… Public officials in Cleveland on Monday urged the public to remain calm and to protest peacefully.
State Senator Sandra Williams said any unrest would hamper progress but still called the decision a “grave miscarriage of justice”. … So yanks elect idiots too and BBC apply heat but no light, again.
On the subject of BBC bias with respect to the source of racism and crime in the USA, don’t expect the Beeboids to listen to real (rational) Americans. This may have them questioning the foundation of their ‘evil white racists’ narrative. This American dude sees things differently. Watch and learn you squirming race baiters at the BBC!
Mr Prime Minister , its about time that you spent all the money that you waste on Europe and ‘Foreign Aid’ on those misfortunate people in the North of Great Britain.
Flooding will occur annually, and will get worse year on year until they repeal this ridiculous law, something which will never happen as they feed some naturally into the climate change narrative.
I had posted that excellent article on a previous thread. I was especially struck by the historical note about the importance placed on constant dredging in Cumbria in years gone by.
The BBC – and politicians – drone on about more and more spending on flood defences. But it is FLOOD PREVENTION we need – lowering the level of rivers by dredging every year. Not the prohibition on dredging caused by the European Directive – the more the rivers silt up, the higher the walls would need to be..
It is the EU that should be stuck with the £6 billion bill so far of the recent floodings.
UKIP is the only party that challenges the nonsense of Global Warming – why on earth aren’t they sticking the blame where it really lies ?
You must be wrong, I saw George Monbiot on the TV news, and he said that it is much better to let rivers silt up, as this prevents floods because the water can’t go anywhere and, er, anyway, he’s green, so it must make sense. For his next project he wants to reintroduce wolves, and I’m sure that will go well too.
Spot on, John. The EU is aware that Dave Cameron promised us a referendum on whether to stay in our get out. You’d think the EU, as a big sweetener to UK voters, would give a huge stash of cash to us (you know, like they did to the Greeks several times over) to get this problem sorted once and for all. How well that would go down with the Undecideds’ votes. Their silence confirms we are no better than a cash cow, expected to help out other countries in times of crisis, but when the shit hits our fan, we’re left to get on with it.
Much gushing in the press about apparently the front runner for the King of Xmas entertainment ten little nigg……sorry Then there were none. Well this fell a bit on it’s arse for me mainly because you know what is going to happen. With variations on the theme it’s been done many times. The Avengers, the Simpsons etc. etc.
Agree Dave666. I was fed up with the repeated shots of the woman swimming, and the camera lingering on her miserable face, and every time she walked she was so slow that I thought she had cacked in her knickers. And who would have guessed that a judge among the ten was there to judge and execute the others.
Disappointed here to, only watched because we saw it being filmed near Harlyn North Cornwall back in July.
There were endless hospitally vans, equipment vans, crew, cameras and security staff. During the two days they were there, those two days amounted to about 30 seconds on screen, namely someone staring into a blowhole in episode one.
So we had Trans winner of celebrity mastermind . Can I get odds on trans for the Bake-Off please ? I don’t even know what trans is is it a bloke who dresses up as a woman ?
It’s a man who thinks he is a woman, and tries to convince others, or a woman who thinks she’s a man, but doesn’t have the necessary parts to prove it.
Call them trans or whatever. I grew up in a working class community and if any like that came near the children the dads would sort them out. Well, those were the days. Now Owen Jones et al speak for the workers.
Suits me all this Monroe Doctrine crap…Call Me Caitlyn surely means that I can go with the wife to her loos-which are cleaner and have nice mirrors so I understand.
Not sure if they come off the walls so I can do my lines of coke…but will let you know.
AND-if any prissy mum of a schoolgirl worries about her ex-teacher sharing a cubicle with whoever “they” choose to do it with,,,then I can take them to court under todays coerce and control legislation against psychological abuse.
Who knows Shamis phone number-Good old Jack Monroe eh?..might start with the Sainsburys loos to begin my campaign-#my right to use womens loos.com.
> I grew up in a working class community and if any like that came near the children the dads would sort them out.
Ah yes, a simpler time when you could with impunity beat someone up with the barest hint of suspicion that, because they were a little bit different to you, they must be a child abuser.
Simpler times. What a shame we now live in a world where people like GWF can’t boast about inflicting physical violence on people for no reason other than his own fears and prejudices without being called out on his behaviour.
But take heart, GWF: transpeople still face bullying, harassment and violence on a daily basis. Enjoy it while it lasts, because more and more people are realising that such a thuggish attitude to difference is intolerable.
Yes Jezza, a simpler time and there was violence. But ‘sorting people out’ more often involved stern words, which by your standards, would consist of a hate crime. And sometimes it was wrongly directed. But evidence of molestation was there and people dealt with it because the molesters were not protected by PC cops, politicians and social workers as in Rotherham etc. And whilst the dads might have been a bit violent in their protection, the kids who complained were not dispatched to care homes where the pervs were let loose on them, or collected for a night of child prostitution. Your arguments suck Jezza. the bit about inflicting ‘physical violence on people for no reason other than his own fears and prejudices’ is a typical straw man piece, inserting an opinion as they do on the BBC you so admire. It is one thing to wrongly attack those who are different but another to deny that people recognised threats to their children and took steps to protect them. Your brave new world, Jezza, is not a safe one; there are too many hidden and unprotected victims of the PC culture you admire.
Now that Cameron the squish has willingly nudged us further on the roll down hill with his Pantomime show – just so he could get one good head line from the BBC – I’m afraid we are in for a real comedy of errors. The Left being thoroughly ungrateful and relentless will push and push to an absurd extent and there will always be some freaky deaky Victoria Derbyshire fodder. Confused? You ain’t seen nothing yet.
I fished this comment out of the bottom of the last open thread to give it more exposure here. I’m indebted to feargal the cat for enlightening me that Connolly’s attempt at reporting was also dissected on the excellent BBC Watch on the 24th:
Coincidentally, I’d just done a Google search to discover that the story broke in Israel on November 2nd – and yet the BBC sees fit to ‘update’ us with it Radio 4 on December 19th, on Facebook, and on the World Service almost two months after the fact. They really must be fond of Connolly’s puerile efforts on behalf of the anti-Israel campaign:
Razia Iqbal introduced the obligatory little piece of anti-Israel bias on the World Service today:
Now, for decades Israel has had a problem with feral cats [and BBC hacks]. There are an estimated 2 000 000 of them on the streets. A neutering programme run by an animal charity has been keeping the numbers down. This year it faced a challenge from a right-wing minister [doesn’t take her long to indicate her disapproval] who felt it was against Jewish ethics to spend state money on interfering with the reproductive cycle. For now the charity has won the argument. Our correspondent Kevin Connolly went to see it at work.
[Actually Connolly was far less interested in the programme than he was in bashing Israel. After some meowing and dumb observations about the cats, he moved on to his real agenda]
Connolly: The religious right-wing [here we go again] Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel has tried to divert state funding away from the programme, arguing that a prohibition in Judaism on interfering with the almighty’s preferred arrangements for reproduction applies to animals as well as humans.
[At this point Connolly digs around for more ammunition for his attack on the Israelis, starting with the following bizarre statement:]
…if you’re British and you’re waiting to hear how this problem in the Middle East is somehow originally your fault, keep listening.
[First, I suppose to keep people in suspense until his grand revelation, he brings in a Jerusalem Post reporter to tell a little anecdote about her South African mother-in-law sidestepping the prohibition against neutering. Probably Connolly is trying to prove to his BBC colleagues (nudge-nudge, wink, wink) that he’s not just biased against religious Israelis but also against other religious Jews.]
The J Post reporter continues: The legend in Israel is that there was a rat problem and that the British brought cats to Israel to take care of the rats and now we have no rat problem [untrue] and we have many cats.
The British authorities turned desperate Jews away from Palestine and back into the Holocaust, conspired for decades against the Jews of Palestine, armed the Arabs and even fought on the Arab side in 1948. But Connolly imagines that when the Israelis think of the British they think of imported cats.
That’s the level of reporting we’ve come to expect from the BBC.
For anyone who can bear it, it’s at 43 minutes in:
Well, if anyone should know about rats, it is the BBC, whose top tier was described by a Labour-dominated committee (themselves steeped in empathy) as a sack of them.
And when it comes to the value of the BBC for education and information on anything the excellent BBC Watch gives us this:
That BBC piece contains some appallingly stupid inaccuracies – yet it is their basic background briefing for their “journalists”. Obviously that sort of piece is seen by senior staff – including Jeremy Bowen and his crowd. Yet they let such ignorant and twisted material go without correction.
Just a quick introduction,been a daily ‘lurker’on here for sometime now, my interests include cricket, boxing, current affairs and history.
My dislikes include dancing, baking, bullsh!t and propaganda.
Hi all,I already feel at home here.
“It will be recreated from photographs, using a 3D printer”
Sounds awfully hi-tech. One wonders how they recreated stuff with measurements and chisels back in the day.
Or who is currently on the BallsCooper shortlist for the second kitchen lodger gig, who may if not happy with their lot decide to do a bit of nihilistic ‘recreating’ over here once the offending structure is completed.
Alexy Karenowska, from the Institute of Digital Archaeology, which is behind the project, said she hoped it would help people understand how important it was to preserve cultural sites in war-torn countries such as Syria.
Yes, I’m sure ISIS and the Taliban will be sending over a few plane loads to Trafalgar Square to reflect on your unique appeal to reason, Alexy.
The BBC missed the smaller awards but scored the big one! Nine highlights
1. Tim Willcox’s “Jewish Hands” – Willcox effectively held French Jewry (and all Jews) responsible for the actions of Israel as well as offering a justification for the Paris terror attacks when he said:
“Many critics of Israel’s policy would suggest that the Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well.”
2. Charlie Hebdo Attack Not “Terrorism” – Terrorism is such a loaded word.
3. “No Evidence” of Human Shields – Orla Guerin reporting on the Gaza war 2014. It took the BBC until May 2015 to acknowledge:
“this might have been better worded.”.
4. “Would You Describe Your Parents As Terrorists?” – Evan Davis asked Israeli politician Tzipi Livni
5. Holocaust Tweet Shocker The Big Questions: “Is the time coming to lay the Holocaust to rest?”.
6. Sticking the Boot In Israel plays Wales. The BBC illustrates with pro Palestinian demonstrators.
7. The BBC’s Alternate Reality BBC World Service radio interviewed Israel’s then Minister of Science, Technology and Space, Danny Danon. “But you’re not under threat by Iran. Nobody in Iran has threatened you for a very long time. You’re harking back to a time when President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened Israel directly.”
8. BBC Panorama Goes Off the Rails Attacks the Jerusalem light rail which also connects Arab areas as as part of a scheme to judasize the city
9. Jerusalem Terror Attack: BBC Headline Fail Reports the death of a Palestinian who fired on security forces rather than the attack he conducted killing two and wounding a mother and child effectively turning the terrorist into the victim.
Thanks for that list, deegee. It serves to reminbd us that the BBC remains viciously anti-Israel, twisting the news and lying about clear realities. I have ceased to be shocked how low the BBC staff can stoop. It is of course the mirror-image of the BBC’s constant sanitisation of Islam.
Maybe the BBC are not 100% Trotskyites but the style and misreporting of facts, always presenting from a left perspective, follows the pattern. Good advice when following the BBC is to ask how would a follower of Trotsky report this? Or maybe start with the SWP magazine.
For example: warnings of Islamophobia, tory kutz causes flooding, tori kutz to fire services causes deaths, Trump is a racist , Shaker Aamer – ‘British state was complicit in my torture in Guantanamo Bay’, etc..
I am sure that the Radio 4 team, Brillo Neil and that Evan bloke on Newsnght begin their day with this source of news.
Maybe it’s more like 80% Trotskyite, 10% followers of Foucault, 5% adhere to Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and the other 5% just spend their time tweeting.
Great fun reading Littlejohn in the mail today.
My favourite was the attempt by the bBBC to improve diversity by recruiting disabled weather forecasters, no experience necessary.
So to to all you able bodied white male geography undergraduates out there, forget it.
First arch luvvie Michael Sheen and now Adrian Chiles on Five Dead about to pull the heart strings featuring a story of a ‘migrant’ who fled Aleppo and is now in Germany. How can I show my utter contempt for the BBC and their non-stop bias in support of the muslim invasion of Europe…
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– TV Licensing: Confirmation of Black & White (Monochrome) TV Reception: As TV Licensing is currently filling the newspapers with tall tales about the number of B&W licences, we thought we’d explain how they verify a property’s B&W status.
– Scottish TV Licensing Goon Roger: One of TV Licensing’s most famous Scottish goons appears on YouTube for the third time. True to form he refuses to show his ID card and demands to know the occupier’s identity instead.
At least we are now seeing some recognition that more regular flooding and increased housebuilding to accommodate net inward migration are incompatible. Our miserable housebuilding rates of the last 20 years have nevertheless only been achieved by building on floodplains. Some of the aerial photos of flooding in York etc make this very obvious. Should we really be encouraging another 10 million increase in our population just to salve the consciences of the pro-immigation lobby in these circumstances? Our useless political elite may for once have to face reality and make a hard choice. Even if you are part of some suicidal plot/passive acquiesence to islamicise the UK within 3 generations you have to face up to this one.
Face reality? Make a hard choice? I think it’s more likely they will refer to page 1 of their policy guidance manual : When faced with a superior/more logical argument than your own either a) Make a public accusation of racism or b)insert fingers firmly into ears and chant la la la la.
One thing I HATE more than almost anything else is the Fascists of the Left jumping onto which ever bandwagon is trending at the moment.
So it was this morning on Radio 4’s moaners hour when Jack Monroe was interviewed, after coming out as ‘transgender’ late this year.
Transgenderism is a serious medical condition which requires diagnosis by a series of medical professionals, it is positively NOT some self identified left wing idiocy to be taken the piss out of by people as shallow as a puddle !
Monroe doesn’t even appear to know what the condition even is or what it involves as she has decided, not that she should have been born the opposite gender, but that she shouldn’t have any gender at all !
To that end according to Wikipedia, she now wishes to be given ‘gender neutral’ pronouns such as ‘they’ although I prefer ‘it’ as the normative gender neutral pronoun.
This really is left wing affectation at its worst, where a lesbian woman can suddenly decide it’s in her interest to be a bit different and piggy back onto someone else’s suffering and then be allowed to emote on air in the most ridiculous ways imaginable.
The fact that the BBC takes this seriously and allows the attention seeker from the Guardian any air time at all is just proof of how far to the left they have swung.
Absolutely ridiculous and an insult to all concerned !
Unfortunately not.
Jack Monroe doesn’t know what it want’s to be, other than the fact it claims not to want to be neither male nor female !
If it kept these ‘thoughts’ to itself then no, I don’t think anyone would care. You’re not meant to care about what Jack Monroe claims it wants to be, but we should all care about the crap the BBC is outputting as serious journalism, when these racings would be better discussed in front of a psychiatrist as some kind of treatment is clearly needed. Amysulpride perhaps might be appropriate ?
I would hardly have thought a treatment (QED) for schizophrenia appropriate in Monroe’s case. I wonder what might be more suitable for raging narcissism?
> a lesbian woman can suddenly decide it’s in her interest to be a bit different and piggy back onto someone else’s suffering and then be allowed to emote on air in the most ridiculous ways imaginable.
You weren’t listening very hard, were you? Jack Monroe talked about how initially describing herself as a lesbian was (I’m paraphrasing) “like the shirt that was the closest fit”. But as life progressed, Monroe’s own position has changed to a point where she doesn’t feel comfortable with choosing between a binary form of gender identity and expression.
And frankly, what is the problem with that? Nobody else is being harmed. You do seem to be getting all heated up by the notion of people who are finding their own ways of dealing with their own gender identity. And frankly, the BBC’s discussion on this topic this morning was about listening to people and their differing viewpoints. I get the impression that’s something with which you have difficulty?
Have you got kids? Probably not I’d guess, you try explaining all this agenda led cr@p that the BBC and other institutions are throwing at them, Its tough being a parent at the best of times but having to explain this sh1t to them is unnecessary.
> You call transgenderism a ‘basic concept’ for a father to explain to his child?
> Are you effing serious?
Well, you can start by saying that some people feel that who they are in their heart and head is different from their body. And that it’s okay not to understand completely, but anybody who feels that way is just as deserving of love and compassion as everybody else.
Now, do you think that your inability to explain a concept to your child automatically makes it harmful, or do you agree with me that Geoff was talking rubbish on that point?
As a parent and grandparent the idea of explaining transgendersim and homosexuality to a small child is unnecessary, potentially very harmful and, frankly, nauseating.
Leave them to be children for God’s sake and enjoy their innocence whilst they can, they grow up too early as it is.
> Leave them to be children for God’s sake and enjoy their innocence whilst they can
Yeah, keep them in the dark as long as possibe so you can indoctrinate them with your outmoded ideas that homosexuality and transgenderism are things to be feared. After all, if inculcating a fear of the unknown was good enough for *you*…
On the other hand, giving kids a general awareness that being gay, or being transgender, is something that exists in the world and there’s nothing to fear from it, we’ll end up with future generations that aren’t anywhere near as fucked up as ours is.
You may think that’s a bad thing, but there’s not a lot I can do about such neuroses.
I prefer to leave them to be children. You prefer to instil confusion and fear at the earliest age possible – the modus operandi of the Left, in other words. If you think small children are mature enough to even begin to understand complex issues of sexuality, you are not a parent.
By the way, my granddaughters were ‘introduced’ to the concept of gay relationships by their school when they were teenagers. One of them asked her mum what the men did for sex if neither had a vagina. Her reaction to the answer? ‘Ewwwww’.
> You prefer to instil confusion and fear at the earliest age possible
Thanks for making up what I “prefer”. The modus operandi of the deludedly narcissistic.
Answering children’s questions with honesty and tact doesn’t, or at least shouldn’t, instil confusion.
> If you think small children are mature enough to even begin to understand complex issues of sexuality, you are not a parent.
If you think it’s impossible for children to be talked through issues of love and compassion, then you don’t deserve to be a parent. If you really are a parent, I hope your kids have a mature, responsible adult they can go to to ask about things rather than their dotty old granddad who’s too busy believing he’s right to listen to what anyone is saying.
> By the way, my granddaughters were ‘introduced’ to the concept of gay relationships by their school when they were teenagers. One of them asked her mum what the men did for sex if neither had a vagina. Her reaction to the answer? ‘Ewwwww’.
Pretty much the same reaction most teenagers have to most things regarding sex, then. I’m sure they’re scarred for life. Not.
When will you learn that temper tantrums and puerile name-calling don’t win debates?
You don’t know the first thing about me and my family nor could you draw the conclusions you have based upon what I have said – you simply jump to conclusions of your own based on nothing more than narrow-mindedness and zealotry.
I am very happy, thanks, as are my whole family who are well-adjusted and tolerant of all apart from intolerant people like yourself who insist on forcing their world view on others, even small innocent children. Really, if it wasn’t for the fact you evidently have some serious psychological issues I’d say you should be ashamed of yourself.
I genuinely hope you have better luck in the future as you are clearly missing something in your life. In the meantime, please keep your zealotry to yourself when in the company of children.
Oh, and Pretty much the same reaction most teenagers have to most things regarding sex, then….no, just being introduced to the concept of buggery for the first time – there is a difference, you know.
> you simply jump to conclusions of your own based on nothing more than narrow-mindedness and zealotry.
Says the man who decided for himself what I “prefer”. Try taking some of your own medicine before shoving your self-righteous hypocrisy down other people’s throats.
> Really, if it wasn’t for the fact you evidently have some serious psychological issues I’d say you should be ashamed of yourself.
So you’re a tolerant person until somebody disagrees with you. Then you begin spitting out invective, in your own narrow-minded, zealous way.
> my whole family who are well-adjusted and tolerant of all apart from intolerant people like yourself
Given you clearly can’t recognise your own failings, forgive me if I don’t give a stuff what you seem to think about me. If your family are well-adjusted and tolerant, they have my sympathy for having to share their life with someone who quite obviously has trouble understanding such terms.
LOL, the world is a confusing place even for adults these days !
Try explaining collateralised debt obligations to a child, or even to adult ! Do they always need to have everything explained? What happens though to the 5% who are gay when they have a parent unwilling to accept the condition even exists !
How many kids are actually listening to Radio 4 anyway?
> Try explaining collateralised debt obligations to a child, or even to adult ! Do they always need to have everything explained?
We have our differences, thoughtful, but nice to see you also see the gaping flaws in Geoff’s theory that anything he can’t explain to his kids must be harmful to them.
Read my f’ing post again I didn’t say ‘anything’ I was specific.
As much as you like to think your opinions are so ‘right on’ you’re not living in the real world, subjects such as transgenderism will be the least of your ilk’s worries in the not too distant, start worrying about the important things that affect the majority….
Why don’t you start answering to some of the issues raised here about the BBC rather that your agenda led cr@p and propaganda?
Children will know all about transgenderism but still won’t be able to add up. Such is the world of the Left and useless, evil, BBC. I suspect that it is the other way round in China ! God help the UK !
> Why don’t you start answering to some of the issues raised here about the BBC rather that your agenda led cr@p and propaganda?
Temper, temper, Geoffrey. You still haven’t explained why your inability to broach a subject with your kids automatically makes it harmful. So instead of talking rationally, you lose your rag.
I hope you don’t take that same approach with your kids.
> Geoff, LOL ! Beeboids’ interest in kids generally is unhealthy.
And only in your head. Tell me, Grant, why do you spend so much time fantasising about adults having an unhealthy interest in children? Does it excite you?
> your interest in kids Scott seems a little unhealthy to me…
Resorting to puerile, and borderline dangerous, insults? Wow. What a great role model you are. Bet your kids aren’t ashamed to have you as a parent in the slightest.
Being obtuse yet again Jerrod are we?
Are “teaching kids about transgender issues” and “teaching them how to add up” mutually exclusive?
Course not-but it`s all too clear which one takes priority in the land of the left.
And-seeing as the state will dole out your money, as long as you stay a client of the state-and be a stormtrooper for the cultural brownshirts back at the BBC/Labour HQ/Guardian-you can trust them to find the money to buy your kids breakfasts, take them on safari when they learn that crime pays later-and fund White Dees pole dancing lessons on Channel 4 later.
In short Jerrod-these caricatures are the extrapolation(big word, feel free to look it up) of thinking like yours,
Why not save your ball bearings and pea shooting for the REAL problems in this country-viz Islams coming coalescence with the weak horse of the liberal left?
But-you and the left prefer to embrace the tumbleweed that results when we ask whether gay rights and womens rights “trump” the rights of Islam to act according to their clearly-cited scriptures.
And perhaps we should open the airwaves to every soul who has delusions to express their condition to anyone who wants to listen?
Monroe has no diagnosis because she doesn’t have the condition the program was about. There are plenty of schizophrenics with the delusion that they are the wrong gender. In fact one of the jobs of the psychiatrist in identifying the transgender condition is in weeding out those who are delusional.
When there’s next a program on the first world war perhaps the BBC should bring on schizo who thinks he’s General Kitchener – after all no one is being harmed and it’s only someone dealing with their own demons !
The point is that it would never happen!
Run a program on transgender and I for one expect to be accurately informed of a serious medical condition, and not a platform for every delusional lesbian media hopper whose spotted a bandwagon.
Yet again you reach for the insults because you know you have no serious point to make!
