Had the misfortune to catch Mardell on the radio today giving us his world view..…and it’s a view that is pure Planet BBC on immigration, Iraq and the Taliban.
You remember the time when the Left were complaining that the reason Afghanistan fell to the depredations of the Taliban was because the West abandoned it after the Soviets were evicted, you remember the time when the Left complained so loudly and bitterly about the presence of Allied troops in Afghanistan and called for them to leave…now do you hear them complaining that the Taliban are back in force…and it’s all because we abandoned the Afghans again. Seems you just can’t win…unless you’re in the Taliban.
Mardell then pretends to give us some analysis on the immigration crisis but curiously enough it turns out to be nothing more than the usual BBC message that immigration is good for us and we’d better get used to it.
Mardell came up with a cracker all of his own invention though…apparently we shouldn’t talk about controlling immigration because Britain is now so heavily populated with immigrants that these immigrants feel insulted by such an offensive policy being spoken of. The usual BBC mantra and attitude from Mardell….doesn’t give a damn what the native population have to say….only concerned about the poor old immigrants swarming in here.
Mardell then drifed off into a piece on ISIS where we were told that the poor old Muslim terrorists were victims of alienation and the rage they felt that the West had abandoned Syria.
Hmmmm….let’s think whose to blame if Syria was abandoned….one Ed Miliband who betrayed the Syrians and cowardly ducked the responsibility of voting for an attack on Assad that might have forced him to the negotiating table…and of course the BBC refused to broadcast evidence of chemical attacks on Syrians on the night before the vote because they knew it would possibly sway the vote towards an attack.
But hang on…the Muslim radicals are raging because the West didn’t attack a Muslim country?…and yet I thought they were radicalised because we did launch an attack on a supposedly Muslim country ruled by a secular Saddam under a cruel dictatorship….one the Jihadis and the Left had been complaining the West had supported for years….until the West stopped supporting him and deposed him….then the West were in the wrong yet again for having deposed him.
Sounds familiar……see above…Afghanistan.
Ever get the impression that both the Left and their fellow travellers, the Jihadis, are intent on one thing, attacking the West regardless of what the West actually does….and most of the time the West has actually been supporting the Jihadis if you look at the history….so ‘foreign policy’ a cause of radicalisation? Complete and utter rubbish, a narrative that the BBC shamelessly peddles in the full knowledge that it is a lie but one that is a convenient lie that they use to bash the West with and have now recruited to the pro-immigration cause as well…we caused the war in Syria so the resulting immigrant problem is of our making and we must solve it.
Never mind that the war in Syria is purely a local affair arising from local conditions as did the other ‘Arab Spring’ conflicts….the BBC knows this as Frank Gardner once admitted, and yet they still blame it on the Iraq War or somesuch other Western policy…
How the Arab Spring began
16 December 2011 Last updated at 05:47 GMT
A year ago this weekend a 26-year-old Tunisian named Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire.
Even a simple council employee in Tunisia knows the truth that renowned BBC journos can’t seem to, or don’t want to, grip…
‘I started the Arab Spring. Now death is everywhere, and extremism blooming’
Faida Hamdy confiscated a vegetable stall in Tunisia five years ago today. Neither she nor the rest of the world could have imagined the consequences
It is hardly surprising that when Faida Hamdy wonders whether she is responsible for everything that happened after her moment of fame she is overwhelmed.
Mrs Hamdy was the council inspector who, five years ago today confiscated the vegetable stall of a street vendor in her dusty town in central Tunisia.
In despair, that young man set himself on fire in a protest outside the council offices. Within weeks, he was dead, dozens of young Arab men had copied him, riots had overthrown his president, and the Arab Spring was under way
Lord Hall Hall’s BBC…supporting Jihad everywhere.
It is all so confusing for poor Mardell.
So the Taliban are back. As a gambling man I had it as a way odds on chance that it would happen.
The West says it will leave. Fixes a date. The Taliban sit around playing chess, smoking, and doing SFA. The West goes and what do you know the Taliban gets up and going. We employ expensive journalists, politicians ,generals and none of them worked this out?
Give me a break.
The Taliban is just another facet of the Islamic movement rapidly taking over the ME and North Africa. It is nothing to do with our actions. They want us gone and also ,sensing how weak we are ( I mean in character not materially) they can see a main chance. Take the prize of Rome and that second golden apple. First Constantinople and then Rome. That was always the plan way back in the Middle Ages.
Now to Syria. And here I disagree with you. Cameron wanted to bomb and wanted regime change. Virtue signalling at it’s most stupid. The Russians have always felt that Cameron stiched them up over Libya and with good reason so would never have gone along with it. Assad is many things but an existential threat to Europe he is not and never was so removing him served no purpose.
Now with Putin at his side he is the only possible man that can help smash Isis and Isis has to be smashed .
