The BBC’s Phil Mackie is still peddling his sacred illusions about ‘conservative’ Islam…that it is not ‘extreme’….unfortunately so do others who should know better and still refuse to do their job in case it upsets a certain community…I wonder why so many get upset at Tyson Fury’s religiously inspired ‘extreme’ comments and not about Islam which propagates the same views……Bet there’d be no problem Muhammed winning SPOTY….not sure what sport he’d do…..mass beheadings in the quickest time?….
He’s right, too many who bandy the E word about are totally wrong –
@WMPolice chief’s terror-tackling advice …
A retiring police chief has warned against confusing extremism with religious conservatism, when tackling terrorism.
Chief Constable Chris Sims is retiring from his post at West Midlands Police after six years.
He said damaging views had affected investigations into the so-called Trojan Horse plot about an alleged Muslim takeover of Birmingham schools.
“It would be utterly wrong to label everything as extremism,” Mr Sims said.
Updates on this story and more from Birmingham & the Black Country
“We need to be really careful that in using this term ‘extremism’ we don’t alienate the vast majority of law-abiding Muslim people in the West Midlands, who want to go about normal lives with normal aspirations.
“We absolutely need their support to combat the tiny minority of violent extremists who are their enemies and our enemies and who collectively we need to work to combat.”
“This whole case raises serious questions about West Midlands police and the CPS in what appears to be an attempt to censor television, stifle investigative journalism and inhibit open debate.”
The shadow home secretary, David Davis, said the decision of West Midlands police to complain to Ofcom “raises wider issues” for policing.
“Once they were clear that no criminal offence had been committed, it was in my view a serious misjudgment to continue to pursue the editorial team and risked impeding freedom of speech,” he said.
“The Dispatches programme raised matters of wide public interest, touching on security and community relations. The documentary handled inherently sensitive issues in a responsible manner.
What did the government investigation into the Trojan Horse plot reveal?...extremist views…from people associated with the ‘conservative’ MCB……
I found clear evidence that there are a number of people, associated with each other and in positions of influence in schools and governing bodies, who espouse, endorse or fail to challenge extremist views.
The very clear evidence that young people are being encouraged to accept unquestioningly a particular hardline strand of Sunni Islam raises concerns about their vulnerability to radicalisation in the future. I have heard evidence to the effect that there are real fears that their current experiences will make it harder for them to question or challenge radical influences.
Pretty clear that ‘conservative’ Islam is at the root of the ‘extremism’…if that’s not clear it is spelt out here…
While the majority of parents welcome the good academic results that some of these schools produce, they do not demand that their children adhere to conservative religious behaviour at school.
Police silence and ill-conceived ideas of how to achieve community cohesion resulted in the rape and abuse of 1400 girls in one town alone.
Perhaps Mackie should check out the BBC’s own take on ‘extremism’…it looks very much like conservative, fundamentalist Islam…..views of course held by a ‘minority’ in that far off, distant land of Saudi Arabia which holds views no Muslim in the UK could possibly hold dear.
Phil Mackie tried to dismisss the claims of a Muslim takeover of schools in the Trojan Horse plot by claiming those raising the issue were suffering from paranoia, racism and Islamophobia……

Perhaps this explains it all…Allah loves the beardies……The old Mackie, the new Mackie…..

What else would a West Midlands top copper say these days?
When Gove sent in the anti-terror types, as opposed to yet more OFSTED wingnuts…he was accused by Captive Chris I`m sure of being heavy handed.
This layer of our top officials and “public sector leaders” are utter pawns, and stuffed mushrooms as far as Islam is concerned…they`re right too.
Lots of blowhard, fingerprint wiping homespun theologians of the Koran these days eh?…and you do wonder what Islam will need to do before Chris thinks it presents a problem.
Auster’s law suggests that the worse a minority behaves, the more the propaganda from the authorities and the MSM, on behalf of the Religion of Peace. And no minority in the West is more prone to violence then Muslims. Muslim violence against its own women and children (rape to be included), and the Infidels, even in the West, far outstrips the violence by any other demographic. And the scale of each violent incident is orders of magnitude greater then perpetrated by any other demographic.
We wait expectantly, as the authorities continuously warn us, of another mass murder incident on the streets of England. And when that happens, the authorities, the Arch bish and the MSM, will rush to insistently tell us how very peaceful Islam is – and that all religions are the same. The last is a consequence from the principle of non-discrimination.
Isn’t there someone from the USA who believes that terrorism is a consequence of Climate Change?
Prince Charles and Charlotte Church have both linked “meteorological changeiness” with “disappointingly negative naughtiness by seemingly random groups of Occidental ad Oriental cultures in geographical settings , as yet to be authenticated”.
Think that`s how we put it after yet another year of wizard wheezes(asthma attacks) and stinks and bangs( don`t the Fahd Academy even teach Chemistry to those leading standards Al Khalili says were routine when “Islam Was Fab”?
