Hill himself was nothing much as a player, but boy-could he flannel…and make a pioneering living out of making a souffle out of a drop of albumen.
In short-a disaster for football was Hill-and the world of puffed up pointless gibberings and hours of VT talking tarmac is, in large part-due to him.
No wonder Linerkers-and nomarks like Savage-thank him for rescuing them from actually having to DO something with their lives after retiring….
Yea but at least you could pronounce the players names back in his day…
To be fair, he did NOT lead the trawl around Argentina 78, and bring back the first set of players who began the wipeout of English footballers….there speaks a bitter Red who wanted Passerella …but ended up with the likes of Kleberson.
Was Bob Wilson the first fake who feigned “Scottish roots” because he`d never have got a place in Englands team?…and maybe HE needs a cabbage before we all blast Big Jack for creating the current transnational conveniences…bloody Bennetton!
Oh-stuff the BBC!
“there speaks a bitter Red ” Another reason for voting you as poster of the year.
Although I’m, personally, more of a worried red. Just hope we get Pep and not Mourinho!
Most kind sir…am watching Bruce Springsteen from 1980 as I note this-wish we`d have signed him back then, certainly more spring in the heel than the current crop of deadbeats currently wandering around the pitches of England at the mo.
From “Steel Tulip” to “Rubber Marigold” within a year or so….and as long as the bitter bluenoses don`t get Pep, we can dream of a possible Thursday night matches somewhere Balkan against green shirted asylum seekers next July…
Well it`s been a week now since we had the “obesity epidemic story”-with a need to tax fizzy drinks.
Seems to have rolled into the long grass maan….legalise drugs….how`s THAT one in the BBC news cycle then?
Add to this, Orgeave and Ricky Tomlinson, Top Peoples Paedo hunt(BBC staff excepted, being only small fry compared to Rothwell Social Services)…
Only reason I ask is that I saw Lee Jasper was on Wood Greens streets, presumably seeking a BBC berth and a Goldsmiths grant for the Wood Green Massacre of one Jermaine Baker…fast asleep at the wheel when the Turkish warlords and gangmasters were to be broken out…sort of thing we ALL choose to do isn`t it?…where else for a snooze but a criminal court security zone?
Like Vera Lynn-when she`s got the Listerine out, we know it`s war.
Lee Jasper on Bruce Grove tends to mean the same.
Will the BBC send us out their upcoming virtuous cycle of agitprop smoke signals, so we can count them in-and then back out again, until something sticks and SOMEONE outside their studios and quangos gives a stuff?
Or is it to be John Major and Fransesca Martinez on a bungee cord until we vote to stay in the EU and want White D to get a House of Lords ticket?
More multi culti pro mixing from the BBC, with an attack on Christmas, which again should be ‘holidays’ or some other non ‘offensive’ word!
They seem so ignorant of what Christianity is about, that they honestly believe Father Xmas, Xmas trees, & Easter Eggs are somehow mentioned in the Bible and part of the religion !
As the number of inter-faith marriages in Britain increases, we uncover a growing phenomenon – the cultural mash-up. Sharmini Selvarajah meets the families who are getting creative as they combine different religious and cultural traditions to create their own unique festivals.
Embracing multiple festivals has always come naturally to Sharmini. She grew up in a British-Asian family, celebrating Christmas, Diwali and Tamil New Year. Now that she’s married to a Jewish American, Passover, Thanksgiving and July 4th also feature.
Every year she throws a Chrismukkah party for family and friends, where latkes sit next to mince pies on the table, and Christmas carols are sung alongside Hanukkah blessings. She’s curious about how other mixed families combine their various beliefs and customs.
The Sommers celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah. Their blue and white Christmas tree is topped by a homemade star of David. Their three sons say the best part of combining Jewish and Christian December traditions is “double the presents – double the fun!”
But their Rabbi, Dr Jonathan Romain, warns that not all interfaith couples are prepared for the challenges of the festive season: “It’s a time of year that can be for some families enormously enriching, but for others it’s a major trauma. And it brings all issues of mixed faith marriage to the fore, issues they’ve been able to sweep under the carpet for the rest of the year.”
Sharmini spends Easter Monday hunting for chocolate eggs with Amy who’s a Christian, her Muslim husband Takbir, and their extended family. But she also hears from those who don’t feel so positively about mashing things up. Is there a risk of diluting celebrations by merging them, so that each is inadequately marked? Does it lead to confusion for children growing up in interfaith families?
Clock boy at it again and this time Air France making hideous assumptions.
I wonder which passengers got in depth questioning in Mombasa airport?
Simon Schama, Mary Beard and David Olusoga – now there’s a balanced line-up for you.
This is from a website called the Blacklist, its a piece on the inclusion of three black child actors in a new CBBC series. Good for them, no problem, but surely the existence of such a website is racist, the reverse certainly would be. Maybe the Blacklists intentions are good, but in reality such a site/publication can only create division.
