In 2014 the US refused to issue over 1.6 million visas to non-immigrant tourist and business travellers [categories]….and yet the BBC thinks a family from Walthamstow, one of whose members put up a Facebook page promoting Islamic terror groups, is being discriminated against.
If you share such a link [on social media for instance], then it is a pretty reliable sign that something is awry. If you do it more than once, even more likely that you are a terrorist. Or a sympathiser.
The BBC has failed entirely and wilfully to do any real journalism on the story of the Walthamstow wanderers…instead the BBC peddles a one-sided tale of anti-Muslim discrimination and has also used it to attack its other enemy…Trump. Where are the BBC reports looking at US visa requirements and rules on entry, where are the visa figures that could illustrate ‘discrimination?…for instance they show 100% of San Marino category B applications have been refused ….are they Muslims?…no, RC. Turkey has 7.1% refused whilst Sweden has 15.4% refused….Canada has 48.7% refused! Inconveniently not the anti-Muslim narrative that the BBC wants to spin.
After assaulting our perceptions with a barrage of one-sided speculation and wishful thinking relentlessly over the course of one day the BBC suddenly went silent on the sad tale of a group of Muslims barred from the US….could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that a Facebook page was reported, linked to the family home, which made positive references to Al Qaeda and the Taliban and linked to an ISIS praising website...Islamic Thinkers?
Here’s an example of the ‘Islamic Thinkers’ thinking…
You can understand why the US was reluctant to admit this family days after the San Bernardino murders especially as the relative in the US the family were visiting attended the same mosque as one of the killers.
The BBC has finally worked out how it wants to handle this new information and as usual it seeks to downplay its significance and still prefers the narrative that the US is discrimnating against Muslims and it is all Trump’s fault. It is perhaps an irony that they use this headline...’UK Muslims ‘barred’ from US – what we know’. An irony because ‘what we know’ is precisely what the BBC doesn’t want you to know.
After a lot of background before we eventually get to the important information, the real reason they were stopped…
Why were they stopped?
According to ITV News, a Facebook page claiming links to radical Islamist groups was set up by someone living at Mohammad Tariq Mahmood’s postal address. But, the broadcaster said, it appeared to have been set up as a joke.
Mr Mahmood said no-one in his family had any connection to it: “That could be anything, maybe a mistake.”
He told reporters the ban could also have something to do with his brother Mohammed Zahid Mahmood once being denied entry to Israel.
Note the BBC goes to ITV rather than CBS which actually broke the story…is it because ITV suggested it looked like a joke thus dismissing it as such whilst CBS didn’t? Why would the BBC prefer that narrative?
The BBC also quotes this little chap:
Imam Ajmal Masroor said he received similar treatment when trying to travel to the US on 17 December, and was only told his business visa had been revoked. He said he had never had any problem travelling on that visa before, and feared the US was targeting Muslims.
“This is absolutely discrimination. It is not acceptable and playing into the hands of the terrorists,” Masroor said.
Now we’ve already had a look at this story and shown that Masroor is a nasty piece of work to coin a phrase…why is the BBC quoting him when it is clear he is a Muslim activist especially when he has threatened both politicians and journalists who don’t toe the Islamist line?
The BBC wants us to think that the Facebook page was a joke and therefore not to be taken as a serious indication of any Islamist intent…but it obviously wasn’t a satire intended to rubbish and mock Islamic terrorists, it was intended to promote them, to show that the page-maker was in sympathy with them…it showed his ‘Islamic State of Mind’….and if it was a joke why hide your real name? He hid his real name because it wasn’t a joke and he knew there could be consequences…such as a missed trip to Disney.
We also hear this…’He told reporters the ban could also have something to do with his brother Mohammed Zahid Mahmood once being denied entry to Israel.’ What we’re not told is that he went to Israel with a group of other Muslim ‘lads’ and was held for 8 days before being kicked out. Not as if British Muslims haven’t got a record of striking at Israel.
