We are now, as a society, completely obsessed with race and therefore racism. It’s a modern taboo, the merest hint that one is a “racist” can stymie any argument and lead you to have to prove your “innocence”. This isn’t healthy. It clearly has totalitarian, anti democratic roots and the accusation can shut down any debate the accuser is unhappy with. You don’t have to be some rabid lout to be reprimanded. I’ve even heard Sir Andrew Green, head of Migration Watch, accused of this. A more reasoned and urbane chap it would be difficult to imagine.
I have to confess I always receive a frisson of joy when some ultra pc lefty falls foul of his own intolerant kind…all in the name of tolerance, of course. Poor old Benny Cumberbatch came a cropper using the phrase “coloured” on an American chat show. Blimey, if folk can find that harmless word unacceptable I do worry for them.
The people to worry about are the “”anti racist” fanatics. Those that perceive insult or injury in any and all innocent remarks. They remind me of Geoge Orwell’s two minute hate scenes from 1984. The people who chanted loudest often had the most to hide. It’s a social camouflage. They’re showing us, “I can’t be a racist because I loathe all racists and racism in all its forms.”
Yeh, right…
A professional practice I know of is about to go to a tribunal over the “retiring” of a partner.
That she is 64 and black will raise the prospect of the practice having to prove they are not ageist, racist, and anti-female.
After the case I wonder if an unminuted discussion may take place at the following partners’ meeting suggesting they concentrate on WASP males for future job offers.
For every extra employment right given to certain sections of society their chances of employment are reduced (except perhaps in the public sector who do not spend their “own” money overcoming “rights” problems).
Is that the same Benny Cumberbatch whose fans label themselves ‘Cumberbitch’s’, not much of a complaint by the feminazis on that one, and whose forebears were discovered to have been involved in the slave trade? If so then he can be excused for such a slip of the tongue as it was obviously bred into him.
No doubt when he phones his luvvie mate, Tom Hardy, he starts the conversation with…”Thomass…Thomassss” BC is still making a good living at the bbc though, they know a good thing when they are on to one.
Santa has come early this year: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35145289
“Jeremy Corbyn has said he is “not going anywhere” and plans to lead Labour into the 2020 general election. ”
On the strength of that, I promise to be a good boy until 2020.
Tyson Fury winning SPOTY will round the evening off nicely. Get voting everybody and remember, if you accidentally have more than one BBCiD, try not to vote more than once 🙂
I have SPOTY running, sound muted, in a narrow panel on one side of my monitor so I can keep tabs on it while not interfering too much with more important work in the main window. It looks as though voting will open after all the potted biographies are done – possibly in twenty minutes time. It also looks as though Tyson will be the last of the biographies, though I might have missed it (I’m assuming you had Tyson in mind!).
I can’t put myself through that nonsense either; 10 mins of programming squeezed into 3 hours. Have made an effort this year purely in order to vote for someone the BBC obviously dislikes. In the event Tyson wins (please, please, please) it will be amusing to see if any of the luvvy sporty types decide to walk out. Your average sportsperson does seem to be a bit emotionally delicate these days.
I opened up the little panel to watch the BBC treatment of Tyson, and I wasn’t surprised. The film seemed deliberately uncomplimentary, and Lineker’s attitude despicable. Not one smile from him while introducing Tyson, not one smile when talking to him, and not one smile when thanking him. Now I have some regard for Lineker, the clean-playing footballer, but here he was just a miserable sod.
Yes. Lineker looked liked he was chewing a wasp. Also notice Rutherford sitting impassively refusing to applaud a fellow athlete and world champion. Go Gypsy King!
Steve: “Get voting everybody and remember, if you accidentally have more than one BBCiD, try not to vote more than once 🙂 ”
It won’t make the slightest difference, the lefties will be well organised through social media as usual, creating 20 accounts for our every one. It’ll be like Oldham all over again.
up to 30 (Wow!) LGBT protesters have gathered outside the BBC Belfast studios – but I wonder how many are actually LGBT.
Take a look at the photo halfway down, the Hate, Anger and Sheer Rage on the Fascist woman’s face then take a look to the right at the flag ‘people before profit’ which has nothing to do with SPOTY or LBGT or Tyson Fury and then make your own mind up if this isn’t just another small group of angry professionally outraged Fascists and not aggrieved LGBT people.
Yes and wtf is Eddie Izzard doing there in full drag?
Do you think the Beeb are trying to make a comment?
What next? The corpse of Jimmy Saville.
Bias at the BBC?
Anyone else noticed the Tyson Fury number 6228206 is permanently engaged? Either he’s racking up some votes, or more likely the phone line is “off the hook”.
SPOTY, a bloke dressed in female attire and a butch woman lesbian, which is more feminine? Beyond me. This could only happen in the surreal f#£ked up world of the BBC, WTF Edith Izzard has to do with SPOTY, other than to add a bit of unecessary diversity…
Its almost like they are purposely trying to wind up its audience and rub their noses in their s+-&%y diversity.
Does anyone really believe that a Fascist and corrupt bBBC will ensure that the outcome of this vote will be anything but whatever best suits the bBBC.
Since when did democracy and a fair voting system enshrine itself into this uniquely unprincipled body.
The winner was almost certainly decided months ago.
The exploitation of Tyson Fury ensured that the viewing figures would be high on the night. The programme was dying a a slow death. -Until Tyson sprang into action.
And there you have it, a guy with zero personality wins the bKGbc award. Can’t wait for the ‘Fury vote rigging scandal’ in a few weeks.
I remember when the SPOTY show was a spine tingling rollercoaster of brilliant sporting achievement, the show was relevant. Now it’s just an all inclusive steaming pile of shite where suffering from asthma and walking down the street will get you a lifetime achievement award. Embarrassing.
Ironic isn’t it most of the sport highlighted on tonights diverse fest ain’t covered by the BBC and it looks like they’re also about to surrender F1 to ITV. At least it leaves Sunday afternoons free to go back to showing 2 hours of the EastEnders omnibus, or maybe some women’s football or the UK tiddely wink championships…
I only hope that if that is the case next years championship is a cracker and ITV reap the rewards. One seriously has to ask just WTF is the BBC for, endless mind numbing diverse agenda driven tosh diluted over excessive unnecessary channels. It would be good if ITV could grab some cricket as well, their dramas are also superior.
I could live with just ITV and the other FTA channels and would like the opportunity to opt out of the BBC tax, it has little to offer a WASP these days, my consumption this weekend being an hour or two of Radio 2 and SPOTY and that was only in the hope of an outsider winning…
Classic inverted-racism from the Labour Bishop : Stephen Lowe on Radio 5-Live Show just before 1am
(Seems to me) whilst most people are genuinely are colourblind our Social Justice Warrior friends walk around trying to see sexism in everything.
Talking about the winners of the BBC Sporting Personality of the year.
Bishop : “It’s a horrible thing to say, BUT Is it purely coincidental that 2 people who we thought might be near the top (of the voting list but weren’t this year) Mo Farah & Lewis Hamilton are both BLACK ?…. (radio smirk)”
The other presenters quickly pointed out ..”but Lewis Hamilton WON LAST YEAR !”
..Bishop with egg on face, programme ends…classic (mad shouty lefty put in his place)
(Direct link to the audio at point 2:59
( Whilst some genuine prejudices do exist, there are some things like lack of black role models due to the population being skewed towards youth so there’s much higher percentage at school than at the top of professions right now. )
I note Geoff’s comment above about Blacklist, a clearly racist website, cos it judges people by the colour of their skin.
Why is it a given that Mo Farrah should win, maybe we should we engineer it just because the liberals think he’s such a role model. Maybe the real reason is that despite the fact that the MSM (the BBC in particular) have rammed this guy down our throats since 2012 ‘The Greatest Athlete’ etc, etc, etc yawn ad infinitum, the British public can see through the hype, but moreso the following facts…
1) He wasn’t born here
2) He resides in America
3) We prefer proper sausages over Quorn…..
Listening to Today at around 6.45 just now. An item on the problems the Church of England is having with old buildings. Do I need to tell readers of this blog that the first vicar invited to comment was Giles Fraser?
Maybe they wanted a representative well past his sell by date to empathise?
Or simply the world’s biggest and most trusted media monopoly really has a most limited circle of friends to call upon, and fewer still prepared to go near the corrupt, crumbling edifice it too has become?
Truly the Woodbine Willie for the shop troops of the BBCs Uncivil War on what remains of independent, English and British culture.
I imagine him handing out Vicks Sinex Nasal Spray, Fiery Jack(or tea tree oil)-vaping paraphernalia and old Gideons to make rollie joints from some johnsons Baby talc he bought from Big Verne, hoping it was dope.
The segways and disability scooters all ready to roll back over Shepherds Bush Green, electric points mapped all the way to Henley….as Woodbine Willie dunks tie dye thongs into his portable font as lifted from St Pauls when he helped Occupy to premiere a Velveteen Revolution that Pussy Riot thought was worth emulating in St Basils or such…oh dear.
In Russia, faith still counts for something-as indeed in Saudi for that matter.
Only HERE do we let the likes of Fraser and Rowan speak on behalf of the established Anglican church…and the BBC pony up for compliant Sister Act choirs to serenade Paddy O Connell with “We Wish YOu A Merry Christmas” -yet they call themselves “Gospel” Choirs?
Mixed up with Godspell maybe?..but gospel they ain`t…not when Jesus warns them not to be ashamed of HIm and His message…the BBC makes them ALL cringe at that manger, let alone that cross that we meet next spring.
The Church will be of use once again, when it systematically walks out on the NHS and the BBC, mocks climate change and supports UKIP or Le Pen even?…until then, it`s not worthy of persecution-which is why it`s ignored and mocked instead…Paul Flowers anybody?
BBC Breakfast – where to start? Where does the bias end?
Axe the whole kit and Kaboodle.
I’m dismayed from the start with a weather forcaster who, for the umpteenth time, tells me it is warmer than it SHOULD be – twice in three sentences! To be clear, I don’t believe Carol Kirkwood is truly a grand conspirator and arch propagandist. It’s just the appaling office culture at the BBC that is to blame for this. Years of Global Warming seminars and courses must take their toll.
Andy Murray is a sports personality – the world truly is turned upside down. The import of this achingly PC non-event seems to grow in inverse proportion to the BBC sports portfolio – at least in the minds of the BBC. And presumably the shortbread cyber nats who did all the voting.
I’m not the first to note this – it has been said of the Olympics opening ceremony – but British society must be sick at heart when the only aspect of our culture which we can openly allow ourselves without shame or liberal cringe to celebrate is illness and disability.
All hail the NHS and all who campaign in her!
Go on BBC, next year, put us at the very heart of Europe – ie Switzerland Dignitas clinic – you know you want to.
Each side in the referendum will have a lot of money to spend.
But the effective value of having the BBC on the Remain side far exceeds either budget. The drip-drip-drip of BBC propaganda in favour of the EU and denigrating the opponents would cost scores of millions if it was paid-for advertising time.
Seems the BBC’s injection of money from the EU has already seen them find the time, space and resource to ‘report’ on this awful lot already… with integrity… one is sure:
Maybe I’m missing something, but I reckon someone is checking the validity/credibility of his site, eleven people upvoting that comment should be ashamed and knock this site’s credibility for six.
I have a very clear memory of when this outrage occurred- I was in Hong Kong at the time and the killing was top of the news for the entire week that I was there.
A lot of new names of late. Some most welcome. Others… less so.
But amazing how many appear late at night, or early morning, or at the weekend, often as one-offs, or whose debut is… ‘interesting’, OT or often plain wrong.
How hard could it be to sign up, get your mates to agree with you and then by sheer chance see a ‘regular’ from the Farce feel the hate swell inside and be moved to report?
Meanwhile, the BBC Facebook peace and love sites never fail to impress with their tolerance of tribal threats.
