I am sure that you, like me, were devastated to learn that the BBC’s websites all crashed earlier today. How dreadful to be spared their poison for a short while! Anyway, I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a VERY Happy New Year, thank you all for sticking with this site and making such a massive contribution to it. I wanted to extend a special thank you to Alan for ALL his efforts, without him it would be so much quieter!
As we exit 2015, I can’t honestly say I believe the BBC is any less biased but I can say with some certainly that such bias is picked up by all of you out there and eviscerated as it well deserves to be.
My very best to you all and here’s to exposing MORE rancid bias in 2016. My axe is sharpened.
BBC News Channel starts 2016 as they mean to go on with a crafty putsch on language
Munich New Year celebrations we are told are cancelled due to a threat from “So-called Islamic State Militants”
Have the words Terrorist and Terrorism been banned ? Well, yes of course they have, we know that. And why? Well, I suppose so as not to offend terrorists and terrorist sympathisers.
Another programme, the BBC broadcast though gritted teeth, The New Years Day concert from Vienna. Germanic, militaristic & of course, “Hideously White “.No bongo, bongo, diversity, Out of Africa war drums, down in Wien.
What I’ve never understood is why they only show the second half. The whole concert is on this evening but it should all be shown live.
The Beeb commentator really didn’t seem to be having a Happy New Year. In addition to the Viennese Boys Choir, he fumed, there’s also a Viennese girls choir … there are only six female players on stage, slightly down from last year … this festival was started by the nazis in 1936 …
Its all on the red button from 1010 , BBC 2 comes in an hour later.
I listened to the news a few mornings ago on the World Service and then about fifteen minutes of either World Update or Outside Source – it hardly matters since so many BBC programmes are alike in their grovelling submission to political correctness. I heard the phrase So-called Islamic State so often in that short space of time that it must by now set in stone in the so-called BBC’s PeeCee guidelines as to how to refer to the brutal terrorist group.
Article about David Cameron’s words, yet most of the text is about Jeremy Corbyn.
Bias and 2016 has hardly begun…
Happy New Year to all contributors!
…and the award for “Most consistently ironic organisation” of 2015 goes to…. the Al-Beeb (again).
I had a silent chuckle when I saw this the other days as it could have been just as easily titled “100,000 (or more) times the BBC misled you in 2015”
“How the internet misled you in 2015” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-35051618
My favourite in there was this “, a former commander of the Free Syrian Army, a group of moderate rebels that oppose “, Moderate. What exactly does that mean? Free Syria and turn it into what? Is there a standard approved sliding scale from moderate to extreme? Although the taken for a ride (you have been) of 2015 which doesn’t appear must be dead kid on beach after fleeing from a safe country.
Even for someone who tries to keep informed about the subject, I have been shocked by many items in the lengthy article entitled “the islamization of Britain in 2015” posted on the Gatestone blog http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/7151/britain-islamization. It is my impression that many of the described news were not covered by the mainstream BBC, or if covered, then only in the most low-key and obfuscatory way. What is happening to this country is truly appalling, and the BBC must take a considerable part of the blame in deliberately downplaying the problem and dangers of islam. Perhaps more of the general population are reading informed blogs, but I doubt it, with most still relying on the BBC to provide them with ‘news’, and not realising that much of its broadcasts are partial and highly biased by omission and distortion.
I got about half way through it – incredibly depressing reading, but thanks for linking it.
Here we go, start of the New Year, Al Beeb extolling the new coins that are minted for 2016 which reflect the ‘history’ of Great Britain over the past 1000 years .
Do we get Trafalgar , Waterloo, Agincourt and Crecy ? Do we get great scientists that made our nation the cradle of invention and innovation of the world ? Do we get the return of ‘Britannia’, the symbol that reflected this land of freedom that was embossed on coinage since Roman times ?
Bloody hell no, we get Beatrix Potter, Shakespeare , the Battle of Hastings and the Great Fire of London !
Well done Mr Car Moron, dumbing down our heritage so we don’t upset the European Union, I am sure there will be a nice post there for you when you leave your present office .
I think laying the choice for the subjects of British coinage at the door of the laziest PM we’ve perhaps ever had is stretching credulity past breaking point!
There are usually pretty strict rules about who & what gets onto notes and coins, just like there are with stamps. I remember the hoo hah there was a few years ago that Royal Fail were putting secular scene on the Christmas stamps in order not to offend, yet the truth was the Christmas stamps have always cycled between religious & secular each year.
Shakespeare dumbing down our heritage ? Wow that’s a pretty difficult argument to make! Beatrix Potter ? Well there has to be a woman in there these days, but you’ll find she’s amazingly popular around the world.
We’re 50 years away from the millennial of Hastings – perhaps unsurprisingly a great many of our aristocrats and landed gentry can trace their positions in society back to the time of that conquest, when they were on the winning side.
There won’t be a ‘nice post’ for Cameron when he leaves office, because like Tony BLiar he will be able to undertake low value highly paid work for the Sunni Muslim oil rich states who he works for.
When someone’s actions appear inexplicable, there’s usually a good reason behind it, and in this case corruption is the only explanation which works !
I tend to agree with what you say Thoughtful. Nothing wrong with Shakespeare or Beatrix Potter, or even Hastings.
But, like Taffman, I don’t remember coins last year commemorating Agincourt or Trafalgar. Nor even the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain. Obviously these were great victories against our new EU “friends” whereas Hastings was a defeat by them. Co-incidence? Hmmm….
Hastings was an invasion of England by Vikings who had already invaded France and forced the French king to grant them lands (Rollo). They invaded the Saxon / Angles / Viking lands on a shaky pretext at best.
Battles are not normally commemorated on the everyday coinage, even if the heros of those battles are. I can remember Wellington on a £5 note but no actual mention of the battle, even if a scene was depicted.
Churchill has been on the £5 note – but again no mention of a battle.
There are currently only four banknotes and an awful lot of subjects to include. They are always people, not events, and are drawn from the most eminent in the fields of Science, Arts, and literature.
Coins are slightly different and in the obverse feature a number of designs, but are not considered as important as the much larger higher denomination notes.
Haven’t we already had Shakespeare on a bank note ?
My point being that there was an ideal opportunity to put the ‘Great ‘ back into Britain and why was Britannia removed from our coinage , she could have been brought back . Our history has been dumbed down over the past thirty years by Al Beeb, the education system, and a long list of apologists embedded in our successive governments .
Thoughtful: “Shakespeare dumbing down our heritage ? Wow that’s a pretty difficult argument to make! Beatrix Potter ? Well there has to be a woman in there these days, but you’ll find she’s amazingly popular around the world.”
Er, yes, actually. Seem to recall Shakespeare was the BBC1/2/3/4 telly of his day. 😉
But, more seriously, I tend to agree with the points you make and would add two observations:
On Shakespeare & Potter: when times get hard & tough, the usual trend is to seek solace in things of the past that bring comfort. There is plenty of evidence of that in the entertainment industry at present and it may be a good (better than many?) marker of how serious things really are.
On Cameron – it is very easy to under-estimate total incompetence among Government Ministers. [I intend to put up a comment about David Willetts little venture on BBC R4 this week at 1.145pm.]
Those new coins are for upcoming anniversaries in 2016 . Its the Treasury & Royal Mint that sort out the coinage . The PM , does not dictate all of government admin , that`s why they have ministers & the civil service.
Essexman, A genuine Happy New Year to you .
You are fast becoming an apologist for our ‘patriotic’ PM who says he wants us to ‘remain in the EU’ .
Not a peep from him or Al Beeb during the Waterloo 200 celebrations – didn’t want to upset the Europeans by any chance ?
You can , vote to , leave too .You have persuade the undecided , that they must vote to leave likewise . Whatever the PM recommends , does not matter really , its up to the electorate to decide . He may decide to recommend Brexit anyhow , you just jump the gun before we get any final deal or no deal. Happy New Year to my Welsh cousins too .
Thanks Esexman .
But the PM has already jumped the gun by telling the European leaders that he wanted us to remain in the EU before attempting to make any deal – thus pre-empting any bargaining power he may have had and even biasing the forthcoming election.
No , you worry too much , its a straight in ,out , you have to persuade , some of your handout dependent Welsh councils , & the Welsh executive , they don`t need those handouts. That money was ours , which we give to the EU , then they give some of it back to Wales . In future they would have it direct from the Treasury .
There is no “gun” to jump Essexman. Cameron laid out a relatively OK starting point for negotiations in his original Speech when he first said he wanted reform leading to a referendum. There was not enough reform in that speech for me, but he started well. There were many areas of reform which he claimed were essential for Brits to vote to remain in. Since then he has abandoned pretty much all of his demands, leaving a group of 4 meaningless “baskets” of of empty and non-binding waffle, which amounts to no change whatsoever. How many chapters of the Lisbon treaty are being repealed? None. How many clauses even? NONE. If we are stupid, cowardly or xenophobic enough to vote to remain in the EU, we will still be subject to every single sentence of the Lisbon treaty, and through that, to being signed up entirely to an ever closer union, regardless of any wording of any agreement which Cameron attempts to con us with.
