Doom And Gloom On The Jobs Front



The rising employment figures have always been a mystery, and an issue, for the BBC, they have never been able to accept that they must be a sign that something, somewhere is going right in the economy and the BBC has always sought to find something negative to say on the subject trying deliberately to undermine the perceived success of the economy….a central plank of the Tories’ election strategy.

Self-employment has been rising and this has often been portrayed by the BBC as a negative…dismissing the jobs as of low value and low status and therefore not a sign of a recovering economy but a sign of desperation by people forced out of work by government Austerity.

However that’s not usually true…most interviews with self-employed people go against the presenter’s narrative that the self-employed were forced into that line of work and are living in a miserable penury….the self-employed more often than not claim to love their work and are enjoying a good measure of success.

An example came up yesterday after the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and the RSA released a study into self-employment.  Not sure why they decided to do this study at this time just before an election in which jobs are an issue …especially as in 2003 the JRF released a study that said pretty much exactly the same things about self-employment.

They do admit that self-employment is in 2015…

  ….a trend that predates the crash: self-employment grew in nearly every year since the turn of the century. The implication is that self-employment has as much to do with long-term structural trends in our economy – new technologies, changing mindsets and shifting demographics – as with a short-term cyclical blip.


So not really a result of the economic crash or Coalition austerity policies but an increasing and already present trend…and one encouraged by Labour as noted by the JRF in 2003…

Policies to encourage entry into self-employment are increasingly linked to measures to combat social exclusion.


Listening to the BBC’s ‘Wake Up To Money’ and you get the idea that self-employment is a form of Coalition government imposed torture.  An interview with one business woman, Carla, (21 mins) painted a picture of a person held over a barrel, forced to carry on working even at death’s door…. Adam Parson’s exclaiming ‘Wow! …a pretty extreme example of the pressures to keep working.’  when Carla described how she battled on after having a car crash.

By coincidence I heard the same woman being interviewed later on by Peter Allen (10:41) in an interview that had an altogether different tone and painted an entirely different picture of her life and business….Allen asked her ‘How’s it been?’ [Her self-employed life]  She replied ‘Great!’

Allen asked ‘Has it made life better?’ [Being self-employed] She replied ‘Oh yes….I love what I do…it’s so much fun…the creativity you get to enjoy everyday is amazing!’

Sounds like she is enjoying self-employment despite the obvious pressures.

One good thing about Allen is that he often starts from the standard BBC world view but is happy to adjust his views when presented with facts that disprove it… when he was ‘shocked’ to hear that the richest in society actually pay a vast amount of tax…and a rising amount contrary to what we are often led to believe.

The ‘WUTM’ crew in contrast are averse to any change in narrative and plough on regardless of the facts or of what their expert guest commentators reveal when it goes against the doom and gloom line the comic duo of Clark and Parsons relentlessly peddle on the BBC…..such as low inflation apparently being a disaster waiting to happen or people starting to borrow more is a sign of desperation as they run out of money…rather than a sign of confidence in the future economy and rising wages.

Adam Parsons unfortunately doesn’t restrict himself to the death watch on WUTM but frequently pops up on other programmes giving us the benefit of his unique take on the world.

Today’s interviews with ‘Carla’ shows though how different things can be made to look by some in the Media when they have an axe to grind.



The Tariq Squeak


Tariq Ramadan…the Muslim voice of reason, reform and renaissance, in the BBC’s, the Guardian’s and the Government’s eyes.

Where is Tariq Ramadan?  There has been a tragic plane crash in whihc 150 people have died and the news has been absolutely dominated by reports about this story.

When Muslim terrorists slaughtered cartoonists, Jews and police officers in Paris Ramadan and his ilk told us that it was ‘terrible’, no, really, but…and there’s always a but….Ramadan wanted to know why we were spending so much time on reporting such a trivial event…after all Muslims were being killed around the world and, he claimed, nobody cared…..