Unfortunately this site does not show who is upvoting. I quite like to know whose company I’m keeping, even just in upvoting, so it’s a shame we can’t see exactly who those eleven were..
Stuart – I think that is a good idea and hopefully might be implemented? I haven’t been on here for very long and I am by no means a regular contributor as some people, nevertheless, it does not take long to discover those whose posts you really like, those you know are controversial and those who…well, I won’t say more! To be honest, I read more than I submit – but what’s wrong with that? Broadens the mind and all that. Many of my thoughts come about 4.00am when I can’t sleep but by breakfast time, I’ve forgotten what they were – and how brilliant they might have been!!!!!!!
I voted that comment up by mistake as I’m sure others did. As I took my finger off the mouse I thought, hang on, that horrific murder by members of the Religion of Peace has to be a lot longer than a year ago.
The BBC has gained exclusive access to a British Islamist who says he is in Syria fighting against both President Assad and the group calling itself Islamic State.
The man says he is prepared to carry out suicide attacks against them.
I can’t help noticing a slight flaw in his strategy. How can you carry out more than one suicide attack? The only explanation I can think of is that he flunked his terrorism training and is thoroughly incompetent.
The repeat-action suicide bomber is a project currently under active consideration by Oxymoronic Enterprises for Community Cohesion, who are applying for grant-funding from the EU under their Land-fill and Recycling Directives.
Matrons care home chain surely has a case to answer.
Last time I saw Heseltine he was talking to his trees about whether his pyjamas were blue or cyan stripes when he nearly DID see “Death In Venice 1997. A Tory gain in European election results…or a registered postal vote for The Lords…history is made of such massive bifurcations.
Didn`t his Spitting Image puppet make more money that him in 1998?…or was that only Terry Christian?
But his rave from the grave got channeled on the Toady show earlier…some stuff re “Cabinet Responsibilty and Collective needs to think of the leader and the Party”.
But who else…does satire need a daily face scrub with a Brillo pad with Ajax then?..and how many deaths a day does it deserve at the BBC?
For wasn`t that other windbag who no-one cares to fill with sand anymore-Sirloin Long Lard John Major let loose by Matrons “Heavens Waiting Room” Chain of lazy daves and daisies?…didn`t he say just as much the other day-he made both the wireless and the idiot lantern…well done John.
When I want the opinion of dead beats that sat rancid on Thatchers legacy until Labour pebbledashed it all over us for thirteen years, I will seek professional guidance…but Heseltine and Major were nomarks even as they sicked up at Maastrict, gave us cone hotlines and endless council newsletters…and wouldn`t even fall with style in Venice of all places.
Any more EU spittoons to come?…Ken Clarke?…i`m guessing Thursday, it`ll be his turn to get the BBC conchie shell-before Davos claims him…wasn`t he a Dalek as voiced BY Major way back?
“Oh look at me – Nigeria’s top plumber which I achieved through criminal entry to Europe. I lied and cheated to get plumbing course and stole a legal citizen’s future who could have done the course instead of me. I have built my success on fraud, mis-representation and criminal enterprise and now the BBC feature my success.”
’Long before he got his degree in statistics, he decided that he did not want to join the mass of unemployed university graduates in his country’
So he acquired a trade of use here and went back? Meanwhile this country is stuffed to the gunnels with unemployed grads in subjects of zero use, killing time activisting on the streets and feeding the BBC on topics like this?
There is a metaphor there somewhere. Maybe the BBC could run the numbers but claim FoI exemption on who they arrived at them?
The feature was a comedy of Nigerian fraud from beginning to end!
I love his comment that plumbing is so bad in Nigeria because Nigerians are more focused on money than plumbing….
All those people at Waterloo station waiting to meet the bloke bringing their bath from an ex-climate change EU compo recipient (on behalf of his grateful people)…
In the light of Caitlyn Jenner winning yet another award…being Barbara Walters Most Fascinating Person of 2015 I think…maybe we SHOULD be looking at an award on this site…I`ve been blogging here since 2009, so can I bag the “Six Year Scratchings” Award for Impotent Blowhardery?
Not a Lifetime Achievement Award…but if there`s a “Stiff`kit” I can put beside the oiled hoop, the tangerine of dreams and the walnut , then I`m prepared to go as far as the BBCs favourite old phone box by Mr Falafels in Shepherds Bush Market to receive it!
I think of John Kerry saying that the “Syrian peace Deal” or such is-and I quote-a “Milestone”
Not only is this not metric…but it`ll be a source of great comfort to Islamic State, seeing as their Manual of Barbarism is CALLED “Milestones”-by Sayyid Al Qutb.
The connection?…I `m undecided which is the most cringeworthy political soundbite I`ve ever seen…is it John Kerry 2004?…or Sarah Teather 2011?
Clearly put a 1 at the start of your salary if you think it`s “Wor John”…or add a 2 to the start of it if you prefer Sarahs marvellous moment…lines will close over Christmas of course, so feel free to nominate your own entrants should you be arsed so to do.
Think Kerry shades it-a Millstone whose every utterance gives Bin Laden another stewed prune to roast-he only head one you know…oo er!
Radio 4 piece about Methodism in Cornwall, and of course no story about Christianity can be allowed without the story of Islam being discussed in the primary position !
The Cornwall Islamic Community Centre ?????
Petroc Trelawny investigates what has happened to a distinguishing feature of Cornwall, its chapels.
Petroc grew up in St Martin, on the Lizard, and went to Sunday school at the Methodist chapel. Producer Julian May lived in Carnon Downs, near Truro. He sometimes went to Quenchwell Chapel. Cornish life revolved round chapels: as well as services and Sunday schools there were ‘tea treats’, anniversary feasts, concerts and a strong social network.
Clive Buckingham, a Methodist and an architect, takes Petroc to Ponsanooth, a small village with a huge, beautiful, grade II* listed chapel that seats 600. Once workers from the nearby gunpowder works filled its pews. These, like Cornish miners and fishermen were wild people. Then, in the 19th century, came religious revival. Billy Bray, famously dissolute, was ‘saved’, became a preacher and built chapels with his own hands.
In the 1850’s, archivist David Thomas says, there were 1,200 chapels in Cornwall. Fewer than 200 are still used. Today only 20 or so people worship at Ponsanooth. The disused chapel on the Cornish skyline is a familiar sight.
But, Petroc discovers, some find new life. St Martin chapel is now a family home. Quenchwell chapel has been converted, too, and Tipu Choudhury tells Petroc how it became the Cornwall Islamic Community Centre. The chapel on the skyline at Tregona is tiny, made of cob and remote. Petroc meets Andrew Tebbs and Jane Darke, artists who, resisting attempts to turn it into a holiday cottage, are making it an art space, an amenity, as it always was, for locals.
Petroc tells the story of the abandonment and rebirth of Cornwall’s chapels. He meets, too, those still worshipping, who think it’s not the chapels that need converting, but the people.
Blimey, Petshop Trelawny still a Radio 4 regular, is he?
Earlier I read a post here about the BBC having Giles Fraser on to talk about disused church buildings (surely he has his own accomodation at Broadcasting House, he’s such a predictable regular I assume he’s the head of the Anglican Church now)
Quietly and to myself I scoffed ‘Add a bloody minarette and turn them into mosques!’
Now I read ‘Quenchwell chapel has been converted, too, and Tipu Choudhury tells Petroc how it became the Cornwall Islamic Community Centre.’
What was it Patrick Stewart as Picard used to say in Star Trek…. ‘Make it so!’
By the way, that package on the French airliner, that wasn’t a “False Alarm” as our media kept repeating – that was a deliberate “hoax”
Oh and another thing….
Idris Elba stars as African warlord in Netflix hit
So Channel Four has got F1, feck the BBC more reason for me not to pay my licence. Boring to some, but apart from cricket its the only sport I follow, FTA cricket died in 2005.
Channel Four were the last to have FTA cricket, it was the ECB’s greed that killed it, still their loss. Any kid under 15 without Sky has not seen a FTA cricket match, youngsters are the games future and without exposure the game will die.
True, but the BBC killed its own cricket coverage over many years, giving it less and less airtime and continually interrupting broadcasts for the most ridiculous reasons. TMS will be next… the Corporation has been trying to strangle it for over a decade.
Geoff – but at least we still have TMS! Fist test starts Boxing Day! I am a bit fuzzy on dates here but wasn’t some “plan” for TMS set in stone till at least 2017? I think it they tried to axe TMS, there would be the same uproar if they axed The Archers! Do we think the BbC is out of touch with its listeners? You bet!!!
That was my impression as well, but it seems not, a plan to give them £14m from the licence fee was scrapped by Andy Burnham in 2007, a quote from their corporate webpage:
“Unlike the BBC, Channel 4 receives no public funding. It is funded entirely by its own commercial activities.
Most of our income comes from advertising revenue. You can find out more about advertising sales on Channel 4’s dedicated advertising sales website”
Channel 4’s financial statements are set out in our Annual Report, which is available online.
Taffmans Welsh chan 4 is part funded by the BBC but I believe both English & Welsh 4 is availible , on freeview in Wales . The savings the BBC make from F1 , will be used to ramp up their PC programme production. So more Lenny Henry , & his fellow non Hideously White mates ,force fed on us .
It’s a colour piece categorised as BBC Scotland which means few will read it. What isn’t said is the troubling relationship of the Church of Scotland with the Jews:
Sabeel is an official partner of the Church of Scotland. The Church also donates to several other NGOs involved in demonising the state of Israel .
In April 2013, the Church of Scotland issued a report titled, “The Inheritance of Abraham? A Report on the ‘Promised Land.” Using theological language, the report rejected the Jewish people’s connection to the Land of Israel and was strongly influenced by the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center. Sabeel’s belief is that the Jewish people have forfeited its status as the people of God.
After protests from many quarters the Church of Scotland issued a revised report in May 2013. Though some of the more hurtful language was removed from the main body of the report, much of its original offensive theology and ideology remained.
A while ago I sat in a plane next to a charming Arab girl from Jaffa. She told me that the Christian foreign language schools (I forget if she attended Tabeetha) were mostly populated by rich Muslims who prefer not to associate with the hoi polloi who attend the official government Arab language schools.
The schools have the effect of dividing the Arabs by class to the point where she and her friends would not consider dating let alone marrying a boy who had not attended one. Because the lessons are taught only in English (or French, depending on which religious group is running them) Arabic was for her the second language, a further divisor.
Apparently the Minister of the Church of Scotland in Jerusalem supports a boycott of the Jewish State. How much of this is transferred in the oasis of tolerance , that is Tabeetha school?
Seems like people in authority in Scotland and Ireland suffer from extreme hatred of Israel. Here are a bunch of Irish MPs lashing out at the Israeli Ambassador re the Gaza war, as if he were the representative of the worst country on the planet:
He did quite well against the baying pack and the chairman of the committee did his bit to restrain the more vociferous among them.
All bow down in Homage ! The amazing Uber mensch that is Jeremy Corbyn has been in office for 100 days so the BBC won’t shut up about him, and has been running puff pieces all day, including a 15 minute article with Labour MP lionising him.
I cannot imagine a situation where the Tory leader would be given this kind of positive promotion under any circumstances.
Feargal Keane appears on R4 news again. Mad dash for the ‘off’ switch as the most hated voice on that channel is silenced before he can start sobbing into his microphone.
So as predicted..http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35149963
They can still afford to pay talentless w***** loads of cash though.
BBc even less value than the crap value it was.
Interesting piece on the Jeremy Vile show this lunchtime about the resurgence of certain diseases such as rickets & TB. Not once did we hear the word immigration, yet we all know where it’s coming from.
If you want to bring an animal into the country it has to go through 6 month quarantine, yet we invite all sorts of 3rd world filth without any robust screening. What could possibly go wrong?