This referendum is nothing more than a “bait & switch” con of monumental proportions. Whatever the deal agreed to by Cameron and voted on by the British, after the referendum is held, any single EU member state will be able to veto the entire agreement during the EU ratification process. The ONLY way to get any significant reform, is to vote Leave. If we vote to stay, we WILL be voting to be dragged all the way in and that is exactly what all the Europhiles will relentlessly repeat endlessly in the media after the referendum.
I can see it now, “What? How can you say we did not vote for tax-harmonisation? EU Army? Single Currency? etc… We all had that referendum and we voted to remain IN the EU… We are only getting what the Lisbon Treaty demands, and that is what we all voted for!”
So knowing now, clearly, that Cameron is not even asking for any significant reform AT ALL, how on earth can you claim that we should wait to see what is agreed before “jumping” some mythical gun? We know he will get NOTHING back from the EU, because he is asking for nothing.
Now it is already abundantly clear that the only choice is between freedom, democracy and liberty as a free and independent nation, in charge of our own destiny, or total submission and subservience to a profoundly anti-democratic, corrupt and utterly incompetent foreign power.
There are no significant unknowns left in this process…
The only thing unknown is what date we will all be finally able to free ourselves from this EU mess by placing our cross in the “Leave” box on the referendum ballot.
From the above
” and Europe’s oldest Muslim community, the Moors, were being driven out of Spain.”
And just how did the moors come to settle the Iberian Peninsula, no mention of white slavery or invasion, just that they
were driven out of Spain. Could it be the writer of this sub standard potted horrible history has any axe to grind, lets see who it is, ah, Tharik Hussain, no possible bias then. The quote is just a throw away line as the focus of the article is on those nasty aggresive Christians threatening peace loving hippy Tatars, but effectively it reinforces the muslim/victim BBC claptrap by hiding away in the article with no wider context given. New Year, more BBC history re writes.
The fact that the name ” Moors” referred variously to Berber and Arab muslims who were in Spain as a result of their invading and holding various parts of Iberia by force of arms seems to escape our friends at the Beeb.
At least this was acknowledged by Simon Sebag Montefiore in his 3 part BBC history of Spain which went on to dwell on a partial telling of Sephardic Jewish history that, of course, reflected badly on the Catholic monarchs who defeated the Caliphate of their time and liberated Spain.
Will there be a “Catholic” history of Spain along soon….presented by Anne Widdecombe perhaps?
Please we need to get it right. There was no Muslim invasion of Europe. It was a benign liberation movement by very nice people.
Everybody got on really well until those dreadful Spanish Catholics started to take their country back and behaved very badly.
Likewise the Turks were only trying to be nice to the Austrians and show them how to make really good coffee. So all those so called attacks were nothing of the sort. Just a misunderstanding.
Oldspeaker: George Orwell would have been proud of you highlighting this one: ” and Europe’s oldest Muslim community, the Moors, were being driven out of Spain.” Well done.
The year in Britain when 1984 finally arrived.
As anticipated our right on Radio 4 is continuing in 2016 as it did in 2015….with appallingly biased, bigoted programmes that will appeal only to those at the very leftwards end of the political spectrum.
There was a “comedy” at 11.30, The Cold Swedish Winter. I was writing at the time but pieces kept filtering through. It’s all about a British expat struggling with life in Sweden…and coming into contact with charming, friendly, open minded Muslims and those ghastly fascist natives who unreasonably oppose mass immigration into their country.
Any balance in this, so called, comedy? Nah. Just the usual, dogeared, exhausted lefty cliches that would bore the backside off anyone who isn’t a member of the repulsive UAF.
Any mention that due to the mass immigration from Muslim lands this once highly civilized and liberal country is now the rape capital of Europe? What do you think?
This predictable, tiresome tosh would be embarrassing if it were to be performed at your kid’s end of year school play…but WE are paying for this unsophisticated, undiluted crap!
By the way don’t worry if you missed this first edition, there’s going to be a series.
Oh joy…
I’m glad you posted about this. In fact I’d logged in to do exactly the same so you saved me some typing.
It was my first exposure to the BBC for 2016. I wish it could be the last because the entire, rotten organisation was to be closed down tomorrow! It cannot happen too soon.
Gutted to discover it’s not yet available on iplayer so contented myself with learning more about its creator, he looks even more like I thought he would.
For those of us still paying the licence tax it’s a good feeling to know it’s funding this fecker and his output isn’t it?
Pretty much what one might have expected, isn’t he?
Until the people who commission this trash are replaced with adults who take seriously the charter’s requirement to be balanced, we aren’t going to see an end to this stream of puerile political drivel.
GCooper, I was pleased that you – like several others here – are calling for the BBC to be closed down. This is what is needed, not reformed, not modified as wee Whittingdale might if they let him. Close the bloody thing down, euthanasia is urgently needed..
Sadly, I have come to the conclusion it’s the only way. Like many of us here I was brought up at a time when the BBC, if not exactly neutral, was a pretty broad church and reflected a wide spread of opinions – often, ideally, no opinions at all – it stuck to factual matters.
Since the wholesale takeover of the Corporation by the Left, which gained control in the 1980s, it has become a source of political propaganda for cultural Marxists whose poison runs throughout almost every programme – even finding its way into the most unlikely areas like food and cookery, gardening (yes, really!), wildlife, children’s broadcasting – there really is no end to it.
How could you reform it? If you replaced the senior management, the middle management would carry on as before (which was what Margaret Thatcher’s government found) and nothing will change the ways of the actual programme makers, who are epitomised by smug, virtue signalling little twerps like Danny Robbins (see above), of which the BBC seems to have an endless supply.
You cannot reform an organisation as corrupt to the core as that. You can only close it down and start again. Even then you will have a struggle.
They are attempting to do just that in Poland. They are sick of the EU funding anti-Polish propaganda on their state broadcaster, so are changing the law to take back more control over the output and ensure more balanced programming.
The Very Best Wishes to all the free thinkers here in the coming year.
Also, like many of you here, I have come to the conclusion that there is no reforming the BBC. It is the mindset of those running it that is the real problem, and they would have to undergo lengthy psychological therapy and education to ever have a chance of addressing the abuse of power that we see as the consistent prevalent energy there.
I have also come to the conclusion that neither will our politicians do anything about reforming the BBC either. Basically they are of a similar mindset and have mostly come to power as a result of BBC propaganda and the resultant society formed by it. They are each dependent on the other.
Over the years I have also come to various other observations concerning this mindset and what really has to happen to neutralize it in the effort to try and re-establish those qualities and values within society that promote real growth and harmony.
What I see very often here are those who interpret BBC thinking based on their own – though this is natural, it is a big mistake in my opinion. There is little basic difference between those drawn to the BBC, or much of the media today, and the jihadist or those behind them.
A simple question to establish the difference.
Do you seek power over others or do you prefer harmony and a loving comfortable lifestyle ideally doing work which you enjoy and find fulfilling?
I’m going to presume that most here would, and have, shun the former option, even if it was made available.
For some reason, that mostly I would conjecture begins as an inferiority complex, the mind of the power seeker fails to develop and explore naturally. Instead they cling to beliefs and tenets within a system whereby they can dismiss all other views or logic. Attaining more power confirms their ‘superiority’, regardless of real justification.
If one reads the ‘symptoms’ and behaviour of a psychopath, certain behaviours we witness continually by the BBC are evident there.
As far as I know there is no example in history that we can use to construct a suitable strategy to overcome this enemy. So to succeed we will need to be creative, using our ability to think freely to devise one.
One thing from history we can learn from. It is this mindset that craves power that has caused most of the human misery of the past. Next time we are victorious over them, we can’t just go back to our old lives leaving the avenues of power to those seeking them. This is why humanity has continued to find itself returning to these dynamics.
Your thoughts and inspirations are welcome.
Agree with an earlier poster about the ‘feminism’ of xmas programmes. Despite being of the fairer sex myself, (no kids) even I gagged on the amount of ‘animated’ programmes shown. TV in general was abysmal, and I’ve got the whole Sky package to choose from, and now its the insufferable amount of time being shown to the Reviews of 2015 !!! Little wonder the suicide rate in this country is always highest at this time of year, when we ‘re force fed another repeat of Bargain Hunt or Flog It from 5 years ago, Just how old are the kids in charge of tv programming ? 15 ?
There is absolutely nothing worth watching on BBC as the money has all gone into the BBC Staff Pension Fund (£1b. anyway most recently).
Even the much lauded BBC4 consists largely of a diet of ancient programmes like TOTP, recut and pasted to create themes and such like.
The more you notice, you see that the BBC is becoming the World Service in original programming i.e. broadcasting the ‘World’ into uneducated British households, while excavating its (carefully censored) archives, over and over again, for apparently ‘new’ productions.
At midnight, BBC 24 Hour News becomes the World Service in all but name.
Has anyone noticed?
It seems to be presented from Singapore and points east.
Peter Hitchens has an excellent demolition of the bBBC version of Agatha Christie’s “Ten Little thingies” over at the Mail on line:
Thank you very much for that link. I haven’t read Christie’s book but I was fuming at some of the awful anachronisms in the BBC’s adaptation of it – and they aren’t the ones Hitchens mentions, so if you add his list and mine (no doubt there were even more) then it becomes quite a charge sheet. When I posted about it the other day, I said that the cast should have known better and thrown some of the ridiculous lines back at the scriptwriter – certainly Charles Dance is old enough to know better, even if some of the others aren’t.