We condemn the violent extremism that is targeting westerners. But it is not only westerners. We are reacting emotionally because 12 people were killed in Paris, but there are hundreds being killed day in, day out in Syria and Iraq, and still we send more bombs. We have to look at the big picture. Lives matter, but it is important to be clear that the lives of Muslims in Muslim majority countries have as much value as our own lives in the west.


It seems that when the interests of European Muslims are not at stake, and the furtherance of Islam is not an issue, Ramadan is not concerned about what the Media reports and how much coverage they give to particular events.

If the plane’s pilot had been a Muslim with concerns about ‘Western’ foreign policy you can be certain Ramadan and Co would have mobilised and been filling the airwaves with assurances this had nothing to do with Islam and that more people die in Syria everyday…so what’s the problem with a little bit  of ‘terror’ in Europe?

The killings in Paris were important because they were not the ‘mere’ murder of a handful of people but represented a significant attack on the cultural  values , the whole society, of the West.  Ramadan and his other Muslim apologists who cried their crocodile tears over Charlie Hebdo are engaged in a war, a war of words, intent on undermining the West and imposing Islam.  Those who think Ramadan is a reformer are mistaken.

In Canada Ramadan was one of the founders of the Muslim organisation ‘Muslim Presence’… has some interesting views on Charlie Hebdo’s cartoons in 2012….

It is a declaration of war… a war of religion that no free expression in the world may be proud of.
No Charlie
If offending is the expression of your freedom, then admit that violence will be the expression of their freedom! It is a trade of bad practices.
No, do not say ‘but’! Assume [your choices]…



Question Time Live Chat

Question Time this week comes from the Labour stronghold of Bolton in Greater Manchester. Dimbo will be joined by ‘Conservative’ Education Secretary Nicky Morgan MP, Scottish Labour Leader Jim Murphy MP, Plaid Cymru Leader Leanne Wood, Ukip MEP Steven Woolfe MEP and Janet Street-Porter. What feast for the senses that should be! Join us for the fun at 10:45 or before if you’re really keen.

Here’s the log. We had 10 people in tonight, more would be welcome!

