Flooding! Cameron links it to Climate Change without any evidence to back up such an ill advised assertion, so the BBC hammer him for it…. Oh, hang on, no they don’t.
Whilst the BBC continues to ‘educate’ the public about the reasons for the floods, it offers the usual statist solutions – more Government. Flooding caused by, err, heavy rain over an extended period, is inevitable. What is at issue is man’s inginuity, knowledge base and pragmatism to protect life and property when such heavy rainfall events occur. The state, government, authority – whatever name you wish to apply to those people afforded title and remuneration at the expense of the taxpayer – has succeeded in the removal of wealth from the people for the purposes of providing such protection (the state is good at this). It has succeeded in magnifying the problem through inappropriate allocation of resources and capital (the state is also good at this). It has magnified the problems through incompetence in planning decisions. It has succeeded in promoting the destruction of property through a chaotic ‘management’ system and ignoring the professionals, local knowledge and experts (especially those who don’t receive a salary at a cost to the taxpayer). It has succeeded in preventing simple solutions to the problems through implementation of EU CAP policies and the Water Framework Directive using its bureaucrat and random wastrells department (also known as the Environment Agency). In short, the productive portion of our economy has been bled and ignored by the state so as to cause impoverishment through vulnerability to flooding.
As ever, the BBC responds to an event which is made worse by the over-involvement of the state, by calling for even more state involvement (but the right kind of ‘leftist’ compassionate state of course – not nasty Tories!).
No doubt the BBC will get Owen Jones on to tell us how it will work! After all, the Guardian did:
I didn’t see Owen in the lecture hall when the Fluid Mechanics or Hydrography, Geology or Urban drainage
Modules were being presented. Didn’t see him receive his civil engineering degree. Haven’t seen his certificate indicating his qualifications as a Chartered Engineer. Whilst some of us are qualified to explain why England is suffering unecessarily from high intensity rain fall events, Jones isn’t, and the BBC and government don’t even appear to understand who is qualified to comment rationally on such matters.
Carswell nails the problems we face. As he often does.
But he sticks to what he knows – why government isn’t working.
If you want to know why flooding is and will be more damaging to property (and possibly life) then ask a qualified engineer who has appropriately researched matters and followed the political decision making and its consequences over the past decades. The BBC and MSM won’t do this. We have George Monbiot, Natalie Bennet, and other ecoloons instead to provide the complete answers. (Credit to Monbiot – he at least tries to understand some real world basics).
Nail, head, hit! Sadly, as with absolutely everything nowadays, flooding is a political football, which means that as usual what should be happening, who should be listened to and what really needs to be done is all totally ignored in favour of political point scoring, PR and spin. This one single problem is ruining pretty much everything in the UK – police, NHS, environment, utilities etc etc. It is no longer a case of those with the cleverest brain setting the agenda but those with the biggest mouth. And he who shouts loudest usually has the least to say…
GC, Dilley on holiday in Barbados for 2 weeks and the Environment Agency lied saying he was at home in UK. We need more than a purge, a large number should be shot, starting with the politicians, and I am not entirely joking. My late father, who fought in WW2, would turn in his grave if he could see what was happening in this once great country. Except he does not have a grave as he gave his body to medical science.
It seems the Beeb are massively trumpeting Oliver Letwin’s “outrageous” comments made 30!!! years ago.
I understand that in these pc times we’re not expected to say what we think, we’re supposed to say what our masters want us to think; what is now acceptable. In my opinion he shouldn’t have apologized. This was his opinion at the time and in many cases he’s been proven completely correct.
However, our two incompetent wannabe mass murdering jihadists, are hardly being mentioned at all.
I can’t think why…
There’s clearly some plonker devouring every non-pc word documented from 30 years ago just to make capital out of it . If Letwin had any balls he’d say sod off and move on, that was 30 years ago but it still makes sense today !
The BBC website tells me that UNICEF think Sonny Bill Williams “disrespectful” for taking pictures of dead kids in Syria , and then putting them out there online.
I`m imagining “disrespectful” to the BBC, UN and all the other quangos and mediators who seem to think that dead kids photos are THEIR domain-timings, cut and paste,photoshop, sneak previews before Cameron gets to the Commons, or maybe when a Muslim abuse trial might inflame the chavs nearby.
How come a people smuggler taking photos of his dead kid, and then his sister using the Canadian media to show them worldwide is ” picture of the year, asylum seekers welcome here territory?”…but a UN “Ambassador for Sport”(how many of these grief leeches are infesting the camps and Jungles then?) taking snaps without the permission of MSF/UNCHR/BBC is going rogue and disrespectful to the News Cycle protocols?
That`s the liberal media for you-only THEY decide who, how,when you see dead kids…and it must bring garlands to themselves a la Dowler.
And all in the best PASSABLE taste!!!”…oh fup off BBC!
Footballer Vincent Kompany grew up in a Brussels neighbourhood similar to Molenbeek, the area thrust into the media spotlight following the Paris attacks.
“It’s had to deal with a long time of being ignored,” he says.
Kompany: Molenbeek is misunderstood
See, all that stuff that happens from ghettoised shitholes created in the name of diversity is just a wee bit of a misunderstanding.
Comments could be going better for Vince and those shovelling his wisdom on folk.
BBC News
Four experts discuss this radical proposal. ?
Should we solar panel the Sahara desert?
Always love that ‘we’ the BBC use. And who they deem experts.
But they are also getting good at tipping off the wagon-circlers to poison the well to ensure no one engages in sensible discussion on pros vs. cons. Pity. There are several on both sides. But the ‘top comment’ is…
Ryan Oliver brace yourself for the keyboard warriors who seem to know everything in the comments
Unlike Ryan, who knows nothing and is lauded for it.
And, finally…
BBC News via BBC News Magazine
It costs £300 to operate on a constipated goldfish plus more news nuggets.
I would be tempted to pay £300 for surgery to remove BBC ‘news nuggets’ for ever.
A piece on TWATO Eulogising Neil Kinnock and the evening he spent courting the favour of Jim Naughtie when he invited him to dine at his favourite Kensington restaurant, and then on to an evening at the opera.
It was all FAR too cosy in reminiscence and anyone listening would have marked the two as very close old friends.
Maybe in hindsight it was a shame that Kinnock wasn’t elected PM, because it would have got rid of the hopeless Major, and maybe, just maybe prevented the rise of the most destructive PM we’ve perhaps ever had – Tony BLiar.
I know that now the BBC don’t like BLiar for various reasons but they still love his politics, and his party. I do wonder what they will make of the papers of his time in office when they are released.
TWATO at its worst today! I had to make a sudden dash for the off switch when Mardell began what must have been the thousandth heart-searching BBC ‘whither Labour? Where did it all go wrong’ piece.
If anything epitomises the party political bias of the BBC it is the tone of shock and dismay that its favoured party was rejected by the electorate at the last election.
The Left only ever criticise Blair for one thing – Iraq. The rest of his Britain-wrecking spree was pure internationalist, tax/borrow/spend, class war, welfare splurging socialism.
At the moment on the Beeb there is a HYS on the Migrant crisis, how long it will last ? Probably until just before the tax payers arrive home from work.
Why Africans in the UK pay so much to send relatives’ bodies home
And yet this is nothing really to do with Africans and more to do with Muslims who don’t want to be buried in a country they don’t regard as their home.
Plenty of Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and other Muslims send dead bodies back to their real home for burial.
Personally it’s better they were buried there than here, taking up much needed space in graveyards, because Muslims refuse to cremate their dead, and with their typical unreasonable demands to have cemeteries for their exclusive use with no Khuffar buried their – even death the racist bigots can cause trouble, but the Fascist left is too craven to even talk about it let alone do anything !
So, I spent Christmas with my older brother and his wife, several other relatives and friends. In time, discussions around the table turned to politics, climate change and, of course, Islamic terrorism. I took the first of several deep breaths and prepared myself for the expected barrage of faux outrage at my ‘controversial’ views on all these subjects.
It never came.
This was the first surprise. The second, followed by many others, was how much the views of these friends and family accorded with my own. Usually, my ‘controversial’ views on Islam (there is no such thing as ‘Islamophobia’, etc) are met with howls of derision or mute disbelief, but this year something has changed.