The problem, as so often with the BBC, lies in the limited age range of the people it employs. As with Danny Robbins, mentioned a few posts ago for his nauseatingly right-on R4 ‘comedy’ this morning, when you have kids employing kids what you end up with is kids-only programming. There are no adults around to say ‘Hang on a second, I wasn’t actually at the front in the Great War, but I am quite sure men didn’t…We need to check this.’
This sort of thing matters because it feeds into a general lack of knowledge about what things really were like in the past and that leads to the sort of historical and social dislocation that we are seeing all around us now.
Of course, this is no accident. Cultural Marxists routinely lie about the past to manipulate the present and future. The proper teaching of history has all but vanished and that makes the population far easier to control.
We stayed in last night. Thought we would watch something on the tele waiting for the New Year to come in. If there are any doubts that the Beeb spreads itself too thinly, last night proved it. We rejected lots of programmes on BBC4 about canals (one might have been enough). We ended up watching on Drama or some such like a Midsummer Murder that we had seen years ago. Then moved on to Live at the Apollo, only turned out to be one we saw a week ago. And then? Well thoughts of finding a book to read came to the front. In the end we watched on I player Jack Whitehall with his father. Mr Whitehall senior admits to being a Tory much to Jack’s embarrassment. He must be the only person I have known admit as much, yet listen to Desert Island Discs etc and how frequently are the guests described as members of the Labour Party? But if last night’s programming was the best the Beeb could do, it is time it is pensioned off. Still enjoyed the concert from Vienna today but I would guess the number of years its annual broadcast will shown is limited.
Smashing link, Kennedy………….Excellent article by the as usual, excellent Peter Hitchens. However similar points could be applied to almost any of the far left, pro islam, bbbc productions these days (by that I mean all bbbc productions). They particularly concentrate on the destruction of police characters who they show as being dimwitted and unpleasant in every pc way possible (as PH mentions – wife beaters, sexist, right wing etc etc.). Black people are always the ‘good guys’ when it comes to portrayal. Sexual orientation is also another subject that is invariably and needlessly introduced into the plot of any of their productions.
Unfortunately, I cannot contribute so much to this forum these days as I don’t have the evidence to make comment as I just can hardly view the stomach turning, far left propaganda that the bbbc churn out 24 hours a day any more but I still read these posts.
Just wait for the announcement of the date of EU referendum and then we can all look forward to 24/7 totally biased pro EU rubbiish and I bet that the knives will be used on anyone who dares make any anti EU statement.
I am also particularly enjoying the way that they are struggling to deal with the far left (which they obviously see as good) liebour party leader who has at a stroke has made liebour totally unelectable for many years to come (which they see as bad)………..hahahahaha
Oh well…rant over….
Happy New Year to all
Dear God ! Is there no end to the promotion of Islam by the BBC ?
The amazing survival of the Baltic Muslims – By Tharik Hussain
“It may not be the kind of place you would expect to stumble upon a mosque, but Muslims have lived among the forests and lakes of Lithuania for more than 600 years – showing that tolerance reigned here in the Middle Ages, even when religious strife was rampant in other parts of Europe.”
No! It had nothing to do with ‘tolerance’! The Muslims knew to keep their heads down and keep their mouths shut regarding their horrible religion and its endemic intolerance !
You can bet that they weren’t accosting their neighbours telling them they couldn’t do absolutely anything in case someone was offended !
They can’t have been very strict Muslims either, as it is not possible to survive a Northern winter without a great feast at mid Winter – the origins of the Christmas meal. If a Muslim observed Ramadan at mid Winter then he or she would not see the Spring time.
This might of course account for the fact that by the present day there are only 3 Mosques surviving, but shows just how long it takes for the vicious ideology to die out !
BBC Radio 4
“I’m more benign, more accepting… and I’m much nicer.” #BBCMoments
Andrew Marr on life after his stroke
First broadcast on The Life in my Head: From Stroke to Brain Attack.
As ‘BBC says the BBC is’ goes, this quote conforms neatly to corporate type.
Interestingly the comments currently seem to be ranging from endorsement to outright BJs.
This may change as normal folks’ hangovers subside.
Or, like me, maybe the goodwill of the season resisted the urge to offer ‘if you say so’ and move on to leave him with his self-reverential indulgences before getting stressed again and grabbing a subordinate’s privates outside a club. In a much nicer way.
I can’t imagine any left wing Fascist being ‘more accepting’ of views which fail to coincide with their own. They the most intolerant & bigoted people imaginable !
I want to expand a little on what I said above about the way the BBC attempts to control the present and future by rewriting the past.
One of the most common things it does is insert black and Asian people into storylines where they simply do not belong. This is not to say that there were no black or Asian people living here before the mid-1960s but they were very few in number and are often grossly over-represented in TV dramas.
The reason for doing this isn’t to give work to black and Asian actors, it is to give the subliminal impression that we have always lived in a multiracial society and have always managed to ‘get along’, as I don’t doubt a political commissar at the BBC would put it.
If you feed this sort of misinformation day in, day out to people who are largely uneducated, they will simply absorb it like mother’s milk, unquestioningly.
This is why I have long maintained that the greatest danger the BBC presents is not through its ludicrously biased news and current affairs programming but through its dramas and comedies. Whether we are talking about ‘global warming’, immigration, the EU, our relationship with the USA and the former USSR – cultural Marxists are ceaselessly dripping political poison into people’s ears.
Considered in this way it gives an interesting and chilling second meaning to the word ‘programming’.
Excellent post GC, I remember a couple of cases in point….. when the Merlin series began a few years ago there featured a mixed race Guinevere (!) I did a double take – Camelot with non-white, surely not. I don’t take anything away from the fine acting of the lady in question but that WAS pushing the boundaries. Then Endeavour (Morse as a young man) seemingly had a relationship with a young black nurse living in the flat across the landing – this time era was the 60’s and enlightened times were not so ‘enlightened’ back then, and felt that this was purely a case of keeping the likes of Lenny Henry appeased. Because the media employs a wide range of ethnics in all capacities, there’s no reason to believe that there are a fair amount working in the Casting Director’s office as well – so its ‘keep everyone happy’ syndrome, regardless of whether its historically factual or not. What are the odds on Idris Elba becoming the next James Bond ? then it will be a female (Jamie) in the role, followed by a transgender (just call me J ) person.
I think the next Bond will be Tom Hardy – the owners’ of the franchise know what side their bread is buttered; a black playing him might go down well amongst the Bollinger Bolsheviks in North London but not so well in “less enlightened” places of the world (i.e. everywhere else) where they need people to part with their money to watch it and they decide not to.
I agree. We are being BBC programmed and it was predicted in 1958 by Aldous Huxley that this could happen. Although the BBC claim not to support ‘Advertising’ (per se), however the main aim of the BBC has always been subtle state propaganda (World services). And I agree that it has got progressively more openly blatent since the late 1980’s.. Thanks to its unique funding and monopoly it has far more power than any Advertising agency, Newspaper or broadcaster in history.
“Impersonal forces over which we have almost no control seem to be pushing us all in the direction of the Brave New Worldian nightmare; and this impersonal pushing is being consciously accelerated by representatives of commercial and political organizations who have developed a number of new techniques for manipulating, in the interest of some minority, the thoughts and feelings of the masses.”
– Aldous Huxley, Preface to A Brave New World’ (1958)
Shaun the Sheep today had a number of ethnic minorities on view. Not that I have ever seen them in the shire England I know.
A few years ago there was a hue and cry about the National Parks not doing ‘enough’ for ethnic minorities; lots of comments were aired then about ‘how many saris were seen fell walking in all weathers’ – er, none. Most ethnics (unless they are monied) prefer to live in an urban environment, so to see a turban white water rafting, or canoeing our waterways would surely be seen on the rolling 24 hours news !!!!
Happy New Year to all of the contributors to this site.
May we continue to fight the good fight in 2016.
BBC New Years Resolution (all staff)
By Lord Hall of Birkenhead
1. NO-PAIN, NO-GAIN keep on the pressure (never admit to reading the GUARDIAN).
2. Treat all public complaints with CONTEMPT (the BBC is above the PRESS laws).
3. Treat ALL parliamentary complaints with DENIAL (claim amnesia and destroy all evidence).
4. Always claim GLOBAL WARMING for local floods, high winds and sea erosion.
5. Praise Islam for its FAMILY VALUES, (Saudi charitable funding) and world class hospitality.
6. Never allow CHRISTIANS any moral objections on air (ignore them on TV and Radio).
7. Praise Multiculturalism for its many BENEFITS to local populations (ignore ALL abuses)
8. CHILDREN must be accompanied by senior staff (no presenter to touch the children as it draws attention to historic abuses).
9. We have agreed with the COMMISSION on BBC child exploitation (that it never happened).
10. BBC staff are required to display EU solidarity at all times
All staff are expected to conform to BBC practices or be dismissed.