Dave666 The representative mixed race family tv licence add…nice
Julio lovely
Dave666 Ooh racist Diane Abott on again.
Teddy Bear Good Evening All :o)
Julio evening Teddy
Dave666 Evening all
Julio evening Dave
Dave666 Evening
Julio and Mustapha
Julio no merit
Dave666 No merit didn't watch
Mustapha Shtree' Por'er
ChatBot Woohoo ! Angrymanupnorth has joined the chat!
Julio I think Labour will get the bigger vote
ChatBot Woohoo ! Doyle has joined the chat!
Julio unfortunately
Julio hello Angry Doyle
Dave666 Damn right they should have given us English a vote
Angrymanupnorth Hi guys n gals
ChatBot Woohoo ! Doyle has joined the chat!
Teddy Bear Hi
Dave666 Hi
Julio lucky for scotland that they didn't choose independence
Angrymanupnorth Miliband had a car crash on C4. Two labour stooges at the beginning of QT.
ChatBot Woohoo ! Julio has joined the chat!
ChatBot Woohoo ! Dabble has joined the chat!
Dabble Good evening
Angrymanupnorth Spout cliches. Cant argue with that.
ChatBot Woohoo ! Julio has joined the chat!
ChatBot Woohoo ! jimbo has joined the chat!
Mustapha Fair point from JSP
Angrymanupnorth Morgan. Two bagger?
ChatBot Woohoo ! Dabble has joined the chat!
ChatBot Woohoo ! The Lord has joined the chat!
ChatBot Woohoo ! Doyle has joined the chat!
Julio we know cameron is a spiv and that miliband was in government when the banking crisis hit and government spending rocketed
ChatBot Woohoo ! Dave666 has joined the chat!
Dabble a couple of issues logging on – but Good Evening all
Julio hello Dabble
Dabble hi
Dave666 It went pear shape! Millibland got bullied but he was the best leader. Labour plant
Julio Yep it's not going as smooth as it did last week maybe I should stick to using
Dabble What's Occuring?
Teddy Bear lol
Julio but pictures work
Dave666 His role in food banks nothing to do with the assembly then
Mustapha Something out of "Alien"
Julio yep it's Alien Jr
Dabble William Hague has bad bout of constipation?
Angrymanupnorth Alien? Murphy or Morgan? Or JSP?
Julio lol
Julio I would
Dave666 The bankers should pay. What a novel solution to a crisis caused by American banks lending to people who couldn't pay it back
Mustapha The bankers the bonuses the bankers the bonuses the bankers …
ChatBot Woohoo ! Angrymanupnorth has joined the chat!
jimbo Finance and migration an odd mix
Angrymanupnorth Woolfe time!
Julio never seen this bloke before
Dabble Jeremy Guscott is on everything
Dave666 No he must have avoided rent a scum in his local
jimbo the Wolf of Benefits street
Julio lol
Dave666 You can't hear him for the audience applause
Mustapha I used to be a ware wolf but I'm nearly over it nowoooooooooo
jimbo Fair is the most abused word in the political lexicon
Julio and 'debate'
Angrymanupnorth Mustapha. Get yer coat.
Angrymanupnorth And passionate.
Dave666 What happened in the last 5 years of sorting out labours mess
Angrymanupnorth It got messier dave.
jimbo Actually this government despite a terrible inheritance have been quite radical – employment stats frankly amazing
Dabble Give away free food and is it any wonder that some people who don't need it will take it?
ChatBot Woohoo ! Arthur Penney has joined the chat!
Mustapha Food banks – exactly.
Dave666 the scum pedo (in jail now) in our street used the food banks whilst drinking in the street having his car valated etc the other person we knew using them was a nurse because they don't get paid much.
Angrymanupnorth A country as rich as ours? FFS. Deluded.
Julio Jim Murphy wants to pick English pockets to bribe scottish voters he's got a nerve pretending to care about voters.
Julio Greater Manchester twice in two weeks?
Angrymanupnorth To jimbo. And the national Debt? Unfunded liabilities? Continuing deficit?
The Lord What happened to double-dip?
jimbo no love its called the proceeds of growth
Dave666 No labour will just make up some new taxes just like last time.
Dave666 I worked in DHSS fraud isn't that small an issue
Angrymanupnorth If it moves. Tax it. Unless its stationary. Then tax that too.
Dave666 Another scum in our locality was done not that long ago for a 27K benefit fraud
Mustapha 27k !
Julio do they have to pay it back?
Angrymanupnorth Another Labour Stooge. Primed with a point.
ChatBot Woohoo ! FedUp has joined the chat!
Mustapha Amy Rutland all over again?
Julio Good Morning Campers!
Julio Hello Fedup
Angrymanupnorth Austerity. What austerity?
Dave666 Yes. I worked on overpayments for a time as well. However if they are still on benefits it can be reduced to a very small level the standard reduction was @ £7pw when I left which was 15 years ago
FedUp Hello
Angrymanupnorth Investment equals spending.
Dabble the debt and deficit has not been cut – so the austerity experiment has failed. So let's spend more on public services. Was tghis reallly her argument?
Angrymanupnorth Yep.
Dave666 Street porter is going for it. Yea nothing to do with the assembly.
Julio yep
FedUp Just been reading Guido – apparently 54% of voters thought Cameron was better – but so far on QT looks like 95%+ love Ed
Dabble hello Fed Up
jimbo the great unwashed will believe anything
FedUp Trust the BBC eh?
Dave666 They even believe the BBc
Mustapha Well said JSP!
Julio Miliband was talking about getting rid of the deficit but not paying back any of the accumulated debt
Dave666 hear hear
jimbo what was it Goebbels said if you tell a lie make it a big one
Julio why shouldn't the barnett formula be looked at?
The Lord I invested £200 on Paddy's Day.
FedUp Is it a prerequisite of a career in politics to be economically ignorant
Julio did you win?
Dave666 Damn right they want independence. Well all the welsh people I know don't including Mrs dave but never mind
Angrymanupnorth Steven Woolfe is impressive. No?
Julio funny how socialists love some traditions but not others
Dave666 My admiration for Janet Street Porter has increased
Mustapha Agree Woolfe looks solid