If you genuinely want differing viewpoints you would be joining us in condemnation of the BBC which only offers left wing views and no others are allowed !
> Monroe has no diagnosis because she doesn’t have the condition the program was about. There are plenty of schizophrenics with the delusion that they are the wrong gender. In fact one of the jobs of the psychiatrist in identifying the transgender condition is in weeding out those who are delusional.
I think you’re confusing schizophrenia and gender identity. This sounds like another of these hobby horses where you’ve given yourself the soubriquet “Thoughtful” without realising how deeply inappropriate that is. Are you sure you don’t want to claim that it was all invented by Trostky, that there’s no definition for it (apart from a definition which you subsequently freely quote)?
Is there one good reason why anybody should give two stuffs what you say about any subject? You just seem to be way out of your depth, and substitute indignant bluster for anything approaching rational thought.
When you can actually write a post without stooping to attacking the other person writing it, and post a thoughtful piece where the argument is opposed and not the writer then I will respond to you.
Until that time I will simply regard you as being incapable of posting anything resembling a contradiction.
You have lost, you have no point to make and therefore you attack people – always the same with the Fascist Left.
Just for the benefit of other readers who might wonder who between myself and ‘Jerrod is correct’ and whether I’m out of my depth in this matter.
A quick Google search for “schizophrenia and gender identity disorder” returns nearly 300 000 results, including several papers on the issue by people who by their qualifications could never seriously be name called as ‘out of their depth’. Many of them are written by people with Ethnic names so Jerrod would have to be ‘Waycist ‘ too !
Gender Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia: Neurodevelopmental Disorders with Common Causal Mechanisms?
Ravi Philip Rajkumar
Department of Psychiatry, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Dhanvantari Nagar, Pondicherry 605 006, India
Received 19 September 2014; Accepted 20 November 2014; Published 4 December 2014
Schizophrenia modifying the expression of gender identity disorder.
Baltieri DA1, De Andrade AG.
“the differentiation between pure identity disorders and transsexual feelings secondary to an ongoing psychopathologic process, such as schizophrenia, can be arduous for many health professionals.”
[Gender identity disorders as a symptom of psychosis, schizophrenia in particular].
[Article in Dutch]
Campo JM1, Nijman H, Evers C, Merckelbach HL, Decker I.
“In retrospect, the patient regards his transsexual period as a ‘mistake’. Delusions about one’s physical appearance and the urge to drastically change the way one looks appear to be relatively common in patients suffering from schizophrenia.”
But then again, what do these professionals dealing with these issues know about their specialist subject when compared with the bigotry and entrenched views of the Fascists of the Left?
Clearly they are all out of their depth and the only people who should be allowed to treat their patients are those hand wringers who can sympathise, empathise, and allow them to express their delusions, whilst all the time encouraging them and taking them ever so seriously, whilst at the same time ignoring the individuals who actually do have the condition !
I’m betting that none of the people whose works you link to would dream of (mis)diagnosing an interviewee on a radio programme as schizophrenic merely because you don’t think their viewpoint is valid. A scientist would not stoop so low, and anyone who found a lowlife abusing their research as a means of justifying their own prejudice would quite rightly be appalled. You should be ashamed of yourself – but that would, I guess, require some sense of self-awareness.
> Many of them are written by people with Ethnic names so Jerrod would have to be ‘Waycist ‘ too !
You do realise that disagreeing with someone with a different skin colour isn’t, of itself, racism? Well, of course you don’t, that’s just one more very simple principle which eludes you.
> But then again, what do these professionals dealing with these issues know about their specialist subject
Easy one. “More than you or I. But especially you.”
> when compared with the bigotry and entrenched views of the Fascists of the Left?
Interesting you seem so eager to slur everyone who disagrees with you as “Fascists of the Left”. After all, it’s you who wants to shut down conversations on radio because you don’t happen to agree with them. Why is it okay for you to act as a jumped-up bigoted little censor, but anyone who points out how bizarre and anti-thoughtful your little diatribes are gets to be called names by you?
You’re not “thoughtful” at all, are you? You’re just someone who likes to pretend they are because they have no real foundations on which to debate. Call me fascist if you like – it’ll be a label just as true as the one you’ve given yourself. I’m coming to realise honesty is one more thing you have a trouble getting a grip on.
More name calling as per, but here is the sentence which you originally wrote, and which you have now conveniently forgotten all about:
“I think you’re confusing schizophrenia and gender identity. This sounds like another of these hobby horses where you’ve given yourself the soubriquet “Thoughtful” without realising how deeply inappropriate that is.”
I have now proved beyond any doubt that it is in fact yourself who are confused and that your name calling is as per usual nothing less than slander.
So now that I’ve proved beyond any doubt that you are wrong – just as I did last time, you go off on another false allegation !
I have never accused Jack Monroe as being schizophrenic, I have never used other peoples research to justify anything other than your bigotry hatred intolerance and rank hatred of people who fail to see the world through your own twisted viewpoint.
> I have now proved beyond any doubt that it is in fact yourself who are confused
No. You’ve copied and pasted links to some scientific papers in a vain attempt to justify your own, false position. That’s not proof.
I mean, I appreciate that you clearly have some experience with clinical psychology. I just don’t think it’s been from the POV of a practitioner, has it?
Indicentally, the last time you claimed to have proved something beyond doubt, you’d basically just repeated your own fictitious claims. So knock yourself out. Tell yourself over and over that you’ve proved something that you haven’t. I’m not going to waste any more time tonight on a delusional individual who clearly needs help that I’m not equipped to provide.
Are there no depths to which you will not stoop Jerrod in attacking people who have a personal right not to have bedroom talk inflicted on them in the name of inclusivity, tolerance and diversity?
> a personal right not to have bedroom talk inflicted on them in the name of inclusivity, tolerance and diversity
I wasn’t aware “thoughtful” was pinned down and forced to listen to the radio. It was an intelligent discussion, which is rather more than thoughtful seems wont to indulge in.
If you or thoughtful can’t cope with sensitive topics discussed intelligently, that’s no reason to censor the airwaves.
“Sensitive topics discussed intelligently”
By the BBC? I do not think so.
Transgender is the BBC next big push. Easier that getting real news, this is vote catching.
Example :-
BBC maximise publicity for, and advocation of, queerdom.
Result numbers of queers increases exponentially.
BBC claim Labour opponents are against queerdom.
Result most queers vote labour, including all the queers on the BBC payroll, the impartial, inexclusive, BBC payroll.
A payroll containing numerous overpaid, talent-free jerks, and very few normal British people.
In fact most Labour voters are unbalanced in some, or many, ways.
Apart from the very, very few genuine workers who still vote Labour because their great-grandfather did, which is a very poor reason.
Especially when the Labour Party imported millions of Muslims to take the good housing and live lavishly on benefits.
The problem Jerrod, is that the BBC used to be an organisation dedicated to broadcasting material that edified and informed its listeners, not the narcissistic witterings of people exposing their fashionable personal angst.
Jack Monroes personal identity is just that, personal, and of no interest to any one outside of her personal circle of friends and family. It is a private matter.
Why must licence payers money be wasted on publicity for private matters?
I wonder if the Jerrod could perhaps have a thread of his/her/its own? It’s so tiresome wading through all the other posters here just so I can get to J’s good stuff. I would just prefer it if s/he/it stops mincing his/her/its words and comes out with what s/he/it really wants to say – come on now, don’t be shy!
trouble is both Jack Monroe and Laura Penny who both appeared this morning are attention seekers. I would have preferred to have listened to people who have not been known to the press on other issues who could have spoken to allow me to really understand their problems.
And that Deborah sums up the position !
That the BBC ran a program ostensibly on one issue and even titled the program “Was 2015 the year trans became mainstream?” And then proceeded to parade a selection of leftie hand wringers who had no concept of the condition and yet had jumped on a bandwagon because they thought it fashionable to do so.
In doing this they belittled & demeaned those who do suffer from the condition, and who like many others only want to be able to blend into society and live their lives as normally as possible.
As you say if they had interviewed these people they might have had a decent program worth listening to, but either because they were too lazy to go out & find them, or they simply thought that parading the next left wing moaner was more ‘on message’ they manifestly failed to deliver a program in line with its title.
There is definitely something afoot in the meejah. The ‘trans’ phenomenon has barely been off the pages or our screens all year.
It is hard not to conclude that what is undoubtedly a serious psychological issue for some unfortunates has been seized on by the Gramscian Left in its well documented mission to destablise ‘bourgeois’ society. The ‘useful idiots’ in the media who are, of course, completely unaware of Gramsci and the Frankfurt School, simply go along with it as part of the ‘progressive’ bandwagon, oblivious of the underlying motivation.
A few years ago it was the Gay & Lesbian movement that were placard waving their cause every weekend if there were some tv cameras about. Nowadays its the “oh I’m bi-polar” fad which came and went, and now the buzzword is ‘transgender’, – something that appears to have sprouted in the past 12 months ! before I get shouted down, I actually worked in an adult psychiatric unit for many years, and the amount of transgender cases that were seen during that time you could count on one hand ! and no, it wasn’t a cottage hospital, it was a well known hospital in the Home Counties.
Jack Monroe and Laura Penny are two wonderful reasons not to vote Labour. If I worked for the Conservative Party, I would certainly be encouraging the AlBeeb to show as much coverage of them as possible. They are along with Russell Brand superb promoters of the anti Labour party. Keep them on our televisions I say.
Mind you, there should also be a health warning given in advance prior to their appearance, mainly for the politically brainwashed, and and the current sixth form standard of naive political dilitantes we currently have on the Left. They seem to be unable to discuss issues with any sense of depth or meaning without being offensive, incredibly many of these inhabit our universities and colleges, then, upon leaving this world of ‘academic’ propaganda, I assume they eventually meet the real world and then proceed to grow up.
Horrific how the nasty little Fascist immediately reaches for the meaningless bully word ‘Waycism’ before the discussion which is about what it means to British has even begun. She’s clearly unintelligent, always playing the victim, with ill thought through ideas and no idea of where she wants the debate to go.
So typical of todays neo Fascists name calling and violent to get a very thin point across.
It’s all they’ve got. They simply do not have the intelligence to debate properly
Off topic, but I see today’s scores on the doors is currently sitting at three. Come on beeboids. It’s a slow news week, you can do better than that. Put those sockpuppet accounts to use
Always stand up to bullies, and that’s just what he did. A poster a while ago mentioned a condition called cognitive dissonance, and she seemed to demonstrate the symptoms in her incoherent ramblings later. Objectively, she was making less and less sense, and the meeting was called to a halt.
Wikipedia – cognitive dissonance
“In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.[1][2]”
“Leon Festinger’s theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. An individual who experiences inconsistency (dissonance) tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and is motivated to try to reduce this dissonance—as well as actively avoid situations and information likely to increase it.”
I noticed it also when Darkus Gray (i think that’s correct) called Joan Rivers a racist, and became almost childlike in his responses.
It’s fascinating to watch. Fragile egos based on delusions of concern for others are stunned into mad ramblings.
I don’t think this was cognitive dissonance, she was simply caught out lying, didn’t want to admit it, and just dug a deeper hole each time she opened her mouth to talk about it.
I didn’t see her trying to argue both point from different directions which is what dissonance is.
Darkus Howe, was another liar caught out race hustling who couldn’t think of a response when challenged, but who was too deeply entrenched to be able to admit his lying – again dug a deeper hole. He didn’t call Joan a racist, he just said he ‘objected to the word black’.
Jerrod can you repeat that again in simple language that I can understand please.
I am white but would prefer my identity to be black because I will then get preferential treatment. Problem is that everything about me says I’m white. Please could you advise me on how I overcome this problem.
It’s the being allowed to emote on air which is the problem. Who gives a toss about a shirt that doesn’t fit. There are far more interesting and important things to be informed about, given that people are paying (on threat of imprisonment) for a national broadcasting service. Which has now turned into a service catering for various progressive causes and lifestyle niches.
My life is not perfect. I have worries, and I’ve now drunk my last beer – oh woe is me! I have metaphorical shirts that don’t fit too. When will Jenni Murray or Victoria Derbyshire interview me?
At least we now know what a Lemming is.
Somebody who asks us all to “play Lemmys music-LOUD!”
But doesn`t raise a glass or three to his memory…even though that was what was asked for.
In other words- get into a fight with your neighbours, playing his racket(The Good Rebellion-Jack Black style!)…but don`t smoke as he did-and if you MUST have a quiet drink…we`ll not recommend it-do drink responsibly!
The man was a mere bucket carrier for all lefty liberal tropes about the Good old rebellion-which they smile down upon, whilst sending their own kids to Eton.
And-doubt we`ll be hearing much about his collection of Nazi war regalia either…might only bring Griffin out from under his stone eh Tristram?
Final point-was made aware by the BBC that Goebbels Ministry of Propaganda had a full title we may not know.
It was the “Ministry of ENLIGHTENMENT and Propaganda”.
Wonder why we don`t give it it`s full title-for all the Global Warming, Anti-meat, veggie and smoking “information” we get 24/7 from the BBC…the BBCs Ministry of Enlightenment goes on.
Only whereas the Nazis wanted compulsory monochrome skintones and race….the Lefty BBC settle for compulsory(strongly recommended being the preferred line), monocultural mindset and abolition of the nation state…in short, the Nazis wanted Rothko, the BBC wants Seurat…but no choices apply in both cases-mirror images of each other in effect.
“press speculation Shadow Foreign Secretary Hillary Benn will be sacked next week in a Labour reshuffle.”
Good to see Corbyn continuing with his version of fascism.
Benn will welcome it. He is the next leader and knows it. It has not done his career any harm to have tried to work with Corbyn and failed.
Now he can concentrate on building up his power base. Not my political soulmate but he is a very able man and very sharp.
Looking up Lemmys spiritual route.
Think he`s 60% bound for heaven-but his “Devil Called Doubt” thoughts bothered me.
Wonder why all those “kickass phew rock n roll oafs”(Ozzy, Steve, Brian etc)never give me a view on where he`s gone?…let alone where THEY`LL all be going?
He`s certainly got more chance of heaven than anybody who works for the BBC or spouts their crap for thirty pieces of chocolate money anyhoo!
Course not.
But more educational and thought provoking to myself than the usual “they`ll be rocking in heaven tonight crap”-which is the default of the likes of Steven Tyler.
I find it works well in churches-who are all too apt to condemn the likes of Lemmy, while giving Giles Fraser a free pass…
I leave you with Philippians 2.12…”work out your salvation in fear and trembling” …makes far more sense to me than listening to the cliches of the rock and roll gerentocracy.
Lemmy said that the bad guys had the better fashion sense-funnily enough, Bryan Ferry said the same…maybe there IS a School of Rock after all.
Who sent for Jerrod?….rhymes with Herod?
Again dipped an exploratory toe into the shallow puddle that is BBC floods news at the top of the hour.
About 12-and-a-half minutes – by my reckoning – of damp lament and dire valedictory warnings from the Met Office. Brought to us from the North by BBC journalism graduate gal in wellies who hands back to the studio and third string news anchor Rebecca Jones (no, me neither) who says “Lovely”. Oh the business that is show business!
Female Curry House owner in York “BINGO!” almost spills the unprecendented surprise of it all when she admits she did know York was prone to floods. By extrapolation I figure this is the worst flooding she has seen in six months. But the insurance claim saving corollary is that this is worse than expected.
Oh yes, you have to hand it to the girls, it may not be the full blown Christmas Tsunami – more of Sue-Name-Me – but this soggy season slow news drip is wringing out every drop of moisture we can swallow.
Then 3 minutes on some new laws to do with domestic non-violent violence – you know, men ‘controlling women’ – good luck with that one in certain fast growing communities that shall not be named. Seems the CPS won’t even need a witness to stand up in court – they’ll use bank statements, social media and cop cams. 1984 or what? Give it another 5 years and we’ll be saying Kafka was a warning not an instruction manual.
To be fair, our Rebecca asks of her woman campaigner guest who thinks this is all good, “this does apply to male victims too?” Campaigner found that a bit old-world-speak and replies “oh yes, it applies to anyone in an intimate relationship” Which I take to be a shout out for the gays. Come to think of it the Courts dealt with that Chairman Mao cult idiot pretty well with what we already had on the statute books – eventually.
Law-making virtue signalling is where we are now – more expensive and more dangerous to our liberties than Twitter – but the BBC stands by with a smug approving emoticon of a face.
And those two items were your news, folks. Now the sport.
So what does our £145 offer us tonight in this Christmas/New Year week?
Celebrity Mastermind (seemingly free of celebrity)
Eastenders (misery laden diverse mush)
Holby City (see above)
David Beckham – For the Love Of The Game (Well not much footy on the BBC, maybe this is the best they can do?)
News/Regional/Weather (More global warming stories of terror and the benefits of immigration presented in a diverse way)
Peter Kays Car Share (Repeat)
Mrs Browns Boys (Repeat)
Christmas University Challenge
Gareth Malone’s Great Choir Reunion (Zzzzz is anyone other than those taking part interested?)
Stephen Fry’s Life On Screen (Beeboid presentation on a fave Beeboid)
QI (Similar to above)
Film – Albert Nobbs (Subject matter – crossdressing)
Is this endless run of crap really worth the licence fee? I fancy a Sky box set tonight, maybe I could afford it if I could drop my tax bill of £145 just for being the proud owner of a TV…
That is truly world class entertainment. I bet people in countries where they don’t have to pay £145 for political indoctrination on pain of imprisonment really envy us. Good to see that there is a trans themed movie on tonight, so on trend!
Yes its strange that our resident Beeboid doesn’t want to comment on actual BBC offerings, only attack those of a differing but conventional opinion to his/her/its ‘right on’ metrosexual views…
Shame really. I ‘d hoped the registration process would put a stop to trolls who are only here to gainsay anything that doesn’t accord with Guardianista groupthink.
Ah yes, University Challenge, with at least one Beeboid on every team I believe. Even Dame Nicky was allowed the opportunity to show us the level of his intelligence and knowledge. It didn’t take long…
And presumably Jeremy Vine was otherwise occupied with spouting misinformation otherwise he’d have definitely been on for Durham.
Nobody seems to have heard or reported that BBC Radio London allowed a caller a 13 minute anti Semitic rant in the early hours of 22nd December.
The Campaign Against Anti Semitism called the incident shocking “even
for the BBC.”
The radio presenter simply allowed an ignorant racist to speak for nearly a quarter of an hour while offering no counter-argument, correction or condemnation of his views that Jews control money, banks, commerce and the media.
The director of communications of the campaign against Anti Semitism ” We expect the BBC to now to hand the caller’s telephone number to the police.”
Honest Reporting has awarded the BBC the accolade of the most dishonest reporter of the year. This is in relation to Israel.
The citation makes appalling reading. Read it and reflect that your money ( if you pay it) goes to keeping the BBC in being.
Unless somebody gets a grip on the BBC’s attitudes towards Israel, the West and our civilisation this organisation has to be deprived of funds and disbanded.
Palmyra arch from Syrian heritage site to be recreated in London’s Trafalgar Square
That’s nice. At least all the Syrians will feel at home when they arrive.
Seeing as they aren’t allowed to be housed in the Tory heartlands such as the South East & the Cotswolds it’ll be doubtful they’ll ever see it!
Perhaps if it was rebuilt in Bradford or Birmingham they might have had more of a chance !
I have had the reason for the media interest in transgender condition explained to me in a way that does appear to have the ring of plausibility about it.
BBC Luvvie and ex Eton Toff, Eddie Redmayne is in a film called “The Danish Girl” where he “plays Lili Elbe, the first person known to undergo gender reassignment surgery.”
As ever with these films, there is a lot of money thrown at promotion, and a lot of publicity from the actors themselves with appearances on chat shows for no fee to push the flick. Who would dare raise their head above the parapet & risk their career by criticisng it?
The public has a kind of prurient fascination with gender changes, and it has had for decades, ever since April Ashley was outed as being trans.
I’d remind readers here of Labour’s & the left’s rank hypocrisy over this issue though. When April Ashley divorced, UK law decided by a Judge – not parliament (because the UK is not a democratic country) was that trans people could not marry because they could not change their gender.
I can still remember the Bellinger case, which went to Europe with a Trans woman who wanted to marry a man, but which UK law prevented. Tony BLiar in person opposed this, and sanctioned all legal means possible to oppose it.
He also opposed the right to change gender legally – at the time there were only a handful of countries in the world which did not recognise this.
At the same time he was introducing swathes of laws to protect his Muslim favourites at the expense of virtually every other group in the country. In hindsight £130 million clearly buys a lot of favourable legislation !
He & his government also opposed changes to laws to protect gay people, until forced to do so. There is a story that one of BLiars Attourney Generals found that there was a male to female transsexual working in the office, and the first words out of her mouth were “sack him” !
The next time some arrogant Fascist starts banging on about ‘rights’ ‘phobia’s etc etc relating to gays or trans people, just remind them of their most recent history when they were in power, and just how much nu Liebour hated the people they now suddenly claim to champion !
> I have had the reason for the media interest in transgender condition explained to me in a way that does appear to have the ring of plausibility about it.
Translation: “Someone said something to me which chimed with my own simplistic view, so it must be right.”
> Who would dare raise their head above the parapet & risk their career by criticisng it?
When Eddie Redmayne’s casting was announced, there were several reports in the LGBT press of people who weren’t happy with the decision to give the role to a cisgender male. Personally, I don’t have an issue with it – after all, the character is shown at all stages of transition, including before Einar Wegener began to identify as Lily.
But criticism there most definitely has been.
That said, your conclusion that an increasing openness about transgender rights is all about publicity for a movie is no more stupid than any of your other delusions.
If I’m “cis-gendered” because I was born a white male and still think of myself as a white male, does the same principle and terminology apply to ethnicity. Under government rules on ethnicity everyone can self-select their ethnic category; which used to cause endless confusion in mental health services during the annual Count Me In census. So, if I was born “White British” and still choose to see myself as “White British”, does this make me cis-ethnic?
Of course this will be subject to change. The government is very concerned at the low number of BME visitors to museums and art galleries, so when I visit them I think I trans into Afro Caribbean.
cis gender – now there’s a word. First used as a joke by a female to male trans man he had said that based on the 7 hills of Rome trans Alpine & cis Alpine then if he was trans everyone not trans must be cis gendered.
It doesn’t actually work grammatically, and as it was a joke he was rightly horrified when the Fascist left adopted it as a new bully word, yet another meaningless one !
Openness about transgender rights? Pray tell which rights exactly are you being open about seeing as you & your Fascist mates opposed every single one of them before they were granted !
Can you explain why it is that Tony Bliars Fascists brought in the provision of goods & services act it was only supposed to apply to Muslims being refused service in shops and hotels? Why is it that Gays were only included after the Fascists were forced to kicking and screaming? They are the only ones who have ever been able to make use of it, in targeted attacks on Christian B&B owners. Why is it exactly if someone trans is refused service there’s nothing they can do about it?
Are you being open about their rights?
No of course your not because you’re all puff & blow, happy to attack anyone who opposes you but still hate filled for the people you use as tools to effect your hatred.
A Pseudoscience can be identified by the fact that such conditions did not exist in the past. In the case of left-wing progressive ideology, pseudoscientific conditions such as dyslexia come along as an excuse to blame the victim rather than the left-wing progressive ideology, for failure in education.
