The Calais Concentration Camps

People outside the fence round the Eurotunnel terminal in Calais. Photo: Francois Lo Presti/AFP/Getty Images



On the Today programme BBC reporter Tomos Morgan (08:40) brought us yet another one of the BBC’s infamously emotive pleas on behalf of migrants everywhere as part of the BBC’s continuing campaign to undermine government immigration and refugee policy and to paint those who want to get immigration under control as something akin to Nazis.

Morgan presented us with a report about migrant traffickers who are probably British. He paints a picture of violence, threats and danger for migrants.  The intent?  Certainly not merely to ‘report’ but to impart a message….the migrants are suffering greatly therefore you must open your hearts and the borders.  What he doesn’t say of course is that the migrants don’t have to deal with these traffickers at all…it is entirely their own choice…and indeed they could have claimed asylum in France, or in any of the likely eight countries they travelled through to get to Calais with no need for traffickers at all.

To help with the message he tells us (around 08:48) that ‘In Calais walls of metal fences topped with barbed wire are continuing to be built around the port…it is beginning to look more and more like a prison everyday.’

No Tomos, it’s not a prison.  The fences are to keep migrants out not in, they are free to roam France or indeed Europe or the world in theory….maybe Morgan hasn’t quite got the idea of what a prison is….perhaps he takes his inspiration from the BBC’s reports that present the wall that surrounds Israel keeping terrorists out as a prison for Palestinians.

Starting to sound very much, more and more, like the BBC’s reporting from Gaza…it can’t be long before someone starts to call the migrants the new Jews of Europe….oh..hang on….here’s Laurie Penny in the New Statesman today….‘ The chosen minority must summon the fears of every social class at once. That’s why migrants, the bogeyman of choice, are presented as a paradox, just as the Jews were in the 1930s.’

The BBC must have taken fright that Morgan had gone too far and made the mistake of making it far too obvious that he was trying to manipulate the audience’s emotions and this website rerun of the clip it’s been edited (1 min 20 secs) to say merely that ‘More and more fences are being built around the port of Calais everyday but that is a short term solution for a long term problem.’




On The One Hand…


The BBC brought us (08:30….and repeated during the day) a woeful tale of the growing ‘tension and anger’ in Kos as immigrants flood in and the situation spirals ‘out of control’.

Couldn’t help thinking that this is the same BBC that promotes open borders and no limits on migrant numbers, and about the number of times that we have been told of the huge  economic benefits and the blessed diversity that migrants bring to a country….why is Kos not happy to be awash with migrants?  Surely its economy should be booming and its inhabitants expressing delight at the cosmopolitan atmosphere so may different migrants bring to the island.

Of course the BBC was using the problems on Kos as  lever to apply pressure on ‘Europe’ to speed up the entry of migrants… thought that to do so would just increase the flow even more…and why are these migrants coming from the perfectly safe, and Muslim, country of Turkey when so many of them, we are told, are from Syria and Afghanistan?

Could it be that migrants are not really interested in asylum and safety but money as Migration Watch suggests, as does the aggressive attitude of the, what I thought, rather ungrateful to be safe on Kos migrants?

The main motivation to cross the channel is not to seek asylum (France is a safe country) but the ambition to work illegally in Britain and send money home. Furthermore, these migrants calculate, correctly, that they are very unlikely to be deported to their home countries. The report traces the decline in the credibility in the UK immigration system over the past twenty years and calls for early action to reverse the perception that, once across the channel, these migrants are home and dry.


The travel firm Thomson announced that profits would be down due to the effect of the terrorist attack in Tunisia…you could hear the sneer in the voice of the BBC news reader as she read out the number of dead and then said Thomson was blaming their deaths for its profits fall.

However on the flip side the BBC is happy to use Thomson’s profit’s plight to push a pro-immigration fast tracking of migrants off the island of Kos...Thomson boss: Greece needs help to tackle migrant ‘tragedy’.

