Early on BBC s Today on R4 just before 7 there was a report on a debate in the House of Lords yesterday in which UKIPs Lord Pearson mentioned the Suras of the Quran that advocate violence against the unbelievers, he was then put down by two other peers….one a Muslim the other not a Muslim but who had sought advice from an imam of his acquaintance who had assured him of Islams peaceful nature….much remarking on the “noble prophet” and the “holy scripture” by the Muslim Lord and the comment “I will seek advice on my religion from God and the imam rather than Lord Pearson……”
So far so good but then as a final word, the BBC apparatchiks remark….”only two wise men this Christmas it seems”
Shortly after we had Matthew Parris pushing this evenings “great lives” sadly I didn’t catch the subjects name but he was a civil rights activist who was black and gay. Radio off. It really is relentless, this bias, isn’t it?
Pearson referred to at least 100 times when the texts advocated violence against non-believers, and he also pointed to the violent example of the founder of the cult. The “2 wise men” pretended that all this was untrue.
Early this morning, Harrabin on the ‘Today’ program still peddling his half-truths and lies by omission. His good news on this occasion was that the cost of electricity back-up by diesel generators [when wind and sun failed to produce enough or any] was “less than the government thought it would be”. Scornful laugh from me at that point. Of course, no actual figures on the tariffs paid to owners of diesel generator farms, or a comparision of the very much lower costs of electricity from coal or gas. Oh no, that would damage the crusade. Harrabin merely confined himself to saying that environmentalists were unhappy about the use of ‘dirty’ diesel generators. And that was that.
As Al Beeb replaces Christ at Christmas with the humble sprout and the “pagans at W1A” celebrate the winter solstice, I wonder down here in my rabbit hole whether I have indeed fallen into an alternate universe. This of course is not an uncommon feeling when “consuming” Al Beeb’s “superlative” content, but fortunately thanks to you lot I find I am not alone. While it may be a bit early for 2016 predictions, I foresee a complete and utter climbdown by Whittlessdole with regard to “doing something” about Al Beeb. The good news, however, is that this media dinosaur seems oblivious to the very large techno rock of on-line digital media content which is about to to strike it stone dead. Oh, and thanks Al Beeb for cancelling the other half of your FI coverage. Not much left in the cupboard now except the ludicrously overblown “celebrity” dance fandango, truly crap “drama” (it was the “establishment” wot dunnit), and your truly unbiased take on politics. How much lower can your viewing numbers go ? Quite a bit methinks. So, anyway folks, I’m taking my gear off and dancing round a bonfire of the vanities, and a very merry winter solstice to you all.
As its Christmas, some mild applause for John Humphries on Toady R4 this morning.
The ‘Far Left’ editors decided to prioritise the following two stories today.
1. A lady from ‘Focus on Labour Exploitation’ wanted to give worker’s rights to illegal asylum seekers (she preferred the ambiguous term ‘undocumented workers’). Humphries gently pointed out maybe they should not be here in the first place.
2. Amazingly, we learned that hospital A and E departments are full of drunks on a Friday and Saturday night near Christmas. Shock horror. Of course someone wanted to protect these ‘vulnerable’ people. Humphries sounded rather incredulous.
Two new groups of ‘victims’ deserving of our taxes identified by the newsroom Trots. Another good day’s work then.
Credit to Humphries for sounding rather less than fully supportive.
I heard the report about drunks and to be honest thought the opposite. The attacks on alcohol and those drinking it are insidious Islamic propaganda to ban the sale of alcohol in the West.
By all means bill the drunken idiots for their treatment, but not before we bill all the NHS tourists, and the costs of translators; those criminals whose victims need treatment; and those who are the victims of other peoples bad driving!
Over consumption of alcohol is not in the national interest, which is perhaps why new Labour liberalised the drinking laws and the BBC assidiously promote the “norm” of over indulgence, as part of “winterval”……. trebles all round!
Let`s remember the Christian value of temperance and the avoidance of over consuption of food and drink a.k.a. gluttony.
Besides, when the chips are down who do you fancy if it comes to a straight fight….people whose culture encourages them to drink wisely or people who are encouraged to be so p*****d up or hungover as to be useless?
“The attacks on alcohol and those drinking it are insidious Islamic propaganda to ban the sale of alcohol in the West.”
When I first read that statement I thought it must be a Poe, but having read Thoughtful’s other contributions here, I obviously got that wrong. After all, we should learn a lesson from history when insidious Islamic propaganda resulted in a complete ban on alcohol which lasted for thirteen years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition_in_the_United_States
The 1920 prohibition was largely driven by extremist Christians. Marvin, you should be out supporting the wider sale of alcohol if those awful Christians were against it.
Re the F1 coverage cancellation.
This is just the classic tactic so beloved of our public sector institutions when faced with ‘cuts’ (which often are hardly anything at all and a business would adjust quite quickly). Make sure something high profile and popular is ‘cut’ in order to get the gullible public onside to support that institution’s opposition to cuts.
It happens all the time in local councils. Close the library. Reduce the care home services. Meanwhile (as in our Socialist Republic council) introduce a politically correct cycling scheme which costs £12 in council taxpayer funded on-going subsidy for every single bike ride taken. Oh, and on the quiet increase councillor allowances and expenses by 10% !!!!
You can be sure bBBC’s higher sports management will not be taking pay cuts in line with the reduced workload.
Trouble is it works, being a F1 fan I’ve read a few forums on the subject and its amazing how many people are blaming the Government.