This current fasionable progressive trend in sexual deviancies also comes with brand new pseudoscientific conditions for victims, and again as with those with partial illiteracy, the victims of left-wing progressive pseudoscientific ideas about sexual perversion are put on a pedestal. These victims of left-wing morons like Jerrod, are being used as a battering ram against civilised society, and probably Jerrod’s parents, who are probably not proud of him. But unlike Paul O’Grady and Sandi Toksvig, Jerrod is not a hypocrite.
Also this would fit in with the BBC mindset on local news, which seems to be obsessed with minorities, with the exeption of scientists who do not agree with environmental activists, and political minorities not to the liking of the BBC.
“The first diagnosis of developmental dyslexia mentioned in any publication appeared in The
British Medical Journal, 7 November 1896. “A Case of Congenital Word Blindness” by W.
Pringle Morgan, M.B. Seaford, Sussex.”
That reveals your post to be absolute nonsense doesn’t it?
No “Congenital Word Blindness” in the past was common amongst those who started to learn to read in adulthood. Almost all medieval monks would be described as dyslexic.
This was because the part of the brain used to read, evolved for speech. Therefore these conditions arise not just because of progressive education, but also for the late development of literacy.
The same problems that would occur if you started to learn how to speak from your mid teens.
Dyslexia does not exist independently from problems with speech, as I can vouch for this.
I can both write fluently, and also spell words correctly, but I cannot write fluently without making many spelling mistakes. So I write down things as I would speak things, and then correct the spelling. All due to a progressive education at a comprehensive school. Both my grandfathers and my father went to Grammar Schools. For me, overcoming the left-wing English language drag on education is my main achievement in life. Although I am a young widower and pensioner, my elderly mother still insists I have dyslexia.
One of the earliest Transgender people was the Roman Emperor Elagabalus or Heliogabalus [alt]
Cassius Dio reported that Elagabalus would paint his eyes, epilate his hair and wear wigs before prostituting himself in taverns, brothels, and even in the imperial palace.
Herodian commented that Elagabalus enhanced his natural good looks by the regular application of cosmetics. He was described as having been “delighted to be called the mistress, the wife, the queen of Hierocles” and was reported to have offered vast sums of money to any physician who could equip him with female genitalia. Elagabalus has been characterized by some modern writers as transgender, perhaps transsexual.
In the mid-20th century, Karl Popper put forth the criterion of falsifiability to distinguish science from nonscience. Falsifiability means a result can be disproved. For example, a statement such as “God exists” may be true or false, but no tests can be devised that could prove it either way; it simply lies outside the reach of science. Popper used astrology and psychoanalysis as examples of pseudoscience and Einstein’s theory of relativity as an example of science. He subdivided nonscience into philosophical, mathematical, mythological, religious and metaphysical formulations on one hand, and pseudoscientific formulations on the other, though he did not provide clear criteria for the differences.
Another example which shows the distinct need for a claim to be falsifiable was put forth in Carl Sagan’s The Demon-Haunted World when he talks about an invisible dragon that he has in his garage. The point is made that there is no physical test to refute the claim of the presence of this dragon. No matter what test you think you can come up with, there is then a reason why this does not apply to the invisible dragon, so one can never prove that the initial claim is wrong. Sagan concludes; “Now, what’s the difference between an invisible, incorporeal, floating dragon who spits heatless fire and no dragon at all?”. He states that “your inability to invalidate my hypothesis is not at all the same thing as proving it true”, once again explaining that even if such a claim were true, it would lie outside the realm of scientific inquiry.
So by this measure dyslexia is indeed impossible to prove other than by the evidence of the supposed sufferer.
I’ve heard it said that Dyslexia is a middle class excuse for their kids failing to live up to their parents academic expectations !
I do wonder how much of that came about following the ‘twinkie defence’ in the USA, that some unusual factor (such as allergies, coffee, nicotine, or sugar) diminished the defendant’s responsibility for the alleged crime.
This was back in 1978 so would tie in with the fashion for blaming foods.
In logic, nothing should exist, therefore everything that exists is God.
Looking for proof of God, you would need to explain not why there is more matter than antimatter. But why mathematics exists to create the possibility of -1+1=Zero
It implies that looking for God is like the inability to find the wood because of the Trees. Also because of peoples biased views of what God is, or looks like due to such publications such as the Bible, etc
WARNING – I am about to post 20 pictures of our Nominees for the end-of-year competition.. This may take some time so please bear with me. Voting starts immediately. Thank you again for your suggestions and indulgence. Please see below for the final shortlist.
BIASED BBC AWARDS OF 2015 – Final Shortlist.
“Most Outrageous BBC Propaganda” –
Jenny Hill (for going Full Merkel in Munich)
Roger Harrabin (for services to cognitive dissonance)
Evan Davis (for being Evan Davis)
Clive Myrie (for dicking about Tyson Fury)
Matthew Price (for services to the Great Migration)
Fergal Keane (for services to the Final Conquest)
BBC News Editorial Team (for its consistency of statist, socialist propaganda)
BBC News America (for its targeted coverage of police homicides)
“Most Bias of 2010 (Retrospective)” –
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes (for services to Israeli/Palestinian Relations)
Jon Donnison (for services to Israeli/Palestinian Relations)
“Virtue Signaler of The Year” –
Benedict Cumberbatch
Emma Thompson
Charlotte Church
“Refugee Bingo Award (Housey! Housey!)” –
Bob Geldoff
Yvette Cooper
Nicola Sturgeon
“Best Humiliation of a Beeboid” –
Jacob Rees-Mogg (for owning Dimbleby)
“Best Box-Ticking Production” –
“Most Incoherent Ramble / Random Gabbler Award” –
Mark Mardell
“Most Ridiculous Political Guest” –
Dianne Abbott (not BBC, but may as well be)
If Clive’s suggestion is taken on board as policy then it’s going to rule out a large proportion of premiership footballers from ever winning, it’s also discriminatory towards dickhead’s.
Those are your candidates. Click like to vote. Vote for all of them, or vote for a few. The final count will be taken at midnight New Year’s Eve. Good luck to all the nominees!
I think there is one important omission from your list which I must point out:
Lana Botney (anag.)
We need to find a new category so as to be able to include him. How about “Lifetime Achievement”?
Or, if you wish to confine yourself to 2015 alone, then there is still so much to admire.
Alan Yentob started out with the BBC in 1968, which makes me wonder why he hasn’t (been) retired already, since he’s in his late 60s. This would save a lot of money because when I last heard, he was getting £330,000 per annum, equivalent to 2268 annual license fees, although he has since retired from one of the two posts (£180k p.a. + £150k p.a.) the director of creativity one. He had by 2009 accumulated a pension pot of £6 million (per Wikipedia, or, if you prefer, 41,237 license fees) which I believe is now up to £6.3 million.
Leaving aside these obscene amounts of money obtained from the general public for a talent that was at best second rate, his performance in front of the House of Commons Select Committee and other comments and actions in relation to the “Kids Company” fiasco are surely worthy of a special award. He seems to have put pressure on at least two BBC programmes to go easy on the absurd Camilla Batmanghelidjh, even loitering with intent in the margins of the “Today” programme on Radio 4 when she was being exposed on it and phoning the makers of another evening transmission. His shameless lack of awareness of the glaring conflict of interest between his BBC role and his Kids Company one, was eclipsed by his astonishing comments when the emergency public funding to Kids Co. was to be stopped. Here was a very senior BBC man appearing to threaten the government with the possibility rioting and violence in south London along the lines of the 2011 lawlessness, unless they continued to keep his rotten charity afloat. In the event, he was proved wrong, but this prediction of his might be taken as incitement to commit crimes. How this appalling man is still in any kind of job with the BBC is beyond my comprehension.
‘Silent bomber’ couple found guilty of London terror attack plan
This isn’t particularly a criticism of the BBC although I’m sure that their reporting in future days is bound to end up completely biased and full of lies, as it always is following these events.
Can someone please offer an explanation of how it is that a Muslim couple so completely full of their religion that they are preparing to kill and die for it can fail to carry out the basic religious requirements such as her covering her hair, and him drinking alcohol ?
So far as I’m concerned if you are a woman & a Muslim and you aren’t at least making some effort to cover your hair then you ain’t no Muslim !
It seems to be accepted practice that Muslims who intend to carry out typically Islamic-acts often adopt non-Muslim practices beforehand, presumably to allay suspicion that such dedicated Muslims would undertake acts of violence or terrorism – perish the thought.
Think back to the 9/11 Muslims who largely indulged in alcohol and nightclubs etc, before they performed their acts of devotion to their god.
So a woman without covered hair can certainly be a pure Muslim.
In any case, Islamic texts do not require Muslim women to cover their face or head specifically, only that they should dress modestly.
There is a simple explanation. The Shahid – one who dies for his/her faith, gains a guaranteed place in Paradise. Indiscretions such as drinking alcohol and not covering a woman’s hair hair, which some say isn’t even compulsory, will be excused.
Would someone like to bet how soon this story disappears from BBC homepages? It is not on the World homepage, and the link on the UK homepage is almost at the bottom and in text with no photograph nor brief explanation that the important stories receive.
I doubt if many readers welcome having to plough through Golightly’s recent blog posts/poll. For me they are just an irritation. If he wishes to conduct his own poll, then it should be on his own blog (if there isn’t one, then he should construct one). This blog is for everyone to use with consideration for other users, not for anyone to monopolise. I hope the blog editor will remove all his recent posts forthwith.
She comes into the ‘not a scientist’ category which the BBC uses (often by proxy – George Monbiot is a serial offender) to discredit any sceptical viewpoint on global warming, yet she is allowed to spout embarrassingly primitive, unfounded, unscientific alarmist crap without barely a challenge.
MartinW, I disagree but I understand your view. I think Golightly did ask about a new thread being started for this. I think that would have been ideal. The problem with creating another blog is tracking votes against users on this site, and not forcing people here to register a new identity.
MartinW and Flexdream, I was aware that I may have breached blog-etiquette, and I apologise to any contributor who feels this. I had much encouragement from others, who put forward most of the names and categories, I also tried to contact David and Alan with regard to opening a separate thread for this, a suggestion made by several contributors on this blog. I hope this “unofficial” end-of-year poll can be a light-hearted retrospective as we head into 2016 and who knows what.
My apologies to you, too. My flash of annoyance was actually uncharacteristic of me, since I always try to comment briefly, and after due consideration. I guess it was the need to scroll through many ‘full-screen’ photos of Abbott and her ilk that sparked it. Anyway, in fairness, I will go back and examine your contribution in a better frame of mind – and will quite probably agree with your selections!
Methodist, obviously.
What intrigues me is how we can have two lone wolves together…..how does that work? You’d almost have to conclude they were being indoctrinated by something.
Now this is a tricky one for the so-called BBC’s agenda setters…
‘Turkish Football Federation fined for sacking gay referee’
And it seems the BBC’s may have shot themselves in the (left) foot.
Possible Beeboid thought process pre-publication: Turkey – hot topic: refugees (yay!), IS (er…), demanding to be in the EU (EU – yay!), gay man sacked (boo, hiss, sneer). Conclusion: RUN STORY.
However, here’s the rub, in these quotes from the piece:
‘Mr Dincdag was released from the army in 2009 because of his homosexuality. Military service is mandatory for all men over the age of 20 in Turkey – only ill, disabled or homosexual men are exempt. Referees must complete their military training to work.’
So, the guy knew he couldn’t be a referee, but now he’s moaning and demanding cash and as usual the so-called BBC is backing him all the way. And yet the so-called BBC doesn’t seem to realise that in doing so it’s once again exposed an Islamic country (Turkey) as being intolerant, homophobic and living about 200 years in the past.
But then, who’s gonna bet against me that when it comes to considering Turkey’s membership of the EU the Beeboids will be shouting for it louder than a full house at Galatasary..?
The BBC – fighting for gay rights and Muslims – who hate gay rights.
Quite right, SOS.
Plus, when Islam and gay rights come into conflict, the BBC game of top trumps will side with the RoP and throw the gay under the bus – which is what literally happens in Mohammed heaven.
Those who support Gays and Muslims do so by trying to unite them against the far right. It won’t work Peter Tatchell, you will learn to fly in a Muslim culture, and the Beeb won’t be there to catch you.
Peter Tatchell the anti Muslim campaigner has been up to his old tricks again.
This week he attended a Pro Palestinian rally in central London and managed to disrupt it again and divert attention from the message.
However Tatchell wrote in his website http://www.petertatchell.net
The call for a boycott of World Pride in Jerusalem may seem an appropriate response to Israel ‘s illegal occupation of Palestinian land in defiance of successive UN resolutions calling for withdrawal. http://www.boycottworldpride.org/index.html
On careful reflection OutRage! believes a boycott would be a big mistake. While supporting justice for the Palestinian people, we oppose calls for a boycott of World Pride, which is being held in Jerusalem from 6-12 August 2006.
Read what Ken Livingstone has to say about Tatchell:
“Clearly, Tatchell, whom I strongly defended against homophobia when he was selected as the Labour candidate in Bermondsey, has lost his political bearings and constructed a fantasy world in which the main threat we face, worse than the far right, is Islamic fundamentalist hordes.
Seems to me that Tatchell is just another left wing media hopper, on any bandwagon which appears fashionable. He championed the Iraq war before the invasion, then opposed it immediately after it all went wrong. He just cannot be taken seriously, and yet this is the man the Green party have appointed as their spokes thing on ‘Uman rights although it is difficult to tell if he still holds the position.
The last time I encountered Tatchell through my work, I made sure I did not want to have to converse with that man again. I asked him “What was it like when the police pulled you down from the Archbishop of Canterbury’s pulpit when you tried to hijack his sermon several years ago ?. His reply “Why do ask That ?”. I replied that “It was the funniest thing I have seen on television for years”, and duly burst out laughing. It worked he avoided me from then on.
Good points as usual Thoughtful, but I must confess that I too believed that we should have gone to war with Iraq, (believing, naively as it turned out) that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction which could be directed at ourselves.
I am still struggling to come to terms with the fact that I believed what a Labour leader (Bliar) told me was true!! I was so stupid. How could I have been so gullible. A moment of madness I guess! Anyway I’m off the tablets now!
One of the great dynamics of this website is it attracts mostly free thinkers – those capable of thinking outside the box and forming opinions based on a deeper and more complex realities. For that reason most here see the BBC as the most powerful and insidious force operating inside our own society and aptly seek to neutralize it.
For each of us here there was a ‘tipping point’ which enabled us to first be conscious of and then recognize the corrupt self serving agenda of the BBC, at the cost of our society. THE WAKE-UP CALL.
I know for me this ‘tipping point’ was back in 2000 and seeing the anti-Israel bias of the BBC following the Palestinian intifada. This broadened following 9/11 when it was clear that the BBC was very much on the side of Islamists no matter who their target was. I think the latter event, then 7/7 was the wake-up call for many others to then seek out and arrive at this site.
I say this because I have noted quite often where undoubtedly free thinkers here are still thinking of the Iraq war as something reprehensible and something we should not have been involved in, usually citing (lack of) WMD as the reason.
So I will ask you to think outside the box and suspend judgements you might have made that were amply fed by the media and politicians at the time, and look again at what happened.
Following 9/11, and then 7/7, was there any doubt that Islamists were attacking the West, and meant to continue their jihadist agenda?
If any of you reading this had been the leaders of a Western democracy at the time, what would you have thought the best defence against this menace would have been?
While today we are much more aware of the goings on inside the Islamic world, thanks to websites like Breitbart, Jihad Watch, Raymond Ibrahim, ReligionofPeace, etc., for that period over 15 years ago we must rely on those experts who were following events, and one I would recommend, who actually predicted 9/11, Yossef Bodansky who wrote The High Cost of Peace’, and was an advisor to the White House at the time.
In it we can see that there were many ‘players’ vying to lead the Islamic world to oppose and overtake the West. Saddam was only one of them.
Clinton was made aware of what was going on, but chose to ignore it, preferring to finish his tenure ‘in peace’ (the high cost). Bush had no choice.
I’ve little doubt Bush didn’t have a clue what was going on in most of the outside world, let alone Islamic, when he took office. But his advisers did. They decided they clearly needed to send a message to the Islamic world that any further terrorist attacks were going to bring disaster their way.
Sounds good to me!
But for the ‘message’ not to create a loss of face to the many others, so as to minimise the force necessary to quell this uprising, an excuse needed to be found so it could be whispered instead of shouted.
Even better!
So Bush had to pick one of those prospective Islamic leaders that could provide the excuse, and who better than Saddam?
Any wonder Gaddafi became a ‘good boy’, as just one example, following Saddam’s demise?
Most will remember Bush called it The War on Terror’, and this is truly the real purpose of that military exercise.
If anybody goes back to media reports around that time one will see that Blair, along with the rest of Europe and the UN, opposed any military action in Iraq. He was then invited to Camp David for a weekend by Bush and when he returned he was a convert. Somebody must have explained the facts of life to him.
Interesting that the thing that demonised Blair was one of the very few things that really had true intelligence to preserve our society behind it. But for the left wing media, led by the BBC, who were so far up Saddam’s behind, the war on terror would have continued, and we wouldn’t be faced with the idiocy we see today.
The dim and dhimmi media made Bush desist and back down, and we see just how clueless and stupid are the forces employed to protect and uphold our society now.
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY – I’m glad to know you guys are out there.
My own final break with the BBC came when on its discussion forums the moderators were clearly championing comments made by members of the Stop The War Coalition (who are, of course, still sadly with us today). At that point my growing realisation that the BBC was a force for Western self-destruction became a real conviction.
Like you, I am far from sure the invasion of Iraq was a Bad Thing ( pace Sellar & Yeatman). I realise it is a uniting conviction on both Left and Right, but there you are. And as for WMD – Saddam had them, that much we do know as he’d used them in the past.
My bone of contention over that war wasn’t the deed but the blatant lies and cover-ups of Blair and his vile henchmen. He needs to serve time for that – not for the war but for his acts of treachery against his own countrymen and women.
Thanks GC 🙂
Regarding WMD there’s also a few more interesting elements surrounding it.
Even according to Hans Blix in December 2002 there was still a matter of 10,000 litres of chemical/bio nasties that were unaccounted for.
Then there’s the matter of the choice of using Hans Blix himself.
Given that this was the man who oversaw inspections of Iraq’s nuclear programme from 1981 until 1997 as head of the International Atomic Energy Agency. During that time the Iraqis managed to hide an advanced nuclear weapons development that was only discovered in the Gulf War of 1991.
Wouldn’t be my first choice to now head finding Saddam’s WMD yet the UN see no problem with it.
One might have expected our free media 🙄 to have made more of this than just ignore it as it reveals much of the politics going on behind events at this time.
I can understand that the real reasons for the war might be covered up to allow the various Islamic dictators to save face and back down, thus saving further escalation. For its part, I find the BBC far more treacherous and treasonous, as I sense you do too.
You are absolutely right. I see the BBC as the engine used by cultural Marxists to help bring about the destruction of traditional society, so that they can replace it with the insanity they think will be an improvement.
As a Tory , ( howls of derision from some here , but I don`t care) , I never trusted or liked the Evil Blair , although some considered him to be a Labour lite , neo Tory . I could see the emperor , had no clothes , & I was proved right .
Pretty sure the Tatchell/PIE pic is a fake. Whilst his curious support for a murderous, homophobic 7th century fascist ideology is indeed totally baffling, I’m pretty sure he has never campaigned for legalising sex with minors.
Although he claims he clarifies his position it is very late in the day, and he does not claim the photo is a fake, nor that he made those claims. Why would anyone need to issue a ‘clarification’ over something which was falsified?
However the proof that Tatchell did indeed campaign for and was associated with the vile PIE is available here:
That same year, shortly after Tony Blair’s victory, Tatchell wrote a letter to the Guardian saying that was aware of several instances of paedophile sex with children of both sexes as young as 9 and claimed it brought the children ‘great joy’. He states,
“[…] Several of my friends gay and straight, male and female had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. All say it was their conscious choice and gave them great joy […]”
As we know from the likes of Jowell, Harman et al support for PIE was widespread in the upper echelons of the Labour Party, so we shouldn’t be surprised.
At the risk of becoming a bore on the subject, this isn’t to be wondered at. Anyone who investigates the history of the far Left will soon come across the Frankfurt School. This group of ultra-Left academics, expelled from Germany by the Nazis, seeded key US universities and began the rot which has led to the wave of manic ‘liberalism’ (in the US sense) which owns US academia and, increasingly, our own.
One of the Frankfurt School’s schemes to bring about the collapse of ‘bourgeois’ western society was by normalising what had once been regarded as behaviour antithetical to traditional standards. Anything could be grist to the socialist mill, so long as it hastened the collapse of what Marxist theoreticians term the ‘false consciousness’ which allows the capitalist system to survive.
It is possible that elite Labourites knew this and so acted consciously to support any and every attempt on society. More likely though is that it simply became a bandwagon for socialists to clamber on as they rose through the ranks. It was simply ‘trendy’ and ‘cool’ to support any and every leftist fad – even when they were inherently self-contradictory such as simultaneous support for Islam and homosexual rights.
In short – most Left wingers are too ill-eduated to understand why they do what they are doing. That is why the term ‘useful idiots’ (even if Lenin didn’t actually say it) suits them so well.
One of the Frankfurt School’s schemes to bring about the collapse of ‘bourgeois’ western society was by normalising what had once been regarded as behaviour antithetical to traditional standards. Anything could be grist to the socialist mill, so long as it hastened the collapse of what Marxist theoreticians term the ‘false consciousness’ which allows the capitalist system to survive.
It’s when you realise that it’s not just an abstract fantasy that fits the facts – it’s when you realise that either it’s really happening (and has been for many years), or you’re experiencing the symptoms of paranoia. That’s when it all gets a bit frightening, and you start facing the dilemma of what, if anything, to do about it.
In a digital age we are all accustomed to acting ‘as if’ various things were real, when they are a kind of fiction, but a fiction that fits, and has weight. When it comes to stepping outside our doors and feeling the cold wind around our necks, that is a step we all have to take initially alone, and devoid of all this social media company. It is very difficult not to simply go back to the desk, the comfy chair, and the virtual world.
I suspect that crossing that boundary and acting out in the real world what these words are constructing, is the crucial step of what is called radicalisation. It is something more easily put into practice by the left, and by the religious extremes, all of which are based on real-life social organisations. For the others, the threshold has generally not been reached yet. When it is, I wonder if our government will retain its current attitude and methodology towards radicalisation? For a radicalised majority, the word ‘backlash’ conjures misleading images of a reflex action, devoid of thoughfulness or morality. If it ever does materialise, it will be far from easy to reverse, and it will have immense consequences for this nation’s view of itself.
Ugh! Has anyone had the misfortune to hear ‘Incredible Women’, a fifteen minute drama on Radio 4. I heard it a year ago & to my dismay it is back now. It is the tired old BBC right-bashing with grotesque charicatures of people the Beeb think reflects those on the right. Today’s about the government’s schools advisor is typical.
Here are three of the questions to the ex-athelete (sprinter)in ‘Celebrity Mastermind’ on Tuesday night:
Q. What animal has two legs and moves by hopping. It lives in Australia?
Q. The title of a children’s novel, “The Railway _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
Q. What is the maximum legal speed limit in the UK?
The rest of the questions he had in the general knowledge section were in a similar vein. What possible reason was there for him to get such easy questions?