The rickets / TB story has been doing the rounds for at least a decade. However as it is relevant to certain parts of the population the story tends to sink without trace rather rapidly. A bit like the in breeding story that appears every so often and then vanishes.
And it`s all about the judge init?
He`s never seen such a disrespectful bunch of defendants-hope he looked sad as he railed into his hankie.
No wonder Islam laughs at what we used to call the law.
Hoping our judge has written himself a victim impact statement and flown the paper plane formed into a Twin Tower of ECHR legislation…worrapratt!
Why on earth are creatures such as these not remanded in custody during the trial? Especially after the ringleader absconded abroad.
I find it amazing that so often these days, one sees footage of defendants walking into and out of court every day during their trial, for some of the most wicked crimes imaginable; even murder FFS.
It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that the Muslims convicted in this case, won’t be held in custody even now; but will return for sentencing next year.
I think it would be more appropriate and inclusive, in a “multi-cultural society” such as ours, that we adopt the methods of punishment meted out in the culture of the land from where these folk originate.
In Pakistan, those found guilty of serious crimes (and some not so serious) often don’t make it back to prison, but are killed by a mob outside the courthouse after the verdict.
A note that TWATO today seems a little sad that Afghanistan is in danger of splitting up over the role of IS in the country.
Just a hint of pining for the days when good old Al Queda held out hope of a moderate Islam…indigenous…US beheading…with a Cherie Blair nail bar that removes them while you wait…that kind of local sourcing. But IS seem not to have read the rules, and seem to think that THEY might offer the more authentic version of Islam that the BBC craves to see.
I admit it`s hardly on the scale of Heseltine v Redwood by way of seismic splits that will ring throughout the ages…but Mardell seemed to notice that Afghanistan is in danger of not being a postal code you`d not want to use for the false passport.
After all those slam poetry readings…chocolate fountain empowerment workshops and a pamper sesh voucher that will no longer be valid…be happy you still have a foot to put in your Doc Marten seemed to be the theme?
I noted too a massive split between Al Shabab and Boko Haram coming up-whatever happened to Mandelas dream-or indeed Mugabes…did Cecil the Lion REALLY die in vain?…I fear so.
I myself see a chance to find that Galaxy bar you bought from Sainsburys last year-send it in a well-sealed tin to Kandahar…and ask both sides in this terrible dispute to share it as they kick around the head of an infidel on the feast of the Birthday of the Profiterole-Christmas Eve in our money, but he seems trawl around the chronos for a different birthday every year…and the Queen gets mocked for having two of `em…old Mo has them ranging annually from November to February.
Don`t follow a leader who`s yet to decide when his birthday was.
Think Boko Haram and Al Shabab differ on whether to enter the Olympics with two separate teams for sailing and shooting…or saty with the current Al Shabab method of combining them in the same event, as they`ve been doing so well at the “two sports-one medal” sport of piracy.
Happy Birthday to the Profiterole…gifts of a Tony Hart DVD, a Salters basic Chemistry set and a schoolgirls niqab to follow…
In the spirit of Christmas I’m sending my own childhood chemistry set to CalAid for those chaps across the channel to get some practice in before arriving. It’s a bit short on Iron filings, and the bunsen wick isn’t what it used to be. Otherwise it’s good to go.
As usual, the article is accompanied by a liberal sprinkling of “representative” tweets. When will these c***s stop treating Twitter as if it’s a reflection of public feeling? As has been said on here before, it’s a left-wing echo chamber and bears no similarity with the wider public view. After all, the twitterers were absolutely certain they had the GE in the bag. The 1/2 pints of real ale were being poured, and the chickpea falafels were on the grill in readiness for the celebrations… LOL.
Hot on the heels of the 100 days of Jeremy Corbyn we have the pontifications of Michael Heseltine over Europe and how a free vote would split the Tories apart. You could almost hear the corporation dithering over which they preferred, a split Tory party or a free vote on Europe !
Positive reporting on Labour negative reporting on the Tories, and it’s only Monday !
Christians often carry out brave and selfless acts, but, as we all know too well, the BBC ignores acts of kindness by Christians; it doesn’t care. The reason? The BBC has been infiltrated by far-left Marxists and Muslim apologists and so is only interested in portraying Muslims in a positive light.
I’m not sure I believe this story either; I reckon it’s pure poopaganda. Sounds like the type of crap that sanctimonious prat Fergal Keene would make up in one of his soppy ‘reports’.
Shielded by Muslims from who? other Muslims by all accounts, so the headline could well have read “Christians attacked by Muslim terrorists”, but that may be a liitle close to the truth.
Today this “story” is still on the front page of the news section of the website. We have no evidence that it is true only an uncorroborated account from an “eyewitness” and third party accounts.
In a desperate effort by the Beeb to get a Muslim good news story we get to clearly hear the barrel as its bottom is scraped.
It is interesting what kind of story BBC editorial integrity finds time and space for… lots of it… and which stories languish in darker corners of coverage, if at all.
BBC making a big thing of the misconduct of a PC & PCSO and the subsequent murder of Bijan Ebrahimi.
It’s pretty obvious that his family jave been primed by the Fascists because they come out with nothing but allegations of ‘institutional Racism’ despite there being no findings what so ever of that.
We all know that the courts do not take paedophilia seriously, especially when the perpetrators are Muslim, and sentences are extremely lenient, in these cases some of the dimmer people are inevitably going to take the law into their own hands. It’s not the first time paedos have been attacked, nor the first time that people who were mistakenly thought to be neither. In one case the dimwits attacked a Paediatrician because they were too thick to appreciate that a child doctor was different to a child abuser.
So when a man starts making a lot of phone calls yet there is no evidence it’s not a surprise that the Police begin to wonder if they haven’t got a nuisance on their hands.
It’s typical of the left wing Fascists at the BBC. An Iranian migrant claims racism, so therefore it is, even if there is no evidence to support that – all because an out of touch judge deemed ‘racism’ to be anything the ‘victim’ wanted it to be !
I heard that item. The BBC were obviously very keen to broadcast what is nothing more than opportunist propaganda at this stage (and will remain so until the unlikely event of the lawyers proving otherwise).
Total lack of judgement by the BBC but hey, it fits the relentless racism narrative and it’s a soundbite to lodge in their audience’s subconscious, and that’s what’s important.
It’s unfortunate, though predictable, that Al Beebus are never so zealous in pursuing the police officers who colluded in covering up the mass rape of vulnerable, young, British girls over the past 30+ years; by organized, Muslim rape gangs.
“BBC making a big thing of the misconduct of a PC & PCSO and the subsequent murder of Bijan Ebrahimi.”
Yeah, it got a whole 5 minutes on PM.
“It’s pretty obvious that his family jave been primed by the Fascists because they come out with nothing but allegations of ‘institutional Racism’ despite there being no findings what so ever of that.”
“Allegation”; one more addition the list of words you don’t understand.
“We all know that the courts do not take paedophilia seriously, especially when the perpetrators are Muslim, and sentences are extremely lenient, in these cases some of the dimmer people are inevitably going to take the law into their own hands.”
Nice of you to make excuses for the man who beat Bijan Ebrahimi into a pulp and then set him on fire, but you obviously know nothing about this case.
It was Lee James who encouraged a group of children to vandalise Bijan’s garden. When Bijan started to take photos of the vandalism James became violent and, being found out, decided blame Bijan ‘for being a paedo’.
“So when a man starts making a lot of phone calls yet there is no evidence it’s not a surprise that the Police begin to wonder if they haven’t got a nuisance on their hands.”
There was evidence. Again, it’s obvious you know nothing about this case.
“It’s typical of the left wing Fascists at the BBC. An Iranian migrant claims racism, so therefore it is”
Really? ‘Typical’ except for the fact that ’the BBC’ have made no such claim?
Well, well, well!. Yesterday you were “Jerrod”, now you are “zero”. You may change names more often than Chelsea changes managers, but your writing style remains the same. The same style we’ve seen under many previous names. If you cannot post under a regular name it shows you are a deceitful coward who doesn’t have the courage of his convictions. Lon Chaney Snr. used to be known as “the man of a thousand faces”. You should be known as “the man of a thousand user names”.
“Well, well, well!. Yesterday you were “Jerrod”, now you are “zero”.”
A modern day Columbo you are not. I have no idea who “Jerrod” is but your paranoia is unsurprising for a blog languishing in one of the dirty corners of the internet.
Faced with overwhelming evidence that it carries absolutely no popular support; it’s followers construct ever more elaborate fictions to avoid the obvious truth;
The BBC is biased, Channel 4 is biased, Sky News is biased. Every result of a public vote that you don’t like is either fixed or fraudulent. There’s a global conspiracy of Marxists and climate scientists to take over the world and exterminate the white race.
And to top it all off; there can’t possibly be more than one, singular person who posts an opposing view on this site…
Meanwhile, you could actually try to address the points I made about Thoughtful’s misguided remarks. Or is that too difficult?
Probably pushed out of the nicer areas by the beeb’s favoured any race but British living 42 in a one bed internet flat forcing the rent up for those of us who have lived here all our lives!
If you say so. Rather going to the extent of your ability to stay on top of your obsession. Or simply, like the BBC, avoiding parts of the Internet that don’t suit, depending on hue.
Oh, and just one more thing… Columbo would be impressed at such ability to only see what you want to. That’s how he gets his man, or lady, or trans/LGYMCA culprit in the end.
> Well, well, well!. Yesterday you were “Jerrod”, now you are “zero”.
I can confirm that whoever Zero is, he and I are different people. Although somehow I suspect that Andy S won’t believe either of us. I’m not an expert in how to make a delusional idiot accept reality, though, so I won’t labour the point.
> Lon Chaney Snr. used to be known as “the man of a thousand faces”. You should be known as “the man of a thousand user names”.
Or “two people with different user names”. Whereas Andy S is “one man with a tendency to believe his own bullshit”.
“I can confirm that whoever Zero is, he and I are different people”
Unless this is issued as a pronouncement by an anonymous BBC spokesperson, it surely has to remain ‘if you say so’ status. And even then it only gets elevated to ‘if they say so’, which on current form does rather lack conviction too.
Still nice to know zero is a ‘he’. Not obvious to the uninitiated.
As I said, I’m not expert on how to stop a delusional person believing whatever they want. If you are so terrified at the thought of multiple people disagreeing with you that you have to fabricate all sorts of weird notions of conspiracy theories, that’s your lookout.
> Still nice to know zero is a ‘he’. Not obvious to the uninitiated.
You’re quite right: thanks for calling out my gender bias. Zero may of course be a woman.
Just heard an item on ‘PM’ regarding the increase in the number of parents choosing to school their children at home.
We were informed that there’s one group who are abusing home schooling rules to take their children out of mainstream education and put them into unregistered, unregulated schools.
What group and what type of school? Obviously of no importance as we weren’t told.
“Now the BBC are lying deliberately about the reasons why Bijan Ebrahimi was considered a Paedo !
According to BBC radio 4 he was taking photographs of his hanging baskets when the numbnuts accused him of filming his kids. This is a lie.”
From PM at 5.50; “…when local youths attacked his hanging baskets he took photographs of the culprits… someone saw Mr Ebrahimi with the camera photographing the youths and they told the police…”
Here’s one some readers might have missed – an excoriating investigation into the distorions spread by the BBC and the Guardian’s Connie St Louis about Sir Tim Hunt and the way the Leftist media (led by the BBC and Guardian, of course) refused to report the truth – either about him or (importantly) about her.
GC, the BBC are still running the propaganda lies about Sir Tim Hunt. Only last week they used the incident as the basis for a 15 minute programme about the influence of social media where the original lies about him were reported as facts. Then the programme decided that the real victim was Connie St Louis, because some people had criticised her – but this wasn’t because of her lies, it was because she is black and they’re racist.