A happy New Year from BBC HQ. Usual bonuses apply as soon as the TV License increases.
Thank you all very much for asking no questions where the money comes from.
I am an occasional poster here, a wonderful refuge from the legions of the left.
I will add my HNY to all with the simple words my father put in our Christmas card this year,
‘May God bless you this time, next time and every time.’
Trying to figure out how the BBC may play this, if at all. Inter-mosque rivalries have been known to get over-enthusiastic beyond the deadlier charcuterie deployment of the rabid generic islamaphobe.
Did appreciate this in an otherwise masterclass of steering around… er… ‘detail’:
‘The driver has been detailed’
Clean bust then.
One has to ask why soldiers were guarding the mosque, is this common in France?
Not a driver attempting to ‘ram’ a Mosque at all, but a mentally ill lone wolf again.
Despite the usual denials & excuses, it’s pretty obvious looking at the colour of the guys skin that he isn’t indigenous French !
But without doubt still a French man. And possibly explaining the reduced coverage and vague ‘detail’, probably headed for the memory hole about right …now.
Given the BBC’s championing of mentally-related quirks, that of lone wolfing the home team’s ‘hood seems a odd one to keep steering clear of. Maybe they don’t want anyone to make silly connections on folk using cars to ram other folk, and targeting gendarmes. Lucky for us here, security expert Baroness L has nixed the notion of our bobbies having anything more than a hi-vis to blind any assailant with reflected high beams as they are mown down.
The hommes in charge seem on message:
‘he warned that the authorities must be “extremely prudent about the motive” of the attack’
Coup de coude, coup de coude, clin d’œil, clin d’œil à un cheval aveugle, si tu vois ce que je veux dire, écuyer.
The car attempted to ram a mosque? I didn’t know cars were capable of independent actions. I thought ‘Knight Rider’ was a fantasy TV programme.
And ‘ram’ is weird in this context. Perhaps it was a floating mosque and the car was steering a barge?
From what I have seen elsewhere from witnesses on Twitter, it was apparently Muslims driving a car at the soldiers in a terrorist attack on the soldiers. This is being reported in the media as soldiers protecting innocent Muslims at a Mosque from an Islamophobic attack on the Mosque.
I do not know what the truth is, and no doubt, IF it is as reported on twitter, it will very soon be dropped as a news item.
Not related to BBC lefty bias but in a similar vein this stupid woman typifies the lilly-livered, sandal-wearing do-gooder arty farty PC brigade that instead of being cutting and questioning and critical of religious fascism, prefer to resort to craven apologist drivel in the name of ‘art’. However, seems like on this occasion the locals had enough.
The Telegraph editorial is surely taking the Mo here?
‘Artist Penelope Walford used a store mannequin and a curtain to make the controversial angel, which was dressed in a burqa.’
So… her art was making an ethnic scarecrow, only with less actual effort than a window dresser uses at the local Peacocks, and then went fly-tipping?
‘She was inspired by her fear of rising Islamophobia after the Paris terror attacks and the UK’s decision for air strikes against Islamic State.’
Oo, Islamaphobiaphobia? Surely the critiques of her ‘art’ on this basis would thusly be Islamaphobiaphobiaphobia?
It’s possible double and triple negatives result in awards rather than jail for provocation. Or not.
Still, she did get in the papers, which is nice.
Will Gompertz firing up his Eminobile as we speak…
Guest Who – I always appreciate your comments but, knowing the Isle of Wight, I don’t think that most of the people who live there will have had either much exposure to the Qur’an or to have witnessed the effects of mass immigration on British cities. Technology can work as a one way traffic. It seems to me as though Walford has been fed propaganda by the media and that media exposure is her payment for having demonstrated the bending of her brain to serve their agenda.
The stupid woman needs to be forced to wear a burka during the entire month of January and beaten if she fails to do so. Only then might she gain an understanding of what this oppressive garment from an oppressive and intolerant religion actually stands for.
Mental illness doesn’t only affect Islamic terrorists, most of the liberal left are so disconnected from real life that their ignorance is akin to mental illness.
Your post annoyed me intensely. Suggesting that a woman who has dutifully swallowed the media propaganda fed to her about Islamic women’s garb should be beaten for her failure to resist the propaganda is really rather disgusting. The Arch Bish of Cant and most British politicians don’t have much understanding of the Islamic religion and the Qur’an, so why expect it of the rest of the population? But, as I said, thank goodness this space permits us the liberty to discuss these things.
I agree that the misguided and ignorant one should not be beaten. Only barbarians beat women. And besides, even if she were beaten by a mob of Islamic barbarians calling her a kuffar unfit to live, she would still be unlikely to change her silly opinions about the Religion of Peace.
Such is the insidious influence and power of lefty PeeeCee.
That is not what I wrote !
The woman should be beaten if she fails to wear it, to teach her exactly what this garment means. This is exactly what would happen in the backwards Islamic societies where its wearing is enforced. In Afghanistan or Saudi, if a woman goes out uncovered she is beaten. That is the reality of this garment, a symbol of oppression which the stupid woman ‘artist’ simply doesn’t understand.
I NEVER suggested she should for her failure to resist the propaganda, and even rereading my post I cannot imagine how you reached that conclusion !
I hope that so-called “artist” who disrespects Christianity, and insults the victims of terrorism and their families, never has happen to her, or her loved ones, what those innocent victims suffered in Paris.
“Miss Walford displayed her work as part of the St Helens Village of Angels event, Isle of Wight.
Quick, someone phone Tell Mama Isle of Wight branch!
How come everybody who buys a sofa or needs a loan from a building society is in a mixed race relationship according to the tele
I read somewhere mixed race partnerships account for 1% of the population I have no real reason to doubt that so even ignoring that figure it would seem the advertising companies have an agenda going on this one. We’ve noticed the trend on advertising for some time.
I’ve recounted this before but it bears repeating. I heard the woman who headed one of the advertising industry’s trade associations openly bragging that agencies deliberately do this to ‘promote diversity’.
She saw this sort of social engineering as one of advertising’s roles and she was so sure of herself that she was actually proud it.
That’s how bad things have got.
A few days ago I was talking to an enthusiastic, young primary school teacher who works in Tower Hamlets. 98% of the children in her care are of Bangladeshi ethnicity. One is Polish and the other is white British. That isn’t multiculturalism, it’s monoculturism and the Polish and White British children are the ethnic minorities. She also told me about the amount of money that is being poured into the education of those children. I didn’t dare ask her if she knew where the money had come from and who had provided it. She was young and my question would have been so terribly politically incorrect.
Somewhat counter productive for myself. My late Father was a graphic artist and worked in the advertising business so I’ve been wise to the tricks of the advertising trade . All the propaganda agenda advertising does to me is make me less likely to give them money
Indeed…the current tv ad for the Health Lottery has to be one of the most blatant examples….it seems to suggest that at least 50% of our population are from ethnic minorities of colour. And the govt. ad for workplace pensions is just ridiculous….
Happy New Year to all and thank you to those who give up their time to running the site and to those who watch, listen, read and comment.
If you missed the Christmas Sermon from the arch weirdo, sorry Archbishop of Canterbury, leader of the Church of England, he would like you all to know that he met Mary Berry at a carol service and realized that “Bake Off” reminded him of Jesus, and that the Archbishop’s version of God will judge us (his little English flock) all very badly if we don’t shape up and show a bit of ‘world changing obedience’. I do wish that someone would stand up at one of his sermons and ask him who created Herod and the mad men unleashing terror in the Middle East. If it wasn’t his God, who was said to have created all humans and their descendants, then who was it?
Welby’s New Year’s message was even more exciting. He would like you to know that he met an African boy at a school in Kent and that “society” would be a much better place if “society” worked much harder to house and fund the lives of an endless stream of foreigners. He knows this because there is a 16th century chapel in Canterbury Cathedral dedicated to French protestants who fled here in the early 18th century.
So that’s it. No mention of the natives of this country who are suffering from poverty and deprivation. No mention of those who are living off foodbanks. No mention of the fact that this country has taken in millions of economic migrants and refugees in recent years. No mention of the nameless thousands who struggle to care for the poor, the sick and the elderly.
Welby doesn’t represent or speak for the people of this country. He represents the establishment and his personal version of Lala land. The BBC, and the rest of the “British” media, have, of course, reported the bits of his speech that suit their agenda. Apologies for the long post. My New Year’s resolution is to tell as many people as possible about this site. Some of the posts annoy me and some of my posts annoy others. Thank goodness that we still have that liberty.
Sadly, Welby does very much speak for the ‘liberal elite’ who have taken over as the new establishment in this country.
We are long overdue a day of reckoning.
Good post. This Welby is worse than the last one if that is at all possible. The Cof E needs to change it’s name to the Church of Virtue Signallers (TM) .Why Welby thinks we take him seriously is a mystery.
I suppose he was approved or appointed by Cameron. Two of a kind and as useless as each other.
I must admit, though, he does seem to reflect the views of a number of the CofE clergymen and women I’ve met in recent years – a very unprepossessing bunch!
According to the media and Cameron’s website it was all very secretive and Welby was nominated and approved by the Queen. I have long wondered who they all serve. Their version of God moves in ways that are utterly mysterious to the “common” people.