Unprompted by me, I listened as people I’ve known for years to be at best ‘lightly informed’ and ‘vaguely disinterested’ in politics, culture and the media explained to me how dangerous the threat from Islam is becoming, how much they disapprove of the Syrian migrant influx into Europe, how we shouldn’t be sending money in overseas aid when it’s clear we should be spending the money here at home to improve our borders and our social infrastructure… and on and on. I can honestly say I was amazed at how little out of sync these people’s views were with my own (for once).
Only this afternoon, I was visiting my two black friends (gay couple, one English born (family from St Vincent) and the other Barbadian but immigrated into the UK a few years back – and both are full-time workers with careers in the private sector and both pay their taxes) and barely before we strayed onto the subject of militant Islam I was practically speechless with just how hostile they were both to muslims and Islam in general. Much talk of a ‘failure to integrate’ from our muslim population in the UK. I almost forgot (again) that ‘racism’ is supposed to be the white man’s disease…
Things are changing. This is all new. I wonder if the BBC has even the first idea just how out of touch it really is, with its ceaseless promotion of some imagined (because it sure ain’t real) multi-kulti paradise here in the UK?
Does anyone buy that total cr*p anymore or is it just the BBC?
Having been tipped off earlier I took a peek at the bbc HYS on the immigration issue.
The top rated comments there made me chuckle with delight. Obi, you may well have a good point, the log jam is beginning to shift. Once folk are emboldened to state in public the views you mention, it’s a huge step forward.
Not sure if the hys is still open….
I think you’re right, Obi. It used to be the case that any mention of BBC bias was met with baffled stares but now the penny has dropped with an awful lot of people. Very bonding it is, too! Once noticed, we can’t un-know it.
That’s why, in a strange Zen kind of way, I was almost pleased instead of infuriated at the BBC1 news today (I had promised to give it up, but what the funny holiday schedules I caught it unawares and watched in horrified fascination) and the Oliver Letwin coverage. First off, what was written – privately – 30 years ago is NOT NEWS, an unassailable fact that has escaped the so-called news reporters at the BBC and elsewhere. It has a nasty stench of political stirring that has no place in the provision of current affairs. Especially when there doesn’t seem to be any will to investigate the underlying political causes of the floods and the consequent failures of the EA. Airtime rubbishing a Conservative is so much better spent than investigating EU water management directives, of course.
I’m sure many more people than the BBC ever imagines are thinking the world has gone mad if a reaction given 30 years ago in the context of riots and the brutal murder of a London police officer must now be apologised for. Then, who did the BBC wheel out to grind Letwin’s nose in the dirt? Why, it was Diane Abbott – yet again on our screens: lazy, flaccid “journalism” with one of their favourite Tory crushers. And who did they ask to put the other side of the argument? Er…that would be no-one. Back to the studio. Labour 2 Cons 0. Balance, impartiality also nil-nil.
But all is not lost. I reckon a few more viewers will be thinking, what the heck was all that about? And leaves me wondering what kind of field day a balanced news operation could have with the loony, sanctimonious, hypocritical, self-serving statements of Diane Abbott over the last 30 years, including her fantasies about the greatness of totalitarian mass murderer Mao Tse Tung. But I don’t think it works that way with the BBC.
BBC 5dead – extended interview with Islamic relief, (who else…) on its views on this story
Sonny Bill Williams, on Tuesday night he tweeted graphic images of two bodies, adding,
“What did these children do to deserve this?”
“We see it as a fundamental infringement of those … children’s rights,”
said Unicef spokesman Patrick Rose told the New Zealand Herald.
“Please use “trigger” warnings by putting ‘TW: dead children’ in the tweet next time. says one user
It’s very “triggering” as someone who has seen dead bodies like this before growing up,” one user wrote.
Almost certainly, the sooooo progressive “left click twice …I m a justice warrior” buffoons.
that rallied the keep out Trump campaign,
… who are not even smart enough to comprehend how much smarter than them, he is.
So bloody irritating … anyway … how s the Welsh going 😀
The Welsh language is going fine. So well I really should change my handle to ‘Now I’m fluent in Welsh’.
However, having had this handle for years I’m reluctant to change it, plus of course, even tho’ someone is fluent, you never cease the learning process. Always summat new to learn.
“Critics say that Oliver Letwin’s remarks prove how out of touch he is…”
And those of us who make up the law abiding white working class community and were around in 1985 and enjoyed those blissful days of rioting, police being murdered, shops being looted, say that his remarks are pretty much spot on.
I see the delightful Diane Abbott has stuck her oar in, so while I’m thinking of it…
Thirty years ago a minor, backbench MP, Jeremy Corbyn, was being extremely friendly with those charming chaps of the IRA.
That Jezza; he’s a rascal, isn’t he?
Three runners are breaking away from the pack, Diane Abbott (31) maintains her lead, with Jacob Rees-Mogg (28) and Emma Thompson (24) coming on strongly. In the trailing group we have Cumberbatch (19), Cooper (18), Church and Harrabin tied on 17. Pre-competition favourite Evan Davis is tied on 16 with Jenny Hill.
Just been putting connectors on the freesat box for some reason the previous occupants took the cable connectors. As I suspected no satellite signal. I went back to the internet feed to check that was still ok as I moved the box. Where to aaah BBc news some bint talking about trending I assume Twiting . Unbelievable the BBc are still trying to get mileage out of the dead kid on the beach story. Before anyone comments I had zero sympathy then and zero sympathy now. I wrote an E-mail to my MP as soon as I saw that story asking that this wouldn’t be used by the vocal minority to force the UK into taking “Syrian” “migrants”, for all the difference it made. More unbelievably, she informs us it was on the treacherous Turkey to Greece route. Click…off. Oh by the way whoever is on duty at the BBc reading this I’m still waiting for the reply to two complaints made before Christmas.
Yes yes yes, now THIS is interesting folks!! It’s a question I’ve been asking for countless years now – in fact I would go as far as to say the suspense has been so extreme that I can probably attribute at least two stomach ulcers and at least one heavy bout of the shits to this very question. I mean bloody hell, who WOULDN’T want to know whether he was gay? WHO?!! This is worth the £145 alone.
You, yes you reading this at W1A, can I make some requests for your ‘world class’ journalists to answer some other paramount issues that account for the other ulcers..?
Did Stephanie Flanders used to be a man?
Is Robert Peston’s first language English?
Will you run any story whatsoever, however irrelevant to absolutely anything, if it involves homosexuality/transgenderism/racism/ecoloonery/an ‘underdog’ claiming compo for being a victim of something, anything..?
Yes I agree, Save our Sense’s post is brilliant. Sums up the Al Beeb to a tee.
By the way, does anyone have a list of Radio 4’s guest editors of the Today programme?
Are they all Guardianistas? There was one ‘African’ editor today being heavily steered into answering what he thought about a certain racist statue in Oxford…..
Am afraid I tend to avoid the TOADY prog while they do the Guest Editor thing. It is a complete perversion of what an Editor, let alone a good Editor, should be.
The recent “mild” weather some have been experiencing and all the “climate change” talk on Al Beebus; reminded me of an elderly Jersey farmer who told me this old, French, farming saying:
“If your sitting by your gable at Christmas, you’ll be sitting by your fire at Easter.”
My latest energy invoice indicates that the autumn was much, much colder than average in the south-east, just as our December has been much much warmer than average. Three months versus one.
I wonder how that will work out for the year as a whole?
At present Calais “migrants” are getting free shelter, food, water & air time to plug their cause.
Has the idea of work camps being set up in Calais been considered.
If you are a refugee and you don’t work, you don’t get food or shelter.
These migrants could even show us just how highly skilled they really are and the BBC could cover the story, missing out of course the minor issues of rape and lawlessness that they think would be better off being imported straight into the UK.
I am beginning to comprehend the BBC’s current obsession with variations of sexual orientation. It’s the only PC weapon available to those who wrote the rules and are now running scared of the end results.
Transgenderism is the “New Black “or over promoting effnicks. The trouble for the PC brigade, is they are all fucking white! Who comes out Top Trumps on this one, I am sure the Evil BBC will inform us in due course.