If you can be bothered I recommend going onto the BBC ‘News’ s(h)ite and in the top right search engine type ‘Muslims’. Then type in ‘Christians’ and compare and contrast. You won’t be surprised. On the Muslim search all you get is scores of articles that are sympathetic to Islam and Muslim apologist. However, when one types in ‘Christians’ you get a much watered down and bare page, which, pathetically has as its top article the poopaganda concerning those heroic Muslims shielding Christians (against Muslim terrorists).
BBC Points West, following ten minutes on the Bijan Ebrahimi story, we get a sob sob report on immigrants being ripped off by landlords in Bristol, namely one immigrant renting a property from an unnamed landlord (another immigrant?) and then sub-letting this one property to endless Eastern Europeans @ a deposit of £1000 a time.
We hear from a forklift driver and a tearful bank cleaner (through an interpreter) how evil this man is…is the irony not lost on the BBC? There are so many things here begging some investigative journalism, are there no unemployed Bristolian forklift truck drivers (what is he being paid?) why is a likely taxpayer owned bank employing non English speaking foreign cleaners (have they been vetted?) and what is the cost to the tax payer of endless interpretors for this growing work force, not to mention the growing number of foreign owned properties and landlords buying up the country.
Nah the BBC live by the mantra that immigration and the EU are good and dare not ask the important questions and reveal the ncomfortable truths, they just prefer the ‘poor immigrant ‘ sob stories…
EU non English speaking migrants can get work legitimately however the cost to the taxpayer is not the employers concern, nor the Tory party, so long as their mates can make more filthy lucre more quickly !
Increasing property values also make the already rich even more so – just check out the Sunday Times rich list in the New Year see how much their wealth has increased.
Leave the bloke alone – he is currently wallpapering the sushi room for his new guests. He only now has four days a week to work in, excluding weekends and you cant include Mondays cos he doesnt like them! He is also engaged in vigororous charity work cos according to wikidpedia he is only worth £32 million and that wouldnt even buy him a small palace which could house even more asylem seekers.
And while Im thinking about it why dont these bastards preach about population control (which really is the elephant in the room) as much as they preach about food and medical help. Never contraception . I guess if you lecture us about common sense measures to reduce poverty in the long term, you are not considered as sexy in the poverty porn stakes!
Well said; overseas aid to the Third World should be conditional on population control in the recipient countries.
The resultant boost in their food supplies merely leads to more children being produced: which those nations (yet again) cannot feed from their own resources.
Never mind about any of that! Consider the massive hypocrisy of someone constantly berating the British people over poverty, asylum seekers, etc etc who is paying hardly any tax because they have Non Domiciled Tax arrangements!
What is it with these Irish pop people who are as rich as Croesus telling everyone else to give away their money whiles’t all the time giving none of their own away nor paying any tax?
This is a strange story for two reasons. Firstly, there was no bias in the report. Secondly, the Russians are are up to something (maybe inconsequential, maybe not).
I watched RT on Friday as the black box was opened under monitored conditions. Externally it was only slightly dented, all was intact inside, and the circuit board was removed in apparent undamaged condition. And yet, it’s “unreadable”? I find that very difficult to believe. The expressions on the faces of the two Russian military spokesmen say it all.
Most recorders do not use solid state to store data. Part of the problem is the fragility of silicon and the wires connecting the chip to the case.
Once broken repair is extremely difficult and often causes more damage in the process.
Military jets are much faster than civilian ones, and also carry lots of explosives on board when they crash the impact forces can be significantly higher.
The following Czech Daily newspaper long interview, given by Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, the most sensible Leader in Europe when it comes to defending his own country.
If you do not read anything else this weekend, which tells you facts and the full story about the dangers of the EU Shengen Treaty, EU migration lunacy, then you must just read this:
It will even probably make your mind up about the REMAIN or OUT campaign, if you have any doubts:
Crikey a European leader who can see the crisis for what it is and is not afraid to put his country and culture first. A shocking difference between Orban and European “leaders” such as the Euro droid Junker and our own Duplicitous Dave whos words never quite seem to match up to his actions. The only thing this man ever appears to get honestly exited about is in relation to matters porcine!
Cometh the hour – Cometh the man ! But in our case all that seems to have cometh is a windbag of no substance and empty promises. Churchill he aint! Maybe the pig thought he cometh “allegedly”
An honest politician is certainly a rarity. I was particularly taken by the remark that 85% of immigrants to the EU granted citizenship vote for the Left. Not only were Blair/Brown aware of this when they encouraged mass economic immigration from 2003 onwards, they were unconcerned that so many of these immigrants don’t even speak English which should be the minimum qualification for voting here. How else can you decide on the relative merits of parties’ prospectuses, although the garnering of postal votes by tribal leaders does tend to obviate that need.
Black US cop shoots a white mother involved in a “domestic” as he aims at her dog and shoots her “by mistake”
Will it pass the sofa test ? Not on your Nellie !
The BBC reports the dilemma of an Iranian born dual UK Iran Citizen (I’m a subject by the way not a citizen) who will have to apply for a visa every time he wishes to go to visit Uncle Sam.
We live in an age of international terrorism. Most countries are on high alert. I consider myself fortunate that we have not quite gone back to the 1970s when you could expect to be searched and sniffed for explosives when entering a pub if it happened to be close to a military base.
But the good ol’ BBC pulls at our heartstrings with a non-story of how the Iranian dual national will now have to apply for a visa every time he wishes to tinkle the ivories across the pond.
And to cap it all al-Beeb even manage to work Climate Change into the article as an Australian dual national architect says (I kid you not) “With global warming, we need to bring the world together, not separate it.”.
Just over a hundred and fifteen years ago, AL, I understand it was possible to move around the globe relatively freely. There were exceptions. Japan was a notoriously difficult country to get into, let alone go and live there.
Unfortunately, two world wars, the dismantling of various ’empires’ (not just the British one), the attempt at the creation of one built around world Communism, together with various other bits of conflict & strife, have brought us to where we are today where in most countries you need to ask permission to enter and may be restricted in your length of stay and other rights such as working and buying property & land.
It would be great to go back to a time of great individual freedom like that but I cannot see it happening. If anything, I expect the opposite and suspect that a European Union ID card may well be suggested by someone in a member State government, sometime next year.
On Sunday I had the pleasure or mis-fortune depending on whether your glass is half empty or half full, to listen to a trio of 17 year olds discussing politics on the London Overground.
One youff appeared to be Australian yet talked about Europe and how “people are mis-informed about Europe and if the UK leave then it will affect me and I might not be able to stay.”. Eh???? maybe he was a dual national. The conversation then turned to the waycist taxi driver from the UK sponsored piss-up the night before, and actually there was kind of a point in that the young man said “and then the driver said I don’t mean you, you’re alright but it’s them others bringing down the country.”. Obviously integration was not at the fore-front of the youff’s mind.
Then prisoners and prisons came up and I do not tell a lie, the young man of questionable origin with an Antipodean accent said, “My dad says part of prison is taking the people out of society. We should make them have their own communities and live together and work together and then they will become better people.”. My thought was it’s been tried before – re: Australia.
Of course I give all credit to the BBC for enlightening the youth and their unending campaign to lower the voting age. I am probably the most socialist left-wing, eco-warrior of my generation (barring Jeremy Cor-Blimey) but I shudder to think what will happen if the immature can elect my next prime minister.
When I was a young child and we were playing ‘tag’, if you were in danger of being ‘tagged’ or ‘had’ you just uttered the word ‘feignites’ and you immediately took on an immunity that protected you from whoever was ‘it’.
There is a remarkable modern day equivalent of this in that if you find yourself in the position of being outmaneuvered, out-debated or simply out-smarted you just have to utter the word ‘racist’ and all your inferiority, lack of knowledge, lack of everything is spirited away.
Funny how things change.
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just far right? “A year and a half ago, Hindus and Muslims clashed in the streets of one of Britain’s…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 My strapping 6’2 67 year old brother was the only one in the family who refused all vaccinations (antivaxer) -…
BRISSLESMar 10, 09:49 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I sympathise JR I have a friend with PR and its far from being a picnic.
JohnCMar 10, 09:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just checking what is going on in Ukraine because the BBC are silent – and it seems the much-vaunted incursion…
Up2snuffMar 10, 09:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 TOADY Watch #1 – not so much TOADY but the News at 6 a.m. … HMG is planning to create…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 09:34 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Nigel Farage’s anti-migrant poster reported to police This article is more than 8 years old Unison’s Dave Prentis said poster…
Fedup2Mar 10, 09:32 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I wonder who his staff are ? I imagine he has been gently groomed to take on his new ‘faith…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 09:03 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Stop the boats or something like that but not really. “Not a protest party.” Tories Mark II. https://twitter.com/Sargon_of_Akkad/status/1898703634730295672
Up2snuffMar 10, 08:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 tomo, if King Charles is a Muslim convert, an Imam should tell him that contemporary (ie. pop) music is considered…
We are now, as a society, completely obsessed with race and therefore racism. It’s a modern taboo, the merest hint that one is a “racist” can stymie any argument and lead you to have to prove your “innocence”. This isn’t healthy. It clearly has totalitarian, anti democratic roots and the accusation can shut down any debate the accuser is unhappy with. You don’t have to be some rabid lout to be reprimanded. I’ve even heard Sir Andrew Green, head of Migration Watch, accused of this. A more reasoned and urbane chap it would be difficult to imagine.
I have to confess I always receive a frisson of joy when some ultra pc lefty falls foul of his own intolerant kind…all in the name of tolerance, of course. Poor old Benny Cumberbatch came a cropper using the phrase “coloured” on an American chat show. Blimey, if folk can find that harmless word unacceptable I do worry for them.
The people to worry about are the “”anti racist” fanatics. Those that perceive insult or injury in any and all innocent remarks. They remind me of Geoge Orwell’s two minute hate scenes from 1984. The people who chanted loudest often had the most to hide. It’s a social camouflage. They’re showing us, “I can’t be a racist because I loathe all racists and racism in all its forms.”
Yeh, right…
Solid post Jeff. I like this quote, about the difficulties around the discussion of race today, from Lawrence Auster:
“Racism, like witchcraft, is a difficult accusation to defend oneself against.”
A professional practice I know of is about to go to a tribunal over the “retiring” of a partner.
That she is 64 and black will raise the prospect of the practice having to prove they are not ageist, racist, and anti-female.
After the case I wonder if an unminuted discussion may take place at the following partners’ meeting suggesting they concentrate on WASP males for future job offers.
For every extra employment right given to certain sections of society their chances of employment are reduced (except perhaps in the public sector who do not spend their “own” money overcoming “rights” problems).
Is that the same Benny Cumberbatch whose fans label themselves ‘Cumberbitch’s’, not much of a complaint by the feminazis on that one, and whose forebears were discovered to have been involved in the slave trade? If so then he can be excused for such a slip of the tongue as it was obviously bred into him.
No doubt when he phones his luvvie mate, Tom Hardy, he starts the conversation with…”Thomass…Thomassss” BC is still making a good living at the bbc though, they know a good thing when they are on to one.
Santa has come early this year:
“Jeremy Corbyn has said he is “not going anywhere” and plans to lead Labour into the 2020 general election. ”
On the strength of that, I promise to be a good boy until 2020.
Tyson Fury winning SPOTY will round the evening off nicely. Get voting everybody and remember, if you accidentally have more than one BBCiD, try not to vote more than once 🙂
Still can’t vote for SPOTY. Hope the BBC isn’t experiencing technical difficulties.
I have SPOTY running, sound muted, in a narrow panel on one side of my monitor so I can keep tabs on it while not interfering too much with more important work in the main window. It looks as though voting will open after all the potted biographies are done – possibly in twenty minutes time. It also looks as though Tyson will be the last of the biographies, though I might have missed it (I’m assuming you had Tyson in mind!).