Welby tells us that Jesus was a refugee and so we should welcome refugees. Well I am happy to welcome any refugee that is as peace-loving as Jesus. What he did not say is that Mohammed was also a refugee, accepted into the Jewish run Medina. Within 5 years of that, Mohammed had killed, forced out, or enslaved every last Jew in Medina. Oh, and just as Christians are encouraged to live according to the rules of Jesus (peace, love and turn the other cheek), Muslims are encouraged to believe that Mohammed was the most perfect human who ever lived and to be much more like him. IE killing, raping and enslaving all those who are not a follower of Islam. I am NOT going to welcome any refugee who is dedicated to my destruction. I welcome genuine Christian refugees from Syria, but none of the Islamic ones.
Excellent! Well argued.
Sir Bob Geldof has apparently given over all his homes to Syrian refugees as promised back in September. Sir Bob is now I hear living in a Bead & Breakfast in Tottenham.
Can anyone confirm this, please? I’m sure it’s true as Sir Bob is a very, very rich and honest man. The BBC so like him very much.
We need to be informed….
I trust that Bono is sharing the digs. So rock ‘n’ man. Perhaps Welby could move in too, and Corbyn, and Clegg and all of the other revolting hypocrites. Blair could strum along with the band. Cool Britannia, man. They could come up with 2016 Christmas No 1 and make fortunes for the economy. Now wouldn’t their chums at the BBC just love that story.
While you are on the subject , I look forward to all the ‘band aid’ groups and other media stars getting together to raise funds for all those poor and unfortunate people that were flooded over the Christmas period – Perhaps our Archbishop Welby will remember that charity begins at home , perhaps Mr Car Moron will divert all the Foreign Aid to help alleviate the flooding ?
And that nice Yvette Cooper she was going to hug a muzzie and give them a roof.
I read somewhere Sir Bob was worth £30m how the feck did he make that ? I mean I quite liked a bit of Boomtown Rats back in the day but no way did they make that sort of money .
When you don’t have to pay tax because of your non Dom status, and you benefited from the massive rises in London property values because of Mass immigration, then perhaps you have part of the answer.
Add into it the reissue of the Boomtown rats albums after live aid, plus the contacts he made as a result and he profited from subsequently.
Geldof made a pile of money from a stake in a media group.He also wrote a best selling autobiography after Bandaid which is a great read and has the the line `that the myth of the selfish greedy 80`s actually really happened in the 70`s`.Not a very nice person but one could do lot worse.Although one of the most obvious Jagger copycats ever the Rats did make 4 buyable records `Looking after no 1` Rattrap` `Banana Republic` Don`t like Mondays`
Not reported on BBC, wonder why not ??
Is there a trend in converts being involved in doing nasty things on behalf of the religion of peace?
I only ask because I worked with a wonderful chap who had been a “guest” of the Japanese in WW2, and if I remember correctly, he said that the Korean guards were much more brutal that the Japanese ones, presumably trying to prove their loyalty.
If you can get someone else to do the dirty work for you, most probably would.
….and continuing my theme of bBBC PC bingo…..
BBC London today showed an advert for a future programme on the opening of a muslim British soldiers memorial garden in…. Somewhere ….possibly Woking. I’m more than happy to acknowledge their service but to make a whole programme for the 27 soldiers involved is classic PC bBBC propoganda.
Meanwhile there has been a gun attack at a Tel Aviv restaurant. Within a15 second interval on the news, al Beeb put this down to either a hate attack as it was a known gay restauarant , or a facet of the ‘ongoing’ Israeli – Palestinian situation.
The idea of it being a muslim attack on jews could obviously not be entertained for one microsecond. You could hear the clunking noise as al Beeb editoris groped around for any set of phrasing that avoided the M word.
Meanwhile Justin Welby is given lots of airtime on the basis that Jesus was a refugee. Well maybe but there was only one of him, not one million, and the welfare state was not that great in Palestine 2000 years ago.
New year. Old bias.
Jesus was a refugee was He Justin?
That old canard?
Welby is a clot-and any Christian who knows the biblical stories knows it.
1. Jesus, Mary and Joseph followed procedures , were documented and went back for the Census…so they were legitimate and traceable to the Romans, logged and official.
They used no assumed names, didn`t push the old to the back and didn`t claim Surestart at the Bethlehem Rainbow Centre as soon as they`d put a CD system on the donkeys back.
And yes, they DID go to Egypt-but their assistance there won`t have been any better that what todays Sisi regime offers to all who seek to flee Syria, Given the Stoning Age conditions of much of the Arab world today-things might even be a bit worse.
But Jesus didn`t seek the law courts or Peter Sutherland, Mary wasn`t on Womans Hour or You and Yours…He just went on to be the sinless Son Of God instread…hardly Caitlyn Jenner or Wayne Rooney but there you go.
So-Welby-dust off that Book you may once have looked at, before the Radio Times and Geri Halliwells autobiography took your attentions…and wake up.
I heard Kevin Connolly saying that the Tel Aviv gun attack was “possibly related to recent tensions between Israelis and Palestinians”. Typical BBC weasel words. He should have spoken plainly and said “possibly related to this year’s spate murderous attacks by Palestinians using knives and vehicles”.
Re the posts on Welby above.
I agree that he`s a liberal sappy plant…we could have had Sentamu or Nazir-Ali…and the elite choose Williams and Welby.
Just so they can keep their heads up at the BBC, and keep those media privileges.
But-to be fair to Welby-he`ll have recorded this useless message of his with no real care for how this looks.
He spouts for Syria only a few days after worrying himself about Christian persecutions at his Midnight Service at Canterbury.
Guessing here that this was co-ordinated with the Catholics and with Prince Charles office or such.
And he speaks only a day or so after Rochester Station removed a stained glass window that had a picture of St John on it…it being his feast day, I guess (for fear of causing offence…so Jerry Springer =the Piss Christ returns!…can take up the advertising space, no created).
Welby is a naive oaf, just the kind of poltroon beloved of media clowns who like their Derek Nimmos and Dawn Frenches…and you can rest assured that Welby won`t be getting hounded thirty years on for sending a “Like” or emoji to Russell Brand or Simon Dancszuk.
Carey actually stood up for Christians once-liberal payback tends to follow.
Why do you think that English Christians would be better off being lead by a man born and raised in Uganda or a man born and raised in Pakistan? How are either of them deeply connected to the peoples of England and their long connections with the land? Or perhaps those things don’t really matter in 2016. I guess that either Sentamu or Nazir-Ali would hold great appeal to those who inhabit the numerous Towers of Babel now dotted across the land.
Because both Sentamu abd Nazir – Ali have both experienced the true meaning of Islam, and have endured hardship which the current limp wristed Welby would have curled up and died at.
Both of them express real Christian views and are unafraid of the attacks from the Fascist Left, people who terrify Welby into a quivering jelly.
Thank you for that. I don’t know anything about Sentamu or Nazir-Ali’s experiences of Islam. Will check them out further tomorrow. I don’t quite get your comment about “real Christian views”. What is a “real Christian view”?
“A real Christian view”?
Basically anybody who`s read the gospels, noted the bits that Jesus actually said( used to be written in red)-and acts on them as if it`s …well…taken as gospel I`d say!
So easy-if Jesus is who He says he was…and His words are the yardstick of your worldview and you measure your life by HIs standards…and you fear Him and His return and judgement more than that of Roger Bolton or Giles Frasers refusing to pass the vol au vonts -then you`re on the way, and will soon be in.
When you fear Him…and not the baby in the crib or the crucified loser that the sentimental guilt trippers would prefer from you…then you find you`ll fear nothing else.
He is who He said He was-and once you`ve been to the foot of His cross and know He`s gone..and He`ll be back to settle up, then”# you`re free as you want to be#”(to quote Ultra Nate)
Why is that you can almost predict a propaganda story on BBC News before you hear it? Tonight’s BBC Points West headline “The West’s communities are doing their bit to help flood victims up north” You or course know what is going to follow once you hear the word ‘community’ and sure enough we’re told Bristol’s mosques were collecting at today’s prayers, we’re also told that Wessex Water were sending a crack team, although I’d never heard of Wessex Water bring referred to as a community before….
This was only a 6 minute broadcast yet we get plenty of film of those at prayer, what good chaps they are and inferring what bastards all us other communities are, no interview with Wessex Water.
Even though the Points West area is unaffected by the floods, his of course gives a chance for the BBC at a local level to shoehorn in its two fave subjects, global warming, we see lots of lingering shots of flood damage (up north) and how good and upstanding their fave ‘community’ is.
This is a nothing story, propaganda, a near fabricated story (how did the BBC find out about this?) that has little to do with the West Country and of no interest to 95% of its viewers yet it formed a big part of a shortened edition. Obviously New Year was a quite affair here in the West was there nothing else to report?
Ring the bastards up & complain , or watch ITV West news instead.The local news is mainly watched by the over 60`s , hardly ever watch it myself , although I can watch 3 local news on ITV , Anglia , London , & the HD Meridian feed from Southampton .Meridian still has Sir Fred Dinage doing the news. His daughter is the Conservative MP for Gosport.