Just to carry on the earlier silliness about the first usage of the word Racism :
The earliest usage I can find dates from August, 1872. The Holy and Great pan-Orthodox Synod of the Eastern Orthodox church issued a statement on “The Heresy of Racism,” wherein it stated:
“We renounce, censure and condemn racism, that is racial discrimination, ethnic feuds, hatreds and dissensions within the Church of Christ, as contrary to the teaching of the Gospel and the holy canons of our blessed fathers which support the holy Church and the entire Christian world, embellish it and lead it to divine godliness.”
Having said that, this might be a matter of translation The word is phyletism, from the Greek word “phili,” translated “race.”
People searching google books for references to the word ‘Racism’ or ‘Racist’ have found that it does not appear in print until around 1937. When there is a huge number of references.
The first written use of the word “racists” was in the 1930 book “History of the Russian Revolution” by Leon Trotsky. The OED confirms this as the original recorded source of the word.
Claiming other sources as earlier is unsubstantiated and therefore cannot be taken as reliable.
Of course, due to presentism it is impossible for even the Fascists to maintain consistency or control of this most meaningless of terms.
Gershwin’s Porgy & Bess – no longer regarded as racist was so regarded in the 1970s
Longfellow’s Hiawatha – not really regarded as racist now, but has been in the past
Al Jolson – Blacking up as a minstrel because blacks couldn’t get on screen was actually a anti race campaigner now regarded as racist !
If this meaningless word has no consistency, then it’s even worse than first thought!
Good teaching thoughtful-these things(etymology, word derivation. roots of words etc) matters an awful lot-and that the garrulous lefty incontinents choose to simply shout over objections, to threaten or smear only shows that they`re easily dealt with-as long as we know our history, and simply repeat our truths and refuse to be led onto their turf.
I think of Powell and Hitchens(P)…one of them made a big distinction between “racialism”-which was THE word used in the 60s/70s…as opposed to its recent perversion and catch all crime of “racism”.
It parallels the difference between “supporting people”…and “advocating Support For The People”
One is human scale, traced back to individual frailty and-though wrong-can be remedied by experience and showing understanding…the other is a State-registered hate crime that is state-defined, means everything and nothing, depending on the power basis of the accuser.
Basically, one became the other with the Lawrence case of 1993…and you nver see the word racialism bandied around these days-although it`s the correct one.
Racism is a weasel word, Chomsky derived…and like all other -“isms” is a State conspiracy against the communal good sense of people…as if Beria or Freisler were prosecuting and judging.
Orwell was on the ball over all this-and so I make a fuss about the lazy use of New Left defined syntax, as opposed to prefectly good words that they binned-just to make their State control all the easier.
Say No To Racism eh?…indeed I do…it`s called racialism at our level and is either understandable or defused on contact with exemplars…it is NOT Frankfurt bollocks-that is what the word Xenophobia covers, and far better…and it reveals who the EU Nazis are( Brits, Islamophobia, appropriate and vulnerable all add to their restricting code of Satanic origin IMHO)
When ‘Racialism’ as it originally was, and then ‘Racism’ started to get used a lot in the early 2000s, when even to mention anything to do with a race issue led to that branding, I remember looking up the dictionary definition and noted it implies a sense of superiority of one race over another. Ever since then I’ve felt quite free with my opinions because I never claim superiority of white Brits over anyone else, merely that one cannot pretend that there are not differences – in norms, beliefs, rituals, morals, values, religions – between different races – in fact all the cultural things – hence the word multi-culturalism. The problem lies with the Stalinists and Far Leftists as so often presented by Al-Beeb, who think the differences don’t matter or wanted to bury them for their own ends, such as their tactical aim to undermine the workings of the Western market economic system in favour of a collectivist socialist model.
Wow. For a word which, according to you, “has no definition”, there seem to be an awful lot of definitions floating around out there. As well as usage predating Trotsky.
So you do seem to be contradicting yourself as a byproduct of demonstrating your obsession with a word that does not exist.
But you’re right, applying a word wrongly causes all sorts of problems. Take, for example, your own assumed epithet of “Thoughtful”… 🙂
At the insults again Jerrod? You can always tell when someone has lost the argument when they resort to insults you know?
Different definitions, which none are agreed upon, and even wikipedia’s entry is disputed!
Perhaps you might like to enlighten us as to why it is that the United Nations a forum which represents nearly all the nations on earth does not recognise the term, preferring instead the more meaningful “Racial Discrimination” and providing an agreed definition of the term?
Have the nations of the world all got it wrong, and only you and the Fascist Left have the right answer?
The truly gratifying aspect of the appearance of some bright and contentious, if self obsessed contributor like Jerrod is that he, or she – let’s not open another potential worm-can – justifies the creation of this website.
The United Nations?
A helpful hint, adducing the UN will get laughs on here.
The most corrupt, useless, self serving, wasteful organisation on earth.
Except for the EU.
So many words (some big) so little content…
Jerrod , is Scott on his BBC , boyfriends computer or smartphone .