We just do not get it. Isis and Talibans don’t care what we do and why. They want to bring the West to it’s knees and always have. They have the truth . It is written so they say and because we are so ideologically bankrupt and addicted to luxus and inanity and a destructive search for that world of equality where all have safe spaces and nobody but nobody is offended by anyone or anything .we are in a terribly weak position for all our gunships and advanced weaponry.
Mardell is a fool but no more so than Cameron and the rest of them. It is going to be left to the ordinary folk of the European shires to put things right and maybe they can or maybe not. Whatever happens it is going to cost. And not just in money terms.
Is the BBC now at its own demographic tipping point? When working as a journalist I remember how news editors were pressurised by Left-leaning gatekeepers on the backbenches. How many Muslims are now employed by the BBC? Given that we know 27% of all British Muslims support the general aims of Islamic State and wish to see sharia Law imposed on the British population what pressure is coming from the BBC’s own backbenchers on “flagship” news programmes? Secundar Kermani , with no formal journalistic chops other than his work on an Islamist TV channel now calls the shots on Newsnight’s Islam features and how far back does the pro-immigration pro-Islam power base now extend? If the BBC can call the Metropolitan Police “institutionally racist” then why can’t we find out if the BBC is now institutionally hard left, and possibly treasonous, as most of their retired senior management affirm. Mr Whittingdale needs to act now before it’s too late.
Unusually, I must take issue with you, Alan, re Syria. By what right did Cameron think ‘we’ had the right to impose regime change in Syria. You come across like a leftard in your support of Islamofascists. And make no mistake, although Cameron was going to help IS but now wants to help the ‘good rebels’, there is not a jot of difference between any of them. The western aid workers and journalists who starred in IS videos made the mistake of thinking there was.
Thank heavens Assad didn’t abandon the minorities of Syria to the murderous Islamist scum and thank heavens for Putin. The only ‘western’ leader who seems to talk honestly and sensibly about what’s happening there. (to this humble working class person)
Oh, and I think you’ll find that all those poisonous gas stories are, by and large, treated with the same credibility as Saddam’s WMD stories. (probably from the same source, as well)
I also believe that Assad will, with Russian help, crush IS the way they should be crushed, without mercy. The best way we can help is to stop funding and arming* his enemies.
*Arms, etc, which end up in the hands of IS pdq.
Three good posts above.*
Not a lot of people – even at high level – thinking and talking sense about Afghanistan, Islam, Syria, Libya, northern half of Africa, refugees, Europe, markets, Latin America, economies, security, commodities, China, internet, business, medicine, etc. A long list and there may be omissions.
It seems that we are having a re-run of Matthew Chapter 2, verse 3 from circa year 4BC.
Happy Christmas everyone!
(* Was favourably impressed yesterday by Dr Mike Martin on BBC R4 ‘PM’ @5.15pm approx. Thoughts, anyone?)
I’ve never been able to take anything Lardell says seriously ever since a centre-right mate working with the Trots in the bBBC news dept. told me how much Mark enjoyed his lunches when he was the US correspondent in Washington.
Just a microcosm of the entitlement culture so prevalent at our Far Left Orwellian state broadcaster.
‘…..apparently we shouldn’t talk about controlling immigration because Britain is now so heavily populated with immigrants that these immigrants feel insulted by such an offensive policy being spoken of. ‘
Brilliant. Over the years the BBC have ignored protests against mass immigration which the vast majority legitimately claim not to have had a say in, then when the immigrants reach a critical mass tell us we’re being offensive to them with our continuing protests.
Devious Internationalist bastards.
Like some abused spouse, the West are constantly being made to feel like it alone is the cause of everything that’s going wrong, by agenda driven bodies, dedicated to unravelling the Wests perceived domination at the benefit of the rest of the world. You cannot blame other countries and cultures for having a go at us, they are just looking after their own. What we have are whole sections of society who believe the way to personal enlightenment is to protect the vulnerable and less fortunate, no matter what. Because the West have been so utterly protected from the horror people and religion can cause, we have allowed a liberal class to flourish and take over decision making. When times are all fluffy and rainbowy these people are an annoyance, but tolerable. Now the war lslam has declared on us all is underway it will be the death of everything and everyone we hold dear to us in the West if we continue to allow those who can only make self protecting, delusional, egotistical, self serving decisions on before of us all. It’s clear the unrest has already begun and no matter how much the BBC try and brainwash the liberal and gullible in society, lslam will never be appeased by what the infidels in the West do. As long as the political elite strive for a world of unity and tolerance, war and bloodshed is the only way to prevent Muslims from doing exactly what they are compelled to do.
The choice is simple. Either ban all Muslims from living and practicing in any country that is not Islamic (like lslamic countries already do) or continue the endless bloodshed until the inevitable war that will have to take place to protect our own families, friends, loved ones from the same fate as those living and dying in the lslamic State