We hear that …

It is time for European governments to help Greece deal with the migrant issue, coming as it does hard on the heels of the economic crisis.

“Here we have another tragedy unfolding in terms of those migrants and we have to have empathy and sympathy for them……I think the Greek authorities are doing all they can to be thoughtful and caring towards these migrants and process them through the system so they can go from the islands to the mainland where it will be easier to assist them.”

“I worry about the publicity putting people off going to the Greek islands,” Mr Long said.

“Those poor unfortunate migrants are located at the moment in Kos town and we have hotels throughout the island.”

“Therefore I hope the Greeks are able to process [the migrants] and I’m sure other European governments will look at ways of helping them through this difficult situation with so many migrants arriving at the same time.”

Hmmm….Cameron is castigated for de-humanising migrants with the word ‘swarm’ and yet a business boss who wants to get rid of migrants asap so he can continue to pull in the profits from his hotels on Kos is fine and dandy?

I guess when something coincides with a BBC interest anything goes and hang posturing on the moral high ground.


Elsewhere on the BBC we have a wonderful, heartwarming tale of a welcome ‘on the buses’ from a German, immigrant, bus driver to other immigrants…..the BBC of course holding it up as an example for us all…

Germany: Bus driver’s migrant speech goes viral

A German bus driver has garnered nationwide media attention after pausing to give a welcome speech to a group of migrants on his bus.

Sven Latteyer made the impromptu announcement as was driving around the quiet Bavarian town of Erlangen, with about 15 young foreigners – some from Africa – on board, the local Nuernberger Nachrichten paper reports. A fellow passenger recounts that the driver grabbed his microphone and said, in English: “Excuse me ladies and gentlemen from all over the world on this bus, I want to say something. I want to say welcome. Welcome to Germany, welcome to my country.” He then signed off with: “Have a nice day!”

The speech was greeted with stunned looks followed by laughter and applause, “including from the Germans”, the passenger says. “One of the African lads wiped a tear from his eye.”

Mr Latteyer says that he felt moved to make the speech by the experience of his brother-in-law, who fled the Kosovo conflict in the 1990s, and his grandfather, who was wounded in World War Two.

Curiously the BBC hasn’t bothered with this genuine and probably more important news story from Germany…

EU Immigration Crisis: German Police Want Border Controls In Europe To Address Migrant Flow

Germany’s police union is calling for a return to passport controls along the border to combat a growing migrant crisis in the country and across the continent, Agence France-Presse reported. The chairman of the German Police Union Tuesday made the argument for re-regulation along inter-European borders, saying it is a good idea from a policing standpoint.

From a policing point of view, a return to border controls would be the best of all measures,” said Rainer Wendt, the chairman of the German Police Union. “Germany should not take the threat of bringing back [border] controls off the table too readily.” Police have already ramped up security checks along some inter-European train lines, highways and at international airports.

Wonder why the BBC does not think you ought to know about the German police’s concerns about a ‘growing migrant crisis’.



Immigration Corrupting The Democratic Process?


Eric Pickles says that political correctness is allowing electoral fraud by immigrants to continue unchecked…

In Tower Hamlets, police and council staff failed to tackle intimidation – often in foreign languages – both inside and outside polling stations. Just as we have seen with child sexual exploitation in places such as Rochdale and Rotherham, institutionalised political correctness can lead to the state turning a blind eye to criminal conduct. But the law must be applied equally and fairly to everyone. Integration and good community relations are undermined by the failure to do so.

As a minister, I found within Whitehall a complete reluctance by officials to take action on the warnings from local councillors and journalists of systematic corruption in the Tower Hamlets mayoral administration. Yet when I subsequently sent forensic investigators into Tower Hamlets, they quickly found shocking financial irregularities. These were only the tip of the iceberg – further cases of alleged planning irregularities and financial misconduct couldn’t be followed up due to documents disappearing or written records not being kept.

