The BBC enviro-police are out to bang you up for noshing on a banger, chuck you in chokey for chomping on chorizo, stick you in the nick for a half eaten drumstick. You get the idea.
Roger Harrabin loved Arnie’s ‘go veggie’ message and it seems so do the BBC which has leapt aboard the band wagon with renewed vigour in order to save the planet. Meat is murdering the planet you know.
No coincidence that just a few days ago we had the message that vegetarianism might actually be worse for the planet than meat eating….is there a counter attack by the BBC under way?
Jane Goodall was on today (can’t remember when and where unfortunately) and given free rein to message us with the usual green propaganda backed up it might be said by a completely uncritical BBC presenter who cheered her on in total agreement with every word.
Goodall, famous for her work with chimps, is now ‘educating’ children about saving the planet with her Roots and Shoots organisation which tells us ….
Welcome to Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots, the education programme for young people. Roots & Shoots encourages children to implement practical positive change for people, animals and the environment by providing teachers with free resources and activities.
Get ’em young and capture their minds for life.
On Sunday we had the family business kick in and Henry Dimbleby, no idea how he managed to prof a job at the BBC, telling us we must dump the meat….
Restaurateur Henry Dimbleby unravels the deep-seated attachment of the British to eating meat.
Henry wants to cut down on his meat consumption. Many scientists and policy makers think this is a good idea – for global food sustainability, climate change and health. In an effort to understand why he is finding it so difficult, he unpicks the cultural history of the British and their relationship to eating meat.
Henry speaks to Professor of Food Policy at City University London, Tim Lang about whether personal choice can be enough, or whether governmental policy, taxes or rations are needed to change eating habits and prevent a global food crisis.
So the BBC has clearly adopted the narrative that meat eaters are guilty of destroying the planet and of course it is the British, with their unique ‘deep-seated attachment to eating meat’ who are the worst offenders.
Total rubbish of course…it’s the usual BBC stitch up where they invent a problem that is coincidentally associated with some other message they are trying to peddle (such as climate change), invent a cause of the problem (meat eating) and then pass judgement on whom they find guilty by inventing a spurious and convenient association limited to that group the BBC seeks to target, in this case Le Roast Beefs.
Curious that the BBC can totally ignore the fact that meat is relished and eaten throughout the world by most societies in large quantities…but it is the Brits who are to blame, as always…you can rely on the BBC to do its utmost to blacken Britain’s name.
Curious how all these patrician, well connected, holier than thou preachers who all move in the same circles and think the same thoughts all come together at the BBC which seems to be the accepted central messaging point for the disaffected and aggrieved, the sanctimonious, the arrogantly sneering, to have their grievances aired, their morally superior wisdom disseminated and their contempt for the little people and their concerns given critical acclaim.
Whos gonna tell james martin and the hairy bikers?
Alan, it’s simple: the BBC, specifically it’s noxious Current Affairs division, is The Inner Party. These are the liberal elite, the upper-echelon apparatchiks who are privileged and exempted from the usual exclusions and ideological sanctions placed (by them) on the masses of the proles. Outer Party drones (think BBC Light Entertainment, Comedy, Music, Drama and, of course, Natural History and Science) enjoy some of the privilege of the sainted Inner Party, and some might ascend to the upper echelons if they tow the Party line for long enough, well enough.
The BBC (aka: The Media Party in all but name) exists on the back of an enforced poll tax on the proles, which is perfectly justifiable when viewed from the lofty hypocritical heights of the Inner Party. Questions of morality, political impartiality and such are but trifling niggles best dismissed with a well-rehearsed progressive sneer.
They control the message because they control The Media.
Tim Lang is an odious and notorious food fascist. Anyone who turns to him for commentary needs his head examining. It’s pretty easy to become a professor of a subject you invent.
It is no coincidence that the ‘climate change’ horse has been harnessed to pull the militant vegetarianism wagon. The Left has been flogging that idea for decades and along with inventing ‘reasons’ why meat eating is unhealthy (while flying in the face of our clear evolutionary position as omnivores) will use any and every thing it can to keep the cart rolling.
It is this that allows us to unpick the AGW agenda – the way it works to conveniently support every Left wing meme from collectivism to veganism. It is all far too helpful to possibly be true.
Seem to recall, GC, that it was Tim Lang who was going around in 2006/07/08 saying that ‘food is too cheap’ just as world food prices were rocketing to help, with other rising prices & tax increases & economic mismanagement, to crash western banks and economies.
Bet he also goes down a bomb in India and Africa . . . . .
Naturally this “argument” about diet ignores the real problem.
There are too many people, 1000 times too many according to Richard Dawkins, although he may not have created this statistic.
Nobody is doing anything about overpopulation. But it is a problem, a problem which will be solved, at least temporarily, by war disease famine or combination thereof.
In the UK, the home of the industrial revolution, we should set a good example by reducing our population. Starting with those who are not British.
Halal parsnips anyone?
And who else but Henry Dimbleby to tell us of it all?
Anyone know how he got THAT chance to flaunt his virtues?
His meat and two veg would have been laid on a platter (one previous owner-Herod) for us all to admire…if only he`d had anything from down in the kitchen to show to us in” le departement des culottes”.
I imagine him , daddy.uncle Ben ,Jonners and Tom all laughing at us under the wind turbines of Stourton-under-Marsh, as they reflect on yet another year of filching, chiselling and fletching from the fixfux that pay a license fee and leave open cheques around for the likes of Dimbles, Attenbuggers, Toytown-Hasbeens, Pollygripers and gripppers to cash in from Charlsbury Bank of “Daddizin Der Mee G.R”.
Oh-by the way-the virtue suckups for Gaia-the veggie Yates…are screwed over in I Corinthians 8…no futher comment or questions needed, and it`s a false flag of lefty privilege…so fuck off Beeb!
God we`re dumb-we get the likes of Michelmores and Magnussons for one generation-then we saddle our hard-pressed kids with funding yet ANOTHER generation of Dimblebys and Attenboroughs…what the hell is up with us?