Hi all. My wifi problems have finally been resolved so am back online and able to upload! Here’s a pre Xmas open thread for you to knock the stuffing out of the BBC! Detail that bias here please and don’t be shy about it…
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First off, here’s wishing all readers a very Happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
This link suggests that not all is going well in Germany…
Hopefully most will be able to look forward to a peaceful holiday period but the omens don’t look good for 2016 and beyond
And the same to you, though of course I dare not wish you a White Christmas
I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.
To be fair Simon Bates on Radio Devon this morning (9 a.m. ) did a one hour show on the Irving Berlin/Bing Crosby classic. I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas was played multiple times by different singers as he told the story of both men. Must admit I would have thought it would have been consigned to their dustbin of history by now.
The Indy of course sharing the honours with the Graun usually on the BBC on a ‘critics are saying’ basis.
It is also noteworthy what the dubiously effective IPSO can demand and get (albeit on a no space for truth basis the BBC will recognise) quickly, versus what the internal, in secret BBC Trust can and usually will not get from their colleagues after months or years.
Next year I am making the BBC Complaints and DPA/FoI farce my major mission to expose and reform, with or without the toothless, industry network-complicit paper tigers in John Whittingdale’s DCMS and Jesse Norman’s supposed ‘Review Committee.
The Conservative Government may be the least bad, but they have lost any chance of me voting for them over this, and any I can sway with me.
Ported over to this new thread, as it is important, thanks to a floor poster noticing the BBC up to its usual inept propaganda and censorship attempts:
An EU story is now under Politics, citing ‘could’ in headline and intro sub.
Leads here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-35165720
‘Could’ all the way. It was not initially like this
It is open to comments. Top one:
13. Posted by ColinConundrum
Main headline on homepage ‘EU exit would lead to break up of UK’. Article heading ‘EU exit could lead to break up of UK’. Classic BBC online. Trying to manipulate as usual. People aren’t that stupid.
Newsniffer anyone?
It doesn’t matter if people are stupid or not. The BBC is institutionally bent, knows it, doesn’t care, and protected by those in high office.
For the sake of the country, this unholy establishment state alliance based on lies and zero accountability to sway policy and rig democracy must cease.
And so, as Tiny Tim said, “A Merry Christmas to us all; God bless us, every one!”
Dickens, not ‘Dickensian’.
He would never say …
Is it becuz … I is black?
(unless of course … he s on the Al BBC)
… would he be Tiny Trayvon then?
Noggin, first of all, I’ll freely admit to having read and ‘liked’ many of your posts on bBBC but I don’t understand the one you’ve made above. As you know, it was reported a few weeks back that (Sir) Tom Jones had decided to get a DNA test in order to check whether or not he had a degree of black ancestry. I always understood Ali G’s catchline, ‘Is it becuz I is black’, to be a humorous phrase taking a dig at people who, either out of would-be admiration or mimicry, attempt to adopt some cultural reference that they don’t understand, overdo the act and, consequently, become comical. My comment was a passing reference to a fleeting BBC news item regarding Tom Jones. I had and have no axe to grind with regard to Tom’s (or anyone else’s) ethnicity but I do think it’s a sign of the times that Tom Jones should feel he has to pursue his DNA roots not through any great personal desire but because he feels pressured by people claiming he was ‘just passing as white’. Tom’s chart music from the sixties was an enjoyable part of my teenage years and, as such, won’t be forgotten. Ethnicity never entered the frame; it was just good dance music.
I can find no connection to be made between, on the one hand, Tom Jones, Ali G and Tiny Tim and, on the other, the shooting of Trayvon Martin (a black Florida teenager) by George Zimmerman (Peruvian-German ancestry) who was later acquitted of Martin’s second-degree murder.
If I made a comment a couple of months ago that offended you, or indeed anyone else, then my apologies but perhaps you should have got it off your chest at the time. I hope you have an enjoyable holiday and all the best for 2016.
I’m in love…
Yes, a breath of fresh air. I recommend subscribing to her You Tube Channel as well as the Tomi Lahren Facebook Fan Club. God, a change from the jihadist butt lickers on the BBC.
Great video, so thanks for posting – I wasn’t aware of the fragrant Ms Lahren until now. Wow. Nice to see that there are still a few honest, plain-speaking commentators about in the media. Website bookmarked – a nice companion site to: http://www.therebel.media/
Biased BBC Awards 2015 – update (again with my thanks for your indulgence).
As unofficial compiler of candidates for the above awards, I am re-posting the list plus new categories and nominations. Before the end of the year I will be submitting small photos of each nominee in separate posts. The idea being that you uptick the nominees that you feel have done enough to win (upticks for multiple nominees will be permitted). The count will be made at the stroke of midnight 31st December. Hey, I’ve got nothing better to do, I will be child-minding the Grandkids anyway!
New nominations and categories –
“BBC House Dhimmi of 2015” – Fergal Keane (for services to the Final and Glorious Conquest of the Infidel Dar al-Harb)
“Best BBC Minority Box Ticking Production of 2015” – Cuffs
“Most Bias of 2010 (retrospective)” – Rupert Wingfield-Hayes (for services to Israeli-Palestinian Relations)
“Most Outrageous BBC Propaganda” –
Jenny Hill (for her performance at Munich Railway Station)
Roger Harrabin (for services to cognitive dissonance)
Evan Davis (for being Evan Davis)
Clive Myrie (for dicking about Tyson Fury)
Jon Donnison
Mishal Husain
Mathew Price
“Best Humiliation of a Beeboid on TV”-
Jacob Rees-Mogg (for owning Dimbleby)
“Most Incoherent Ramble on World Affairs (Random Gabbler Award) –
Mark Mardell (for his state of the nation address)
“Most Ridiculous Political Guest”-
Diane Abbott (not BBC, but may as well be)
The competition is hot. I am sticking with Evan, purely in a metaphorical sense, of course. Dhimmi, need to think about that. Jacob stuffing Dimblebore has to be a winner. Diane Abbott with her rabbit rabbit rabbit wins hands down , so to speak. Lardell , champion of “Guess the weight competition “. BBBC poster of the year, chrisH .
Well!!!…Ricky Gervais will never work for the BBC again…
I am sure that saying that criticism of religious ideas is not racism will land you with a charge of racism.
Racist rant on the bus – man arrested for shouting Islam is not a race.
MP for the said constituency says that racism of this sort is unacceptable in our vibrant multicultural community.
Magistrates recommend further psychiatric reports on a woman who hurled racist abuse screaming that criticism of Islamic religion is not race hate.
Woman who in a race hate rant, who said Islam is a religion which can be criticized has had her children placed into care.
London mayoral candidate, Sadiq Khan, promises to direct efforts of the Met to combating race hate accusations that Islam is a religion that can be criticized.