Across the country, electors from abroad are not properly checked to ensure that they qualify to vote when they register. Fraudulent registration is frequently tied to illegal immigration, as illegal migrants sign up to make it easier to get credit or a mobile phone. Such illegality feeds through to further crimes, such as benefit and housing fraud.

Our nation has a proud heritage as the mother of Parliaments, yet the worrying and covert spread of electoral fraud threatens that reputation. While all politicians want high turnouts, we cannot sacrifice integrity and confidence in our democracy through misplaced political correctness or woolly concerns over “political engagement”. It is time to awake from our state of denial and take action against the electoral crooks who threaten our elections.


The Guardian at least reports Pickles’ statement but dodges around mentioning any link to immigration.  The BBC has so far completely ignored Pickles…..but then the BBC has always tried to downplay the events in Tower Hamlets, for a long time ignoring the revelations by Andrew Gilligan in the Telegraph about Rahman and his associates.

An astonishing and very obvious pattern is apparent in the BBC’s recent coverage of any news report that has any link to immigration that reflects badly on the BBC’s own philosophy of immigration as a good thing.

A Pakistani background youth stabs a black teacher and the BBC covers up his ethnicity and encourages people to think this was a case of white racism.

Two people are murdered in Sweden by asylum seekers and the BBC hides their identity until they come up with a narrative to draw attention away from the immigrants….the real danger not being immigrants stabbing people but an alleged backlash against such murders by Swedes…..laughably those famous ‘Dark Forces’.

Then we had Phillip Hammond, the Foreign Secretary, saying Europe will economically and socially implode under the weight of mass immigration…the BBC again avoided mentioning his words until, once again, they came up with a narrative that tried to counter what he said….the BBC resorting to in essence calling him a racist who was inflaming anti-immigrant hatred with his dangerous rhetoric..his ‘tone’.

And now they ignore a serious issue raised by Eric Pickles about electoral fraud, immigration and the threats to democracy.

Well, ignoring it for now….what narrative will they come up with when they do eventually report his words?  Will he be demonising immigrants for faults that are inherent in the system or using a ‘tone’ that incites anti-immigrant paranoia?  Probably.




No Idea About Ikea




The BBC censored the identity of the murderers of two Swedes at an Ikea store.  The BBC has now come up with a narrative that allows them to reveal the truth about who killed the Swedes whilst managing to paint the murderers as motiveless madmen and asylum seekers as the real victims of the murders.

The real big issue revealed by the murders?  Sinister Swedish ‘dark forces’ that are set to attack the asylum seekers. The BBC has no problem with asylum seekers attacking Swedes, members of the ‘Dark Forces’ or not.

Sweden Ikea knife attack: Security boosted at refugee centres

Police in central Sweden have increased security at refugee accommodation centres after two Eritrean asylum seekers were arrested on suspicion of murdering two people at an Ikea store.

Local officials feared a backlash from “dark forces” who wanted to exploit the case, police chief Per Agren said.

Only when they have set the scene of asylum seekers under attack do we get to hear about the dead...’A mother and son died in the knife attack which took place inside an Ikea store in Vasteras on Monday.‘…and that’s it…oh wait there’s more….the BBC has worked really hard to let us know something about them…they were… “ordinary shoppers” .

The murders were dismissed as ” an act of madness.”  No motive, no blame, no responsibility.  Not the immigrant’s fault.  As Mark Mardell might say we have a senseless tragedy perhaps devoid of deeper meaning.

Are Muslim Fundamentalists A Danger To Other Britons?


Are Muslim Fundamentalists A Danger To Other Britons?