Interesting page written by a Muslim herself and pulling few punches:
In the wake of a 2015 flood in Pakistan, Christians were bluntly told by Muslim charities that they must either convert to Islam or agree to become slaves of Muslims in order to receive help.
This time the floods have affected some Muslims, such as in Rochdale so it’s more than conceivable that they are collecting what will be ZAKAT & not what we know as ‘charity’.
Islamic charities that raise funds openly in the West are savvy enough to downplay the fact that beneficiaries of their assistance are selected by ethnicity, which would not go over well with non-Muslim donors. They are also known to advertise “window dressing” projects on their websites or literature, in which they claim a role in prominent disasters or causes (in disproportion to their actual contribution or concern). It is usually enough to fool others into not looking deeper
Generally speaking, international Islamic charities are better known for funding terrorism and hate than in meeting the actual needs of natural disaster victims (bankrolling Jihad through charitable giving is mandated by the Quran 9:60). In 2014, the UAE determined that fifteen well-known Muslim charities – including the world’s largest – were actually sponsoring Islamic terrorism
Morrisons donate to Zakat.
Geoff, thanks for the link.
This is an extract:-
“”Noor Ali, Lead World Foods Buyer at Morrisons said””:
““We are proud to be working with the National Zakat Foundation to help alleviate poverty in the UK, and believe this partnership will be positively received by our new and existing Muslim customers who buy Halal products.””
But, how many Christians buy Halal products from Morrisons without knowing it?
Is it possible to buy non-Halal meat in a Muslim country such as Pakistan? Will the BBC search for answers on this topic? I suspect the answer is no. I, my family and friends disapprove of the pain and cruelty inflicted by Halal slaughter. The RSPCA told me that as it’s a religious ritual, they cannot intervene.
Such information needs to be got out there, would people be so keen to shop at Morrisons if they knew such?
Judging by their plummetting share price, fewer and fewer people are finding reasons to shop at Morrissons.
What the hell is a “Lead World Foods Buyer”? He clearly exists and another enormous concrete runway must clearly be built to alleviate the dreadful problem of planes crammed to the brim with foreign grown produce from stacking over the foreign city of London. I get the impression that the currrent “animal rights” thing is very similar to the current media obsession with gender. Those who wrote the rules had no idea of the end results. Now they are trying to flap about in tiny wriggle spaces.
If you believed the BBC’s North West Tonight programme, most of the relief efforts are coming from Muslim “charities”. Odd that. Could there possibly be an agenda at work?
We mused last week that the NHS Choir becoming the Xmas number one was somewhat orchestrated and political.
I note this week it’s no longer at number one having dropped to number 29. I know nothing of the charts these days, but surely that is somewhat unprecedented, which would add fuel to that suspicion.
And now for News that won’t be on the BBC:
It is being reported elsewhere that Former foreign secretary David Miliband is being paid £425,000 a year by the refugee charity International Rescue and that he is also raking in £81,000 per annum for renting out the house that he and Ed Milliband inherited from their daddy. Lady luck has clearly smiled on David since he had the good fortune of being born in England after his parents moved here. Perhaps The Arch Bish of Cant could ask David Milliband, with his profound understanding of what it is to be an immigrant, to spare a few thousand bob or two of his earnings to support African refugees in Kent instead of telling deprived “communities” in Kent that God will come down on them with a heavy hand if they don’t toe the line. It seems to me that, if Welby’s version of God does exist, then that God will have rather more work to do on judging the Welbys and Millibands of this world than those to whom they so ardently preach.
Except it is not a charity. It is an agency which distributes American tax-payer’s money. There are more and more of those these days. Also with our government matching charitable donations, I have stopped giving to charity from my take home pay. My charitable donations are now being done on my behalf by the government, without my agreement. Anything to keep corporatist crony fat cat executives in their tax-payer subsidised six-figure salaries.
Hope his fellow media colleagues and guests remember to watch what they say around him, especially in private in the green room.
He is a dodgy person to have around a media career.
Sherlock is crap revelation. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3381464/Bewildered-Sherlock-fans-storm-Twitter-TV-return-sees-sleuth-repeatedly-jump-time-Moriarty-s-fate.html
Didn’t watch it but then I’ve not been a fan of the “re imagined” series. #plothole cental
It sounds like pretentious garbage, then I cannot bear to watch anything with those smug leftists Cumberbatch and Freeman in it. Personally I think they should be sacked and replaced with cheaper Syrian actors, or does that only happen to the little people?
Well … it had the (now obligatory) cross dresser too, yep of course a “victim” in a man s world etc.
… had obviously been erm … jazz hands!,” livin a lie sista s”.
… unmitigated garbage
It was shite. My wife is a Sherlock fan, and I have enjoyed earlier episodes, but tonight’s was unmitigated shite. Jumping all over the place as Sherlock, out of his box on drugs, hallucinates about being back in the 19th century solving an obvious “body double” crime which I solved almost immediately. All to link the end of the last Sherlock episode to the start of whatever episode they are to do next. All linked with an appalling line: “I know Moriarty is dead, and I also know what he is going to do next!” Oh please!
All in all a very very poor effort.
Yes garbage and pretentious in the extreme. Moriarty was obviously gay. There was much propaganda supporting wimmin and drawing attention to their under representation in the Holmes stories. Mrs Hudson only opens the door and makes tea and like most wimmin is invisible in the stories. Well, so were butlers, coach drivers, constables, and gardeners – all men but not relevant to the plot.
Perhaps the BBC might consider a re-make with Mrs Hudson wearing a nicqab winning the Great British Bake off from Baker Street. Geddit.
As Geyza says it jumped all over the place, and drugs were given equal significance to Holmes intellectual powers. And note the exchange between Holmes and his obese brother – smack on line with the BBC’s anti obesity campaign.
Sherlock fans might be advised to watch Basil Rathbone on You Tube where all of the episodes are availabe without the £145 pa. tax.
Having read all the Twatter comments, they are clearly the ramblings of infants ! it wasn’t THAT hard to follow for God’s sake ; perhaps they should have watched an ‘easier to follow’ version of Sherlock that was on earlier, with Jeremy Brett in the role, if their poor little brains couldn’t cope.
Slightly unfair on Brett who was, in my opinion, the best Holmes yet. If the storylines in that series were simpler, it was because they more closely followed the books, rather than suffering premature burial beneath layers of right-on virtue signalling and gimmicks from the BBC’s ‘unique’ drama department (the people who brought us Atlantis, let it never be forgotten).
> Moriarty was obviously gay.
“Obviously”? How so? was there a reference to his taste in partners that I missed?
> There was much propaganda supporting wimmin
And suggesting that Victorian feminists were all plotting together in secret. I would have thought that would play into your own paranoid insecurities.
> Mrs Hudson only opens the door and makes tea and like most wimmin is invisible in the stories. Well, so were butlers, coach drivers, constables, and gardeners – all men but not relevant to the plot.
But they’re not named, whereas Mrs Hudson is. If anything, that throwaway line was more about the difference between the Mrs Hudson of the original novels and the greatly expanded role played by Una Stubbs in the modern day serial.
> Perhaps the BBC might consider a re-make with Mrs Hudson wearing a nicqab winning the Great British Bake off from Baker Street. Geddit.
Yeah, you’re hilarious. In your own little mind palace, if nowhere else.
> As Geyza says it jumped all over the place
> and drugs were given equal significance to Holmes intellectual powers.
As referenced in the original novels, and further referenced in the non-Conan Doyle work The Seven Percent Solution, which was namechecked quite frequently. The US modern-day Holmes series Elementary covers this angle better, mind, but cover it it does.
> And note the exchange between Holmes and his obese brother – smack on line with the BBC’s anti obesity campaign.
Or alternatively, a play on the Mycroft of the original stories (“Heavily built and massive”, according to Conan Doyle) compared with Mark Gatiss’ portrayal in the modern day.
> Sherlock fans might be advised to watch Basil Rathbone on You Tube where all of the episodes are availabe without the £145 pa. tax.
Or they can enjoy both. It is allowed, you know.
It was 90 minutes of a script by Mark Gatiss shouting “I’m a clever little bugger”. And he is – he got us to pay for his ego trip.
I am so pleased that you enjoyed Sherlock, Jerrod. I assume that you will be more than willing to take out a subscription for the BBC should it go that way.
Since reading your response to my reference to Morarity being gay I took the trouble to ask a couple of my gay friends for their opinion. As they are a couple of intelligent chaps they found the show to be abysmal but their comments on Moriarty’s portrayal were interesting as they saw it as a kind of stagey (camp?) gay which might go well in an agit prop gay rights protest or BBC drama, but is rather offensive to the majority of gay people who live normal lives and do not wish to inflict an exaggerated and indeed perverted image of their life style upon us.
My complaint about drugs stands, as the fascination of this character’s problem solving abilities was not a product of non rational factors but his ability to use reason – something which has been dispensed with by left wing activists and journaists.
Although I would not suggest that you or your BBC colleagues examine Holmes’s thought processes I do dispute Conan Doy;es’ references to his deductions. A reading of Charles S. Peirce might persuade one to depict them as retroductions. But that would take us into areas of logic which are incompatible with the emotivism of your pals in the BBC.