I can’t put myself through that nonsense either; 10 mins of programming squeezed into 3 hours. Have made an effort this year purely in order to vote for someone the BBC obviously dislikes. In the event Tyson wins (please, please, please) it will be amusing to see if any of the luvvy sporty types decide to walk out. Your average sportsperson does seem to be a bit emotionally delicate these days.
I opened up the little panel to watch the BBC treatment of Tyson, and I wasn’t surprised. The film seemed deliberately uncomplimentary, and Lineker’s attitude despicable. Not one smile from him while introducing Tyson, not one smile when talking to him, and not one smile when thanking him. Now I have some regard for Lineker, the clean-playing footballer, but here he was just a miserable sod.
The crisp salesman will claim he was only obeying orders.
Yes. Lineker looked liked he was chewing a wasp. Also notice Rutherford sitting impassively refusing to applaud a fellow athlete and world champion. Go Gypsy King!
Lineker called Farage a dick.
Lineker is not so nice after all.
ps I’ve just voted 😉
Lineker knows who is buttering his bread. (Not a euphemism)
Steve: “Get voting everybody and remember, if you accidentally have more than one BBCiD, try not to vote more than once 🙂 ”
It won’t make the slightest difference, the lefties will be well organised through social media as usual, creating 20 accounts for our every one. It’ll be like Oldham all over again.
Remember….The BBC are running the Oldham postal vote scandal in reverse for their “SPOTY” debacle..
Every fifty votes registered, equates to one vote cast where Tyson Fury is concerned….
The BBC will learn quickly from their new Islamic cohorts tactics in future times..
Go, go, go !!!
The SPOTY web page is now open for business. I’ve done my bit. I’m not particularly keen on the bloke but…
Come on Tyson!
up to 30 (Wow!) LGBT protesters have gathered outside the BBC Belfast studios – but I wonder how many are actually LGBT.
Take a look at the photo halfway down, the Hate, Anger and Sheer Rage on the Fascist woman’s face then take a look to the right at the flag ‘people before profit’ which has nothing to do with SPOTY or LBGT or Tyson Fury and then make your own mind up if this isn’t just another small group of angry professionally outraged Fascists and not aggrieved LGBT people.
Yes and wtf is Eddie Izzard doing there in full drag?
Do you think the Beeb are trying to make a comment?
What next? The corpse of Jimmy Saville.
Bias at the BBC?
BBC SPOTY is just a blast, an amazingly, achingly politically correct Nuremberg Rally of a spectacle.
It is “The Triumph of the Shrill”.
Anyone else noticed the Tyson Fury number 6228206 is permanently engaged? Either he’s racking up some votes, or more likely the phone line is “off the hook”.
SPOTY, a bloke dressed in female attire and a butch woman lesbian, which is more feminine? Beyond me. This could only happen in the surreal f#£ked up world of the BBC, WTF Edith Izzard has to do with SPOTY, other than to add a bit of unecessary diversity…
Its almost like they are purposely trying to wind up its audience and rub their noses in their s+-&%y diversity.
Does anyone really believe that a Fascist and corrupt bBBC will ensure that the outcome of this vote will be anything but whatever best suits the bBBC.
Since when did democracy and a fair voting system enshrine itself into this uniquely unprincipled body.
The winner was almost certainly decided months ago.
The exploitation of Tyson Fury ensured that the viewing figures would be high on the night. The programme was dying a a slow death. -Until Tyson sprang into action.
Obviously it was fixed. I expect the postal voting was rigged.
Never mind lads & lasses.
WE ( and others ) got Tyson to fourth out of ten.
I think I heard the sound of beeboid jaws hitting the floor as far away as here in West Wales!
Chwarae teg Tyson.
And there’s more:-
REFEREE – What about a recount????
Eddie Izzard …. The Angela Merkel tribute act. The whole show was a Celtic carve-up.
I thought Eddie Izzard – Clare Balding was the tribute act. They did look remarkably similar in their matching outfits and hair and make up.
Andy Murray !! What personality?
At least it wasn’t Lewis Hamilton, who strangely for his 3rd World Championship wasn’t even in the top three.
We shouldn’t really be surprised, but I honestly thought it would be the half chat that weighed into the attack against Ched Evans.
And there you have it, a guy with zero personality wins the bKGbc award. Can’t wait for the ‘Fury vote rigging scandal’ in a few weeks.
I remember when the SPOTY show was a spine tingling rollercoaster of brilliant sporting achievement, the show was relevant. Now it’s just an all inclusive steaming pile of shite where suffering from asthma and walking down the street will get you a lifetime achievement award. Embarrassing.
The BBC rigged Bake Off and admitted it…
On a different subject.
It would appear that Turncoat Woodward ( crossed to labour over a homosexual vote ) has decided to “come out”.
Left his multimillion heiress wife and kids to return to his beeboid cameraman.
Who’d have thunk it.
Ironic isn’t it most of the sport highlighted on tonights diverse fest ain’t covered by the BBC and it looks like they’re also about to surrender F1 to ITV. At least it leaves Sunday afternoons free to go back to showing 2 hours of the EastEnders omnibus, or maybe some women’s football or the UK tiddely wink championships…
I only hope that if that is the case next years championship is a cracker and ITV reap the rewards. One seriously has to ask just WTF is the BBC for, endless mind numbing diverse agenda driven tosh diluted over excessive unnecessary channels. It would be good if ITV could grab some cricket as well, their dramas are also superior.
I could live with just ITV and the other FTA channels and would like the opportunity to opt out of the BBC tax, it has little to offer a WASP these days, my consumption this weekend being an hour or two of Radio 2 and SPOTY and that was only in the hope of an outsider winning…
Classic inverted-racism from the Labour Bishop : Stephen Lowe on Radio 5-Live Show just before 1am
(Seems to me) whilst most people are genuinely are colourblind our Social Justice Warrior friends walk around trying to see sexism in everything.
Talking about the winners of the BBC Sporting Personality of the year.
Bishop : “It’s a horrible thing to say, BUT Is it purely coincidental that 2 people who we thought might be near the top (of the voting list but weren’t this year) Mo Farah & Lewis Hamilton are both BLACK ?…. (radio smirk)”
The other presenters quickly pointed out ..”but Lewis Hamilton WON LAST YEAR !”

..Bishop with egg on face, programme ends…classic (mad shouty lefty put in his place)
(Direct link to the audio at point 2:59
( Whilst some genuine prejudices do exist, there are some things like lack of black role models due to the population being skewed towards youth so there’s much higher percentage at school than at the top of professions right now. )
I note Geoff’s comment above about Blacklist, a clearly racist website, cos it judges people by the colour of their skin.
Typo : walk around trying to see sexism and racism in everything.
Why is it a given that Mo Farrah should win, maybe we should we engineer it just because the liberals think he’s such a role model. Maybe the real reason is that despite the fact that the MSM (the BBC in particular) have rammed this guy down our throats since 2012 ‘The Greatest Athlete’ etc, etc, etc yawn ad infinitum, the British public can see through the hype, but moreso the following facts…
1) He wasn’t born here
2) He resides in America
3) We prefer proper sausages over Quorn…..
Listening to Today at around 6.45 just now. An item on the problems the Church of England is having with old buildings. Do I need to tell readers of this blog that the first vicar invited to comment was Giles Fraser?
Maybe they wanted a representative well past his sell by date to empathise?
Or simply the world’s biggest and most trusted media monopoly really has a most limited circle of friends to call upon, and fewer still prepared to go near the corrupt, crumbling edifice it too has become?
Don’t you think they all the Labour Luvvies live together in the Big Bruvver House ?
Now Radio 4 has been renamed BBC Labour isn’t it broadcast mostly direct from Labour’s Millbank HQ ?
Truly the Woodbine Willie for the shop troops of the BBCs Uncivil War on what remains of independent, English and British culture.
I imagine him handing out Vicks Sinex Nasal Spray, Fiery Jack(or tea tree oil)-vaping paraphernalia and old Gideons to make rollie joints from some johnsons Baby talc he bought from Big Verne, hoping it was dope.
The segways and disability scooters all ready to roll back over Shepherds Bush Green, electric points mapped all the way to Henley….as Woodbine Willie dunks tie dye thongs into his portable font as lifted from St Pauls when he helped Occupy to premiere a Velveteen Revolution that Pussy Riot thought was worth emulating in St Basils or such…oh dear.
In Russia, faith still counts for something-as indeed in Saudi for that matter.
Only HERE do we let the likes of Fraser and Rowan speak on behalf of the established Anglican church…and the BBC pony up for compliant Sister Act choirs to serenade Paddy O Connell with “We Wish YOu A Merry Christmas” -yet they call themselves “Gospel” Choirs?
Mixed up with Godspell maybe?..but gospel they ain`t…not when Jesus warns them not to be ashamed of HIm and His message…the BBC makes them ALL cringe at that manger, let alone that cross that we meet next spring.
The Church will be of use once again, when it systematically walks out on the NHS and the BBC, mocks climate change and supports UKIP or Le Pen even?…until then, it`s not worthy of persecution-which is why it`s ignored and mocked instead…Paul Flowers anybody?
Great stuff cH.
BBC Breakfast – where to start? Where does the bias end?
Axe the whole kit and Kaboodle.
I’m dismayed from the start with a weather forcaster who, for the umpteenth time, tells me it is warmer than it SHOULD be – twice in three sentences! To be clear, I don’t believe Carol Kirkwood is truly a grand conspirator and arch propagandist. It’s just the appaling office culture at the BBC that is to blame for this. Years of Global Warming seminars and courses must take their toll.
Andy Murray is a sports personality – the world truly is turned upside down. The import of this achingly PC non-event seems to grow in inverse proportion to the BBC sports portfolio – at least in the minds of the BBC. And presumably the shortbread cyber nats who did all the voting.
I’m not the first to note this – it has been said of the Olympics opening ceremony – but British society must be sick at heart when the only aspect of our culture which we can openly allow ourselves without shame or liberal cringe to celebrate is illness and disability.
All hail the NHS and all who campaign in her!
Go on BBC, next year, put us at the very heart of Europe – ie Switzerland Dignitas clinic – you know you want to.
I am thinking of founding Indignitas, for people who just want a bloody good laugh on their way out.
Recordings of Ken Dodd in serial-joke mode, perhaps, or Les Dawson similarly, should give people a good send-off – ‘Laugh? I (actually) died!’..
Luckily, the money the EU has just given the BBC is clearly reserved for total editorial integrity.
Or, ‘could’ be.
Each side in the referendum will have a lot of money to spend.
But the effective value of having the BBC on the Remain side far exceeds either budget. The drip-drip-drip of BBC propaganda in favour of the EU and denigrating the opponents would cost scores of millions if it was paid-for advertising time.
Seems the BBC’s injection of money from the EU has already seen them find the time, space and resource to ‘report’ on this awful lot already… with integrity… one is sure:
Lee Rigby was murdered one year ago today, this tragic fact is so far unreported on the so called BBC.
Probably not on al-beeb because Lee Rigby was murdered on 22nd May 2013.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I reckon someone is checking the validity/credibility of his site, eleven people upvoting that comment should be ashamed and knock this site’s credibility for six.
I have a very clear memory of when this outrage occurred- I was in Hong Kong at the time and the killing was top of the news for the entire week that I was there.
A lot of new names of late. Some most welcome. Others… less so.
But amazing how many appear late at night, or early morning, or at the weekend, often as one-offs, or whose debut is… ‘interesting’, OT or often plain wrong.
How hard could it be to sign up, get your mates to agree with you and then by sheer chance see a ‘regular’ from the Farce feel the hate swell inside and be moved to report?
Meanwhile, the BBC Facebook peace and love sites never fail to impress with their tolerance of tribal threats.
Unfortunately this site does not show who is upvoting. I quite like to know whose company I’m keeping, even just in upvoting, so it’s a shame we can’t see exactly who those eleven were..