Going through our new freesat box (still haven’t been on the roof) on the internet. Christmas science lecture oh that might be entertaining. Surviving in space ok. No it’s Tim hasn’t written the number on the back of his hand Peake. The continually baffling song and dance over the 7th Briton in space continues.
Thanks to Mr Golightly for devotion to the cause. As this site is about BBC bias, I was rather hoping that nominations would include members of the vile body of the octopus and not just a few of its slimy suckers. My personal choices are those who took the decision to make Helen Boaden director of radio after she was asked to ‘temporarily’ step down from her position of director of BBC news in Dec 2012 when she, and other BBC execs, were criticised in the Pollard report for casually carrying on with plans to celebrate Jimmy Savile’s life, despite having apparently received advance info that the corporation’s weird creation was being investigated for multiple cases of sexual abuse. A few short months later Boaden was given the job of director of radio. Of course she was. She had demonstrated her willingness to be a fluffy tail wagger on the bum of the beast. As an appendage, she is duty bound to trot down the beast’s chosen alleyways. And why wouldn’t she? She wants to make money and a name for herself. That seems to be the way things work in the BBC, British political life, large corporations etc. That seems to be the way things have always worked in every place, at all times, everywhere. Demonstrating a willingness towards degrees of immorality guarantees a leg up from the controlling members of the establishment who went the same way. A visit to the palace for an MBE will, most surely, be Boaden’s reward for duty.
Excellent Pillar. No casual sexism or insults to posters. Have a ‘Like’. Mr Golightly did offer the BBC News 24 Editorial Team. I suggested both David Cameron and Peter Whittingdale who are ‘higher up the chain’ so to speak, but they didn’t make Mr Golightly’s list either.
Excellent Angrymanupnorth. No casual sexism or insults from you either, unlike some of the others who frequent the site. Thanks for the ‘like’ but totting up votes of approval from strangers is rather meaningless.
Lizo Mzimba, , reports on the death of Lemmy and Motorhead showing the lack of knowledge you would expect from the BBc entertainment correspondent. “after a faltering start” I assume he is talking about Motorhead released on Chiswick in 1977, Overkill which peaked at #24 on the UK charts in 1979 & Bomber #12 in the charts also in 1979. Personally I’ve always preferred Bomber To Ace of spades (number 4 in 1980). So how is that a faltering start. Studio droid tells us see saw them at Glastonbury and they were loud.Whop whoop. She also informs us Lemmy had an addiction to alcohol and drink. Now I am fortunate enough to have seen Motorhead in it’s classic line up around the time of their 1981 number 1 live album No sleep ’til Hammersmith. subsequently I saw the band twice more over the years, It’s difficult to put the bands impact into context as it continued on for so long. The crowning achievement would be that the song Ace of spades stepped out of it’s musical genre which the BBc of course hates, the last bastion of the white male heterosexual still rings true in the world of metal, into mainstream culture and still endures after all this time.
I would doubt that despite being born in the UK in 1968 Mzimba was exposed to any British culture as early as 1980, an excellent qualification to be the BBC’s entertainment correspondent….
Personally I preferred the Motorhead/Girlschool collaboration (was it Headgirl?) St. Valentine’s Day Massacre EP in 1981
Yes it was indeed Headgirl, although the single release was branded as Motörhead / Girlschool. Girlschool continue on I bought their frankly not brilliant new LP this year and it’s some years since I last saw them. The what I assume last Motörhead LP hasn’t made it’s way to my collection although I did buy the 2013 release.
I’ve seen Girlschool a few times recently. Good fun and a good laugh. You know exactly what you’re going to get (greatest hits from the first two albums and a couple of newbies). But beer goggles are definitely in order — it’s only a matter of time before they’ll have to change their name to Geriatric Ward.
Lisa , would know fuck all about English Rock Music ,he would only “luv” Michael Jackson , Beyonce , & various rap artists , with a good sprinkle of Lionel Richie . Total PC idiot , non entertainment reporter .
Some people buy houses as an investment and an investment alone but realise that prices can go down as well as up. Some people buy share portfolios, as an investment, and realise that values can go up as well as down. Some people invest in solar panels expecting only to see a return on their investment. Oh dear, sometimes the gravy train comes off the track. Mr Harrabin will not be pleased as more gravy trains will, undoubtedly, come off their tracks: http://lasvegassun.com/news/2015/dec/22/regulators-deal-a-blow-to-rooftop-solar-industry/
Bach, Mozart, Schubert and Tchaikovsky were also white, male and heterosexual. They produced music that stimulates human brains, evokes the sublime, and still has the power to affect men and women living centuries after the music was written. Heavy metal and rap music might provide an aural reflection of how men were in the late 20th/ early 21st century world, but those living far down the line will probably be interested in the reasons underlying the music’s aggression, discordance and ugliness.
It leaves Stravinsky, and the music he produced, as products of their time. A Russian/Polish man living in the era of the Russian revolution and WWII. One can hear the epoch in his music, just as we can hear the late 20th century in the types of music produced and the ugliness of our now in rap and electronic music. I wonder what comes next.
Precisely. So how does that differ from your analysis of Motorhead?
I hate to sound relatavistic but you can analyse any piece of music in cultural terms alone if you choose to. It won’t tell you much about the music, of course, but it will amuse some.
Stravinsky was about as ugly as you could have imagined when the Rite of Spring was first performed, which is why the audience rioted. Perhaps Motorhead strikes you the same way.
But, beside the self-evident fact that music tends to be of its time, I’m really not sure what point you are trying to make.
I wasn’t commenting on his abilities as an entertainer or those who found him entertaining. This isn’t just about you, or me and now. It’s about where we find ourselves in our now, those who are creating it and the driving forces behind them.
In the case of Simon Cowell I’d say the driving force is to make as much money as possible from gullible, spoilt, self-obsessed young people for whom bland, formulaic music is the quickest route possible to the fame and celebrity their unappreciated talents so richly deserve.
“US news outlets are also experimenting with the gap between what stories journalists want to cover and those their audiences think they should cover. (See right side of image.)”
Probably wise if certain UK news outlets do not go near such a thing, and stay with the ‘unique’, ‘vital’ methods that work so well here still.
The BBC Today Programme this breezy morn on FaceBook:
“Lawyer Miriam Gonzales Durantez is today’s guest editor.
She speaks to Home Secretary Theresa May, Sir Richard Branson, Jamie Oliver and Nadiya Hussain and we talk to Manchester City footballer Vincent Kompany.”
Surprised she didn’t wheel on Mrs. George Clooney for a bit of girl on girl ‘legal’ action.
All with the editorial integrity to be expected of the BBC in what needs to be mentioned and what not ((c) A. Newsnight Tea-lady) of course.
Enough of these jolly japes. Got to get up early to listen to my daily dose of Radio 4’s moral diktats provided by humans who appear to be suffering from delusions of morally superiority.
Tomorrow’s dose comes from a London dwelling Spanish born woman married to a failed politician. She is going to put us stupid English plebs to right (sorry, left) with the help of a muslim woman who bakes cakes and a Belgian man who kicks balls for a living.
Dickhead Myrie , having a wankfest, with his paper reviewers, on some mild comment made by Oliver Letwin ,30 years ago . Then , as the blessed Maggie was PM , we must totally blame her for everything . Evil Bastards.
Ah, 30 years ago when Britain was still Britain, its people still culturally British, the BBC had stuff worth watching over Christmas and the Conservative Party were still Tories….
He/she doesn’t really care, he’s far happier attacking us Neanderthal ‘inadequates’ than worrying about the biggest threat to his ilk. As long as he avoids tall buildings he should be OK (for now…. )
I’ve started, so I’ll finish. Voting Update. Midnight Tuesday 29th Dec. Diane Abbott (21) storms ahead, with Rees-Mogg, Cumberbatch and Thompson (16) in tied second place. Cooper 14 votes, Jenny Hill and Evan Davis next with 13 votes.
Diane Abbot has now become so ridiculous in my head that I simply can’t read (or indeed write) her name without a kind of inane, idiotic grin on my face. Surely this is not the effect she wants to have? The fact that, by some quite incredible turn of events, this really quite ridiculous woman now finds herself in the shadow cabinet is a damning indictment of the state of play in British politics, shaped, influenced, aided and abetted, as always, by the so-called BBC…
I know exactly what you mean! Nothing that comes out of her mouth would surprise me anymore , not even if she announced she was to become Britain’s first transgender MP ……Derek Abbot?! I’m off to the bookies!
A delight to see Darcus Howe namechecked above.
Got me thinking of my top twelve professional black people who might merit a Lifetime Achievemnt Award for public-sector funded race hustling over our lifetimes.
1 Darcus Howe
2. Linda Bellos
3. Lee Jasper
4.Lenworth Henry(Sir Dudley)
5. Paul Boateng(Lord)
6. Valerie Amos(Baroness)
7. Linda Scotland(Lady, might not be Linda-who cares?)
8. Bernie Grant(RIP)
9. Stephen K Amos
10. Benjamin Zephaniah
11. Linton Kwesi Johnson
12. Eckow Eshun
(Hardeep Singh Kohli the token Asian on standby)
Lifetime Parasitic Transatlantic Award?…who else but (yet again) Bonnie Greer…how come the USA don`t send us Codoleeza Rice instead-now THERE is black brains and female empowerment!)
I wonder if there is a ‘home of the white vote’ too. At least one which would last about a day before the lads and lasses from BBC World Service and obscure radio stations the length of the land staged mass ‘not helpful’ hit pieces to get the organisers ‘seen to’.
So the drummer from one of Al Beeb’s pet lefty bands, The Specials, has died, and they feel it necessary to mention in passing that they had a top 10 hit with “Free Nelson Mandela”. That’s an interesting choice of song, especially given that it only reached number 9, whereas six of their other songs charted higher, including “Too much too young” which reached number 1. No agenda there then…
And neither was the line up that had the 1984 Nelson Mandela hit the full group, three of the mainstay of the band left post 1981 and became the Fun Boy Three.
The Specials actually had two number ones including Ghost Town, surprised that wasn’t mentioned as it was about ‘Fatchers Britain…
Just read Michel Houellebecqs “Submission”.
Don`t think there`s anyone in Britain who could even begin to write a book as to how Islam will be taking over France in seven years time.
Quite brilliant-for “bored academic who sees Islam as a good career move”, read “BBC reporter who seeks good camera shots”.
His unfolding of how fat finished hollowed-out socialism becomes “moderate islam that only run the education system”…with lots of nubile female students as the prize, as well as Saudi money…well, I can see why the liberal left (the likes of Liz Forgan and Francois Hollande) hated and feared it.
It WON`T Be “Book Of The Week” in my lifetime-but, boy it`s important.
This has been the year of France…once Islam has dealt with THAT cultural heart of the West, the rest of the continent will be easy…and Houellebecq maps it out.
The BBC DID review it earlier in the year, but you get the idea they think the Charlie Hebdo/Jewish deli murders might have been publicity stunts for the release of “Soumission”…but Tom Sutcliffe and Samira Ahmed were fair with it-as opposed to the assembled multiculti luvvies who made up their panellists.
As I say-if there is ANYONE in Britain who could write this, and sell it…let me know…might yet have to be one of us eh?
After years of worrying and crying myself to sleep over the the Maldives sinking below the waves due to Global warming aka climate change. I am shocked to find out that the threat is much closer to home. We have been looking in the wrong place , England is the epicentre for climate change and sinking fast. So shouldn’t the BBC and Harrabin be asking where is all the Global help ? Makes no sense us sending billions abroad, to help the Maldives build another airport, if we are the Country where climate change is happening before our very own eyes does it Roger ? The World must sit up and take notice England is disappearing beneath the waves I can see it on the BBC and they are telling me it is due to climate change (Dave Cameron has realised the threat and postponed any decision on a third runway. He thinks it is far more sensible to have four stacks of aircraft circling London rather than make any attempts to land them. Him and Zach are smart guys)
P.S. Dame Slingbacks – Met Office Guru- please name the ‘M’ Storm Mohammed it is the most popular boys name in the country I would be interested to hear why you would not choose this name
Like it Lock :- Mohammed is sweeping across the country causing widespread devastation, destroying communities and decimating life as we know it in Britain.
Storm Mohammed would be a ‘storm of peace’ bringing flowers raining down from the sky and landing on cuddly babies as it moved across the country. Teddy bears all over would jump up and cuddle their owners (except for ones named Mohammed, who would behead their owners, but that’s just the fault of the parents for not adapting to the cultural issues fast enough, clearly closet Islamaphobes).
The ‘M’ storm will be female so Mohammed is not a potential name….unless the prophet PBUH was transgender, eh BBC?
I just don’t recommend you suggest that to our Islamic populace.
Be apt if such a storm rose to fury elsewhere but having been named en route West blew itself out having managed only to kill or maim a few from the home team.
Justin Webb (“Today”, R4) interviewing Trevor Phillips about Letwin’s 1985 comments claims that the Daily Mirror is making a big deal of the matter. Non-stop coverage on his own programme is somehow low key?
If the boffins could only develop a pill that was a sort of female Viagra crossed with Paracetamol I think we’d all be happy.
Well, fifty percent of us would be…
Old Goat, I am visiting my 91-year old mum who is still fit enough to do the ironing. I went into the kitchen to tell her something and she said that she could not concentrate on what i was saying and iron at the same time !
The BBC seem to be treating the conjunction of the floods and “The Secret Bomber” story as a good time to bury bad news. The two charming “people” involved in this potential mayhem intended to murder, maim and mutilate as many of our fellow citizens as possible. Thank God their loathsomeness is only equaled by their utter stupidity. Calling yourself “The Secret Bomber” and then filming your explosive experiments in your mum’s back garden isn’t the brightest thing to do. But then posting the bloody film on Twitter and asking fellow malcontents the best place to cause maximum carnage suggests someone not possessed of a full deck. In old fashioned Cockney, this geezer is as thick as a tree trunk. Thankfully!
This whole sorry tale is like a Monty Python script gone wrong, “My son isn’t a suicide bomber, he’s just a very naughty boy.”
The Beeb had a very sensitive interview with this repulsive imbecile’s mother where she was treated with kid gloves, as though she was the victim.
Because this ended well we could treat it lightly and not acknowledge the real horror these two would be terrorists wanted to inflict upon our people. They intended to cause carnage on an unprecedented level.
They are being sentenced later today.
Let’s hope the sentence reflects their intentions and not their incompetence.
It does rather, especially when someone made a comedy film about some inept ‘jihadist’ youths and must be known about quite widely. Seem to recall it wasn’t that unsuccessful and must have been on TV by now.
Syrian refugees given asylum in Greater Manchester pitch in with Rochdale flood defence efforts
Oh what a heart warming story! Yet as ever there’s another story behind it which isn’t quite as nicey nicey.
Twitter is carrying the story that these ‘refugees’ were paid to carry out the work as a publicity stunt to manipulate the media, and it was of course exactly what they wanted to hear.
Note that they have all been given Hi Vis vests to wear, and the guy in the burgundy sweater appears to be the co-ordinator, he appears darker skinned and older than they are, possibly a Pakistani – highly likely in Rochdale. What it doesn’t say is if their help was only given to fellow Muslims, as is the Fatwa command.
“Yasser al-Jassem, a teacher who came to Britain in the back of a lorry from Calais in May. ” Obviously a bogus asylum seeker, who passed through several safe countries on his way here. I expect the story writer didn’t consider that when writing the article, nor to enquire whether weapons were used to facilitate his illegal entry either.
What’s it got to do with the BBC? Well it’s exactly the sort of ‘staged’ stunt that they love. A ‘victim status’ group they can use to portray a false picture with, but which still carries ‘plausible deniability’ if they get found out.
I expect that we will be hearing this soon.
Why the hell is Oliver Letwin saying sorry for some phrasings from thirty years ago?
Factually, is there any proof that he was wrong to say that the black entrepreneurs of Heseltines musings would become “disco and drugs” excuses-these days he`d surely be saying “community leaders or charity advocates”.
As for his point that equally poor whites had not rioted-and we`d be rewarding the black race hustlers like Bernie Grant,Lee Jasper or Ken Livingston if we sucked up too close to Scarman(I paraphrase!)…any chance of “More Or Less” giving us the facts?
For Letwin was right…yet he`s apologising for it on the 10am news on Radio 4.
And this after 30 years?
Whereas House of Fairy Tales sent a Dutch bloke and English woman to Fi Glovers Listening Project…it`s just been on!
The woman slurs all British blokes as being brutalist thugs, no charm or manners-so unlike her Dutch bloke.
And is allowed to repeat this crap over her cocktails in a funky East London club she owns.
Replace “Muslim blokes” or Black Women” for “British blokes”-and you see my point?
In fact, either of these two groups far better suit the stereotypes than do “British blokes”…but the BBC won`t be apologising for this racist, insulting caricature c/o Fi Glover.
Only wish that all British blokes would boycott her club, shout, scream and cry all over Twitter…and get HER, Fi and the BBC to “apologise unreservedly” for insulting millions of blokes who don`t deserve this licensed abuse from those they pay.
Letwins a sap-and at 11am m the news tells me that “some Labour MPs” want him to resign now…THAT`S what follows when you feed the trolls with fishtails and offal.
Our teenage white lads need us to learn some nastiness back so Fi etc…and the House of Fairy Tales…learn that white blokes can learn from Caitlyn, Rachel etc…
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Fedup2Mar 10, 20:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Richard – thanks – nice to see the boys and girls of 77 brigade get an honourable mention . As…
FlotsamMar 10, 19:41 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As a seafarer myself it seems to be an unbelievably bad bit of driving. One ship was at anchor, there…
diggMar 10, 19:14 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Two ships crash in the North Sea with risky cargos…. TV roll on environmental mouthpieces.. oh the curlews….oh the puffins…..…
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Richard PinderMar 10, 18:47 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Not reported by the BBC. Donald Trump is revealing the criminal activity of the British Establishment. I think Trump has…
BBC – I Predict a Riot! Race baiting narrative again.
… Public officials in Cleveland on Monday urged the public to remain calm and to protest peacefully.
State Senator Sandra Williams said any unrest would hamper progress but still called the decision a “grave miscarriage of justice”. … So yanks elect idiots too and BBC apply heat but no light, again.
On the subject of BBC bias with respect to the source of racism and crime in the USA, don’t expect the Beeboids to listen to real (rational) Americans. This may have them questioning the foundation of their ‘evil white racists’ narrative. This American dude sees things differently. Watch and learn you squirming race baiters at the BBC!
Keep up the good work Mr Sotomajor! And enjoy your new surroundings in your new neighbourhood.
The BBC wouldn’t wish to spoil its anti-white anti-male anti-English anti-American narrative though, would it.
Vote UKIP, always.
Please…. will someone post this to the BBC…every day….make the bastards squirm.
More immigration equals more housing required which in turn means more flooding.
Mr Prime Minister , its about time that you spent all the money that you waste on Europe and ‘Foreign Aid’ on those misfortunate people in the North of Great Britain.
As per above
As far as the floods are concerned, Breitbart just about nails it here.
Flooding will occur annually, and will get worse year on year until they repeal this ridiculous law, something which will never happen as they feed some naturally into the climate change narrative.
I had posted that excellent article on a previous thread. I was especially struck by the historical note about the importance placed on constant dredging in Cumbria in years gone by.
The BBC – and politicians – drone on about more and more spending on flood defences. But it is FLOOD PREVENTION we need – lowering the level of rivers by dredging every year. Not the prohibition on dredging caused by the European Directive – the more the rivers silt up, the higher the walls would need to be..
It is the EU that should be stuck with the £6 billion bill so far of the recent floodings.
UKIP is the only party that challenges the nonsense of Global Warming – why on earth aren’t they sticking the blame where it really lies ?
You must be wrong, I saw George Monbiot on the TV news, and he said that it is much better to let rivers silt up, as this prevents floods because the water can’t go anywhere and, er, anyway, he’s green, so it must make sense. For his next project he wants to reintroduce wolves, and I’m sure that will go well too.
Rob, the ‘wolves’ have been getting reintroduced for years and they’re usually ‘lone..!’
Spot on, John. The EU is aware that Dave Cameron promised us a referendum on whether to stay in our get out. You’d think the EU, as a big sweetener to UK voters, would give a huge stash of cash to us (you know, like they did to the Greeks several times over) to get this problem sorted once and for all. How well that would go down with the Undecideds’ votes. Their silence confirms we are no better than a cash cow, expected to help out other countries in times of crisis, but when the shit hits our fan, we’re left to get on with it.
Much gushing in the press about apparently the front runner for the King of Xmas entertainment ten little nigg……sorry Then there were none. Well this fell a bit on it’s arse for me mainly because you know what is going to happen. With variations on the theme it’s been done many times. The Avengers, the Simpsons etc. etc.
Agree Dave666. I was fed up with the repeated shots of the woman swimming, and the camera lingering on her miserable face, and every time she walked she was so slow that I thought she had cacked in her knickers. And who would have guessed that a judge among the ten was there to judge and execute the others.
Disappointed here to, only watched because we saw it being filmed near Harlyn North Cornwall back in July.
There were endless hospitally vans, equipment vans, crew, cameras and security staff. During the two days they were there, those two days amounted to about 30 seconds on screen, namely someone staring into a blowhole in episode one.
No wonder there is no money for sport….
It was a decent hour of TV stretched out over three bloody hours.
For me the suspense was whether they used the ending from the book or from the 1945 film.
It was far too long – it gave me time to spot the holes in the plot.
Damn If he couldn’t live forever neither will I. See if BBc will pull a tribute out of the bag for the late Mr Killmister. R.I.P.
I see those seeking to impose their more feminine sides on others have been out and about. The BBC has responded to the call by upping the ante…
So we had Trans winner of celebrity mastermind . Can I get odds on trans for the Bake-Off please ? I don’t even know what trans is is it a bloke who dresses up as a woman ?
It’s a man who thinks he is a woman, and tries to convince others, or a woman who thinks she’s a man, but doesn’t have the necessary parts to prove it.
Got ya so make believe stuff . If my Aunt was my Uncle stuff
Call them trans or whatever. I grew up in a working class community and if any like that came near the children the dads would sort them out. Well, those were the days. Now Owen Jones et al speak for the workers.
Now they let them adopt babies sheeeeeesh . What could possibly go wrong
Suits me all this Monroe Doctrine crap…Call Me Caitlyn surely means that I can go with the wife to her loos-which are cleaner and have nice mirrors so I understand.
Not sure if they come off the walls so I can do my lines of coke…but will let you know.
AND-if any prissy mum of a schoolgirl worries about her ex-teacher sharing a cubicle with whoever “they” choose to do it with,,,then I can take them to court under todays coerce and control legislation against psychological abuse.
Who knows Shamis phone number-Good old Jack Monroe eh?..might start with the Sainsburys loos to begin my campaign-#my right to use womens loos.com.
Or even Grayson Perry another BBC favourite .
> I grew up in a working class community and if any like that came near the children the dads would sort them out.
Ah yes, a simpler time when you could with impunity beat someone up with the barest hint of suspicion that, because they were a little bit different to you, they must be a child abuser.
Simpler times. What a shame we now live in a world where people like GWF can’t boast about inflicting physical violence on people for no reason other than his own fears and prejudices without being called out on his behaviour.
But take heart, GWF: transpeople still face bullying, harassment and violence on a daily basis. Enjoy it while it lasts, because more and more people are realising that such a thuggish attitude to difference is intolerable.
