A Muslim family sans women was stopped from entering the US. Was it today? Or was it over a week ago?
On the 15th of December this family were refused entry to the US…now on the 23rd the BBC are filling the airwaves with the story. Why? Could it be that an orchestrated campaign has been organised to make this into a ‘Muslim’ issue intended to whip up as much hysteria as possible and portray Muslims, as always, as the victims of completely unjustified ‘Islamophobia’ and totally unreasonable and irrational discrimination?
What has the BBC et al missed out from their reports? Did Jeremy Vine or any of the numerous BBC interviewers who spoke to the ‘victim’ ask if there were any possible concerns about radicalisation? No of course not it was all very sympathetic and loveydovey…..Vine came up with a classic BBC line…..‘It’s obvious someone said they did not want 11 people called Mahmood on the plane.’ Well yes it’s obviously just a case of blatant discrimination based on race or religion….or is it?
U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials confirmed to CBS News correspondent Jeff Pegues on Wednesday that the incident occurred, but disputed allegations that all eleven family member were denied permission to board the flight.
A DHS source tells CBS News that one of the brothers was refused entry into Israel two years ago, and his teenage son’s Facebook account has links to terrorist websites.
Just an interesting aside…. the father runs a gym….gyms have been known recruiting centres for radicals.
Gyms in Walthamstow as well…..“What can be said about the Muslim who does not train to fight?
Update: ITV have the ‘answers’…
British dad denies link to ‘radical Islamist Facebook page’
A British father whose family were barred from boarding a flight to the United States has denied that any of them are responsible for a Facebook account claiming links to al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
The Mail has the ‘answers’…
Facebook page linked to Taliban and Al Qaeda was registered to same address as British Muslim father whose Disneyland trip was blocked by Homeland Security
It has since emerged that a Facebook page claiming links to radical Islamist groups was set up by someone who has lived at the family’s postal address, according to ITV News.
The account, which includes information suggesting it may have been published as a joke, was in the name of Hamza Hussain – a first name shared by Mr Mahmood’s 18-year-old son. It reportedly lists the job titles ‘supervisor at Taliban and leader at al-Qaeda’.
When asked about the account, Mr Mahmood believed hackers may have been to blame, adding: ‘That could be anything, maybe a mistake.’
He said: ‘It is not my son’s Facebook page. It has a similar name, but not the same as my son’s.
‘The page is also linked to our home address and that could be coincidence.’
What does the BBC report?….
US family wants travel ban answers
Mr Mahmood [Relative to the British family], a US citizen, said he could think of no reason why his relatives would represent a threat to the country and called on his government to explain its actions.
“They can get away with anything by saying national security… and you cannot even challenge that,” he told BBC News, adding, “there is no check and balance.”
Oh wait…
Mr Mahmood said he prayed at the same mosque as Syed Rizwan Farook, who along with his wife Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people in San Bernardino on 2 December but he “did not know him personally”, would not have recognised him and could not recall ever speaking to him.
How unlucky can you get. Unfortunate links both sides of the Atlantic for this family to people interested in terrorism.
Vine was in fine form making outrageous links to Trump and claiming it was ‘Trump in action’.…..could it rather be ‘radicalisation in action’? Vine didn’t ask….just oozed sympathy. We were told by the oily Keith Vaz that there was a ‘growing problem of Muslims beng stopped…a pattern was forming…‘….really? Plenty of people get stopped for all sorts of reasons but their cases don’t seem to interest Vaz. And a pattern forming? How about a Muslim a day being arrested for terror links? Does Vaz make similar appeals for Muslims stopped from going to Syria?
A Muslim caller came on and asked why we don’t ban all Jews from coming here because they have been bombing Palestine?…Vine stayed absolutely silent and made no attempt to correct her as he would have corrected anyone who said all Muslims were guilty of bombing the world and should be all be banned from coming here.
We had a BBC reporter tell us that ‘there’s something going on’ and it ‘feels like the Salem witch trials’….not saying she was at all biased or hyperbolic but she was.
She then raised the case of Ajmal Masroor, whom she described as a London imam and a frequent contributor to the BBC…….of course he is….and why wouldn’t he be?….he is after all a well known Muslim radical rabble rouser…..
British Jewish conscripts returning from Israel must be arrested Every single British citizen who also have… http://fb.me/22BFZfkVm
‘British Jewish conscripts returning from Israel must be arrested
Every single British citizen who also have Israeli nationality returning from serving in the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) must be arrested at the British airports on arrival for fighting with a terrorist army and taking part in war crimes in Gaza.
Politicians and journalists, your silence and support are causing the death of innocent Palestinians and you will be held responsible for this savagery and genocide. One day you shall be held accountable and you would find no holes to hide! It is only a matter of time.’
Is that a threat to politicians and journalists? Will they be rounded up and put on trial when the caliphate comes to the UK?
Ajmal Masroor
Ajmal Masroor describes himself as an Imam, broadcaster and politician. Although Masroor advertises himself as a moderate voice, he propagates some of the usual conspiracy theories peddled by extreme Islamist groups.
