Turkey’s Islamist president has been praising Hitler’s Germany and looking towards a political system that brought Hitler to power…from the Telegraph…
Turkey’s president says all he wants is same powers as Hitler
The BBC doesn’t bring you this disturbing news…or rather does but doesn’t prefering to downplay the rise and rise of the fascist Islamic fundamentalist leading Turkey by saying he doesn’t really understand English very well and doesn’t know anything about European history….well he’s speaking Turkish and seems pretty well versed in European history.
Wonder why the BBC would seek to hide this story away…you have to Google it to find a BBC report [on iPlayer] as it’s not openly on the website despite being a prominent story today.
And Turkey is on the verge of joining the EU!
The EU is more of a Mad Hatter’s tea party than president Erdogan will ever be.
Turkey has been on the verge for a long time now. A Turkish friend once told me they have an expression “when Turkey joins the EU roughly the equivalent of “it will be a cold night in Hell before …” — a condition likely to be satisfied so far in the future that it might as well be never.
Considering how he has ridden roughshod over Attaturk’s legacy what is going to happen when Turkey has the rotating EU presidency for six months???
I think it’s the bbc that hasn’t a clue about European history because if they had they’d have a better understanding of islam and its unremitting and violent assault on Europe for nearly the whole of its 1400 years of existence. Mr Erdogan is just a current face of that ideology of hatred, violence and conquest. We should all be fearful of islam and there’s nothing irrational about it.
If they are our enemies the BBC automatically support them. That tells you all you need to know about those who run the BBC. It is not simply cowardice it is genuine hatred of this Country.
If you combine this with their totalitarian instincts, much in evidence during the New Labour years (it was a time when freedom reached a nadir in this Country) you have something approaching evil.
The BBC is a mixture of free loading Daddy hating public school Leftists, spineless careerists, conceited ignoramuses, greedy freeloaders, and people who thought the wrong side won the Cold War. They narrow and corrupt public debate. The enemy for them, transparently, and as crude and blatant and biased as a Newsnight programme, are the Tories.
The BBC are simply an abuse of power. Free debate is everything they are against. Only Party thinking allowed. The Party thinking of a greedy and corrupt public sector elite who love to preach to the peasants who pay their wages.
I would agree with most of this analysis but would like to mention “virtue signalling” or “superiority signalling”.
If you are a university-educated metropolitan ‘citizen of the world’, you may feel yourself superior to the mass of people with their more local loyalties. You may genuinely believe that your world view is more nuanced and intelligent than theirs. So, when faced with what is, prima facie, a violent act of Muslim terrorism for instance, your instinct is to seek to understand the motives of the aggressors, after a certain amount of obligatory but shallow emoting on behalf of the victims.
Now, you may or may not be right to look deeper into such motivations, but that is not the point. The essential is to avoid what you would see as the knee-jerk petit-bourgeois “Daily Mail” moral or patriotic reaction of the majority, and to parade your imagined virtue and superior understanding of the world by being seen to be ‘looking deeper’, after a suitable interval. Of course, you don’t have to actually look deeper, because you ‘know’ that Islam is the religion of peace, so any number of terrorist acts in its name can only be those of unrepresentative extremists.
I have found this attitude among humanities graduates in particular, and I think it is getting worse as more people go to university and some of them fall into the trap of thinking that they are wiser than they actually are. I may even have been guilty of this myself in the past, though I was never on the political Left. This is not to be anti-intellectual or anti-education; but, just as we need to monitor what is preached in mosques, so we need to be aware of the poisoning of young minds by schools and universities.
The Left project their own vices onto their opponents. They love to describe Tories as narrow minded, intolerant, ignorant, uncharitable, greedy, and snobbish. But if you are looking for greed, snobbery, ignorance, intolerance, and narrow minded bigotry go to the Left.
At university all the people I knew who did charity work (I mean helping real people not going on a march) were on the (Christian) right. The people who sneered at that grocer’s daughter Thatcher and her M & S clothes were upper middle class Lefties. The majority of the expenses fiddling came from Labour Party politicians (which is why the BBC were not keen to investigate it) – large sections of the public sector are maximum pay for minimum effort personified.
The Left are tolerant of behaviour they already approve of, but when it comes to behaviour and attitudes they do not approve of they do not know the meaning of the word tolerance. Look for example at how Roger Scruton (or any other example you care to mention) was treated by the Left. As for ignorance, I never cease to be amazed at the arrogance of Leftists sounding off about topics about which they know (and do not feel the need to know) anything.
Political correctness absolves you from the need to know anything. You just have to express the right thoughts. Indeed since reality tends to be conservative (as Robert Conquest said to his friend Kingsley Amis we are all right wing about topics we know something about) knowledge is a positive handicap to being on the Left.
Video: Muslim murders two, wounds five in Tel Aviv bar, BBC says motive unclear
What a superior attitude that lady reporter has, my guess would be Recep Tayyip Erdogan knows exactly what Hitler stood for, and I bet a lot of Turks have a better idea of the situation in central Europe than most of us in the UK. The nazis are often written off as right wing but it should never be forgotten that they were first and foremost national socialists, one suspects that while publicly decrying them the EU both admires and is inspired by national socialism.