I’m pretty sure it used to at one time, unless my memory is playing tricks in my dotage.
Stuart – I think that is a good idea and hopefully might be implemented? I haven’t been on here for very long and I am by no means a regular contributor as some people, nevertheless, it does not take long to discover those whose posts you really like, those you know are controversial and those who…well, I won’t say more! To be honest, I read more than I submit – but what’s wrong with that? Broadens the mind and all that. Many of my thoughts come about 4.00am when I can’t sleep but by breakfast time, I’ve forgotten what they were – and how brilliant they might have been!!!!!!!
I voted that comment up by mistake as I’m sure others did. As I took my finger off the mouse I thought, hang on, that horrific murder by members of the Religion of Peace has to be a lot longer than a year ago.
The BBC has gained exclusive access to a British Islamist who says he is in Syria fighting against both President Assad and the group calling itself Islamic State.
The man says he is prepared to carry out suicide attacks against them.
I can’t help noticing a slight flaw in his strategy. How can you carry out more than one suicide attack? The only explanation I can think of is that he flunked his terrorism training and is thoroughly incompetent.
“How can you carry out more than one suicide attack?”
Possible if he’s part of a Sleeper cell; after each attack all you need is a nose to remain.
You may laugh ( please do, it’s when he made funny films) but it’s been suggested before.
Maybe IS are Sleeper fans ?
The repeat-action suicide bomber is a project currently under active consideration by Oxymoronic Enterprises for Community Cohesion, who are applying for grant-funding from the EU under their Land-fill and Recycling Directives.
Reminds me a bit of these guys…
And don’t forget the missus…
“What are you complaining about? You keep saying I never take you meet the guys at work”
Illegal migrant makes good as plumber in Nigeria
I smell bullshit. And an agenda.
Matrons care home chain surely has a case to answer.
Last time I saw Heseltine he was talking to his trees about whether his pyjamas were blue or cyan stripes when he nearly DID see “Death In Venice 1997. A Tory gain in European election results…or a registered postal vote for The Lords…history is made of such massive bifurcations.
Didn`t his Spitting Image puppet make more money that him in 1998?…or was that only Terry Christian?
But his rave from the grave got channeled on the Toady show earlier…some stuff re “Cabinet Responsibilty and Collective needs to think of the leader and the Party”.
But who else…does satire need a daily face scrub with a Brillo pad with Ajax then?..and how many deaths a day does it deserve at the BBC?
For wasn`t that other windbag who no-one cares to fill with sand anymore-Sirloin Long Lard John Major let loose by Matrons “Heavens Waiting Room” Chain of lazy daves and daisies?…didn`t he say just as much the other day-he made both the wireless and the idiot lantern…well done John.
When I want the opinion of dead beats that sat rancid on Thatchers legacy until Labour pebbledashed it all over us for thirteen years, I will seek professional guidance…but Heseltine and Major were nomarks even as they sicked up at Maastrict, gave us cone hotlines and endless council newsletters…and wouldn`t even fall with style in Venice of all places.
Any more EU spittoons to come?…Ken Clarke?…i`m guessing Thursday, it`ll be his turn to get the BBC conchie shell-before Davos claims him…wasn`t he a Dalek as voiced BY Major way back?
“Oh look at me – Nigeria’s top plumber which I achieved through criminal entry to Europe. I lied and cheated to get plumbing course and stole a legal citizen’s future who could have done the course instead of me. I have built my success on fraud, mis-representation and criminal enterprise and now the BBC feature my success.”
Well done BBC
’Long before he got his degree in statistics, he decided that he did not want to join the mass of unemployed university graduates in his country’
So he acquired a trade of use here and went back? Meanwhile this country is stuffed to the gunnels with unemployed grads in subjects of zero use, killing time activisting on the streets and feeding the BBC on topics like this?
There is a metaphor there somewhere. Maybe the BBC could run the numbers but claim FoI exemption on who they arrived at them?
Thanks for the link Roland.
The feature was a comedy of Nigerian fraud from beginning to end!
I love his comment that plumbing is so bad in Nigeria because Nigerians are more focused on money than plumbing….
All those people at Waterloo station waiting to meet the bloke bringing their bath from an ex-climate change EU compo recipient (on behalf of his grateful people)…
Nice post Roland but he wouldn’t be able to ‘make good’ in my house as he wouldn’t get through the door!
Secondly, How can a man with NO personality become the extreme far left bbbc’s ‘Sports personality of the year’?
In the light of Caitlyn Jenner winning yet another award…being Barbara Walters Most Fascinating Person of 2015 I think…maybe we SHOULD be looking at an award on this site…I`ve been blogging here since 2009, so can I bag the “Six Year Scratchings” Award for Impotent Blowhardery?
Not a Lifetime Achievement Award…but if there`s a “Stiff`kit” I can put beside the oiled hoop, the tangerine of dreams and the walnut , then I`m prepared to go as far as the BBCs favourite old phone box by Mr Falafels in Shepherds Bush Market to receive it!
I think of John Kerry saying that the “Syrian peace Deal” or such is-and I quote-a “Milestone”
Not only is this not metric…but it`ll be a source of great comfort to Islamic State, seeing as their Manual of Barbarism is CALLED “Milestones”-by Sayyid Al Qutb.
The connection?…I `m undecided which is the most cringeworthy political soundbite I`ve ever seen…is it John Kerry 2004?…or Sarah Teather 2011?
Clearly put a 1 at the start of your salary if you think it`s “Wor John”…or add a 2 to the start of it if you prefer Sarahs marvellous moment…lines will close over Christmas of course, so feel free to nominate your own entrants should you be arsed so to do.
Think Kerry shades it-a Millstone whose every utterance gives Bin Laden another stewed prune to roast-he only head one you know…oo er!
Radio 4 piece about Methodism in Cornwall, and of course no story about Christianity can be allowed without the story of Islam being discussed in the primary position !
The Cornwall Islamic Community Centre ?????
Petroc Trelawny investigates what has happened to a distinguishing feature of Cornwall, its chapels.
Petroc grew up in St Martin, on the Lizard, and went to Sunday school at the Methodist chapel. Producer Julian May lived in Carnon Downs, near Truro. He sometimes went to Quenchwell Chapel. Cornish life revolved round chapels: as well as services and Sunday schools there were ‘tea treats’, anniversary feasts, concerts and a strong social network.
Clive Buckingham, a Methodist and an architect, takes Petroc to Ponsanooth, a small village with a huge, beautiful, grade II* listed chapel that seats 600. Once workers from the nearby gunpowder works filled its pews. These, like Cornish miners and fishermen were wild people. Then, in the 19th century, came religious revival. Billy Bray, famously dissolute, was ‘saved’, became a preacher and built chapels with his own hands.
In the 1850’s, archivist David Thomas says, there were 1,200 chapels in Cornwall. Fewer than 200 are still used. Today only 20 or so people worship at Ponsanooth. The disused chapel on the Cornish skyline is a familiar sight.
But, Petroc discovers, some find new life. St Martin chapel is now a family home. Quenchwell chapel has been converted, too, and Tipu Choudhury tells Petroc how it became the Cornwall Islamic Community Centre. The chapel on the skyline at Tregona is tiny, made of cob and remote. Petroc meets Andrew Tebbs and Jane Darke, artists who, resisting attempts to turn it into a holiday cottage, are making it an art space, an amenity, as it always was, for locals.
Petroc tells the story of the abandonment and rebirth of Cornwall’s chapels. He meets, too, those still worshipping, who think it’s not the chapels that need converting, but the people.
Blimey, Petshop Trelawny still a Radio 4 regular, is he?
Earlier I read a post here about the BBC having Giles Fraser on to talk about disused church buildings (surely he has his own accomodation at Broadcasting House, he’s such a predictable regular I assume he’s the head of the Anglican Church now)
Quietly and to myself I scoffed ‘Add a bloody minarette and turn them into mosques!’
Now I read ‘Quenchwell chapel has been converted, too, and Tipu Choudhury tells Petroc how it became the Cornwall Islamic Community Centre.’
What was it Patrick Stewart as Picard used to say in Star Trek…. ‘Make it so!’
By the way, that package on the French airliner, that wasn’t a “False Alarm” as our media kept repeating – that was a deliberate “hoax”
Oh and another thing….
Idris Elba stars as African warlord in Netflix hit
Someone please shout ‘diversity!’ Is a white actor such as Charles Dance not available?
So Channel Four has got F1, feck the BBC more reason for me not to pay my licence. Boring to some, but apart from cricket its the only sport I follow, FTA cricket died in 2005.
I don’t think it just died. It was murdered by the BBC for being ‘too middle class’.
Channel Four were the last to have FTA cricket, it was the ECB’s greed that killed it, still their loss. Any kid under 15 without Sky has not seen a FTA cricket match, youngsters are the games future and without exposure the game will die.
True, but the BBC killed its own cricket coverage over many years, giving it less and less airtime and continually interrupting broadcasts for the most ridiculous reasons. TMS will be next… the Corporation has been trying to strangle it for over a decade.
Geoff – but at least we still have TMS! Fist test starts Boxing Day! I am a bit fuzzy on dates here but wasn’t some “plan” for TMS set in stone till at least 2017? I think it they tried to axe TMS, there would be the same uproar if they axed The Archers! Do we think the BbC is out of touch with its listeners? You bet!!!
Isn’t Channel 4 part funded by the BBC?
Is this a way for the BBC to maintain some kind of presence in the F1 effort but to keep it all off balance sheet?
That was my impression as well, but it seems not, a plan to give them £14m from the licence fee was scrapped by Andy Burnham in 2007, a quote from their corporate webpage:
“Unlike the BBC, Channel 4 receives no public funding. It is funded entirely by its own commercial activities.
Most of our income comes from advertising revenue. You can find out more about advertising sales on Channel 4’s dedicated advertising sales website”
Channel 4’s financial statements are set out in our Annual Report, which is available online.
Back to FAQs”
Taffmans Welsh chan 4 is part funded by the BBC but I believe both English & Welsh 4 is availible , on freeview in Wales . The savings the BBC make from F1 , will be used to ramp up their PC programme production. So more Lenny Henry , & his fellow non Hideously White mates ,force fed on us .
I guess tolerance is in the eye of the beholder. The Christian school in Israel described as ‘an oasis’ Just who described it thus is left unspecified.
It’s a colour piece categorised as BBC Scotland which means few will read it. What isn’t said is the troubling relationship of the Church of Scotland with the Jews:
Sabeel is an official partner of the Church of Scotland. The Church also donates to several other NGOs involved in demonising the state of Israel .
In April 2013, the Church of Scotland issued a report titled, “The Inheritance of Abraham? A Report on the ‘Promised Land.” Using theological language, the report rejected the Jewish people’s connection to the Land of Israel and was strongly influenced by the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center. Sabeel’s belief is that the Jewish people have forfeited its status as the people of God.
After protests from many quarters the Church of Scotland issued a revised report in May 2013. Though some of the more hurtful language was removed from the main body of the report, much of its original offensive theology and ideology remained.
A while ago I sat in a plane next to a charming Arab girl from Jaffa. She told me that the Christian foreign language schools (I forget if she attended Tabeetha) were mostly populated by rich Muslims who prefer not to associate with the hoi polloi who attend the official government Arab language schools.
The schools have the effect of dividing the Arabs by class to the point where she and her friends would not consider dating let alone marrying a boy who had not attended one. Because the lessons are taught only in English (or French, depending on which religious group is running them) Arabic was for her the second language, a further divisor.
Apparently the Minister of the Church of Scotland in Jerusalem supports a boycott of the Jewish State. How much of this is transferred in the oasis of tolerance , that is Tabeetha school?
