Curious that this story has vanished from the frontpage and worldpage of the BBC website when it would normally be frontpage for days…
Muslim prayer hall attacked in Corsica
Up to 600 French protesters desecrated a Muslim prayer hall in Corsica in a revenge attack prompted by the wounding of two firefighters and a police officer.
The furious mob smashed the prayer hall’s glass door, ransacked the interior and left around 50 partially-burned Korans littering the street overnight.
Chanting ‘Arabs get out!’ and ‘This is our home’, protesters marched through the streets of the French Mediterranean island’s capital, Ajaccio.
So ‘up to 600’ protesters attacked the mosque. However the BBC paints an entirely different picture….the vast majority of the protesters weren’t against the Muslim/Arab migrants they were merely ‘supporting’ the fire and police service…only ‘a crowd’ attacked the mosque and ‘a small group’ tried to burn the korans……..
A crowd has vandalised a Muslim prayer hall in Corsica in apparent retaliation for an attack on firefighters in the French Mediterranean island.
Officials say a small group of protesters also tried to burn copies of the Koran in the capital, Ajaccio.
Overall, several hundred people gathered in the city to express support for two firefighters and a police officer injured on Thursday.
Firstly the BBC are obviouly unsure how to handle this as the ‘Arabs’ attacked the fire and police men…..this may give people the unwanted idea that immigration from Arab countries isn’t such a good idea….not a good thing whenn the BBC is busy heavily promoting pro-Syrian etc mass imigration to Europe. The BBC therefore hides the story away as fast as possible in its unread backwaters. Second the BBC tries to downplay the anti-Islam/Arab nature of the protest…it was really all about support for the fire and police men. People actuall love Islam don’t you know?
News you can trust? Not from the BBC.
Straight out of the BBC’s ‘Modus Operandi’ handbook…..the headline is about the response to an initial event, and virtually completely ignores the initial event as irrelevant.
This has been seen to work best in situations where the world’s media are carefully controlled in a situation – e.g. in Gaza.
Also, despite all the hoo-hah about Russia’s involvement in Syria – I have seen hardly any mention by the BBC of the ‘negative collateral damage’ to vital services (medical, food, water, etc.), targetting of civilians (women and children particularly), the ‘disproportionatlity’ of Russia’s actions against Syrian ‘dissidents’, the ‘collective punishment’ of people for the acts of a few, etc., etc.
Compare this to ‘reporting’ of Israel and its ‘interactions’ with Palestinians.
True, the comrades at the BBC are deeply in love with Russia and wouldn’t dream of criticising the country for slaughtering a few hundred or a few thousand civilians.
We certainly will not see Lyse Doucet or any other Middle East ‘reporters’ emoting over those civilians.
After all, Russia supports the Iran-Assad-Hezbollah axis, which gladdens lefty hearts at the BBC since the axis is an implacable enemy of the US and Israel.
And of course any and every communist nation has BBC hacks smitten like lovesick adolescents.
Dear God! The BBC are deeply in love with Russia? !!!!
Which planet are you two on ? The BBC HATE Russia, and HATE Putin even more ! His active stance against Islam and his limiting of Homosexual activism means he / them are not ever going to get along !
The reasons why the BBC have not gone overboard against the Russians is probably that so many are on holiday over the Xmas period !
Moreover, Putin sends reminders to Europe, that Europe is in danger if it forgets its founding Christian faith.
Have a listen to Rosenberg reporting from Moscow for the World Service.
I’ve never heard any criticism of Russia on the WS. I’ve also never seen an article on the BBC ‘News’ website critical of Russia. As long as Russia continues to support the enemies of the US and Israel, the BBC’s adoration for the country will remain undiminished.
And which galaxy, thoughtful, do you and your blinkered eyes inhabit ? (see- it’s really easy to throw insults around, rather than addressing facts). The Russians have been bombing Syrian dissidents, innocents and their families since the end of September – i.e. before most shops even started thinking about selling anything to do with Christmas – it’s laughable that you think the BBC, admittedly one of the most likely organisations to do so, starts its Christmas Holiday period almost three months before Christmas day. And since you clearly include my post in you sideswipe “Which planet are you two on ?”, let me point out to anyone hard of thinking that I was comparing the BBC’s treatment of blatant murder of the civilian population by one country (which happens to have been in the news recently) with its regular behaviour towards another country which is defending itself. At no point did I say that the BBC loves Russia, but I can’t see any swathe of evidence, such as there is to support its obvious institutional hatred of Israel, to substantiate your claim of its hatred of Russia. But perhaps you can provide that comparable swathe of evidence ?