Anyone hear the BBC R4 programme last night around 2100?
Apparently the next rights struggle is that for animals. And guess who is responsible for the state of affairs in which humans are the “exclusivist” species with rights? Yep, those Christians again led by the theology of St. Thomas Aquinas whose sainthood was disregarded by the BBC in the short bit I heard whilst scrambling for the sanity preserver….the off switch.
I’d like to think methods of non Christian religious slaughter were discussed in terms of “animal rights”, I guess I’ll never know.
Nazis have a history of championing animal rights, so it’s a logical step for the BBC to support the cause. Good custodianship of the earth and it’s flora and fauna should be encouraged, no problem with animals having protection under the law either. But awarding animals actual rights is just perversion, and an authoritarian regime could easily use such legislation to undermine the value of people, population reduction anyone?
I agree about the Nazi’s and animal right Oldspeaker. If moral attitudes to animals is to be covered by the BBC let us be clear about an important distinction between animal welfare and animal rights. I have taught animal welfare as a scientific subject in UK universities for over ten years, and served on several reports for Government attention. Although not perfect, our legislation on animals in the UK is based on animal welfare, which is a recognized subject with strong scientific empirical backing. Welfare requirements are built into our democratically made laws governing companion animals, wild animals, zoo animals and animals in the food chain. Every piece of legislation, all regulations on welfare has been debated by scientists in the veterinary profession and those with a duty of care towards animals. We have MPs and Lords on both sides who are well informed about animal welfare requirements. Animal welfare is not based on feelings and emotion, it does not oppose meat eating, but is based on measured assessments of an animal’s suffering and ability respond to its internal and external environment.
Campaigning for animal welfare is not something to be pursued alongside thugs with balaclavas and bombs with a left wing Nazi attitude to the environment.
In contrast, animal rights, although a widely discussed view among many ethicists and philosophers does not measure up to the scientific credentials of animal welfare. It is a political concept, an extension of rights theory from humans to other animals. However, in some respects merits the description bestowed on it by Bentham as ‘Nonsense on stilts’.
Animal rights is recognised with reference to specific qualities, like the vague appeal to ‘intrinsic qualities’. And whenever intrinsic moral rights are invoked a discussion on criteria for personhood is in the wings. Thus: ‘The question of whether animals have intrinsic moral rights gives rise to the further question of how far we should accord them status as “persons”‘ . In this way the rights exponent is drawn into a discussion on a] whether animals are persons and b] the relevant criteria for personhood. This inevitably gives rise to the problem of where to draw the line between persons and non-persons, which often resembles old chestnuts like ‘how old do you have to be before you are old?’
I have gone on about this at length and apologise, but my motive is to clarify and maintain a sensible distinction between two very different approaches to our moral attitudes towards non human animals.
The BBC will blur the distinction, as they do with most ethical and political distinctions, and employ terms like animal rights to cover all aspects of the issue, and thus give credibility to the thugs who desecrate graves, attack laboratories, and justify violence against farmers and animal workers.
I agree with GCooper that it is a well written post. Another example of lefty cognitive dissonance is the fact they believe a tadpole has more rights than a human foetus.
By the way, I am not a Christian Fundamentalist about abortion, in fact I am neither of these. I do believe that there are many genuine reasons why abortion is necessary or is the wisest thing to do in some circumstances, but I am appalled that some lefties regard it as a form of contraception.
According to reports, Barbara Windsor had 5 ! (abortions that is) – one or two are explainable, but FIVE Ms Windsor ????? perhaps her Damehood for charity works were specific in one charitable sector.
Sorry, but to me, a ‘national treasure’ she ain’t.
All those years that she was married to one of the most violent and prolific criminals we have ever known – a man who spent his whole life working and socialising with like -minded thugs such as Kenny Noye.
Her claim that for the whole time she knew nothing about his illegal activities is laughable….she was nothing more than a gangster’s moll.
She should be sharing a cell with Jacqui Smith; instead we give her an honour.
Much wailing and gnashing of teeth on social media –
“Social media reaction was swift. Many urged the BBC to get the site back up quickly and lamented how long it was taking to fix the technical troubles.”
As usual, absolutely pathetic reporting of stats to create the bBBC preferred agenda.
By comparing the December rainfall rates with the average for a period, the current rains look terrible. But as readers will know, what the eco loon bBBC did not show is the year on year variability.
Boscastle, Dawlish, the Thames Valley, Somerset levels, even going back to Lynton and Lynmouth all had rainfall ‘above average’ in previous years. In fact the ‘average’ is almost never attained in any one year because of the huge variability. To compare as the bBBC have done is to deliberately and wantonly mislead.
I see the Telegraph today has cottoned on to the European Water framework directive and noted that the EU enforced lack of dredging has contributed to lower max. Water flow rates, but don’t hold your breath for that one to be referenced by the bBBC beard and sandal wearers.
Raised the other day, but given the BBC’s unique way of anonymised weaselling when caught bang to rights, worthy of a bit of Letwinning all of their own:
Rather clearly, and contrary to claims made by An. Editor of Integrity, the BBC can find the time and space to run diatribes they happen to empathise with, if truly vital.
Happy New Year, Aunty, you hypocritical old crone.
Why doesn’t she acknowledge that the main criminal use of guns is in her own community ? “Institutional gun aggression among the black community ” has the right sort of ring about it ? – but not in her book.
Sluff, it wasn’t only the telegraph that covered the issue concerning the Environment Agency and their implementation of the European Water Framework directive. The “Sun” also had a leader by James Delingpole highlighting where the ‘blame’ lay and it wasn’t because of the much pushed “Climate Change”. It has taken many emails and blog entries, but some of the MSM have run with the real reasons for the flooding. I now hope that lawyers acting on behalf of those flooded victims chase the Environment Agency for compensation and they in turn chase the E.U.
I agree that it would be great if some sort of class action was brought against the Environment Agency for damages caused by the floods – it could be a very large claim and therefore a very large case. If lawyers were not so venal they should already be looking at some sort of pro bono publico action. Public duty of care, maybe.
But a lot of the judiciary these days seem to be jobsworths, to win the case would need a truly independent judge willing to look at the facts of the matter and willing to set aside Government policy.
If such a large case was brought, maybe the ignorant media would start to print some of the facts about the root casue of the flooding. Who knows, even the BBC might carry the occasional report ?
Insurance companies are pretty adept at discovering ways to take money in premiums but not pay out.
Which is why the gushing reports of what disasters ‘cost’ them confuses me.
It’s what actuaries are for.
They assess risk and peg rates to cover the legitimate restitutions customers can and should expect, plus corporate costs such as salaries, premises, marketing and profit.
It is… should not be a weird thing you have to pay but get nothing back for, like the TV licence.
And I thought he was one of the very few good guys in the Labour Party. I hope the good he has done in society is taken into account in their final decision. He had a nutty ex wife, he was depressed and lacked the support of is party over his outspoken criticism of the leadership. Someone who is prepared to put his head above the parapet when required.
if you read my comments I am no Socialist, but this line who so far I have admired. Twitter may have lost the country an MP of substance.
Sorry as an after thought. In terms of past misdemeanours, I still want Diane Abbott sacked from being an MP for having sex, yes sex, with Jeremy Corbyn.
Then I want Jeremy Corbyn sacked and the given free NHS presciption eye tests at public expense for having sex, yes once again yes, having sex with with Dianne Abott.
For this public offence they should not just be sacked but jailed. The very thought is obscene.
With the final straight now in sight, Abbott (36), Rees-Mogg (32) and Thompson (27) are ahead of Cumberbatch (22) who is making a late spurt. Evan Davis is now level on 19 with Yvette Cooper, while there is a three-way tie on 18 between Hill, Harrabin and Church. Of the remaining runners only Sturgeon on 16 is near the chasing pack, with the rest of the field languishing far behind.
Tuned in to Today just out of curiosity – could there be some right wing influence from their guest editor?
If Zepahania was anything to go by, his name instantly gave the game away: David Adjaye (no, me neither), a Tanzanian-born architect.