That’s not a question you will ever hear coming from the BBC.  In fact they work strenuously to put across the opposite idea…the well known phrase that ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ is one we hear constantly spouted by BBC presenters.  The BBC in fact promotes the idea that Islamic fundamentalism is a good thing…Mark Easton infamously favourably comparing Muslim extremists to Ghandi, Churchill and Mandela.  This is the BBC that suggested that if Muslim fundamentalists wanted to take over schools, and if that is what some parents wanted, then we should let them do that.  The BBC has long supported the Muslim anti-war narrative that has fed and ‘jusitified’ the radicalisation of Muslims and been overly sympathetic to the ‘plight’ of Guantanamo Bay inmates.

So no, you won’t hear the BBC asking that question…despite a least one Muslim a day being arrested on terrorism related charges.

Which begs the question why they are happy to demonise Hindus in what seems like a campaign against them and their place in India?

Here is just the latest piece of anti-Hindu rhetoric from the BBC…

Are Hindu nationalists a danger to other Indians?


Why does the BBC selectively choose Hindus in India?  Muslims are just as likely to be the instigators of violence there…it was Muslim insistence on a Muslim state that led to the creation of the breakaway state of Pakistan and the subsequent million deaths and millions of people being ethnically cleansed….and such Muslim attempts to annex parts of India didn’t stop in 1947, they continue to this day, never mind Bangladesh and the millions dead there…however if you read the BBC report you will come away with the idea that violence started by Muslims  or started by a random incident was in fact a Hindu plot to attack Muslims.  Where is the BBC article asking are Muslims a threat to Christians in Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia, or Malaysia or the Maldives or Egypt, or the Sudan…..and so on and so on and so on?

The BBC has  along history of demonising some religions…notably it is those religions that are involved in conflict, often not by choice, with Muslims…inevitably the BBC presents Muslims as the victims…as in Burma where the fact that there has been a Muslim ‘Jihad’ going on since the 1940’s as they try to set up their own state in Burma is pretty much ignored or dismissed as fantasy by the BBC.  The BBC of course had no problem denouncing Buddhism as a violent religion just as they are happy to similarly picture Christianity in a negative light whilst conversely not only refusing to acknowledge the violence done in the name of Islam but  to actually work to deny that that is the case, that Islam is a violent religion….even the Islamist Tariq Ramadan has admitted that the Koran incites violence (24 mins) upon its readers….I paraphrase….

‘I wouldn’t say Islam is a religion of peace…..People are naturally violent and religion channels that violence to serve its purpose…to get peace…it’s the way towards peace but it’s not the peaceful reality’

He then tries to turn it on its head….the problem, he says, is not the book but the reader….but the reader is reading a text that accepts people are violent and encourages people to use violence….so the problem is the text…non?

Use violence to move towards peace…but what is peace in Islam?….the domination of Islam over all other religions….with Islam on top there is no need for war…..‘They create a desert and call it peace’.

Ramadan slips away from whether Islam is violent into describing peace as being ‘inner peace’ brought to you by knowledge gained through religion rather than the peace we get when there is no fighting.

Ramadan also states that we must understand the fundamentals of the religion to understand current events…..perhaps the BBC should take note….what exactly does the Koran and the Hadith say about violence?  Need to know that to understand what is happening now.

If the BBC is going to look so closely at Hindu, or Buddhist, or Christian extremism then the same close examination must be carried out on Islam.


And today we have yet another example of the BBC promoting a Muslim narrative…

How the Uighurs keep their culture alive in Pakistan

Ostensibly about Uighurs who migrated to Pakistan (where all is lovely) from China but is in fact just a vehicle to attack China and its ‘atrocities’ against innocent Muslims in China.











Stabbing Pains



The BBC is having a few problems with consistency when it comes to knife attacks.

A teenager with a ‘Pakistani background’ stabs a black teacher in a racially motivated attack and the BBC covers up his race prefering to let people think this was ‘yet another’ racist attack by a white person…a version of events given ‘credence’ by the Today programme’s subsequent decision to then interview an Asian teacher who tells us that he has suffered racism thus suggesting it is a problem of white racism….the interview was clearly intended to be a counter to what the BBC knows are the critics of its failure to report on the truth about the Pakistani youth’s racist behaviour rather than a genuine look at racism.