Julio yep he is Angry
Angrymanupnorth Keep Calm. Play ball not man.
Julio sweden finland
jimbo Conservatives have said that they will review Barnet Formula haven't they
Angrymanupnorth Labour stooges. Its so obvious.
Dabble free care for the elderly in Scotland and shorter waiting times – is this why NHS in Scotland costs more?
Julio They might look at it Jimbo who knows if they'll do anything
Dabble is she Marty Feldman's daughter?
Julio lol
Angrymanupnorth Promoted beyond ability. Morgan.
Dave666 I love what she's done with her hair
Angrymanupnorth Better if it was long over the face too.
Julio lol
The Lord cut this cut that. Foreign Aid
ChatBot Woohoo ! Julio has joined the chat!
Angrymanupnorth I can't look in morgans eyes. They are hypnotising.
Dave666 Nor can labour
jimbo if we have a coalition it will allow all parties to ditch whole chunks of their manifestos – we the electorate get shafted in a smoke filled room
Angrymanupnorth We get shafted anyway.
jimbo try The Harrogate Agenda
Mustapha Clap sheep!
Dave666 I love what shes done with her hair
Angrymanupnorth More tax.
Angrymanupnorth Labour Stooges.
Julio what crap
Dabble I'm in North Wales – in a constituency with an 18000 labour majority. If they stood a sheep with a red rosette it would get shagged and voted in. So what is democracy for me? Whichever party I vote for
Dave666 They only work for the bankers..class war
The Lord bankers-tick
Julio yep FPTP is a pile of crap
Dave666 I used to live near Wrexham.
Angrymanupnorth This is BBC Bias. Labour stooges and Dimbleby has spotters on them. Disgraceful.
Dabble indeed Julio
Dabble you got the constituency right Dave 🙂
Dave666 Yea lets vote on proportional representation
Angrymanupnorth I did. Most didn't.
Dave666 The old Wrexham Mp refused to talk to me I think I pissed him off a little bit.
Dabble You have my respect Dave
Angrymanupnorth Welsh divie.
ChatBot Woohoo ! Dave666 has joined the chat!
Julio .. and hand the bill to England
Mustapha What of the Leo Abse revelations?
Dave666 closed shops return
ChatBot Woohoo ! Julio has joined the chat!
Mustapha Wolfe is good: calm clear.
ChatBot Woohoo ! Dave666 has joined the chat!
Julio that is for those other countries to decide
Angrymanupnorth Woolfe is talking about the issues. Good man.
Dave666 No applause for UKIP
Dabble I was out with a Polish friend of mine in Wrexham who was complaining about the large influx of Kurds into Wrexham – so even recent immigrants are complaining
Teddy Bear I was just about to write the same thing about applause Dave
Dabble the people new immigrants affect the most are often recent immigrants
Dave666 I cant see is there a bloke holding up a board with clap on it
Angrymanupnorth It's the socialist elite that love the immigration. They can't see the effects from their castles.
Dave666 Cheap shot Dimblebery
Julio they see the effects of the immigrants' votes
Dabble the people most affected by new immigrants is often recent immigrants
Mustapha Workers of the WORLD unite! (not "of the UK/Britain/Manchester/England)
ChatBot Woohoo ! Dabble has joined the chat!
Julio those are skills you learn on the job
jimbo one of the tories problem is that they should be the party for hard working immigrants – trouble is the rhetoric they use make immigrants feel that they are not wanted
Dabble sorry about double posting – connection issues
Dabble good point Jimbo
Dave666 I've worked with migrants my personal view from my personal experience has left me less than impressed. That is my experience
Julio employers pick migrants to avoid the cost of training
Dave666 I love what hes done with his hair
Julio lol
Angrymanupnorth Labour Stooges. Unbelievable. One after another.
jimbo are you a barber Dave 666?
Dave666 Our benefit system is so inviting
Angrymanupnorth Murphy farts Applause.
Mustapha Pathetic level of debate on nett immigration of 300000 in one year!!
jimbo Cut the Crap Phillip!!!!!
Dave666 No lol I haven't had my hair cut isince 2001 it's halfway down my back. I used to be a DJ in a rock club amongst the many other things I've done.
Dabble Indeed – and the 30000 is NET
Julio good point that bloke
Mustapha > 500000 gross every year 2003-2010
Dave666 Someone sensible in the audience
Dabble the politicians have quietly moved to NET immigration figures – gross is quite horrifying
Dave666 Oh no janet you've gone back down in my esteem.
Angrymanupnorth Vetted audience. Positive discrimination. facepalm.
Mustapha Yes Dabble – who are the ones going out?
Julio women have more power in the home but less power in parliament so everything is balance
Dave666 CLARKSON!!!!
Angrymanupnorth FFS Jezza. Kettle time.
jimbo I remember one of my corporals decked an officer _ no punishment at all -needless to say said officer is now an MP!!
Dave666 Look at the size of the Welsh womans ears
Mustapha Yentob!
Julio crikey they are huge
Dave666 They are enourmous word BINGO so got CLARKSON!!! and savile in the same sentence
Dave666 BINGO!!!
Julio lol
Angrymanupnorth Kids just dont learn how to stand up to bullies at school now. So it infects the adult world.
Dabble Prescott?
Dabble Dimble beat me to it
Angrymanupnorth Murphy hasn't heard of the law then?
Dave666 Hang them high
Mustapha Clint Eastwood film.
jimbo in your prime Dimmers!!
Angrymanupnorth woolfe did well. Angryman out. Been emotional Dave.
Dabble Salford? Presumably the'll be bussing them in from Wilmslow and Alderley Edge
Julio ok see you later Angry thanks for playing
Teddy Bear Have a very good evening all
Dabble Good night all
Julio nn to those leaving
Dave666 Its always emotion. Time for a large schooner of sherry i'm not watching that racist Abbott. Night everyone
Julio ok nn dave
jimbo Nighty night
Mustapha Good night all.
Julio anyone still here?
Julio nn mustapha
ChatBot Woohoo ! Julio has joined the chat!
ChatBot Woohoo ! Julio has joined the chat!