We need a roll call of IS=Bad Weather clots…Charlie Church?…but no longer Charlie Hebdo-acid rain seems to have removed the chalk in that case..
UKIP should return to that” God`s grumpy with gays, so here`s a flood “routine…much more likely that the IS=unsettled weather meme we now live with.
chrisH, Charles and Charlotte, a match made in heaven. Are you starting a rumour ?
Quote:“We absolutely need their support to combat the tiny minority of violent extremists who are their enemies and our enemies and who collectively we need to work to combat.”
This has been the continuous plea of authorities since 9/11, some 14 years while, Muslims have engaged in mass shootings, bombings, stabbings, and wanton acts of violence. At no time has the much vaunted moderate Muslim majority ever got together and put a stop to Islamic extremism. But how can they, as that would be going against the teachings of the Koran, and the example of Muhammed. The only time the moderate Muslim majority comes out in large scale demonstrations, is when Israel takes actions to defend itself from moderate Muslims in Israel.
Recently, we see moderate Muslims making a big stand, when Donald Trump suggested a temporary stop to Muslim immigration. A reasonable suggestion.
If the so-called ‘moderates’ are in a majority why, to one degree or another, is every Muslim country an authoritarian, violence-ridden hellhole? What is it about a transplant of people and practices from these places that appeals to the Left so much?
Quite. And why is it that every time a Muslim majority country is released from dictatorial rule and given freedom, they immediately elect a Sharia supporting government.
It’s purely tactical. “The enemy’s enemy is your friend” type of thing.
The Far Left cannot impose their socialist collectivist Nirvana by conventional means, like open debate and democracy. So they need different methods. The tactics are a) to make the market economy unworkable by placing astonishingly high social burdens on it and b) allow in millions of immigrants and be seen to be their friend – expecting (correctly) they will thank you at the ballot box.
Let this roll for a decade or so and….BINGO. A socialist, Islamic state.
Corby’s naivety is that he has not cottoned on that as this scenario reached its desired conclusion, he would be quickly surplus to requirements, once the Imams, elders, and other leaders impose Sharia law and outlaw the irreligious democratic system.
I believe that in addition to support at the ballot box from grateful immigrants, the reason for supporting open borders stems from Karl Marx etc. who believed that borders and nationalism were the means to enslave the working class. Ironically the traditional arch enemy of the far left i.e. powerful capitalists and large corporations also believe in open borders in order to create a large pool of cheap labour with which to drive down labour costs and defeat or emasculate the unions. This view (in my view) is quietly supported by the liberal left and a significant number of centre right politicians.
In short we are f***ed.
An invitation to Finsbury Park mosque by Jeremy Corbyn to Donald Trump.
UK: Socialist leader calls terror-linked mosque “wonderful community asset
Finsbury park itself has long been tainted by association with some of Britain’s most notorious radical Islamists. The former Imam of the mosque, hook-handed hate preacher and Taliban fighter Abu Hamza was sentenced to life imprisonment in the United States earlier this year for calling on fellow Muslims to take up arms and engage in acts of violence.
Unfortunately Abu Hamza’s radical calls from the mosque were heeded. Two terrorist brothers, Cherif and Said Kouachi, the killers who attacked the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris in January are thought to have been radicalised and mentored by Al-Qaeda terror mastermind Djamel Beghal, who was based out of the Finsbury Park mosque at the same time as Hamza.
Finsbury Park mosque has also hosted Al Qaeda operatives Richard “shoe bomber” Reid and and Zacharias Moussaoui, a French citizen who pleaded guilty to conspiring to kill Americans as part of the September 11th attacks.
As recently as November a Muslim-convert and known radical from the mosque was arrested in Europe while on his way to join the Islamic State.
Despite having changed their leadership and reopened in 2005 the Finsbury Park mosque remains on a global terror watch list maintained by Thomson Reuters.
There is a hypothesis that Climate Change is the cause of mental instability and violence among many susceptible to variations in Climate. This bit of news about J Corbyn and his belief that the Finsbury mosque is a beacon of enlightened tolerance, must to some extent bolster the Climate Change mental instability/Terrorism hypothesis.
Is Corbyn serious, or is he pulling the leg – Muslims included?
Maybe Climate Change is responsible for the mental instability that resulted in Corbyn being elected Leader !
So leaving out the terrorism bit, non-violent ‘Conservative Islam’ =
– Gender segregation
– Arranged marriages
– Bigamy
– Honour killings
– Racial tension (vs blacks, Easter Europeans etc)
– Closed communities
– A parallel system of law
– Schools and mosques preaching anti-western hatred
– Female genital mutilation
– Industrial scale, racially-targeted paedophilia
And by virtue of never, ever being up for debate by the BBC – all having its tacit stamp of approval.
But then when you already have ‘climate change’ agenda that would take us back to Medieval times – or worse – it all makes sense, no?
Forgot to add electoral fraud.