Hi Scott
Go and “call out” some of your loveable Muslim friendss.
Then tell us how it went.
Yes Jezza, a simpler time and there was violence. But ‘sorting people out’ more often involved stern words, which by your standards, would consist of a hate crime. And sometimes it was wrongly directed. But evidence of molestation was there and people dealt with it because the molesters were not protected by PC cops, politicians and social workers as in Rotherham etc. And whilst the dads might have been a bit violent in their protection, the kids who complained were not dispatched to care homes where the pervs were let loose on them, or collected for a night of child prostitution. Your arguments suck Jezza. the bit about inflicting ‘physical violence on people for no reason other than his own fears and prejudices’ is a typical straw man piece, inserting an opinion as they do on the BBC you so admire. It is one thing to wrongly attack those who are different but another to deny that people recognised threats to their children and took steps to protect them. Your brave new world, Jezza, is not a safe one; there are too many hidden and unprotected victims of the PC culture you admire.
Apologies Jerrod, I mispelt your name. A genuine error, no insult intended.
He would not have noticed. He uses many names. Maybe you have given him his next one.
Now that Cameron the squish has willingly nudged us further on the roll down hill with his Pantomime show – just so he could get one good head line from the BBC – I’m afraid we are in for a real comedy of errors. The Left being thoroughly ungrateful and relentless will push and push to an absurd extent and there will always be some freaky deaky Victoria Derbyshire fodder. Confused? You ain’t seen nothing yet.
I fished this comment out of the bottom of the last open thread to give it more exposure here. I’m indebted to feargal the cat for enlightening me that Connolly’s attempt at reporting was also dissected on the excellent BBC Watch on the 24th:
Coincidentally, I’d just done a Google search to discover that the story broke in Israel on November 2nd – and yet the BBC sees fit to ‘update’ us with it Radio 4 on December 19th, on Facebook, and on the World Service almost two months after the fact. They really must be fond of Connolly’s puerile efforts on behalf of the anti-Israel campaign:
Razia Iqbal introduced the obligatory little piece of anti-Israel bias on the World Service today:
Now, for decades Israel has had a problem with feral cats [and BBC hacks]. There are an estimated 2 000 000 of them on the streets. A neutering programme run by an animal charity has been keeping the numbers down. This year it faced a challenge from a right-wing minister [doesn’t take her long to indicate her disapproval] who felt it was against Jewish ethics to spend state money on interfering with the reproductive cycle. For now the charity has won the argument. Our correspondent Kevin Connolly went to see it at work.
[Actually Connolly was far less interested in the programme than he was in bashing Israel. After some meowing and dumb observations about the cats, he moved on to his real agenda]
Connolly: The religious right-wing [here we go again] Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel has tried to divert state funding away from the programme, arguing that a prohibition in Judaism on interfering with the almighty’s preferred arrangements for reproduction applies to animals as well as humans.
[At this point Connolly digs around for more ammunition for his attack on the Israelis, starting with the following bizarre statement:]
…if you’re British and you’re waiting to hear how this problem in the Middle East is somehow originally your fault, keep listening.
[First, I suppose to keep people in suspense until his grand revelation, he brings in a Jerusalem Post reporter to tell a little anecdote about her South African mother-in-law sidestepping the prohibition against neutering. Probably Connolly is trying to prove to his BBC colleagues (nudge-nudge, wink, wink) that he’s not just biased against religious Israelis but also against other religious Jews.]
The J Post reporter continues: The legend in Israel is that there was a rat problem and that the British brought cats to Israel to take care of the rats and now we have no rat problem [untrue] and we have many cats.
The British authorities turned desperate Jews away from Palestine and back into the Holocaust, conspired for decades against the Jews of Palestine, armed the Arabs and even fought on the Arab side in 1948. But Connolly imagines that when the Israelis think of the British they think of imported cats.
That’s the level of reporting we’ve come to expect from the BBC.
For anyone who can bear it, it’s at 43 minutes in:
Well, if anyone should know about rats, it is the BBC, whose top tier was described by a Labour-dominated committee (themselves steeped in empathy) as a sack of them.
And when it comes to the value of the BBC for education and information on anything the excellent BBC Watch gives us this:
Next they’ll be using the likes of Roger Harrabin to tell us about meteorology….
Typical BBC. That article reads like a poor homework assignment. The BBC evidently regards Jews and Judaism as a curiosity at best.
That BBC piece contains some appallingly stupid inaccuracies – yet it is their basic background briefing for their “journalists”. Obviously that sort of piece is seen by senior staff – including Jeremy Bowen and his crowd. Yet they let such ignorant and twisted material go without correction.
I am sure there were no cats in Palestine before the British Mandate. If it’s on the BBC, surely it must be true?
The BBC circle of self-promotion:
Could be going better in the comments once out of their control, frankly.
Just a quick introduction,been a daily ‘lurker’on here for sometime now, my interests include cricket, boxing, current affairs and history.
My dislikes include dancing, baking, bullsh!t and propaganda.
Hi all,I already feel at home here.
Excuse my ignorance but…is it April 1st today?
Why am I uncomfortable with this?
“It will be recreated from photographs, using a 3D printer”
Sounds awfully hi-tech. One wonders how they recreated stuff with measurements and chisels back in the day.
Or who is currently on the BallsCooper shortlist for the second kitchen lodger gig, who may if not happy with their lot decide to do a bit of nihilistic ‘recreating’ over here once the offending structure is completed.
In dhimmie London they wouldn’t dream of recreating one of the thousands of churches destroyed over the years by Muslims.
How about a we take down Nelson and put up a statue of Nadia from the bake-off ? shall I start a petition
Alexy Karenowska, from the Institute of Digital Archaeology, which is behind the project, said she hoped it would help people understand how important it was to preserve cultural sites in war-torn countries such as Syria.
Yes, I’m sure ISIS and the Taliban will be sending over a few plane loads to Trafalgar Square to reflect on your unique appeal to reason, Alexy.
Bit of a no-no on the plane thing; Botney, Bonio and half the BBC currently on school hols have rather cranked up the carbon deficit in this regard.
But no worries, one rather suspects the reps you suggest are either queuing outside a a Tesco lorry in Calais or on Yvette’s poolhouseguest list.
Build it and they will come. Then blow it up too.
The 2015 Dishonest Reporter of the Year: Why the BBC Won
The BBC missed the smaller awards but scored the big one!
Nine highlights
1. Tim Willcox’s “Jewish Hands” – Willcox effectively held French Jewry (and all Jews) responsible for the actions of Israel as well as offering a justification for the Paris terror attacks when he said:
“Many critics of Israel’s policy would suggest that the Palestinians suffer hugely at Jewish hands as well.”
2. Charlie Hebdo Attack Not “Terrorism” – Terrorism is such a loaded word.
3. “No Evidence” of Human Shields – Orla Guerin reporting on the Gaza war 2014. It took the BBC until May 2015 to acknowledge:
“this might have been better worded.”.
4. “Would You Describe Your Parents As Terrorists?” – Evan Davis asked Israeli politician Tzipi Livni
5. Holocaust Tweet Shocker The Big Questions: “Is the time coming to lay the Holocaust to rest?”.
6. Sticking the Boot In Israel plays Wales. The BBC illustrates with pro Palestinian demonstrators.
7. The BBC’s Alternate Reality BBC World Service radio interviewed Israel’s then Minister of Science, Technology and Space, Danny Danon. “But you’re not under threat by Iran. Nobody in Iran has threatened you for a very long time. You’re harking back to a time when President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened Israel directly.”
8. BBC Panorama Goes Off the Rails Attacks the Jerusalem light rail which also connects Arab areas as as part of a scheme to judasize the city
9. Jerusalem Terror Attack: BBC Headline Fail Reports the death of a Palestinian who fired on security forces rather than the attack he conducted killing two and wounding a mother and child effectively turning the terrorist into the victim.
Thanks for that list, deegee. It serves to reminbd us that the BBC remains viciously anti-Israel, twisting the news and lying about clear realities. I have ceased to be shocked how low the BBC staff can stoop. It is of course the mirror-image of the BBC’s constant sanitisation of Islam.
Maybe the BBC are not 100% Trotskyites but the style and misreporting of facts, always presenting from a left perspective, follows the pattern. Good advice when following the BBC is to ask how would a follower of Trotsky report this? Or maybe start with the SWP magazine.
For example: warnings of Islamophobia, tory kutz causes flooding, tori kutz to fire services causes deaths, Trump is a racist , Shaker Aamer – ‘British state was complicit in my torture in Guantanamo Bay’, etc..
I am sure that the Radio 4 team, Brillo Neil and that Evan bloke on Newsnght begin their day with this source of news.
Maybe it’s more like 80% Trotskyite, 10% followers of Foucault, 5% adhere to Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and the other 5% just spend their time tweeting.
Great fun reading Littlejohn in the mail today.
My favourite was the attempt by the bBBC to improve diversity by recruiting disabled weather forecasters, no experience necessary.
So to to all you able bodied white male geography undergraduates out there, forget it.
only be able to see the top of their head though
First arch luvvie Michael Sheen and now Adrian Chiles on Five Dead about to pull the heart strings featuring a story of a ‘migrant’ who fled Aleppo and is now in Germany. How can I show my utter contempt for the BBC and their non-stop bias in support of the muslim invasion of Europe…
New from the BBC TV Licensing Blog:
– TV Licensing: Confirmation of Black & White (Monochrome) TV Reception: As TV Licensing is currently filling the newspapers with tall tales about the number of B&W licences, we thought we’d explain how they verify a property’s B&W status.
– Scottish TV Licensing Goon Roger: One of TV Licensing’s most famous Scottish goons appears on YouTube for the third time. True to form he refuses to show his ID card and demands to know the occupier’s identity instead.
At least we are now seeing some recognition that more regular flooding and increased housebuilding to accommodate net inward migration are incompatible. Our miserable housebuilding rates of the last 20 years have nevertheless only been achieved by building on floodplains. Some of the aerial photos of flooding in York etc make this very obvious. Should we really be encouraging another 10 million increase in our population just to salve the consciences of the pro-immigation lobby in these circumstances? Our useless political elite may for once have to face reality and make a hard choice. Even if you are part of some suicidal plot/passive acquiesence to islamicise the UK within 3 generations you have to face up to this one.
Face reality? Make a hard choice? I think it’s more likely they will refer to page 1 of their policy guidance manual : When faced with a superior/more logical argument than your own either a) Make a public accusation of racism or b)insert fingers firmly into ears and chant la la la la.
One thing I HATE more than almost anything else is the Fascists of the Left jumping onto which ever bandwagon is trending at the moment.
So it was this morning on Radio 4’s moaners hour when Jack Monroe was interviewed, after coming out as ‘transgender’ late this year.
Transgenderism is a serious medical condition which requires diagnosis by a series of medical professionals, it is positively NOT some self identified left wing idiocy to be taken the piss out of by people as shallow as a puddle !
Monroe doesn’t even appear to know what the condition even is or what it involves as she has decided, not that she should have been born the opposite gender, but that she shouldn’t have any gender at all !
To that end according to Wikipedia, she now wishes to be given ‘gender neutral’ pronouns such as ‘they’ although I prefer ‘it’ as the normative gender neutral pronoun.
This really is left wing affectation at its worst, where a lesbian woman can suddenly decide it’s in her interest to be a bit different and piggy back onto someone else’s suffering and then be allowed to emote on air in the most ridiculous ways imaginable.
The fact that the BBC takes this seriously and allows the attention seeker from the Guardian any air time at all is just proof of how far to the left they have swung.
Absolutely ridiculous and an insult to all concerned !
Is Jack Monroe a woman who wants to be a man or vice versa? I hope I’m not meant to care, as this is all getting a bit confusing.
Unfortunately not.
Jack Monroe doesn’t know what it want’s to be, other than the fact it claims not to want to be neither male nor female !
If it kept these ‘thoughts’ to itself then no, I don’t think anyone would care. You’re not meant to care about what Jack Monroe claims it wants to be, but we should all care about the crap the BBC is outputting as serious journalism, when these racings would be better discussed in front of a psychiatrist as some kind of treatment is clearly needed. Amysulpride perhaps might be appropriate ?
I would hardly have thought a treatment (QED) for schizophrenia appropriate in Monroe’s case. I wonder what might be more suitable for raging narcissism?
Just try calling her by her real name – Melissa – and she goes ape shit and threatens you with her lawyers!
> a lesbian woman can suddenly decide it’s in her interest to be a bit different and piggy back onto someone else’s suffering and then be allowed to emote on air in the most ridiculous ways imaginable.
You weren’t listening very hard, were you? Jack Monroe talked about how initially describing herself as a lesbian was (I’m paraphrasing) “like the shirt that was the closest fit”. But as life progressed, Monroe’s own position has changed to a point where she doesn’t feel comfortable with choosing between a binary form of gender identity and expression.
And frankly, what is the problem with that? Nobody else is being harmed. You do seem to be getting all heated up by the notion of people who are finding their own ways of dealing with their own gender identity. And frankly, the BBC’s discussion on this topic this morning was about listening to people and their differing viewpoints. I get the impression that’s something with which you have difficulty?
“Nobody else is being harmed.”
Have you got kids? Probably not I’d guess, you try explaining all this agenda led cr@p that the BBC and other institutions are throwing at them, Its tough being a parent at the best of times but having to explain this sh1t to them is unnecessary.
Kids are being harmed, by design.
So it’s harmful because you have difficulty explaining it to your kids?
Harm is not defined by your ability, or otherwise, to articulate the notion that people are different and that’s okay.
Have you got kids?
Do you believe that being a father who’s incapable of articulating basic concepts makes you better than somebody with no kids?
You call transgenderism a ‘basic concept’ for a father to explain to his child?
Are you effing serious?
You obviously have no experience of fatherhood or even a basic understanding of children.
> You call transgenderism a ‘basic concept’ for a father to explain to his child?
> Are you effing serious?
Well, you can start by saying that some people feel that who they are in their heart and head is different from their body. And that it’s okay not to understand completely, but anybody who feels that way is just as deserving of love and compassion as everybody else.
Now, do you think that your inability to explain a concept to your child automatically makes it harmful, or do you agree with me that Geoff was talking rubbish on that point?
As a parent and grandparent the idea of explaining transgendersim and homosexuality to a small child is unnecessary, potentially very harmful and, frankly, nauseating.
Leave them to be children for God’s sake and enjoy their innocence whilst they can, they grow up too early as it is.
> Leave them to be children for God’s sake and enjoy their innocence whilst they can
Yeah, keep them in the dark as long as possibe so you can indoctrinate them with your outmoded ideas that homosexuality and transgenderism are things to be feared. After all, if inculcating a fear of the unknown was good enough for *you*…
On the other hand, giving kids a general awareness that being gay, or being transgender, is something that exists in the world and there’s nothing to fear from it, we’ll end up with future generations that aren’t anywhere near as fucked up as ours is.
You may think that’s a bad thing, but there’s not a lot I can do about such neuroses.
‘Indoctrinate’ – oh, the irony.
I prefer to leave them to be children. You prefer to instil confusion and fear at the earliest age possible – the modus operandi of the Left, in other words. If you think small children are mature enough to even begin to understand complex issues of sexuality, you are not a parent.
By the way, my granddaughters were ‘introduced’ to the concept of gay relationships by their school when they were teenagers. One of them asked her mum what the men did for sex if neither had a vagina. Her reaction to the answer? ‘Ewwwww’.
> You prefer to instil confusion and fear at the earliest age possible
Thanks for making up what I “prefer”. The modus operandi of the deludedly narcissistic.
Answering children’s questions with honesty and tact doesn’t, or at least shouldn’t, instil confusion.
> If you think small children are mature enough to even begin to understand complex issues of sexuality, you are not a parent.
If you think it’s impossible for children to be talked through issues of love and compassion, then you don’t deserve to be a parent. If you really are a parent, I hope your kids have a mature, responsible adult they can go to to ask about things rather than their dotty old granddad who’s too busy believing he’s right to listen to what anyone is saying.
> By the way, my granddaughters were ‘introduced’ to the concept of gay relationships by their school when they were teenagers. One of them asked her mum what the men did for sex if neither had a vagina. Her reaction to the answer? ‘Ewwwww’.
Pretty much the same reaction most teenagers have to most things regarding sex, then. I’m sure they’re scarred for life. Not.
When will you learn that temper tantrums and puerile name-calling don’t win debates?
You don’t know the first thing about me and my family nor could you draw the conclusions you have based upon what I have said – you simply jump to conclusions of your own based on nothing more than narrow-mindedness and zealotry.
I am very happy, thanks, as are my whole family who are well-adjusted and tolerant of all apart from intolerant people like yourself who insist on forcing their world view on others, even small innocent children. Really, if it wasn’t for the fact you evidently have some serious psychological issues I’d say you should be ashamed of yourself.
I genuinely hope you have better luck in the future as you are clearly missing something in your life. In the meantime, please keep your zealotry to yourself when in the company of children.
Oh, and Pretty much the same reaction most teenagers have to most things regarding sex, then….no, just being introduced to the concept of buggery for the first time – there is a difference, you know.
> you simply jump to conclusions of your own based on nothing more than narrow-mindedness and zealotry.
Says the man who decided for himself what I “prefer”. Try taking some of your own medicine before shoving your self-righteous hypocrisy down other people’s throats.
> Really, if it wasn’t for the fact you evidently have some serious psychological issues I’d say you should be ashamed of yourself.
So you’re a tolerant person until somebody disagrees with you. Then you begin spitting out invective, in your own narrow-minded, zealous way.
> my whole family who are well-adjusted and tolerant of all apart from intolerant people like yourself
Given you clearly can’t recognise your own failings, forgive me if I don’t give a stuff what you seem to think about me. If your family are well-adjusted and tolerant, they have my sympathy for having to share their life with someone who quite obviously has trouble understanding such terms.
The answer is, apparently, no.
That does not, of course, prevent anyone empathising with these congenital freaks.
LOL, the world is a confusing place even for adults these days !
Try explaining collateralised debt obligations to a child, or even to adult ! Do they always need to have everything explained? What happens though to the 5% who are gay when they have a parent unwilling to accept the condition even exists !
How many kids are actually listening to Radio 4 anyway?
The agendas reach far beyond Radio 4, SPOTY I believe found it necessary to include a transomething for absoultely no reason…
> Try explaining collateralised debt obligations to a child, or even to adult ! Do they always need to have everything explained?
We have our differences, thoughtful, but nice to see you also see the gaping flaws in Geoff’s theory that anything he can’t explain to his kids must be harmful to them.
Read my f’ing post again I didn’t say ‘anything’ I was specific.
As much as you like to think your opinions are so ‘right on’ you’re not living in the real world, subjects such as transgenderism will be the least of your ilk’s worries in the not too distant, start worrying about the important things that affect the majority….
Why don’t you start answering to some of the issues raised here about the BBC rather that your agenda led cr@p and propaganda?
Children will know all about transgenderism but still won’t be able to add up. Such is the world of the Left and useless, evil, BBC. I suspect that it is the other way round in China ! God help the UK !
> Children will know all about transgenderism but still won’t be able to add up.
Explain how the two are mutually exclusive? Oh, that’s right, you can’t because they’re not.
> Such is the world of the Left and useless, evil, BBC that I have fabricated in my head.
There, fixed that for you.
> Why don’t you start answering to some of the issues raised here about the BBC rather that your agenda led cr@p and propaganda?
Temper, temper, Geoffrey. You still haven’t explained why your inability to broach a subject with your kids automatically makes it harmful. So instead of talking rationally, you lose your rag.
I hope you don’t take that same approach with your kids.
Methinks its you getting in a tizz, your interest in kids Scott seems a little unhealthy to me…
No rag lost, still no input on the BBC?
Geoff, LOL ! Beeboids’ interest in kids generally is unhealthy. They should never be allowed anywhere near them !
> Geoff, LOL ! Beeboids’ interest in kids generally is unhealthy.
And only in your head. Tell me, Grant, why do you spend so much time fantasising about adults having an unhealthy interest in children? Does it excite you?
“Don’t tell ‘im, Grant!”
He has a notebook and is prepared to use it.
> your interest in kids Scott seems a little unhealthy to me…
Resorting to puerile, and borderline dangerous, insults? Wow. What a great role model you are. Bet your kids aren’t ashamed to have you as a parent in the slightest.
Being obtuse yet again Jerrod are we?
Are “teaching kids about transgender issues” and “teaching them how to add up” mutually exclusive?
Course not-but it`s all too clear which one takes priority in the land of the left.
And-seeing as the state will dole out your money, as long as you stay a client of the state-and be a stormtrooper for the cultural brownshirts back at the BBC/Labour HQ/Guardian-you can trust them to find the money to buy your kids breakfasts, take them on safari when they learn that crime pays later-and fund White Dees pole dancing lessons on Channel 4 later.
In short Jerrod-these caricatures are the extrapolation(big word, feel free to look it up) of thinking like yours,
Why not save your ball bearings and pea shooting for the REAL problems in this country-viz Islams coming coalescence with the weak horse of the liberal left?
But-you and the left prefer to embrace the tumbleweed that results when we ask whether gay rights and womens rights “trump” the rights of Islam to act according to their clearly-cited scriptures.
Jerrod, no. I do not work for the BBC !
‘Puerile’ pot, kettle, black, must do better Scott, as for insults, you’re the king…
And perhaps we should open the airwaves to every soul who has delusions to express their condition to anyone who wants to listen?
Monroe has no diagnosis because she doesn’t have the condition the program was about. There are plenty of schizophrenics with the delusion that they are the wrong gender. In fact one of the jobs of the psychiatrist in identifying the transgender condition is in weeding out those who are delusional.
When there’s next a program on the first world war perhaps the BBC should bring on schizo who thinks he’s General Kitchener – after all no one is being harmed and it’s only someone dealing with their own demons !
The point is that it would never happen!
Run a program on transgender and I for one expect to be accurately informed of a serious medical condition, and not a platform for every delusional lesbian media hopper whose spotted a bandwagon.
Yet again you reach for the insults because you know you have no serious point to make!
If you genuinely want differing viewpoints you would be joining us in condemnation of the BBC which only offers left wing views and no others are allowed !
> Monroe has no diagnosis because she doesn’t have the condition the program was about. There are plenty of schizophrenics with the delusion that they are the wrong gender. In fact one of the jobs of the psychiatrist in identifying the transgender condition is in weeding out those who are delusional.
I think you’re confusing schizophrenia and gender identity. This sounds like another of these hobby horses where you’ve given yourself the soubriquet “Thoughtful” without realising how deeply inappropriate that is. Are you sure you don’t want to claim that it was all invented by Trostky, that there’s no definition for it (apart from a definition which you subsequently freely quote)?
Is there one good reason why anybody should give two stuffs what you say about any subject? You just seem to be way out of your depth, and substitute indignant bluster for anything approaching rational thought.
More name calling !
When you can actually write a post without stooping to attacking the other person writing it, and post a thoughtful piece where the argument is opposed and not the writer then I will respond to you.
Until that time I will simply regard you as being incapable of posting anything resembling a contradiction.
You have lost, you have no point to make and therefore you attack people – always the same with the Fascist Left.
Just for the benefit of other readers who might wonder who between myself and ‘Jerrod is correct’ and whether I’m out of my depth in this matter.
