The BBC have been plugging away at the narrative that the Tory government has been neglecting t’North and favouring the South…..keep hearing that leeds city council leader, Judith Blake, thinks the North has been abandoned…
‘Real anger’
A thousand homes have flooded in Leeds, but the leader of the city council, Judith Blake, said the flooding had been a “preventable disaster”.
She said the North had not received “anywhere near the support that we saw going into Somerset” – which flooded in 2014 – and there was now a “real anger growing across the North”.
What’s curious about all the BBC news on the radio and this web report is the essential clue as to why she might be saying that….she is a Labour councillor. Just as the BBC reports the criticisms of government by Labour PCC’s without mentioning the fact that they are being ‘political’ in their criticisms the BBC uses the same tactic to push a Labour narrative whilst pretending it is merely the words of a concerned and impartial city councillor.
As far as the BBC is concerned, it is only natural to be left wing, and therefore there is no need to mention the fact; any decent person is left wing, QED. The corollary of this, of course, is that it is unnatural and irrational to be right wing, and therefore the point must be made that someone is a right winger, so that normal, decent people are warned that that person is talking nonsense. As soon as you appreciate that for the BBC there are no enemies on the left, it all begins to make sense.
“il n’y a pas d’ennemis a gauche”
As the French, well at least the lefty French, have it.
The loveable lefties today who have this attitude have recent ancestors in the twentieth century who murdered one hundred million people.
100,000,000 people, yet there is a total absence of shame, guilt, responsibility, sorrow, in the lefty minds.
That is when they acknowledge their terrible history, which is almost never.
Normal people with this history would be perpetually wearing sackcloth and ashes.
But not the lefties, 100,000,000 murders is insufficient. So they import Islam into Europe, Islam whose adherents have murdered more people than the lefties. For Islamic votes, principles, what principles?
Accompanied by the superior, infallible, attitude which the lefties invariably adopt.
The lefties are the nastiest, most evil, people in recorded history and need to be constantly reminded of their appalling past.
Maybe Martin Sheen could be invited back on to knock around a few Q&A gems with her as an interviewer?
With integrity, of course. For balance.
‘Ey ‘oop!
In t’North where houses are cheaper, the over-represented civil service is paid the same as in London, where t’countryside and t’quality of life are miles better and the locals tuffer than dahn Sarf, as soon as something goes wrong it’s not only the fault of London politicians, it’s the fault of London Tory politicians!
Whodathunk it?
Bunter was straight back darn-sarf as soon as he could escape. Apparently he was in bits; firstly having to travel north, secondly having to meet the tribes-people and thirdly having one of them trying to communicate rather loudly in some odd dialect or language he didn’t understand.
Still as soon as he got back to the safety of his mansion he opened up a fresh hamper, got Jeeves to open a bottle of Champagne (this was going to be a three bottle day).
‘Frightful time dear, those tribes-people can be pretty damn rude at times, but at least one can rest easy as non of your Syrian refugee chums were affected by the flooding. Now I must speak to my boss Angela and tell her the EU policy on banning dredging is working and the Oiks are beginning to swallow the story that all this flooding is because of Global Warming and Man-Made Climate Change’ (Laughs all round)
It was interesting that on the Ten o’ Clock News, the BBC made a point of referring to the fact that the PM was heckled on his trip to Yorkshire yesterday. No that, but they speculated whether the woman who yelled, ‘No more cuts’, was referring to the floods or to the Tories austerity programme in general.
The BBC seem utterly desperate in their attempts to rubbish, they feature ONE person’s shout from a crowd and go on to make a meal of it – without telling us who the woman was; Labour activist? Environmental activist? BBC staffer?
They cannot help it.
Taught to lie, misrepresent, obfuscate, omit or otherwise distort the truth, beginning with the first time they suckled at their Marxist mother’s breast.
In the former USSR no-one believed the Government statistics, but everyone pretended to believe them, it was safer.
We have the same pretence in the UK, pretending the NHS is the envy of the world. Pretending the Police and Border Agency are doing a good job. Pretending local “government” is efficient and effective. Pretending the BBC is impartial. Pretending ad libitum.
None of it is true, if the corrupt public sector wankers had to get their lazy snouts out of the trough and earn a living in the real world they would starve.
Propaganda is what the left do, they practise but they do not become perfect.
If children were taught the truth at school the Labour Party would receive fewer votes than the Monster Raving Loonies, and deservedly so.
more money spent on the South is only reasonable given the fact it is a greater area, the catchment area greater, and the rivers wider & much longer.
Mersey 112Km
Eden 145Km
Ribble 120Km
Tyne 118Km
Aire 114Km
Ure/Ouse 208Km
Calder 72Km
Wye 215Km
Great Ouse 230Km
Trent 298Km
Thames 346Km
Severn 354Km
In the South there are more rivers, and they are longer. Even if the cost per mile of flood defences were the same, then it is obvious that more must be spent in the South than is spent in the North.
On t’BBC News channel yesterday they had on their tickertape “Leeds 1,000 homes flooded – York 500 homes flooded”, so why did they do nowt but report from York all bloody day? What’s up wi’ Leeds ya’ bloody poofs!?
If it ain’t London or Manchester, it’s get your history books out. The BBC obviously don’t have road maps of the UK – only A-Z’s of London and Manchester.