A deadly knife attack in Sweden gets little BBC attention, or rather there is a big hole in the BBC’s reporting…just who were the attackers?

The Guardian reveals that the attackers were Eritrean asylum seekers……

The two people killed in the attack on Monday in the central town of Västerås were a 55-year-old woman and her 28-year-old son, police said on Tuesday.

Deputy prosecutor general Eva Moren told reporters: “The two suspects are both from Eritrea. They have been living at an asylum centre,” she said, adding that the pair knew each other. “We know nothing about the motive yet, the investigation will have to determine that,” she said.

Why would the BBC not want to highlight the identity of asylum seeking murderers?

In contrast on the Greek island of Kos immigrants are flooding, swarming?, ashore at an unmanageable rate…the authorities warn of impending violence...the BBC concentrates on a police officer who slaps an immigrant whilst holding a knife…..doesn’t stab him, doesn’t even threaten to stab him or even wave the knife threateningly, and certainly doesn’t murder anyone……

Police officers used batons and sprayed fire extinguishers as they tried to impose order on the crowds.  It comes after an officer on Kos was suspended for slapping one man while brandishing a knife.  Authorities are struggling with a rapidly growing number of migrants who have arrived hoping for a better life.

The BBC has his picture…

Greek police officer confronting migrants, slapping one while brandishing a knife


And reports more on this serious incident…

A policeman on Kos was suspended on Monday after he was caught on camera striking a migrant.

The footage shows him roughly pushing back migrants outside a local authority building in Kos, slapping one man across the face as he shoves others, telling them to get back behind a line he has drawn on the pavement with the knife.


Why would the BBC hide the identity of asylum seeker knife murderers?  Why would the BBC hide the identity of a ‘Pakistani background’ racist knife attacker?  In contrast why would the BBC be more than happy to highlight a police officer holding a knife slapping an immigrant?

The BBC is clearly trying to manage the news and prevent people from seeing the truth, stopping them from making their own judgemnts about events that relate to  immigration and any downsides to it.

The BBC has a pro-immigration, pro-immigrant agenda that it seeks to impose whether that involves going to war with the government and smearing them by saying they are racists inflaming hatred towards immigrants or by faking the news in order to manipulate the Public’s perceptions and hence their opinions about immigration.

The BBC is getting itself into ever deeper waters by its politicisation of the news and its hijacking of its own services to use in its own interests.

When will the politicians genuinely wake up and take a long hard look at just how corrupt, overly powerful and dangerous the BBC now is?





Jesus Would Have Been A Jihadi Says Giles Fraser



Its not often that I am lucky enough to get the opportunity  to catch some of R4’s Woman’s Hour but today was one of those days when the chance came my way and I leapt at it.  As with every other occasion it seems I, by chance, managed to tune in just as they were talking about converts to Islam.  Usually it is about the joys of conversion and just how happy everyone seems.  The researchers must have got it wrong this time as the narrative went rapidly off line, the convert, in  a book under discussion, going from infidel, to Muslim convert, to suicide bomber.

However there was a rapid rebuttal of any thoughts that Islam might be the trigger for the convert’s terrorism, the author stating that it absolutely had nothing to do with Islam but was a result of the woman’s own psychological problems, Islam does not lead you into terrorism.

The presenter, Jane Garvey, told us that Muslims were sick to death of Islam and terrorism being linked together….it’s all the media’s fault…..Garvey said that ‘it’s so unfair’.

Except it’s not really is it?  Islam does have a link to terrorism….but there’s the rub, Muslim campaigners always claim that terrorism and violence are not linked to Islam however that’s not really the problem with Islam in the West.  The problem is the innate nature of Islam that is in opposition to everything that a democratic, secular, liberal, western civilisation stands for and it is that ‘extremism’ by comparison to the West’s values that is the problem which Muslims and the BBC don’t want to talk about and divert attention away from by talking of terrorism or violence as if they are the only issues….just look at how the BBC reported the Trojan Horse scandal…the BBC  essentially lied about what was going on, downplaying its significance, telling us that it was a hoax, that this was more about racism, Islamophobia and paranoia of non-Muslims than any real threat to society.