A quick Google search for “schizophrenia and gender identity disorder” returns nearly 300 000 results, including several papers on the issue by people who by their qualifications could never seriously be name called as ‘out of their depth’. Many of them are written by people with Ethnic names so Jerrod would have to be ‘Waycist ‘ too !
Gender Identity Disorder and Schizophrenia: Neurodevelopmental Disorders with Common Causal Mechanisms?
Ravi Philip Rajkumar
Department of Psychiatry, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Dhanvantari Nagar, Pondicherry 605 006, India
Received 19 September 2014; Accepted 20 November 2014; Published 4 December 2014
Schizophrenia and gender identity disorder
Rameez Zafar
DOI: 10.1192/pb.32.8.316b Published 31 July 2008
Account of an inpatient – treated with Amysulpride !
Schizophrenia modifying the expression of gender identity disorder.
Baltieri DA1, De Andrade AG.
“the differentiation between pure identity disorders and transsexual feelings secondary to an ongoing psychopathologic process, such as schizophrenia, can be arduous for many health professionals.”
[Gender identity disorders as a symptom of psychosis, schizophrenia in particular].
[Article in Dutch]
Campo JM1, Nijman H, Evers C, Merckelbach HL, Decker I.
“In retrospect, the patient regards his transsexual period as a ‘mistake’. Delusions about one’s physical appearance and the urge to drastically change the way one looks appear to be relatively common in patients suffering from schizophrenia.”
But then again, what do these professionals dealing with these issues know about their specialist subject when compared with the bigotry and entrenched views of the Fascists of the Left?
Clearly they are all out of their depth and the only people who should be allowed to treat their patients are those hand wringers who can sympathise, empathise, and allow them to express their delusions, whilst all the time encouraging them and taking them ever so seriously, whilst at the same time ignoring the individuals who actually do have the condition !
I’m betting that none of the people whose works you link to would dream of (mis)diagnosing an interviewee on a radio programme as schizophrenic merely because you don’t think their viewpoint is valid. A scientist would not stoop so low, and anyone who found a lowlife abusing their research as a means of justifying their own prejudice would quite rightly be appalled. You should be ashamed of yourself – but that would, I guess, require some sense of self-awareness.
> Many of them are written by people with Ethnic names so Jerrod would have to be ‘Waycist ‘ too !
You do realise that disagreeing with someone with a different skin colour isn’t, of itself, racism? Well, of course you don’t, that’s just one more very simple principle which eludes you.
> But then again, what do these professionals dealing with these issues know about their specialist subject
Easy one. “More than you or I. But especially you.”
> when compared with the bigotry and entrenched views of the Fascists of the Left?
Interesting you seem so eager to slur everyone who disagrees with you as “Fascists of the Left”. After all, it’s you who wants to shut down conversations on radio because you don’t happen to agree with them. Why is it okay for you to act as a jumped-up bigoted little censor, but anyone who points out how bizarre and anti-thoughtful your little diatribes are gets to be called names by you?
You’re not “thoughtful” at all, are you? You’re just someone who likes to pretend they are because they have no real foundations on which to debate. Call me fascist if you like – it’ll be a label just as true as the one you’ve given yourself. I’m coming to realise honesty is one more thing you have a trouble getting a grip on.
More name calling as per, but here is the sentence which you originally wrote, and which you have now conveniently forgotten all about:
“I think you’re confusing schizophrenia and gender identity. This sounds like another of these hobby horses where you’ve given yourself the soubriquet “Thoughtful” without realising how deeply inappropriate that is.”
I have now proved beyond any doubt that it is in fact yourself who are confused and that your name calling is as per usual nothing less than slander.
So now that I’ve proved beyond any doubt that you are wrong – just as I did last time, you go off on another false allegation !
I have never accused Jack Monroe as being schizophrenic, I have never used other peoples research to justify anything other than your bigotry hatred intolerance and rank hatred of people who fail to see the world through your own twisted viewpoint.
> I have now proved beyond any doubt that it is in fact yourself who are confused
No. You’ve copied and pasted links to some scientific papers in a vain attempt to justify your own, false position. That’s not proof.
I mean, I appreciate that you clearly have some experience with clinical psychology. I just don’t think it’s been from the POV of a practitioner, has it?
Indicentally, the last time you claimed to have proved something beyond doubt, you’d basically just repeated your own fictitious claims. So knock yourself out. Tell yourself over and over that you’ve proved something that you haven’t. I’m not going to waste any more time tonight on a delusional individual who clearly needs help that I’m not equipped to provide.
> You just seem to be way out of your depth
Are there no depths to which you will not stoop Jerrod in attacking people who have a personal right not to have bedroom talk inflicted on them in the name of inclusivity, tolerance and diversity?
> a personal right not to have bedroom talk inflicted on them in the name of inclusivity, tolerance and diversity
I wasn’t aware “thoughtful” was pinned down and forced to listen to the radio. It was an intelligent discussion, which is rather more than thoughtful seems wont to indulge in.
If you or thoughtful can’t cope with sensitive topics discussed intelligently, that’s no reason to censor the airwaves.
“Sensitive topics discussed intelligently”
By the BBC? I do not think so.
Transgender is the BBC next big push. Easier that getting real news, this is vote catching.
Example :-
BBC maximise publicity for, and advocation of, queerdom.
Result numbers of queers increases exponentially.
BBC claim Labour opponents are against queerdom.
Result most queers vote labour, including all the queers on the BBC payroll, the impartial, inexclusive, BBC payroll.
A payroll containing numerous overpaid, talent-free jerks, and very few normal British people.
In fact most Labour voters are unbalanced in some, or many, ways.
Apart from the very, very few genuine workers who still vote Labour because their great-grandfather did, which is a very poor reason.
Especially when the Labour Party imported millions of Muslims to take the good housing and live lavishly on benefits.
The problem Jerrod, is that the BBC used to be an organisation dedicated to broadcasting material that edified and informed its listeners, not the narcissistic witterings of people exposing their fashionable personal angst.
Jack Monroes personal identity is just that, personal, and of no interest to any one outside of her personal circle of friends and family. It is a private matter.
Why must licence payers money be wasted on publicity for private matters?
I wonder if the Jerrod could perhaps have a thread of his/her/its own? It’s so tiresome wading through all the other posters here just so I can get to J’s good stuff. I would just prefer it if s/he/it stops mincing his/her/its words and comes out with what s/he/it really wants to say – come on now, don’t be shy!
trouble is both Jack Monroe and Laura Penny who both appeared this morning are attention seekers. I would have preferred to have listened to people who have not been known to the press on other issues who could have spoken to allow me to really understand their problems.
And that Deborah sums up the position !
That the BBC ran a program ostensibly on one issue and even titled the program “Was 2015 the year trans became mainstream?” And then proceeded to parade a selection of leftie hand wringers who had no concept of the condition and yet had jumped on a bandwagon because they thought it fashionable to do so.
In doing this they belittled & demeaned those who do suffer from the condition, and who like many others only want to be able to blend into society and live their lives as normally as possible.
As you say if they had interviewed these people they might have had a decent program worth listening to, but either because they were too lazy to go out & find them, or they simply thought that parading the next left wing moaner was more ‘on message’ they manifestly failed to deliver a program in line with its title.
There is definitely something afoot in the meejah. The ‘trans’ phenomenon has barely been off the pages or our screens all year.
It is hard not to conclude that what is undoubtedly a serious psychological issue for some unfortunates has been seized on by the Gramscian Left in its well documented mission to destablise ‘bourgeois’ society. The ‘useful idiots’ in the media who are, of course, completely unaware of Gramsci and the Frankfurt School, simply go along with it as part of the ‘progressive’ bandwagon, oblivious of the underlying motivation.
A few years ago it was the Gay & Lesbian movement that were placard waving their cause every weekend if there were some tv cameras about. Nowadays its the “oh I’m bi-polar” fad which came and went, and now the buzzword is ‘transgender’, – something that appears to have sprouted in the past 12 months ! before I get shouted down, I actually worked in an adult psychiatric unit for many years, and the amount of transgender cases that were seen during that time you could count on one hand ! and no, it wasn’t a cottage hospital, it was a well known hospital in the Home Counties.
Jack Monroe and Laura Penny are two wonderful reasons not to vote Labour. If I worked for the Conservative Party, I would certainly be encouraging the AlBeeb to show as much coverage of them as possible. They are along with Russell Brand superb promoters of the anti Labour party. Keep them on our televisions I say.
Mind you, there should also be a health warning given in advance prior to their appearance, mainly for the politically brainwashed, and and the current sixth form standard of naive political dilitantes we currently have on the Left. They seem to be unable to discuss issues with any sense of depth or meaning without being offensive, incredibly many of these inhabit our universities and colleges, then, upon leaving this world of ‘academic’ propaganda, I assume they eventually meet the real world and then proceed to grow up.
Here is David Starkey dealing with leftiy Laura Penny – jumped up public school girl.
Horrific how the nasty little Fascist immediately reaches for the meaningless bully word ‘Waycism’ before the discussion which is about what it means to British has even begun. She’s clearly unintelligent, always playing the victim, with ill thought through ideas and no idea of where she wants the debate to go.
So typical of todays neo Fascists name calling and violent to get a very thin point across.
It’s all they’ve got. They simply do not have the intelligence to debate properly
Off topic, but I see today’s scores on the doors is currently sitting at three. Come on beeboids. It’s a slow news week, you can do better than that. Put those sockpuppet accounts to use
Always stand up to bullies, and that’s just what he did. A poster a while ago mentioned a condition called cognitive dissonance, and she seemed to demonstrate the symptoms in her incoherent ramblings later. Objectively, she was making less and less sense, and the meeting was called to a halt.
Wikipedia – cognitive dissonance
“In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.[1][2]”
“Leon Festinger’s theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. An individual who experiences inconsistency (dissonance) tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and is motivated to try to reduce this dissonance—as well as actively avoid situations and information likely to increase it.”
I noticed it also when Darkus Gray (i think that’s correct) called Joan Rivers a racist, and became almost childlike in his responses.
It’s fascinating to watch. Fragile egos based on delusions of concern for others are stunned into mad ramblings.
More please!
I don’t think this was cognitive dissonance, she was simply caught out lying, didn’t want to admit it, and just dug a deeper hole each time she opened her mouth to talk about it.
I didn’t see her trying to argue both point from different directions which is what dissonance is.
Darkus Howe, was another liar caught out race hustling who couldn’t think of a response when challenged, but who was too deeply entrenched to be able to admit his lying – again dug a deeper hole. He didn’t call Joan a racist, he just said he ‘objected to the word black’.
Yurr Tizz.
Where was old Frank Maloney, or whatever he /she is this week , when they want him ?
He was on Celebrity Mastermind!
Jerrod can you repeat that again in simple language that I can understand please.
I am white but would prefer my identity to be black because I will then get preferential treatment. Problem is that everything about me says I’m white. Please could you advise me on how I overcome this problem.
It’s the being allowed to emote on air which is the problem. Who gives a toss about a shirt that doesn’t fit. There are far more interesting and important things to be informed about, given that people are paying (on threat of imprisonment) for a national broadcasting service. Which has now turned into a service catering for various progressive causes and lifestyle niches.
My life is not perfect. I have worries, and I’ve now drunk my last beer – oh woe is me! I have metaphorical shirts that don’t fit too. When will Jenni Murray or Victoria Derbyshire interview me?
Scott, why are you calling yourself “Jerrod”? Surely you can’t be suffering identity crisis, too?
At least we now know what a Lemming is.
Somebody who asks us all to “play Lemmys music-LOUD!”
But doesn`t raise a glass or three to his memory…even though that was what was asked for.
In other words- get into a fight with your neighbours, playing his racket(The Good Rebellion-Jack Black style!)…but don`t smoke as he did-and if you MUST have a quiet drink…we`ll not recommend it-do drink responsibly!
The man was a mere bucket carrier for all lefty liberal tropes about the Good old rebellion-which they smile down upon, whilst sending their own kids to Eton.
And-doubt we`ll be hearing much about his collection of Nazi war regalia either…might only bring Griffin out from under his stone eh Tristram?
Final point-was made aware by the BBC that Goebbels Ministry of Propaganda had a full title we may not know.
It was the “Ministry of ENLIGHTENMENT and Propaganda”.
Wonder why we don`t give it it`s full title-for all the Global Warming, Anti-meat, veggie and smoking “information” we get 24/7 from the BBC…the BBCs Ministry of Enlightenment goes on.
Only whereas the Nazis wanted compulsory monochrome skintones and race….the Lefty BBC settle for compulsory(strongly recommended being the preferred line), monocultural mindset and abolition of the nation state…in short, the Nazis wanted Rothko, the BBC wants Seurat…but no choices apply in both cases-mirror images of each other in effect.
“press speculation Shadow Foreign Secretary Hillary Benn will be sacked next week in a Labour reshuffle.”
Good to see Corbyn continuing with his version of fascism.
Benn will welcome it. He is the next leader and knows it. It has not done his career any harm to have tried to work with Corbyn and failed.
Now he can concentrate on building up his power base. Not my political soulmate but he is a very able man and very sharp.
Looking up Lemmys spiritual route.
Think he`s 60% bound for heaven-but his “Devil Called Doubt” thoughts bothered me.
Wonder why all those “kickass phew rock n roll oafs”(Ozzy, Steve, Brian etc)never give me a view on where he`s gone?…let alone where THEY`LL all be going?
He`s certainly got more chance of heaven than anybody who works for the BBC or spouts their crap for thirty pieces of chocolate money anyhoo!
Don’t tell me ChrisH decides who goes to heaven?!
Not to worry. I don’t think he even has power over who gets to the end of one of his ramblings 🙂
Course not.
But more educational and thought provoking to myself than the usual “they`ll be rocking in heaven tonight crap”-which is the default of the likes of Steven Tyler.
I find it works well in churches-who are all too apt to condemn the likes of Lemmy, while giving Giles Fraser a free pass…
I leave you with Philippians 2.12…”work out your salvation in fear and trembling” …makes far more sense to me than listening to the cliches of the rock and roll gerentocracy.
Lemmy said that the bad guys had the better fashion sense-funnily enough, Bryan Ferry said the same…maybe there IS a School of Rock after all.
Who sent for Jerrod?….rhymes with Herod?
“Who sent for Jerrod?”
I think Jerrod has trouble understanding your longer posts without some “Janet & John” level footnotes.
Again dipped an exploratory toe into the shallow puddle that is BBC floods news at the top of the hour.
About 12-and-a-half minutes – by my reckoning – of damp lament and dire valedictory warnings from the Met Office. Brought to us from the North by BBC journalism graduate gal in wellies who hands back to the studio and third string news anchor Rebecca Jones (no, me neither) who says “Lovely”. Oh the business that is show business!
Female Curry House owner in York “BINGO!” almost spills the unprecendented surprise of it all when she admits she did know York was prone to floods. By extrapolation I figure this is the worst flooding she has seen in six months. But the insurance claim saving corollary is that this is worse than expected.
Oh yes, you have to hand it to the girls, it may not be the full blown Christmas Tsunami – more of Sue-Name-Me – but this soggy season slow news drip is wringing out every drop of moisture we can swallow.
Then 3 minutes on some new laws to do with domestic non-violent violence – you know, men ‘controlling women’ – good luck with that one in certain fast growing communities that shall not be named. Seems the CPS won’t even need a witness to stand up in court – they’ll use bank statements, social media and cop cams. 1984 or what? Give it another 5 years and we’ll be saying Kafka was a warning not an instruction manual.
To be fair, our Rebecca asks of her woman campaigner guest who thinks this is all good, “this does apply to male victims too?” Campaigner found that a bit old-world-speak and replies “oh yes, it applies to anyone in an intimate relationship” Which I take to be a shout out for the gays. Come to think of it the Courts dealt with that Chairman Mao cult idiot pretty well with what we already had on the statute books – eventually.
Law-making virtue signalling is where we are now – more expensive and more dangerous to our liberties than Twitter – but the BBC stands by with a smug approving emoticon of a face.
And those two items were your news, folks. Now the sport.
Oh, I forgot to add the Met Office motto “Après nous le déluge”
‘Law making as virtue signalling’ – excellent!
So what does our £145 offer us tonight in this Christmas/New Year week?
Celebrity Mastermind (seemingly free of celebrity)
Eastenders (misery laden diverse mush)
Holby City (see above)
David Beckham – For the Love Of The Game (Well not much footy on the BBC, maybe this is the best they can do?)
News/Regional/Weather (More global warming stories of terror and the benefits of immigration presented in a diverse way)
Peter Kays Car Share (Repeat)
Mrs Browns Boys (Repeat)
Christmas University Challenge
Gareth Malone’s Great Choir Reunion (Zzzzz is anyone other than those taking part interested?)
Stephen Fry’s Life On Screen (Beeboid presentation on a fave Beeboid)
QI (Similar to above)
Film – Albert Nobbs (Subject matter – crossdressing)
Is this endless run of crap really worth the licence fee? I fancy a Sky box set tonight, maybe I could afford it if I could drop my tax bill of £145 just for being the proud owner of a TV…
It really is pretty sorry fare, that’s for sure. I believe it’s the ‘world class broadcasting’ Guardian readers love to go on about.
That is truly world class entertainment. I bet people in countries where they don’t have to pay £145 for political indoctrination on pain of imprisonment really envy us. Good to see that there is a trans themed movie on tonight, so on trend!
Yes its strange that our resident Beeboid doesn’t want to comment on actual BBC offerings, only attack those of a differing but conventional opinion to his/her/its ‘right on’ metrosexual views…
Shame really. I ‘d hoped the registration process would put a stop to trolls who are only here to gainsay anything that doesn’t accord with Guardianista groupthink.
I hope the powers here are paying attention.
I’ve always likened watching Eastenders to living at the bottom of a dustbin.
……. and reading the Sun !
Ah yes, University Challenge, with at least one Beeboid on every team I believe. Even Dame Nicky was allowed the opportunity to show us the level of his intelligence and knowledge. It didn’t take long…
And presumably Jeremy Vine was otherwise occupied with spouting misinformation otherwise he’d have definitely been on for Durham.
Nobody seems to have heard or reported that BBC Radio London allowed a caller a 13 minute anti Semitic rant in the early hours of 22nd December.
The Campaign Against Anti Semitism called the incident shocking “even
for the BBC.”
The radio presenter simply allowed an ignorant racist to speak for nearly a quarter of an hour while offering no counter-argument, correction or condemnation of his views that Jews control money, banks, commerce and the media.
The director of communications of the campaign against Anti Semitism ” We expect the BBC to now to hand the caller’s telephone number to the police.”
Honest Reporting has awarded the BBC the accolade of the most dishonest reporter of the year. This is in relation to Israel.
The citation makes appalling reading. Read it and reflect that your money ( if you pay it) goes to keeping the BBC in being.
Unless somebody gets a grip on the BBC’s attitudes towards Israel, the West and our civilisation this organisation has to be deprived of funds and disbanded.
link ?
Look it up. I don’t do links. http://www.honestreporting.com
Palmyra arch from Syrian heritage site to be recreated in London’s Trafalgar Square
That’s nice. At least all the Syrians will feel at home when they arrive.
Seeing as they aren’t allowed to be housed in the Tory heartlands such as the South East & the Cotswolds it’ll be doubtful they’ll ever see it!
Perhaps if it was rebuilt in Bradford or Birmingham they might have had more of a chance !
I have had the reason for the media interest in transgender condition explained to me in a way that does appear to have the ring of plausibility about it.
BBC Luvvie and ex Eton Toff, Eddie Redmayne is in a film called “The Danish Girl” where he “plays Lili Elbe, the first person known to undergo gender reassignment surgery.”
As ever with these films, there is a lot of money thrown at promotion, and a lot of publicity from the actors themselves with appearances on chat shows for no fee to push the flick. Who would dare raise their head above the parapet & risk their career by criticisng it?
The public has a kind of prurient fascination with gender changes, and it has had for decades, ever since April Ashley was outed as being trans.
I’d remind readers here of Labour’s & the left’s rank hypocrisy over this issue though. When April Ashley divorced, UK law decided by a Judge – not parliament (because the UK is not a democratic country) was that trans people could not marry because they could not change their gender.
I can still remember the Bellinger case, which went to Europe with a Trans woman who wanted to marry a man, but which UK law prevented. Tony BLiar in person opposed this, and sanctioned all legal means possible to oppose it.
He also opposed the right to change gender legally – at the time there were only a handful of countries in the world which did not recognise this.
At the same time he was introducing swathes of laws to protect his Muslim favourites at the expense of virtually every other group in the country. In hindsight £130 million clearly buys a lot of favourable legislation !
He & his government also opposed changes to laws to protect gay people, until forced to do so. There is a story that one of BLiars Attourney Generals found that there was a male to female transsexual working in the office, and the first words out of her mouth were “sack him” !
The next time some arrogant Fascist starts banging on about ‘rights’ ‘phobia’s etc etc relating to gays or trans people, just remind them of their most recent history when they were in power, and just how much nu Liebour hated the people they now suddenly claim to champion !
> I have had the reason for the media interest in transgender condition explained to me in a way that does appear to have the ring of plausibility about it.
Translation: “Someone said something to me which chimed with my own simplistic view, so it must be right.”
> Who would dare raise their head above the parapet & risk their career by criticisng it?
When Eddie Redmayne’s casting was announced, there were several reports in the LGBT press of people who weren’t happy with the decision to give the role to a cisgender male. Personally, I don’t have an issue with it – after all, the character is shown at all stages of transition, including before Einar Wegener began to identify as Lily.
But criticism there most definitely has been.
That said, your conclusion that an increasing openness about transgender rights is all about publicity for a movie is no more stupid than any of your other delusions.
Jerrod, can you tear yourself away from the screen for a minute and bring the lattes up to Frankie Howerd?
I must have led a very sheltered life but I had never heard of the term ‘cisgender’ and had to ‘Google it’ (titter ye not).
Lurkio, you’ve started a train of thought.
If I’m “cis-gendered” because I was born a white male and still think of myself as a white male, does the same principle and terminology apply to ethnicity. Under government rules on ethnicity everyone can self-select their ethnic category; which used to cause endless confusion in mental health services during the annual Count Me In census. So, if I was born “White British” and still choose to see myself as “White British”, does this make me cis-ethnic?
Of course this will be subject to change. The government is very concerned at the low number of BME visitors to museums and art galleries, so when I visit them I think I trans into Afro Caribbean.
Will the BBC be supportive?
“Will the BBC be supportive?”…
Rachel Dolezal?
cis gender – now there’s a word. First used as a joke by a female to male trans man he had said that based on the 7 hills of Rome trans Alpine & cis Alpine then if he was trans everyone not trans must be cis gendered.
It doesn’t actually work grammatically, and as it was a joke he was rightly horrified when the Fascist left adopted it as a new bully word, yet another meaningless one !
Openness about transgender rights? Pray tell which rights exactly are you being open about seeing as you & your Fascist mates opposed every single one of them before they were granted !
Can you explain why it is that Tony Bliars Fascists brought in the provision of goods & services act it was only supposed to apply to Muslims being refused service in shops and hotels? Why is it that Gays were only included after the Fascists were forced to kicking and screaming? They are the only ones who have ever been able to make use of it, in targeted attacks on Christian B&B owners. Why is it exactly if someone trans is refused service there’s nothing they can do about it?
Are you being open about their rights?