First up: he’s been appointed to design Obama’s ‘President’s Library’ (‘He could have been my son….’?). So let’s cut back to memories of JFK and the black civil rights movement – something to do with an African-American museum, a gushing, smiling Kennedy and…..off switch.
So tried a bit later….
….has built a monument to all the extinct species of the planet (wot, even the 90-odd percent that expired before Man appeared?), for us all to cherish and protect biodiversity blah blah blah…
Oh, fucking, fucking hell. Is there no end to this propaganda?
None whatsoever. BBC R4 has turned into a parody of what a Leftist propaganda outlet might become if it drifted off into comedy land.
What puzzles me is whether the station’s controllers are so lost in Guardianspeak that they are unaware how mad they sound to majority of people in this country (compare newspaper circulations), or whether they know and just don’t care because they are sure they will be allowed to get away with it by this wretched, pusillanimous government.
I made the error of tuning in just after 8.30 am.
AS soon as I know this guest editor had designed the “Stephen Lawrence Centre”-I immediately took a sniff of their Beautiful Game…and baled out pronto.
Went early to “IN Our Time”-and found some hoarse black agitprop hustler(let me guess, Harry Belafonte) tell me that Obama is in the zone of Justice…so is no house slave.
“As opposed to Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell?” chirruped Mishal Hussain.
Will someone tell Condi and Colin what the BBC have just said about them both?
I`ve not heard anything more offensive to these two great black role models in years-yet Husain and Belafonte seem able to say that?
Of course Barak is no Republican-that`s the cabin for the house slaves apparently.
FFS Britan-wake up to this…hope Condoleeza and Colin revisit this one…and if Belafontes next utterance is not a death rattle live on air-then that STILL won`t justify what he said.
“Yellow Bird “eh Harry?…who`s the Uncle Tom then?
Would I be right in suspecting that Danczuk has been stitched by his local postal voting Labour party wanting a more ‘local’ MP, one who is more favourable to, lets say their ‘peccadillos’ ?
Looks like the silly man walked into it. Big boobs, lost his head, and whilst she could have told him where to go she went to the Sun. My laugh of the day was derived from a couple of comments from Guido’s followers. I have changed their context:
How can Simon Danczuk restore his career and curry favour with the BBC?
1. Change his name to Simone.
2. Convert to Islam.
With regard to Today guest editors, what I would like to ask the BBC is why the corporation thinks that the millions around the country who are forced to fund it should meekly tolerate having liberal left leaning propaganda pumped into their heads by any of the following:
Sheen – actor who lives in Los Angeles. ticks the Welsh box.
Wiggins- Belgian born man with Australian father. Good at pushing the pedals on a bike.
Gonzalez Durantez- Spanish woman married to political loser.
Adjaye – Tanzanian born man of Ghanaian ethnicity. Rocked up in the UK aged 9.
Cambell – London born disabled woman. Probably ticks the Scottish box
Browne – German born gay man with Hungarian mother. Ticks the Jewish box.
Silva (guest business editor) – man of Sri Lankan ethnicity whose parents rocked up in Wakefield in the 1960s.
License fee payers are sick of the nauseating moralising and sick of the BBC’s delusion that its favoured people are morally superior to its audience.
I feel that all of us should be a deal more circumspect in the case of Simon Danczuk.
He is normally an intelligent and thoughtful man on the right of the party, someone who might be described as a traditionalist, as opposed to the Fascist Islington / Hampstead wing.
They have been out to get his ever since he raised his total opposition to Jeremy Corbyn, and for me it isn’t a surprise to see a purge / night of the long knives going on in the party.
Let us not forget that what Danczuk did might have been silly, but it was not illegal (confirmed by Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad), yet there have been several other Labour MP who have done far worse (Harman Dromey to name but two) who Labour have not even investigated.
Let us also not forget the work Danczuk has done in the field of historical child abuse post Heywood (which is not in his constituency) in exposing not only Cyril Smith, but others in power.
Finally as a conclusion, readers might also like to consider that Simon Danczuk has been rumoured to have been courted by UKIP as a potential convert, and negotiations were said to be quite far along, around the time of the election. It would be rather embarrassing to have name called someone only to then find they are on the same side a few days later !
Some fair points, but where was the crusading Danczuk when the racist, industrial-scale child raping by Muslims was going on under his nose for 10 years?
He was either unaware – in which case he must have been totally out of touch with his constituents – or covering up. Either way, not good.
Well said Thoughtful, as I said earlier, when the news first broke, Danczuk has done an immense amount of public good, especially in being prepared to put his head above the parapet in exposing many child abuse cases. Too many Liebour MP’s did not. More concerned about being re-elected than children’s safety. He is bound to have many enemies, especially in a Fascist party such as Liebour. I am deeply suspicious of what is going on. I have learned in life never to trust anything that comes out of thr Liebour Party, I sense that this has a certain smell about it. Farage is a good friend of his, I wonder if he will involve himself. Publicly it would probably be unwise.
If the offence is a minor one (which I hope it is), I hope Danczuk comes over to UKIP.
The claims when all boiled down come to pretty little to be honest.
He sent some inappropriate texts to a woman – that’s about it. It might be sexual abuse, but then everything can be shoehorned into one ism/phobia or another. And that’s the whole point. We shouldn’t give any credence or support to the Fascists who look for the tiniest imperfection to destroy their enemies, while overlooking the gravest crimes when it suits them.
The BBC and their friends might feed off the claims, but that only goes to prove the bias, and despite the propaganda, people aren’t stupid, and they see through it.
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
For me thats a cut to the comments piece, out of 5 comments sadly just one guy gets it, the others are from idiot dhimmis…
The irony is of course building to accommodate these new arrivals is the reason the bloody place is flooded….
(That was in reply to the Syrian flood helpers in Manchester)
Flooding! Cameron links it to Climate Change without any evidence to back up such an ill advised assertion, so the BBC hammer him for it…. Oh, hang on, no they don’t.
Whilst the BBC continues to ‘educate’ the public about the reasons for the floods, it offers the usual statist solutions – more Government. Flooding caused by, err, heavy rain over an extended period, is inevitable. What is at issue is man’s inginuity, knowledge base and pragmatism to protect life and property when such heavy rainfall events occur. The state, government, authority – whatever name you wish to apply to those people afforded title and remuneration at the expense of the taxpayer – has succeeded in the removal of wealth from the people for the purposes of providing such protection (the state is good at this). It has succeeded in magnifying the problem through inappropriate allocation of resources and capital (the state is also good at this). It has magnified the problems through incompetence in planning decisions. It has succeeded in promoting the destruction of property through a chaotic ‘management’ system and ignoring the professionals, local knowledge and experts (especially those who don’t receive a salary at a cost to the taxpayer). It has succeeded in preventing simple solutions to the problems through implementation of EU CAP policies and the Water Framework Directive using its bureaucrat and random wastrells department (also known as the Environment Agency). In short, the productive portion of our economy has been bled and ignored by the state so as to cause impoverishment through vulnerability to flooding.
As ever, the BBC responds to an event which is made worse by the over-involvement of the state, by calling for even more state involvement (but the right kind of ‘leftist’ compassionate state of course – not nasty Tories!).
No doubt the BBC will get Owen Jones on to tell us how it will work! After all, the Guardian did:
I didn’t see Owen in the lecture hall when the Fluid Mechanics or Hydrography, Geology or Urban drainage
Modules were being presented. Didn’t see him receive his civil engineering degree. Haven’t seen his certificate indicating his qualifications as a Chartered Engineer. Whilst some of us are qualified to explain why England is suffering unecessarily from high intensity rain fall events, Jones isn’t, and the BBC and government don’t even appear to understand who is qualified to comment rationally on such matters.
Carswell nails the problems we face. As he often does.
But he sticks to what he knows – why government isn’t working.
If you want to know why flooding is and will be more damaging to property (and possibly life) then ask a qualified engineer who has appropriately researched matters and followed the political decision making and its consequences over the past decades. The BBC and MSM won’t do this. We have George Monbiot, Natalie Bennet, and other ecoloons instead to provide the complete answers. (Credit to Monbiot – he at least tries to understand some real world basics).