Masroor resigned as a parliamentary candidate in 2005 when it was discovered that he had been posting on the forum of the anti-Semitic Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK. He is a presenter on the Islam Channel, a television station that has been censured by Ofcom for advocating marital rape and whose CEO is a convicted terrorist. Masroor is also a spokesman for the Harrow Central Mosque, whose website promotes a plethora of Jamaat-e-Islami and Muslim Brotherhood groups.
Have to think this is an organised attempt to generate as much media and political pressure as possible to portray Muslims as victims of unwarranted discrimination with the intent that they are then given a special status as untouchables as we know the likes of the BBC and Guardian will happily fill the airwaves and pages of their websites with stories of ‘victimisation’ but offering no context or other side to the stories and the pathetic politicians will grovel and twist themselves in knots to appease the Muslim pressure groups not wanting to look ‘bad’ in the media…ie the BBC and the Guardian, who will no doubt set about any politician who doesn’t show enough ‘sympathy’ for the victims…..as you can see…this instant counter-reaction to Katie Hopkins illustrates the problem of witch-hunts against anyone who raises doubts about such stories.
Well, at least US Homeland security is now reading social media. Meanwhile it is the BBC once again giving radical M…M…Methodists cover.
At https://jackscohen.wordpress.com/2015/12/24/muslim-opinion/
…………..We would have to conclude on the basis of this open discussion that even moderate Muslim opinion is highly biased and in fact ignorant, mainly spouting Arab propaganda. This is borne out by another video, on Muslim opinion presented by Taheel Raza (https://youtu.be/pSPvnFDDQHk), a truly moderate Muslim, who has received death threats for pointing out the facts. It is “politically correct” to say that Islamist terrorism has nothing to do with Islam, and even such an expert as Pres. Obama himself has said that 99.9% of Muslims do not support jihadi terrorism. This is factually incorrect. Raza points out that there are three levels of Muslim/Islamic extremism. First there are the actual violent terrorists themselves: IS has an army of ca. 40,000 men, other groups around the world affiliated with al Qaeda (Boko Haram, al Nusra Front, Al Qaeda in the Maghreb) have about 30,000 men, Iran has the Iranian Revolutionary Guard that consist of ca. 125,000 men, there are numerous armed terrorist groups, Hizbollah (20,000), Hamas (20,000), Taliban (20,000), then there are estimated to be ca. 20,000 pro-jihadi extremists throughout the western world.
Surrounding them are the sympathizers, supporters and fellow travelers, that based on opinion polls carried out among Muslims consist of about 10% of the total Muslim population, i.e. ca. 100 million people…..
Muslim sympathy for jihad, or Muslims who support jihad is at least 25% according to every survey taken among the Muslim population of Britain and considerably higher when the surveys are carried out among Muslims under 35. Before the internet British Muslims were only vaguely aware of the verses in the Koran written in Arabic, but that has all changed and there is no going back now unless we follow the advice of Donald Trump to the letter by stopping ALL Muslim immigration into Britain and deporting all those who support jihad or sharia law and all of their family members. As we see in the Disney/Gatwick airport incident the BBC accept all the blatant taqiyya (lies)because they now have a similar ratio of Islamists on their payroll. When is Mi5 going to investigate this extraordinary situation, this Quisling betrayal of the British people and how ironic it is that no amount of FU money will save their cowardly ultra liberal executives from the (literal) chop when their charming Muslim friends have the numbers to force the end of democracy and continue the eternal blood letting that characterises their barbarous “culture”. Like mass immigration post 1997 this will go in tandem with the BBC accusing all who point out the truth of “racism” and “Islamophobia” until the truth finally dawns, Alec Guinness-like, that there is no such thing as a “moderate” Muslim anymore.
All television media were giving this the full heave all day yesterday, leaving out all salient and relevant information but it is left to radio and the printed press to ask the right questions.
LBC (hardly a bastion of unbiased reporting, I know) had one of the left-behind wives on yesterday morning being interviewed by Nick Ferrari. I don’t think the Facebook records had come to light at that stage but the arrest in Israel had. He asked her about this and she recounted a highly implausible story about how it was true, but after some explanations and an overnight stay at the local nick the husband in question left on such good relations that the Israeli authorities offered to buy them drinks.
Nick Ferrari did, to his credit, suggest after his interview that there might be more to this story than met the eye and was supported in this by one of his political editors who said pretty much the same thing. The wife in question seemed pretty articulate, and had a reasonable explanation as to why the wives were left behind, but the whole scenario does merit deeper questions.
Jeremy Vine is, of course, not the person to ask them.
You could ride a bicycle, a tandem, through the holes Vile leaves in his questioning.
I am sure AlBeeb has morphed into a parodying site such as the Daily Mash. Surely their “respected journalists” can’t be writing the stuff with a straight face without even questioning or checking any fact; or has the current university sausage factory so indoctrinated them that they accept everything at face value, as long as it has a Leftist slant? Double-speak at its finest but, perhaps, without the irony.
Oh yes they can.
But do bear in mind that while the lefty hackism is a constant, Al Beeb is now on skeleton staff for the school hols, so the slight skills advantage of the more experienced ones to cover up the agenda is lost as the kindergardeners run riot.