As far as recycling goes, my liberal council has introduced a £30pa charge to collect green bins (garden cuttings, grass etc), again all my neighbours have coughed up even though they’re unused during the winter. As far as I’m concerned, its principle, if they want to start charging for individual services, fine, I don’t want to pay for schools, libraries or Sports centres as I don’t use them so they can stuff their 30 quid, all my grass cuttings go in my black bin, disguised in black bags. If they want to start sending round the bin nazis they’ll have to wade through a pile of my dog’s product scattered on top…
The bin nazis are willing to wade through anything to secure their objective. My neighbours have coughed up for the garden waste collection and the bin nazis check the black bins for evidence of garden waste and, according to written instructions, they will stick a warning label on your bin. Further breaches of the rule, they tell us, will be followed by a visit from an official, then a very large fine. Although garden bonfires are prohibited a well stocked fire, with added plastic containers and bottles will burn quickly before complaints are registered and the garden fire nazi arrives on the scene.
Which of course will lead to fly tipping, how the hell can they justify a ‘very large fine’ for waste that is biodegradable?
I’m paying them for a service, they give me a bin, I fill it and pay them to empty it, what’s it to them what’s inside it as long as it doesn’t exceed its volume? It stinks of EU oppression.
When the BBC lost/blew/wrote off (call it what you will) £100 million of our money on a new computer system for archive storage that didn’t work I don’t remember it affecting programmes in the least.
But the government putting the squeeze on? Let’s stop F1 coverage.
Its a political move from our “apolitical” broadcaster.
They didn’t say how much the penalty for breaking the F1 contact was going to cost the license fee payers, anyone got a figure. Still it’s been extended on the radio. whoop whoop be still my beating heart. I can not think of that many things that are as naff as listening to motor sport on the radio, Speaking of naff we were watching sounds of the 80s on I player (Ariel is still u/s) Billy Bragg was on, Mrs Dave thought I didn’t like bragg due to his politics. Mrs Dave now knows it’s also due to the fact he’s crap.
Think about it, if watching the non Channel Four races live on RTL from Germany, an English commentary is most useful…
SOT the 80’s is cr@p, as is the gobby presenter, she knows little or nothing about the decade apart from the word ‘Fatcher, all she does is read from Wiki when back announcing tracks/artists. Her employment on the program is a box ticking exercise, plenty of more knowledgeable women DJ’s out there, Janice Long for one.
Good point Geoff I never thought about that. Doooh! Santa should be leaving us a satellite box on Friday. Sadly despite my years with British Army on the Rhine my German only extended to ordering a wurst or a beer.
How has yesterdays comment by ‘hansomcommon’ “Lee Rigby was murdered one year ago today, this tragic fact is so far unreported on the so called BBC” garnered 27 upvotes, compared to the following comment correcting him only 22?
What idiots are upvoting that? Am I missing something?
This would be the BBC Hairy Bikers one of which was up in arms that an illegal Albanian migrant had a ‘routine’ brain tumour operation cancelled because none of his Abanian mates would look after him ? Later offering to pay for the operation privately and then look after him himself?
The other one (Dave Myers) is just as bad. This is from a Q and A that was in The Daily Mail.
“The pet hate that makes your hackles rise… Racism, particularly towards immigrants. Lil [his wife] is Romanian and there are too many sweeping statements about nationalities that cause a lot of hurt.”
Obsessed with racism. Check. Works for the BBC. Check. A perfect fit.
The hairy morons are proud of their Che Guevara tattoos, so what do you expect? The BBC has no problem employing two short order cooks of limited talent who decided to be tattooed with the image of a Communist mass murderer when they were filming in South America. If they had decided on a tattoo of General Pinochet do you think they would ever have worked for the BBC again?
As a master class in discussing a subject without ever mentioning who it really affects, this has to be one of the best. We are never told who it is that is considered at risk of radicalisation. Evidently to do so would be akin to shouting “Voldemort” at Hogwarts.
Comments are open on that report, should anyone wish to chip in.
I chipped in with 3 comments this morning – predictably all 3 were removed, despite not being in the slightest bit offensive. One comment that was removed simply stated that Al Beeb ‘journalists’ had been replaced with commentators and activists. I wonder which group were offended. I guess it was the culturally enlightening London BBC moderators….
HYS is pretty much a waste of time because anyone can report any comment and it gets removed for “further consideration”, never to be seen again.
Just watched the BBc 13:00 news. They are covering Mika (a pop star) in the Lebanon which he left when he was 1. It’s to highlight the plight of refuges like one geezer who lives somewhere “virtually ” open to the elements. Mika? Pop star? Then I remembered Grace Kelly (song) back in 2007 still apparently he had an album out a few months ago
I was musing again on the extreme unlikelihood of ever hearing on the BBC a polite, though probing, interviewer treating his guest with due courtesy, as we see in Mark Steyn interviewing Ted Cruz (video on Steynonline). It is true they are on the same side politically, but nonetheless this is the sort of straightforward interviewing I want to see. The only thing BBC interviewers seem to want is to set tank-raps, wrong-foot their victim, create an argument or generally make trouble – for Conservatives, that is.
Firstly, from a libertarian’s perspective, having good competition in the Republican Primaries can only be a good thing if the disaster in waiting – Hilary Clinton – is to be defeated in the Presidential elections. Cruz is a good candidate, even if he is a lawyer. He’s a truth seeker and that would be good for the American people.
Secondly, Carswell is a Kipster who enjoys much (maybe not too vocal) support within UKIP. His blog posting today is a case in point.
If Carswell restricted himself to penning pieces like that and stopped undermining the leadership at every opportunity, he’d have plenty more vocal support.
I’d like to know, in plain English, what his beef is with Nigel Farage, because he’s portrayed by the MSM as the cerebral faction within UKIP, its conscience even, when that is of course, complete b*ll*cks, yet the liberal media will play this for all it’s worth. The party hasn’t changed since he defected from the Tories, so what exactly does he expect?