Vote UKIP, always.
Nail, head, hit! Sadly, as with absolutely everything nowadays, flooding is a political football, which means that as usual what should be happening, who should be listened to and what really needs to be done is all totally ignored in favour of political point scoring, PR and spin. This one single problem is ruining pretty much everything in the UK – police, NHS, environment, utilities etc etc. It is no longer a case of those with the cleverest brain setting the agenda but those with the biggest mouth. And he who shouts loudest usually has the least to say…
The environmentalists have a massive grip on this country now.
Their power is in direct proportion to their ignorance.
The flooding has been made much worse by the total incompetence of useless politicians for decades. They really are a bunch of nonentities.
That and the utter bastard who is being paid £100,000 a year for a three day week to ‘run’ the Environment Agency!
We need a purge of such people in this country and we need it soon.
GC, Dilley on holiday in Barbados for 2 weeks and the Environment Agency lied saying he was at home in UK. We need more than a purge, a large number should be shot, starting with the politicians, and I am not entirely joking. My late father, who fought in WW2, would turn in his grave if he could see what was happening in this once great country. Except he does not have a grave as he gave his body to medical science.
It seems the Beeb are massively trumpeting Oliver Letwin’s “outrageous” comments made 30!!! years ago.
I understand that in these pc times we’re not expected to say what we think, we’re supposed to say what our masters want us to think; what is now acceptable. In my opinion he shouldn’t have apologized. This was his opinion at the time and in many cases he’s been proven completely correct.
However, our two incompetent wannabe mass murdering jihadists, are hardly being mentioned at all.
I can’t think why…
I refer the honourable gentleman to the comments I made some moments ago. Letwin was right then and his comments are right now.
There’s clearly some plonker devouring every non-pc word documented from 30 years ago just to make capital out of it . If Letwin had any balls he’d say sod off and move on, that was 30 years ago but it still makes sense today !
The BBC website tells me that UNICEF think Sonny Bill Williams “disrespectful” for taking pictures of dead kids in Syria , and then putting them out there online.
I`m imagining “disrespectful” to the BBC, UN and all the other quangos and mediators who seem to think that dead kids photos are THEIR domain-timings, cut and paste,photoshop, sneak previews before Cameron gets to the Commons, or maybe when a Muslim abuse trial might inflame the chavs nearby.
How come a people smuggler taking photos of his dead kid, and then his sister using the Canadian media to show them worldwide is ” picture of the year, asylum seekers welcome here territory?”…but a UN “Ambassador for Sport”(how many of these grief leeches are infesting the camps and Jungles then?) taking snaps without the permission of MSF/UNCHR/BBC is going rogue and disrespectful to the News Cycle protocols?
That`s the liberal media for you-only THEY decide who, how,when you see dead kids…and it must bring garlands to themselves a la Dowler.
And all in the best PASSABLE taste!!!”…oh fup off BBC!
A dead kid is an asset, and a currency of corpses will attract a calculus of sorts. To filter truth for the sake of good, has consequences.
A good haul from BBC Facebook already Today…
The Today Programme
Footballer Vincent Kompany grew up in a Brussels neighbourhood similar to Molenbeek, the area thrust into the media spotlight following the Paris attacks.
“It’s had to deal with a long time of being ignored,” he says.
Kompany: Molenbeek is misunderstood
See, all that stuff that happens from ghettoised shitholes created in the name of diversity is just a wee bit of a misunderstanding.
Comments could be going better for Vince and those shovelling his wisdom on folk.
BBC News
Four experts discuss this radical proposal. ?
Should we solar panel the Sahara desert?
Always love that ‘we’ the BBC use. And who they deem experts.
But they are also getting good at tipping off the wagon-circlers to poison the well to ensure no one engages in sensible discussion on pros vs. cons. Pity. There are several on both sides. But the ‘top comment’ is…
Ryan Oliver brace yourself for the keyboard warriors who seem to know everything in the comments
Unlike Ryan, who knows nothing and is lauded for it.
And, finally…
BBC News via BBC News Magazine
It costs £300 to operate on a constipated goldfish plus more news nuggets.
I would be tempted to pay £300 for surgery to remove BBC ‘news nuggets’ for ever.
A piece on TWATO Eulogising Neil Kinnock and the evening he spent courting the favour of Jim Naughtie when he invited him to dine at his favourite Kensington restaurant, and then on to an evening at the opera.
It was all FAR too cosy in reminiscence and anyone listening would have marked the two as very close old friends.
Maybe in hindsight it was a shame that Kinnock wasn’t elected PM, because it would have got rid of the hopeless Major, and maybe, just maybe prevented the rise of the most destructive PM we’ve perhaps ever had – Tony BLiar.
I know that now the BBC don’t like BLiar for various reasons but they still love his politics, and his party. I do wonder what they will make of the papers of his time in office when they are released.
TWATO at its worst today! I had to make a sudden dash for the off switch when Mardell began what must have been the thousandth heart-searching BBC ‘whither Labour? Where did it all go wrong’ piece.
If anything epitomises the party political bias of the BBC it is the tone of shock and dismay that its favoured party was rejected by the electorate at the last election.
The Left only ever criticise Blair for one thing – Iraq. The rest of his Britain-wrecking spree was pure internationalist, tax/borrow/spend, class war, welfare splurging socialism.
Today Presenter: ‘Climate change climate change climate change. Roger.’
Harrabin (for it is he): ‘Climate change climate change extreme weather.’
Today Presenter: ‘Floods climate change climate change?’
Harrabin: ‘Global warming climate change floods. Environment agency.’
Environment Agency Person: ‘Climate change frequency climate change extreme weather events floods global warming.’
Harrabin: ‘Climate change more floods climate change Storm Frank climate change. And now back to the studio.’
Excellent stuff JTF!
At the moment on the Beeb there is a HYS on the Migrant crisis, how long it will last ? Probably until just before the tax payers arrive home from work.
BBC missing the point again!
Why Africans in the UK pay so much to send relatives’ bodies home
And yet this is nothing really to do with Africans and more to do with Muslims who don’t want to be buried in a country they don’t regard as their home.
Plenty of Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and other Muslims send dead bodies back to their real home for burial.
Personally it’s better they were buried there than here, taking up much needed space in graveyards, because Muslims refuse to cremate their dead, and with their typical unreasonable demands to have cemeteries for their exclusive use with no Khuffar buried their – even death the racist bigots can cause trouble, but the Fascist left is too craven to even talk about it let alone do anything !
One of the 7/7 bombers was buried in Pakistan, at some Islamic shrine or other.
Not a lot of burial space needed for that one 🙂
So, I spent Christmas with my older brother and his wife, several other relatives and friends. In time, discussions around the table turned to politics, climate change and, of course, Islamic terrorism. I took the first of several deep breaths and prepared myself for the expected barrage of faux outrage at my ‘controversial’ views on all these subjects.
It never came.
This was the first surprise. The second, followed by many others, was how much the views of these friends and family accorded with my own. Usually, my ‘controversial’ views on Islam (there is no such thing as ‘Islamophobia’, etc) are met with howls of derision or mute disbelief, but this year something has changed.
Unprompted by me, I listened as people I’ve known for years to be at best ‘lightly informed’ and ‘vaguely disinterested’ in politics, culture and the media explained to me how dangerous the threat from Islam is becoming, how much they disapprove of the Syrian migrant influx into Europe, how we shouldn’t be sending money in overseas aid when it’s clear we should be spending the money here at home to improve our borders and our social infrastructure… and on and on. I can honestly say I was amazed at how little out of sync these people’s views were with my own (for once).
Only this afternoon, I was visiting my two black friends (gay couple, one English born (family from St Vincent) and the other Barbadian but immigrated into the UK a few years back – and both are full-time workers with careers in the private sector and both pay their taxes) and barely before we strayed onto the subject of militant Islam I was practically speechless with just how hostile they were both to muslims and Islam in general. Much talk of a ‘failure to integrate’ from our muslim population in the UK. I almost forgot (again) that ‘racism’ is supposed to be the white man’s disease…
Things are changing. This is all new. I wonder if the BBC has even the first idea just how out of touch it really is, with its ceaseless promotion of some imagined (because it sure ain’t real) multi-kulti paradise here in the UK?