> I took the trouble to ask a couple of my gay friends for their opinion
Because your gay friends are the font of all knowledge. Nice to know you at least acknowledge your own opinion isn’t up to much.
So they think Andrew Scott’s portrayal is camp. Doesn’t mean he’s gay. I’m sure your gay friends, if they’re not fictional, will be able to assure you that camp and gay are not the same thing.
> is rather offensive to the majority of gay people who live normal lives and do not wish to inflict an exaggerated and indeed perverted image of their life style upon us
As a member of that gay majority, you’re talking bollocks. Tell me, do your “gay friends” – if they even exist, which I somehow doubt – know that you make such glaringly stupid observations?
> you or your BBC colleagues
I don’t have any BBC colleagues, because I don’t work for the BBC and never have. Funnily enough, people can disagree with you – as I suspect people do on a daily basis, including your fictional “gay friends”, either to your face or behind your back – without working for the BBC.
I though we had rid ourselves of these boring trolls?
Jerrod isn’t here to discuss the BBC and its problems, He is hear to parrot his Guarduanista views and does so with all the spluttering self-righteousness we have seen so many times before.
In the absence of more active moderation, I wish we had an ‘ignore’ facility.
Thanks for your “insight”. If you have anything to contribute to the discussion, do let us know.
How Prince Philip helped save British engineering
Well here’s an unlikely story if ever there was one. Prince Philip saves British engineering and Prince Charles saves the planet. Yeh right. Was the moment that he actually saved British engineering when he indulged in a bit of quality control at the Edinburgh factory saying the fuse-box wiring looked like it was “put in by an Indian”?
What a paradox there is at the BBC – one one hand there is this socialist bias but along side that there there is this continual indulgence in a socially elite monarchy-love. The two are not mutually compatible but they seem to sweep that observation under the carpet along with the rest of their hypocrisy.
I was a little surprised, too, but only because the item seemed a non sequiteur. In fact, I have heard HRH on several previous occasions speaking of the need to promote engineering and deploring the fact that it is often treated it as a poor cousin. In my opinion, he is right – and also right to dismiss, as he does, the ‘climate change’ scare as vastly overblown.
BBC R4 review of the papers this morning on today at 0740 ish, carried the following…..
The Times reports an epidemic of cheating and plagiarism at British universities with foreign students being four times more likely to be caught cheating.
Meanwhile the Guardian reports handwringing in senior Home office and police circles as ethnic minorities are under represented in the police and those applying are less likely to get in than white applicants.
If I were guest editor for the day I’d want to get the team to see if there are any links between these stories….. stuff like cultural correlations, exactly which groups of foreign students and police applicants were succeeding, failing, caught cheating. Are there any consistent patterns etc. etc.
BBC Breakfast had some Islamic adherent (who else) called Choudary … his views on the papers.
why?, there really is no point … someone who d swear black is white?
Islamic – right, if not – wrong … that’s it
Beneath contempt
A laudable aspiration, embolden, but one which, sadly, would count against your being offered a guest editorship for the day – or indeed any other day. Sorry.
Good to hear that cheating and plagiarism by foreign students is coming to light. In my experience it is widespread, and there was a defence for those whose culture viewed educational skills as an ability to regurgitate word for word whatever the master had said. I once drew attantion to a politics undergratuate who had plagiarised John Stuart Mill. Worse were some of the Arab students when sitting examinations would never heed the request to cease writing at the end of the examination, thus gaining significant time to finish their illiterate, but passable scripts.
Is Mike Bushell now wearing eye mascara ? Another year passes and he hasn’t found one sport he is actually good at. Still when the memo goes round next week that they all have to try and be more transgender they won’t have to do much. Charlie S used to be a roofer apparently what for dolls houses
He might do better if he stopped eating so many pies.
Islamic AlBeeb fawning in reverence to their God.
Obama is to attempt to illegally restrict the Constitutional right of US citizens to bear arms.
Obama is consulting with the US Attorney General in an attempt to “legalise” this illegality. A practise used by most Demopratic presidents since the Communist FDR.
Islamic AlBeeb loves it, and has an Obamagram showing that 60% of US homicides were carried out with firearms.
Because of the severe cuts to AlBeeb expenditure they were unable to state how many of these events were suicides, how many unlicenced firearms were used and naturally how many homicides were carried out by people just like Obama’s son.
No BBC mention of the report, that army chiefs had to go against his (Obama s) Islamic fanatic arming ambitions
Reports at the time also confirmed that top military officials were dead against air strikes in Syria
“Now an explosive investigation by Seymour Hersh has revealed that the Pentagon was engaged in a secret revolt against the Obama White House.
A highly classified DIA and Joint Chiefs of Staff report predicted that arming the rebels and toppling Assad would lead to the rise of ISIS … Plus, the Pentagon knew that Obama was arming Islamic extremists and that the so-called moderate Free Syrian Army had evaporated.
But the Obama administration didn’t want to hear the truth and deliberately buried the report.
So the Pentagon bypassed the White House entirely and handed intelligence on the same jihadists who Obama was arming, to Germany, Israel and Russia.
This intel was then passed directly to Assad, who used it to turn the tide against the jihadists, almost certainly saving Syria from being completely taken over by the Islamic State.
… The bottom line is that many of the top brass in the Pentagon knew Obama’s policy would lead to an even bigger disaster than we have now, and they took decisive action to derail it.”
There is an argument – well grounded in common sense – that the promotion of Europe as a soft-touch for would-be immigrants directly endangers the lives of the weakest by enticing them to make the hazardous sea-crossings.
Bearing in mind the rapidity of modern communications and how plugged-in even so-called refugees are to our social media sources a welcome mat prompt can be twice around the world before sanity can get it’s boots on.
It’s bad enough when politicians do it – but you can understand why they would want to virtue signal. However, at some stage they will have face their electorate.
BBC man Mukul Devichand Editor, BBC Trending holds up his hands (albeit inadvertantly) for his part in the past year’s most cause célèbre tragedy…
‘The German chancellor had announced a relaxation of refugee rules – resulting in love letters to her from Syrians – and I and the BBC Trending team were noticing that the use of hashtags such as “refugees welcome” was slowly beginning to rise.’
‘On 2 September, we published a post about this build up. On the same morning, Abdullah and his family – who had spent the preceding months trying to make their way to Greece – boarded a smuggler’s boat.’
Abdullah was of course the father of Alan Kurdi the now world famous drowned boy. The photograph of his lifeless body feeding both social media and broadcast media frenzy world wide. No wonder the BBC is keen to show it was in there at the start of the story.
‘And in English, the tag “Refugees Welcome” surged, with 1.5 million new messages.’
A dangerous message for other would-be refugees….? You might think that but there’s pro-immigration politics at work here…. and once again our BBC man is disarmingly frank:
‘A series of debates began about whether to share this graphic image, beginning with pro-refugee campaigners – who had realised that a mood was developing online which they could seize.’
Our BBC man is surprisingly honest about UK public opinion too:
‘…. if you look at polls rather than hashtags. In September, after the picture appeared, there was heightened support for allowing more refugees into the UK. But that now looks like a blip, which faded away after the Paris attacks last month – and a clear majority now oppose a rise in numbers. ‘
So in other words the BBC got it wrong about UK public opininon. They piled in with all the excitement of hash tag politicking by the pro-immigration campaigners and sent out broadcast messages contrary to public opinion and likely dangerous for the refugees and their families. Well done BBC.
A good post Asiseeit, however may I correct you in your last paragraph where you said
‘ the BBC got it wrong about UK public opininon.’
I would suggest that the word ‘intentionally’ should be inserted to read,
‘ the BBC intentionally got it wrong about UK public opininon.’
It was another example of the BBC trying to mould public opinion instead of reflecting it.
PC bullshit bingo game all present and correct on Toady this morning.
Today it was gay day with Lord Browne guest presenting.
Naturally lots of time devoted to equality in the workplace for gays, women, and a special mention for a transgender architect. Overlooked was the BP openly gay director of supply who stated his sexuality had made no difference to his career!
The bBBC editors need minority ‘victims’ like the rest of us need food and water.
This would be the Lord Browne who escaped perjury charges by the skin of his teeth and was accused by a judge of lying to the court, wouldn’t it?
Presumably Archer will be the next one to be rehabilitated by the Corporation? Oh, but silly me – Archer is a Tory, isn’t he?
Hiding behind these left-liberal guest editors, the BBC can really let their bias take off big-time! With Lord Browne today, we had the BBC equating the actions of the Mayor of Venice, in protecting three-year olds from homosexualist propaganda, with the banning of books for adults!!
AISI: “There is an argument – well grounded in common sense – that the promotion of Europe as a soft-touch for would-be immigrants directly endangers the lives of the weakest by enticing them to make the hazardous sea-crossings.
Bearing in mind the rapidity of modern communications and how plugged-in even so-called refugees are to our social media sources a welcome mat prompt can be twice around the world before sanity can get it’s boots on.”
Is it not too much or too strong to say “They have blood on their hands.” ?
Good post, AISI.