How can you not understand what the problem is with Farage?Before the General Election he said he would stand down as a leader if he did not win his seat and guess what he didn’t.Or rather he temporarily did while he fixed his clique of crony yes men to refuse his resignation.The reason why it matters is that the main point of UKIP should be apart from leaving the EU to clean up the establishment.The primary thing that is wrong with establishments is that they rig the system so that they do not have to take responsibility for their mistakes …… just like Farage did in not following through with his promise to stop being party leader if he did not win his seat
Farage stood down and his resignation was not accepted. That means most of the membership wanted him to stay, and that decision is vindicated with his poll ratings currently running at over 90% satisfaction with him as leader. There is no ‘clique of crony yes men’. If you think anything is rigged within UKIP, why don’t you put up or shut up, just like Carswell has been advised to so do?
Now it may be that you have access to internal Ukip polling claiming that 90% of Ukip members want him as leader – but I’ve tried Googling and can’t find evidence of any such figure. If you have a link to share, that’d be great.
Even if that is the case, there’s grounds for discussion about whether such a large difference between party members and the public at large is a good thing for the party or not. The prevailing consensus is that the presence of such a gulf in Labour is a bad thing – I’d be interested to hear why that’s not the case for Ukip…
The man is not a slave. If he really wants to resign, he just does it, no need for any bogus resignations followed by immediate comebacks. It was an embarrassing performance.
Dear Angrymanupnorth.
Much valued-reckon there`s a book for us all next year with a compilation…start at Alan Sked, visit Veritas with Robert Kilroy Silk…and end up at Carswell/Farage via Godfrey Bloom maybe?
The text could be used by English, Modern Foreign Languages AND History-good value for secondary schools.
Robert Kilroy Silk
Cut from television but
Tango Future fun.
Hope all those phone boxes are kept open for UKIP haiku to transform himself into the Cyril Fletcher needed for the snowflake generation , currently lying down in darkened rooms as they debate the efficacy of that statue to Gary Rhodes online.
I’ll take time to digest your post Chris, and look into who Cyril Fletcher might be. This thread within a thread has attracted the attention of 7Club and Jerrod, who have mentioned Farage. I am unclear what their motivation is to comment on this thread.
Crystal clarity required: Farage is a rare thing. A living breathing British hero and I don’t say that about anybody else in the country. That many don’t like him is the way things are. Ignorance is bliss and everything. The truth hurts and all that. Being right doesn’t always go down well – its an English thing I guess.
For the future, if UKIP progress to become a force within UK politics (which I believe is imperative for the benefit of the UK) then the party needs a plethora of decent upstanding men and women. Carswell is no doubt one. It is a shame that Carswell is defined by many in terms of his relationship with Farage, rather than the positive substance he brings to the national political arena.
Jerrod’s comments are infantile, the words of a partial and far from constructive contributor. UKIP members support Farage as their leader, because he leads. And he tells the truth, however uncomfortable that may be the the immoral leftist consensus which shrivels and withers in it’s continuing death throes, awaiting a new consensus – but what will that consensus be? Carswell may be right – Farage may not have the appeal of an as yet undiscovered successor. Don’t shoot Carswell for doing a brave and ultimately necessary thing!
Is Jerrod the new BBC sponsored site Troll? I’ve been away and am a bit ‘out of the loop’ as it were.
Come join us in UKIP. Thats with Nigel Farage, national hero. With Douglas Carswell, one with the weight of 4 Million. Join us and make a difference. Or, like 7Club, you could snipe from the sidelines as to why the most popular leader of the significant UK political parties (Cameron is detested by Conservatives, Corbyn is killing the Labour Party and has scant support in the PLP) should not be leader …. cos….
A new year is upon us. Upwards and Onwards! The sense of the Britons will prevail!
(Another two three for ChrisH. I can’t help myself [UKIP Haiku hat on]):
Carswell #4 – Discourse
Convince with reason,
Patience, logic and rationale,
To achieve your ends.
> Jerrod’s comments are infantile, the words of a partial and far from constructive contributor.
What’s with the name calling? I questioned the statistic cited by “logiebored”, while providing another that seemed to suggest a different story. But the only stats I could find were of a general nature rather than of Ukip membership alone, and wondered if there being a large difference between the two could be a problem, as it seems to be for Labour.
I think that’s rather more constructive than your name-calling, isn’t it?
> Is Jerrod the new BBC sponsored site Troll? I’ve been away and am a bit ‘out of the loop’ as it were.
I wasn’t aware that politely questioning somebody’s reasoning was equatable with “trolling”. I thought it was closer to adult conversation myself.
And if for any reason the BBC wanted to sponsor me, then I’m sure the money would come in handy for some emergency Christmas presents – but I’d probably tell them that there were much better things to be spending my licence fee on.
Anyway, I think you can probably tell that – along with many of the population – I don’t share your fervour for Nigel Farage. But that’s politics, isn’t it. Just make sure any photo of him that you’ve got is laminated and wipe-clean, yeah?
So Biter Bit? Jeremy Vine gets to realise just how stupid and all pervading Political Correctness when someone accuses him of sexism when he uses the term ‘Man Flu’, and the BBC decides it has to investigate
However that to me is not the most important part, which is the fact of how seriously the BBC treats every single complaint of failure to comply with Political Correctness. It certainly does not treat other such complaints in the same way, and I think we all deserve better than this.
Put a cash figure on Political Correctness and the monitoring of Equality and Diversity in the UK amounts to a £1. billion each year. And it this figure is not affected by Tori Kutz. Its a leftish thing, and the unions are not demanding cuts to diversity PC or that money spent on it is directed to the NHS or the poor, the homeless, or whatever. There must be careers to be made out of Diversity. And as the above post indicates, the BBC have resources to monitor it.