As for the US banning Muslims…it is letting in 10,000 Syrians…and ‘An examination of State Department records by American Enterprise Institute researcher Justin Lang found that since 2001, the State Department had denied visas to just 2,231 individuals because the applicant was suspected of terrorist ties or activity.’
In 15 years or so the US has only denied entry to 2,231 individuals due to suspicions of terrorist ties or activity and the BBC pushes the narrative that ‘there is a pattern forming’ and that there is a ‘”growing problem” of British Muslims being barred without explanation.’
Why does the US bar people?….(3) Security and related grounds. -….This being the probable relevant section in relation to the Facebook page…
(VII) endorses or espouses terrorist activity or persuades others to endorse or espouse terrorist activity or support a terrorist organization;
Or maybe this…
(F) ASSOCIATION WITH TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS- Any alien who the Secretary of State, after consultation with the Attorney General, or the Attorney General, after consultation with the Secretary of State, determines has been associated with a terrorist organization and intends while in the United States to engage solely, principally, or incidentally in activities that could endanger the welfare, safety, or security of the United States is inadmissible.
You may be interested to know that it is not Muslims who are banned but Communist Party members or anyone in a totalitarian organisation…
(D) Immigrant membership in totalitarian party.-
(i) In general.-Any immigrant who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party (or subdivision or affiliate thereof), domestic or foreign, is inadmissible.
What ever the exact ruling was it is hardly surprising just days after the San Bernardino killings that there was a heightened alert and care taken…after all AQAP has just declared America to be their main enemy…...AQAP leader says America is the ‘primary enemy’
The BBC refuses to accept that and instead insists this is ‘racism’ against Muslims.
It’s not as if postings on social media are unknown hunting grounds for intelligence services…and the BBC itself tracks them for news stories….and that there are legal consequences for posting anything that could be construed as relating to the promotion of terrorism.
Here’s the Mail listing the words you can’t say without the NSA come sniffing your PC…
Revealed: Hundreds of words to avoid using online if you don’t want the government spying on you
The Department of Homeland Security has been forced to release a list of keywords and phrases it uses to monitor social networking sites and online media for signs of terrorist or other threats against the U.S.
The intriguing the list includes obvious choices such as ‘attack’, ‘Al Qaeda’, ‘terrorism’ and ‘dirty bomb’ alongside dozens of seemingly innocent words like ‘pork’, ‘cloud’, ‘team’ and ‘Mexico’.
And here’s the Guardian last year revealing a similar theme…..
‘You’re the bomb!’ Are you at risk from the anti-terrorism algorithms?
Does the stuff you post on the internet make you look like a terrorist? Is the rhythm of your typing sending the wrong signals? The government wants sites such as Google and Facebook to scan their users more closely. But if everything we do online is monitored by machines, how well does the system work?
Share the wrong link
It’s pretty hard for machines right now to know exactly what we mean when we talk, so it is much easier for them to look for some kind of absolutely reliable flag that content is suspect. One easy solution is to use databases of websites known to be connected to extremists, or child abuse imagery, or similar. If you share such a link, then it is a pretty reliable sign that something is awry. If you do it more than once, even more likely that you are a terrorist. Or a sympathiser.
Yes, I know Islamic State is the theme…but thought a joke worth its place here-in that it might show you which Green and yuckups/ liberal sponges can be reached through humour, might have a comedy hinterland -and which are Anjems or Russells green guages of cloned intolerance.
Islam HAS no humour as we know-if Omid Khordashian or whatever their names are represents “Muslim/Baha`i humour”…well just call me Dickie Henderson or Ted Rodgers…who were the next level up from Tommy Trinder, Arthur Askey or Ted Ray I`m guessing re “comedy”.
The joke?….what were the two worst winters of the Twentieth Century?….Mike and Bernie!
( Victor Borges c/o Daily Telegraph website today!)
This is absolutely discrimination. It is not acceptable and playing into the hands of the terrorists,” Masroor said.