No of course your not because you’re all puff & blow, happy to attack anyone who opposes you but still hate filled for the people you use as tools to effect your hatred.
A Pseudoscience can be identified by the fact that such conditions did not exist in the past. In the case of left-wing progressive ideology, pseudoscientific conditions such as dyslexia come along as an excuse to blame the victim rather than the left-wing progressive ideology, for failure in education.
This current fasionable progressive trend in sexual deviancies also comes with brand new pseudoscientific conditions for victims, and again as with those with partial illiteracy, the victims of left-wing progressive pseudoscientific ideas about sexual perversion are put on a pedestal. These victims of left-wing morons like Jerrod, are being used as a battering ram against civilised society, and probably Jerrod’s parents, who are probably not proud of him. But unlike Paul O’Grady and Sandi Toksvig, Jerrod is not a hypocrite.
Also this would fit in with the BBC mindset on local news, which seems to be obsessed with minorities, with the exeption of scientists who do not agree with environmental activists, and political minorities not to the liking of the BBC.
“The first diagnosis of developmental dyslexia mentioned in any publication appeared in The
British Medical Journal, 7 November 1896. “A Case of Congenital Word Blindness” by W.
Pringle Morgan, M.B. Seaford, Sussex.”
That reveals your post to be absolute nonsense doesn’t it?
A condition which was never intended to be applied to what seems like almost every other child in a class these days.
No “Congenital Word Blindness” in the past was common amongst those who started to learn to read in adulthood. Almost all medieval monks would be described as dyslexic.
This was because the part of the brain used to read, evolved for speech. Therefore these conditions arise not just because of progressive education, but also for the late development of literacy.
The same problems that would occur if you started to learn how to speak from your mid teens.
Dyslexia does not exist independently from problems with speech, as I can vouch for this.
I can both write fluently, and also spell words correctly, but I cannot write fluently without making many spelling mistakes. So I write down things as I would speak things, and then correct the spelling. All due to a progressive education at a comprehensive school. Both my grandfathers and my father went to Grammar Schools. For me, overcoming the left-wing English language drag on education is my main achievement in life. Although I am a young widower and pensioner, my elderly mother still insists I have dyslexia.
One of the earliest Transgender people was the Roman Emperor Elagabalus or Heliogabalus [alt]
Cassius Dio reported that Elagabalus would paint his eyes, epilate his hair and wear wigs before prostituting himself in taverns, brothels, and even in the imperial palace.
Herodian commented that Elagabalus enhanced his natural good looks by the regular application of cosmetics. He was described as having been “delighted to be called the mistress, the wife, the queen of Hierocles” and was reported to have offered vast sums of money to any physician who could equip him with female genitalia. Elagabalus has been characterized by some modern writers as transgender, perhaps transsexual.
In the mid-20th century, Karl Popper put forth the criterion of falsifiability to distinguish science from nonscience. Falsifiability means a result can be disproved. For example, a statement such as “God exists” may be true or false, but no tests can be devised that could prove it either way; it simply lies outside the reach of science. Popper used astrology and psychoanalysis as examples of pseudoscience and Einstein’s theory of relativity as an example of science. He subdivided nonscience into philosophical, mathematical, mythological, religious and metaphysical formulations on one hand, and pseudoscientific formulations on the other, though he did not provide clear criteria for the differences.
Another example which shows the distinct need for a claim to be falsifiable was put forth in Carl Sagan’s The Demon-Haunted World when he talks about an invisible dragon that he has in his garage. The point is made that there is no physical test to refute the claim of the presence of this dragon. No matter what test you think you can come up with, there is then a reason why this does not apply to the invisible dragon, so one can never prove that the initial claim is wrong. Sagan concludes; “Now, what’s the difference between an invisible, incorporeal, floating dragon who spits heatless fire and no dragon at all?”. He states that “your inability to invalidate my hypothesis is not at all the same thing as proving it true”, once again explaining that even if such a claim were true, it would lie outside the realm of scientific inquiry.
So by this measure dyslexia is indeed impossible to prove other than by the evidence of the supposed sufferer.
I’ve heard it said that Dyslexia is a middle class excuse for their kids failing to live up to their parents academic expectations !
A lot of it is, clearly – rather like the ‘food colourings’ that are used as an excuse for bad behaviour.
I will leave it to Richard Pinder to make the necessary point about Sagan, beams and motes!
I do wonder how much of that came about following the ‘twinkie defence’ in the USA, that some unusual factor (such as allergies, coffee, nicotine, or sugar) diminished the defendant’s responsibility for the alleged crime.
This was back in 1978 so would tie in with the fashion for blaming foods.
I remember this piece of Logic.
In logic, nothing should exist, therefore everything that exists is God.
Looking for proof of God, you would need to explain not why there is more matter than antimatter. But why mathematics exists to create the possibility of -1+1=Zero
It implies that looking for God is like the inability to find the wood because of the Trees. Also because of peoples biased views of what God is, or looks like due to such publications such as the Bible, etc
WARNING – I am about to post 20 pictures of our Nominees for the end-of-year competition.. This may take some time so please bear with me. Voting starts immediately. Thank you again for your suggestions and indulgence. Please see below for the final shortlist.
BIASED BBC AWARDS OF 2015 – Final Shortlist.
“Most Outrageous BBC Propaganda” –
Jenny Hill (for going Full Merkel in Munich)
Roger Harrabin (for services to cognitive dissonance)
Evan Davis (for being Evan Davis)
Clive Myrie (for dicking about Tyson Fury)
Matthew Price (for services to the Great Migration)
Fergal Keane (for services to the Final Conquest)
BBC News Editorial Team (for its consistency of statist, socialist propaganda)
BBC News America (for its targeted coverage of police homicides)
“Most Bias of 2010 (Retrospective)” –
Rupert Wingfield-Hayes (for services to Israeli/Palestinian Relations)
Jon Donnison (for services to Israeli/Palestinian Relations)
“Virtue Signaler of The Year” –
Benedict Cumberbatch
Emma Thompson
Charlotte Church
“Refugee Bingo Award (Housey! Housey!)” –
Bob Geldoff
Yvette Cooper
Nicola Sturgeon
“Best Humiliation of a Beeboid” –
Jacob Rees-Mogg (for owning Dimbleby)
“Best Box-Ticking Production” –
“Most Incoherent Ramble / Random Gabbler Award” –
Mark Mardell
“Most Ridiculous Political Guest” –
Dianne Abbott (not BBC, but may as well be)
1. Jenny Hill
2. Roger Harrabin
WRT “Swansea Lagoon”.
The waters around Swansea and further up the Bristol Channel contain huge amounts of silt (along with other unmentionables).
I would suggest that said – very expensive – “lagoon” would turn into a salt marsh very quickly.
I have also heard that the Gloucester based project has run into “financial difficulties”.
What a shame!
3. Evan Davis
4. Clive Myrie
If Clive’s suggestion is taken on board as policy then it’s going to rule out a large proportion of premiership footballers from ever winning, it’s also discriminatory towards dickhead’s.
5. Matthew Price
6. Fergal Keane
7. BBC News Editorial Team
8. BBC America
9. Rupert Wingfield-Hayes
10. Jon Donnison
11. Benedict Cumberbatch
12. Emma Thompson
13. Charlotte Church
14. Bob Geldof
15. Yvette Cooper
16. Nicola Sturgeon
17. Jacob Rees-Mogg
18. Cuffs
19. Mark Mardell
20. Diane Abbott
Those are your candidates. Click like to vote. Vote for all of them, or vote for a few. The final count will be taken at midnight New Year’s Eve. Good luck to all the nominees!
“Vote for all of them”.
I wish I could “vote for all of them”, but that would rather defeat the point of your poll. They would all qualify as worthy winners.
So many with a perfect face for radio.
I think there is one important omission from your list which I must point out:
Lana Botney (anag.)
We need to find a new category so as to be able to include him. How about “Lifetime Achievement”?
Or, if you wish to confine yourself to 2015 alone, then there is still so much to admire.
Alan Yentob started out with the BBC in 1968, which makes me wonder why he hasn’t (been) retired already, since he’s in his late 60s. This would save a lot of money because when I last heard, he was getting £330,000 per annum, equivalent to 2268 annual license fees, although he has since retired from one of the two posts (£180k p.a. + £150k p.a.) the director of creativity one. He had by 2009 accumulated a pension pot of £6 million (per Wikipedia, or, if you prefer, 41,237 license fees) which I believe is now up to £6.3 million.
Leaving aside these obscene amounts of money obtained from the general public for a talent that was at best second rate, his performance in front of the House of Commons Select Committee and other comments and actions in relation to the “Kids Company” fiasco are surely worthy of a special award. He seems to have put pressure on at least two BBC programmes to go easy on the absurd Camilla Batmanghelidjh, even loitering with intent in the margins of the “Today” programme on Radio 4 when she was being exposed on it and phoning the makers of another evening transmission. His shameless lack of awareness of the glaring conflict of interest between his BBC role and his Kids Company one, was eclipsed by his astonishing comments when the emergency public funding to Kids Co. was to be stopped. Here was a very senior BBC man appearing to threaten the government with the possibility rioting and violence in south London along the lines of the 2011 lawlessness, unless they continued to keep his rotten charity afloat. In the event, he was proved wrong, but this prediction of his might be taken as incitement to commit crimes. How this appalling man is still in any kind of job with the BBC is beyond my comprehension.
Batman -ghelidjh
Robbin’ the tax payer.
Thoughtful please stop feeding the trolls im getting bored reading his childish hypocritical posts.
‘Silent bomber’ couple found guilty of London terror attack plan
This isn’t particularly a criticism of the BBC although I’m sure that their reporting in future days is bound to end up completely biased and full of lies, as it always is following these events.
Can someone please offer an explanation of how it is that a Muslim couple so completely full of their religion that they are preparing to kill and die for it can fail to carry out the basic religious requirements such as her covering her hair, and him drinking alcohol ?
So far as I’m concerned if you are a woman & a Muslim and you aren’t at least making some effort to cover your hair then you ain’t no Muslim !
You ain’t no muslim sis’
Mishail Hussein does not cover her face and she is a relentless defender of her faith.
It seems to be accepted practice that Muslims who intend to carry out typically Islamic-acts often adopt non-Muslim practices beforehand, presumably to allay suspicion that such dedicated Muslims would undertake acts of violence or terrorism – perish the thought.
Think back to the 9/11 Muslims who largely indulged in alcohol and nightclubs etc, before they performed their acts of devotion to their god.
So a woman without covered hair can certainly be a pure Muslim.
In any case, Islamic texts do not require Muslim women to cover their face or head specifically, only that they should dress modestly.
There is a simple explanation. The Shahid – one who dies for his/her faith, gains a guaranteed place in Paradise. Indiscretions such as drinking alcohol and not covering a woman’s hair hair, which some say isn’t even compulsory, will be excused.
Would someone like to bet how soon this story disappears from BBC homepages? It is not on the World homepage, and the link on the UK homepage is almost at the bottom and in text with no photograph nor brief explanation that the important stories receive.
I doubt if many readers welcome having to plough through Golightly’s recent blog posts/poll. For me they are just an irritation. If he wishes to conduct his own poll, then it should be on his own blog (if there isn’t one, then he should construct one). This blog is for everyone to use with consideration for other users, not for anyone to monopolise. I hope the blog editor will remove all his recent posts forthwith.
I think Mr. Golightly’s post is brilliant . A nice bit of New Years fun. What say everyone else ?
Let the up votes decide!
I am enjoying it.
I voted Emma Thompson. It was her or Church. I can’t wait to see the results.
Deffo Emma Thompson.
She comes into the ‘not a scientist’ category which the BBC uses (often by proxy – George Monbiot is a serial offender) to discredit any sceptical viewpoint on global warming, yet she is allowed to spout embarrassingly primitive, unfounded, unscientific alarmist crap without barely a challenge.
BBC hypocrisy at its very worst.
MartinW, I disagree but I understand your view. I think Golightly did ask about a new thread being started for this. I think that would have been ideal. The problem with creating another blog is tracking votes against users on this site, and not forcing people here to register a new identity.
MartinW and Flexdream, I was aware that I may have breached blog-etiquette, and I apologise to any contributor who feels this. I had much encouragement from others, who put forward most of the names and categories, I also tried to contact David and Alan with regard to opening a separate thread for this, a suggestion made by several contributors on this blog. I hope this “unofficial” end-of-year poll can be a light-hearted retrospective as we head into 2016 and who knows what.
It’s a bit of fun – and for those not interested takes no time to scroll past.
Mr G,
Chwarae Teg. Thanks for all the time you have put in.
Cytuno’n llwyr Rhif Saith, da iawn iddo fe am ei ymdrechion.
My apologies to you, too. My flash of annoyance was actually uncharacteristic of me, since I always try to comment briefly, and after due consideration. I guess it was the need to scroll through many ‘full-screen’ photos of Abbott and her ilk that sparked it. Anyway, in fairness, I will go back and examine your contribution in a better frame of mind – and will quite probably agree with your selections!
Spot the missing word:
Methodist, obviously.
What intrigues me is how we can have two lone wolves together…..how does that work? You’d almost have to conclude they were being indoctrinated by something.
Can’t you have a pack of lone wolves?
I’m sure the BBC will assure us that just such a thing exists. Like Global Warming, or Tory Cuts, or Islamophobia.
A caliphate of lone wolves?
The ‘M’ is silent.
Now this is a tricky one for the so-called BBC’s agenda setters…
‘Turkish Football Federation fined for sacking gay referee’
And it seems the BBC’s may have shot themselves in the (left) foot.
Possible Beeboid thought process pre-publication: Turkey – hot topic: refugees (yay!), IS (er…), demanding to be in the EU (EU – yay!), gay man sacked (boo, hiss, sneer). Conclusion: RUN STORY.
However, here’s the rub, in these quotes from the piece:
‘Mr Dincdag was released from the army in 2009 because of his homosexuality. Military service is mandatory for all men over the age of 20 in Turkey – only ill, disabled or homosexual men are exempt. Referees must complete their military training to work.’
So, the guy knew he couldn’t be a referee, but now he’s moaning and demanding cash and as usual the so-called BBC is backing him all the way. And yet the so-called BBC doesn’t seem to realise that in doing so it’s once again exposed an Islamic country (Turkey) as being intolerant, homophobic and living about 200 years in the past.
But then, who’s gonna bet against me that when it comes to considering Turkey’s membership of the EU the Beeboids will be shouting for it louder than a full house at Galatasary..?
The BBC – fighting for gay rights and Muslims – who hate gay rights.
Quite right, SOS.
Plus, when Islam and gay rights come into conflict, the BBC game of top trumps will side with the RoP and throw the gay under the bus – which is what literally happens in Mohammed heaven.
I heard that he won his claim and was awarded £5K which might (or might not) be a lot of money in Turkey !
Those who support Gays and Muslims do so by trying to unite them against the far right. It won’t work Peter Tatchell, you will learn to fly in a Muslim culture, and the Beeb won’t be there to catch you.
This Peter Tatchell ?
Or maybe this one?

Or maybe this?
Peter Tatchell the anti Muslim campaigner has been up to his old tricks again.
This week he attended a Pro Palestinian rally in central London and managed to disrupt it again and divert attention from the message.
However Tatchell wrote in his website http://www.petertatchell.net
The call for a boycott of World Pride in Jerusalem may seem an appropriate response to Israel ‘s illegal occupation of Palestinian land in defiance of successive UN resolutions calling for withdrawal. http://www.boycottworldpride.org/index.html
On careful reflection OutRage! believes a boycott would be a big mistake. While supporting justice for the Palestinian people, we oppose calls for a boycott of World Pride, which is being held in Jerusalem from 6-12 August 2006.
Read what Ken Livingstone has to say about Tatchell:
“Clearly, Tatchell, whom I strongly defended against homophobia when he was selected as the Labour candidate in Bermondsey, has lost his political bearings and constructed a fantasy world in which the main threat we face, worse than the far right, is Islamic fundamentalist hordes.
Seems to me that Tatchell is just another left wing media hopper, on any bandwagon which appears fashionable. He championed the Iraq war before the invasion, then opposed it immediately after it all went wrong. He just cannot be taken seriously, and yet this is the man the Green party have appointed as their spokes thing on ‘Uman rights although it is difficult to tell if he still holds the position.
The last time I encountered Tatchell through my work, I made sure I did not want to have to converse with that man again. I asked him “What was it like when the police pulled you down from the Archbishop of Canterbury’s pulpit when you tried to hijack his sermon several years ago ?. His reply “Why do ask That ?”. I replied that “It was the funniest thing I have seen on television for years”, and duly burst out laughing. It worked he avoided me from then on.
Good points as usual Thoughtful, but I must confess that I too believed that we should have gone to war with Iraq, (believing, naively as it turned out) that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction which could be directed at ourselves.
I am still struggling to come to terms with the fact that I believed what a Labour leader (Bliar) told me was true!! I was so stupid. How could I have been so gullible. A moment of madness I guess! Anyway I’m off the tablets now!
One of the great dynamics of this website is it attracts mostly free thinkers – those capable of thinking outside the box and forming opinions based on a deeper and more complex realities. For that reason most here see the BBC as the most powerful and insidious force operating inside our own society and aptly seek to neutralize it.
For each of us here there was a ‘tipping point’ which enabled us to first be conscious of and then recognize the corrupt self serving agenda of the BBC, at the cost of our society. THE WAKE-UP CALL.
I know for me this ‘tipping point’ was back in 2000 and seeing the anti-Israel bias of the BBC following the Palestinian intifada. This broadened following 9/11 when it was clear that the BBC was very much on the side of Islamists no matter who their target was. I think the latter event, then 7/7 was the wake-up call for many others to then seek out and arrive at this site.
I say this because I have noted quite often where undoubtedly free thinkers here are still thinking of the Iraq war as something reprehensible and something we should not have been involved in, usually citing (lack of) WMD as the reason.
So I will ask you to think outside the box and suspend judgements you might have made that were amply fed by the media and politicians at the time, and look again at what happened.
Following 9/11, and then 7/7, was there any doubt that Islamists were attacking the West, and meant to continue their jihadist agenda?
If any of you reading this had been the leaders of a Western democracy at the time, what would you have thought the best defence against this menace would have been?
While today we are much more aware of the goings on inside the Islamic world, thanks to websites like Breitbart, Jihad Watch, Raymond Ibrahim, ReligionofPeace, etc., for that period over 15 years ago we must rely on those experts who were following events, and one I would recommend, who actually predicted 9/11, Yossef Bodansky who wrote The High Cost of Peace’, and was an advisor to the White House at the time.
In it we can see that there were many ‘players’ vying to lead the Islamic world to oppose and overtake the West. Saddam was only one of them.
Clinton was made aware of what was going on, but chose to ignore it, preferring to finish his tenure ‘in peace’ (the high cost). Bush had no choice.
I’ve little doubt Bush didn’t have a clue what was going on in most of the outside world, let alone Islamic, when he took office. But his advisers did. They decided they clearly needed to send a message to the Islamic world that any further terrorist attacks were going to bring disaster their way.
Sounds good to me!
But for the ‘message’ not to create a loss of face to the many others, so as to minimise the force necessary to quell this uprising, an excuse needed to be found so it could be whispered instead of shouted.
Even better!
So Bush had to pick one of those prospective Islamic leaders that could provide the excuse, and who better than Saddam?
Any wonder Gaddafi became a ‘good boy’, as just one example, following Saddam’s demise?
Most will remember Bush called it The War on Terror’, and this is truly the real purpose of that military exercise.
If anybody goes back to media reports around that time one will see that Blair, along with the rest of Europe and the UN, opposed any military action in Iraq. He was then invited to Camp David for a weekend by Bush and when he returned he was a convert. Somebody must have explained the facts of life to him.
Interesting that the thing that demonised Blair was one of the very few things that really had true intelligence to preserve our society behind it. But for the left wing media, led by the BBC, who were so far up Saddam’s behind, the war on terror would have continued, and we wouldn’t be faced with the idiocy we see today.
The dim and dhimmi media made Bush desist and back down, and we see just how clueless and stupid are the forces employed to protect and uphold our society now.
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY – I’m glad to know you guys are out there.
That was a very interesting argument, Teddy Bear.
My own final break with the BBC came when on its discussion forums the moderators were clearly championing comments made by members of the Stop The War Coalition (who are, of course, still sadly with us today). At that point my growing realisation that the BBC was a force for Western self-destruction became a real conviction.
Like you, I am far from sure the invasion of Iraq was a Bad Thing ( pace Sellar & Yeatman). I realise it is a uniting conviction on both Left and Right, but there you are. And as for WMD – Saddam had them, that much we do know as he’d used them in the past.
My bone of contention over that war wasn’t the deed but the blatant lies and cover-ups of Blair and his vile henchmen. He needs to serve time for that – not for the war but for his acts of treachery against his own countrymen and women.
Thanks GC 🙂
Regarding WMD there’s also a few more interesting elements surrounding it.
Even according to Hans Blix in December 2002 there was still a matter of 10,000 litres of chemical/bio nasties that were unaccounted for.
Then there’s the matter of the choice of using Hans Blix himself.
Given that this was the man who oversaw inspections of Iraq’s nuclear programme from 1981 until 1997 as head of the International Atomic Energy Agency. During that time the Iraqis managed to hide an advanced nuclear weapons development that was only discovered in the Gulf War of 1991.
Wouldn’t be my first choice to now head finding Saddam’s WMD yet the UN see no problem with it.
One might have expected our free media 🙄 to have made more of this than just ignore it as it reveals much of the politics going on behind events at this time.
I can understand that the real reasons for the war might be covered up to allow the various Islamic dictators to save face and back down, thus saving further escalation. For its part, I find the BBC far more treacherous and treasonous, as I sense you do too.
You are absolutely right. I see the BBC as the engine used by cultural Marxists to help bring about the destruction of traditional society, so that they can replace it with the insanity they think will be an improvement.
As a Tory , ( howls of derision from some here , but I don`t care) , I never trusted or liked the Evil Blair , although some considered him to be a Labour lite , neo Tory . I could see the emperor , had no clothes , & I was proved right .
Pretty sure the Tatchell/PIE pic is a fake. Whilst his curious support for a murderous, homophobic 7th century fascist ideology is indeed totally baffling, I’m pretty sure he has never campaigned for legalising sex with minors.
Although he claims he clarifies his position it is very late in the day, and he does not claim the photo is a fake, nor that he made those claims. Why would anyone need to issue a ‘clarification’ over something which was falsified?
However the proof that Tatchell did indeed campaign for and was associated with the vile PIE is available here:
That same year, shortly after Tony Blair’s victory, Tatchell wrote a letter to the Guardian saying that was aware of several instances of paedophile sex with children of both sexes as young as 9 and claimed it brought the children ‘great joy’. He states,
“[…] Several of my friends gay and straight, male and female had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. All say it was their conscious choice and gave them great joy […]”
As we know from the likes of Jowell, Harman et al support for PIE was widespread in the upper echelons of the Labour Party, so we shouldn’t be surprised.
At the risk of becoming a bore on the subject, this isn’t to be wondered at. Anyone who investigates the history of the far Left will soon come across the Frankfurt School. This group of ultra-Left academics, expelled from Germany by the Nazis, seeded key US universities and began the rot which has led to the wave of manic ‘liberalism’ (in the US sense) which owns US academia and, increasingly, our own.