Does anyone buy that total cr*p anymore or is it just the BBC?
Encouraging, OW and all despite endless BBC propaganda.
Having been tipped off earlier I took a peek at the bbc HYS on the immigration issue.
The top rated comments there made me chuckle with delight. Obi, you may well have a good point, the log jam is beginning to shift. Once folk are emboldened to state in public the views you mention, it’s a huge step forward.
Not sure if the hys is still open….
Is there a link for that, please?
I fear my attempts with the BBC search function were predictably frustrating.
I think you’re right, Obi. It used to be the case that any mention of BBC bias was met with baffled stares but now the penny has dropped with an awful lot of people. Very bonding it is, too! Once noticed, we can’t un-know it.
That’s why, in a strange Zen kind of way, I was almost pleased instead of infuriated at the BBC1 news today (I had promised to give it up, but what the funny holiday schedules I caught it unawares and watched in horrified fascination) and the Oliver Letwin coverage. First off, what was written – privately – 30 years ago is NOT NEWS, an unassailable fact that has escaped the so-called news reporters at the BBC and elsewhere. It has a nasty stench of political stirring that has no place in the provision of current affairs. Especially when there doesn’t seem to be any will to investigate the underlying political causes of the floods and the consequent failures of the EA. Airtime rubbishing a Conservative is so much better spent than investigating EU water management directives, of course.
I’m sure many more people than the BBC ever imagines are thinking the world has gone mad if a reaction given 30 years ago in the context of riots and the brutal murder of a London police officer must now be apologised for. Then, who did the BBC wheel out to grind Letwin’s nose in the dirt? Why, it was Diane Abbott – yet again on our screens: lazy, flaccid “journalism” with one of their favourite Tory crushers. And who did they ask to put the other side of the argument? Er…that would be no-one. Back to the studio. Labour 2 Cons 0. Balance, impartiality also nil-nil.
But all is not lost. I reckon a few more viewers will be thinking, what the heck was all that about? And leaves me wondering what kind of field day a balanced news operation could have with the loony, sanctimonious, hypocritical, self-serving statements of Diane Abbott over the last 30 years, including her fantasies about the greatness of totalitarian mass murderer Mao Tse Tung. But I don’t think it works that way with the BBC.
BBC 5dead – extended interview with Islamic relief, (who else…) on its views on this story
Sonny Bill Williams, on Tuesday night he tweeted graphic images of two bodies, adding,
“What did these children do to deserve this?”
“We see it as a fundamental infringement of those … children’s rights,”
said Unicef spokesman Patrick Rose told the New Zealand Herald.
“Please use “trigger” warnings by putting ‘TW: dead children’ in the tweet next time. says one user
It’s very “triggering” as someone who has seen dead bodies like this before growing up,” one user wrote.
Are the same people who complained about this also incandescent with rage about the picture of the drowned toddler on that Beach?
I wonder…
Almost certainly, the sooooo progressive “left click twice …I m a justice warrior” buffoons.
that rallied the keep out Trump campaign,
… who are not even smart enough to comprehend how much smarter than them, he is.
So bloody irritating … anyway … how s the Welsh going 😀
The Welsh language is going fine. So well I really should change my handle to ‘Now I’m fluent in Welsh’.
However, having had this handle for years I’m reluctant to change it, plus of course, even tho’ someone is fluent, you never cease the learning process. Always summat new to learn.
“Critics say that Oliver Letwin’s remarks prove how out of touch he is…”
And those of us who make up the law abiding white working class community and were around in 1985 and enjoyed those blissful days of rioting, police being murdered, shops being looted, say that his remarks are pretty much spot on.
I see the delightful Diane Abbott has stuck her oar in, so while I’m thinking of it…
Thirty years ago a minor, backbench MP, Jeremy Corbyn, was being extremely friendly with those charming chaps of the IRA.
That Jezza; he’s a rascal, isn’t he?
Diane Abbot the self-appointed expert on racism!
In 2012, the MP tweeted: “White people love playing ‘divide & rule’ We should not play their game.”
30 years ago Jezza Corbyyn was being more than “friendly” with Diane Abbott. Who knew they would come back to haunt us in this way?
I wonder if the BBC will be studying this intently, for the next Queen’s Speech?
German State TV To Show Merkel’s New Year Speech With Arabic Subtitles
What’s Arabic for ‘Lebensraum’?
MultiKult macht frei Insha’Allah
Biased BBC Awards – Voting Update 19.30
Three runners are breaking away from the pack, Diane Abbott (31) maintains her lead, with Jacob Rees-Mogg (28) and Emma Thompson (24) coming on strongly. In the trailing group we have Cumberbatch (19), Cooper (18), Church and Harrabin tied on 17. Pre-competition favourite Evan Davis is tied on 16 with Jenny Hill.
Final count tomorrow midnight. No postal voting.
Can’t help feeling that in a tight finish, Evan would prefer to be tied with Cumberbatch.
Just been putting connectors on the freesat box for some reason the previous occupants took the cable connectors. As I suspected no satellite signal. I went back to the internet feed to check that was still ok as I moved the box. Where to aaah BBc news some bint talking about trending I assume Twiting . Unbelievable the BBc are still trying to get mileage out of the dead kid on the beach story. Before anyone comments I had zero sympathy then and zero sympathy now. I wrote an E-mail to my MP as soon as I saw that story asking that this wouldn’t be used by the vocal minority to force the UK into taking “Syrian” “migrants”, for all the difference it made. More unbelievably, she informs us it was on the treacherous Turkey to Greece route. Click…off. Oh by the way whoever is on duty at the BBc reading this I’m still waiting for the reply to two complaints made before Christmas.
‘Zhou Enlai: Was Communist China’s first premier gay?’ (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-china-blog-35196824)
Yes yes yes, now THIS is interesting folks!! It’s a question I’ve been asking for countless years now – in fact I would go as far as to say the suspense has been so extreme that I can probably attribute at least two stomach ulcers and at least one heavy bout of the shits to this very question. I mean bloody hell, who WOULDN’T want to know whether he was gay? WHO?!! This is worth the £145 alone.
You, yes you reading this at W1A, can I make some requests for your ‘world class’ journalists to answer some other paramount issues that account for the other ulcers..?
Did Stephanie Flanders used to be a man?
Is Robert Peston’s first language English?
Will you run any story whatsoever, however irrelevant to absolutely anything, if it involves homosexuality/transgenderism/racism/ecoloonery/an ‘underdog’ claiming compo for being a victim of something, anything..?
Thanks so-called BBC, you’ve made my (gay) day!
Brilliant comment, I have not laughed so much for ages. I really have wondered if Peston is a failed attempt at an interactive robot.
Yes I agree, Save our Sense’s post is brilliant. Sums up the Al Beeb to a tee.
By the way, does anyone have a list of Radio 4’s guest editors of the Today programme?
Are they all Guardianistas? There was one ‘African’ editor today being heavily steered into answering what he thought about a certain racist statue in Oxford…..
Am afraid I tend to avoid the TOADY prog while they do the Guest Editor thing. It is a complete perversion of what an Editor, let alone a good Editor, should be.
I believe the list may be on their web-site.
Certainly Ms. Flanders serious competition with a trans Orient four gang FLOTPP
The recent “mild” weather some have been experiencing and all the “climate change” talk on Al Beebus; reminded me of an elderly Jersey farmer who told me this old, French, farming saying:
“If your sitting by your gable at Christmas, you’ll be sitting by your fire at Easter.”
My latest energy invoice indicates that the autumn was much, much colder than average in the south-east, just as our December has been much much warmer than average. Three months versus one.
I wonder how that will work out for the year as a whole?
At present Calais “migrants” are getting free shelter, food, water & air time to plug their cause.
Has the idea of work camps being set up in Calais been considered.
If you are a refugee and you don’t work, you don’t get food or shelter.
These migrants could even show us just how highly skilled they really are and the BBC could cover the story, missing out of course the minor issues of rape and lawlessness that they think would be better off being imported straight into the UK.
