The BBC’s leftist programme of rewriting of history continues apace.
The BBC website proudly announces a new series that Lord Hall Hall hopes will influence children’s minds and win them over to the BBC world view….Simon Schama and Mary Beard to present major BBC art series.
Simon Schama, Mary Beard and David Olusoga are to present a major 10-part BBC Two series on the story of art called Civilisations. The series will cover art’s journey on a global scale from prehistoric times to the present day.
It is nearly half a century since Kenneth Clark’s groundbreaking series Civilisation, about Western art, which will inspire the new commission.
Director general of the BBC Tony Hall said: “I remember the impact Civilisation had on me when I was in school: it was the start of a lifelong passion for the arts. Inspired by that great programme of the past, we want to excite a new generation.”
Three lefty historians will present us with a version of history that presents the West, the Whiteman, as wicked, racist, greedy and destructive, and of course as the people who ‘invented’ climate change (personally I think Harrabin and his climate activist side-kick, Joe Smith, invented climate change) whilst Blacks and Muslims suffered ‘European’ colonialism and racism…themselves being entirely peaceful vegetarians who led marvellous lives in harmony with each other and the planet.
Just the usual BBC distortion of truth and history for political and cultural reasons. They never learn how dangerous such poisonous rants against white people and ‘The West’ are…the BBC still openly supporting the Muslim terrorist narrative about foreign policy and a war against Islam….if Trump is a recruiter for ISIS as some claim then the BBC was there long before him….Lord Hall Hall has a lot to answer for….blood on his hands as much as any of the politicians the BBC targets in the blame game.
It would be more interesting if a true conservative voice was to be heard. These people are not by any stretch of the imagination to be termed conservative, Their liberalism will determine the narrative. The BBC and it’s apologists will deny this but the formbook never lies.
It is as if the current hive can no longer bear to include a real conservative voice. is it fear or a genuine hatred of conservatism?
A caveat here as I only mean the conservatism of the Westerner. All other cultures can be a conservative as they like and will find no quarrel from the liberal .
What would be nice is for the bbc to investigate such matters as the paedophile links to the Dunblane shootings, the Holly Greig sexual abuse and Robert Green’s arrest for trying to get justice for her and the allegations that Lord Mountbatten was a child abuser. If they did an honest journalistic job on those cover ups I might consider renewing my TV tax.
Kenneth Clark in “Civilisation” steadily maintains that its only Christianity that saved Europe from prolonged barbarism. That Western civilisation can be viewed as, in effect, the building of the Church. Many a time he speaks of Jesus Christ as Our Lord. There is no pandering to Islam or other quite barbaric ideologies. Only once he states, that in matters of spirituality, the Hindus have never been surpassed.
Now we have the muiti-culti non-discriminatory historians to come out with a new history for a new generation. They operate on the principle that all cultures are equal. From this premise, it follows that if a culture is outstanding, it must be rubbished in every way, including 1/2 lies and withholding evidence. Along with this is the corollary – if a culture is violent, predatory, oppresses women & minorities, and has nothing of any substance to recommend it, then it must be praised to high heaven. Imaginary achievements, or real ones of other cultures, are to be credited to it.
Laurence Auster made a study of this.
List of Instances of Auster’s Laws of Majority-Minority Relations in Liberal Society
The coming of Christianity plunged England into the centuries known as the ‘dark ages’. Christianity is no different to an other organized religion – all of them have been created by men desirous of power over others. Those men convinced themselves that they had special access to the mind of humanity’s creator and wrote down ‘his’ rules. For reasons unknown to us, all of humanity must seek to survive in a patriarchal age, And that is why we are where we are after 10,000 years.
It was invasions by pagan (mainly German) tribes that destroyed the Western Roman Empire. Christianity rebuilt it. At this time Western Civilization = Catholic Christianity. The Catholic Church and Christianity however are not the same thing (see The Reformation).
Let’s not forget also the role that the ‘peaceful’ Islamic overrunning of North Africa had on the demise of Western Late Antique civilisation.
Yes, some argue (Pirenne thesis) that it was Islam which created the Dark Ages in Europe.
Eh? Where did you study the history of Late Antiquity? Constantine preceded the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the so-called Dark Ages by a good century, and Christianity had been around for a while before that. Recruiting what was left of the army from the very tribes that were poised to invade in the hope of appeasing and integrating them was a bit of a mistake. But the Church was vital in the preservation of ancient learning: without the manuscripts preserved and copied in the monasteries, we would know far, far less about the Classical world than we do.
“the Church was vital in the preservation of ancient learning: without the manuscripts preserved and copied in the monasteries, we would know far, far less about the Classical world than we do. ”
Spot on hadda , spot on !
Pillock in a circle , where the hell did you get that from ?
Can`t agree pillar!
Christianity differs from all other known concepts of religion in that is it is based solely on the belief that Jesus Christ was born(as we`re marking by having Christmas), lived(more evidence that He did than virtually anybody else who lived in antiquity-and even way up to Henry VIII, maybe?)…died…but-uniquely-rose again from the dead, as He`d said in wilder moments. And-no doubt surprising even HImself at this!
And that He`ll be back to judge the world, and all people will go to heaven or hell depending on their decision about Him and His lifes, work and meaning.
He says too( as I recall, but not certain) that if He doesn`t judge us-then it will be Moses , based on our prior experience of keeping Gods law…implied here is that Jesus will be, by far, the better and easier judge to satisfy.
All other religions are based on keeping laws, rituals and texts in accordance with the elders opinions on what that entails. Only Christianity allows you to believe that a real person said and did those things as the gospels say…and that He was Gods boy…a very easy “Reason To Believe” as Tim and Rod would sing.