So according to Phil Mackie the recent ofsted findings of teaching that Gays should be stoned is only conservatism and not extremist…
I simply don’t understand the lefts view on this, like the BBC they will never ever condem these teachings…
I agree Emerson – it is all a great mystery to me to as to why the BBC is so duplicitious when it comes to condemming any action which opposes its left wing agenda .
In particular it always seeks to negate negative Muslim actions against any one resisting the onward push of the ” religion of peace” – even rewriting the stories to give spin (ie “arab shot by Israeli forces” – conveniently forgetting that the arab was busy trying to stab passing pedestrians). I hold no candle for Israel but since our cultural enrichment I am beggining to understand why Israel acts the way it does.
I find it so sad now that on every story the BBC ” reports on” – I now find myself mentally tring to guess what left wing point they trying to push. Consequently anything regarding religion, immigration, sexuality or Europe always seems to have a massive left of centre spin on it – Why for heavens sake can they not just report the facts !
I originally started to read and post on this site this site after hearing a radio 4 news report regarding the trojan horse scandal. At the end of the report the newsreader confidently told me that ” no evidence had been found of any wrongdoing” what !!!!!!!
The BBC used to pride itself on impartiality – It still talks the talk on this but the walk has become a very pronounced mince !
I can only assume the reasons for this are a combination the following
1. It is staffed by lefty “right on ” types who consider that all the worlds problems can be solved by spending other peoples money and the recipients of all this aid will come to love them and not have any agendas of their own
2. There are a large number of of people with an agenda who have either covertly infiltrated or been openly recruited into an organisation who no longer cares about its impartiality
3. There are dark forces at work here involved in media manipulation aimed at changing the demographics of the existing e european culture.
It seems to me the more biased the BBC becomes the more shrill becomes its declarations of impartiality and high journalistic standards.
4. The BBC has been popuated by journalistic lightweights who all play the PC left wing game because they place their career higher than their personal integrity.
5. I am a swivel eyed loon who is constantly cross over any thing broadcast which does not match my own perceptions over how the world should be.
I just dunno ……. but I fear we are all being forced to play with fire and many of us will become burnt! But it is all so sad giving away our our childrens future for short term sentimental gratification and not dealing with difficult issues head on.
The government’s Counter-Extremism Strategy, published in October 2015, is actually fairly helpful.
It defines extremism in a way which captures those who preach sedition, advocate Sharia, denigrate democracy, hate the armed forces, etc. However, though we can now legitimately label these people as extremists per government policy – not so-called “Islamophobia” – where do things go from there? Why are the perpetrators not being arrested and charged? That’s where the Stategy starts to buckle, with too much of: engaging communities, building partnerships and understanding, countering ideology, and similar BS.
We need action now from the police and justice systems, without giving special treatment to, or being fearful of offending, Muslims.
Advocating Sharia should be treated a capital offence. Sharia is a direct threat against HM the Queen, the defender of the Protestant faith. This makes any calls for Sharia, sedition against Her Majesty and her realm.
We may not do hanging these day for such a crime. But the least and fitting punishment for sedition, is that the person or persons, be deprived of their subject status to Her Majesty, and banished from the realm. They no longer qualify for her protection. That means they no longer qualify for staying in her realm. They no longer qualify for protection and help from her forces – police, courts, MPs, social services, NHS, Benefits (Queens shilling), etc.
The police are investigating a suspected Islamophobic hate crime after Pig Heads were left inside/outside a Muslim School.
Reports AlBeeb, the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation.
Well diddums.
The f’ing police, whose resources are so stretched, after “cuts”, that they are unable to investigate mass Muslim paedophile rapes; always instantly find the resources to do this type of “investigation”.
Not to worry plod. Muslim areas will soon all be “no-go”, so no little piggy bits will be taken there.
If there is a department of the public sector which is anywhere near fit-for-purpose I have not heard of it.
Every time I hear about something nasty happening to a ROP member I get a nice warm glow inside.
Have the BBC reported this. I don’t see it on their website so far.
Q Was this attack racially motivated?
A No. The driver wasn’t white.
They seem to have the same problem with crime categorisation in the USA
(From Reddit).
Piggy heads?
Generally the hate crimes that are catalogued are of the “hijab pulled” type. They cannot be proved or unproved, and as such, very useful to the Muslima, but go on the hate crimes against Muslims category.
Yet the fact remains, Muslims are responsible for more murders of all types, and mass murders on a scale that dwarfs anything by any other demographic. Muslim hate crimes ie real ones like, throat slitting, shootings and bombings, are several orders of magnitude larger then by any other demographic.
Yet the police are not too concerned. Its just something that the infidel had coming.
Muslims crimes and murder serve one purpose for us- as an indicator of societal degeneracy. The greater the number of Muslim terrorist attacks in a non-Muslim society, the higher the societal degeneracy. I have no idea if the indicator is linear, or some other law.