Maybe… a nice slogan in metal letters curved over the entrance? “Unique Vitality Will Set You Free (£145.50 down)”
I am beginning to comprehend the BBC’s current obsession with variations of sexual orientation. It’s the only PC weapon available to those who wrote the rules and are now running scared of the end results.
Transgenderism is the “New Black “or over promoting effnicks. The trouble for the PC brigade, is they are all fucking white! Who comes out Top Trumps on this one, I am sure the Evil BBC will inform us in due course.
Anyone hear the BBC R4 programme last night around 2100?
Apparently the next rights struggle is that for animals. And guess who is responsible for the state of affairs in which humans are the “exclusivist” species with rights? Yep, those Christians again led by the theology of St. Thomas Aquinas whose sainthood was disregarded by the BBC in the short bit I heard whilst scrambling for the sanity preserver….the off switch.
I’d like to think methods of non Christian religious slaughter were discussed in terms of “animal rights”, I guess I’ll never know.
A trans budgie struggles with only getting 97% coverage of the news across the BBC (online currently excepted).
Nazis have a history of championing animal rights, so it’s a logical step for the BBC to support the cause. Good custodianship of the earth and it’s flora and fauna should be encouraged, no problem with animals having protection under the law either. But awarding animals actual rights is just perversion, and an authoritarian regime could easily use such legislation to undermine the value of people, population reduction anyone?
I agree about the Nazi’s and animal right Oldspeaker. If moral attitudes to animals is to be covered by the BBC let us be clear about an important distinction between animal welfare and animal rights. I have taught animal welfare as a scientific subject in UK universities for over ten years, and served on several reports for Government attention. Although not perfect, our legislation on animals in the UK is based on animal welfare, which is a recognized subject with strong scientific empirical backing. Welfare requirements are built into our democratically made laws governing companion animals, wild animals, zoo animals and animals in the food chain. Every piece of legislation, all regulations on welfare has been debated by scientists in the veterinary profession and those with a duty of care towards animals. We have MPs and Lords on both sides who are well informed about animal welfare requirements. Animal welfare is not based on feelings and emotion, it does not oppose meat eating, but is based on measured assessments of an animal’s suffering and ability respond to its internal and external environment.
Campaigning for animal welfare is not something to be pursued alongside thugs with balaclavas and bombs with a left wing Nazi attitude to the environment.
In contrast, animal rights, although a widely discussed view among many ethicists and philosophers does not measure up to the scientific credentials of animal welfare. It is a political concept, an extension of rights theory from humans to other animals. However, in some respects merits the description bestowed on it by Bentham as ‘Nonsense on stilts’.
Animal rights is recognised with reference to specific qualities, like the vague appeal to ‘intrinsic qualities’. And whenever intrinsic moral rights are invoked a discussion on criteria for personhood is in the wings. Thus: ‘The question of whether animals have intrinsic moral rights gives rise to the further question of how far we should accord them status as “persons”‘ . In this way the rights exponent is drawn into a discussion on a] whether animals are persons and b] the relevant criteria for personhood. This inevitably gives rise to the problem of where to draw the line between persons and non-persons, which often resembles old chestnuts like ‘how old do you have to be before you are old?’
I have gone on about this at length and apologise, but my motive is to clarify and maintain a sensible distinction between two very different approaches to our moral attitudes towards non human animals.
The BBC will blur the distinction, as they do with most ethical and political distinctions, and employ terms like animal rights to cover all aspects of the issue, and thus give credibility to the thugs who desecrate graves, attack laboratories, and justify violence against farmers and animal workers.
Bravo! Excellent post!
I agree with GCooper that it is a well written post. Another example of lefty cognitive dissonance is the fact they believe a tadpole has more rights than a human foetus.
By the way, I am not a Christian Fundamentalist about abortion, in fact I am neither of these. I do believe that there are many genuine reasons why abortion is necessary or is the wisest thing to do in some circumstances, but I am appalled that some lefties regard it as a form of contraception.
According to reports, Barbara Windsor had 5 ! (abortions that is) – one or two are explainable, but FIVE Ms Windsor ????? perhaps her Damehood for charity works were specific in one charitable sector.
Sorry, but to me, a ‘national treasure’ she ain’t.
All those years that she was married to one of the most violent and prolific criminals we have ever known – a man who spent his whole life working and socialising with like -minded thugs such as Kenny Noye.
Her claim that for the whole time she knew nothing about his illegal activities is laughable….she was nothing more than a gangster’s moll.
She should be sharing a cell with Jacqui Smith; instead we give her an honour.
No bias at the moment on the website. Wonder if it has anything to do with this?

[url=http://postimage.org/]post images[/url][/img]
Not much bias on the BBC website at the moment. Not much of anything actually:

Just checked. Same here. Isn’t the world’s largest broadcaster being ‘down’ like this rather noteworthy?
Missus checked their App. All cool. No mention. SNAFU W1A.
I had to go to the Guardian to get my daily fix of pc bilge, and find out where BBC Digital is –
Seems only the sisterhood are aware as yet…
“One of the most popular video services in the world”
‘Popular’ as in ‘free’ (paid for, uniquely, via compulsion, by others), and still only ‘one of’ vs. Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc.
The Indy really is smitten with her BFF isn’t she?
Can’t speak for ‘Nobody’, but most I know will cope.
Much wailing and gnashing of teeth on social media –
“Social media reaction was swift. Many urged the BBC to get the site back up quickly and lamented how long it was taking to fix the technical troubles.”
Social media was indeed swift.
On the ones I frequent the urge was rather different, and the lamenting was mostly on a ‘fit to bust’ basis. By all.
Maybe the BBC moves in different circles?
Looks like the BBC has leaned so far to the left that it’s actually fallen down!
As usual, absolutely pathetic reporting of stats to create the bBBC preferred agenda.
By comparing the December rainfall rates with the average for a period, the current rains look terrible. But as readers will know, what the eco loon bBBC did not show is the year on year variability.
Boscastle, Dawlish, the Thames Valley, Somerset levels, even going back to Lynton and Lynmouth all had rainfall ‘above average’ in previous years. In fact the ‘average’ is almost never attained in any one year because of the huge variability. To compare as the bBBC have done is to deliberately and wantonly mislead.
I see the Telegraph today has cottoned on to the European Water framework directive and noted that the EU enforced lack of dredging has contributed to lower max. Water flow rates, but don’t hold your breath for that one to be referenced by the bBBC beard and sandal wearers.
Raised the other day, but given the BBC’s unique way of anonymised weaselling when caught bang to rights, worthy of a bit of Letwinning all of their own:
Rather clearly, and contrary to claims made by An. Editor of Integrity, the BBC can find the time and space to run diatribes they happen to empathise with, if truly vital.
Happy New Year, Aunty, you hypocritical old crone.
Seems the BBC have found a spokeswoman who is not (quite) L’Abbott whose latest pronouncements they can really run with all year long…
Heaven help us if we, or the police, can’t defend ourselves when criminals carry guns.
and she duly popped up on the Today programme this morning – spouting off about architecture !
How embarrassing she sounded like a ‘he’ on my wireless, see my post above…
Happy New Year everyone!
Why doesn’t she acknowledge that the main criminal use of guns is in her own community ? “Institutional gun aggression among the black community ” has the right sort of ring about it ? – but not in her book.
Sluff, it wasn’t only the telegraph that covered the issue concerning the Environment Agency and their implementation of the European Water Framework directive. The “Sun” also had a leader by James Delingpole highlighting where the ‘blame’ lay and it wasn’t because of the much pushed “Climate Change”. It has taken many emails and blog entries, but some of the MSM have run with the real reasons for the flooding. I now hope that lawyers acting on behalf of those flooded victims chase the Environment Agency for compensation and they in turn chase the E.U.
I agree that it would be great if some sort of class action was brought against the Environment Agency for damages caused by the floods – it could be a very large claim and therefore a very large case. If lawyers were not so venal they should already be looking at some sort of pro bono publico action. Public duty of care, maybe.
But a lot of the judiciary these days seem to be jobsworths, to win the case would need a truly independent judge willing to look at the facts of the matter and willing to set aside Government policy.