Ah, so if the US bans me – even if it could be a mistake – I’m off to join ISIS to cleanse Syria of Christians, behead a few people, rape, torture, pillage and enslave. Or maybe plant a bomb on the Undergound, or in a shopping mall. Yep, that’ll show these Yank bureaucrats that by dissing me they’ll be taking the lives of innocent people!
This is yet another b-BBC piece that shows the BBC is not fulfilling it’s role as an unbiased and impartial reporter of news. It always, always leaves out the bits that don’t fit with the agenda – the agenda in this case being that ‘ordinary’ British Muslims i.e. those that aren’t actually over with ISIS, are beyond any kind of criticism or even scrutiny.
The BBC are traitors – no ifs and no buts.
Here are some other things the BBC does not want you to know about Islam.
The Muslims have a 1400 year old record of mass murders and atrocities.
Islam has a far worse human rights record than any other organisation in history.
Muslims do this because not only does their “sacred” comic book permit it, it makes it compulsory.
Islam is total nonsense created by a half-witted, half-educated, insane, murderous, paedophile.
Allah does not exist, has never existed.
The West must “persuade” Muslims to “repatriate”.
The destruction of the BBC and similar treasonous collaborators must occur to enable Islam to be re-exported.
Not that any of the above is news to BBBC users.
Great idea. If this is not done, then in 50 years or less, Britain, along with Europe will be Islamic. Such is the stunning stupidity and ignorance of our political elite.
Any suggestions how?
Suggestions? I have some.
Publication here is not wise.
Let the enemy be surprised.
I think most people are getting sick to death with those Muslims playing the victim card (and the left wing media who often play this card on their behalf). No other religion has ever received this vile amount of bumlicking from the media; I just find it incredible that in a so-called modern, democratic and free-minded society we are being frightened into not being able to criticise a religion. Can you believe this? In the 21st century, people are actually terrified of offending followers of a particular religion, no other religion, just one: Islam. And this is simply because (although the trendy leftie progressives at the BBC will never admit it) a large quantity of Muslims are intolerant and violent and threaten anyone who makes fun of their religious beliefs. That is the reason; but leftie progressives will never concede that this is the case because to do so would reveal their terrible cowardice – so best and easiest to just pretend that those who voice concerns over islamic thuggery are the bigots and racists instead (though I always struggle to see how criticising a religion can be racist – I suppose it’s just another one of the many ludicrous brainwashing stunts the left have succeeded in pulling on an innocent and docile public).
Unfortunately Muslim activists and ‘community leaders’ don’t have you and the rest of the British Public as their intended audience. They know, or don’t care, that the non-Muslim population is generally highly sceptical about Islam but that doesn’t matter because the people who make the decisions are all on board with the Muslim narrative or are too scared of being called racist to stand up and say what they really think. Politicians and media types play to the Muslim gallery….2% of the population running the show because the politicians et al are terrified of more bombs…which must make you think. A Muslim community leader comes out and says foreign policy or some other policy must change or else…or else ‘the community’ will get angry and ‘some’ become radicalised…and do what? It’s a blatant threat dressed up as ‘concerns’ about community relations. The Mirror said it all…
[A] group of prominent Muslims… penned an open letter suggesting Muslim youths are alienated by Britain’s foreign policy, so it should be changed.
Why exactly? To placate a handful of home-grown terrorists and terrorist sympathisers?
In other words the rest of us can only be safe if THEY get a foreign policy that suits them. The Mafia would call this extortion. Give us what we want and we’ll do our best to stop the baddies blowing you up.
And ironically…whinging Walthamstow pops up again…
“Muslims feel like there is an underlying agenda against us,” are a selection of comments from Walthamstow in East London, the neighbourhood targeted by anti-terror raids last week.
Unfortunately you can see the reaction that Muslims want from politicians in Stella Creasy’s kowtowing to the islamists in her area as she demands an explanation for US ‘discrimination’ against Muslims whilst she denies the evidence of the Facebook page when presented to her.
Highly sceptical? That sounds very similar to another term frequently bandied about by the Commy traitors.
No, Alan, we are not Islamophobes and we are not sceptical.
