Which way to swing, that’s the question the BBC never asks itself. It knows which way to swing….to the left.
Week after week, maybe day after day, the BBC has ramped up the anti-right wing rhetoric in its attempt to label any and all criticism of mass, uncontrolled immigration as something akin to Nazism.
They’re at it again today…
Migrant crisis: Hungary denies fuelling intolerance in media
The Hungarian government has fiercely rebuffed criticism from three top international organisations that its new anti-migrant media campaign is generating fear, intolerance and xenophobia.
The BBC also reports this…
“The blindness of those who attack Hungary could lead to the disappearance of European civilisation,” Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in a statement.
He said the unprecedented joint statement by the UN refugee agency (UNHCR), Council of Europe and Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) “is not true – Hungary is depicting reality”.
Naturally the BBC intends the reader to take away the impression that Szijjarto is completely wrong and a bit of a fascist.
However consider that the BBC is extremely reluctant to report similar attitudes in the Muslim world…such as today’s report that Christmas is near banned in Brunei…and there have been plenty of such stories from Muslim countries that the BBC religiously ignores……
Sultan of Brunei bans Christmas ‘because it could damage faith of Muslims’
Tiny conservative nation on Borneo warns citizens that putting up festive decorations or singing carols could threaten the country’s Muslim faith
The Ministry of Religious Affairs said in a statement: “These enforcement measures are … intended to control the act of celebrating Christmas excessively and openly, which could damage the aqidah (beliefs) of the Muslim community.”
In a warning to Muslims earlier this month, a group of Imams warned that any celebration “not in any way related to Islam” could lead to “‘tasyabbuh’ (imitation) and unknowingly damage the ‘aqidah’ (faith) of Muslims”.
The Hungarians are whipping up racist hatreds as reported by the BBC, but Muslims are defending their faith…as reported by the Telegraph and not the BBC.
The report about Hungary is completely one-sided. No alternative view point is given any consideration, nor does Nick Thorpe consider why 63% of Hungarians find migrants “aggressive and demanding” assuming only that it must be due to Government propaganda.
Good morning from lslamic State of Britain and Northern Ireland!
The Islamic Broadcasting Corporation again in full propaganda swing, and making the Al Jazeera website look like it’s been written by the Aryan Brotherhood! An article on the great book of death and destruction itself, the Koran. One on the new mother Teresa and voice of everything that’s just and righteous in the world and go to for the Al Beed for answers regarding all aspects in life, ‘mullah’ Malala. Another anti West (and excuse for next terrorism attack and ammunition for the continuous deaths by Muslims around the world) report on deaths in Syria by (the only country fighting back against the Muslims in their war against the world) Russia. And finally, headline news about how Afghan forces are ‘fighting’ back against their fellow Jihadi brothers in some shithole somewhere in Sangin twinned with Luton.
Don’t know about you folks, but I am throughly convinced now that the world is perfect again thanks to a Muslim hero’s around the world.
Malala? Is this the girl who was shot in the head, and but for the compassion and competence of the Christian West, would have been dead & buried, and long forgotten. No Islamic country took her, or gave her any support.
But here is the irony. She got a Nobel prize + lots of money from the West, and since then has become a propaganda hack for Islam.
Like your post, but Malala was shot in the head for the ‘crime’ of wanting girls to be educated. Cut her some slack.
It’s not her fault that Al Beeb choose to use her at every opportunity for their own propagandising agenda.
Thank you Sluff. I really mean it. If you didn’t, or others didn’t point out my harshness or unfairness, I would quickly descend to barbarism. So thank you. I will remember your post, as a kind reminder to retain a degree of fairness .
Now I would like to give Malala some slack, considering what she has gone through. In fact I have sympathy for her. But my sympathy is for all Muslim girls, conditioned to accept Islam, no matter how badly they are treated by Islamic culture. The conditioning is done by the whole family, particularly Mum and family women. Girls instinctively gravitate to, and copy their mother. So the conditioning is very deep.
But Malala was not just conditioned, but got a wake up call, or should I say a death call. She was brought back to life by the West. However, since Malala became a wealthy celebrity, all she has done is to defend Islam.
IIRC she became a target thanks to the BBC making her one, and then dropping her off to her fate.
A bit like any they have set the ‘not helpful’ dogs on of late, ranging from Katie Hopkins to Andrew Neil, along with various others around the world in politics or of profile, simply for the crime of having an opinion the BBC requires to be vilified and crushed.
Pathological altruism – that most deadly form of virtue signalling – is the BBC’s modus operandi. The BBC despises white western values, culture, history and freedoms. ‘White guilt’ (entirely misplaced and very poorly understood, as it happens) drives most of the west’s efforts to commit public suicide. Germany might have embraced its death wish rather more enthusiastically than most other western European nations, but we’re all headed in the same direction, towards the same zero sum conclusion.
Wilful deceit (nobody mentions that Saudi Arabia (‘our friends’) are on course for a year-best in beheadings, amputations, floggings and other medieval ‘punishments’ (well ahead of Islamic State in this respect)) is a necessary prerequisite for total cultural suicide – ably abetted by willing helpers in the dimwitted, dangerously liberal fascist media.
I hear that Mary Beard is to produce a new ‘major historical series’ for the The Media Party. You can bet she will have little to say about just how insignificant Britain’s brief involvement in the slave trade was compared to, say, that of the magnitude and sheer barbarity of the centuries-long Arab slave trade. This is how cultural suicide works. You begin by rewriting or totally ignoring historical context (to avoid inconvenient truths that might harm the narrative) and by a careful process of elimination you eventually arrive at a revisionist version of events that don’t just place all blame on yourself and your country, but you create the circumstance in which it becomes easier for the unentitled (muslims – history’s biggest, most savage and irresolute murderers and thieves) to claim the moral high ground.