Two cheers for John Humphries this morning on Toady.
But only two.
Interviewing an Environment Agency ‘sir Humphrey’ he raised the issue of the eco-loon safeguarding of ‘natural’ rivers versus the dredging needed to increase water flow and reduce flooding.
In other words someone in the Toady office has picked up on the implications of the EU water framework directive 2000, which I think – shock horror – was raised by Ukip about a wek ago.
But the telling thing is that although Humphries was obviously talking about the effects of the EU directive, the editors or he himself could not bring themselves to actually mention its existence. In other words a negative implication of the EU was deliberately avoided.
So right there we have further proof of the biased pro EU BBC propoganda machine.
New Year, cold rainy Saturday night what does our world class broadcaster offer us for our £145?
Casualty, more diverse tosh for a program that should have died years ago
The Lottery draw, why bother, just put the numbers on the screen after the news
News, global warming, Labour party blah blah blah
Match Of The Day, Let’s have a look at what you could have watched live on Sky….
Dads Army Repeat
Leningrad and the Orchestra That Defied Hitler, something that might be worth watching
QI XL Repeat.
Darts, highlights
BBC3, Sherlock repeat, BBC4 Montalbano and a Kate Bush repeat.
Dire, absolutely, dire absolutely dire. Why repeat stuff when you can get it on the IPlayer anyway?
Why is it assumed by the BBC that once we get to Christmas winter is over, not that their pre Christmas fayre was much better..
I think all the TV companies have a lot to answer for this year, but the BBC more than most due to its, um, ‘unique funding method’.
It’s hard not to wonder if the proportion of repeats was a case of what they call ‘Washington Monument syndrome’ in the States. The moment a government announces cutbacks the cry goes up ‘Oh no! They will close the Washington Monument!’. Local councils here do the same thing – whisper the word ‘cuts’ and they shut libraries and swimming pools. Free iPads for councillors, on the other hand…
The BBC is a cornered rat and will do whatever it takes to survive.
May i recommend a super column in The Times today by Matthew Parris.
Subtitled ‘ the cartoonish view of people as victoms and politicians as villains takes no account of the limits of public money”
And here’ a gem. ‘I have yet to see a roving reporter interview the drunks clogging up an A and E dept.’
Typical is that the bBBC search out and interview a ‘victim’ of some misfortune or other and then grill a politican about spending more money to prevent such a thing happening again. Parris notes ‘Nobody ever points out that it is not the politicians own money the victim is asking for, but the audience’s’
The bBBC news agenda in a nutshell.
Yes, a few WEbCams in A&E Departments would do wonders for the accuracy of public perceptions – however, the public sector NHS would never tolerate such openness/transparency.
I would sure like to see a lengthy analysis of how the foreign correspondents of the MSM and the BBC were so naively optimistic in the early months of the SO-CALLED “Arab Spring”. I remember criticising one particular correspondent in the FT (name of Gardner – NOT the BBC Wheelchaired guy) … it had no effect. Now all their stupidity is buried and forgotten, but it should be shoved back in front of the wider public.
I recall the unending HYS’s on the subject wherein people, like myself, were skeptical, but whose posts only lasted a few hours. Posts from many conveyed a concept of democracy whereby the anticipated majority muslim vote would be given carte blanche for any activity. The idea that in a democracy some form of mechanism should be in place to protect minorities was eschewed by BBC moderators. There was also free reign for Israeli haters on the HYS topics. I remember being thrice moderated out in discussions of democracy for suggesting that the concept of ‘democracy’ has to be qualified in some way. But each time I referred to ‘the English philosopher, J Austin’ I was moderated out. Other commentators noticed this and shared the conclusion that the description ‘English’ was offensive to the muslim inspired mderators.
Bowen, who constantly referrred to the Muslim Brotherhood as a ‘benign charity’ could not have been that naive. He was, and is, a collaborator.
Members of the ‘benign charity’ assassinated Anwar Sadat for the unforgiveable crime of making peace with the hated Jews. They also tried to overthrow Assad senior back in the eighties by means of a number of terrorist atrocities. When they attempted to assassinate the Syrian leader he responded with extreme brutality.
Yet the BBC cannot remove its rose-tinted spectacles and look at the Arab world as it is.
HYS? I commented for several years, watching the programme slowly become more amenable to comments that ruffled BBC feathers and then clamping down on them again. One thing in particular that threw the moderators into an indignant frenzy was the truth about the terrorist rulers of Iran. Any comment that touched on that raw nerve would not see daylight.
Makes me wonder if Shia Islam rules at the BBC.
I would sure like to see a lengthy analysis of how the foreign correspondents of the MSM and the BBC were so naively optimistic in the early months of the SO-CALLED “Arab Spring”.
Here’s a brief analysis for a start:
I listened to a guy on the World Service who sounded like a football supporter cheering his team on as the rebels made gains against Gadaffi. He was, of course, well to the rear of the action but obviously delighted at the prospect of Gadaffi’s downfall. I was puzzled by this because I recalled a HYS programme several years previously with a presenter who fawned over Gadaffi as if he were a great statesman. I guess he lost popularity with the BBC by cooperating with the West re Lockerbie.
The BBC and like-minded lefty twats in the MSM are deeply and hopelessly in love with the Arab world and any sign that it is throwing off the yoke of leaders who cooperate with the evil West has them jumping up and down in frantic anticipation of a result that will reinforce their prejudices. And so they portrayed the Arab Spring as a great revolution inspired by noble ideals and continued to try to portray it as such even as it disintegrated into chaos and savagery.
There’s been amazingly little on the BBC – over a period of 7 months! – about the fact that one Party had nearly 4,000,000 votes in the 2015 General Election and only had one Seat, whilst a Party with far fewer votes got 50+ Seats.
Don’t worry Lewisduckworth, AlBeeb have a cracking programme on this Sunday. BBC 1 at 13.15-13.55 hrs.
It’s called Britain’s Muslim Soldiers. in the preamble it states ‘following the story of the restoration of a burial ground for 27 Muslim soldiers who gave their lives fighting for Britain.’
Interesting that the AlBeeb emphasise that they were fighting for Britain!
UKIP got more votes than the Greens, Lib Dems and SNP combined. They ended up with 63 seats, UKIP got 1. You can bet your life if it had been the Greens who got as many votes as UKIP, Lib Dems and SNP combined, that the BBC would be raising that issue far more often.
“UKIP got more votes than the Greens, Lib Dems and SNP combined…if it had been the Greens who got as many votes as UKIP, Lib Dems and SNP combined, that the BBC would be raising that issue far more often.”
How they report the UKIP is the grotesque bias of the BBC in a nutshell. Break it up. They represent nobody but themselves.
I go out for an hour, return, log on and all the posts added today (2016:01:02) have disappeared.
Again, this happens, at least to me, regularly.
Am I alone in experiencing this?
The general threads are not created on time, at least recently, so they end up with 500+ items.
Would having a new thread daily be too much to ask?
I’m not aware of any lost posts. Are you keeping an eye on the ‘newer comments’ and ‘older comments’ tags? It could be that what you think has been lost or removed is just one ‘page’ back.
On the general point, perhaps a new moderator could be appointed whose job was to manage the size and regularity of these general threads?
There is a slight that things are allowed to drift.
For ‘slight’ read ‘slight sense’ in the above.
Apologies. Mince pie poisoning most probably.
For most of today I’ve been hearing about the attempted attack on a mosque in France. It all sounded quite serious with the protecting armed troops firing on the attacker. However, thanks to our mobile phones, what really happened is captured here:
You cannot trust anything we see or hear from the U.K. media these days can we? Especially when it concerns at certain type of demographic.
Not heard about the FBI offering $5,000 reward after bacon found at Las Vegas mosque? a rasher on the door handle apparently, no threat, no intimidation, no one hurt … once again some perceived “offence” is treated like
its a really serious issue … Sharia FBI? … Obama must be overjoyed,
Anyway …why guards at a mosque? … its not like its a synagogue, under threat from Islam continually
Another great ‘Ignore the elephant in the room’ piece by AlBeeb:
‘Anti-IS group’ claims BBC website attack’:
The elephant being, ‘By its actions in taking down alBeeb’s sites, are we to therefore assume that New World Hacking considers the BBC an IS sympathiser?’
Of course the elephant is completely ignored by AlBeeb, and instead the ‘why’ of the piece is described thus:
‘The group, calling itself New World Hacking, said it had carried out the attack as a “test of its capabilities”.
Really? So why not attack any of the other countless big internet players – why alBeeb?
‘The BBC has not confirmed or denied such an attack caused the problems.
The corporation’s press office said on Saturday that the BBC would not be commenting on the group’s claim.’
Brilliant. So not only do they completely ignore every single reader’s train of thought (the elephant, see above) but they’re also not going to confirm or deny whether ‘such an attack caused the problems’ and indeed not make a comment on the half-a-story they’re half reporting regarding the group’s un-commented-on claim!
All’s well at the W1A Asylum in 2016 then. My head hurts.
For anyone whose interested, today is the perihelion – when the Earth is closest to the sun. Nice to have at the coldest part of Winter in the Northern hemisphere, unless you’re fond of hot summers and cold winters !