PC is not merely something that goes mad from time to time; its costs us an arm and a bloody leg.
Yes, a very good point. Industry and academia are awash with these moronic ‘diversity/safety/gender experts’ and the like, none of whom would be able to find gainful employment doing anything else and most of whom spend their lonely evenings folding leaflets for Jeremy Corbyn.
Especially as ‘Man Flu’ has been used pejoratively to exaggerate the male reaction to the common cold, promulgated, if I am not mistaken, by wimmin.
Soon the Word Police are going to be chasing their shadows, if that’s not deemed a little too racist an image?
Vine has form though-stopped in Hyde Park for going too fast on his bike.
He`s probably gone republican rather than mock the green nazi police who clocked him…the Green God is not mocked-ever!
I myself was the only person to fail my cycling proficiency test in a class of spuds way back…Gave lip to bloody PC Snow, seeing as i`d been cycling for years and wouldn`t be wanting the guide wheels.
Not that I`m bitter-but I do get PTSD whenever Jon Snow(are any as PC as THAT fruity pastel poltroon?) spouts his pap on Chanel 9 News.
How come Krishnan NEVER offers me a helpline if I`ve been infected by whatever gripes have just been on his rubber ring of a show?…I die a little every time Snows name reminds me of this terrible injustice.
What are my chances of a Met Enquiry under Judge Nutmeg in 2016?..bet Vine`s not got a certificate-and the BBC needs qualified staff, and i`ll never progress unless my Proficiency Stiff`kit is post hoummusly offered to me and the family who would finally see my vindication.
The RT perspective on BBC “funding” and “impartiality”-
“The BBC, Britain’s national broadcaster, and its ‘offshoot’ unit Media Action, have received over £37m from the EU over the past decade and want us to believe this won’t affect their coverage.
Now you don’t have to be Nigel Farage or a paid-up member of UKIP- or even an EU-skeptic, to be seriously concerned about these developments.”
“some political journalists at the BBC, instead of looking at their own role within a state propaganda system and challenging the way things have gone at the ‘Beeb’, have the nerve to sneer at RT, joining in with relentless neocon attacks on the station.
Of course, RT has an agenda, to present the news from a Russian perspective, but to pretend that the BBC doesn’t have an agenda too is palpably absurd.”
The BBC couldn’t resist it could they, tonights ‘We’re Doomed’ the story of the making of Dads Army had to have a touch of diversity.
We see at the first live recording in 1968 an audience with added diversity. Now I know that 1968 London was diverse, but I’m pretty sure that those Windrush passengers would have had zero interest in a program about old white men in a Britain that to them meant nothing, in reality that audience would have been primarily older and indigenous, but still the BBC must embroider history.
You know what when I wrote that post I almost expected that reply, possibly from you.
Despite what the BBC might imply and you’ve been told, most of us until the late 70s or beyond inhabited a Britain that wasn’t diverse. I know because I was there.
(edited: I made a sarcastic reply which wasn’t helpful. Hope you didn’t see it. If you did, apologies.)
I wasn’t meaning to imply your memory was faulty, merely that I thought you may be applying your own experiences too widely upon others. It’s something we’re all prone to, I admit – hope you can take such difference of opinion in the way it’s meant.
Fedup2Mar 10, 13:17 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two days running the DT has done a long piece on BBC news / funding – the first one is…
DoublethinkerMar 10, 13:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I completely agree with you . But what puzzles me is , if those of us who are of a…
Lucy PevenseyMar 10, 12:57 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Tower Bridge has been shut down after a man has climbed the railings. Emergency services at to the scene. Ban…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:50 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dorset, 3 weeks after Southport — “Man ‘obsessed with Southport killings’ stabbed girl, 9, in the neck as she played…
Terminal MoraineMar 10, 12:44 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Party atmosphere on R5 just now — Naga, whose real name is Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah, is away but Leila Nathoo…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:35 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “41% of London residents were born outside the UK, according to the 2021 Census. This is much higher than the…
MarkyMarkMar 10, 12:23 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “Now Richard Holden MP tells Guido: “It’s quite clear Labour are embarrassed to say why they won’t back banning first…
Early on BBC s Today on R4 just before 7 there was a report on a debate in the House of Lords yesterday in which UKIPs Lord Pearson mentioned the Suras of the Quran that advocate violence against the unbelievers, he was then put down by two other peers….one a Muslim the other not a Muslim but who had sought advice from an imam of his acquaintance who had assured him of Islams peaceful nature….much remarking on the “noble prophet” and the “holy scripture” by the Muslim Lord and the comment “I will seek advice on my religion from God and the imam rather than Lord Pearson……”
So far so good but then as a final word, the BBC apparatchiks remark….”only two wise men this Christmas it seems”
Shortly after we had Matthew Parris pushing this evenings “great lives” sadly I didn’t catch the subjects name but he was a civil rights activist who was black and gay. Radio off. It really is relentless, this bias, isn’t it?
Pearson referred to at least 100 times when the texts advocated violence against non-believers, and he also pointed to the violent example of the founder of the cult. The “2 wise men” pretended that all this was untrue.
“Move along there, nothing to see here.”
Heard this too on the late night Parliament report.
Apparently “infidel” does not apply only to non-muslims, but also muslims who do not follow the “script”.
Cannot recall the exact wording, but you get the whitewash drift.
Awwww, sweet. They just had to. Now they go gooey?
In that photo are two real men. More guts in that photo than the whole of the bbc.
Early this morning, Harrabin on the ‘Today’ program still peddling his half-truths and lies by omission. His good news on this occasion was that the cost of electricity back-up by diesel generators [when wind and sun failed to produce enough or any] was “less than the government thought it would be”. Scornful laugh from me at that point. Of course, no actual figures on the tariffs paid to owners of diesel generator farms, or a comparision of the very much lower costs of electricity from coal or gas. Oh no, that would damage the crusade. Harrabin merely confined himself to saying that environmentalists were unhappy about the use of ‘dirty’ diesel generators. And that was that.