Innocent Muslims? No such thing.
The French press tell it like it is!
And you don’t have to speak French to get the tone of this comment!
«Aujourd’hui, il y a des tensions dues à des décennies de politique de ghettoïsation ici comme en France. Ces phénomènes sont bien sûr accentués avec les événements récents. Je pense qu’il faut avoir le courage de dire qu’il y a des problèmes politiques et économiques», a déclaré le tout récent président du Conseil exécutif de Corse, Gilles Simeoni. Un avis partagé par le député-maire d’Ajaccio, Laurent Marcangeli, qui sentait «la tension monter» depuis plusieurs mois.”
Would that our politicians had the eyes and the wit to see and understand what is going on here.
Agreed this particular coverage filled in the gaps left out by the BBC who will (as a tool of the establishment) play down such an incident. This has always been the case and I know from my own experience how the media will under report an incident if directed from government agencies to do so.
The reason being that Enoch Powell’s predictions (among others) cannot be allowed to come true.
In other words the various governments across Europe and the UK (representatives of the establishment first and the people last) have made a complete mess of immigration/multiculturism and fear a possible backlash and it’s destructive consequences, which include the potential rise in power of the extreme right.
OMG 50 partially burned korans. That is terrible!
There might still be readable passages inciting violence and tyranny towards the infidels.
I imagine the BBC is really praying that those passages are undamaged.
The Corsican Kuffars will pay by hundreds blown up. Not for nothing is Islam known as the Religion of peace.
Came across this
Yep the BBC really doesn’t like Russia.
Remember its recent flagship program Extreme Russia with Reggie Yates
Episode 1 – ‘far right and proud’
Episode 2 was titled ‘gay and under attack’
Episode 3 was called ‘teen model factory’ in which kids as young as 7/8 were being ‘exploited’ by model agencies.
Of course, Reggie did some other documentaries,
– Is Britain Racist
– Race Riots USA.
So he looked at Russia, UK, and the USA.
Who’s next for the treatment
Australia, Canada, China, Israel?
Was Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan,Qatar, Palestine etc even considered for such in depth analysis.
What about Turkey, Egypt or Morocco. After all, these are tourist destinations.
Is not one middle eastern/Islamic country open to scrutiny by the BBC.
What the BBC fails to report in its documentaries.
As we (the BBC) are given permission to take a camera crew onto the streets (and openly criticize the security services, the society your reporting on, the Government bodies etc) without bodyguards or heavy censorship, it’s probably a free and open society, regardless of its faults.
The whispering so as not to be heard is not fooling anybody, reggie. You have been given permission to report. And clearly the programs you made have not been censored by the host country, or those critical whispers would be censored, wouldn’t they?
Try it in Saudi Arabia Reggie, then your doing some ‘extreme’ reporting.
I’ll even sign the petition to have you released from a ten year stretch,or to not face 50 lashes.
Most importantly, merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
Caught a snippet of one of Reggie’s ‘extremism’ things where he was investigating men who are worried/active/vocal regarding male rights. Apparently that’s ‘extreme’. Personally I couldn’t care less either way, but the so-called BBC had deemed it a topic that needed Reggie-ing so that was that.
Anyway, it was the usual utter dross, whereby:
Reggie works for the so-called BBC, so what Reggie thinks the whole world thinks, period.
Consequently if and when Reggie comes up against something that challenges what he thinks, he adopts this sense of slightly confused awe/look of moral concern/condescending sympathy and fear that, you know, the whole world would adopt faced with this ‘extremism’. A bit like that Stacey Dooley does, vile creature.
Cordially, Reggie did this when talking to, or about, any of the males who were raising their genuine concerns (with the usual BBC tactic of regular interruptions) but then… BLAM, as soon as a young female critic of the said ‘extreme’ men was interviewed for ‘balance’ (you know the type, patchily coloured dyed hair, wiry specs, Doc Martins, dressed mainly in black, perfect Beeboid employee given a couple of years…) he just shut the hell up. Quiet as a mouse. That’s it Reggie, yeees, let her speak, let the arguments that you totally agree with come out Reggie, all out, uninterrupted, nod your head slowly in agreement, for she is right and all those other people, those whingeing, whining men, are wrong wrong wrong.
I turned over. That’s one right they haven’t taken off men yet. And Reggie doesn’t like that.