The author of the book, Meike Ziervogel, told us that she had considered converting to Islam herself, however it was not for spiritual reasons.   She said she found certain aspects of Islam highly attractive at the time, almost mesmerising….the rigid structure, the rituals, the praying 5 times a day, the rules that told you exactly how to live your life.  In the end she didn’t convert but as I listened I thought that Islam must be the ideal religion for those on the autistic spectrum needing that rigid structure to their lives in order to cope in a world so full of options.

Whilst fanatically rigid Islam is by far the most suitable for those needing an ‘institutionalised’ way of life many religions could offer similar solace and support almost like a drug to help treat them, taking away the need for free thought and decision making, all that confusing choice and personal responsibility.

Maybe Islam should be available on the NHS.  Religion is the opium of the masses after all.

As religion strips away the need to think it puts the power into the hands of the leader’s of the religion which is what makes religion, with its unthinking, often fanatical, battalions on tap, so dangerous.  The Church of England had long been the source of much radicalism and terror until it was tamed and became the friendly parish priest doling out tea and sympathy linking the community together.  Religions need to be leavened, moderated, to control and rein in the fanaticism.

Islam on the other hand is nowhere near that stage of development, and looks increasingly like it never will flip to the peaceful side.  The BBC’s Giles Fraser for one is happy that this is so, and in fact wants the Church to go down a similar path of radicalisation and fundamentalism…presumably he wants a Christian Isis…a Chrisis?

He tells us that…

The Church of England is the longest-running prevent strategy in history. If not from its inception, then certainly from the end of the English civil war, the big idea of the C of E was to prevent radicalisation – precisely the sort of radicalisation that led to religious people butchering each other throughout the 1630s and 40s. Its strategy was to discourage two things: big expansive politically minded theology – the sort of theology that has ambitions to change the world – and religious passion (or “enthusiasm” as it was dismissively described).

And then along comes Islam – and, thankfully, it disrupts this absurd game and refuses to play by the rules. Its practitioners want to talk about God, sex and politics rather than mortgages, school places and the latest Boden catalogue. And good for them.

Yes, good for them….that’s precisley what we need…more radicalisation… ‘the sort of radicalisation that led to religious people butchering each other throughout the 1630s and 40s.’  Good for them.

Fraser likes ‘non-violent extremism’ and doesn’t appreciate Cameron’s approach to it….

Attacking it is simply an attack on thinking big, thinking differently and arguing passionately. It comes from a now defunct C of E mindset (now defunct even within the C of E, thank God) that assumes it’s the job of religious people to be pastorally nice, softly spoken and uncontroversial. But that’s not Jesus. And like him, I believe in pulling the mighty from their thrones and lifting up the lowly. And I believe there is an authority greater than yours – one I would obey before I would obey the laws of this land. And if that makes me a dangerous extremist, Mr Cameron, then you probably ought to come over to south London and arrest me now.

Trouble is ‘non-violent extremism’ is the source of the ideology that spawns the violence that is intended to impose that ‘non-violent’ extremist ideology on those who don’t agree with it….as he admits….

Of course, the reason the authorities are often nervous of religious anarchy is precisely because of the enormous power that it can evoke, for good and ill. Hence the need for our episcopal prefects to behave as the state’s health and safety officers in matters of religion.

And here’s where Giles disagrees with himself..declaring that diverse and turbulent religions need tanks on the streets and state control of religion, ala Cameron?, to keep the peace between the communities…..who’d have thought?….direct from Kazakhstan and Giles Fraser’s brain…

There’s also an increasing anxiety that a less repressive approach to religion might open the door to radicalisation. So only state-authorised religions are allowed here. Missionaries are regulated. Religious political parties are banned. And the president of Kazakhstan, an old-style ex-Soviet politician – who received a comedy 97.75% of the vote at his re-re-re-election back in April – presides over this gathering of well-meaning religious flannel.