As Al Beeb replaces Christ at Christmas with the humble sprout and the “pagans at W1A” celebrate the winter solstice, I wonder down here in my rabbit hole whether I have indeed fallen into an alternate universe. This of course is not an uncommon feeling when “consuming” Al Beeb’s “superlative” content, but fortunately thanks to you lot I find I am not alone. While it may be a bit early for 2016 predictions, I foresee a complete and utter climbdown by Whittlessdole with regard to “doing something” about Al Beeb. The good news, however, is that this media dinosaur seems oblivious to the very large techno rock of on-line digital media content which is about to to strike it stone dead. Oh, and thanks Al Beeb for cancelling the other half of your FI coverage. Not much left in the cupboard now except the ludicrously overblown “celebrity” dance fandango, truly crap “drama” (it was the “establishment” wot dunnit), and your truly unbiased take on politics. How much lower can your viewing numbers go ? Quite a bit methinks. So, anyway folks, I’m taking my gear off and dancing round a bonfire of the vanities, and a very merry winter solstice to you all.
As its Christmas, some mild applause for John Humphries on Toady R4 this morning.
The ‘Far Left’ editors decided to prioritise the following two stories today.
1. A lady from ‘Focus on Labour Exploitation’ wanted to give worker’s rights to illegal asylum seekers (she preferred the ambiguous term ‘undocumented workers’). Humphries gently pointed out maybe they should not be here in the first place.
2. Amazingly, we learned that hospital A and E departments are full of drunks on a Friday and Saturday night near Christmas. Shock horror. Of course someone wanted to protect these ‘vulnerable’ people. Humphries sounded rather incredulous.
Two new groups of ‘victims’ deserving of our taxes identified by the newsroom Trots. Another good day’s work then.
Credit to Humphries for sounding rather less than fully supportive.
I heard the report about drunks and to be honest thought the opposite. The attacks on alcohol and those drinking it are insidious Islamic propaganda to ban the sale of alcohol in the West.
By all means bill the drunken idiots for their treatment, but not before we bill all the NHS tourists, and the costs of translators; those criminals whose victims need treatment; and those who are the victims of other peoples bad driving!
Over consumption of alcohol is not in the national interest, which is perhaps why new Labour liberalised the drinking laws and the BBC assidiously promote the “norm” of over indulgence, as part of “winterval”……. trebles all round!
Let`s remember the Christian value of temperance and the avoidance of over consuption of food and drink a.k.a. gluttony.
Besides, when the chips are down who do you fancy if it comes to a straight fight….people whose culture encourages them to drink wisely or people who are encouraged to be so p*****d up or hungover as to be useless?
“The attacks on alcohol and those drinking it are insidious Islamic propaganda to ban the sale of alcohol in the West.”
When I first read that statement I thought it must be a Poe, but having read Thoughtful’s other contributions here, I obviously got that wrong. After all, we should learn a lesson from history when insidious Islamic propaganda resulted in a complete ban on alcohol which lasted for thirteen years.
Meanwhile, media outlets seem to have misinterpreted the data:
The 1920 prohibition was largely driven by extremist Christians. Marvin, you should be out supporting the wider sale of alcohol if those awful Christians were against it.
Demon, LOL ! You are wasting time with Hank. He does not do irony. Not one of the greatest guitar players either !
Re the F1 coverage cancellation.
This is just the classic tactic so beloved of our public sector institutions when faced with ‘cuts’ (which often are hardly anything at all and a business would adjust quite quickly). Make sure something high profile and popular is ‘cut’ in order to get the gullible public onside to support that institution’s opposition to cuts.
It happens all the time in local councils. Close the library. Reduce the care home services. Meanwhile (as in our Socialist Republic council) introduce a politically correct cycling scheme which costs £12 in council taxpayer funded on-going subsidy for every single bike ride taken. Oh, and on the quiet increase councillor allowances and expenses by 10% !!!!
You can be sure bBBC’s higher sports management will not be taking pay cuts in line with the reduced workload.
Spot on, beastly Torys!
Trouble is it works, being a F1 fan I’ve read a few forums on the subject and its amazing how many people are blaming the Government.
As far as recycling goes, my liberal council has introduced a £30pa charge to collect green bins (garden cuttings, grass etc), again all my neighbours have coughed up even though they’re unused during the winter. As far as I’m concerned, its principle, if they want to start charging for individual services, fine, I don’t want to pay for schools, libraries or Sports centres as I don’t use them so they can stuff their 30 quid, all my grass cuttings go in my black bin, disguised in black bags. If they want to start sending round the bin nazis they’ll have to wade through a pile of my dog’s product scattered on top…
The bin nazis are willing to wade through anything to secure their objective. My neighbours have coughed up for the garden waste collection and the bin nazis check the black bins for evidence of garden waste and, according to written instructions, they will stick a warning label on your bin. Further breaches of the rule, they tell us, will be followed by a visit from an official, then a very large fine. Although garden bonfires are prohibited a well stocked fire, with added plastic containers and bottles will burn quickly before complaints are registered and the garden fire nazi arrives on the scene.
Which of course will lead to fly tipping, how the hell can they justify a ‘very large fine’ for waste that is biodegradable?
I’m paying them for a service, they give me a bin, I fill it and pay them to empty it, what’s it to them what’s inside it as long as it doesn’t exceed its volume? It stinks of EU oppression.
I give the bin men a Christmas tip (no pun intended) and life runs smoothly.