Seems like people in authority in Scotland and Ireland suffer from extreme hatred of Israel. Here are a bunch of Irish MPs lashing out at the Israeli Ambassador re the Gaza war, as if he were the representative of the worst country on the planet:
He did quite well against the baying pack and the chairman of the committee did his bit to restrain the more vociferous among them.
All bow down in Homage ! The amazing Uber mensch that is Jeremy Corbyn has been in office for 100 days so the BBC won’t shut up about him, and has been running puff pieces all day, including a 15 minute article with Labour MP lionising him.
I cannot imagine a situation where the Tory leader would be given this kind of positive promotion under any circumstances.
Feargal Keane appears on R4 news again. Mad dash for the ‘off’ switch as the most hated voice on that channel is silenced before he can start sobbing into his microphone.
So as predicted..http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35149963
They can still afford to pay talentless w***** loads of cash though.
BBc even less value than the crap value it was.
Interesting piece on the Jeremy Vile show this lunchtime about the resurgence of certain diseases such as rickets & TB. Not once did we hear the word immigration, yet we all know where it’s coming from.
If you want to bring an animal into the country it has to go through 6 month quarantine, yet we invite all sorts of 3rd world filth without any robust screening. What could possibly go wrong?
Everything. And it is.
The rickets / TB story has been doing the rounds for at least a decade. However as it is relevant to certain parts of the population the story tends to sink without trace rather rapidly. A bit like the in breeding story that appears every so often and then vanishes.
Racist Islamic scum found guilty of abusing white girls, but can anyone find this story on the BBC website?
And it`s all about the judge init?
He`s never seen such a disrespectful bunch of defendants-hope he looked sad as he railed into his hankie.
No wonder Islam laughs at what we used to call the law.
Hoping our judge has written himself a victim impact statement and flown the paper plane formed into a Twin Tower of ECHR legislation…worrapratt!
Why on earth are creatures such as these not remanded in custody during the trial? Especially after the ringleader absconded abroad.
I find it amazing that so often these days, one sees footage of defendants walking into and out of court every day during their trial, for some of the most wicked crimes imaginable; even murder FFS.
It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that the Muslims convicted in this case, won’t be held in custody even now; but will return for sentencing next year.
I think it would be more appropriate and inclusive, in a “multi-cultural society” such as ours, that we adopt the methods of punishment meted out in the culture of the land from where these folk originate.
In Pakistan, those found guilty of serious crimes (and some not so serious) often don’t make it back to prison, but are killed by a mob outside the courthouse after the verdict.
Absolutely no mention of this story on BBC Look North here in Yorkshire tonight – appalling.
Well, it probably had to make way for more important stuff. Apparently.
A note that TWATO today seems a little sad that Afghanistan is in danger of splitting up over the role of IS in the country.
Just a hint of pining for the days when good old Al Queda held out hope of a moderate Islam…indigenous…US beheading…with a Cherie Blair nail bar that removes them while you wait…that kind of local sourcing. But IS seem not to have read the rules, and seem to think that THEY might offer the more authentic version of Islam that the BBC craves to see.
I admit it`s hardly on the scale of Heseltine v Redwood by way of seismic splits that will ring throughout the ages…but Mardell seemed to notice that Afghanistan is in danger of not being a postal code you`d not want to use for the false passport.
After all those slam poetry readings…chocolate fountain empowerment workshops and a pamper sesh voucher that will no longer be valid…be happy you still have a foot to put in your Doc Marten seemed to be the theme?
I noted too a massive split between Al Shabab and Boko Haram coming up-whatever happened to Mandelas dream-or indeed Mugabes…did Cecil the Lion REALLY die in vain?…I fear so.
I myself see a chance to find that Galaxy bar you bought from Sainsburys last year-send it in a well-sealed tin to Kandahar…and ask both sides in this terrible dispute to share it as they kick around the head of an infidel on the feast of the Birthday of the Profiterole-Christmas Eve in our money, but he seems trawl around the chronos for a different birthday every year…and the Queen gets mocked for having two of `em…old Mo has them ranging annually from November to February.
Don`t follow a leader who`s yet to decide when his birthday was.
Think Boko Haram and Al Shabab differ on whether to enter the Olympics with two separate teams for sailing and shooting…or saty with the current Al Shabab method of combining them in the same event, as they`ve been doing so well at the “two sports-one medal” sport of piracy.
Happy Birthday to the Profiterole…gifts of a Tony Hart DVD, a Salters basic Chemistry set and a schoolgirls niqab to follow…
Infidel! Girls shouldn’t be allowed to go to school!
In the spirit of Christmas I’m sending my own childhood chemistry set to CalAid for those chaps across the channel to get some practice in before arriving. It’s a bit short on Iron filings, and the bunsen wick isn’t what it used to be. Otherwise it’s good to go.
Yesterday we had a black Artful Dodger, and now this…
As usual, the article is accompanied by a liberal sprinkling of “representative” tweets. When will these c***s stop treating Twitter as if it’s a reflection of public feeling? As has been said on here before, it’s a left-wing echo chamber and bears no similarity with the wider public view. After all, the twitterers were absolutely certain they had the GE in the bag. The 1/2 pints of real ale were being poured, and the chickpea falafels were on the grill in readiness for the celebrations… LOL.
Perhaps she has turned to the Dark Side.
Hot on the heels of the 100 days of Jeremy Corbyn we have the pontifications of Michael Heseltine over Europe and how a free vote would split the Tories apart. You could almost hear the corporation dithering over which they preferred, a split Tory party or a free vote on Europe !
Positive reporting on Labour negative reporting on the Tories, and it’s only Monday !
I wonder whether the far-Left BBC will be reporting on these filth?
Prominent on the BBC News page is this story:
Kenyan Muslims shield Christians in Mandera bus attack
Call me cynical, but I’m pretty sure they aren’t reporting so promimently every time Christians are attacked by Muslims.
Christians often carry out brave and selfless acts, but, as we all know too well, the BBC ignores acts of kindness by Christians; it doesn’t care. The reason? The BBC has been infiltrated by far-left Marxists and Muslim apologists and so is only interested in portraying Muslims in a positive light.
I’m not sure I believe this story either; I reckon it’s pure poopaganda. Sounds like the type of crap that sanctimonious prat Fergal Keene would make up in one of his soppy ‘reports’.
Shielded by Muslims from who? other Muslims by all accounts, so the headline could well have read “Christians attacked by Muslim terrorists”, but that may be a liitle close to the truth.
Today this “story” is still on the front page of the news section of the website. We have no evidence that it is true only an uncorroborated account from an “eyewitness” and third party accounts.
In a desperate effort by the Beeb to get a Muslim good news story we get to clearly hear the barrel as its bottom is scraped.
It is interesting what kind of story BBC editorial integrity finds time and space for… lots of it… and which stories languish in darker corners of coverage, if at all.
BBC making a big thing of the misconduct of a PC & PCSO and the subsequent murder of Bijan Ebrahimi.
It’s pretty obvious that his family jave been primed by the Fascists because they come out with nothing but allegations of ‘institutional Racism’ despite there being no findings what so ever of that.
We all know that the courts do not take paedophilia seriously, especially when the perpetrators are Muslim, and sentences are extremely lenient, in these cases some of the dimmer people are inevitably going to take the law into their own hands. It’s not the first time paedos have been attacked, nor the first time that people who were mistakenly thought to be neither. In one case the dimwits attacked a Paediatrician because they were too thick to appreciate that a child doctor was different to a child abuser.
So when a man starts making a lot of phone calls yet there is no evidence it’s not a surprise that the Police begin to wonder if they haven’t got a nuisance on their hands.
It’s typical of the left wing Fascists at the BBC. An Iranian migrant claims racism, so therefore it is, even if there is no evidence to support that – all because an out of touch judge deemed ‘racism’ to be anything the ‘victim’ wanted it to be !
I heard that item. The BBC were obviously very keen to broadcast what is nothing more than opportunist propaganda at this stage (and will remain so until the unlikely event of the lawyers proving otherwise).
Total lack of judgement by the BBC but hey, it fits the relentless racism narrative and it’s a soundbite to lodge in their audience’s subconscious, and that’s what’s important.
Locally BBC Points West have hardly shut up about this story since it happened two years ago.
It’s unfortunate, though predictable, that Al Beebus are never so zealous in pursuing the police officers who colluded in covering up the mass rape of vulnerable, young, British girls over the past 30+ years; by organized, Muslim rape gangs.
“BBC making a big thing of the misconduct of a PC & PCSO and the subsequent murder of Bijan Ebrahimi.”
Yeah, it got a whole 5 minutes on PM.
“It’s pretty obvious that his family jave been primed by the Fascists because they come out with nothing but allegations of ‘institutional Racism’ despite there being no findings what so ever of that.”
“Allegation”; one more addition the list of words you don’t understand.
“We all know that the courts do not take paedophilia seriously, especially when the perpetrators are Muslim, and sentences are extremely lenient, in these cases some of the dimmer people are inevitably going to take the law into their own hands.”
Nice of you to make excuses for the man who beat Bijan Ebrahimi into a pulp and then set him on fire, but you obviously know nothing about this case.
It was Lee James who encouraged a group of children to vandalise Bijan’s garden. When Bijan started to take photos of the vandalism James became violent and, being found out, decided blame Bijan ‘for being a paedo’.
“So when a man starts making a lot of phone calls yet there is no evidence it’s not a surprise that the Police begin to wonder if they haven’t got a nuisance on their hands.”
There was evidence. Again, it’s obvious you know nothing about this case.
“It’s typical of the left wing Fascists at the BBC. An Iranian migrant claims racism, so therefore it is”
Really? ‘Typical’ except for the fact that ’the BBC’ have made no such claim?
Well, well, well!. Yesterday you were “Jerrod”, now you are “zero”. You may change names more often than Chelsea changes managers, but your writing style remains the same. The same style we’ve seen under many previous names. If you cannot post under a regular name it shows you are a deceitful coward who doesn’t have the courage of his convictions. Lon Chaney Snr. used to be known as “the man of a thousand faces”. You should be known as “the man of a thousand user names”.
“Well, well, well!. Yesterday you were “Jerrod”, now you are “zero”.”
A modern day Columbo you are not. I have no idea who “Jerrod” is but your paranoia is unsurprising for a blog languishing in one of the dirty corners of the internet.
Faced with overwhelming evidence that it carries absolutely no popular support; it’s followers construct ever more elaborate fictions to avoid the obvious truth;
The BBC is biased, Channel 4 is biased, Sky News is biased. Every result of a public vote that you don’t like is either fixed or fraudulent. There’s a global conspiracy of Marxists and climate scientists to take over the world and exterminate the white race.
And to top it all off; there can’t possibly be more than one, singular person who posts an opposing view on this site…
Meanwhile, you could actually try to address the points I made about Thoughtful’s misguided remarks. Or is that too difficult?
One might wonder why you are ‘slumming it’ in one of the dirtier corners of the net. (according to you)
Can’t you find a proper job?
Probably pushed out of the nicer areas by the beeb’s favoured any race but British living 42 in a one bed internet flat forcing the rent up for those of us who have lived here all our lives!
” I have no idea who “Jerrod” is”
If you say so. Rather going to the extent of your ability to stay on top of your obsession. Or simply, like the BBC, avoiding parts of the Internet that don’t suit, depending on hue.
Oh, and just one more thing… Columbo would be impressed at such ability to only see what you want to. That’s how he gets his man, or lady, or trans/LGYMCA culprit in the end.
> Well, well, well!. Yesterday you were “Jerrod”, now you are “zero”.
I can confirm that whoever Zero is, he and I are different people. Although somehow I suspect that Andy S won’t believe either of us. I’m not an expert in how to make a delusional idiot accept reality, though, so I won’t labour the point.
> Lon Chaney Snr. used to be known as “the man of a thousand faces”. You should be known as “the man of a thousand user names”.
Or “two people with different user names”. Whereas Andy S is “one man with a tendency to believe his own bullshit”.
