Here’s hoping all our readers and commenters have had a Christmas to remember and will have a good new year.
Hope you got one of these subversive devices under your Christmas tree…
Or a link to the Kodi download site where you can get the software for free to put the ‘device’ on your PC.
To Alan & staff at the Biassed BBC blogsite
Merry Christmas, and a joyful and stress free coming year.
MY “Great Moment of The Year” 2015?
I think it would have to be May 9th.
That Saturday morning, I listened to “The Week In Westminster” with the likes of Steve Richards…and all of them were stunned and rambling about Labour being disembowelled, and no Ed Davey or Liberals to shaft the Tories anymore.
As I listened in to all this in my car, I looked on at a county town coffee shop-where the tie dye brigade and local womens union officers looked on at their Guardians and Independents at the election result supplements.
Had to get out of the car, and go over for an overpriced mocha and slice of their cheapest rip off lemon grizzle cake.
What a morning-UKIP badge on, wandering round to borrow all the papers and smile, laugh and wallow in their grief.
#Oh what a morning-middle May , Two Thousand and Fifteen#
So as I spit feathers as the BBC restores itself to the Sick PaedoPimp of Islam…my diary entries of May 8th-10th will fortify me.
What a joy to nod to every white van and hard-pressed parent of similar age, as we passed on the roads back then…let`s not forget this.
My Review of the Year then?…and yours?
Happy Christmas still, may 2016 be good for us all.
The most “subversive device” as regards the BBC is the simple ON/OFF switch on your radio or TV. I suspect that the BBC hive would prefer you to keep one or the other on, during most of your waking hours anyway, especially when you’re doing something else and not fully paying attention; that is when the subliminal messages are most dangerous. Think of the famous telescreen in Orwell’s “1984”, where you needed special Party privileges to be able to turn the hectoring propaganda off.
I find myself using the OFF switch more and more, and the ON switch less and less. I work from home and Radio 4 used to be something of a companion but I now pick and choose much more carefully: “In Our Time” on Thursday at 9 a.m. and “The Moral Maze” on Wednesday at 8 p.m. are still good and there are occasional programmes of value, such as the recent one on Islam with David Aronovitch. The news at 6 p.m. is relatively good, better than “The World at One” or “Today” or “PM” because there is less comment and editorializing. The comedy is generally poor (e.g. “The News Quiz”, “The Now Show” and anything with feminist comedian [sic] Bridget Christie in it) the drama and serials often agenda-driven, and things like “Woman’s Hour” are hard to listen to with their bias and constant sins of omission (e.g. on Islam).
£145.50 per annum is not a huge sum of money but I resent being forced to pay for a service that I want to use less and less.
A continuing Happy Christmas to one and all and commiserations for those suffering flooding.
I have posed this question a couple of times here in 2015 without receiving much – if anything – by way of reply: if I wanted to go totally Beeb-free in 2016 which would mean giving up all BBC Radio, what alternatives – on FM/MW and on the internet – are available in the English language?
I’m still prepared to give it a go!
I will need some help. 🙂
“£145.50 per annum is not a huge sum of money but I resent being forced to pay for a service that I want to use less and less.”
I would happily pay £145.50 per annum for the rest of my days just for the license fee to be scrapped so that the BBC have to exist on a level playing field with the other commercial broadcasters.
Mustapha, I agree with what you like about the BBC, it isn’t all bad. As for radio comedy Tom Wrigglesworth is a gem & perfectly in the classic mould of the great days of radio comedy three or four decades ago. The history & arts programmes are good on the television, I tend to just watch these on iPlayer – my only TV viewing, but one still has to be wary, the bias creeps in all over the place, how Mary Beard can turn the ancient ruins of Rome into pro-immigration leftish propaganda is certainly a skill!
It is indeed the subterfuge which al-beeb excels at paid for by the broadcasting tax that worries me the most. The omission of news stories the promotion of others. I’m 50 now and I constantly question whether it’s my advancing years and natural progression to the right but I keep coming back with the same answers! I’m still a right wing socialist but with respect! I believe in true equality not supremacy and my martyrs don’t wear vests.
BBBC – a website which ought to be at the top of any thinking person’s ‘Bookmarks’. You guys who man and maintain this website deserve every bit of support you get. The UK needs websites like this place to counter the censorship, denigration and downright abuse of those who simply have a different mindset to this country’s biggest monopoly. Little by little, the country is beginning to see through the ‘doublespeak’ that characterises what should be a national institution of which we should be proud, rather than a British Version of ‘Pravda’.
A very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and your readers/contributors. Keep it up.
Merry Christmas again to one and all and thank you for the link to the Chinese site, Alan.
I’m not sure whether it is due to advanced age or creeping technophobia but I’m struggling to see what exactly I could do with Kodi that I can’t do with my existing set-up (dumb TV, hard drive/DVD recorder/Chromecast) and that goes for quite a lot of the casting/streaming devices one sees – they are all dependent on finding good programming material and that is where I come a cropper.
Which links to Up2Snuff’s request. I wish I could help. I have an Internet radio in my kitchen but search as I might, I can find nothing that does what BBC Radio 4 used to do before it was taken prisoner by Left wing polemicists. There is a lot of classical music around if you look for it and, of course, any amount of pop music. The USA has a lot of talk radio, but we knew that anyway and, frankly, unless you have a personal local interest there, Chris calling from Clapham on LBC is not so very different from Carrie from Chattanooga.
And that’s the problem, isn’t it? The BBC has smothered at birth any competition in this country. Where an equivalent overseas might have existed, we either have the every-bit-as-bad NPR in the USA, or wall to wall inane pop music, sport or phone-ins.
BBC apologists would claim that it is only the British funding model that allowed something like the Home Service/R4/R3 to exist at all and I might even be willing to concede the point but nothing can excuse the political monoculture that has turned the BBC into a propaganda service for Left-liberalism.
It’s better programming material that we need. Technology is just empty glitter without it.
Thank you to David, Alan and Co for the site.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to one and all.