I`m sorry that Paul was allowed to take the message, puff up the Greek/Roman bits and trash the Jewish bits…Jesus was a Jew….and THAT informs all we need to know re the Middle East. Israel etc.
Paul was a great thinker, an original philosopher and a great man…but only one chunk of Romans(Rom 9-11) shows the Christian debt to Judaism. Todays church will be binned as much as Corbyn and the BBC for its denigration of the Jewish primacy in our faith.
In short pillar-Read Mark, look at Luke and leave Matthew and John until you see Judaism as the bedrock of Jesus` purpose and backdrop. I know it`s like getting Ringo as your main source for the Beatles meaning…but this is the upside down kingdom.
Peace and Love, peace and love…peace anf f***in love eh?
Glad Marge Simpson got in before 20th October 2008!
This claptrap has been debunked time and time again.
Along with Laurence Auster, this
Lawrence Auster’s First Law of Majority-Minority Relations, and Muslim
The link above focusses on the problem of the Western political elite and Islam – in that order.
With those three left-wing historians booked to write and present it you can guarantee that it will be complete crap. Beard came to prominence when she said that the USA got what it deserved in the attack on the twin towers. David Olusoga made his name as a critic of Western imperialism. I watched Schama’s History of Britain recently and thought it was very third rate. In fact everything I have seen by him has been third rate. We all know the reason they hired them was because of their politics.
BBC = 24/7 Leftist crap.
Can write this one already can`t we?
And to be chained to the likes of Beardy and Shaman would be career suicide to any self-respecting independent historian,
In any moral universe, anyway.
But academe, the EU and the BBC require Beard and not Starkey…Schama and not Ferguson.
Thank God for the likes of the World At War series as well as the internet…but the BBCs mind-grooming of kids is really wrong.
After Savile, they ought never to be let near kids minds…they need a 21 Certificate as far as i`m concerned..their kiddie fiddling of the mind is deeply creepy.
Still waiting for the story of the white girl Jessica Chambers who was burned to death by a black gang in Mississippi to hit the news pages of the BBC. Here it is:
Can’t imagine why they’re not all over it? It’s got everything (apart from a black victim).
Do I recall correctly that Lord Hall was responsible (with Yentob & others) for the introduction of BBC’s ‘The Culture Show’?
I recall it was trumpeted as an all encompassing arts programme like none before, wide-ranging, not stuck in Brian Sewell-like narrow grooves, and dealing with the latest forms of art practice. It turned out to be narrow, primarily occupied with painting & sculpture with occasional nods towards vintage architecture, contemporary music and books.
It helped drive me to give up watching TV.
With a bit of luck a politically correct pastiche of Kenneth Clark’s ‘Civilisation’ will be similarly underwhelming.
The Culture Show.
Notable for the almost total absence of culture content.
The Clark programme was entitled “Civilisation” and essentially restricted its material to visual Western High Culture.
The new programme is, terrifyingly entitled “Civilisations”. This indicates to me that it will examine and equate in time and space.
For example some “garage” “music” created by a stupid, uneducated, black will be compared to Mozart and declared equal, equal despite Mozart being orders of magnitude more complex and complicated.
Despite the listeners to the garage rubbish being confined to those with the inabilities of its creators.
Whereas Mozart has, for centuries, been listened to, enjoyed, analysed, imitated and performed by the intelligent, the educated and the talented. Mozart also has no connexion with Africa, the home of much that is basally primitive..
I am surprised at this BBC deviation. For many years its “history” and “science” programmes have wasted no opportunity to assert that there is one, global civilisation. That its history and scientific achievements are global achievements. Brian Cox is a master of this comparison.
The fact that, with the exception of some notable contributions by Jews, the whole of advanced industry, science and technology had, until recently been created by now dead, white males. People whose achievements it is the policy and purpose of the BBC and like organisations to remove from history.
Pillar: “The coming of Christianity plunged England into the centuries known as the ‘dark ages’.”
It could be argued that the Dark Ages attempted and failed to stamp out the flame of Christian faith in Britain. It could also be argued that post-Reformation Britain has enjoyed the benefits of near continuous spiritual revival & renewal, thus bringing increasing light rather than darkness.
1969 – Kenneth Clark, Art Historian, talking about Civilisation through Art History. Simple.
2015 – Three presenters, all left wing, a man, a feminist, and a black/Asian. If ever there was a simple visual expression of the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of the biased BBC, you have it right there in the photo. Political correctness must be maintained at all costs, first and foremost.
I read Simon Shama’s “Citizens” back in early the nineties and it was a good piece of popular history, well researched and very readable. But Simon Shama on art! Give me a break. He has already delved into this subject on our screens and its clear that he has no real understanding of art at all. As for Mary Beard, words fail me.
As ever the BBC trots out its usual politically acceptable, semi celebrity academics to turn every so-called history programme into propaganda for their leftist worldview – at our expense.
“Civilisation” could never be made today. The BBC simply don’t have enough respect for the intelligence of their audience. Every scene would be embellished with infantile re-enactments and the ego of the presenter would overshadow any information imparted to the audience. I might not have always agreed with Kenneth Clark, but he really knew his subject and he informed. But sadly such lofty ideals are long gone for todays BBC.
Beard: The Roman Empire was a civilising model of multiculturalism, equal opportunities and enlightenment.
Schama: Britain’s culture and prosperity has been forged by centuries of vibrant, inventive, entrepreneurial immigration.
Olusoga: Slavery didn’t exist until the English invented it.
Mary Beard says something vaguely sensible shocker!
Looking at the line-up I would expect a series of programmes bigging-up every civilisation that ever created ‘something’ with the caveat that Britain didn’t add anything of value to their creativity or that us Brits in some way repressed them.
Looking forward to be proven correct.