The national part being the EU as a whole.
Hitler modelled much of his genocide programme on Turkish actions during WWI, simply bringing industrialisation into the process. As he later put it so succinctly: ‘Who remembers the Armenians?’
Un – feckin’ – believable! If that were Donald Trump the BBC would be turning the launch key for a tactical nuke. This is what I am getting sick to death with; the utter vile hypocrisy of the left. Muslim extremists can and do say what they like without consequence. Indeed, the leftist media will do their best to cover up and obnubilate the issue.
The period – November 2015 till Jan 2, 2016, has been a dark one for Europe and Western civilisation.
We have seen a spate of attacks on the West by Muslims, all with the attendent war cry of “Allahu Ackbar”. The media in the meantime has hid the war cry or downplayed it. Along with Obama’s “work place violence” ploy to excuse his favoured religion, the West has been guided to a pacifist tearful sobbing ” Je suis, Charlie” type of response. Is this what we have become? With every barbaric Islamic murder fest, and there have been many in the last month alone, all our Western governments will allow and praise is” Je suis fill-in-the-blanks”.
We then have the macarbe situation in Europe, that Christmas has to be conducted softly softly in “secret”, in case Muslims are offended. In France, the situatiuon is worse – armed forces have been deployed to guard church services over Christmas. In some cases Muslims soldiers were guarding churches. The media and authorities were over the moon with this news. What they didn’t realise is that France has become like other “liberal” Islamic countries, where the state guards Churches at Christmas or Easter, as part of the Dhimma pact. What has escaped the French inteligentsia, is that they have welcomed becoming Dhimmis. Rest assured, the bill for dhimmification will be delivered to the Elyse palace at an opportune time.
In Brunei, Sudan and other Islamic countries, Christmas is illegal.
Then we have had New Year celebrations cancelled in Brussells, Paris and Berlin. Hamburg station closed over two days. Muslims have effectively shut down European celebrations and festivals at little or no cost. This is just the start.
We are paying far too high a price keeping Muslims in Europe – a majority of them on Benefits of one sort or another. Even if they were not on Benefits, the price is too high.
A bit off topic but relevant to that. Barclays bank has this year refused to call CHRISTMAS by name at all . It is to be referred only as a winter Bank Holiday. Its a case of (Poltically correct) ratchet pandering to Terrorists who fully know and plan what they do in great detail. When you refer to the Paris Massacre recently I learnt (only on this site (thanks) that it was no coincidence that that the ‘Cafe attack’ was planned on the french road ‘Voltaire’. Voltaire was a ‘Enlightenment-era thinker’ (quote), French philosopher Voltaire (1694-1778). Who mocked Islam (along with all others) but he is not alone on mocking Islam… which is why the BBC never mentioned that fact in case it gave any ‘offense’ to the perpetrators.
Unbelievable really for a national broadcaster to not notice that fact.
> Barclays bank has this year refused to call CHRISTMAS by name at all.
A couple of examples showing the opposite:
* Barclays Christmas Survey Results 2015
* Retail Confidence for Christmas 2015 [PDF]
Whereas the Daily Mail has complained that signs detailing branches’ closure due to bank holidays describe said dates as, um, bank holidays.
Really, you should look a bit harder before blindly swallowing stories designed to make unthinking people angry.
Interesting, but they are both corporate/internal documents, the fact remains that as far as their retail customers go Christmas was referred to as a bank holiday, no mention of Christmas was made in their branch opening times, unlike other banks.
Sorry its not a Guardian link.
Is your sole purpose to attempt discredit/insult people here more so than discuss BBC bias?
> Interesting, but they are both corporate/internal documents
Available on their website and which contradict the statement that “Barclays bank has this year refused to call CHRISTMAS by name at all”
> Sorry its not a Guardian link.
No, it’s the Mail article I referred to.
> Is your sole purpose to attempt discredit/insult people here more so than discuss BBC bias?
My purpose is to discuss topics. What is your purpose in making things more personal? Why are you always so keen to make things personal and steer things away from topics where your arguments don’t hold up to discussion?
1) You discuss jack, you rant
2) Topics covered by yourself are from an extremely narrow band and you fail miserably when attempting to ‘discuss’ or provide links outside of your comfort zone and we know what that is..
3) You make it personal, are confrontational and always throw the first stone.
Whether or not Barclay’s sought to de-Christianize the “winter solstice festival” is a factual matter. They either did or they did not.
Jerrod knows full well however that whether or not Barclay’s sought to do this, attempt are being made (no doubt supported by Jerrod) to de-Christianize the calendar. The justification used is that we live in a multicultural society, but of course the reality is that the Left want to replace Christianity with their own beliefs; a creed which seeks to destroy what has gone before and replace it with a “new society” (run by themselves). That is why they are keen on unrestricted immigration – Islam shares their objective of destroying Christianity.
It is always amusing to see Leftists claim to be interested in truth; they are habitual liars, everything is justified by the end of creating a new Jerusalem in which only the approved religion of Leftism is permitted.