I’ve only seen Stacey Dooley trying to empathise with Luton’s Muslim rabble. (and failing) Thought she was OK.
I saw a little bit of Reggie Yates in Russia, but I’m afraid I found it unwatchable. It reminded me of one of those “yoof” travel programmes from the eighties. How sensible of the BBC to waste the license payers money by letting a clueless actor make a documentary.
I have no animosity towards Russia, in fact quite the opposite, but I’d be quite happy if the BBC was more critical of Putin. I am quite bemused by some of the Putin love I have occasionally seen on this site.
However I’d also like to see some real criticism of Saudi Arabia, Iran, China, Hamas etc., etc. What I would really like to see would be objective journalism rather than political activism. It must be the time of year, I’m indulging in fantasies.
Yes, Stacey was much better that Reggie Yates.
Reggie is a know nothing anti-Christian who spouts drivel and plays the race card in Russia, South Africa and Brazil…and sod the carbon footprint for his liberal airheading.
Doolin at least came from Luton so took it as personally as another de-schooled poppet could do.
She also went to Tanzania,Mexico and The Phillipines-and , although no Kate Adie, was as good as her age could allow her to be…why the hell didn`t we educate these kids whilst we had the chance.
Yates is crap-Doolin has prospects…
> Reggie works for the so-called BBC, so what Reggie thinks the whole world thinks, period.
Nowhere in any programme does he even imply this. I suspect you’re making it up so that you have a straw man that’s easier to attack.
> any of the males who were raising their genuine concerns
Like how it’s acceptable to issue death threats and rape threats against women who express an opinion, you mean? Yes, I can see how that must be a *real* concern.
> as soon as a young female critic of the said ‘extreme’ men was interviewed for ‘balance’… he just shut the hell up.
Nothing of the sort happened. Although he was quietened as result of reading some of the vile abuse she had been sent. Do you think it’s okay for men to send death threats to women just because they believe their ego has been pricked?
I wonder, why is it you feel the end to dissemble so? Is it because you’re just as much of a vile individual as some of the so-called “men’s rights activists” featured in the programme? That you associate with their deluded psychopathy, that makes them think it’s okay to behave in an antisocial manner just because they have a Y chromosome?
> I turned over. That’s one right they haven’t taken off men yet. And Reggie doesn’t like that.
No, you’re quite right, you’ve still got the right to be a deluded idiot, just as other people have got the right to point that out. And you’ve got the right to carry on believing that your opinion has anything to do with reality, while others have the right to laugh at such a preposterous notion.
“the BBC are obviouly unsure how to handle this as the ‘Arabs’ attacked the fire and police men”
Alan, none of the reports said ‘Arabs’ attacked the firemen. That is completely your own invention, but never mind such pesky little details whilst cheering on the lynch mob.
Read the linked French news reports and inform yourself. Police and fire services lured into a trap by North African immigrants and then attacked – 3 injured.
Also would be grateful to be pointed at who was lynched, or targeted for one, pesky detail-wise.
Seems violence to people was again unidirectional.
The worst in response was to paperwork and some furniture.
I see the nightshift were on again. They keep changing their names but not their tactics. It shows how desperate the BBC is to attack the truth because it so rarely supports their agenda.
Note that the French are releasing the names of their Vichy collaborators who sent the Jews to their deaths, and undermined their own country by being paid informers and traitors.
Like todays traitors for IslamoFascists at the BBC and in the liberal elites…we`ll be knowing who the collaborators are-and it`s all too easy to predict whose names WE`LL be wanting before too long-and it won`t take 70 years, and won`t be hard to prosecute what with the Internet,
That said-as long as we don`t know who is stalling Balen, Saviles fellow travellers at the BBC-let alone the goons who feathered Camillas Fat Fagin Project,who took Gove off Trojan Horse or who funds Shami, Shiner and Anjem off the Hamza Hook…maybe my confidence is misplaced.
But at least those who betrayed their country and their Jews are in the searchlight today…shall we start with Tom Driberg and end up with something like Seamus Milne or Johann Hari?
chrisH, Fine sentiments. But, despite the , arguable, fact that the Allies won WW2, it has taken a long time for this to come out. Sadly, I suspect that today’s British Vichy will triumph and the truth will never be in history books.
What looked like in an aerial photo of hundreds of thousands of Poles marching with lit torches in protest at muslim immigration….did it appear on the BBC?…nope….saw it on my Facebook page…astonishing, but typical.