And maybe they are right to do all this. For Kazakhstan has, within its own set limits, developed a properly deserved reputation for religious toleration. …..his is a place of genuine diversity, where different faiths rub along remarkably well. Despite all the off-putting pomposity of the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, it’s not a totally unrealistic reflection of how things are here. Maybe there is something for that tank to protect.


Great that the BBC employs a wannabe religious extremist who wants to turn the Church fundamentalist and radicalise it by injecting some ‘anarchic religious energy’ into it.  Just what we need, yet another set of religious fanatics, this time presumably wanting to live by their fundamentalist religious beliefs and presumably also therefore opposing those other religions that attack and undermine Christianity…such as Islam….a recipe for disaster and religious wars on a grander scale than we have already?


Christianity…the new Religion of Peace?







The BBC’s Double Dealing On Race


A black teacher is stabbed by a teenager of Pakistani background who shouts ‘nigger’ and ‘black bastard’ as he does so.  It’s a ‘racially motivated’ attack.

It is well known that there is a level of racial tension between the two communities.

But what does the BBC do, apart from ignore the race of the attacker?  It interviews an Asian teacher about the racism in schools (08:10) he has suffered as a teacher.  Sue at Is the BBC biased? also noticed the disconnect between events on the ground and the BBC’s reaction as the major issue that arises from the case is not racism towards teachers, I imagine most people already recognise that there is some of that going on ( why is the BBC committing its prime-time slot at 08:10 to already established truths?), but that it highlights the racism that almost endemic between the two communities.

The BBC has looked at the subject before in this 2006 report Rise of UK’s ‘inter-ethnic conflicts’  so you might ask why they are being so circumspect about it now, trying to divert attention away from the real issues and onto some almost abstract notion of racism in general in schools.  The answer is almost certainly to do with the heightened tensions and controversies around Islam, immigration and asylum seekers today.  The BBC does not want to put a spotlight on the problems that having ever increasingly diverse and separate communities results in when it is spending so much time banging the drum for immigration and multi-culturalism.

Just at a time when such issues really need to be openly debated in a rational manner the BBC instead attempts to play down and cover up the problems and dangers that come from such vast numbers of immigrants suddenly turning up in a community.  Not only that but in order to silence them or scare anyone else into silence or risk being publicly ‘shamed’ as a racist, the BBC also resorts to alarmist and threatening scaremongering denouncing those who oppose open borders as racists or as people who are inciting racial tensions by inflammatory language…the BBC of course deciding what is and what is not inflammatory.

The real hilarity in the interview began when Laura Pidcock, education manager at Show Racism the Red Card, came on and said that we shouldn’t condemn or judge pupils who were being racist, in fact we should allow them to be racist (I’m pretty sure that’s what she was suggesting!).  You could hear Jim Naughtie starting to huff and puff.  She said the pupils should have a safe place to express themselves and we must not criminalise them for their racism but understand it and the events in their lives that led them to think and behave like this.

Of course what could the BBC find to object to in that approach, after all that is the approach they take to dealing with Muslim extremism, radicalisation and terrorism?…..understand, explain away, don’t condemn, in fact allow it to continue so that Muslims don’t feel alienated and besieged.

Later in a different segment of the programme (08:50) we heard the BBC interviewer raising the suggestion that we shouldn’t over-react to ‘controversial’ subjects, in this case a book about the Holocaust, because by over-reacting there is a danger that we close down debate and don’t explore the the issues properly.

Does he mean such as the way the BBC over-reacts to anyone who even hints that it might just be sensible to limit immigration, or at least have a debate about it, by calling them a Nazi and accusing them of recklessly inflamming anti-immigrant feeling?