I was listening to the BBC just after 6.30am this morning, to the Today programme. The news item being reported was this;

The SNP would block a minority Conservative government by voting down its Queen’s Speech if it held the post-election balance of power, its former leader Alex Salmond has said. Mr Salmond said the move could bring down the government if Labour joined in, with David Cameron “locked out”.

This is the latest instance of anti-English bellicosity from Salmond but what irritated me was the relative insouciance this was reported by the BBC “analyst”. I can but imagine the BBC response to UKIP declaring it would “lock out” Labour from government. As we go through this election campaign I believe we will see the BBC contining to fawn over the SNP and Labour, whilst demonising UKIP and any vestige of authentic Conservatism from Mr Cameron’s party.


Greg from Not Another Teaching Blog   sends this article for your consideration.

“How you see the BBC’s decision to remove the phenomenally popular presenter of its flagship worldwide show could very well depend on your view of the man in question. Those who support Clarkson see him as the last of dying breed of English TV personalities, the stubborn, old-school and humorous gentlemen who simply enjoys being himself while his detractors see him as obnoxious, offensive and unpleasant.

But let’s be clear: this was not a moral decision by the BBC management. To believe it was is to believe that a racial slur “slope” or a minor physical scuffle are greater crimes against humanity than covering up the sexual abuse of children committed by Jimmy Saville, for which nobody at the Beeb has been punished. The BBC’s firing of Clarkson was – or at least should have been – a business decision. That they have made the wrong one is a matter of delight for me, as it should be for anyone who admires Clarkson or appreciates a quality, politically neutral media service. Continue reading

It Never Ends


After the ‘Ted Talk’ mentioned in the last post I heard a trail for Thursdays ‘Crossing Continents’ in which we were told that we would hear the story of Gaza’s last remaining piano, the only one to survive ‘the bombing’ and which was being used to help traumatized Palestinian children….so it looked like Israel was in the frame again.