Our opinions of Islam are formed and unchangeable, and are correct about this poisonous “religion”.
No other religion has ever received this vile amount of bumlicking from the media;
This behaviour comes from Auster’s law.
Auster’s law suggests that the worse a minority behaves, in this case Islam, the more the propaganda from the authorities and the MSM, on behalf of the Religion of Peace. And no minority in the West is more prone to violence then Muslims. Muslim violence against its own women and children (rape to be included), and the Infidels, even in the West, far outstrips the violence by any other demographic. And the scale of each violent incident is orders of magnitude greater then perpetrated by any other demographic.
We wait expectantly, as the authorities continuously warn us, of another mass murder incident on the streets of England. And when that happens, the authorities, the Arch bish and the MSM, will rush helter skelter to the nearest mike, to insistently tell us how very peaceful Islam is – and that all religions are the same. The last is a consequence from the principle of non-discrimination.
Of course his Facebook page was a joke. We all use the words Taliban, Al Qaeda, and put images of Daesh’s flag om our social media accounts, don’t we? After all, no one has ever got into trouble for posting such things online, or indecent images of children or other socially unacceptable things, have they.It’s all a bit of harmless fun and no one ever gets hurt, do they?
As johnnythefishpoints out “The BBC are traitors – no ifs and no buts.” and the sooner this organisation, that flies close to the definition of treason more and more so every day, is brought to book, the better. Alas, we all know the answer to that question under this current regime…..
Q What are Yersinia pestis, Islam, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Plasmodium falciparum and Variola major?
A They are all deadly diseases which have caused deaths which number at least many hundreds of millions.
Q What makes Islam different from the other death causing pathogens listed above?
A Attempts are being made to eradicate the other diseases, Islam is being promoted.
When the priests in Walthamstow spend more time in their paid for jobs and churches rather than mosques and immigrant missions they might find the flock returns and the likes of Stella Greasy might have to reflect true public opinion.
I read an article online about Muslims boycotting the Government’s anti-terror scheme. So, in the interests of fairness, I Googled the term “Muslims boycotting terror” and came across links to The Daily Mail, The Times, The Indy, The Telegraph, Breitbart and even The Guardian (most major media outlets had links) running articles on the issue but one august body was very much missing from the search results even right down to page 5 where no one ever goes. I wonder why AlBeeb is not running ANYTHING on this issue which, I am sure you will agree, is something that grows in prominence every day.
On this day, the celebration of our first Christian Martyr would you share in remembering Democracy, Christianity and true tolerance and true equality as it is only fitting that these values have their loss commemorated on such a memorable date.
Thanks for reminding us of it.
Quite unbidden and from nowhere was a statement made at a Christmas lunch I was attending. A woman I barely know suddenly said that she was afraid now of what the New Year will bring.
She meant only one thing and that was her fear of violence on our streets. I did not take up the conversation but found it enlightening and worrying. People of ordinary background and leading odinary lives are worried and fearful.
THis is new to us in England. The wars we fought were different somehow .
Our leaders need now to be honest and our media needs to stop lying.
I have grave doubts that this is still possible.
One cannot overstate the failure of our governing class. As for the BBC and it’s powerful position it has misused it out of probably fear but also a failure to understand that fantasy liberalism is ultimately corrosive of a culture and an affront to truth.
Dave S, I am hearing similar comments. I have never known “ordinary” people to express such apprehension. The political class, police, judiciary and most of the media have lost all credibility. They just seem to be crossing their fingers and hoping ! We are ill-served by these traitors.
A woman I barely know suddenly said that she was afraid now of what the New Year will bring.
This is the reason that many are getting out of Britain
There is a genuine and general sense of apprehension, I agree. It also seems to run right throughout society and is accompanied by a real feeling that the poltical class has betrayed us. They need to be made to realise this and I have no sense that they do. Our MPs seem more arrogant and detached than ever.
There is one problem with viewing visitors to pro-terrorist web sites. You must know your enemy. On that basis I view some of these sites.