I’d have had more respect if he’d mentioned some of the major religions by name and then attatched the “bullshit” reference at the end, now I wonder which religion may have declared a jihad on his arse resulting in him living a Salman Rushdie lifestyle. He would also do well to remember that he only has the freedom to express his views as generations of Christian people before him fought and gave their lives to create a nation based upon Christian ideals for his worthless self important self to reside in.
In aid to counter balance the BBC indoctrination and propaganda I am re-posting this interview of the Hungarian PM, since it is essential reading.
I assure you that you will not regret reading an honest politicians intelligent, thought through take on the EU and immigration troubles.
A real eye opener, that such an honest, democratic politician actually exists:
Excellent link, Charlatans. Perhaps it takes a Hungarian who lived though the horrific domination of the Soviet Union to understand the importance of the nation state, and the disaster that Europe is sleep-walking into. Everyone should read that interview.
@Charlatans – thanks for posting this. It’s good to read an article without any spin or narrative applied – readers can make their own minds up about Viktor Orban’s words.
If this was reported on the BBC, it would be paraphrased to fit their agenda – possibly given a title like “Hungarian PM shows no remorse over migration crisis” or “Orban plays to the far right.”
Or “Some people are saying that he is a racist.” We know the score from the lying syphilitic whore formerly known as Auntie Beeb.
This is off topic, but relevant.
Orban refers to ‘common sense’, more than once.
In the last edition of ‘Walking’ magazine, Beeboid Stuart Maconie (he’s a regular contributor) recently said ‘One man’s common sense is another man’s propaganda’.
A mantra to look out for, methinks.
“honest, democratic politician”
I am guessing that you do not know much about Hungarian politics.
Wild – ha ha very funny – understand exactly what you mean. I have spent a lot of time in Eastern Europe going back to 3 years in Poland during the 70s when I was arrested on average every couple of months. I was also in and out of East Germany around that time too.
But Hungary I have known from around 2007 and must say how things have improved immensely from those heady days of mass corruption both in the public and private sector.
I dunno. You wait all week for a new Open Thread then two come along together…
UK GDP Q3 figures revised down to 0.4%. Cue orgiastic high profile doom and gloom bBBC reporting. Implication? All this austerity isn’t working, let’s spend, spend, spend, like Jezza wants. And it can’t help being antagonistic to our EU ‘partners, can it?
Err, what’s not mentioned is how everyone else is doing. Germany (0.3%), France (0.3%), Italy (0.2%), Belgium (0.2%), Austria (0.1%), Netherlands (0.1%), Portugal (zero growth ), with Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Greece, all in recession.
But let’s be fair. Czech, Ireland, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, and Sweden are ahead. Mmm, mostly outside the Eurozone. Spain has had healthy growth for the last 7 quarters, but don’t worry. The new anti-austerity parties there, post general election, will soon put a stop to that.
So in fact the UK is not doing too badly. You’d never know that from the bBBC though. Doesn’t fit the agenda.
“But let’s be fair. Czech, Ireland, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, and Sweden are ahead. Mmm, mostly outside the Eurozone.”
Also not coincidental that Czech, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary were mentioned together by the Hungarian PM.
It always amazes me that the BBC (and the rest of the media) publish statistics without stating the margin of error. So if in the recent UK GDP Q3 case the margin of error was plus or minus 0.2%, then the economy could have been expanding. Check out Breitbart polls, they always publish the margin of error.
The BBC playing its part in the media bandwagon about the Muslim family banned on a flight to the US.http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35167511
Strangely though no mention of the family member’s arrests in Israel, or the other family member’s Al-Qaeda Facebook pages.
Dearie me. Wasn’t this the sort of thing that Mr Trump was castigated by the BBC et al for suggesting? I’m surprised the current President (remind me again who that might be) isn’t getting put on the BBC naughty step, since they’re evidently unaware of any reasons why that family might be banned other than for being Muslim.
Actually, they’ll probably get an audience with His Obamaship for this, a la Clock Boy.
Segment from the next edition of Panorama, on the real reason for Islamic immigration to Europe. I lie, the BBC could never face up or inform us of an uncomfortable truth like this….
“My main reason for leaving Syria is….blah blah blah” Obviously you simply forgot about your country’s army subscription and that you would find yourself fighting other Muslims in the North of your country. That is why so many young men of “fighting age” were seen leaving Syria. When are we going to hear this on the BBC or our main stream media? Lying ars*oles.
I can only hope that one day the BBC and in particular Roger Harrabin are bought to book:
All empires eventually collapse into shadows and dust. CAGW is fated to end the same way. Yes, it will take considerable time to unpick this deliberate lie, given its gargantuan proportions (a truly global fraud on a scale unlike anything in mankind’s past) and the armies of indoctrinaire succubus so heavily invested in its survival… but collapse it will. That really is a certainty.
Climate doesn’t pick sides or follow a political agenda. Something the eco-zealots are one day going to have to face up to – I only hope I live long enough to see it happen.
I’m less charitable that you. I want to see the perpetrators in the dock, alongside those, including Harrabin, who aided and abetted the fraud. This has cost millions and it has also cost lives.
Agreed, but given who is supporting the scam i.e. just about every world leader, even if a glacier were moving slowly south and was within sight of London, having crushed most of Britain’s major cities, it would still be the result of ‘climate change’.
Investigations indicate that Richard Ayre is the cancer at the heart of the BBC, appointed for the sole purpose of propping up the BBC‘s censorship policy for climate science, scientists and scientific debate. Lord Hall believes in free speech, unless Richard Ayre orders him not to allow free speech on the BBC. Once Ayre is got rid of with the disposal of the BBC Trust, Lord Hall will say that he was only following orders, when he banned free speech for Quentin Letts. It does look like appointments for senior positions at the BBC Trust are determined almost exclusively by Environmental activists. It looks like Scientists are trying to keep a distance from the Climate philosophers at the BBC Trust, expecting that the disposal of these fanatical “thought police” will be an improvement.
BBC 24 News:
“”UK Muslim dad: US stopped my family flying to Disneyland””
“When they saw me shaking my head, the younger ones started crying, they knew straight away,” he said.
BBC wades in with a pack of ‘victim’ cards.
Predictable BBC Bias. Miss the main concern, dwell and divert to Victim Status.
More garbage from the Al BBC
BBC – Muslim family’s halted trip is raised with PM … ooooh brother!
Downing Street said David Cameron would immediately respond … etc etc
Keith “any opportunity for publicity” Vaz is of course … on the case
Mr Mahmood told the BBC:
We checked in, there were no problems. Just before the final check to get into the lounge we were singled out.
He had been invited to speak at local schools about Islamophobia.
He told BBC Radio 5 live it seemed like it had been a clear case of discrimination.
Anyone at the BBC ask about family member’s arrests in Israel? or the other family member’s Al-Qaeda Facebook pages?
I think it’s great. If for any reason you are stopped from travelling to another country, you can take it up with the PM who will in turn take it up with the country in question. Now that’s politics at work. Next time I’m travelling I’ll make sure I have No 10 phone number or at least the number of the Cabinet Office with me. I hope this case completely backfires for ‘Call me Dave’ who only acts if there is votes to be gained.
Saw Kay Burley (of all people!) on Sky News ask Stella Creasey if she had checked with the Israelis about their arrest of one of the family and if that had anything to do with the US action. Creasey pretended not to hear the question and said that the Israeli connection was pure speculation and could not be confirmed. Burley said the information had been confirmed by a family member in an interview earlier in the day and asked her again if she had contacted the Israelis to check if that incident had any connection with the US decision. Once again Creasey said the information was unconfirmed and anyway, why should she contact the Israelis when the problem was with the US authorities? By this time it was apparent that the penny was beginning to drop with Creasey that she had made a song and dance about this family without checking all the facts. By now a frustrated Burley kept trying to pin her down with the Israeli question but Creasey was reduced to accusing the American authorities of discrimination and being prejudiced against Muslims. Without much effort at all, Burley showed Creasey to be the ignorant, opportunistic gobshite she really is. I usually have little time for Kay Burley but on this occasion she did a damn sight more than any Beeboid interviewer would do when questioning a Labour politician.
I would probably suggest that Burley’s subliminal message was “Don’t just blame the Americans, the Israelis are worse because they are dictating to the Americans who they can allow in to their own country.”
I do hope that the proposed Mary Beard Civilization Show will include Voltaire’s contribution. He may not have said ‘I disagree with what you say but will fight for your right to say it’, but he did say this about the ROP.
“The Koran teaches fear, hatred, contempt for others, murder as a legitimate means for the dissemination and preservation of this satanic doctrine, it talks ill of women, classifies people into classes, calls for blood and ever more blood. Yet, that a camel trader sparks uproar in his tribe, that he wants to make his fellow citizens believe that he talked to the archangel Gabriel; that he boasted about being taken up into heaven and receiving a part of that indigestible book there, which can shake common sense on every page, that to gain respect for this work, he covers his country with fire and iron, that he strangles fathers, drags away daughters, that he leaves the beaten a free choice between death and his faith: now this is certainly something that no-one can excuse, unless he came as a Turk into the world, unless superstition has stifled any natural light of reason in him. ”
Voltaire (1694-1788) Translation by SIMONXML from “ISLAM – Dem Untergang geweiht” by Thomas K. Luther, p.24.
I fear that there will be no place for Voltaire on the BBC and he is very likely to be prohibited as a Neo Con, Fascist, Islamophobe from our universities.
No coincidence that the Paris attack took place on Voltaire Street.
Uh oh! … Muslim “Disney” family? you seen the kids ages?
is there a narrative at hand here? and after about 13 signatures the media then covers “anti racism” petitions
BBC – Muslim family ‘denied boarding’ on flight to US from Gatwick
BBC – Muslim family’s halted Disneyland trip is raised with PM
What the hell has it to to do with our government? As far as I am aware the US of A is still a sovereign state and makes these decisions based on intelligence gathered from normally reliable sources (like most intelligence agencies). Sometimes they get it wrong (dodgy dossier Tone???) but, on the most part, where there’s smoke there’s fire.
It is not up to to the constituency MP (whoops, Labour by the way) to pressurise the government into interceding on this family’s behalf. The decision was made by a foreign power over concerns for their own territory and citizens. But, of course, because they are Muslim the AlBeeb has decided they are the innocents in this case (without have any insight into the US intel at all). Makes you laugh it it wasn’t a weeping matter.
What would their take be if they were a white Christian family who had been denied entry???
And if such a family had been allowed to travel to the USA and had been shot during their terrorist attack, the UK would have been criticised heavily for not preventing this.
It’s a no-win situation.
Check Creasey’s constituency and see the number of radicalised, i.e. fundamentalist, Muslims who have gone on to be arrested for involvement in terrorist activity or are currently fighting for Islamic State in Syria. No wonder the Yanks thought this family might be a security threat. Coming from Walthamstow would have thrown up lots of red flags.
BBc London local news still running this story this morning.
World at One was beyond parody. Simpson and Mardell parading their virtue and how.
Why did I listen? Masochism I suppose and a sort of despairing curiousity as to what these fine specimens of our very own lugenpresse had to say.
Migrants from Simpson. Did I know that over the last hundreds of years waves of immigrants had come to England ? I do now as Simpson told me so it must be true. Lugenpresse at it’s best.
Also the current migrant invasion reminded him of the refugees of Europe’s wartorn 20th century. Well I can see no resemblance but then what do I know?
Then we have the incredible Mardell interviewing what must be the most PC policeman on planet Earth. I thought the police are there to catch criminals and keep us safe. Wrong again I’m afraid. They are social workers and community organisers. Well I never.
A real buddy buddy interview and a true meeting of minds.
Look BBC if you are going to put out propaganda in the old Soviet way try to be a bit subtle and a bit entertaining.
On reflection lugenpresse fits the bill now.
One day the lying is going to have to stop.
I heard that amd shuddered, too. The PC PC was ‘Sir’ Peter Fahy, the retiring (in one sense at any rate) Chief Constable of Greater Manchester.
I thought it was quite festive, in a nauseating kind of way, listening to two fools singing a duet from the Common Purpose songbook.
Sorry but the most PC PC is the retired met Police Commissioner and High priest of Political Correctness Iain Blair. He alone was in charge when he decided to close off roads and police them so that Abu Hammza had a safe platform in which to preach hatred and indoctrinate Jihadists including the Shoe Bomber, Richard Reed.
Iain Blair failed to arrest the ‘White Widow ‘ He refused to arrest Muslims holding up plcards with ‘Death to the Kuffair’ on them . In fact the only arrests his force made were those who protested against terrorists and those handing out leaflets promoting Christian beliefs.
Exactly! He was a wannabe luvvie who had ‘trodden the boards’ on a stage somewhere before joining the Met.
Yeh but if Fahy had been in charge of the Met he wouldve been every bit as bad.
Fahy actually believes that less experienced BAME officers should be enabled to leapfrog over ethnic British police officers who are more suitable and more experienced, in order that BAMEs get leg ups into the top ranks of the police.
Peter Fahy is an appalling squish. He only got the GMP job because he was the Chief Constable of Cheshire when his predecessor at GMP killed himself over his marital difficulties. Fahy swiftly stepped into dead man’s shoes and never looked back.
Did I know that over the last hundreds of years waves of immigrants had come to England ?
The level of annual immigration to the UK skyrocketed under Blair.
It is clear to most intelligent people our infrastructure isn’t coping and our laws, traditions and democracy are under threat.
The BBC believe we are incapable of putting 2 and 2 together: if, as they claim, immigrants are bringing a net economic benefit, why are they not funding the extra schools, hospitals, roads, railways, doctor’s surgeries etc that their extra numbers demands?
BBC – you’re a bunch of lying, devious Common Purpose bastards.
BBC TV news last night was telling us that ‘migration’ into Europe had reached over a million this year. ‘Many’ of them were economic migrants.
Usually the BBC uses ‘many’ to mean a couple of their mates as in “many regard Thatcher as being divisive”, but in this instance it means ‘the vast majority’.
Essentially the above represents the total ‘news’ content but the BBC then tacks on a piece about how ‘we’ are all immigrants now, (everyone that works for the BBC), and how ‘many’ immigrants have made money here, some of which might have gone to the exchequer. (Does buying restaurant food from an immigrant actually help the host nation, wouldn’t exporting be better?).
The story is boosted by having Irishman/Globalist Peter Sutherland telling us that people have always moved to better themselves, (they weren’t always allowed to and they didn’t always have the means). Some unknown lady tells us that really the only problem with importing the whole of Asia and Africa is ‘infrastructure’, we just need more schools, hospitals and houses. Silly me, I didn’t think it was that simple! Thanks BBC for telling me what to think, (yet again), but how about giving us some ‘news’ instead?
The liar fronting this tripe was George Alagiah. Every contribution in this “news” item was pro gimmegrant: not one opposing (or even doubting) view was entertained. Apparently, to quote George “from Romans to Rumanians” we’re all immigrants – and didn’t “we” all do well. Mrs U had to protect the TV from my anger after George had the brass neck to compare post WW2 (legal) emigrants from the UK to the (welcoming) White Commonwealth to the current flow of parasites to the UK from the Middle East/Africa.
New from the BBC TV Licensing blog:
– Don’t Get Christmas Stuffed by TV Licensing: They really aren’t bothered whose Christmas they spoil.
– BBC Explores Options to Cut Over-75 TV Licence Bill: One option is to make the “free” over-75 licence applicable to households with only over-75 occupants.
– TV Licensing Investigations: So what does it actually mean to be under investigation by the BBC’s revenue generation bullies?
This criticism of Obama for failing to recognise what Islam is could also apply to the BBC – both use the term “extremism” to avoid using the word terrorism, and both try to cover up the violence inherent in Islamic texts and teaching :
As the writer says, this makes Obama a danger to US security. Just as the BBC has become a danger to UK security – following its deliberate blindness in the 1930s.
There’s just been a little item on ‘PM’ about more companies not paying their fair share of UK tax. The particular group this time included several banks, who bore the brunt of the report.
To get an idea of how much extra tax the government could be collecting we were treated to the expert view of an ‘independent’ tax expert (Linda Yoo?).
Linda reported that the aforementioned banks alone should be paying something in the region of £3.5 billion over 5 years, a figure not that far off (she reminded us) the amount George Osborne said we should be saving in Tax Credits. Thus, she concluded, had this tax been paid as it should then we could have been ‘having a very different conversation about Tax Credits’ (ah, so you can have a ‘different conversation’ about a welfare spend which is costing us £28.5 billion p.a. more than Gordon Brown estimated?).
Anyway, sorry to stop you there, luv, but I think you’ll find Osborne was aiming at £4.4 billion per year which would still leave you something around £20 billion short over your 5-year period. So as a ‘tax expert’ you’re either rubbish at maths, you didn’t understand the nature of Osborne’s proposed cuts, or you’re being devious. Whichever it is, you’re introducing a political element to your ‘independent analysis’ which, quite frankly, stinks. But you didn’t stop there. According to you Labour says the government could be bringing in an extra £25 billion a year if companies properly paid their proper dues.
At no time in all this was there any attempt to analyse which tax regulations would require changing to make companies pay up – UK? European? Global? – leaving the distinct impression it’s all in Cameron’s hands.
The international corporate tax standards have struggled to keep pace with changes in global business practices, with an increasing share of trade taking place online. International tax standards have remained largely unchanged for over a hundred years – and now need to be updated to prevent gaps from being exploited.
Wonder what Labour did about it for the 13 years they were in power?
This had the putrid stench of Common Purpose all over it. Propaganda-by-proxy from your trusted BBC.
Slimy twats.
The BBC is most upset about investment banks paying either no or very little tax. To be fair on the Radio 4 PM program they did provide some balance by telling us that previous losses can be offset against future profits, and that directors have a duty to minimise the exposure to tax (not that, that excuses them).
Labour MPs were moaning about something which they obviously know nothing about – and you wouldn’t mind so much if they could say something sensible & constructive about the issue.
But it’s difficult to disagree with the group on fair taxation fighting a losing battle trying to get lazy Davy to do something about the tax loopholes. Firstly he’s far too idle to actually do something, and secondly, his Dad was an investment banker and perhaps enjoyed the same tax advantages which allowed him to send his children to Eton.
To quote the UK courts:
“Every man is entitled if he can to order his affairs so that the tax under a tax statute is less than it would otherwise be. If he succeeds in ordering them so as to secure this result, then, however unappreciative the Commissioners of Inland Revenue or his fellow taxpayers may be of his ingenuity, he cannot be compelled to pay an increased tax. “
BBC cock a hoop about William Hague opening his gob in favour of staying in the EU for the most flimsy & ridiculous reasons ever!
Why on earth would the Scottish Nationalists ‘jump at the chance for a second referendum’ if Britain voted to leave the EU? The Scots would never be allowed into the EU if they split from the UK anyway!
Hague should be more positive about Scotland leaving the UK, as we would never have a Labour government to trouble us again ! Nor would we have to subsidise loads of ungrateful left wing Scots either, and we could reclaim all the public sector jobs back down South!
Then there’s the threat the whole rotten thing would collapse if Britain left – if it’s that bad why would we want to stay?
Seems to me that there’s little downside to leaving the EU !
I’m sick of the Scottish whingers, if they decide to go – which one day they invitably will -the Act of Union 1707 debt of £398,085 10 shillings. would have to be repaid to the English in todays rates. This would undoubtedly run into the trillions of pounds today.
I am completely puzzled as to why the debt incurred of this Act was never discussed much in the last referendum!
I am delighted the spineless Cameron won’t be Prime Minister when this happens, he would probably let the traitors off.
Hague was in my opinion a poor Foreign Secretary, never trusted him since he claimed to sleep in separate beds with his male secretary in the same room whenever away on government business.
They take us for fools!!
Whatever Hague says do the opposite and you’ll probably make the right decision.
At 5% it take 14 years to double.
We have had 308 years = 22 doublings
2^22 = 4,194,304
So the amount owed is only £1,669,691,604,992
So your guestimate of trillions (1.7) is pretty close.
I can vote to leave the EU and, if Hague is to be believed, vote on Scottish devolution in one visit to the ballot box which, for this Englishman, is a sweet blessing of an opportunity.
William Hague – what a total tw@t! I remember when he was Tory leader, back in 1998, and him writing in the Daily Telegraph how he felt “dismayed to see so many St George’s Crosses at the world cup.” WTF!
Emily Thornberry and he should get on like a house on fire – preferably one with them both inside at the time. (That was a JOKE – I’m not Muslim).
“we could reclaim all the public sector jobs back down South!”
What we should be doing is abolishing jobs for these traitors.
Who votes Labour?
Those on benefits, Public sector workers, non-whites.
The non-productive, the barely productive and the counter productive.
Seasons greetings to all, thank you for educating and entertaining me in 2015.
The BBC must be slipping the The 2015 Dishonest Reporting Awards and not a single BBC winner.
Perhaps in the runners-up?
Here’s a news story on the local news but not mentioned nationally, any idea why?
Hate to say it but if the roles were reversed………
… but if you check the picture caption they already have been:
Ewen Reynolds (right) [under photo of white guy Zac on the left] was found guilty of murdering Zac Evans (left) [under photo of black guy Ewen on the right].
The BBC are rotten through and through.
I would just like to gently point out that the only people who want an Independent Scotland are the SNP and they comprised only 44% of the population at the last referendum – a minority of the population of Scotland! There are many other folk, the majority in fact, in this grand land – English, Scottish and others – who wish to remain in the UK.
Hear hear.
I don’t want the Scots to leave and post brexit, after we repatriate all our UK funding currently going down the Brussels gravy drain, I don’t believe for one minute that the Scots people would chose to leave us.
The SNP want Scotland to be a province of Europe, inevitably using the Euro as a currency. If the Scottish people really want that I feel sorry for them, but it is up to them. However I rather imagine many of them vote SNP because they are, sadly, of a socialist bent, but find the Scottish Labour Party an inbred, corrupt collection of tax eating cronies who have taken Scotland for granted for about 70 years.
Apologies if already reported but the DT contains a small item that I feel sure the BBC sponges would pick up on and jet a reporting team off to to see how those who wish to celebrate Christmas now do in Brunei.
Seemingly Brunei has banned public celebrations of Christmas to avoid upsetting the (only) 65% of muslims in the population.
Now if that was proposed in the UK to avoid upsetting the established religion in the U.K. the BBC and its sister newsprint Guardian of illiberal values (pun intended) would be screaming from the rooftops!
BBC2 6.30pm. ‘Festive Nostalgia’. Food and Christmas Number 1’s.
Same left wing crew and cast that brought us a few months ago a series about British cooking over the recent decades.
That time, they dwelt on the 80’s and ‘Divisive Thatcher’. Much weight was given to the Miner’s Strike.
Tonight, the 80’s were a Thatcher era of haves and have nots. The poor, beggars and excess money. Affluence versus poverty.
(Brendon (the family head again) was a left wing political agitator during the 1980’s miners strike who passed the collection bucket around at the picket lines).
And we hit ‘Band Aid’ with Sir Luvvie I Love Syrians Please Stay in My Home until the Heat is Over Bob Geldof. Much love for his stance in comparison with festive excess.
And there you have it again. Left Wing Blatant BBC Bias. No counter view of course.
What really amazed me about the programme was the seventies section where the son unwrapped a “Johnny Seven” toy multi function machine gun. The delight on his face was a joy to behold and in every subsequent scene he was seen happily playing with the weapon, much to his dad’s dismay. The dad even said that it’s doubtful he would feel comfortable buying such a toy for his son nowadays. So, despite being brought up in an oh so PC family environment where militaristic toys are obviously taboo, the young lad did what comes naturally to young lads and played gleefully with a toy gun, much to the bewilderment of his leftie dad. You could almost imagine the dad asking his wife “where did we go wrong?”
Muslim family’s halted Disneyland trip is raised with PM
Keith Vaz – “If you imagine if an American citizen was told by a British official they couldn’t board a plane, there would be complete uproar in the United States of America.”
‘complete uproar’, more bullshit.
I think that would depend on whether the British official deemed the American a security risk, wouldn’t it Mr Vaz. I suspect the USA would completely understand and support the move. Rather than push the victim status, i’m confident the USA will pass the reasons on to Mr Cameron. If there is silence over the coming days, the reasons were valid. But we’ll probably never know. Well, for a while anyway, the truth is out there.
Security concerns are not based on whatever Vaz is making it out to be. I’m sure millions of muslims pass to and from the UK and USA annually without any concerns. So if a traveler flags as a security concern, then so be it.
Either way, I’m pretty sure it’s nothing to do with skin color or attire. I’ll stick my neck out, terrorism connections.
I don’t recall that slug, Vaz, making such a fuss when Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer were banned from the UK, simply for exercising their right to free speech.
Is my memory failing?
A short time ago there was an attempt to have a US citizen banned from the UK.
His crimes? Wanting to become the president and having the “wrong” views.
Dimwits like Vaz believe that the attention span of voters is below the “a week is a long time in politics”
My recollection of the iniquities of the odious Vaz are decades long.
But what do you expect?
Very good point BBC delenda est.
Vaz assumes there’s no grounds to prevent the Islamic family from travelling to the USA. Why does he assume this? Does he say? No. He has no idea.
The UK is regarded by the USA as a country that exports terrorists.
“The UK is regarded by the USA as a country that exports terrorists. ”
And rightly so!
Have you wondered how the other half lives this Christmas? Spare a thought for Alan Yentob currently on holiday at the Bahamas, far from home. It’s been a difficult year for Alan who’s been forced from his children’s charity in London’s east end where Trainers are hard to come by (and have to be sponsored by flamboyant ‘Batman’ (herself) from scrap donations from Downing Street. It’s a tough life for a Batman kid who’s only friend is a plastic ‘YENTOB’ fresh from the BBC cultural arts corner which made him famous for a series of poor and childish programmes. This no doubt is due to his three day week at the BBC (two days as director for a posh food delivery company whilst working for the BBC) shows how tough it is at the BBC. Forced to take two jobs. Alan admits he has no talent himself and relies on the (License fee) taxpayer to fund his lifestyle. His duty-free Marlboro cigarettes were questioned by Bahamas Customs (this week) but as he explained (to the Customs officer) it was all ‘for his own personal consumption’ – so he was not liable for duty. Nor was his (estimated) £6.3 million BBC pension fund that is waiting for his beckoning retirement (which will be largely ‘tax-free’) as those at the TOP of the BBC heap have exclusive (off shore) ‘private contracts’ which top up the basic ‘living-wage’ salary of just £300,000. The pressure to perform (without an obvious talent) is devastating for people like YENTOB, who’s frivolous ‘lifestyle’ is constantly under threat. Forget ‘BBC Children in Need’ this Christmas, the real ‘Crisis at Christmas’ is those (forced to live like Yentob) having to flee the hostile and common MP’s looking into missing BATMAN charity funds and over generous BBC pension schemes, exclusive (family) private health-care, BBC paid private chauffeurs everywhere (just like Saville), masseurs (surely) and full family holiday entitlements and fags. Yes this is the BBC world service!
Information gleaned from the Daily Mail (over a year up to this week). Yentob is currently holidaying in the Bahamas with his family. Any Comparison to Sed Blatner lifestyle is purely coincidental. (Source BBC website: ‘Alan Yentob’s role is to ensure that the ‘Creative Future’ of the BBC recommendations are implemented across all content and services (including CBBC)’ says BBC. Yentob still has the full support of Lord Haw-haw Hall. Of course he has, they all have. Its tough at the BBC when your asked to account for the money or where the money actually went. The BBC don’t believe in Christmas nor Christian Charity at this time of year..
There is always going to be a ‘Crisis at Christmas’ within the BBC. The BBC spend millions on similar experimental Yentobs wasted Millions on pointless projects that make no sense to the license fee payer (or anybody else). Sacking Yentob makes sense. Goodnight and a Happy Christmas to us all (despite the BBC bias). Good to be back. Always a good read on this site.
At least one Saracen terrorist does the decent thing.
But what’s this?
‘Arabic writing’, eh? Surely there must be at least one Arabic speaker at the Beeb who could translate for us…
Maybe they are all elsewhere, dedicated to the major stories?
BBC Editorial integrity. Vital.
BBC 24 News:
“”how the Quran became part of British life””
Is it?
This article must have been written by a Muslim or a sympathiser.
“Some Muslims condemned the novel for its blasphemous interpretation of parts of the Quran. ”
There was of course no “blasphemous interpretation” there was only a reference to some verses which were removed from the Qur’an ” the satanic verses, a group of Quranic verses that allow intercessory prayers to be made to three Pagan Meccan goddesses: Allāt, Uzza, and Manāt. The part of the story that deals with the “satanic verses” was based on accounts from the historians al-Waqidi and al-Tabari.”
Of course Islam cannot be regarded as the word of God if the contradictory verses refer to three other deities along with Allah ! They were in there but they were removed and now denial is more important than fact !
Yes, it seems that when Allah was dictating the Koran to Mohammed, the line got crossed, and somehow Mohammed thought Allah had included a section which subsequently turned out to be blasphemous. Mohammed blamed the devil for this mistake, though “some people” (as the BBC might put it) think that the devil might have written most of the Koran.
The problem for Muslims is that if they admit that they cannot be sure how much of the Koran was really the word of Allah directly transmitted to Mohammed, and how much was written by the devil, then their entire religion collapses into a smoking ruin. Their considered and judicious response to this theological question is to kill anyone who dares to bring it up for discussion. Allah be praised.
But the journey of the Quran into British life has been far from easy. Along the way it has been banned, burned and badmouthed. It has gone from outright condemnation to suspicion to becoming an accepted part of modern British life.
Not in my effing name it isn’t.
The BBC speaks for the nation.
It is hard to follow the Koran because attempts to communicate with Allah of the Snack Bar can be frustrated by Satan who farts loudly whenever Muslims pray in order to disrupt the prayers.
Perhaps the great Andrew Neil might raise this as a question when interviewing one his Muslim pals. He could insist that they tell him what recommendations they might make to prevent Allah for being blasted of the airways by Satan’s farts. Or maybe sneery Mishail Hussein might provide an answer.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 11, Number 582:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Three planes damaged and what appears to be shrapnel damage to the windows of the airport terminal building. One person dead & another injured
At least a small amount of time and space was found for it.
Now about a lady (possibly) who has contacted the BBC about an askance glance…. Hold. the Presses!
European news being omitted? It may have been up for a few seconds and disappeared>
“A driver screaming “Allahu Akbar!” (Arabic for “God is great”) appeared to deliberately mow down about a dozen pedestrians in the French city of Dijon before being arrested on Sunday, officials said.”
“A day earlier, French police in a Tours suburb shot and killed a man also shouting “Allahu Akbar” who had stabbed and wounded three officers in a police station.”
A cap gun backfires in the USA and it’s news for days…
Apparently it’s going to take more than 10 days to reply to me as to why the word routed was used in connection with the French National Front.
Meanwhile, deep in the bowels of W1A (or possibly Belfast if Richard Pinder’s sources are correct, and they usually are) Fraser Steele calls the meeting to order. Excited faces await his wise words…
“OK men, ladies… you in the dress… We’re bang to rights on another one again. How to deep six this one?”
A hand goes up.
“New guy, Jarrow, is it? Keen to make an impression? Like it. See me afterwards. So…?”
“How about we arrogantly refer to the secret Editorial Guidelines on people we don’t like, rather than the ones published online that no editor feels obliged to be guided by anyway?”
“Like the enthusiasm, Jumbo, but which part of ‘secret’ don’t you grasp? Transparency is just a word, remember? Wear something sexy, btw”
Another eager beaver stirs…
“Yes, Scottie… knew you could be relied upon…”
“Maybe we could say we were just joking and laugh it off?”
“Like it, but like our comedy, no one laughs at the BBC any more. Anyone else”
A dark form leaning in shadow against a back wall stirs…
“If I may… how about we sit on it for a few months, then if pursued boot it to ECU for a few more to get a Director to say he believes we got it about right, and if the bastard really hangs in there on to the Trust where I can have a quiet word in the corridor and see them expedited for two years?”
“Perfect. As ever, Botney, you have zeroed in on the solution! Well, class dismissed. Off to the slopes for the school hols. See you all in February”
The room empties to strains of the corporate chant…
“We are unique, ‘cos we’re unaccountable,
Doesn’t matter what we do, our system is insurmountable,
Whatever the bias; no matter how frequent
It will always remain, our little secret”
Top “world” story on the BBc news web page. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-35173622 Move along no agenda here.
Cripes, is that Michael Moore’s slightly less ga-ga twin trans brister?
Reflect on Christian values, David Cameron says in Christmas message.
hmmm, not sure if that’s possible these days David, but a nice try.
(Just so we’re clear on the futility of your Xmas message – Birmingham market trader warned for playing Xmas Carols under the Control of Pollution Act 1974 – so much for Christian values?)
Labour “would not issue an official Christmas message” – don’t want to upset your muslim buddies eh Jeremy?
Liberal Tim Farron said he hoped people would be inspired in 2016 to make the country a more “compassionate, liberal and welcoming one”
Well Tim, we give away our hard earned tax pounds to the 3rd world, we build mosques for them, we turn our schools into Madrassas for them, we turn over our councils to them (so they can screw them up royally), we give them social immunity so no one can utter a harsh word about them without running the gauntlet of racism or Islamaphobia, we give them housing and benefits, we allow our flagship broadcaster to spew out their propaganda at the expense of every decent British citizen, we bend over backwards for them, even dull down what’s left of Christianity for them.
Just how fucking compassionate and welcoming do we need to get?
Merry Christmas everybody.
Solid post sb.
Is there anyone in the U.K. who would still believe a word which came out Camoron’s mouth?
That is apart from our mutual acquaintance on here – the male resident of a certain large county in SE England.
Article in the BBC today; ‘Migrant Crisis’ a century of exile and homelessness. I know that I am nothing but a ‘right wing, xenophobic, lslamaphobic, bigoted, racist, nazi who is a dinosaur of hate…. Sorry about that! Like the BBC, I was taken over by a delusional leftie and just responded with the default statement to anyone who has a differing view
Back to my point. Surely looking at the video it creates another set of equally critical questions! Firstly, again it’s nearly all men. Why? Are they fighters from one of the hundreds of extremist groups/militants/terrorists (cross out accordingly) who are either getting their arses kicked and are getting out of Syria, or have been sent as the AK47 peace envoy for ‘The religion of peace’ State? I ask because even the Al labour brigade keep saying that we do not have any allies in Syria! If they are not from Syria then why are they even allowed to make the journey? Can someone please tell me if anyone else looks at that line of healthy young men who are clearly Turks and Iranians and thinks like the BBC that they are being exciled??
The only website you will ever need.
Well, yesterday the Non-flying Muslims were a new entry at number 1 on the BBC Radio news headlines chart and looked a cert for the Christmas number one. Just this morning however they seem to have vanished completely, so not even a one hit wonder.
Classic FM Global Jihad still seems excited. I suspect they have yet to realise this is not turning out to be the Christmas story they had all being praying (in a certain direction) for.
Katie Hopkins in the ‘Mail’ has a different take on the poor ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ ( literally ) that weren’t allowed to fly into the USA or possibly fly just as far as American airspace! a bit different to the BBC and Sky etc. Looks like we are stuck with them in our capital of Londonistan.
I found the ‘Biased BBC’ site some several months ago purely by chance, what a fabulous site it is, I would like to thank David Vance, Alan and Julio for all their brilliant work this year, well done!
Merry Christmas.
Seconded – Thanks David, Alan, Julio et al.
Oh-h… on BBC Bottom Trump rules, such association and endorsement is enough for a hangin’… or at the very least to get the ‘not helpful’ teams of kiddie-winks running hit pieces the length of the land.
Feel the hate BBC… let it flow and grow on the dark side of the Farce… you know you want to…
Gleefully tucked away in other news, on BBC US/Canada
US students wear yellow stars, to protest rising tide “Islamophobia”
So tasteless, morally bankrupt, victim mentality US students, wish to show withering self pity and intellect insulting
levels of idiocy …. yep that’s right folks
Israel and Jewish people, events are to be discriminated against consistently …. but always time, to try the guilt by association ploy if it suits. The common and hysterical claim that “Muslims are the new Jews” has been answered many times — as often as it has been asserted. by Islamic apologists
“Jews weren’t oppressing anybody. There weren’t 5,000 militant Jewish groups. They didn’t do a study of treatment of women around the world and find that Jews were at the bottom of it. There weren’t 10 Jewish countries in the world that were putting gay people to death just for being gay.” Indeed, and no one is calling for or justifying genocide of Muslims now; there is no individual or group remotely comparable to the National Socialists in any genuine sense.”
… well actually there is now … and they re Islamic! IS
Off Topic, apologies.
I feel so embarassed that the so called educational elite of Oxford University is considering pulling down the statue of Cecil Rhodes. The BBC has attempted to distort history, not for the first time, and dare I say blacken his name unfairly.
Had Britain not had an Empire would those who criticise him have lived within this wealthy society with its priviliged societal needs nearly all met. I don’t think so.
The historical context should be reflected in the BBC comments,at the time of Empire building there was a worldwide land grab for the underdeveloped parts of the world. Had Britain not ventured into Africa, other European countries would certainly have, and indeed did so. For the sake of the country, Britain acted correctly.
Cecil Rhodes was a capitalist first and foremost, the British,at the time, were concerned at the treatment meted out to the indigenous blacks by Dutch Boers. The indigenous blacks preferred the British to the Boers in terms of their treatment. The Boers were known to be ruthless.
But for Rhodes the road from South Africa to Cairo would never have been built, but for Rhodes the Rhodes scholarship – monies handed to foreign students bequeathed by Rhodes himself at the time of his death. Being single throughout his life, this donation made up most of his financial legacy. Many students would have failed to have had the opportunity of such a priviliged education but for Rhodes’ generosty of spirit.
He started the Debeers mining company, how many jobs has this company provided throughout the world. How many families has this company fed?
On a final note, it was strongly rumoured that Rhodes was gay, having a long term affair with Neville Pickering. Are Oxford Uni closet anti gay as well as being fascist in their outlook.
The history lecturers in Oxford Uni need to be instantly sacked. Maybe we should rename the anything named Victoria who as our Queen at the time of Empire. hy don’t the Oxford Uni students blame her and seek to pull don monuments of her like ISIL did to the monuments in Palmyra. These students are no better than ISIL.
These people of ‘learning’ need to to remember that it is history that shapes our future, and when assessing historical events its peridic context is all important. Shame on them.
A letter in The Times (£ http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/opinion/letters/article4648901.ece) today should really get the anti-Rhodes loonies confused. The blessed Saint Nelson Mandela was happy to be associated with Rhodes’ name.
Sir, In 2003, Nelson Mandela allowed his name to be used with that of Cecil Rhodes by the newly established Mandela Rhodes Foundation. This body attracted substantial funding and has since sent more than 200 students from 18 African countries to good colleges and universities. When Mandela was asked why he agreed to have his name linked to that of Rhodes, he replied: “We have referred to our constitution’s injunction for us to come together across the historical divides, to build our country together with a future equally shared by all. We see the Mandela Rhodes Foundation as a significant initiative within [the] broader framework of South Africans taking responsibility for the transformation of their society, so grievously skewed by a history of colonialism and apartheid. We shall once more take hands across the historical divides that others may deem unbridgeable.”
I can’t help feeling that Nelson Mandela would always prefer to build bridges than tear down statues.
Tim Seymour
Well now they are more exercised with the planet destroying behaviour of 322 million US citizens who use more energy on Christmas lighting than the economy of El Salvador (pop 6 million) uses in a year
(This was intended as a comment to add to Flexdream’s above re BBC news priorities)
The drear, sorry, dear old Beeb regularly demonstrate that their geographical knowledge is poor. Seems with that US:El Salvador item that their maths is none too hot.
Mind you on the proportionality front, they were back to making snide digs at Israel over the recent spate of physical terrorist attacks by Palestinians on WatO today.
The BBC’s strange ideas of proportionality . . . . .
On a more cheerful, personal, note: Happy Christmas to one and all.
To all readers, have a lovely Christmas. To David, Alan and Julio – Thanks.
To Mr Golightly:
BBC Bias awards.
Overall Award – I propose The BBC News Editorial Team. For its consistency and unwavering direction of the loyally statist, socialist propaganda: Pro-EU; pro-Labour; pro-multiculturalism; pro-unlimited and uncontrolled immigration. For their Teflon skin, their straw men, their historical revisionism and moral relativism, for their anti-Englishness, avoidance of evidence, distaste for facts and brassness of neck – many special qualities, I think we can all agree! Special pro-race baiting ‘commendation’ to BBC News America for their continuing targeted coverage of police homicides involving black ‘civilians’ and white police officers in the USA (even got a side serving of a few riots as ‘payback’ – Nice story development skills on display in Ferguson!) Yes, a good job well done! ‘Special mention’ to BBC Signal Transmission Audio Sabotage Initiative [BBC STASI] for their excellent contribution on political interviews across the BBC throughout 2015 – who knows what nonsense those unsung techno-heroes have saved the public from exposure to!
‘Virtue Signalling Overdrive Award 2015’ nominees must surely include: Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Russell Brand, Emma Thompson, Bianca Jagger and Vivienne Westwood. All managed to get significant air time during 2015 to signal their virtue, though many signals have faded as the year has neared its end. Not that such signalling, and frequency thereof, would suit a biased BBC agenda? No, no, no – perish such a thought!
Jenny Hill in the ‘Insane Bias in the Reporting of Migration to Europe’ category has to be a shoo-in, even though all her colleagues made invaluable attempts to compete in this much sought after category. It could be past white coat time for Jenny – she appears to have gone “Full Merkel”!
‘BBC Bias Refugee Bingo Award’ is a tight call, I would suggest, between those stalwart Mecca enthusiasts Nicola Sturgeon and Yvette Balls-Cooper. Might have to have a New Year head count by visiting their property(s). Thank heavens for a generous Housing Benefit system and eleventy millions of poor foreign humans to pick from!
‘Bias in BBC Comedy Award 2015’. That must go to Evan Davis of Newsnight. Oh how we laughed
atwith him all year! Though Zoe Williams and her BBC bias magic money tree gag, really got me in stitches!‘Relevant Third Party Award’ – David Cameron and John Whittingdale, for allowing this socially destructive media
farceforce to continue.Scrap the License Fee.
To Chris: UKIP Haiku’s Christmas Offering.
haiku [ hahy-koo] NOUN [PLURAL HAI·KU]
1. a major form of Japanese verse, written in 17 syllables divided into 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables, and employing highly evocative allusions and comparisons, often on the subject of nature or one of the seasons or UKIP.
2. A poem written in this form.
Merry Christmas All !
Fulsome festive fatty fayre;
Family and friends.
Many thanks Angrymanupnorth. Your excellent nominations and categories have been added to the “Biased BBC Awards of 2015”.
I intend to post a final list early into the next thread, together with mug-shots and where possible appropriate links to articles and videos, at which point voting may commence. The count will be made at 12 midnight New Year’s Eve.
Just been looking at the photos of the Top Gear new presenters. Which one is gay, which one is tranny, which one is RoPer ? Are the BBC discriminating against these beleaguered minorities ?
Can’t find any reference to the Rhodes statue/plaque scandalette at Oriel College elsewhere, so I wondered if those keen to remove all trace of the vile Empire-builder are aware that Cecil was gay? Surely this ought to gain enough brownie points to swing opinions?
Seems as though I posted this 1 minute before yours Wronged. Evidently more balance here than at Aunties.
Todays Daily Telegraph carries a report that in America a groups of hard line atheist activists trying to take the ‘Christ out of Christmas’. According to them Christians act as if they own the month of December !
Well I have news for them, secularists act as if they own ALL the other months except for Ramadan which these same aggressive arseholes bow down and worship like they actually did believe in something other than the great God Mammon !
The BBC have been only too happy to go along with the exculpation of Christmas from the hated Christianity with the excuse of not offending people, while all the time offending Christians – but then they along with all white people don’t matter !
It is however deeply joyous to see the idiotic naïve Rowan Williams offended by the very thing he’s been fighting so hard for – Socialism & Political Correctness. Did you not realise when you started fighting for the Fascists that it’s an all or nothing deal Rowan ?
Apparently in addition to the wonderful effect a horde of Syrian peasants would have on our economy I see Cameron has also noticed that it’s our Christian duty to let them in. Quite surprised to see any sort of Christain message at all on the BBC but I’ve got a niggle with Dvae’s proposition best expressed in two questions. Why are their countries such excrement holes? And if we bring their ideology here just how Christian will we be in ten years?
We can do our Christain duty by helping them out OVER THERE. Of course that’s not really the point is it, Dave? You want to use our Christian sentiments against us. Why, it’s Christmas. What an opportunity.
For a sarcastic take on Dave’s Britain at: http://john-moloney.blogspot.com/2015/12/give-thanks_20.html
The problem with the rise of Islam in the Western World is that liberals are applying Christian values when relating to it, it is the antithesis and will take advantage of the weak to further its cause…
Libtards such as DC are somehow unable to see through the lies and deceit, apparently few can but are castigated when questioning it.
Reports are coming in regarding a terrorist threat to Westerners in Sanlitun, Beijing around Christmas. Now, I have been trying to figure out what groups would present such a terrorist threat on the pre-eminent Christian celebration of the calendar year. AlBeeb have given me no clue whatsoever. Could it be far-right American white rednecks or Orthodox Jews? What about a Chinese cell of the IRA or even the neo-Nazi German Pegida? Flummoxed I was. Thanks AlBeeb for making me think.
Now, with a bit more digging, and information that has been in the public domain for years, it seems the Chinese authorities have their own home-grown Muslim problem with the ethnic Uighur group. I wonder why this basic established fact has eluded the brightest minds at AlBeeb? Surely it is not beyond the realms of probability that this threat, coming on a major day of Christian celebration, is an Islamic one so why not mention the troubles the Chinese have and have had? I am well and truly perplexed……..
The BBC is trying to find a way to blame it on Donald Trump.
‘the troubles the Chinese have and have had…’
It’s a tricky issue for the BBC – hard to blame ‘Western foreign policy in the Middle East’ when it’s the Chinese muslims getting uppity.
AsISeeit, Western colonialism usually works, or neo Imperialism. If all else fails, refer to the Crusades. Always remember the rule for BBC and leftish history. Muslims are victims and the west are evil oppressors – always have been.