When the BBC lost/blew/wrote off (call it what you will) £100 million of our money on a new computer system for archive storage that didn’t work I don’t remember it affecting programmes in the least.
But the government putting the squeeze on? Let’s stop F1 coverage.
Its a political move from our “apolitical” broadcaster.
They couldn’t even sack the guy responsible successfully. What a f**king shower. See following.
They didn’t say how much the penalty for breaking the F1 contact was going to cost the license fee payers, anyone got a figure. Still it’s been extended on the radio. whoop whoop be still my beating heart. I can not think of that many things that are as naff as listening to motor sport on the radio, Speaking of naff we were watching sounds of the 80s on I player (Ariel is still u/s) Billy Bragg was on, Mrs Dave thought I didn’t like bragg due to his politics. Mrs Dave now knows it’s also due to the fact he’s crap.
Think about it, if watching the non Channel Four races live on RTL from Germany, an English commentary is most useful…
SOT the 80’s is cr@p, as is the gobby presenter, she knows little or nothing about the decade apart from the word ‘Fatcher, all she does is read from Wiki when back announcing tracks/artists. Her employment on the program is a box ticking exercise, plenty of more knowledgeable women DJ’s out there, Janice Long for one.
Good point Geoff I never thought about that. Doooh! Santa should be leaving us a satellite box on Friday. Sadly despite my years with British Army on the Rhine my German only extended to ordering a wurst or a beer.
Roll on Friday!
Bragg can barely play the guitar and he can’t sing at all.
I wonder how he has the cheek to get up on a stage.
Because he is filled with a sense of self-righteousness – which is what makes him (and most other Lefties) such crashing bores.
This tactic used to be referred to as ‘bleeding stumps’ in my day. I think Yes Minister also referred to it
Quite right Flexidream, never heard it before but mentioned above.
How has yesterdays comment by ‘hansomcommon’ “Lee Rigby was murdered one year ago today, this tragic fact is so far unreported on the so called BBC” garnered 27 upvotes, compared to the following comment correcting him only 22?
What idiots are upvoting that? Am I missing something?
Another angle of the nut job in Las Vegas:
This story has me puzzled. A single suspicious death by car in Las Vegas gets headline coverage by Al Beeba? What’s the game here?
At home at the moment. BBC hairy bikers in the old Baltic states, Bargain hunt, the great pottery throw up. Wow what amazing value for money…..not!
This would be the BBC Hairy Bikers one of which was up in arms that an illegal Albanian migrant had a ‘routine’ brain tumour operation cancelled because none of his Abanian mates would look after him ? Later offering to pay for the operation privately and then look after him himself?
Not that they’re lefties or anything !
I hadn’t heard that story. Was he taken up on his offer? I do hope so.
The other one (Dave Myers) is just as bad. This is from a Q and A that was in The Daily Mail.
“The pet hate that makes your hackles rise… Racism, particularly towards immigrants. Lil [his wife] is Romanian and there are too many sweeping statements about nationalities that cause a lot of hurt.”
Obsessed with racism. Check. Works for the BBC. Check. A perfect fit.
If he was honest he’d tell us what his wife thinks of the Roma. But he isn’t and he won’t.
He might find that a Beeg Eeeshoo.
The hairy morons are proud of their Che Guevara tattoos, so what do you expect? The BBC has no problem employing two short order cooks of limited talent who decided to be tattooed with the image of a Communist mass murderer when they were filming in South America. If they had decided on a tattoo of General Pinochet do you think they would ever have worked for the BBC again?
Schools told to monitor pupils’ web use to prevent radicalisation
As a master class in discussing a subject without ever mentioning who it really affects, this has to be one of the best. We are never told who it is that is considered at risk of radicalisation. Evidently to do so would be akin to shouting “Voldemort” at Hogwarts.
Comments are open on that report, should anyone wish to chip in.
I chipped in with 3 comments this morning – predictably all 3 were removed, despite not being in the slightest bit offensive. One comment that was removed simply stated that Al Beeb ‘journalists’ had been replaced with commentators and activists. I wonder which group were offended. I guess it was the culturally enlightening London BBC moderators….
HYS is pretty much a waste of time because anyone can report any comment and it gets removed for “further consideration”, never to be seen again.
Just watched the BBc 13:00 news. They are covering Mika (a pop star) in the Lebanon which he left when he was 1. It’s to highlight the plight of refuges like one geezer who lives somewhere “virtually ” open to the elements. Mika? Pop star? Then I remembered Grace Kelly (song) back in 2007 still apparently he had an album out a few months ago
I was musing again on the extreme unlikelihood of ever hearing on the BBC a polite, though probing, interviewer treating his guest with due courtesy, as we see in Mark Steyn interviewing Ted Cruz (video on Steynonline). It is true they are on the same side politically, but nonetheless this is the sort of straightforward interviewing I want to see. The only thing BBC interviewers seem to want is to set tank-raps, wrong-foot their victim, create an argument or generally make trouble – for Conservatives, that is.
Total OT, but just had to come down from the loft to kick the radio out the window.
Classic FM Global News reckon a loon gingerphobe like blonde loon right winger Anders Breivik is the top story.
I wonder what the BBC has time for?
“Why I’m dreading Christmas dinner”
“Strictly Come Dancing winner Aliona Vilani quits BBC show”
At least they have time for the big news from across the pond:
BBC News
“I know where she went. It’s disgusting,” Mr Trump said.
Donald Trump mocks Clinton ‘toilet break’
I wonder if her security detail went with… in case of sniping?
Where’s Amy Rutland as the Beeb’s dedicated ‘Dizggistin’ Editor to ‘analyse’.
Tweet from Carswell, the reply’s are less than complementary. The guy’s a Liberal, UKIP he certainly ain’t.