Curiously on looking at the actual blurb for the programme it gives a different slant altogether..

Saving Gaza’s Grand Piano

Hidden away in a dusty corner of an abandoned theatre, unplayed and almost forgotten – a magnificent instrument allowed to moulder away in a territory whose Islamist rulers banned public performances of music. But now Gaza’s only grand piano is getting a new lease of life. A small Brussels-based charity is restoring it to its former glory and at the same time is working to bring music back into schools. With Hamas control steadily weakening the charity has begun a unique project to train teachers in Gaza to re-introduce music into the curriculum – not through music classes but through subjects such as mathematics and geography. It’s helping disturbed children in this war torn territory to concentrate – and it’s exciting teachers. Tim Whewell gets exclusive access to the story of Gaza and its grand piano.


No doubt Israel will take a few hits on the programme but interesting to see the BBC admits that Hamas is ‘Islamist’ and that such an ideology leads to a few problems in any society that wants to enjoy life to the full….such as playing music.


This then caught my eye…the programme immediately following Crossing Continents is this….

 Inconspicuous Consumption

Jack Monroe delves into cupboards and kitchen cabinets to find out how we consume and care about our crockery.

This is no trivial matter.


Jack Monroe is an English writer, journalist and campaigner on poverty issues, particularly food and hunger relief.

Always amazing that a job at the BBC is always available if you say the right things…that is from a ‘leftward’ view of the world.

How many such people get their foot in the door when someone at the BBC gets excited about their burblings?  Giles Fraser, James O’Brien, Stacey Dooley, Michael Portillo, Jonathan Freedland, Alastair Campbell, Reginald.D.Hunter, Benjamin Zephaniah,  Michael Rosen etc etc.

When does the BBC ‘reach out’ in a similar way to people who express views that are ‘alternative’ to the BBC’s own world view, plucking them off the street and giving them a platform to vent their spleens?


Thinking Organisations


Sunday night and the BBC brought us the ‘TED Radio Hour’ which had some thought provoking thoughts.

Let’s hope someone at the BBC was listening…here’s the concluding remarks (46 mins 20 secs)…


‘The fact is that some of the biggest catastrophes we have seen rarely come from information that is secret or hidden.  It comes from information that is freely available and ‘out there’ but we which are wilfullly blind to because we don’t want to handle, can’t handle,  the conflict that it provokes….but when we dare to break that silence, when we dare to see and we create conflict we enable ourselves and the people around us to do our very best thinking.

Open information is fantastic, open networks are esssential but the truth won’t set us free until we develop the skills, the habits and the talent and the moral courage to use it.

Openness isn’t the end, it’s the beginning.’


Today we were told that Islamism has no connection with the beautiful religion of Islam. We saw Nigel Farage and his family hounded because of his views on immigration.  We are not allowed to criticise that other religion called Climate Change.

All taboos or attitudes cheerfully backed by the BBC.

When will the BBC find that ‘moral courage’ to do the right thing and start to openly debate what the Koran really says, what 300,000 immigrants flocking to the UK each year really means, the possibility that in tackling CO2 we may be ‘curing’ the wrong thing?

The BBC has been wilfully blind, it has sought to avoid conflict that would arise when certain truths are spoken, it has sought to silence those who would dare to break that silence.

The BBC and its good intentions may be putting us on the road to Hell.


BBC ‘bias’ hinders immigration crackdown, says report

The BBC’s bias in favour of immigration has been a key block on the Government’s ability to tighten control on Britain’s borders, a report has claimed.

MigrationWatch UK, which campaigns for tougher migration rules, said the Corporation was guilty of a “strong bias” and even a reluctance to address issues raised by immigration.