“I can confirm that whoever Zero is, he and I are different people”
Unless this is issued as a pronouncement by an anonymous BBC spokesperson, it surely has to remain ‘if you say so’ status. And even then it only gets elevated to ‘if they say so’, which on current form does rather lack conviction too.
Still nice to know zero is a ‘he’. Not obvious to the uninitiated.
Labour on, Macduff.
> it surely has to remain ‘if you say so’ status.
As I said, I’m not expert on how to stop a delusional person believing whatever they want. If you are so terrified at the thought of multiple people disagreeing with you that you have to fabricate all sorts of weird notions of conspiracy theories, that’s your lookout.
> Still nice to know zero is a ‘he’. Not obvious to the uninitiated.
You’re quite right: thanks for calling out my gender bias. Zero may of course be a woman.
Slovenia’s decision to retain a factually correct legal definition of marriage doesn’t seem to have made the BBC headlines, for some reason.
Just heard an item on ‘PM’ regarding the increase in the number of parents choosing to school their children at home.
We were informed that there’s one group who are abusing home schooling rules to take their children out of mainstream education and put them into unregistered, unregulated schools.
What group and what type of school? Obviously of no importance as we weren’t told.
Now the BBC are lying deliberately about the reasons why Bijan Ebrahimi was considered a Paedo !
According to BBC radio 4 he was taking photographs of his hanging baskets when the numbnuts accused him of filming his kids. This is a lie.
Here is what the BBCs own website says :
“James believed Mr Ebrahimi had filmed his children but he was actually recording anti-social behaviour to submit to Bristol City Council.”
Oh what a tangled web we weave !
“Now the BBC are lying deliberately about the reasons why Bijan Ebrahimi was considered a Paedo !
According to BBC radio 4 he was taking photographs of his hanging baskets when the numbnuts accused him of filming his kids. This is a lie.”
From PM at 5.50; “…when local youths attacked his hanging baskets he took photographs of the culprits… someone saw Mr Ebrahimi with the camera photographing the youths and they told the police…”
“Oh what a tangled web we weave !”
Is that the royal ‘we’, ‘Thoughtful’?
Here’s one some readers might have missed – an excoriating investigation into the distorions spread by the BBC and the Guardian’s Connie St Louis about Sir Tim Hunt and the way the Leftist media (led by the BBC and Guardian, of course) refused to report the truth – either about him or (importantly) about her.
As the author says, if ever a woman deserves to be on the receiving end of the sort of campaign she intsigated against Sir Tim, it is she.
GC, the BBC are still running the propaganda lies about Sir Tim Hunt. Only last week they used the incident as the basis for a 15 minute programme about the influence of social media where the original lies about him were reported as facts. Then the programme decided that the real victim was Connie St Louis, because some people had criticised her – but this wasn’t because of her lies, it was because she is black and they’re racist.
The BBC can never admit to being wrong.
Whereas, which both the the article and the Mail’s explorations expose, she is a fantasist and a liar.
No wonder the BBC likes her!
“GC, the BBC are still running the propaganda lies about Sir Tim Hunt.”
Which lies would those be RJ? You might like to read this before replying:
Interesting title for a renowned publication all will have heard of.
Neither rare nor well done.
Top share.
Vital. Or, not. At least there is still Eastenders. And Sherlock, And Strictly. apparently.
That rapper chappie who drives a car will be devastated.
If you can be bothered I recommend going onto the BBC ‘News’ s(h)ite and in the top right search engine type ‘Muslims’. Then type in ‘Christians’ and compare and contrast. You won’t be surprised. On the Muslim search all you get is scores of articles that are sympathetic to Islam and Muslim apologist. However, when one types in ‘Christians’ you get a much watered down and bare page, which, pathetically has as its top article the poopaganda concerning those heroic Muslims shielding Christians (against Muslim terrorists).
That is because there is a heathen in charge of religious broadcasting for the BBC.
BBC Points West, following ten minutes on the Bijan Ebrahimi story, we get a sob sob report on immigrants being ripped off by landlords in Bristol, namely one immigrant renting a property from an unnamed landlord (another immigrant?) and then sub-letting this one property to endless Eastern Europeans @ a deposit of £1000 a time.
We hear from a forklift driver and a tearful bank cleaner (through an interpreter) how evil this man is…is the irony not lost on the BBC? There are so many things here begging some investigative journalism, are there no unemployed Bristolian forklift truck drivers (what is he being paid?) why is a likely taxpayer owned bank employing non English speaking foreign cleaners (have they been vetted?) and what is the cost to the tax payer of endless interpretors for this growing work force, not to mention the growing number of foreign owned properties and landlords buying up the country.
Nah the BBC live by the mantra that immigration and the EU are good and dare not ask the important questions and reveal the ncomfortable truths, they just prefer the ‘poor immigrant ‘ sob stories…
EU non English speaking migrants can get work legitimately however the cost to the taxpayer is not the employers concern, nor the Tory party, so long as their mates can make more filthy lucre more quickly !
Increasing property values also make the already rich even more so – just check out the Sunday Times rich list in the New Year see how much their wealth has increased.
Has BBC Luvvie Bob Geldof allowed Syrian migrants to live in his home yet?
Anyone know the answer? He did promise this to us all.
He was very inspirational or something….
Leave the bloke alone – he is currently wallpapering the sushi room for his new guests. He only now has four days a week to work in, excluding weekends and you cant include Mondays cos he doesnt like them! He is also engaged in vigororous charity work cos according to wikidpedia he is only worth £32 million and that wouldnt even buy him a small palace which could house even more asylem seekers.
And while Im thinking about it why dont these bastards preach about population control (which really is the elephant in the room) as much as they preach about food and medical help. Never contraception . I guess if you lecture us about common sense measures to reduce poverty in the long term, you are not considered as sexy in the poverty porn stakes!
Well said; overseas aid to the Third World should be conditional on population control in the recipient countries.
The resultant boost in their food supplies merely leads to more children being produced: which those nations (yet again) cannot feed from their own resources.
Never mind about any of that! Consider the massive hypocrisy of someone constantly berating the British people over poverty, asylum seekers, etc etc who is paying hardly any tax because they have Non Domiciled Tax arrangements!
What is it with these Irish pop people who are as rich as Croesus telling everyone else to give away their money whiles’t all the time giving none of their own away nor paying any tax?
It’s the accent. Every time they clap their hands the BBC gives them a free pass to the ‘not news’ ((c) A. BBC Editor of Integrity) hole.
This is a strange story for two reasons. Firstly, there was no bias in the report. Secondly, the Russians are are up to something (maybe inconsequential, maybe not).
I watched RT on Friday as the black box was opened under monitored conditions. Externally it was only slightly dented, all was intact inside, and the circuit board was removed in apparent undamaged condition. And yet, it’s “unreadable”? I find that very difficult to believe. The expressions on the faces of the two Russian military spokesmen say it all.
Most recorders do not use solid state to store data. Part of the problem is the fragility of silicon and the wires connecting the chip to the case.
Once broken repair is extremely difficult and often causes more damage in the process.
Military jets are much faster than civilian ones, and also carry lots of explosives on board when they crash the impact forces can be significantly higher.
As soon as I heard that story I smelt fish. No doubt the black box proved that the plane was in fact in Turkish air space.
The following Czech Daily newspaper long interview, given by Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, the most sensible Leader in Europe when it comes to defending his own country.
If you do not read anything else this weekend, which tells you facts and the full story about the dangers of the EU Shengen Treaty, EU migration lunacy, then you must just read this:
It will even probably make your mind up about the REMAIN or OUT campaign, if you have any doubts:
Crikey a European leader who can see the crisis for what it is and is not afraid to put his country and culture first. A shocking difference between Orban and European “leaders” such as the Euro droid Junker and our own Duplicitous Dave whos words never quite seem to match up to his actions. The only thing this man ever appears to get honestly exited about is in relation to matters porcine!
Cometh the hour – Cometh the man ! But in our case all that seems to have cometh is a windbag of no substance and empty promises. Churchill he aint! Maybe the pig thought he cometh “allegedly”
An honest politician is certainly a rarity. I was particularly taken by the remark that 85% of immigrants to the EU granted citizenship vote for the Left. Not only were Blair/Brown aware of this when they encouraged mass economic immigration from 2003 onwards, they were unconcerned that so many of these immigrants don’t even speak English which should be the minimum qualification for voting here. How else can you decide on the relative merits of parties’ prospectuses, although the garnering of postal votes by tribal leaders does tend to obviate that need.
Excellent, sober analysis of the lefty disease afflicting Europe.
Somehow doubt the bbc will be reporting this
Black US cop shoots a white mother involved in a “domestic” as he aims at her dog and shoots her “by mistake”
Will it pass the sofa test ? Not on your Nellie !
Clearly a matter for ‘not helpful’ editorial integrity to kick in. Or lack of space. Or time. Or something.
The BBC reports the dilemma of an Iranian born dual UK Iran Citizen (I’m a subject by the way not a citizen) who will have to apply for a visa every time he wishes to go to visit Uncle Sam.
And the point is???????
We live in an age of international terrorism. Most countries are on high alert. I consider myself fortunate that we have not quite gone back to the 1970s when you could expect to be searched and sniffed for explosives when entering a pub if it happened to be close to a military base.
But the good ol’ BBC pulls at our heartstrings with a non-story of how the Iranian dual national will now have to apply for a visa every time he wishes to tinkle the ivories across the pond.
And to cap it all al-Beeb even manage to work Climate Change into the article as an Australian dual national architect says (I kid you not) “With global warming, we need to bring the world together, not separate it.”.
It must be a very slow day for real news!
Just over a hundred and fifteen years ago, AL, I understand it was possible to move around the globe relatively freely. There were exceptions. Japan was a notoriously difficult country to get into, let alone go and live there.
Unfortunately, two world wars, the dismantling of various ’empires’ (not just the British one), the attempt at the creation of one built around world Communism, together with various other bits of conflict & strife, have brought us to where we are today where in most countries you need to ask permission to enter and may be restricted in your length of stay and other rights such as working and buying property & land.
It would be great to go back to a time of great individual freedom like that but I cannot see it happening. If anything, I expect the opposite and suspect that a European Union ID card may well be suggested by someone in a member State government, sometime next year.
On Sunday I had the pleasure or mis-fortune depending on whether your glass is half empty or half full, to listen to a trio of 17 year olds discussing politics on the London Overground.
One youff appeared to be Australian yet talked about Europe and how “people are mis-informed about Europe and if the UK leave then it will affect me and I might not be able to stay.”. Eh???? maybe he was a dual national. The conversation then turned to the waycist taxi driver from the UK sponsored piss-up the night before, and actually there was kind of a point in that the young man said “and then the driver said I don’t mean you, you’re alright but it’s them others bringing down the country.”. Obviously integration was not at the fore-front of the youff’s mind.
Then prisoners and prisons came up and I do not tell a lie, the young man of questionable origin with an Antipodean accent said, “My dad says part of prison is taking the people out of society. We should make them have their own communities and live together and work together and then they will become better people.”. My thought was it’s been tried before – re: Australia.
Of course I give all credit to the BBC for enlightening the youth and their unending campaign to lower the voting age. I am probably the most socialist left-wing, eco-warrior of my generation (barring Jeremy Cor-Blimey) but I shudder to think what will happen if the immature can elect my next prime minister.
When I was a young child and we were playing ‘tag’, if you were in danger of being ‘tagged’ or ‘had’ you just uttered the word ‘feignites’ and you immediately took on an immunity that protected you from whoever was ‘it’.
There is a remarkable modern day equivalent of this in that if you find yourself in the position of being outmaneuvered, out-debated or simply out-smarted you just have to utter the word ‘racist’ and all your inferiority, lack of knowledge, lack of everything is spirited away.
Funny how things change.