Our understanding of the ‘how and why’ of the Crusades underscores this perfectly. We have all been lied to over the decades about the real history of the Crusades. History – if we really want to look for it – shows us that the Crusades were a long-overdue response to centuries of extreme muslim aggression and conquest. I wonder if Professor Beard will have anything at all to say about that?
Good comment, ObiWan. Prof Beard is a just bore with a cardboard cutout mind.
Good comment Obiwan
The Real History of the Crusades
Crusade Myths by Prof Thomas Madden
Very well said.

Regarding the Crusades: here’s a handy animation which shows the Crusade versus Muslim Conquest battles.
This was derived from Bill Warner’s excellent video at https://youtu.be/I_To-cV94Bo
Great video!
I agree that it is as plain as a pike staff that the liberal elite and their ‘ party propaganda organ’ the BBC, are hell bent at promoting Internationalism and abolishing difference where ever it exists, be it race, religion or even gender, regardless of the consequence. They have all the characteristics of religious fanatics in their pursuit of this goal and consequently deny any evidence that doesn’t fit with their religious view and seek to eliminate all other points of view. The role of the BBC has been critical in establishing this liberal left world view as the ‘establishment’ view in the UK.
I have tried to point out the likely consequences , perhaps inevitable is a better word than likely, of allowing millions of Muslims into our country, to some young relatives of mine, only to be howled down and regarded as some sort of right wing, antediluvian, bigot who doesn’t understand the modern world. No serious argument is advanced as to why having in our midst millions of followers of a religion with a very dangerous history is a good idea that benefits the UK now and in the long term. They just mindlessly repeat the standard BBC stuff about enrichment, NHS, moral duty , drowned toddlers etc etc . Sadly I have come to the conclusion that the BBC and various celebs, have made it cool to adopt the liberal left view and that young people, being dedicated followers of fashion , have jumped on this band wagon without any thought as to the consequence.
But there is hope because fashions change quickly. If only the truth about Islam can be heard over the megaphone of the BBC , then perhaps the young will wake up and realise that they are sleep walking their way to a very unpleasant future and start to do something about it. But this will only happen if the malign influence of the BBC is curtailed and time is running out.
I have to agree that voicing a Right wing opinion at any social gathering these days might as well be accompanied by a full Nazi salute and a rousing Seig Heil! so well is it received.
Then again, we have to fight back using the logic that is always inherent in conservative opinions against the feel-good, virtue signalling emptiness that characterises the liberal mindset.
Muslims are everywhere now, not just in the big cities. What is really depressing is that I see them in droves in places like Sienna, Ravenna, Venice, Troyes, Reims, etc etc. They are in St Albans, St Denis, Oxford, Durham, in all the jewels of Western civilisation. The destruction they can do in Sienna, Ravena, Rome etc is so huge that it will destroy Western civilistion at its roots. Just the threat to take down Sienna for unstance, will make us surrender to anything Muslims want.
So far Muslims have targetted people. What happerns when they target people and say Reims.
What our politicians have done is beyond even the highest treason. They have betrayed their civilisation/culture and not just their nation.
The logic of the Hungarian position is that staying in the EU is an existential threat to their people and that an immediate
withdrawal is necessary.
Sooner or later the Hungarian people will have to make that decision.
Germany has dominated the EU for a long time and it , under Merkel, is back to it’s old mad ways.
The Slav nations must know this and must leave.
So of course must we In England and Wales. The Scots seem on a path of their own so if needs be must leave the UK.
Cameron and his acolytes will literally do anything to keep us in the EU. I have no faith that this referendum will be fairly conducted.
What is likely to happen is that events will overwhelm Europe and even that fool Cameron will have to listen and stop lying to the people.
Hungary will never be forgiven for actually sticking to the EU rules and regulations.
The EU write the bloody stuff-but it`s all a moveable feats at the first whiff of grapeshot.
Power is being able to say one thing-then write it-and then have it apply to the lower orders, whilst it all means what the powerful WANT it to mean,,,and the endless rewrites, changes in camera angles, nuances mispeakings etc…well, it`s still not up on YouTube is it?
For now it is…but not necessarily for much longer.
Hungary only stuck to the letter of the law…but Merkel is the godless sprite of EU/N fantasy…so the Hungarians were horrid in NOT following her toxic road to Duisburg…with an option on Nuremburg to come…the Germans are good at that!
Think on the EU accounts-never been signed off, Kinnock, Madelson, Felicty Andreasen etc.
Think on all those financial rules for the Euro-bent fiddled and lies from the start-only the Germans and French can break, nip and tuck, dodge and dive at will-but not the Greeks, not the Cypriots.
Think on troikas removing Greek and Italian democratically elected leaders-shutting down Portuguese electoral results-and all the rest of it.
New Europe is on the rise and will not fall for the flabby liberal liars of Paris and Berlin…and Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks and Poles will not fall for Merkels blandishments, Hollandes Mr Playdough pretences.
The East LIVED under the USSR-once they`ve drained the EUSSR of point and purpose, we may yet start again.
Excellent post.
Tiny conservative nation on Borneo warns citizens that putting up festive decorations or singing carols could threaten the country’s Muslim faith
And then
Malaysia unveils world’s first fully Sharia-compliant airline