> 1) You discuss jack, you rant
Not true, as previous discussions show. Unless “rant” is your word for “don’t accept Geoff’s word as gospel”. Which, if that is your definition, would explain why you get so antsy all the time.
> 2) Topics covered by yourself are from an extremely narrow band and you fail miserably when attempting to ‘discuss’ or provide links outside of your comfort zone and we know what that is..
There is no requirement for people to weigh in on every topic, Geoff.
> 3) You make it personal, are confrontational and always throw the first stone.
Says the man who tried to pull the whole “Are you a father?” routine to try and shut down my reasonable points because he got out of his depth. Can you say “Geoff is a whining hypocrite”?
You’re just upset because when you engaged me in discussion, your arguments weren’t strong enough. You went on the offensive, and got all upset when I wouldn’t back down, and instead mocked your ridiculous stance.
4) You’re boring.
Now be a good boy, do something useful and go and reply to those who question your stance on Global Warming.
> 4) You’re boring.
So much for disliking the “personal and confrontational”.
You never did explain why you thought your inability to explain concepts to your children would automatically make those concepts harmful. On the evidence since, there must be an *awful* lot of things you consider harmful.
Your interest in my kids continues, quite frankly its none of your business.
I note you still haven’t answered to the cleverer than your posts on global warming, is that because you can’t?
> Your interest in my kids continues, quite frankly its none of your business.
My interest is only in the family relationships you tried to lean on to win the argument. If you didn’t want your relationships as part of the discussion, you shouldn’t have introduced them into the conversation.
If that’s too complicated for you to understand, then you have my sympathies.
Jerrod. ‘My purpose is to discuss topics.’
It’s exactly this I would like to see you do, this site would benefit from intelligent alternative argument. I believe you could offer this. There are always to sides to every story. I may not agree with you but I would at least respect a well thought out alternative opinion.
I would suggest that if you played the ball and not the man quite so much, your arguments may hold more interest, especially for any left wingers reading your comments. For example, in what way is the BBC not biased?
I’m sure you have much to contribute, but please concentrate on discussing the depth behind the topics, that way you may be a good advert for left wingers reading the site instead of pushing them away towards the ‘political right’ with the abuse.
> I would suggest that if you played the ball and not the man quite so much
You’re right. But when I have done in the past, people like “Geoff”, “GCooper” and others, start in with what you and your associates term “Ad hominems” – at least, that’s what you call them when you’re not making them yourselves.
I’m done justifying myself to people who can’t take their own advice. Enjoy wallowing in the swamp of fetid hypocrisy that you’ve made for yourself.
Is it too much to hope this is a flounce until the ‘K’ box gets prised open, or simply another flail in absence of seldom going near an actual topic of BBC relevance?
On the subject of ‘fetid hypocrisy’, you are neither a new ‘contributor’ to this forum, nor a genuine one. Self evidently, your purpose here, as it was before, is not to discuss or debate the BBC and its biases but to start disruptive arguments in which you can promote your rather puerile ‘progressive’ beliefs, without reference to the actual topics we are here to discuss.
As I have said before, it is high time you were banned in this latest incarnation, as you were last time.
Hi Jerrod/Scotty , Happy New Year to you .
Why do you post on this site ?
Have you voted here yet ?……..
If not tell your ‘chums’
The Rotherham effect is probably still in force at the BBC.
Its employees know that it will not do their careers any good at all if they give negative stories involving Islam too much prominence, and it could cause them great harm.
So it is better to say nothing or to hide the story away.
Erdogan is and, always has been a disgrace , to a country and people I love. That evil scumbag is not fit to lick Ataturk’s feet.
By the way, Beltane, I would say ” Who remembers the Turks massacred by the Armenians now ? ” . Do you ? There are two sides to that story. As an introduction, I would recommend Prof. Guenther Lewy ( Jewish, and they should know ) ” The Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey. A disputed genocide “. Hitler, of course, had every reason to make the comment he made. . Firstly, President Inonu had refused to side with Germany in WW2 in accordance with Ataturk’s policy of neutrality. And , secondly, many Armenians supported the Holocaust and helped bankroll it.
Wasn’t Atatürk instrumental in the genocide of millions of Armenians? And wasn’t he assisted by the Germans?
Hang on a minute! Did not Germany sign its own anti-immigration deal with Turkey (admitting yet more Turks into Europe) and worse — the ever stupid EU is about to provide Turkey will Millions of EUROS (EURO MILLIONS) to ‘combat’ the surge of Syran refuges into Europe. What a spectacular FAILURE that will be. Erdogan is about right in thinking that Europe is indeed heading towards Fascism (and he will be in good company) as Europe in general falls apart. Facism was thought of as being an extreme ‘right of center’ trait but today it means acceptability to the new EU Club of fools.
It seems that Germany is turning its back on Christian protests. Must not upset the enrichers in Merkel’s Multikuty Reich.
Says Pamela Geller:
During the Nazi regime there were three stages that took place:
1) it became dangerous to speak out the truth
2) people started losing their jobs, faced fines and prison for their views
3) people with opposing views were killed…I think we are beginning to see stage 2 in Germany
– See more at: