Hi all. My wifi problems have finally been resolved so am back online and able to upload! Here’s a pre Xmas open thread for you to knock the stuffing out of the BBC! Detail that bias here please and don’t be shy about it…
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Headlines you won’t see on the BBC:
‘The Negative Aspects of Islam’.
‘The Positive Aspects of Christianity’.
Any more?
“Saudi city closed to ‘unbelievers’, UN calls for sanctions”
“Oxford university to posthumously honour first woman PM, apologises for past omission”
“Ex Gulag prisoners speak out on Soviet death camps”
“Evan Davis ‘widely regarded as laughing stock’ Director General to investigate”
“BBC supports campaign to put Paras memorial on Trafalgar Square plinth”
“He’s back! Clarkson to be head of BBC HR department”
A Christian history of…….. Spain…….The Crusades…….The Balkans.
‘It is official – no global warming. Heads roll as biggest scam in history finally ends.’
Balen report published – sackings within the BBC imminent.
Alan Yentob sacked from all his BBC jobs.
More Unlikely BBC Features/Headlines:
BBC Welcomes Criticism And Replies Fully To Each Complaint.
US Policeman Shooting A Black Youth Was Fully Justified
Shooting Of A White Man By A Black Youth Was Murder. BBC Agrees With Jury Verdict.
Why Do Palestinians Murder Jews? There Can Be No Justification.
Why Are Israelis Banned From Visiting Muslim Countries?
Why Does Israel Suffer Alone Against The Threat Of Genocide? Have We Forgotten The Holocaust?
Bob Geldof Offers His Homes To Refugee Israelis.
“This is the kind of person we deport from Britain,
while welcoming able-bodied welfare migrants who hate our country.”
Frail and ailing 92 year old lady who lives with her 65 year old daughter
is now facing Forced Removal From UK
The BBC Is still going with this sob story though, with new updates
Muslim family’s halted Disneyland trip is raised with PM
Muslim family ‘denied boarding’ on flight to US from Gatwick
BBC now trumpets … Family ‘livid’ complete with a stern faced picture of Jihadi Daddy!
… “Family” eh! where are the women then?
… have you seen these erm “Disney” children s ages?
and still no one at the BBC asks about family member’s arrests in Israel?
… or the other family member’s Al-Qaeda Facebook pages?
Muslim ‘Disneyland Family’ Banned From America:
How Their Islamophobia Story Unravelled
I’m beginning to like Channel 4, they scooped the F1 this week and have promised it to be ad free, now they’re showing The Dam Busters with no jiggery pokery as far as Guy Gibsons dog goes. Even the subtitles are correct, although there is a disclaimer on the EPG about offensive language.
Would the BBC do this? Whatever happened to Fatty Fry’s remake?
Maybe… but don’t forget who is delivering CH 4’s ‘alternative Queen’s Speech’. Or who employs Jon Snow
Reality check!
Just noticed that too ! I assume the ‘offensive’ language referred to, is not the ‘frightfully awfully’ and ‘terribly nice’ way of speaking as they did in the RAF at the time (at least in films), and that its just the one word relating to Gibson’s dog. A sign of that time again was the referral of ‘that’ word to a particular shade of brown – I remember my Mum using it to describe her New Look suit, and because it was in frequent use, there was never any indication (or thought) that it was a derogatory or insulting term to a race of peoples. I know as far as my Mum was concerned, she used the term in like saying sunset red, indigo blue, or black as coal .
Its channel 5. After the break, they always give a health warning about the offensive language!!
Our boys going down in flames, and they are more concerned about a historic word!!
My mum used the same word in the late 70s to describe the shade of brown the curtains were to match the pseudo cheaper Laura Ashley look-alike wallpaper. Actually it didn’t look like LA but she thought it did. I think I was mildly surprised at her description but not horrified.
The word was frequently used to describe colours of paint and other products.
I have seen adverts in magazines from the 1960s which describe a coat as being “nigger brown”. It simply wasn’t a term of abuse in Britain in that period. America, no doubt, was a different matter.
Yes and the same applies to music. Dvorak called his F major quartet Op 96 “Nigger” because he used traditional negro tunes. Debussy was also inspired by them, fortunately the PC brigade have not attacked him yet.
After much surfing (!) I have not found a BBC report on the the following…Perhaps others might have greater success!!
Nothing to do with Islam of course.. at http://tinyurl.com/h65xnoq
Malaysian organizers told Israelis that they wouldn’t be allowed to compete with Israeli flags or play anthem
The Israel Sailing Association decided Wednesday not to send two young windsurfers and their coach to a windsurfing competition set to begin Sunday in Malaysia after organizers did not agree to letting them compete with the Israeli flag or play the national anthem.
The association announced that windsurfers Yoav Omer and Noy Drihan and coach Meir Yaniv would not be attending the ISAF Youth World Sailing Championship in Langkawi, Malaysia.
Not BBC related, but just noticed that #YouAintNoChristianBruv trending on Twitter. Apparently “the people” are mocking Cameron, according to the somewhat less than independent “Independent”. It seems that “the people” are all on Twitter spouting their vile left-wing bullshit – all couple of thousand of them. I wonder where the rest of the 65million are though?
I don’t know about the rest of you, but it warms the cockles of my heart to know that even at Christmas the lefties can’t let it drop, and are still seething with envy. I really hope their anger and resentment spoils their Christmas celebrations – not that they will celebrate Christmas of course, because it would be rank hypocrisy to celebrate a Christian festival when all they’ve done all year is denounce Christianity and appease islamic filth.
Do you think the lefties would like a GULAG history month to make up for Christmas?
Did anyone know that Cameron has declared the Muslim brotherhood to be a terrorist group?….The British media don’t seem to be too enamored to tell the story, and for the obvious cringe worthy politically correct reasons the BBC have been stony silent..
I should very much like to thank the people who run this site for all their hard work in keeping it going.
It is a pleasure to be able to have somewhere to share one’s views of Al Beebus and related issues, with folk who hold similar opinions; also to be able to read some excellent and funny comments and writing (chrisH, Delenda, RiC amongst many others) whilst becoming aware of issues and stories which would never see the light of day within the MSM.
I have not long returned from an afternoon, children’s service at the local church (our annual visit) singing carols, watching the little ones in the Nativity and generally sharing in some Christmas cheer and goodwill; will settle down later this evening to watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” recorded earlier.
I wish a Merry Christmas and offer my Best Wishes to all on here who recognize this site for what it is, and sincerely hope that it shall long continue.
I should like to observe that we do still live (for now) in a great country, despite Al Beeb’s and other Progressives’ best efforts; and we should recognize that, at this time of year especially.
The British people who make up the bedrock of our nation and our ancestors who did so before (and who are still yet here, in our genes) I believe will prevail in the long run, against those who would see us and our nation remade.
We wish you a Merry Christmas, too; or should that be a happy ‘Winterval’?
In the UK it is Christmas. In BBC Cloud cuckoo land it is winterval.
Hear hear!
I may look in later, but if I don’t merry Christmas to all.
Merry Christmas to all on here. Hope you all have a lovely Christmas and drink lots of ale, whiskey and brandy.
Well, Nadolig Llawen guys….a merry Christmas. I need to say a great big thank you for the superb well informed comment on here. I frequently cut and paste much that appears on these pages into my facebook feed.
I adds a certain cutting edge to my campaigns against the moslem appeasers of my world.
Long may this site continue….
And a blwyddyn newydd dda i chi i gyd.
Happy Christmas everyone, and to those in the far North of High England and those in Scotland who are having a white Christmas, take care on the roads and lucky you!!
Keep up those weather reports . I love reading about what is really going to happen in the next month, have a great one
We have a transgender winner on Celebrity Mastermind. I do not know what transgender is or really care. Questions my dog could answer. Happy Christmas one and all. I am cheered to know my trip to Disneyland in May should now be trouble free
I stopped watching Mastermind when a coloured contestant had the same ‘luck’ on the general knowledge section. Many years ago.
So far we have had two transgenders on Celebrity Mastermind. Agenda? Perish the thought.
Happy Christmas to all the good folk of Biased BBC and thank you to David Vance and his backroom team for giving us this chance to let off steam!
Here, here.
And Happy Christmas to all, too.
The New Year? Well, that’s something entirely different, entirely different, indeed…
Old Goat
Have a very Happy Christmas folks 🙂
Happy Christmas to all who read these posts and thanks to David, Alan DB and anyone else who is working behind the scenes to keep this site going and keeping my blood pressure lower than it would otherwise be.
According to google the arabic for Merry Christmas is:
عيد ميلاد سعيد
so, عيد ميلاد سعيدto all!!!!!!!
Yes and – بي بي سي أكره الكفار- – equates to: “The BBC hate Kuffar”, so don’t you forget it in this highly distasteful and unIslamic time..
Christmas wishes to all here – this site is daily habit for me and it continues to entertain and inform. A great talking shop for like-minded people who are proud to be British and proud of our nation’s glorious history – even if lefty fascists at the BBC keep trying to rewrite it for us!
A happy new year to all – viva free speech, democracy, truth and courage!
Happy Christmas to all who produce these posts and read them – which probably includes those politicians and media presenters who occasionally pop in for some facts.
Me too! Merry Christmas to all the diverse, enriching people who contribute to this site..
I’m just off to noradsanta.org, got to find out if he’s here yet..
I too would like to add my thanks to the folk that run this site and the people who contribute. It’s excellent. I’ve learned a lot from many of you over the last few months.
Happy Christmas to you all.
PS: All’s well in The Archers – Scruff’s back!
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!
Seasons Greetings from the white cliffs of Dover.
Best Regards,
Dover Sentry. 😉
Hi all,
Keep fighting the good fight and Merry Christmas. Not that the BBC will be putting much festive cheer on our TVs..
Merry Christmas everyone. Have a great day tomorrow. Oh and thanks so much to DV, Alan etc, plus all the great contributors.
Happy Christmas to those who run this site, those who contribute, and those who read – in other words, those who dare to think. Thank you one and all. My New Year’s resolution is to learn more about Morphic Resonance. It seems entirely possible that the dedication of many millions to their particular variety of 5 a day is manifesting a world in which future generations must seek to exist. The power of collective thought is a fascinating subject.
The BBC locates a Bethlehem
shepherdcarpenter whose business isn’t doing well this year. It’s the fault of theJewswall. Bethlehem at Christmas: The carpenterEven the Guardian, no friend of Israel had other suggestions: terror attacks in Europe, the downing of a Russian plane and Palestinian uprising
“After the Paris attacks, Europe stood up as one and decided it wasn’t coming [to the Middle East],” he (Hotel manager) says. “We also used to get a lot of people from eastern Europe who come via Turkey and visit here, but not after the Russian plane [downed over the Sinai desert in Egypt in October]. Then there is the situation here …”
During the last intifada the hotel was closed for four years so some economic fallout shouldn’t have been such a surprise.
Yes stabbing people in what the Palestinians are now calling a popular uprising will be tough on trade. They might be deterred by the violence against random passers-by. A driver ramming his car into a bus stop might have difficulty distinguishing Jews from Christians — or might not care.
I would also add the Palestinian Authority
orderingasking Christians to tone down the celebration as a factor the BBC missed.Dreaming of a White Christmas? Only on the Midnight Mass from Southwark….
Thanks a lot Aaqil, but we can see through it.
Merry Christmas all!
Good fortune to all who read and write here. Those of us whose roots in this land go back centuries must prepare to face hard times and hard choices.
The land has fallen into the hands of those who wish it ill and none more so than the political media elite now in control.
But we are an old and resilient people and I have the conviction that we will not beak faith with our ancestors and betray our descendants.
Time to lock shields as the old way had it.
Make the most of this Christmas with your families.
Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy new year.
Keep spreading the word….the BBC is biased, biased, biased, and more and more people can see it.
Merry Christmas to all ! I’m making it my New Year’s resolution to stick it to the totalitarian bastards of the P.C./Common Purpose brigade on every available occasion or whenever practicable. Let’s give ’em apoplexy with straight talking!
Well it’s Christmas and I have decided to review bbc.con in a ‘what the papers say’ style.
The headline is a clearly negative spin on Christmas. The objective of dissing Xmas is achieved in one fell swoop courtesy of the Pope. Job done. We are apparently intoxicated by consumerism. And there’s me thinking it was the Jack Daniels.
Shoe-horned into the main story is an advert for Islamic State. There is no such thing as bad publicity. Yes, really on this day of all days, the BBC have managed to fit them in. When was the last day IS were not mentioned on the BBC? I swear, despite them being the worst muslim terrorist organisation of all time, that the BBC just love the sound of their name. It is after all the ultimate objective, is it not?
Moving on, we have the 10-day old saga of the muslims that were stopped from travelling to the USA. Talk about milking a story, the milk is so old it’s turning to cheese.
Next we have the balmy New York Temperatures. The dreaded GW or CC words are not there but the inference is.
Next to sport on the ‘back page’ of bbc.con. The assassination of Louis van Gaal continues. Just why do the bbc think they are in some way an authority on soccer? They’re not.
Finally, it’s dross of the week time. I know it’s a question we all ask ourselves. “what happens when you fall into a black hole?” the bbc in their traditional blue peter school of science think they know the answer. Quite how is beyond me. In any case shouldn’t that be phrased more politically correctly?’ Areas of ethnic inhabitation’ for example. or just Bradford.
Merry Xmas.
Merry Christmas, one and all.
I leave you with what one paper has decided is the premier front page ‘news’ ((c) A. Forlorn Newsroom Tealady Still Hopeful Beneath The Mistletoe In An Empty Studio) story of the day…
An interesting choice, from a source who can be relied upon.
A bearded man from far away arrives overnight to cheer us all up. Two days late but heigh… make that ho-Ho.
“Tantamount to providing welfare” says Grinch. Maybe an intrepid BBC reporter could ask him how many nurses could be supported on Botney’s Barbados expense account for just today?
Who knows what the BBC press review will alight upon as naughty or nice with all its customary integrity this fine morn.
Me… I’m off with the family to see what presents may be under the tree to play with.
Once again my dear departed mothers words have come true,never trust a man with a beard, Santa has got me a present that doesn’t work!
happy Christmas everyone and I hope that if you get any presents, they are nice ones!
I will expect the BBC, and for that, many of the MSM will be telling us (ad nauseam) how mild it all is (or as the sun reporter would say “Hot”) for this time of year and that it is all crazy. Yeah, really, it was the same as last year. But, what they might not be telling you, is that through this week an area of exceptional High Pressure will feed across the whole of Europe to include Greece and parts of Northern Africa. The problem of exceptional High pressure in winter and coming east to west from Russia means one thing. Remember 2010? Remember the freezing winter of Dec/Jan 81/82? The High Pressure is so high 1045 millibars that it is sure going to take some shifting. Now here is the problem. With slack air in Europe, the High will take hold and drift west, active Atlantic air (that which we have seen through December) will drift east. The battle ground this time next week? The east side of the U.K or the U.K. as a whole.
If the High wins, then expect permanent below freezing during the day and at least minus 10 at night and you will all freeze. If the High gets just a toe hold and gets nudged by those moist westerlies, “let it snow let it snow and boy, let it snow.”
I’m getting really excited, keep an eye on it good people, this time next week, we could have all those BBC warmists running for cover, and if the High does take hold over us? Oh dear.
And if you are bored or need a little bit of peace and quiet before the turkey gets carved, have a look at this lovely web page from Net Weather who give us a very quick run down of our winters since 1600!
Some very interesting details, ignored by the BBC.
Sorry, vast majority British people, Her majesty’s Opposition leader does not do Xmas message, (except short disguised one at PMQs).
Instead, please accept message he made this year for those he cares more about, Eid message by Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party:
“On behalf of the Labour Party, I want to send my best wishes to all Muslims in the United Kingdom celebrating Eid al-Adha.
“This is a special time for Muslims, and it is an opportunity to celebrate the values of Islam. These are values of family, of community and of charity. At a time when so many people around the world are facing such hardship, these values seem more important than ever.
“I also want to take this chance to recognise the enormous contributions Muslims across Britain make to our country, to our communities and to our way of life.
“I wish you all a peaceful and happy Eid.
Family values?
No women in the picture?
Surprise, surprise – Labour equality values must have slipped.
You could have knocked me down with a feather!
More hypocrisy that Diane Abbots school fees.
The quote is not on the linked video.
Can you provide a link to when and where it was said.
It does deserve widespread publication.
Ho ho. Jeremy has the same script writer as the Conservative PM.
Ho Ho Ho…at least Dave gave us a Christmas message, (plus a warning about ISIS):
Remember BBc bias is for life not just Xmas. Presenter commenting on the Archbishop of Canterburys speech that Daish have killed more of the cult than Christians. Oh well that’s fine then. Review of 2015 science continues the frankly baffling story about the 7th British astronaut in space.
None of the shopkeepers here said “Happy Christmas” so bollocks to them on their next Eid.
You give them your custom?
We do not stand a chance in uk:
Thar Archbish wants Sharia:
The Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition sends out special composed Eid message to a minority but not a Christmas one to the majority.
Our National Broadcaster appoints a Muslim Head of Religious programmes and Affairs.
The white flag has been well and truly hoisted!
As it is the season of goodwill, allow me to heap some praise on the BBC for a change. On Christmas Eve, BBC Four broadcast a two hour programme, ‘All aboard! The Sleigh Ride’, showing two Sami women from Norway leading a reindeer sledge across a frozen landscape of birch forests, frozen lakes and hillsides, much as their people have done for thousands of years. There was no music, not a word of commentary and scarcely any sound at all apart from the wind, the crunch of reindeer hooves on soft snow and the occasional jingle of the reindeer’s bells.
It was, in a word, magical, especially for those whose of us whose interests lie in our native North European traditions, language, culture and beliefs.
Yuletide greetings, everyone.
As a Christmas treat here is London before the MultiKulture was imposed.
Someone needs to tell Cameron & the other Western leaders that the seeming unending bountiful cash reserves of the Sunni Muslim Oil countries is fast running out, and there’s no sign of them being replenished in the near future either.
When Iran is allowed to export oil into the open market the price is likely to fall even further as they have a glut of oil, currently being stored in tankers offshore !
Don’t expect the cost of filling up a car to fall though, the tax on it will see to that, but I don’t expect Wee Jimmy Crankie to be seeking another independence referendum either with the price so low, that the figures they quoted last time now show the opposite of what she wants!
Saudi is going to have to drastically cut its spending if it wants to survive, so perhaps all the Wahabist promotion of Islam will be put on hold, and the millions spent bribing Western politicians is also likely to be a casualty. I wonder how much Cameron is owed at this moment in time, and if this will prompt him to leave politics earlier than anticipated ?
Worth watching. The song White Christmas is racist and micro- aggressive to people of colour. Listen to the part where the guy adds that it does not mention climate change. A must, then for Harrabin.
They really are different now this current generation. Many years of leftist indoctrination has done this. The BBc has nobly played it’s part and should be proud of itself.
They are not just stupid but seem proud of their ignorance. Just like those Oxford students whining about the statue of Rhodes.
No wonder Isis and their friends despise our civilisation now. It must seem to them as if not only are we weak but so stupid as to make our very survival unlikely now.
Apologies if someone else has mentioned this. Not totally bbc bias but i bet they are as pleased as punch.
The christmas no 1 by some nhs choir. Yes, the gullible public are again swallowing the left propoganda about our sainted NHS. You know, the one that was so successful with our elderly in mid staffs and more recently in the southern area. But lets airbrush that out of history.
My daughter works in management consultancy for the nhs. The personfication of evil. Yet she uncovers inefficiency and unwillingness to change and defence of the indefensible that would make you reach for the whisky bottle.
The bbbc of course along with all the statist institutions cannot bear this message, and the gullible public unquestioningly demand ever more billions to keep the inefficiencies in place. When will the public wise up to the orwellian newspeak on this issue?
Happy new year.
Nigel Lawson apparently once said that the NHS is the closest thing the English have to a religion.
So worship of the NHS is basically a replacement for not having a proper religious belief.
Something very odd about this, Justin Bieber riding high all week, no one had heard of this NHS Choir, it wasn’t played on Radio 2 and despite the X Factor winner being one or two over the last decade could only scrape number 12?
Was this some sort of social media fad lapped up by the gulible lefty Twitterati twats like the Trump petition?
The NHS Choir, Bieber and X Factor, all crap, none fit enough to grace the Christmas Top Ten, just more dumbed down sh%&e…
It’s possible to fix the charts by appealing to your fans. Iron Maiden did it in 1990 by telling their fans to buy their single in the week after Christmas and this caused it to go to number one. Nowadays, there is no need to even visit a shop to buy a copy.
More to the point, this is definitely politically motivated, part of weaponizing the NHS. It would have been better for Labour to have won the last election and then the job of reforming the NHS would have fallen into their lap so they couldn’t blame the nasty Tories.
To be honest I don’t listen to the charts. I did turn on to watch TOTP 2015 and turned it off almost immediately. Couldn’t tell you what is in the charts as I found to my cost in a recent pub pop quiz. Unfortunately my farcebook campaign yet again failed to get the Macc Lads Feed your face to Xmas number 1. Maybe next year.
I am waiting for Downton and lacking anything to watch I’ve spotted the BBC’s religious output for Xmas day. It is only allusion rather than anything from a church. Jenny Agutter looking up a woman’s skirts as she delivers a baby in Meet the Midwife. It’s just that in spite it being followed by Silent Night being sung, I am not sure a screaming woman in Labour is quite what I want for mixed family viewing.
There are plenty of screaming women in Labour – usually ex Blairites.
Cannot find the item regarding a message by Jeremy Corbyn to a religious audience that was on here this morning, but surely only one or two words would have needed changing in his message to ropers to have got Christians on his side.
Another opportunity he has missed?
I don’t recall past winners of The Great British Bake Off getting as much exposure as this years winner, a starring role on the Michael MacIntyre Xmas Show, see what they did there?
Drip drip…
My only contact with the useless BBC was some mention on a news bulletin about a sermon by Richard Chartres, Bishop of London.
Apparently he said it was “sad” that Christianity was getting systematically removed from any presence in its birthplace…the Middle East.
I`ve checked his sermons-and if he said something so trite and trivial in direct connection with the tragedy that`s long been going on over there, I can only assume that the BBC have put the word into his mouth-or else led him into saying it.
It`s just not a word a serious Church leader would surely say about something so nasty…bit like saying that the blinding of David Rathband was a “bit harsh”.
Which-in fact was exactly what some Twatter said when Raoul Moat did his evil.
“Sad” surely is what the BBC would choose as the word to describe the extinction of a faith that long preceded Islam in the Middle East,,,but no church leader would be such a sap…would they?
Know it`s a bit late, but here`s wishing you all a Happy Christmas still-and may 2016 be good to you all.
Thanks to David and Alan for hosting us-and thanks to all my friends here who send the links, make me laugh, give me ideas and inspiration…and keep me from going postal or rogue in Wessex.
God Bless, Thanks Jesus…and the Queens annual and increasingly clear faith gives hope-and surely bothers the BBC.
Hello,and merry christmas to everyone if i didnt say it before. Just been speaking to my good pal in virginia usa and he confirms that everyone is behind the self made,”not for profit” politician trump. I hope with all my heart that we get one but i doubt it,and i beleive thereason for that is the bbbc?anyone agree
Did I hear that right? BBc sloth at the shops sales of Lobster are up as petrol is cheaper we have more cash. Is it me but does breakfast seem more shambolic than normal this morning?
Never let it be said the BBC has no religion
Yesterday I made the mistake of catching a few moments of the News Channel
The full BBC Trinity was soon on show : The NHS, Refugees and Extreme Weather – ie Climate Change
It was comedian Vic Reeves, I recall, who had a catchphrase for when his sidekick Bob Mortimer (or vice versa) would inevitably and reliably always without fail bring up some annoying point : “You wouldn’t let it lie” so with BBC news. Same narrative, same agenda, same campaigns – always from the same political standpoint.
I changed channels as soon as they began to get stuck into ‘extreme weather’ knowing from the previous BBC teaser all I had to look forward to was another exposition on how millions of muslim draft-dodgers coming into Europe was a good thing.
I was of course too late to have avoided meeting the Angels of St Wastage NHS Diversity Choir and Glee Club.
The on-message BBC drone reporter asked “How is NHS moral when there have been bad news stories this year?”
Oh aye, I wondered? The reporter’s single example of a bad NHS news story….?
The publication of the investigation report into the death of Connor Sparrowhawk whilst in the care of NHS Southern Heath Trust, perhaps?
No, of course not. The BBC prat offered “Threat of Strikes in the NHS”
Terms and conditions is what rules morale, you see – fuck the patients
Well, that’s how the BBC thinks – it’s all about their terms and conditions and viewpoint – fuck the licence payers
Here we go on about A&E showed a picture of about 30 people who has far as I could see to my untrained eye would have in the old days got a quick ‘….. bugger of there is nothing wrong with you’. In my day a bloke with an axe in is head could only manage to get bumped up to 5th in the queue.I wonder how many new British boys named Mohammed will be born today in our hospitals. Biblical weather is proof of climate change Noah floods in Cumbria and Australia is on fire doesn’t this happen every year even the Dinosaurs were reporting it
Well, that’s another one over, bar the shouting.
I trust everyone is battening down the hatches, and laying on extra provisions of cold turkey in preparation for the onslaught of super-duper-typhoon-hurricane-typical winter depression “Eva” this morning. I gather that there are “rare” red warnings of impending doom for the Northwest. Whatever you do, don’t go anywhere near an A & E department, should you be smitten – there’s no room at the inn, because of the drunks, apparently.
Good luck to you all, and to all of those who survive, Happy New Year.
This isn’t a moan about the BBC, it’s Channel 5 that I’m griping about; however the entire media follow the same pc curriculum, so I’ll give vent here. Last night they showed a Chas and Dave “Cockney knees up” first shown on Christmas evening 1982.It was filmed in a studio that had been wonderfully turned into an enormous pub. People were drinking, dancing and laughing. The production was a joy. I remember watching this with my dear old gran, all those years ago and it was as splendid and joyous as I recall. The brilliant Eric Clapton played a couple of numbers, a man of somewhat “controversial” and unapologetic views, as I’m sure we all know. I thought it was great! However, the guest star of the show was Jim Davidson and, much to my astonishment and chagrin, he had been completely edited out of the programme. This was one of the highlights and I still recall his exchange with an American in the audience. You must remember this was just after the Falklands war. Jim asked, “Any Americans in tonight?” One chap raised his glass and responded, “Yeah.” “What do you think of British comedy” asked Jim. “The American thought for a second and quipped, “It’s about as good as the beer.” We all laughed and it was a good hearted banterish exchange. Jim was back with jokes at the American’s expense, one that I remember comparing the Vietnam war with the Falklands conflict. “Result was different,” joked Jim.
Now, on reflection the whole scenario might have been a setup, it seems too perfect, but it was funny and I was looking forward to seeing it again. Alas, it wasn’t to be. Poor old Jim Davidson seems to have become persona non grata.He was mentioned in the credits, but his entire contribution had been edited out. It’s a sad reflection of the pc yoke in our once free country I’m afraid.
The next thing you know they will want us to remove “offensive” statues…