If such a large case was brought, maybe the ignorant media would start to print some of the facts about the root casue of the flooding. Who knows, even the BBC might carry the occasional report ?
John, it would work if the insurance companies joined in. They will be facing large claims and might like to recover their costs.
Insurance companies are pretty adept at discovering ways to take money in premiums but not pay out.
Which is why the gushing reports of what disasters ‘cost’ them confuses me.
It’s what actuaries are for.
They assess risk and peg rates to cover the legitimate restitutions customers can and should expect, plus corporate costs such as salaries, premises, marketing and profit.
It is… should not be a weird thing you have to pay but get nothing back for, like the TV licence.
Each of these claims could be debated, of course. I wonder how many the BBC saw fit to report.
The Islamization of Britain in 2015
Sex Crimes, Jihadimania and “Protection Tax”
And I thought he was one of the very few good guys in the Labour Party. I hope the good he has done in society is taken into account in their final decision. He had a nutty ex wife, he was depressed and lacked the support of is party over his outspoken criticism of the leadership. Someone who is prepared to put his head above the parapet when required.
if you read my comments I am no Socialist, but this line who so far I have admired. Twitter may have lost the country an MP of substance.
for ‘but this line’ read but for this MP, who so far I have admired.
If his misdemeanours are are minor, then let’s have everyone’s misdemeanours out in the open
Sorry as an after thought. In terms of past misdemeanours, I still want Diane Abbott sacked from being an MP for having sex, yes sex, with Jeremy Corbyn.
Then I want Jeremy Corbyn sacked and the given free NHS presciption eye tests at public expense for having sex, yes once again yes, having sex with with Dianne Abott.
For this public offence they should not just be sacked but jailed. The very thought is obscene.
Biased BBC Awards 2015 – Midday voting update
With the final straight now in sight, Abbott (36), Rees-Mogg (32) and Thompson (27) are ahead of Cumberbatch (22) who is making a late spurt. Evan Davis is now level on 19 with Yvette Cooper, while there is a three-way tie on 18 between Hill, Harrabin and Church. Of the remaining runners only Sturgeon on 16 is near the chasing pack, with the rest of the field languishing far behind.
Final count midnight tonight.
Tuned in to Today just out of curiosity – could there be some right wing influence from their guest editor?
If Zepahania was anything to go by, his name instantly gave the game away: David Adjaye (no, me neither), a Tanzanian-born architect.
First up: he’s been appointed to design Obama’s ‘President’s Library’ (‘He could have been my son….’?). So let’s cut back to memories of JFK and the black civil rights movement – something to do with an African-American museum, a gushing, smiling Kennedy and…..off switch.
So tried a bit later….
….has built a monument to all the extinct species of the planet (wot, even the 90-odd percent that expired before Man appeared?), for us all to cherish and protect biodiversity blah blah blah…
Oh, fucking, fucking hell. Is there no end to this propaganda?
None whatsoever. BBC R4 has turned into a parody of what a Leftist propaganda outlet might become if it drifted off into comedy land.
What puzzles me is whether the station’s controllers are so lost in Guardianspeak that they are unaware how mad they sound to majority of people in this country (compare newspaper circulations), or whether they know and just don’t care because they are sure they will be allowed to get away with it by this wretched, pusillanimous government.
I made the error of tuning in just after 8.30 am.
AS soon as I know this guest editor had designed the “Stephen Lawrence Centre”-I immediately took a sniff of their Beautiful Game…and baled out pronto.
Went early to “IN Our Time”-and found some hoarse black agitprop hustler(let me guess, Harry Belafonte) tell me that Obama is in the zone of Justice…so is no house slave.
“As opposed to Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell?” chirruped Mishal Hussain.
Will someone tell Condi and Colin what the BBC have just said about them both?
I`ve not heard anything more offensive to these two great black role models in years-yet Husain and Belafonte seem able to say that?
Of course Barak is no Republican-that`s the cabin for the house slaves apparently.
FFS Britan-wake up to this…hope Condoleeza and Colin revisit this one…and if Belafontes next utterance is not a death rattle live on air-then that STILL won`t justify what he said.
“Yellow Bird “eh Harry?…who`s the Uncle Tom then?
What’s more, Condoleeza is pretty fit.
Would I be right in suspecting that Danczuk has been stitched by his local postal voting Labour party wanting a more ‘local’ MP, one who is more favourable to, lets say their ‘peccadillos’ ?
Notice that the BBC reporting of the silly little shit Danczuk is rather restrained. Imagine if he had been a Tory MP. Bias, what bias ?
Looks like the silly man walked into it. Big boobs, lost his head, and whilst she could have told him where to go she went to the Sun. My laugh of the day was derived from a couple of comments from Guido’s followers. I have changed their context:
How can Simon Danczuk restore his career and curry favour with the BBC?
1. Change his name to Simone.
2. Convert to Islam.
With regard to Today guest editors, what I would like to ask the BBC is why the corporation thinks that the millions around the country who are forced to fund it should meekly tolerate having liberal left leaning propaganda pumped into their heads by any of the following:
Sheen – actor who lives in Los Angeles. ticks the Welsh box.
Wiggins- Belgian born man with Australian father. Good at pushing the pedals on a bike.
Gonzalez Durantez- Spanish woman married to political loser.
Adjaye – Tanzanian born man of Ghanaian ethnicity. Rocked up in the UK aged 9.
Cambell – London born disabled woman. Probably ticks the Scottish box
Browne – German born gay man with Hungarian mother. Ticks the Jewish box.
Silva (guest business editor) – man of Sri Lankan ethnicity whose parents rocked up in Wakefield in the 1960s.
License fee payers are sick of the nauseating moralising and sick of the BBC’s delusion that its favoured people are morally superior to its audience.
I feel that all of us should be a deal more circumspect in the case of Simon Danczuk.
He is normally an intelligent and thoughtful man on the right of the party, someone who might be described as a traditionalist, as opposed to the Fascist Islington / Hampstead wing.
They have been out to get his ever since he raised his total opposition to Jeremy Corbyn, and for me it isn’t a surprise to see a purge / night of the long knives going on in the party.
Let us not forget that what Danczuk did might have been silly, but it was not illegal (confirmed by Greater Manchester Political Correctness Enforcement Squad), yet there have been several other Labour MP who have done far worse (Harman Dromey to name but two) who Labour have not even investigated.
Let us also not forget the work Danczuk has done in the field of historical child abuse post Heywood (which is not in his constituency) in exposing not only Cyril Smith, but others in power.
Finally as a conclusion, readers might also like to consider that Simon Danczuk has been rumoured to have been courted by UKIP as a potential convert, and negotiations were said to be quite far along, around the time of the election. It would be rather embarrassing to have name called someone only to then find they are on the same side a few days later !
Some fair points, but where was the crusading Danczuk when the racist, industrial-scale child raping by Muslims was going on under his nose for 10 years?
He was either unaware – in which case he must have been totally out of touch with his constituents – or covering up. Either way, not good.
Well said Thoughtful, as I said earlier, when the news first broke, Danczuk has done an immense amount of public good, especially in being prepared to put his head above the parapet in exposing many child abuse cases. Too many Liebour MP’s did not. More concerned about being re-elected than children’s safety. He is bound to have many enemies, especially in a Fascist party such as Liebour. I am deeply suspicious of what is going on. I have learned in life never to trust anything that comes out of thr Liebour Party, I sense that this has a certain smell about it. Farage is a good friend of his, I wonder if he will involve himself. Publicly it would probably be unwise.
If the offence is a minor one (which I hope it is), I hope Danczuk comes over to UKIP.
UKIP would be fools, he’s damaged goods, the BBC would feed off these latest claims.
Their record in this regard does not encourage.
The claims when all boiled down come to pretty little to be honest.
He sent some inappropriate texts to a woman – that’s about it. It might be sexual abuse, but then everything can be shoehorned into one ism/phobia or another. And that’s the whole point. We shouldn’t give any credence or support to the Fascists who look for the tiniest imperfection to destroy their enemies, while overlooking the gravest crimes when it suits them.
The BBC and their friends might feed off the claims, but that only goes to prove the bias, and despite the propaganda, people aren’t stupid, and they see through it.