He was replying to this
In support of Carswell!
Firstly, from a libertarian’s perspective, having good competition in the Republican Primaries can only be a good thing if the disaster in waiting – Hilary Clinton – is to be defeated in the Presidential elections. Cruz is a good candidate, even if he is a lawyer. He’s a truth seeker and that would be good for the American people.
Secondly, Carswell is a Kipster who enjoys much (maybe not too vocal) support within UKIP. His blog posting today is a case in point.
Excellent from Carswell. Vote Leave. Vote UKIP.
Oh, and a haiku from UKIP Haiku for Chris, from a series:
Carswell #7 – Just the Beginning
Upon green leather,
Opposite birthright sellers.
Carswell’s new era.
If Carswell restricted himself to penning pieces like that and stopped undermining the leadership at every opportunity, he’d have plenty more vocal support.
I’d like to know, in plain English, what his beef is with Nigel Farage, because he’s portrayed by the MSM as the cerebral faction within UKIP, its conscience even, when that is of course, complete b*ll*cks, yet the liberal media will play this for all it’s worth. The party hasn’t changed since he defected from the Tories, so what exactly does he expect?
Carswell = Cuckoo in the nest.
How can you not understand what the problem is with Farage?Before the General Election he said he would stand down as a leader if he did not win his seat and guess what he didn’t.Or rather he temporarily did while he fixed his clique of crony yes men to refuse his resignation.The reason why it matters is that the main point of UKIP should be apart from leaving the EU to clean up the establishment.The primary thing that is wrong with establishments is that they rig the system so that they do not have to take responsibility for their mistakes …… just like Farage did in not following through with his promise to stop being party leader if he did not win his seat
Farage stood down and his resignation was not accepted. That means most of the membership wanted him to stay, and that decision is vindicated with his poll ratings currently running at over 90% satisfaction with him as leader. There is no ‘clique of crony yes men’. If you think anything is rigged within UKIP, why don’t you put up or shut up, just like Carswell has been advised to so do?
> his poll ratings currently running at over 90% satisfaction with him as leader.
Within the party? That’s odd. The latest Opinium polls have him at a net -21%.
Now it may be that you have access to internal Ukip polling claiming that 90% of Ukip members want him as leader – but I’ve tried Googling and can’t find evidence of any such figure. If you have a link to share, that’d be great.
Even if that is the case, there’s grounds for discussion about whether such a large difference between party members and the public at large is a good thing for the party or not. The prevailing consensus is that the presence of such a gulf in Labour is a bad thing – I’d be interested to hear why that’s not the case for Ukip…
Back to your pen and get on with your reports
The man is not a slave. If he really wants to resign, he just does it, no need for any bogus resignations followed by immediate comebacks. It was an embarrassing performance.
Dear Angrymanupnorth.
Much valued-reckon there`s a book for us all next year with a compilation…start at Alan Sked, visit Veritas with Robert Kilroy Silk…and end up at Carswell/Farage via Godfrey Bloom maybe?
The text could be used by English, Modern Foreign Languages AND History-good value for secondary schools.
Robert Kilroy Silk
Cut from television but
Tango Future fun.
Hope all those phone boxes are kept open for UKIP haiku to transform himself into the Cyril Fletcher needed for the snowflake generation , currently lying down in darkened rooms as they debate the efficacy of that statue to Gary Rhodes online.
I’ll take time to digest your post Chris, and look into who Cyril Fletcher might be. This thread within a thread has attracted the attention of 7Club and Jerrod, who have mentioned Farage. I am unclear what their motivation is to comment on this thread.
Crystal clarity required: Farage is a rare thing. A living breathing British hero and I don’t say that about anybody else in the country. That many don’t like him is the way things are. Ignorance is bliss and everything. The truth hurts and all that. Being right doesn’t always go down well – its an English thing I guess.
For the future, if UKIP progress to become a force within UK politics (which I believe is imperative for the benefit of the UK) then the party needs a plethora of decent upstanding men and women. Carswell is no doubt one. It is a shame that Carswell is defined by many in terms of his relationship with Farage, rather than the positive substance he brings to the national political arena.
Jerrod’s comments are infantile, the words of a partial and far from constructive contributor. UKIP members support Farage as their leader, because he leads. And he tells the truth, however uncomfortable that may be the the immoral leftist consensus which shrivels and withers in it’s continuing death throes, awaiting a new consensus – but what will that consensus be? Carswell may be right – Farage may not have the appeal of an as yet undiscovered successor. Don’t shoot Carswell for doing a brave and ultimately necessary thing!
Is Jerrod the new BBC sponsored site Troll? I’ve been away and am a bit ‘out of the loop’ as it were.
Come join us in UKIP. Thats with Nigel Farage, national hero. With Douglas Carswell, one with the weight of 4 Million. Join us and make a difference. Or, like 7Club, you could snipe from the sidelines as to why the most popular leader of the significant UK political parties (Cameron is detested by Conservatives, Corbyn is killing the Labour Party and has scant support in the PLP) should not be leader …. cos….
A new year is upon us. Upwards and Onwards! The sense of the Britons will prevail!
twothree for ChrisH. I can’t help myself [UKIP Haiku hat on]):Carswell #4 – Discourse
Convince with reason,
Patience, logic and rationale,
To achieve your ends.
and an old chestnut. Worth repeating?
Farage Flying Free,
Fastidious Forager,
Fabulous fellow.
And another. Toodle Pip!
For the children
Our sense will prevail.
Our focus on our freedoms.
Onwards and Upwards!
> Jerrod’s comments are infantile, the words of a partial and far from constructive contributor.
What’s with the name calling? I questioned the statistic cited by “logiebored”, while providing another that seemed to suggest a different story. But the only stats I could find were of a general nature rather than of Ukip membership alone, and wondered if there being a large difference between the two could be a problem, as it seems to be for Labour.