By trying to blame Trump, are the BBC claiming that Obama is no longer the president?
Good point. Why would Obama follow the lead of a Republican candidate?
(BBC hacks are too stuck in their lefty PeeCee to even ask the question.)
The BBC Trumpsession is rapidly turning into their Operation Clarke County.
Maybe they can fly Katzy back from Botney’s private island to consult?
That is, if he doesn’t have to spend all Xmas sucking up to his family to try and keep the Newsnight ratings in double digits?
The BBC Trump session is rapidly turning into their Operation Clarke County.
I hope so. If Donald Trump becomes President, the BBC can thank itself.
The US can stop anyone entering America. After 9/11, and many terorist attacks on the US from Muslims in America or Muslims abroad, there is a definitely a case that Muslims be prevented from entering the US.
No othrer demographis, particularly an immigrant one, are as violent as Muslims. They outsrtip every other demographic by several orders of magnitude.
It would be absurd not to notice such clear evidence.
How is the free unfettered travel of anyone around the middle eastern countries these days, especially for any who have an Israeli stamp in their passport?
Jezza? Vaz? Stella? The entire BBC?
“A Muslim family was stopped from entering the US”
So the American Authorities are taking measures to protect their citizens from terrorism…………How racist !!!!! Everyone knows Muslims are peaceful people and doggedly follow the teachings of their peace loving, misogyny hating, pedophile detesting, Jew admiring prophet.
Surely the father should be arrested on sexism charges as he left his wife behind! An all-male trip does look like using the boys as a cover for a terrorist scouting mission.
In the interview with Ferrari yesterday, mentioned above, the wife’s story had two key components:
1. There were two additional daughters, aged 7 and 9 (or something) who’s passports had not come through in time, and
2. She, or the other wife, had been unwell for some time and so was unable to travel.
The whole story has only gained publicity, she said, because of the children who were desperately upset at not going to Disneyland and the parents went to their MP. The story is all a bit implausible for me, but I think its quite sad that the children are being used in this way.
Anyone else noticed how quiet the femi-nazis are when it comes to the religion of peace and its treatment of women.
Strange they got all the male children’s passports through in time. Be interested for the BBC to ask whether they applied for those for the boys and girls at the same time. If so, think of the story about Passport Office bias against girls with muslim sounding names they could investigate!
So that makes 11 children between the two families. I wonder what the benefits bill is for that number. You only need 4 to live reasonably without working.
How the BBC and Guardian squeal about modest proposals to limit benefits to 2 children.
If it applied to all cash benefits the number of “ropers” in employment might increase, particularly the females.
Surely the father should be arrested on sexism charges…
Why? Our vicars remind us this Christmas, that Jesus was a refugee. For instance, I didn’t know, as I had misunderstood the gospel of Matthew, that Joseph left Mary and Jesus in danger in Bethlehem, and scarpered off to Egypt on his own?
Mary and Jesus would be in great danger in Bethlehem in 2015, as Bethlehem is a majority Muslim town ruled by Hamas.
You didn’t know? There you go.
Me and my local football team have been refused permission to play the Mecca Catholics X1…and I get the idea that our charity game against the Church of Jesus who play in central Medina is in jeapardy too!
Come on Beeb-anti white racism, discrimination for being Christians?…surely THIS is the story.
And you should head what Abdul-Al Arzhi said about letting in all those Syrian Christians that might prop up their health systems…all those plumbers engineers lawyers and popstars?
Has anyone ever told the BBC that the USAs Border policy is THEIRS to sort-not for the BBC .
When did the BBC assumes the right to confect these non-stories?…as long as the BBC and Islam connive in persecuting Christians worldwide, they can both shut their traps…when THEIR country-Saudi Arabia in effect-lets us visit Sandy Sand World -THEN they can say something.
I’ve come to the conclusion that the BBC really does think that it’s the World’s Policeman and is actually above sovereign countries.
JV was a disgrace yesterday and my guess is the BBC were also trying to use this “story” to stick the boot into Donald Trump(which JV did).
Frankly, Jeremy Vine’s comments towards Donald Trump bordered on libel and it wouldn’t surprise me if DT had grounds to sue the BBC for defamation.
I have to say, the description of Masroor on this site, is far more accurate than the description given by the BBC. They claimed he was a “specialist in de-radicalising muslims”. Somehow, I just can’t bring myself to believe them.
This story is now slowly unraveling, yet the BBC and their poisonous leftist cohorts, have already burnt their bridges and will remain silent from now on..
One more point after some thought:
The USA is a sovereign country and reserves the right to allow, or not allow, any person from anywhere it chooses. There is no automatic right to visit or stay. The peaceful Muslim family with no women who decided to come to Disney in California and not in Orlando or Paris or anywhere else, is free to apply for a plane ticket to LA and the USA has a perfect right to refuse them entry without explanation.
Perhaps the peaceful Muslim family with no women should take the Broadcasting House tour. Its free and they’ll meet lots of sympathetic chums there.
One last thing: if I could find the address of the Labour MP (aged 31) who thinks this is a plan from Donald Trump, I would send her an introductory course of the US constitution. Her reaction is pure ignorance..