One of the Frankfurt School’s schemes to bring about the collapse of ‘bourgeois’ western society was by normalising what had once been regarded as behaviour antithetical to traditional standards. Anything could be grist to the socialist mill, so long as it hastened the collapse of what Marxist theoreticians term the ‘false consciousness’ which allows the capitalist system to survive.
It is possible that elite Labourites knew this and so acted consciously to support any and every attempt on society. More likely though is that it simply became a bandwagon for socialists to clamber on as they rose through the ranks. It was simply ‘trendy’ and ‘cool’ to support any and every leftist fad – even when they were inherently self-contradictory such as simultaneous support for Islam and homosexual rights.
In short – most Left wingers are too ill-eduated to understand why they do what they are doing. That is why the term ‘useful idiots’ (even if Lenin didn’t actually say it) suits them so well.
One of the Frankfurt School’s schemes to bring about the collapse of ‘bourgeois’ western society was by normalising what had once been regarded as behaviour antithetical to traditional standards. Anything could be grist to the socialist mill, so long as it hastened the collapse of what Marxist theoreticians term the ‘false consciousness’ which allows the capitalist system to survive.
Also see ‘Jerrod’.
It’s when you realise that it’s not just an abstract fantasy that fits the facts – it’s when you realise that either it’s really happening (and has been for many years), or you’re experiencing the symptoms of paranoia. That’s when it all gets a bit frightening, and you start facing the dilemma of what, if anything, to do about it.
In a digital age we are all accustomed to acting ‘as if’ various things were real, when they are a kind of fiction, but a fiction that fits, and has weight. When it comes to stepping outside our doors and feeling the cold wind around our necks, that is a step we all have to take initially alone, and devoid of all this social media company. It is very difficult not to simply go back to the desk, the comfy chair, and the virtual world.
I suspect that crossing that boundary and acting out in the real world what these words are constructing, is the crucial step of what is called radicalisation. It is something more easily put into practice by the left, and by the religious extremes, all of which are based on real-life social organisations. For the others, the threshold has generally not been reached yet. When it is, I wonder if our government will retain its current attitude and methodology towards radicalisation? For a radicalised majority, the word ‘backlash’ conjures misleading images of a reflex action, devoid of thoughfulness or morality. If it ever does materialise, it will be far from easy to reverse, and it will have immense consequences for this nation’s view of itself.
Ugh! Has anyone had the misfortune to hear ‘Incredible Women’, a fifteen minute drama on Radio 4. I heard it a year ago & to my dismay it is back now. It is the tired old BBC right-bashing with grotesque charicatures of people the Beeb think reflects those on the right. Today’s about the government’s schools advisor is typical.
Here are three of the questions to the ex-athelete (sprinter)in ‘Celebrity Mastermind’ on Tuesday night:
Q. What animal has two legs and moves by hopping. It lives in Australia?
Q. The title of a children’s novel, “The Railway _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
Q. What is the maximum legal speed limit in the UK?
The rest of the questions he had in the general knowledge section were in a similar vein. What possible reason was there for him to get such easy questions?
I read somewhere that beside the infant school level questions the “celebrities” are also given a crib sheet for the specialist question section.
I actually think he said ‘The Railway chiiiiiii …. ‘ and still the bloke had to think about it
Going through our new freesat box (still haven’t been on the roof) on the internet. Christmas science lecture oh that might be entertaining. Surviving in space ok. No it’s Tim hasn’t written the number on the back of his hand Peake. The continually baffling song and dance over the 7th Briton in space continues.
Thanks to Mr Golightly for devotion to the cause. As this site is about BBC bias, I was rather hoping that nominations would include members of the vile body of the octopus and not just a few of its slimy suckers. My personal choices are those who took the decision to make Helen Boaden director of radio after she was asked to ‘temporarily’ step down from her position of director of BBC news in Dec 2012 when she, and other BBC execs, were criticised in the Pollard report for casually carrying on with plans to celebrate Jimmy Savile’s life, despite having apparently received advance info that the corporation’s weird creation was being investigated for multiple cases of sexual abuse. A few short months later Boaden was given the job of director of radio. Of course she was. She had demonstrated her willingness to be a fluffy tail wagger on the bum of the beast. As an appendage, she is duty bound to trot down the beast’s chosen alleyways. And why wouldn’t she? She wants to make money and a name for herself. That seems to be the way things work in the BBC, British political life, large corporations etc. That seems to be the way things have always worked in every place, at all times, everywhere. Demonstrating a willingness towards degrees of immorality guarantees a leg up from the controlling members of the establishment who went the same way. A visit to the palace for an MBE will, most surely, be Boaden’s reward for duty.
Excellent Pillar. No casual sexism or insults to posters. Have a ‘Like’. Mr Golightly did offer the BBC News 24 Editorial Team. I suggested both David Cameron and Peter Whittingdale who are ‘higher up the chain’ so to speak, but they didn’t make Mr Golightly’s list either.
Excellent Angrymanupnorth. No casual sexism or insults from you either, unlike some of the others who frequent the site. Thanks for the ‘like’ but totting up votes of approval from strangers is rather meaningless.
Lizo Mzimba, , reports on the death of Lemmy and Motorhead showing the lack of knowledge you would expect from the BBc entertainment correspondent. “after a faltering start” I assume he is talking about Motorhead released on Chiswick in 1977, Overkill which peaked at #24 on the UK charts in 1979 & Bomber #12 in the charts also in 1979. Personally I’ve always preferred Bomber To Ace of spades (number 4 in 1980). So how is that a faltering start. Studio droid tells us see saw them at Glastonbury and they were loud.Whop whoop. She also informs us Lemmy had an addiction to alcohol and drink. Now I am fortunate enough to have seen Motorhead in it’s classic line up around the time of their 1981 number 1 live album No sleep ’til Hammersmith. subsequently I saw the band twice more over the years, It’s difficult to put the bands impact into context as it continued on for so long. The crowning achievement would be that the song Ace of spades stepped out of it’s musical genre which the BBc of course hates, the last bastion of the white male heterosexual still rings true in the world of metal, into mainstream culture and still endures after all this time.
I would doubt that despite being born in the UK in 1968 Mzimba was exposed to any British culture as early as 1980, an excellent qualification to be the BBC’s entertainment correspondent….
Personally I preferred the Motorhead/Girlschool collaboration (was it Headgirl?) St. Valentine’s Day Massacre EP in 1981
“Motorhead/Girlschool collaboration (was it Headgirl?)”
It was. I have it on 10″ vinyl.
They went through a bit of an ‘indifferent’ patch, as most bands do, but the recent output still shows the youngsters how it really ought to be done.
Yes it was indeed Headgirl, although the single release was branded as Motörhead / Girlschool. Girlschool continue on I bought their frankly not brilliant new LP this year and it’s some years since I last saw them. The what I assume last Motörhead LP hasn’t made it’s way to my collection although I did buy the 2013 release.
I’ve seen Girlschool a few times recently. Good fun and a good laugh. You know exactly what you’re going to get (greatest hits from the first two albums and a couple of newbies). But beer goggles are definitely in order — it’s only a matter of time before they’ll have to change their name to Geriatric Ward.
Lisa , would know fuck all about English Rock Music ,he would only “luv” Michael Jackson , Beyonce , & various rap artists , with a good sprinkle of Lionel Richie . Total PC idiot , non entertainment reporter .
Do you think he’s ever heard of Frank Sinatra ??? as very few of his age group and below seem to !
Some people buy houses as an investment and an investment alone but realise that prices can go down as well as up. Some people buy share portfolios, as an investment, and realise that values can go up as well as down. Some people invest in solar panels expecting only to see a return on their investment. Oh dear, sometimes the gravy train comes off the track. Mr Harrabin will not be pleased as more gravy trains will, undoubtedly, come off their tracks:
Bach, Mozart, Schubert and Tchaikovsky were also white, male and heterosexual. They produced music that stimulates human brains, evokes the sublime, and still has the power to affect men and women living centuries after the music was written. Heavy metal and rap music might provide an aural reflection of how men were in the late 20th/ early 21st century world, but those living far down the line will probably be interested in the reasons underlying the music’s aggression, discordance and ugliness.
Tchaikovsky was heterosexual? I did not know this.
Mea culpa, Tchaikovsky was homosexual. What clever boys you are.
Dangerous things, assumptions.
I knew that Tchaikovsky was a homosexual because he would not have it off with Glenda Jackson in the film by Kenneth Russell.
He probably turned homosexual after seeing the ugly cow in the nude.
You don’t have to be homosexual to not want sex with Glenda Jackson.
Lemmy was a top entertainer.
As for the ‘aggression, discordance and ugliness’ that you perceive:
….that’s the way I like it Baby, I don’t want to live forever….
I quite like Bach, Schubert, Mozart and Tchaikovsky too.
Well, yes – and as for ‘aggression, discordance and ugliness’ (I presume she meant dissonance?) where does that leave Stravinsky?
It leaves Stravinsky, and the music he produced, as products of their time. A Russian/Polish man living in the era of the Russian revolution and WWII. One can hear the epoch in his music, just as we can hear the late 20th century in the types of music produced and the ugliness of our now in rap and electronic music. I wonder what comes next.
Precisely. So how does that differ from your analysis of Motorhead?
I hate to sound relatavistic but you can analyse any piece of music in cultural terms alone if you choose to. It won’t tell you much about the music, of course, but it will amuse some.
Stravinsky was about as ugly as you could have imagined when the Rite of Spring was first performed, which is why the audience rioted. Perhaps Motorhead strikes you the same way.
But, beside the self-evident fact that music tends to be of its time, I’m really not sure what point you are trying to make.
I wasn’t commenting on his abilities as an entertainer or those who found him entertaining. This isn’t just about you, or me and now. It’s about where we find ourselves in our now, those who are creating it and the driving forces behind them.
In the case of Simon Cowell I’d say the driving force is to make as much money as possible from gullible, spoilt, self-obsessed young people for whom bland, formulaic music is the quickest route possible to the fame and celebrity their unappreciated talents so richly deserve.
BBC Pop Up (me neither) on FaceBook:
“US news outlets are also experimenting with the gap between what stories journalists want to cover and those their audiences think they should cover. (See right side of image.)”
Probably wise if certain UK news outlets do not go near such a thing, and stay with the ‘unique’, ‘vital’ methods that work so well here still.
The BBC Today Programme this breezy morn on FaceBook:
“Lawyer Miriam Gonzales Durantez is today’s guest editor.
She speaks to Home Secretary Theresa May, Sir Richard Branson, Jamie Oliver and Nadiya Hussain and we talk to Manchester City footballer Vincent Kompany.”
Surprised she didn’t wheel on Mrs. George Clooney for a bit of girl on girl ‘legal’ action.
All with the editorial integrity to be expected of the BBC in what needs to be mentioned and what not ((c) A. Newsnight Tea-lady) of course.
Enough of these jolly japes. Got to get up early to listen to my daily dose of Radio 4’s moral diktats provided by humans who appear to be suffering from delusions of morally superiority.
Tomorrow’s dose comes from a London dwelling Spanish born woman married to a failed politician. She is going to put us stupid English plebs to right (sorry, left) with the help of a muslim woman who bakes cakes and a Belgian man who kicks balls for a living.
Is it about Nick Clegg?
Why put yourself through it?
Dickhead Myrie , having a wankfest, with his paper reviewers, on some mild comment made by Oliver Letwin ,30 years ago . Then , as the blessed Maggie was PM , we must totally blame her for everything . Evil Bastards.
Ah, 30 years ago when Britain was still Britain, its people still culturally British, the BBC had stuff worth watching over Christmas and the Conservative Party were still Tories….
You’re so right. I’ll revert to relying on a wake up call from the cat.
Always wise.
Now had that been a Belgian man who bakes cakes for a living and a Muslim woman who kicks balls the BBC could have nailed it.
Or perhaps that will follow on ‘Woman’s Hour’….
Hi Jerrod,
Simple question, do you think that the BBC is biased ?
He/she doesn’t really care, he’s far happier attacking us Neanderthal ‘inadequates’ than worrying about the biggest threat to his ilk. As long as he avoids tall buildings he should be OK (for now…. )
I’ve started, so I’ll finish. Voting Update. Midnight Tuesday 29th Dec. Diane Abbott (21) storms ahead, with Rees-Mogg, Cumberbatch and Thompson (16) in tied second place. Cooper 14 votes, Jenny Hill and Evan Davis next with 13 votes.
Diane Abbot has now become so ridiculous in my head that I simply can’t read (or indeed write) her name without a kind of inane, idiotic grin on my face. Surely this is not the effect she wants to have? The fact that, by some quite incredible turn of events, this really quite ridiculous woman now finds herself in the shadow cabinet is a damning indictment of the state of play in British politics, shaped, influenced, aided and abetted, as always, by the so-called BBC…
(I’m still grinning – someone please help!)
I know exactly what you mean! Nothing that comes out of her mouth would surprise me anymore , not even if she announced she was to become Britain’s first transgender MP ……Derek Abbot?! I’m off to the bookies!
A delight to see Darcus Howe namechecked above.
Got me thinking of my top twelve professional black people who might merit a Lifetime Achievemnt Award for public-sector funded race hustling over our lifetimes.
1 Darcus Howe
2. Linda Bellos
3. Lee Jasper
4.Lenworth Henry(Sir Dudley)
5. Paul Boateng(Lord)
6. Valerie Amos(Baroness)
7. Linda Scotland(Lady, might not be Linda-who cares?)
8. Bernie Grant(RIP)
9. Stephen K Amos
10. Benjamin Zephaniah
11. Linton Kwesi Johnson
12. Eckow Eshun
(Hardeep Singh Kohli the token Asian on standby)
Lifetime Parasitic Transatlantic Award?…who else but (yet again) Bonnie Greer…how come the USA don`t send us Codoleeza Rice instead-now THERE is black brains and female empowerment!)
I assume that you are aware of OBV (Operation Black Vote)? It has an interesting website.
This one?
‘Interesting’ in the Chinese threat sense, yes.
I wonder if there is a ‘home of the white vote’ too. At least one which would last about a day before the lads and lasses from BBC World Service and obscure radio stations the length of the land staged mass ‘not helpful’ hit pieces to get the organisers ‘seen to’.
Still you have been warned:
‘London will burn, if it fails to learn’
Which is not nice.
So the drummer from one of Al Beeb’s pet lefty bands, The Specials, has died, and they feel it necessary to mention in passing that they had a top 10 hit with “Free Nelson Mandela”. That’s an interesting choice of song, especially given that it only reached number 9, whereas six of their other songs charted higher, including “Too much too young” which reached number 1. No agenda there then…
Shame they didn’t append the immortal ‘..with every two gallons’ that was widely sung at the time!
Hint: Joke for people old enough to remember petrol promotional schemes.
And neither was the line up that had the 1984 Nelson Mandela hit the full group, three of the mainstay of the band left post 1981 and became the Fun Boy Three.
The Specials actually had two number ones including Ghost Town, surprised that wasn’t mentioned as it was about ‘Fatchers Britain…
Just read Michel Houellebecqs “Submission”.
Don`t think there`s anyone in Britain who could even begin to write a book as to how Islam will be taking over France in seven years time.
Quite brilliant-for “bored academic who sees Islam as a good career move”, read “BBC reporter who seeks good camera shots”.
His unfolding of how fat finished hollowed-out socialism becomes “moderate islam that only run the education system”…with lots of nubile female students as the prize, as well as Saudi money…well, I can see why the liberal left (the likes of Liz Forgan and Francois Hollande) hated and feared it.
It WON`T Be “Book Of The Week” in my lifetime-but, boy it`s important.
This has been the year of France…once Islam has dealt with THAT cultural heart of the West, the rest of the continent will be easy…and Houellebecq maps it out.
The BBC DID review it earlier in the year, but you get the idea they think the Charlie Hebdo/Jewish deli murders might have been publicity stunts for the release of “Soumission”…but Tom Sutcliffe and Samira Ahmed were fair with it-as opposed to the assembled multiculti luvvies who made up their panellists.
As I say-if there is ANYONE in Britain who could write this, and sell it…let me know…might yet have to be one of us eh?
After years of worrying and crying myself to sleep over the the Maldives sinking below the waves due to Global warming aka climate change. I am shocked to find out that the threat is much closer to home. We have been looking in the wrong place , England is the epicentre for climate change and sinking fast. So shouldn’t the BBC and Harrabin be asking where is all the Global help ? Makes no sense us sending billions abroad, to help the Maldives build another airport, if we are the Country where climate change is happening before our very own eyes does it Roger ? The World must sit up and take notice England is disappearing beneath the waves I can see it on the BBC and they are telling me it is due to climate change (Dave Cameron has realised the threat and postponed any decision on a third runway. He thinks it is far more sensible to have four stacks of aircraft circling London rather than make any attempts to land them. Him and Zach are smart guys)
P.S. Dame Slingbacks – Met Office Guru- please name the ‘M’ Storm Mohammed it is the most popular boys name in the country I would be interested to hear why you would not choose this name
Like it Lock :- Mohammed is sweeping across the country causing widespread devastation, destroying communities and decimating life as we know it in Britain.
I think you misunderstand.
Storm Mohammed would be a ‘storm of peace’ bringing flowers raining down from the sky and landing on cuddly babies as it moved across the country. Teddy bears all over would jump up and cuddle their owners (except for ones named Mohammed, who would behead their owners, but that’s just the fault of the parents for not adapting to the cultural issues fast enough, clearly closet Islamaphobes).
The ‘M’ storm will be female so Mohammed is not a potential name….unless the prophet PBUH was transgender, eh BBC?
I just don’t recommend you suggest that to our Islamic populace.
Closely followed by Asif the worst deluge created by climate change
Hahaha brilliant
Be apt if such a storm rose to fury elsewhere but having been named en route West blew itself out having managed only to kill or maim a few from the home team.
Justin Webb (“Today”, R4) interviewing Trevor Phillips about Letwin’s 1985 comments claims that the Daily Mirror is making a big deal of the matter. Non-stop coverage on his own programme is somehow low key?
Letwin was right then and right now.
I can’t believe that I have just heard some sexist bias from Geoffrey Boycott on BBC radio 5 extra, Test match special v S.Africa.
Boycott has categorically stated that women can multi task better than men, and its been scientifically proven!
Well Geoffrey me lad, I have living proof that both you and the scientists are wrong.
Explain to me Geoffrey, why my wife can’t have sex with a headache!
If the boffins could only develop a pill that was a sort of female Viagra crossed with Paracetamol I think we’d all be happy.
Well, fifty percent of us would be…
Jeff, it’s called Rohypnol
Er, why should she want to have sex with a headache when she has mr wronged available?
Tell her from me that she’s settling for second best there and needs a re-think!
Many women I have encountered have to stop what it is that they’re doing, when they talk…
Old Goat, I am visiting my 91-year old mum who is still fit enough to do the ironing. I went into the kitchen to tell her something and she said that she could not concentrate on what i was saying and iron at the same time !
The BBC seem to be treating the conjunction of the floods and “The Secret Bomber” story as a good time to bury bad news. The two charming “people” involved in this potential mayhem intended to murder, maim and mutilate as many of our fellow citizens as possible. Thank God their loathsomeness is only equaled by their utter stupidity. Calling yourself “The Secret Bomber” and then filming your explosive experiments in your mum’s back garden isn’t the brightest thing to do. But then posting the bloody film on Twitter and asking fellow malcontents the best place to cause maximum carnage suggests someone not possessed of a full deck. In old fashioned Cockney, this geezer is as thick as a tree trunk. Thankfully!
This whole sorry tale is like a Monty Python script gone wrong, “My son isn’t a suicide bomber, he’s just a very naughty boy.”
The Beeb had a very sensitive interview with this repulsive imbecile’s mother where she was treated with kid gloves, as though she was the victim.
Because this ended well we could treat it lightly and not acknowledge the real horror these two would be terrorists wanted to inflict upon our people. They intended to cause carnage on an unprecedented level.
They are being sentenced later today.
Let’s hope the sentence reflects their intentions and not their incompetence.
It does rather, especially when someone made a comedy film about some inept ‘jihadist’ youths and must be known about quite widely. Seem to recall it wasn’t that unsuccessful and must have been on TV by now.
Was that “Four Lions”, or something similar?
Rubber Dingy Rapids, bro.
Yes it was. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Lions
Yeh I was welling up watching it . Pathetic television. Get her a plane ticket
It is always a risk to rely on the stupidity of your enemy, and your own intelligence.
Syrian refugees given asylum in Greater Manchester pitch in with Rochdale flood defence efforts
Oh what a heart warming story! Yet as ever there’s another story behind it which isn’t quite as nicey nicey.
Twitter is carrying the story that these ‘refugees’ were paid to carry out the work as a publicity stunt to manipulate the media, and it was of course exactly what they wanted to hear.
Note that they have all been given Hi Vis vests to wear, and the guy in the burgundy sweater appears to be the co-ordinator, he appears darker skinned and older than they are, possibly a Pakistani – highly likely in Rochdale. What it doesn’t say is if their help was only given to fellow Muslims, as is the Fatwa command.
“Yasser al-Jassem, a teacher who came to Britain in the back of a lorry from Calais in May. ” Obviously a bogus asylum seeker, who passed through several safe countries on his way here. I expect the story writer didn’t consider that when writing the article, nor to enquire whether weapons were used to facilitate his illegal entry either.
What’s it got to do with the BBC? Well it’s exactly the sort of ‘staged’ stunt that they love. A ‘victim status’ group they can use to portray a false picture with, but which still carries ‘plausible deniability’ if they get found out.
I expect that we will be hearing this soon.
Shall I point out the outstandingly obvious comment to make on the Syrian “refugees”. How come they couldn’t fill up sandbags to defend their country.
Why the hell is Oliver Letwin saying sorry for some phrasings from thirty years ago?
Factually, is there any proof that he was wrong to say that the black entrepreneurs of Heseltines musings would become “disco and drugs” excuses-these days he`d surely be saying “community leaders or charity advocates”.
As for his point that equally poor whites had not rioted-and we`d be rewarding the black race hustlers like Bernie Grant,Lee Jasper or Ken Livingston if we sucked up too close to Scarman(I paraphrase!)…any chance of “More Or Less” giving us the facts?
For Letwin was right…yet he`s apologising for it on the 10am news on Radio 4.
And this after 30 years?
Whereas House of Fairy Tales sent a Dutch bloke and English woman to Fi Glovers Listening Project…it`s just been on!
The woman slurs all British blokes as being brutalist thugs, no charm or manners-so unlike her Dutch bloke.
And is allowed to repeat this crap over her cocktails in a funky East London club she owns.
Replace “Muslim blokes” or Black Women” for “British blokes”-and you see my point?
In fact, either of these two groups far better suit the stereotypes than do “British blokes”…but the BBC won`t be apologising for this racist, insulting caricature c/o Fi Glover.
Only wish that all British blokes would boycott her club, shout, scream and cry all over Twitter…and get HER, Fi and the BBC to “apologise unreservedly” for insulting millions of blokes who don`t deserve this licensed abuse from those they pay.
Letwins a sap-and at 11am m the news tells me that “some Labour MPs” want him to resign now…THAT`S what follows when you feed the trolls with fishtails and offal.
Our teenage white lads need us to learn some nastiness back so Fi etc…and the House of Fairy Tales…learn that white blokes can learn from Caitlyn, Rachel etc…