I think that’s rather more constructive than your name-calling, isn’t it?
> Is Jerrod the new BBC sponsored site Troll? I’ve been away and am a bit ‘out of the loop’ as it were.
I wasn’t aware that politely questioning somebody’s reasoning was equatable with “trolling”. I thought it was closer to adult conversation myself.
And if for any reason the BBC wanted to sponsor me, then I’m sure the money would come in handy for some emergency Christmas presents – but I’d probably tell them that there were much better things to be spending my licence fee on.
Anyway, I think you can probably tell that – along with many of the population – I don’t share your fervour for Nigel Farage. But that’s politics, isn’t it. Just make sure any photo of him that you’ve got is laminated and wipe-clean, yeah?
High time a new site admin was appointed to release new threads on time !
Is that your application for the job?
So Biter Bit? Jeremy Vine gets to realise just how stupid and all pervading Political Correctness when someone accuses him of sexism when he uses the term ‘Man Flu’, and the BBC decides it has to investigate
However that to me is not the most important part, which is the fact of how seriously the BBC treats every single complaint of failure to comply with Political Correctness. It certainly does not treat other such complaints in the same way, and I think we all deserve better than this.
Put a cash figure on Political Correctness and the monitoring of Equality and Diversity in the UK amounts to a £1. billion each year. And it this figure is not affected by Tori Kutz. Its a leftish thing, and the unions are not demanding cuts to diversity PC or that money spent on it is directed to the NHS or the poor, the homeless, or whatever. There must be careers to be made out of Diversity. And as the above post indicates, the BBC have resources to monitor it.
PC is not merely something that goes mad from time to time; its costs us an arm and a bloody leg.
Yes, a very good point. Industry and academia are awash with these moronic ‘diversity/safety/gender experts’ and the like, none of whom would be able to find gainful employment doing anything else and most of whom spend their lonely evenings folding leaflets for Jeremy Corbyn.
Especially as ‘Man Flu’ has been used pejoratively to exaggerate the male reaction to the common cold, promulgated, if I am not mistaken, by wimmin.
Soon the Word Police are going to be chasing their shadows, if that’s not deemed a little too racist an image?
Vine has form though-stopped in Hyde Park for going too fast on his bike.
He`s probably gone republican rather than mock the green nazi police who clocked him…the Green God is not mocked-ever!
I myself was the only person to fail my cycling proficiency test in a class of spuds way back…Gave lip to bloody PC Snow, seeing as i`d been cycling for years and wouldn`t be wanting the guide wheels.
Not that I`m bitter-but I do get PTSD whenever Jon Snow(are any as PC as THAT fruity pastel poltroon?) spouts his pap on Chanel 9 News.
How come Krishnan NEVER offers me a helpline if I`ve been infected by whatever gripes have just been on his rubber ring of a show?…I die a little every time Snows name reminds me of this terrible injustice.
What are my chances of a Met Enquiry under Judge Nutmeg in 2016?..bet Vine`s not got a certificate-and the BBC needs qualified staff, and i`ll never progress unless my Proficiency Stiff`kit is post hoummusly offered to me and the family who would finally see my vindication.
Fraser Steel need only see ‘PC’ via searchlight in the sky to mobilise the full grovel squad.
Holy Uniques, Botney!
I heard today, that Bob Geldof (BBC Luvvie) has at last taken in two Syrian refugee families into two of his homes.
Is it true?
We must be told…
I wonder what images they have on their phones?
The RT perspective on BBC “funding” and “impartiality”-
“The BBC, Britain’s national broadcaster, and its ‘offshoot’ unit Media Action, have received over £37m from the EU over the past decade and want us to believe this won’t affect their coverage.
Now you don’t have to be Nigel Farage or a paid-up member of UKIP- or even an EU-skeptic, to be seriously concerned about these developments.”
“some political journalists at the BBC, instead of looking at their own role within a state propaganda system and challenging the way things have gone at the ‘Beeb’, have the nerve to sneer at RT, joining in with relentless neocon attacks on the station.
Of course, RT has an agenda, to present the news from a Russian perspective, but to pretend that the BBC doesn’t have an agenda too is palpably absurd.”
It was all going so well until that ridiculous use of ‘neocon’.
A plague on both their houses.
The BBC couldn’t resist it could they, tonights ‘We’re Doomed’ the story of the making of Dads Army had to have a touch of diversity.
We see at the first live recording in 1968 an audience with added diversity. Now I know that 1968 London was diverse, but I’m pretty sure that those Windrush passengers would have had zero interest in a program about old white men in a Britain that to them meant nothing, in reality that audience would have been primarily older and indigenous, but still the BBC must embroider history.
> I’m pretty sure that those Windrush passengers would have had zero interest in a program about old white men in a Britain that to them meant nothing
I’m sure you must be right. And not just making things up to support your own beliefs.
You know what when I wrote that post I almost expected that reply, possibly from you.
Despite what the BBC might imply and you’ve been told, most of us until the late 70s or beyond inhabited a Britain that wasn’t diverse. I know because I was there.
I was there too, you know. I think your memories may not be as universal as you like to imagine.
My memory is spot on thank you and unaltered by any further educational establishments, Common Purpose training courses.or BBC nudging.
(edited: I made a sarcastic reply which wasn’t helpful. Hope you didn’t see it. If you did, apologies.)
I wasn’t meaning to imply your memory was faulty, merely that I thought you may be applying your own experiences too widely upon others. It’s something we’re all prone to, I admit – hope you can take such difference of opinion in the way it’s meant.
Who on earth keeps upvoting this clown?(Jerrod, in case there’s any doubt to which clown i’m referring)